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Post Post #5 (isolation #0) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:08 pm

Post by bob3141 »

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Post Post #112 (isolation #1) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:07 am

Post by bob3141 »

VOTE: Flippy

This now a no smoking zone :-P
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Post Post #126 (isolation #2) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:02 am

Post by bob3141 »

Una is gamblers fallacy right on you this time :-P
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Post Post #138 (isolation #3) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:17 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 129, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 126, bob3141 wrote:Una is gamblers fallacy right on you this time :-P
Was it you who called that last game too? :lol:
What did you even mean by that given the context?
I know what it means, but if we are talking about the last game and that one post that stuck out to me, it felt out of place then and there. :]

Your last 7 games had been town. And now 8.

Its a not to serous vote. Joke about it being based on the logical fallacy.
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Post Post #224 (isolation #4) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:41 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 203, geraintm wrote:
In post 202, Dunnstral wrote:What do you expect from bob?
I've been in a game where he was active enough day 1 as town to step in and try and stop a wagon that was about to lynch smeone they thought shouldn't be, and was high profile enough that they then got themselves lynched.

this game....not like that at all. very passive

Taking stances so early so not you gerain. Giving reads with excessive pressure being placed on you. Certainly not town you.

And your example is blatant misrep. IN your example what happened is that I started pushing you as you would take no stances. I started the wagon although tried breaking up when alert started to look like obvious scum.

And the game is only 2 days old. So you really are cherry picking meta. Since you want to use meta. Look at all my games and tell us if your theory still stands.
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Post Post #225 (isolation #5) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:42 am

Post by bob3141 »

And gerain why are you shading me without even voting for me.

Your posts have been all sahde so what is your read on me?

Town or scum.
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Post Post #226 (isolation #6) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:49 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 206, Klick wrote:That actually seems pretty sound lol.
He feels a lot more quiet/jokey than he did last game too, and in the game he was in that I modded.

VOTE: bob3141

Don't forget I replaced into the last game we were both in. A few days after the game had started so I missed the rvs stage.
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Post Post #228 (isolation #7) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:52 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 224, bob3141 wrote:
In post 203, geraintm wrote:
In post 202, Dunnstral wrote:What do you expect from bob?
I've been in a game where he was active enough day 1 as town to step in and try and stop a wagon that was about to lynch smeone they thought shouldn't be, and was high profile enough that they then got themselves lynched.

this game....not like that at all. very passive

Taking stances so early so not you gerain. Giving reads without excessive pressure being placed on you. Certainly not town you.

And your example is blatant misrep. IN your example what happened is that I started pushing you as you would take no stances. I started the wagon although tried breaking up when alert started to look like obvious scum.

And the game is only 2 days old. So you really are cherry picking meta. Since you want to use meta. Look at all my games and tell us if your theory still stands.

correct that post. typed with rather than without
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Post Post #321 (isolation #8) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:14 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 300, geraintm wrote:
In post 225, bob3141 wrote:And gerain why are you shading me without even voting for me.

Your posts have been all sahde so what is your read on me?

Town or scum.
day 1 I am nothing but shade. you know it will take a lot on day 1 for me to actually vote someone.

So what you're saying is that a scum you would hide behind his town meta and not vote. As that's all your saying here.

As i've never seen you throw shade day one as town. And you're admitting here that you were deliberately throwing shade at me.

And your giving opinions far too easily too. I remember in the first two games I played with you getting reads or even a solid opinion out of you was like getting blood at stone.

Not that it's inherently bad but a town you is super cautious. And i'm not seeing anything in regards to that in your posting so far

VOTE: gerain
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Post Post #508 (isolation #9) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:34 am

Post by bob3141 »

will get caught up later today alittle but if not tommorrow
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Post Post #615 (isolation #10) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:33 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 606, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:I have reached the pinnacle of page 9.
Una's use of emojis alarms me, but I like his openness with reads and discussing his thoughts at this early stage.
Good use of a GIF from Dunnstral in . Top marks.
In post 173, geraintm wrote:is there someone in this game called Sujimichi????
As I am standing in for Sujimichi, I can answer this for you. Sujimichi has other matters to attend to and I will be standing in as their replacement.
In post 179, Hoopla wrote:

prod this sujimichi character
There is no need for this, mod. I have replaced Sujimichi and do not require prodding.

: I disagree with this and enjoyed Isis' take, but I don't think your opposition is indicative of your alignment.
The power this Hoopla character demands scares me.
I am not enthused by Galron so far. His only take has been liking Hoopla's content and the rest has been fluff.

So whats your exact read on una then?
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Post Post #620 (isolation #11) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:26 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 377, Klick wrote:
In post 364, notscience wrote:Klick what’s worrying you about me
263 looked bad earlier, the 'sell me on Bella' pinged me a bit as you wanting to use Hoopla to formulate your read on Bella for you. but looking at it right now I feel completely differently and actually kinda vining with notscience-town. I feel like town-you is more likely to be like 'wtf why is Klick scumreading me for flimsy reasons'
But this is moderately drunk Klick logic now vs sober Klick logic earlier. I think I trust my gut rn though because I was having a lot of trouble getting into this earlier in any capacity. You can be town notty :)
In post 369, Hoopla wrote:@bella, @klick

i still want both of you to give me an honest appraisal regarding your accuracy of reading each other's alignment.

in the event one of you flips town, how much weight should your opinion of the other's alignment be given?
We haven't actually played much mafia together at all. But last time we were both town, and I pegged her as town rather quickly into D1, whereas she always had a lowkey scumread on me.
In IRL mafia I literally just can't play with her because if I'm scum she will instantly call me on it. I'm not nearly as good at reading her IRL.

Tl;dr: low sample size/evidence, but I do actually think I can read her well on forum. This doesn't really feel like town Bella to me yet.

Im starting to develop a mild scumread on Hoopla :( or at least I'm not vibing with her here at all on several things. Geraintm looks obvtown to me. The wagon is indeed ass. And I think she along with several others are going in a bit unnaturally hard on the Bob wagon. The idea that Bob was an easy scum push doesn't seem intuitive to me - it was too early and there wasn't enough substance for it to be the kind of thing scum would seriously expect to successfully push early. If anything the tinfoil I had in my head earlier was that Bob was scum and had at least one buddy on him earlier who knew the wagon wouldn't take off properly due to lack of evidence.

The fact a wagon formed on me so early should be a clear sign that I'm town. Just never happens when I'm scum.

Bobs been wagoned day one = bob is town
No wagon = could go either way

And that's forgetting the fact that a rvs stage wagon is almost always on town.

Fact flippy would vote me upto 5 on a rvs wagon. Is actually town indicative. Scum tend not to make blank votes that aren't much more than a counter joke vote. On a wagon that just has no foundation to it all.

Based on that i wouldn't be surprised if klick flips town as well.
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Post Post #621 (isolation #12) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:33 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 616, notscience wrote:That was a great catchup I truly feel like I know where you stand on the game bob

mostly from what ive seen. That una is whiteknighting. He is pushign a town read on me without realy explaining. Something scum do if they dont want to push a lynch but are not against it forming.

See how he keeps sayign i dont want bob, bob is a mislynch ect

But not once says a reason as to why he thinks that. Town come up with reasosn as they want to stop mislynches. Scum dont want to provide town with a reason not to vote that player. As thats against their wincon.

When i read his posts it just feels like im reading a newspaper.
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Post Post #622 (isolation #13) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:36 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 603, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 138, bob3141 wrote:
In post 129, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 126, bob3141 wrote:Una is gamblers fallacy right on you this time :-P
Was it you who called that last game too? :lol:
What did you even mean by that given the context?
I know what it means, but if we are talking about the last game and that one post that stuck out to me, it felt out of place then and there. :]
Your last 7 games had been town. And now 8.
Wow. This means Una is very likely scum in this game. Good use of meta from Bob.
Whats meta got to do with it. Did the joke go over your head

As this just feels like making a comment for the sake of trying to get your post count up.
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Post Post #623 (isolation #14) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:40 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 609, Isis wrote:High Fluff High Content > Medium Fluff Low Content

I don't know why people pretend fluff subtracts from how much content someone has posted, game after game.

