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Post Post #5 (isolation #0) » Sat Jul 25, 2020 12:57 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

hello! are you really innocent, mr. innocentvillager?

VOTE: midwaybear
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Post Post #54 (isolation #1) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:40 am

Post by Ydrasse »

hello, launchers and launchettes yet again.

midway, i want your brain again; it's doing things that i need to examine today.
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Post Post #55 (isolation #2) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:44 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 47, Mafia Goon wrote:
I have replaced them for everyone's convenience:

1) Are you mafia or town?
2) Are you a luncher or a launcher?
3) Where did you get those scars?
4) How excited are you to play this game?
5) Are you my mafia partner?
6) Do you prefer playing as town or mafia?
i am a bit suspicious of you being a mafia goon. these answers may or may not be truthful to keep you on your toes.

1) Town
2) Luncher, today it's some chicken and rice
3) I am my scars actually
4) A solid 7.5 right now
5) Yes, of course :cop:
6) Town, always town because there is infinitely more fun in gamesolving and catching people out versus trying to push on people without getting caught yourself
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Post Post #59 (isolation #3) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:10 am

Post by Ydrasse »

what type of puppy are you?
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Post Post #85 (isolation #4) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:41 am

Post by Ydrasse »

i must admit the puppy’s name does pose a challenge to me...


i’ll find midways scum partner when i’m home.
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Post Post #115 (isolation #5) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:52 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

@midway: i guess it wasn't clear and that's on me but i don't actually sr you or mafia goon because i haven't taken this seriously yet.
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Post Post #116 (isolation #6) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:53 pm

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it was mafia goon and you because the former's name is literally mafia goon and the latter because in our two games i have ended up sring you and i am not about to stop here !!!
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Post Post #118 (isolation #7) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:38 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i agree with the puppy.
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Post Post #119 (isolation #8) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:40 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

@battle mage: regarding your

1) what makes post awkward? i don't really see how it feels out of place.

2) the way you're viewing post feels at odds with your view on post . isn't midway outing a towny gutread being liberal with his allegiences?
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Post Post #120 (isolation #9) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:41 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

also i'm admittedly not great at gauging people when it comes to meta/going through old games but midway doesn't feel as aloof/combatative as he did last game when pressure was applied to him. i think that the top of is a bit aggressive but other than that it feels sort of relaxed in comparison?
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Post Post #138 (isolation #10) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:07 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 125, midwaybear wrote:
In post 122, innocentvillager wrote:do we know that there are exactly 3 scum? or is it merely probable

please don't read into this question from an alignment perspective I just want to know thanks
In post 123, innocentvillager wrote:^i would ask this as town or scum.
Does anyone else think this is sorta awkward?
Sorry Umlaut, but happy birthday!
eeeeh. i see it as pre-emptively trying to stop any discussion about innocent's alignment when they want to focus more on the details of the setup itself? aka exactly what innocent said to explain themselves
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Post Post #139 (isolation #11) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:07 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 130, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 117, CantHateAPuppy wrote:i really don't think blair's reaction shows anything at all and isn't worth dissecting like this
In post 118, Ydrasse wrote:i agree with the puppy.
Ydrasse - how come you didn't agree with me when I said that earlier?
...gonna be honest i just did not see you say it, but i agree with you too battle mage!
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Post Post #140 (isolation #12) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:08 am

Post by Ydrasse »

battle mage and midway's big wall of quotes make my head and heart hurt.

welcome nosferatu, happy b-day umlaut!
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Post Post #143 (isolation #13) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:19 am

Post by Ydrasse »

it is okay, i shall recover.

i don't have too many conclusions to draw from it so far. like i said i feel that midway is acting different than the last game i played with him where he was scum but that might be by virtue of a) a wagon forming super fast on him when he thought he was pushing a miselim through and... actually yeah just a. i do think there are some things that he's said that mirror his behavior in that previous game but it doesn't have the same tone of... smugness?

for you, i tend to read these sort of early-game pushes for content as towny because it's an effort to find scum even if it's working with bare minimum. however, i don't really... get why you changed your vote to nosferatu just now? if you're putting this pressure on midway and it's helping you, why are you pivoting now?

p-edit: why tho.
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Post Post #149 (isolation #14) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:38 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 147, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 143, Ydrasse wrote:it is okay, i shall recover.

i don't have too many conclusions to draw from it so far. like i said i feel that midway is acting different than the last game i played with him where he was scum but that might be by virtue of a) a wagon forming super fast on him when he thought he was pushing a miselim through and... actually yeah just a. i do think there are some things that he's said that mirror his behavior in that previous game but it doesn't have the same tone of... smugness?

for you, i tend to read these sort of early-game pushes for content as towny because it's an effort to find scum even if it's working with bare minimum. however, i don't really... get why you changed your vote to nosferatu just now? if you're putting this pressure on midway and it's helping you, why are you pivoting now?

p-edit: why tho.
what game was this? id be interested to read a midway scumgame.