Don't be a flareon

I dont count fluff posts as they are Irrelavant. Doesnt take away but certainly doesnt add.

Often just a sign that person is feeling chatty.
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Post Post #624 (isolation #15) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:44 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 601, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 132, UnaBombaH wrote:But then again, if you were to roll scum twice in a row, I guess you'd try and mix it up as well.
This is a good point. If Klick rolled scum in his last game, it is statistically less likely he rolled scum in this game.

Same odds. Thats gambler fallacy.

Only time you can use gamblers fallacy is when you already think the player is scum or b. got a choice of two wagons you dont like has been forced on you day one :-P

Hence the joke.
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Post Post #625 (isolation #16) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:47 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 558, UnaBombaH wrote:And I STILL absolutely need Flippy to get in here.
I'm afraid they are scum here, and they want to remove someone who knows them well enough N1 before actually starting to participate.
And the replacement for Sujimichuka has done nothing of value either.

That's two potential lurkers starting to slide from the get go, and I've lost enough games to lurkers already.
I think D1 should be reserved for them unless we find someone who is blatantly scummy.

I'm still not sure Hoopla is that.
The same way I don't think Dunn or Bella are.
But I do think the wagon on Hoopla is the towniest one so far, so I guess I'll play sheep for today and see where that lands me.
Wouldnt be suprised if una is scum that the rest of his hoopla wagon is town
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Post Post #626 (isolation #17) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:54 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 375, Hoopla wrote:i should also mention;
In post 279, popopopopopopo wrote:ok, should i get on this bob wagon?
In post 280, popopopopopopo wrote:idk i think bob is mislynch bait, im not feeling it
this sequence is good. i think town is more likely to show restraint/concern here given a bob-vote could have easily been justified by popo-scum (assuming bob is town).

i find with low-effort players like bob, the best way to read them is from the collective interaction others have with them, rather than anything they do/say themself. if they start receiving a disproportionate level of suspicion relative to what their behaviour ought to realistically warrant, it's an indication there is scum taking advantage of an easy target.

its become apparent to me that bob's wagon seemed likely scum-pushed in the end.

im not a low effort player :-P

I'm a concise player as I spend too much time actually analysing the thread.

You've only played with me when I was pretty sure I had pegged two of the three scum. Day one with the third being caught by agar. Was a good thing as I had been town reading him.

Shame i never got the flash wagon on gypx day one. The game would have been even quicker lol.
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Post Post #627 (isolation #18) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:59 am

Post by bob3141 »

Was fun game. Two games for two. in where i was town roleblocker that i blocked one kill.

One loss and one win. First one town decided to give a free pass to obvous scum. Got nigthkilled so couldnt do anything about it.
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Post Post #719 (isolation #19) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:07 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 718, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:Bob is my top scumread at the time of writing. I see I will be joining great company such as the likes of emperors on this wagon.


You hve yet to come up with a reason as to explain your scum read on me.

Your two sentance thing is beyond a joke. Ive never seen anything more reachy

You even misrep me big time.

I said i think that gerain is not playing like his town meta.

You make the absurd claim i scum read him for playing to his town meta.

So what is it?

Your not going to say to try and be absurd and say spacing sentances so its easier to read is a scum tell. lol
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Post Post #720 (isolation #20) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 267, Emperor flippyNips wrote:i don't even remember why i voted for him tbh

Because i made a joke about your avatar :-P
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Post Post #722 (isolation #21) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:27 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 299, geraintm wrote:
In post 224, bob3141 wrote:
In post 203, geraintm wrote:
In post 202, Dunnstral wrote:What do you expect from bob?
I've been in a game where he was active enough day 1 as town to step in and try and stop a wagon that was about to lynch smeone they thought shouldn't be, and was high profile enough that they then got themselves lynched.

this game....not like that at all. very passive

Taking stances so early so not you gerain. Giving reads with excessive pressure being placed on you. Certainly not town you.

And your example is blatant misrep. IN your example what happened is that I started pushing you as you would take no stances. I started the wagon although tried breaking up when alert started to look like obvious scum.

And the game is only 2 days old. So you really are cherry picking meta. Since you want to use meta. Look at all my games and tell us if your theory still stands.
I was asked an opinion, I gave it. it wasn't meant to be a strong read on you, I didn't vote or anything.
and was it you who started the wagon on me? I didn't remember that bit,sorry. but even so, you just said in that one you started a wagon and were more active, this game you hadn't done anything like that. so my view on you being much more passive I think was fair
Thats a bit more like town you.

If your are town. In general my activity can range from hyper active to very passsive. from short fire posts to wordy posts.

Just based on how i feel about the game and if ive actual got into to yet. My least active day one was a game that had a player list that was like powder cake of drama. I was like ill start playign after all the rep outs happen
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Post Post #723 (isolation #22) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:57 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 721, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:That's why I scumread you, Bob. Because you say Gera is playing differently to his last (assumedly town) game, and conclude he's scum for it rather than examining his content for this game, which has been good. The timing of it right after he accuses you of being off-meta I also dislike.

I notice you left several 3 line gaps in that post. Impressive.

Two can play at this game.

Then your either scum or have realy shallow reads.

Also why are you talking to me as though you know im town rather than talking to me as if i was scum. As you're claiming a scum read on me. Your wording/ mannar of your argument does not match your read.

You say you scum read me for concluding that gerian is scum. Hence you are saying that you scum read me for not knowing gerain alignment. And only town don't know a players alignment. So your own reasoning would imply that im town but misguided in my push.

Then you say I can't have examined his content. Which would imply that from your pov I must be town. As you say you claim to think I have not examined something.

So why do you think I have wrongly concluded gerain is scum . When a scum me would already know every player's alignment?

Why do you think a scum me would even vote gerain?

Why do you think a town me would not scum read gerain for his misrep?

Why do you think a town me would not think at the time of my vote that gerain was shading me after seeing a wagon build up?
Why do you think that a town me would never think gerain was being opportunistic?
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Post Post #724 (isolation #23) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:04 am

Post by bob3141 »

Oh and RFS why have you not answered my question.

What is your read on una?
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Post Post #725 (isolation #24) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:04 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 615, bob3141 wrote:
In post 606, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:I have reached the pinnacle of page 9.
Una's use of emojis alarms me, but I like his openness with reads and discussing his thoughts at this early stage.
Good use of a GIF from Dunnstral in . Top marks.
In post 173, geraintm wrote:is there someone in this game called Sujimichi????
As I am standing in for Sujimichi, I can answer this for you. Sujimichi has other matters to attend to and I will be standing in as their replacement.
In post 179, Hoopla wrote:

prod this sujimichi character
There is no need for this, mod. I have replaced Sujimichi and do not require prodding.

: I disagree with this and enjoyed Isis' take, but I don't think your opposition is indicative of your alignment.
The power this Hoopla character demands scares me.
I am not enthused by Galron so far. His only take has been liking Hoopla's content and the rest has been fluff.

So whats your exact read on una then?
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Post Post #787 (isolation #25) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:39 am

Post by bob3141 »

Day still has 7 days. We shouldnt be think of ending this day phase now.
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Post Post #788 (isolation #26) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:46 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 786, Isis wrote:
In post 783, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 744, Isis wrote:
In post 727, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:It also comes right after Gera suspects you - and for meta reasons no less.
bob is infamous for an omgus bias, unfortunately
What reasons does he use normally when he OMGUSes? Is it simply a "I scumread you because you scumread me and you're wrong", or does he find other reasons to support that? The OMGUS itself is NAI if you're telling me he does it as either alignment, but the reasons he uses to support it may still be scum-indicative.
It's often pretty stretchy reasons and it does make him hard to read.

Best way to figure out if there town simply being very wrong. Or scum trying to fake a scum read. In the past some have even become my strongest town reads.
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Post Post #949 (isolation #27) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:41 am

Post by bob3141 »

I scum read you.

You have not been able to come with any real reason to scum read me. All you have done is say you scum read me for not having the same read on gerain two days into the game. Even I can only assume trying to use posts that were made after my vote happened.

You barely take any in depth stances on any players. Yet were happy to hammer hoopla. When you hadn't even mentioned him. Your only two mentions of him were when you said you liked something from him and when he said he believed the gerain wagon was all town.

You are evasive on you una read. Every time giving no reason. You say you town read una for town content but you never say what town content or what your read on his motives are.

You selectively answer questions and at the same time barely answer the ones you do.

Now on gerain I'm not too sure. He could be scum that feel more confident as I have read his scum games and he is less indecisive and more open to make stances than in his town meta. In his town games he is so indecisive scum would never want to nk, or day kill him. He is some you want to take to lylo.

But the thought i'm having is gerain actually coming out of his shell.
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Post Post #950 (isolation #28) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:41 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 920, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:Bob, what have my responses to your queries told you about my alignment?

Hoopla's seems friendly and I could envisage her as my neighbour, so I can buy her claim. Let's hope she doesn't move out before night 2.

Popo wagon is good. He also smelled funny when I was catching up. Bob should be competing though.

I scum read you.

You have not been able to come with any real reason to scum read me. All you have done is say you scum read me for not having the same read on gerain two days into the game. Even I can only assume trying to use posts that were made after my vote happened.

You barely take any in depth stances on any players. Yet were happy to hammer hoopla. When you hadn't even mentioned him. Your only two mentions of him were when you said you liked something from him and when he said he believed the gerain wagon was all town.

You are evasive on you una read. Every time giving no reason. You say you town read una for town content but you never say what town content or what your read on his motives are.

You selectively answer questions and at the same time barely answer the ones you do.

Now on gerain I'm not too sure. He could be scum that feel more confident as I have read his scum games and he is less indecisive and more open to make stances than in his town meta. In his town games he is so indecisive scum would never want to nk, or day kill him. He is some you want to take to lylo.

But the thought i'm having is gerain actually coming out of his shell.
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Post Post #951 (isolation #29) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:47 am

Post by bob3141 »

The only reason i can see why you wouldnt mention hoopla is if he was a town read. But he cant be town read as why would you even contemplate lynchign hoopla if he was. Thus he is null or a scum read and you have made no attempt to sort him. Yet are happy to end the day early with his lynch, with you being the hammer. Looks like your scum roel fishing to me.

You gave yourself room to row back room with the vt comment. But clearly at the same time you had no convocation. If he was a real scum read you wouldnt of put that row back in. You might decide against it after his role claim but not before.

Looks to me like you just wanted the role claim so you could narrow down the town pr.
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Post Post #970 (isolation #30) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:39 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 964, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 721, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:That's why I scumread you, Bob. Because you say Gera is playing differently to his last (assumedly town) game, and conclude he's scum for it rather than examining his content for this game, which has been good. The timing of it right after he accuses you of being off-meta I also dislike.
Read this, my Bob. How is this "having the same read on gerain two days into the game."?

You're ignoring my actual reasons and trying to spin your own ones that you can throw doubt on. I don't like it.

THis has to take the cake for scum mis quoting

Tell me what was teh word before your quote?

Let em guess you wanted to mis quote me and cut out the NOT, The NOT

I cant see how any one could genuinely miss read that.

Never seen anything so scummy

VOTE: Replacement for Sujimichi
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Post Post #971 (isolation #31) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:39 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 966, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:VOTE: Popo


see here you again, jumpign on the next goign wagon

Whats the reason you scum read pops.
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Post Post #972 (isolation #32) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:41 am

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And why did you giev intent to hammer hoopla first?
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Post Post #1015 (isolation #33) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:18 am

Post by bob3141 »

No one should even be considering hoopla before day 3.

By day 3 he can be confirmed. And that role if confirmed can only be town.
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Post Post #1019 (isolation #34) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1014, Isis wrote:I meant friendly neighbor, Galron got in my head.

Even night FN is like in the center of the most attractive fakeclaims.

It might be a role scum can claim but the risk to town is to great. And in my first game it was a role scum claimed but was near certain to be lynched day 2. Only being saved by his scum buddy scumming up his wagon. So much so it moved the wagon to him and he moved of onto a 3rd player.

the odds are he either days before day 3.

And if he surives then on day 3 someone will confirm they got the message or no one will. If no one then either teh player he sent it to is scum or he is.
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Post Post #1021 (isolation #35) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:25 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1005, Galron wrote:
In post 951, bob3141 wrote:The only reason i can see why you wouldnt mention hoopla is if he was a town read. But he cant be town read as why would you even contemplate lynchign hoopla if he was. Thus he is null or a scum read and you have made no attempt to sort him. Yet are happy to end the day early with his lynch, with you being the hammer. Looks like your scum roel fishing to me.

You gave yourself room to row back room with the vt comment. But clearly at the same time you had no convocation. If he was a real scum read you wouldnt of put that row back in. You might decide against it after his role claim but not before.

Looks to me like you just wanted the role claim so you could narrow down the town pr.
Bob, why aren't you engaging with anyone else?

just the way the last few days have been. I can easily get distracted and just focus on the wagon i want.
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Post Post #1024 (isolation #36) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:30 am

Post by bob3141 »

yep. In my first scum game. My buddy added disloyal and i scummed up teh wagon. Talking about loyal. Then kept talking about my town read of axe and nero. To get them to tunnel each other. resulting in axe hammering nero over me that had open wolfed
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Post Post #1028 (isolation #37) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:36 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1026, notscience wrote:Bob you never made that tiered readslist for me

I dont do them much. There a big tool for scum reading the game.

Only ever give out who im scum read, town or null.

town so far - garon, flipply, hoopla, klick, isis
scum - replacement, una

sort of leaning towrds dunn and gerain beign town now but slight read

pops im thinking town unless he is being hard bussed. as that wagon came quick. And looks dirty
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Post Post #1031 (isolation #38) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:40 am

Post by bob3141 »

im bit paranoid on your slot at the moment. Cant tell if you town or clever scum looking town
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Post Post #1032 (isolation #39) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:40 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1030, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 1028, bob3141 wrote:scum - replacement,
Wait what? :lol:
I'm scum to you bob? :?

last post was to ns.

Reason im scum reading you is as i said i get newspaper vibes
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Post Post #1158 (isolation #40) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:44 am

Post by bob3141 »

So every one who voted pops in that awful wagon can you go over why you voted him. And what benifit you thought lynching a lurker would do for town?
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Post Post #1256 (isolation #41) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:57 am

Post by bob3141 »

Will be catching up later today
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Post Post #1260 (isolation #42) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:23 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1236, Porkens wrote:Is there any kind of case on bob cause my skim didn’t pick up anything

none at all. All replacement could coem up with after much probbing is that i scum read gerain, while he didnt.

He never could explain how he excluded any possibility that i was simply another town having a different read on gerain to him. Instead comign straight to the conclusion

He even tried to dismiss his scum intent to hammer hoopla. Even though to date he had barley mentioned a player he just offered to hammer. He even omgused by saying i haven't interacted much with another player. Even though I most certainly had not offered any hammer.

He votes popo without a moment's hesitation. Even though he only ever gave a one lien reason for his earlier vote on him. Which fits a pattern a lot of talk but no reasoning behind it.
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Post Post #1261 (isolation #43) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:29 am

Post by bob3141 »

Like take his only other reason. The stupidest reason of all that I've ever seen. There are bad reasons but it was just absurd.

It was that the points of a few of my posts had been broken up. Somehow he tried to string something out of that. Like a 30 sec check of my meta would have shown him that every single game has paragraphs and separate points separated by 2 or more lines.

Even got snarky after I called him out for it.
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Post Post #1262 (isolation #44) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:31 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 975, Dunnstral wrote:I believe that Replacement for Sujimichi looks good upon a popopo red flip, and I do want to bump-off popopopo, so why not lynch popopopopo before Replacement for Sujimichi? I believe at this point if popopopopopo flips red we have a lot of information to work off of, anyway. And if he flips green? Well, it's not like Replacement for Sujimichi or Geraintm give more information than popopopopopo anyway, right?