I was never voting for midway and I feel like I'm getting loads of valuable insight from him through our exchanges. I also take the point Mafia Goon raised earlier that Midway is used to being elimmed Day 1, and we aren't likely to get anything more from him by wagonning him. In contrast Nosferatu is doing nothing, and I want to see how he reacts under a bit of pressure.

And seriously, if he doesn't do something useful, we'll just lynch him.
it waaaaas this one, newbie 2018.

also fair i guess, i just kind of think that pressure on someone like you were applying goes hand in hand with a vote this early on.

what is "useful" in this situation though? like you call them lazy/lurker but.. didn't they just confirm?
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Post Post #158 (isolation #15) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:04 am

Post by Ydrasse »

bm i feel it's... a bit much to expect the second a person show up they lay out a grand platter of stuff for us to chew upon.
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Post Post #159 (isolation #16) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:04 am

Post by Ydrasse »

that being said, nosferatu, why do you say that about dunn/blair? i didn't take anything away from their exchange personally.
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Post Post #180 (isolation #17) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:47 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 157, midwaybear wrote:I’m not really sure how much BM actually believes in his Nosferatu push. It feels like a dumb push to make.
my question is: are dumb pushes more prone to come from town or scum though.
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Post Post #181 (isolation #18) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:52 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 160, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 158, Ydrasse wrote:bm i feel it's... a bit much to expect the second a person show up they lay out a grand platter of stuff for us to chew upon.
You're misrepping me - I haven't said I expected that. But let me remind you of the sequence of events...
i feel like this is going to devolve in a pedantic back and forth because i don't see it as a misrep fmpov.

*offers hand* agree to disagree?
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Post Post #182 (isolation #19) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:54 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 173, CantHateAPuppy wrote:
In post 119, Ydrasse wrote:@battle mage: regarding your

1) what makes post awkward? i don't really see how it feels out of place.

2) the way you're viewing post feels at odds with your view on post . isn't midway outing a towny gutread being liberal with his allegiences?
In post 120, Ydrasse wrote:also i'm admittedly not great at gauging people when it comes to meta/going through old games but midway doesn't feel as aloof/combatative as he did last game when pressure was applied to him. i think that the top of is a bit aggressive but other than that it feels sort of relaxed in comparison?
In post 159, Ydrasse wrote:that being said, nosferatu, why do you say that about dunn/blair? i didn't take anything away from their exchange personally.
these posts all rub me the wrong way, just something about askind other people these questions when there's not much out there looks IMO like busywork, it's the kind of thing i'd expect from scum figuring out how to settle in early phase

but this is minor stuff so we can work on it
i am willing to accept the L (and use less question marks when i'm not really asking questions)
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Post Post #183 (isolation #20) » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:56 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i think i understand nosferatu's stance on dunn/blair a bit better but i might also be no thoughts, head empty.
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Post Post #219 (isolation #21) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:02 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i sheep this

VOTE: ready2rock

i don't think that ready2rock's statement about nosferatu is really that confident though, tbf. "very combatitive" is strong wording ig but given that it's pinned on as an afterthought i'd argue that there isn't a lot of heart in it.
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Post Post #229 (isolation #22) » Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:55 am

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 222, Mafia Goon wrote:I like these posts from redrock. Are you misgooned often? Also, that's your one wall used from your daily wall quota. Please don't go over your limit like midway or BM.

Ydrasse's wagon hop is strange because she says she's sheeping it but then provides a point against the arguments for why redrock is scum. What points were worth sheeping, Ydrasse?

VOTE: Ydrasse
the ones in

of all the points i think the one i pointed out is the weakest and i didn’t really filter it into whether or not i thought it was a good wagon to follow
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Post Post #235 (isolation #23) » Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:53 am

Post by Ydrasse »


when i’m not shackled to replying on a phone later i will give my “Thoughts”
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Post Post #246 (isolation #24) » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:39 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 239, midwaybear wrote:
In post 234, ready2rock wrote:Blair has Schrodinger's Case, where she’s presented this incredible genius read for the last page or two, but we haven't opened the box so you’ll never know if her case was ever actually there or not
hmm this is what I was thinking too. I'm not really feeling the r2r wagon so much.
i don’t wanna leave everyone hanging today so:

i’m asking you midway this moreso than anyone else but are you not feeling the r2r wagon because of the ~hidden read? i’m referencing out last game together again but we were in a situation where someone had a scumread that they didn’t out for several pages and it ended up being a towny player in the end. the way you wrote this kind of implies that your dislike of the r2r wagon is tied to blair’s lack of outing the case.