Gerain and replacement had motive to kill dun
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Post Post #1263 (isolation #45) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:32 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 998, Dunnstral wrote:I don't particularly feel that Emperor flippynips is scum, and I don't agree with thinking Klick gets mad there as a result of being scum with flippy

flippy and klick did not
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Post Post #1264 (isolation #46) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:47 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1194, notscience wrote:I still don’t like bobs stance re me it reads fake as fuck

I don’t like hoops but it’s bad play to clown before tomorrow

I wanted to go for bella but hoops pushing it leaves a bad taste in my mouth

I like your posting in general

Flippys been too absent for my liking
There you have answered your own point. If it feels fake it cant possibly be fake. If i was scum i wouldnt have done lazy write upto question i find rather pointless. As scum i never miss a chance to manipulate a player

Basically my read on you is that you could either be town or underhand scum trying to deep wolf. Now I might be just being paranoid on that but will only be able to tell with a few more flips.
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Post Post #1265 (isolation #47) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:30 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 278, notscience wrote:He didn’t even go after anyone on the wagon he went after gera who literally just agreed with the wagon it’s so weird. You think he’d go for someone on the wagon because in theory assuming bob is town statistically 1 person on the wagon should be scum but he ignored it altogether to push gera lol

why did you think i would think one scum must have been on my wagon?

All town wagons are common thing in the first 4 days. So why do you think my first thought would be to scum read someone the wagon.
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Post Post #1266 (isolation #48) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:32 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 388, notscience wrote:@hoops his level of engagement with the game. As bob said he is taking stances way earlier than normal and I take it as a town trying to be better d1.

Could be white knighting
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Post Post #1267 (isolation #49) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:40 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 419, notscience wrote:
In post 371, Hoopla wrote:to the people calling the geraintm "ass": is this stemming from reading geraintm behaviourally or distrusting the constituents of the wagon itself?
I think he's town for reasons Ive elaborated on before and I replied to this part while im at work. I also think its naive to assume a RVS wagon that got to 5 would have no scum on it and I'm a little concerned you think everyone is town as well.
In post 372, Hoopla wrote:when i witness someone seeing the game through the same lens as me early - though through independent means - it's often a good sign.
I like this stance even though i didnt agree with it.
In post 375, Hoopla wrote:this sequence is good. i think town is more likely to show restraint/concern here given a bob-vote could have easily been justified by popo-scum (assuming bob is town).
It is damning if bob flips scum later however. Not worth talking about now though.
In post 377, Klick wrote:Geraintm looks obvtown to me. The wagon is indeed ass.
I like drunk klick drunk klick is goodposting and I agreed with pretty much the entire post I just snipped
In post 379, Hoopla wrote:notscience and klick were the latest adopters of the bob-wagon - both slots i am wary of.

dunnstral was the first bob vote i remember disliking, flippy being more neutral. but the fact that notscience and klick got on there too. literally the last four voters of bob were suss.

how coincidental.

more likely, it was scum-pushed.
Yeah but Id stated in advance why i liked the wagon and i dont really think it was a secret on why i was there.

This feels like roping in last minute to justify departing the wagon.
In post 384, Hoopla wrote:i'm nervous that i drew town with a bunch of passive townies afraid of taking on the big dogs of the game. there's only so much heavy lifting i can do, and my vote is currently hard at work.
Who are the big dogs? Me, you, Klick, Una?

I don't think its entirely justified assuming all the vocal players are scummy and it feels way more paranoid than I expected. I guess it can kinda make sense what with the scum leaking in to the townbloc, but I kinda want
to take a second look when sober.
In post 387, Klick wrote:The problem I'm having with you right now, aside from coming to wildly different conclusions on almost everything that's happened so far, is that it almost feels like you've set up a narrative that you'd like today to go by, in a way that doesn't feel entirely guided by your reads like last game. I can see this coming from you as town (and feel free to state if that is indeed something you're doing here), but I feel like there's more clear and obvious motivation for it to come from scum.
I can kinda see it I feel like her view of the gamestate feels very inorganic compared to what i expected

could be you trying to shade popo. You tie me and popo together based on popo town reading me. You jump straight to the conclusion that a scum me would equate to scum popo based on flimsy reasoning. When both alignments are equaly with both a scum me and a town me. You fail to take account of teh fact that popops was generaly lurking and not posting much.

Also it was quote on post you badly misquoted klick. His posts was about how he thought my wagon was scum motivated. Yet you talk about if bob flips scum.
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Post Post #1275 (isolation #50) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:58 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1271, notscience wrote:
In post 1266, bob3141 wrote:
In post 388, notscience wrote:@hoops his level of engagement with the game. As bob said he is taking stances way earlier than normal and I take it as a town trying to be better d1.

Could be white knighting
Yeah but frankly scum-me has no reason to derail what- based off your theory here- would be a mislynch.

Yeah I get some I told you so’s down the line. But isn’t it way easier for scum me to get involved or passively disagree instead of actively?

Explain how you derailed a wagon that was at l-2?

Show me where you went out the way to stop that wagon.

Show me where you did anything more than simply state a town read on gerain.

Oh and see here you say a scum you would passively disagree. But thats exactly what you did.

You again and again pushed that you town read gerain but never pushed a strong case as to why that was the case.
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Post Post #1276 (isolation #51) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:01 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1274, notscience wrote:
In post 332, notscience wrote:Geras town hop the fuck off
In post 331, notscience wrote:What the fuck are you all doing while I’m asleep
In post 349, notscience wrote:Regardless I’m not backing down re gera this wagon is ass

see here you prove my point. You did nothing to stop the gerain lynch.

You just did the glorified told you so

Albert were are you. You are doign fine impression on how that player treated town wasons during day one. He didnt exactly what you did with gerain.

And liek you never pushed a case in defense.
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Post Post #1279 (isolation #52) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:05 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1272, notscience wrote:
In post 1267, bob3141 wrote:could be you trying to shade popo. You tie me and popo together based on popo town reading me. You jump straight to the conclusion that a scum me would equate to scum popo based on flimsy reasoning. When both alignments are equaly with both a scum me and a town me. You fail to take account of teh fact that popops was generaly lurking and not posting much.

Also it was quote on post you badly misquoted klick. His posts was about how he thought my wagon was scum motivated. Yet you talk about if bob flips scum.
I said in a throwaway comment you being scum means he does but it only mattered if you were- and said not to worry about it until we get to that point (similar to how I was re the traitor last game!). I wasn’t actively pushing it because yes, it was flimsy and something to reconsider after flips. And yes, popo was lurking but I’ve never played with the dude and al I have was his posts here to go off of.

And him calling the wagon ass was about gera’s wagon- and people can go back and check. Now who’s misrepping klick?

VOTE: bob
So are you saying you have never played with lurkers before?

You have also avoided answering me. What made you think to two quote klick made of popo. Had any bearign on my alignment. And my alignment on popo

Are you sayign im misrepping kilck by calling him town ? Now that must be some serous misrep in you eyes, no townie would ever call another townie town.

Whats on your trial is you miss use of klicks posts to further both popos lynch and a bob lynch
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Post Post #1283 (isolation #53) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:08 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1278, notscience wrote:Try to wagon me then bucko I guarantee it doesn’t go through
See town doesnt say this.

This alsmost always comes from scum. Who are being bashful about the fact they think town simply will not lynch them.
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Post Post #1286 (isolation #54) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:21 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1280, notscience wrote:
In post 336, notscience wrote:VOTE: bella

Biggest not craptastic wagon
In post 340, notscience wrote:
In post 283, popopopopopopo wrote:
In post 276, notscience wrote:Geras pretty town I wouldn’t be voting him tbh
is geras geraint?

can you explain your town read or point to where you have already.
I def missed this

Literally my stance is the opposite of bobs re the same points- think him engaging this much is a towntell not a scumtell
In post 341, notscience wrote:Hoops your wagon has only one of your townbloc how could you be comfortable with it
Me joining the counter wagon to him to keep him alive,

Me disagreeing with your case

Me trying to get hoopla off the wagon
A- scum move - you join counter wagon but dont actively push a case.

Result if lycnh goes though you get town cred. If it doesnt you avoid a wagon you dont like

take hectic wagon in 2020. Pops made comment that showed me that scum were pushing teh counter wagon to hectic. As they thought it would look bad on them.

Take albert in shadds game. You moves relating to gerain match him.

B- so you saying you only pushed against the case of one player. A player that never pushed hard against gerain.

c- So your sayign you only tried to clip of just one voter.

I cant realy see you doing more than saying x wagon is ass. Nothign realy meat in his defense

So excuse me if dont town read you
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Post Post #1287 (isolation #55) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:28 am

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In post 1284, notscience wrote:Yeah I made similar comments yesterday towards dunn too! But you didn’t think to call them out?

You definitely aren’t just justifying your bs throwaway read

show me where there was a wagon on dun. Show me where there was serous push on dun.

Oh and wait a minute, Dun died in the night.

So how is dun in any way relevant
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Post Post #1289 (isolation #56) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:35 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1282, notscience wrote:Porkens tell me I’m not crazy here there’s no wat town-bob would raise a stink over “popo could be scum if bob flips scum but we should leave it for later”

It was you that raised the stink.

See what you did is scum manipulation. Raise the prospect of a and x being linked. And you can deflect town from wagon going no where to other wagons. Ive used it before and seen it used agaisnt me so i know how to recognize it

See you have yet to even justify the comment. To come up with an explanation as to how you thought kilcik talking about

the gerain wagon being bad
and my wagon being scum motivated

lead to popo and bob are likely partners. As thats what you did.

See in 2122 i think it was. Was my first game with gerain. It was what alort did to try to push a scum case against both players without having to even vote for one
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Post Post #1291 (isolation #57) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:41 am

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In post 1281, notscience wrote:I had nothing to do with the goddamn popo lynch. My entire fucking stance on him was “he could be scum if bob is scum” and we would revisit it if you flipped red, and given how big a deal you’re making over it I can pretty clearly tel you what you’re going to flip

so your saying you never had stance on him.

take pp in i forget which one. A50 got lynched yet pp was caught when it was shown he no reason to not vote for a50.

You are admitting to only taking a sahding stance without commiting to town or scum read on pops.

So you were happy to let a wagon grow and be hammered without givign a read. Even though you shaded him
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Post Post #1294 (isolation #58) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:46 am

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In post 492, notscience wrote:Popo is a fine vote and nagito did nothing wrong
here agains you pushign the wagon popo without as you say having a solid read on him

You have been saying you had no stance on popopo other than if bob is scum then popos might be.

But here your saying popo is a fine vote even though the only other thing you claim to have said about requires my lynch first. SO why so silent on him other than shade here and there

So why are you so suprised i dont trust your slot. You were actively playing yet sat back and shaded popos

You seem to be eager to make big walls over me pointing out the facts why i dont trust your slot. Big time out proportion.
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Post Post #1297 (isolation #59) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:52 am

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In post 1292, notscience wrote:the Only way what I did counts as shade is if you flip red so
in correct. What you are doing is tieing two slots togther

You have popos and my slot.

You have 2-3 players scum reading my slot. If you want popos lynch what you do is.

Use teh fact they scum read that player to add them to teh wagon. With little effort you can get them to lynch a different player. And then get them to mislynch the their scum read teh next day.

if you msilynch me first i flip green. And popos wagon doesnt go through.

So you saying shading two players as partners without givign a case. isnt shade.

Oh and wait a minute where you or were you not shading my slot that day too. Not once giving a solid reason.
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Post Post #1416 (isolation #60) » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:15 am

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will catch up later today
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Post Post #1418 (isolation #61) » Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:24 am

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internet keeps cutting out so prob be tommorrow
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Post Post #1440 (isolation #62) » Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:40 pm

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VOTE: Replacement for Sujimichi

Will be catching up today but for now i will go with what i thought day one.
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Post Post #1445 (isolation #63) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:53 am

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In post 1442, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 1440, bob3141 wrote:VOTE: Replacement for Sujimichi

Will be catching up today but for now i will go with what i thought day one.
notscience is an unviable wagon so you go for me instead? :?

So your misrepping me again are you.

Show me where i pushed a lynch of ns. I thought i was outright clear at the start that i didnt want NS today.

Or have you not being reading.

Where i outright said i wouldnt be able to tell if i was simply being paranoid on NS. Until a few more flips. Where certain flips would be mutualy exclusive with a scum ns.
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Post Post #1461 (isolation #64) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:15 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1458, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 1353, Not_Mafia wrote:VOTE: Not_Mafia
So you decide to enter the game with a self-vote, eh? We just had to roll one of these jokers in our game, didn't we? You're either brain dead or you're scum. I sincerely hope for your own sake that you're the latter.

Let me tell you something, clown: Mafia doesn't work if people want to banter or joke around like it's a barbeque. Excessive joking around makes it really difficult to differentiate jokey behaviour from scummy behaviour, and allows people with memey backgrounds to build smoke screens for themselves for when they do roll scum. Your self-vote falls perfectly into that category, and I would be VERY surprised if I didn't see similar disgusting behaviour if I went looking through your past games.

Thing about this one self-vote of yours in particular though, is that it is INEHERENTLY scum-indicative. Town has no time to fuck around, every town member comes in with a subconscious mentality - whether they like it or not - of wanting to lynch scum and therefore win the game as town. Town NEVER self-vote, it doesn't make any sense to progress their win condition, does it? Scum come in with the mentality of wanting to MANIPULATE the town and lynch anyone, as long as it's not them or their scummy buddies. In this case, a self-vote causes confusion and can be perceived to lesser town players as a funny vote by a simple townie who's just joking around, or fishing for reads. WRONG, fortunately for us, I'm not an idiot. Show me a game, just ONE game where you've come into a game and self-voted as town. Oh wait, I don't need to wait, because I know there's no fucking chance you have.

In fact, you should know something about me; I take mafia VERY fucking seriously. And if I see some chickeneater like you go around self-voting like you're doing us all some favour, and helping progress the game, you are so so wrong.

Ironically though, you are doing us a favour; you're claiming scum. And you've just made this game 100 times easier for us.
But I'm not going to thank you for that. In fact, I want you to feel REAL bad about it. Think about your idiotic actions and really drown yourself in misery for a few days. Ask yourself "why oh why would I ever commit to such an idiotic strat as scum, did I really think all the others players would be imbeciles?" Really contemplate your actions, especially that previous point, and you may just realise the error of your ways, and maybe, just maybe, you can return to this site a better man, and a better player.

Let's get this over with:

VOTE: Not_Mafia

Bold looks to me like scum slip. I know ive felt like that before as scum.
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Post Post #1586 (isolation #65) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:05 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1491, Galron wrote:I don't understand what the case is on Bella I guess. I don't think you're asking me though.
Can you explain what you mean by this?

Ive seen the exact same comment in a prior scum game of mine. In that game my partner said something exactly like your posts. In that game he was commenting on the wagon that had built up on his partner. He didn't directly challenge the push their put instead skirted around the issue.
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Post Post #1587 (isolation #66) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1479, Galron wrote:Well if this is not_mafia, I'm okay with a policy there or RFS either one. Unless nm is a lylo grandmaster. I disagree with flipping a strong player just to sort another strong player wrt Bella and Isis.

So between isis and bella. What do you think the relationship is.


And if you think its tvs, who do you think is scum and why?
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Post Post #1751 (isolation #67) » Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:37 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1590, Galron wrote:
In post 1587, bob3141 wrote:
In post 1479, Galron wrote:Well if this is not_mafia, I'm okay with a policy there or RFS either one. Unless nm is a lylo grandmaster. I disagree with flipping a strong player just to sort another strong player wrt Bella and Isis.

So between isis and bella. What do you think the relationship is.


And if you think its tvs, who do you think is scum and why?
I think it's probably town/town. If you ask me if one of them were scum, which would it more likely be, I would say at this time probably Isis, although at the beginning of the game I would have said Bella. Isis has hopped around a bit too much for my liking without explanation, and there have been a couple of other things I haven't liked. But there have been a few things about Bella I haven't liked also, but I'm not sure what those were off the top of my head. Right now I think she is likely town. I think it turned around for me with her when her outlook toward Klick changed. I'm not sure why that affected my read of her but I think it did.

I keep telling myself I need to reread this game, but I am unmotivated to do so.
If you think bella vs isis is town/town. Then why would you give an opinion on who you think is more likely scum. Feels very disingenuous. As i only asked you who you thought who was more likely to be scum if and only if you thought it was s/t
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Post Post #1812 (isolation #68) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:51 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1804, Bellaphant wrote:Just to be clear - if the four choices are me, galron, bob or replacement - my preferences are bob/galron. Replacement is town (the above post is really town). Plus, the wagon on replacement is sketchy af.