also since i’m quoting you: my vote wasn’t really hedging. i disagreed with a portion of the case against r2r and i would rather make that apparent. i can agree with something enough tho that its not the end of the world fmpov to have one thing that i’m at odds with
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Post Post #268 (isolation #25) » Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:45 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

boring is just my personality i am sorry (and i haven't been giving games as much attention as i should have/could have this week)

also ngl reading this game feels like i'm looking at a blob of "meh" with a few light trs (hi inno, hi blair) thrown in there which makes parsing through it all feel like my brain is turning into goo. i don't know what that means mafia is doing other than either blending in or just... not playing right now which means we're all kind of half-heartedly pointing fingers at each other hoping something sticks.

that sentiment implicates nosferatu, dunn and r2r if going off of like, strictly numbers. of them i like nosferatu the most bc of that dunn/blair thing. i think r2r isn't look the best but i vibed with some of their points regarding bm thus the unvote. i don't think it's foolproof like they are town 100% of the time but i can follow their logic without having to twist and reach for it so i don't wanna vote them rn

i think i just want to vote dunn and see like. anything.

VOTE: dunnstral
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Post Post #288 (isolation #26) » Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:31 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i don't feel great so expect more from me tomorrow, maybe.

also i've been meaning to ask this for like five games now but what in the world does partner equity actually mean.
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Post Post #290 (isolation #27) » Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:38 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

oh. thanks! your brain can remain in one piece for now.
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Post Post #322 (isolation #28) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:08 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 292, Dunnstral wrote:Well... it's not me Ydrasse. I'm not sure why you're voting me, Blair
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Post Post #352 (isolation #29) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:44 pm

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i'm feeling better about r2r the more that he posts.

i don't see a reason not to launch dunn out of here, i guess the vt claim made me go ?? for a minute but i just... don't have any reason to tr him at all despite that? lmao

that is my daily update, thank you for listening.
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Post Post #353 (isolation #30) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:46 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 334, Mafia Goon wrote:Blair is kinda scummy this game too btw. She seems a little annoyed in that way that scum sometimes do because they rolled scum, or are faking it because they feel the need to. The overreaction to Dunn "rolling scum" early on really pinged me too.
oh also, what irritation? do you mean in blair's first posts (and are the only ones i could personally interpret as ~irritated) or somewhere else because i've gotten more of a just like... laid-back sense from her posts.
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Post Post #378 (isolation #31) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:06 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

honestly i didn't have any better leads than dunn right now, he's provided... nothing at all for me to townread. like yeah he claimed and stuff but i'm just sort of... /shrug at him.

i don't like the idea of an r2r wagon, there's been suspicion pointed at blair but i just don't get why and my tr is still there on her.
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Post Post #379 (isolation #32) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:08 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

tho going over things now i'd also launch mafia goon. idk why his vote is on blair right now because i don't see that as a Thing that is happening and it seems to be like. skirting the edges of the dunn wagon.
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Post Post #380 (isolation #33) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:15 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

but i tr everyone on the dunn wagon too.

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Post Post #381 (isolation #34) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:16 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

VOTE: Mafia Goon

i'll be around either later 2nite or tomorrow if we haven't launched anyone yet.
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Post Post #398 (isolation #35) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:08 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i’m tired as hell right now + mobile so i’m going to be a bit lazy when i get the posts that made me vote mafia goon

i’m a 2-shot cop

i don’t really want dunn over mafia goon but if it’s the only other option okay ig. in the absence of towniness fmpov it won’t break my heart
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Post Post #399 (isolation #36) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:13 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

333 + 346 were why i changed my vote because like i said it looked like he was on the sidelines passively supporting the dunn wagon saying he didn’t have better etc when he did from his blair vote. it seemed like me to the sort of thing mafia might do to set themselves up in a good position while not... doing anything lol
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Post Post #400 (isolation #37) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:15 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

idek if anyone’s awake at this point but i should be around tmrw before deadline again
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Post Post #401 (isolation #38) » Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:16 pm

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Post Post #466 (isolation #39) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:41 am

Post by Ydrasse »

hi i’m awake

is there a reason that inno/i couldn’t exist together except for setup stuff? rber comes to mind

i’m not gonna ask what inno is exactly bc id rather not but s:
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Post Post #1147 (isolation #40) » Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:31 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

sorry im not very good at scum yet :(
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Post Post #1148 (isolation #41) » Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:32 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

but nice try kerset i was really rooting for you!!! and torturing dead chat with knowledge of your alignment
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Post Post #1152 (isolation #42) » Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:37 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 1149, midwaybear wrote:
In post 1147, Ydrasse wrote:sorry im not very good at scum yet :(
same :(
we're even now >:)
warrior cats mafia is now in a queue near you!
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