I've asked a few times for people who are tr-ing Bob to explain why.

Because its so obvously not scum me :-P

You would have to be fool to push a scum read on me this game. This is just lazy town me. Im never lazy as scum. Even in mini 2114 when i got paired with lurker slots. Spoils the fun for town if scum is lazy.

How about you go about explaining why you think im scum.
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Post Post #1815 (isolation #69) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:56 am

Post by bob3141 »

when im scum the only reason i put effort in is to give something for town to solve
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Post Post #1819 (isolation #70) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:21 am

Post by bob3141 »

Looking over the vote counts from day one. And the interesting thing is that hoopla lolhammered. If he is scum i simply cant see any motive for him to lolhammer popop. There was no real alternative wagon, his slot was safe for that day after his roleclaim and no strong pushes any where at the time.

I doubt that slot is scum.
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Post Post #1820 (isolation #71) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:30 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1818, Bellaphant wrote:I don't have meta on you, and rhe people that have have given fairly different views on you (iirc.) You could link me to a scum/town game and I'll have a look. But I've explained my read - I don't see you trying to solve/I don't think you believe what you are saying. Tbf you are kinda admitting this is an issue, but branding it lazy town.

Plus I don't get the issue with rfs at all.

Above two scum game. One a near win and the other a loss but had the handicap of two lurker partners posts of the game. Think proding every 4 days

Above a lazy town game. Spotted scum garmr day one

laying low town game above. roleblockers rule :-)

middle ish town game
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Post Post #1821 (isolation #72) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:37 am

Post by bob3141 »

nothing worse then after killing 1/2 neap, 2 masons and then expected last pr to be along the lines of middle to weak pr. To find that the balancers actualy though a backup mason was weaker than a full team of three masons. Got farkum so pocketed i could of even got him to lynch a cop claim.
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Post Post #1885 (isolation #73) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:56 am

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Replacement can you explain your town read on garlon. All i can see is that you think he is explaining his thought process
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Post Post #1949 (isolation #74) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:14 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1917, Hoopla wrote:
In post 1914, Isis wrote:I wasn't visited by any friendly neighbors last night
VOTE: Hoopla
Why won't you love me
hah, i prefer expressing my love to you in other ways.

i targeted bob last night. he can (hopefully) confirm my visit.

No visit
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Post Post #1972 (isolation #75) » Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:24 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1969, geraintm wrote:I don't think we are going to lynch anywhere else by Hoopla today.
VOTE: hoopla[/v]
That might be so but we should still let day 3 run for bit. Not the full 12 days but reasonable amount of time. Yesterday was ended far to early. There wasnt enough to be more than uncertain on garlon last day. Yet he was still lynched with 2 days on the clock
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Post Post #1995 (isolation #76) » Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:26 pm

Post by bob3141 »

Anyone who scum reads me is either truely awful or simply scum. I dont mean to be harsh but its true.

Can anyone honestly say from yesterdays wagon that hoopla wasnt double bussed.

First a player dies that a scum me would never kill. A player no scum team would kill unless i was town.
Does a scum RSF realy unvote to do the towny thing of not ending teh day early. Only for hoopla to hammer himself.

Would i realy cut hoopla room for movement after his roleclaim. Listing a serous of plays that if hoopla did would mean he was scum. By mention the play me and sky pulled to stop her day 2 lynch.

Does replacement
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Post Post #1996 (isolation #77) » Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:44 pm

Post by bob3141 »

voting for hops but hey what do we have here.

A vote with you saying you would go for the player that was mislynched after hooplas claim. A player that hoopla was pushing. Why vote for some saying you would alternatively vote for one of the players that hoopla was pushing.

No real progression before you vote and after although you make statements and questions. But so often it's paired or ended with push on other players. Before voting popopos you never address you read on hoopla/popos issue.

Although players like klick also ended up voting for popo they didn't start their presence on the hoopla wagon by saying they would vote for popos. Something that ended up happening

Care to explain why you thought a scum hoops would be pushing popos?
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Post Post #1997 (isolation #78) » Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:50 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1718, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:
Day 2's Twenty-Eighth Votecount

Bellaphant (4): Isis, geraintm, Porkens, notscience
Replacement for Sujimichi (3): Galron, bob3141, Hoopla
Galron (2): Not_Mafia, UnaBombaH
bob3141 (2): Replacement for Sujimichi, Bellaphant
Porkens (0):
UnaBombaH (0):
Not_Mafia (0):
Isis (0):
geraintm (0):
Hoopla (0):
notscience (0):

Not Voting (0):

With 11 voters, 6 votes are required to execute.

Day 2 will end without an execution in (expired on 2020-07-31 03:00:00).
In post 1926, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 17, notscience wrote:I drew town, and intend to share my ice cream with whoever else did as well.
Reference to Vanilla/Neapolitan Ice Cream.
In post 48, notscience wrote:And you get an ice cream cone for joining
This was an answer to Hoopla.
In post 95, notscience wrote:There will be your choice of vanilla, and not vanilla.
This is so obvious in retrospect. :lol:
Good crumbing.
In post 685, notscience wrote:There’s an
ice cream shop next to my restaurant and I haven’t been able to go get some bc The hours I’m working
and it makes me sad

I think they have cookies and cream too.

I’m honestly debating reciting hoops
This could've been another crumb? Dunno.
In post 1044, notscience wrote:Hoops did you ever tell me what kind of ice cream you like
As well as this. But it makes no sense, because Hoopla had already claimed at #844.
In post 844, Hoopla wrote:i am an even-night friendly neighbour.
So either notscience misunderstood their role/forgot how it works/whatever, or they didn't crumb it. Because they did crumb their target for N2.
In post 1823, notscience wrote:I’m curious what kind of ice cream gera likes.
This would've been last night.
when were you aware of ns crumbing?
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Post Post #1998 (isolation #79) » Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:58 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1922, UnaBombaH wrote:And just to be clear - I somehow read notscience as a protective-PR. :lol:
I think they mentioned the word Doctor in a way that felt almost like tongue-in-cheek.
One of the reasons why I didn't want to talk about my paranoia on notscience ever.

So your saying when ns died, you though he was a town pr.
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Post Post #2001 (isolation #80) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:05 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 455, Hoopla wrote:
*slaps roof of geraintm wagon*

yep, she's a beaut. so much town powering that wagon, you wouldn't know what to do with her. sad to see her go.

good job everyone, beautiful production!


Quite a big association between hoopla and gerain here. Hoopla has unvoted but insists on calling the wagon powered by town.

Una, garlon, popos, hoopla, bob

Una, t , t, scum, (b)

If gerain was his scum buddy and the wagon apart from him was all town. I doubt he would actually draw attention to it.
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Post Post #2002 (isolation #81) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:06 am

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As in town/scum association
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Post Post #2003 (isolation #82) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:10 am

Post by bob3141 »

Bella care to address why you voted hoopla at teh same time as mentioning two alternative wagons. One of which hoopla was pushing.

And turned out to be the mislynch that happened instead of hoopla day one.
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Post Post #2005 (isolation #83) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:20 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1169, Hoopla wrote:in the interest of working my way back into the game, i am going to do something shocking.

my intuition tells me i may have been wrong on klick - especially upon seeing porken's entry into the game. given i was reading bella as town in relationship to klick's scumminess, i have come to believe i was actually reading them backwards.

VOTE: bella

one of the lemonade-sipping scumbuckets.

more to come

Then we have this. hoopla first vote of day two.

How hoopla had lolhammered popopos. Which means hoopl was treating he slot as burner slot.

Preempting of a roleblocker excuse. That would guarantee hoopla being scum if no one got the message. A slot was still suspect but only being kept alive by many players simply due to it being a resolvable start of day 3.

I hadly think burnt slot liek that would go for some he thought was town at that point.

In fact he later never joins bella when she gets to l-2.
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Post Post #2006 (isolation #84) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1598, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:
Day 2's Ninteenth Votecount

Bellaphant (4): Isis, geraintm, notscience, Porkens
Replacement for Sujimichi (4): Galron, bob3141, Hoopla, Not_Mafia
bob3141 (2): Replacement for Sujimichi, Bellaphant
Porkens (0):
UnaBombaH (0):
Not_Mafia (0):
Isis (0):
geraintm (0):
Hoopla (0):
notscience (0):
Galron (0):

Not Voting (1): UnaBombaH

Votes Not Reflected Since The Last Votecount:
bob3141 (3): Not_Mafia

UnaBombaH (1): Not_Mafia

Porkens (1): Not_Mafia

With 11 voters, 6 votes are required to execute.

Day 2 will end without an execution in (expired on 2020-07-31 03:00:00).
The fact that we had 3-4 wagons tied for so long. Reeks of scum benign disappeared on several wagons. Classic case of scum each pushing their own wagon.

makes me think rsf is town. and that one scum was on each wagon at that point
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Post Post #2007 (isolation #85) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:24 am

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wrong qoute.
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Post Post #2008 (isolation #86) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:26 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1716, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:
Day 2's Twenty-Seventh Votecount

Bellaphant (3): Isis, geraintm, Porkens
Replacement for Sujimichi (3): Galron, bob3141, Hoopla
Galron (2): Not_Mafia, UnaBombaH
bob3141 (2): Replacement for Sujimichi, Bellaphant
Porkens (0):
UnaBombaH (0):
Not_Mafia (0):
Isis (0):
geraintm (0):
Hoopla (0):
notscience (0):

Not Voting (1): notscience

With 11 voters, 6 votes are required to execute.

Day 2 will end without an execution in (expired on 2020-07-31 03:00:00).
was intended to eb this one. Also look at vote counts around it
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Post Post #2010 (isolation #87) » Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:35 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1598, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:
Day 2's Ninteenth Votecount

Bellaphant (4): Isis, geraintm, notscience, Porkens
Replacement for Sujimichi (4): Galron, bob3141, Hoopla, Not_Mafia
bob3141 (2): Replacement for Sujimichi, Bellaphant
Porkens (0):
UnaBombaH (0):
Not_Mafia (0):
Isis (0):
geraintm (0):
Hoopla (0):
notscience (0):
Galron (0):

Not Voting (1): UnaBombaH

Votes Not Reflected Since The Last Votecount:
bob3141 (3): Not_Mafia

UnaBombaH (1): Not_Mafia

Porkens (1): Not_Mafia

With 11 voters, 6 votes are required to execute.

Day 2 will end without an execution in (expired on 2020-07-31 03:00:00).
Now see how not only did we have a garlon running against a peaked bella. But also a tied RSF with bella. All happening after bella hit e-1

Isis, gerain, NS, NM, porkens

We have nm slot unvote after porkens put bella to e-1. Not really the move of scum. So if nm is scum bella cant be town. As scum nm best move would be to simply wait for hoopla to lolhammer. And by extension a town bella means NM is town. And I don't particularly think NM unvote comes from scum.

So bella/NM is either bella-s/Nm- t or t/t. On that bit before the wagons are taken into account
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Post Post #2092 (isolation #88) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

will be on later today
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Post Post #2108 (isolation #89) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:33 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2019, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:
In post 2016, Isis wrote:gerain you know that his role didn't literally distribute ice cream right
neapolitan is the name of a role that investigates if someone is a vanilla townie
Why did you answer for him? I thought there was potential townspew there.

Bob, my intention was always to vote for Hoopla yesterday, so why are you discounting me because of my vote itself not being on her?
If you were goign to bus i would have thought you would have been on it to get the credit. And i dont overly feel like his vote on you was a bus. Feels more liek scum just pushing somewhere
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Post Post #2109 (isolation #90) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:44 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2098, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:VOTE: Not Mafia

The dream would be Bob + NM. I don't see myself getting Bob today but NM isn't someone people should want to leave around. I asked, and no one could give me an explanation for why Flippy was towny. Promising to catch up a few times, getting demotivated and then repping out is slightly scum-indicative. That's if Flippy prefers town>scum obviously, but I'm just gonna assume he does because 95% of people on this site do.

Ah, but then I think back to the way Isis has been townreading Bob and admitting to not even fully reading his posts but only townreading him off of "tone", and I start to think of Bob+Isis again. Idk, I just don't want to bet the game on NM arbitrarily not being scum. Isis and Bob will (hopefully) become more readable if we hit lylo. NM won't.

im quite readable its just your reads are just awful. If you were being objective you would town read me. Ask youself this, what would my motivation be for my any actions this game be, if scum rather than town.
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Post Post #2110 (isolation #91) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:49 am

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VOTE: Bella
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Post Post #2111 (isolation #92) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:53 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2065, Bellaphant wrote:Some interactions from hoops
In post 79, Hoopla wrote:
In post 78, Bellaphant wrote:I got a weird vibe from Bob and that's ..fine?
how exactly?
Soft defending bob
In post 260, Hoopla wrote:on tone, i like bellaphant for town, and will be relying on her klick-expertise early in the piece. please keep me posted.

unabombah has continued his fervent energy from last game and is my other top pick for town. i haven't seen enough from notscience yet to extend the invitation.

i like isis' capricious nature, though that's probably a personality thing rather than anything alignment related.


(no scum allowed this time):

hoopla (president)

to be continued...
townbloc (+Isis). My inclusion in this was weird at the time, I am not a dominant day one force, but hoops tries to create links to Bella/isis/Una all day.

In post 288, Hoopla wrote:@una

is notscience scum? i don't want to believe it. i think it would break my heart.

In post 292, Hoopla wrote:i'm suitably convinced with galron's progression into this game. i was concerned his early game coolness was an act. it turns out he is actually just cool.


bella, we might have to jump ship...
Can you spell 'pocket'?
In post 513, Hoopla wrote:
In post 503, Bellaphant wrote:UNVOTE:
In post 504, UnaBombaH wrote:UNVOTE: - I locked myself out of my apartment. :facepalm:
town bloc assemble!

is it coincidence? perhaps fate? two important town voices silenced and without a vote; drifting.

meanwhile, a sizzling new wagon opens up?

if this isn't fate, then i don't know what is.
Hoops trying to create a tie between my slot, Una and her
In post 1169, Hoopla wrote:in the interest of working my way back into the game, i am going to do something shocking.

my intuition tells me i may have been wrong on klick - especially upon seeing porken's entry into the game. given i was reading bella as town in relationship to klick's scumminess, i have come to believe i was actually reading them backwards.

VOTE: bella

one of the lemonade-sipping scumbuckets.

more to come
one of Bella or klick must be scum.
In post 1174, Hoopla wrote:
In post 1173, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:
Announcement: Bellaphant is on V/LA until 21/7/2020 12:00:00 GMT+0.
quick, lets get her while she's away!

Does scum do this to a scum buddy? Why?
In post 1176, Hoopla wrote:is it possible i have been wrong yet again with my d1 town bloc declarations?

i bravely called una and bella unequivocally town and wrote them off. now they are both starting to seep into the forefront of my mind. no wonder mafia didn't kill me last night, when i have been such a loyal ally.
Una and Bella again.
In post 1181, Hoopla wrote:another post in which i reevaluate my reads.

after reading geraintm's posts on d2, i think he may actually be town. his looking for popo-related connections appears earnest, and when i reflect on why i thought he was scum in the first place... i believe those feelings were inadequate. i was too heavily relying on early-wagon science (the first wagon-pivot after the RVS wagon often being scum). i had this idea in my head, and wasn't really reading his posts as closely as i should.

based on the way the back half of yesterday went, i believe all our major wagons were town.

scum really were sitting back sipping lemonade it seems.

bella/notscience/una is probably where i'm looking today, and i need to reevaluate isis. i believe i liked her attempts of reading me yesterday, citing a nice balance of paranoia that was nuanced and hard to fake - but i believe her paranoia has tipped over into being uncritically expressed as fact now.

lazy or suspicious?

Bella and Una -and- not science. The possibility of all three being town seems low.. plus more psuedo science about wagons being all town..
In post 1470, Hoopla wrote:hmm, it seems the tides have turned and it looks like a bella vs. sujimichi battle.

bella is back and has found her voice.

sujimichi's hilarity is slowly waning. thanks for the memories.

VOTE: sujimichi
We could vote suji. Or Bella. I've heard that before recently....

My point is, all game hoops made these weird three way connections between me and Una. Either she's : scum and all three of us are scum and hoops is really bad at scum : scum and both of us are town and hoops is really good at pocketing or scum and only one of us is town and the other is the tactic of hard town reading your scum buddy.

Your putting a disproportionate level of effort into defending yourself compared to scum hunting. Seems like you're heavily focused on actually distancing yourself from hoopla. As that wall does come across as towny.
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Post Post #2112 (isolation #93) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:55 am

Post by bob3141 »

Bella i see you have not answered the question. Why did you think popopos/ hoopla was scum/scum

And why you though hoopla a burnt slot if scum would push popopos.

Why did you choose to want the wagon that a player that you thought was scum heavily wanted
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Post Post #2113 (isolation #94) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:00 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2093, Bellaphant wrote:We are on 2000 posts and RFs, bob, NM and Gera have less than 400 posts between them. Its really hard to read that.

@bob, I asked you to reword that question to me, when you are back.

gaslighting much?

Why are you finding it hard to read players with 100 or so posts. In game that has had 20 game days

Do you realy expect all players to be hyper posters?
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Post Post #2114 (isolation #95) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:04 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2087, Bellaphant wrote:Don't say you hadn't considered what like..a town me and town Isis and scum anyone does at lylo.

If your town I don't know hie you get to lylo. I think you said even here you were surprised not to be nk.this thought progresses but I'm sleepy.

I want others opinions. And for bob to come back and make sense

This is classic scum. Rather than fight the argument they just dismiss it.
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Post Post #2115 (isolation #96) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:14 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2023, Bellaphant wrote:I'm not quite sure what bob is arguing? Something about wagons? I think he made the point I made about stagnant wagons yesterday, but is reframing it as new? (I said it, hoops said it, ns reacted against hoops saying it and now bob is presenting it as new and interesting?) This is kind of what happened with his ns argument - I couldn't tell that hed actually read and processed anything around his own 'push'.

Una, I just feel like 'lets lynch Bella' is lazy content right now. I said to you yesterday you've kind of run out of people to scum read and you didn't really respond then either, apart from to soft defend bob.

See here again.You just try to dismiss the blatant fact that once you got wagoned. Counter wagon after counter wagon sprung up.

The fact that the wagons were so spread out after your fist wagon broke up. That when 3-4 wagons were tied it is highly unlikely that scum where concentrated.If you were town why did your wagon stall.

Isis, geraintm, notscience, Porkens. Last two confirmed town

Do you think isis/gerain are scum/scum. As even if one was scum that still left you at l-2. With one confirmed scum that showed no fear of lolhmmaering or pushign players to l-1. so why didnt hoopla join your wagon.
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Post Post #2116 (isolation #97) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:14 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1614, Hoopla wrote:
In post 1611, Galron wrote:Hoopla, why am I a better vote than RFS right now?
i get the feeling the bellaphant wagon is going to collapse.

so, i want to give those on that wagon plenty of good options to pursue when it dissipates.
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Post Post #2117 (isolation #98) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:15 pm

Post by bob3141 »

Here hoopla is actively pushing players to otehr wagons. and not joining yours (above)
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Post Post #2118 (isolation #99) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:18 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1181, Hoopla wrote:another post in which i reevaluate my reads.

after reading geraintm's posts on d2, i think he may actually be town. his looking for popo-related connections appears earnest, and when i reflect on why i thought he was scum in the first place... i believe those feelings were inadequate. i was too heavily relying on early-wagon science (the first wagon-pivot after the RVS wagon often being scum). i had this idea in my head, and wasn't really reading his posts as closely as i should.

based on the way the back half of yesterday went, i believe all our major wagons were town.

scum really were sitting back sipping lemonade it seems.

bella/notscience/una is probably where i'm looking today, and i need to reevaluate isis. i believe i liked her attempts of reading me yesterday, citing a nice balance of paranoia that was nuanced and hard to fake - but i believe her paranoia has tipped over into being uncritically expressed as fact now.

lazy or suspicious?


Your in his poe. Yet guess what he never votes for you.

With ns he was tryign to egg players on. Not knowing that the player i was waitign to flip to learn ns alignment was himself.
He votes una.

And interacts with una and ns. Yet near no interactions with bella
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Post Post #2119 (isolation #100) » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:20 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1773, Hoopla wrote:
In post 1772, Not_Mafia wrote:Please vote Galron
i never imagined deep in day 2 that a clown with hypnotic swinging udders would be calling the shots, but here we are.

i'll vote galron as a compromise - him over sujimichi is much of a muchness as far as i'm concerned, but i'd rather notscience/geraintm/isis vote first before i abandon my post. bella isn't going through, so they can move on.

it also seems that sujimichi/bella's votes on bob are unlikely to go through. so, i think they ought to compromise before me as well.

Here he is pushign against a bella lynch. Trying to get those voting bella to compomise else where.

Yet no stances between and

He claimed to be lookign there but never did
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Post Post #2158 (isolation #101) » Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:15 am

Post by bob3141 »

will be on later today
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Post Post #2159 (isolation #102) » Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:42 am

Post by bob3141 »

Short of time today so will have to catch up tommorrow
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Post Post #2184 (isolation #103) » Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:05 am

Post by bob3141 »

Bella at teh heart of my question is. how did you reconcile hoopla being scum with popopos with hoopla pushing a scum read there.

Although this is also a question I'm interested in una and isis answering. In addition after his role claim how did you read change.
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Post Post #2185 (isolation #104) » Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:13 am

Post by bob3141 »

At those who voted nm. (gerain, rfs and una)

How do you read nm unvote of bella after porkens push bella to l-1?

Now you might town or scum read bella but based on your read on bella. Why do you think a scum nm would unvote in such a way
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Post Post #2220 (isolation #105) » Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:43 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2045, geraintm wrote:
In post 2016, Isis wrote:gerain you know that his role didn't literally distribute ice cream right
neapolitan is the name of a role that investigates if someone is a vanilla townie I think I have basically been playing the last 6 months on this site as a complete idiot. I would like to think that is because I am lulling everyone into a false sense of security and one day it is going to matter and I can turn something I do which is totally stupid into something really smart.
But I actually think I am just bad at this game.

....i honesly thought there would be ice cream :?
I didnt really know what the role did but everyone was saying it would clear the person who was being targeted it and I think I got that and somethig fruit related confused.

I'll get my coat...
Its always helpful to refer to the wiki.

shows the normal roles and modifiers. With links to the roles page
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Post Post #2221 (isolation #106) » Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:53 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 2187, geraintm wrote:
In post 2185, bob3141 wrote:At those who voted nm. (gerain, rfs and una)

How do you read nm unvote of bella after porkens push bella to l-1?

Now you might town or scum read bella but based on your read on bella. Why do you think a scum nm would unvote in such a way
Is this the bit about not mafia in my summary when I said they jumped off Bella quickly, and was why I had them minority tied to Bella from my second tier?

Do you mean . That post is realy hard to read
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Post Post #2226 (isolation #107) » Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:50 am

Post by bob3141 »

im goign to do reread after dinner to see if my poe of isis, bella and una is right. And that my town reads on gerain, rfs and nm are right
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Post Post #2234 (isolation #108) » Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:53 am

Post by bob3141 »

If you town join me on bella then. Be the hammer, once bella has claimed though
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Post Post #2248 (isolation #109) » Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:17 am

Post by bob3141 »

looks like this game is in bit of an impass
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Post Post #2255 (isolation #110) » Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:41 am

Post by bob3141 »

how teh interesting thing is that no one has hammered or given intent on bella. Even though bella is at l-1

Una has stayed l-2 along with nm
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Post Post #2526 (isolation #111) » Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:15 am

Post by bob3141 »

did hope that a town and a town nm would realise if teh other was scum then no way woudl i have been killed
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Post Post #2527 (isolation #112) » Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:25 am

Post by bob3141 »

i was tryign to get scum to think i was a pr to eat teh night kill. Nice to see that scum thought i could be
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Post Post #2529 (isolation #113) » Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:05 am

Post by bob3141 »

suprised the day didnt end with a 1v1 between una and isis. That comutter claim was mutually exclusive with isis tracker claim