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Post Post #27 (isolation #0) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:24 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

way too excited about this PL. perhaps scum seeking to pocket everyone?
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Post Post #49 (isolation #1) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:00 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 42, Battle Mage wrote:let's put it to the test:

I am town.

What do you think?
claiming town on the first page? the scumminess is strong within this one!
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Post Post #70 (isolation #2) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:00 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 68, Battle Mage wrote:just to flag, my activity may be a bit lower in this game, as i now have a few running concurrently and a busy couple weeks ahead.

let's aim to avoid 100 pages for Day 1 to help a brother out. :lol:
^^this, please.

VOTE: dong outright scumclaiming? even scummier than BM townclaiming!
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Post Post #81 (isolation #3) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:11 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 68, Battle Mage wrote:just to flag, my activity may be a bit lower in this game, as i now have a few running concurrently and a busy couple weeks ahead.

let's aim to avoid 100 pages for Day 1 to help a brother out. :lol:
-says this
-also has the most posts and more than double the posts of the person with the second most

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Post Post #82 (isolation #4) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:12 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 80, Tayl0r Swift wrote:my vote on BM was not RVS but rather policy lunch.
i agree, we should all have lunch as a matter of policy.

jokes aside, dong is confscum this game - he even said he was, and what is mafia but a game of blindly believing what people tell you?
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Post Post #106 (isolation #5) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:43 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

actually slight TL on pooky right now because RQS can draw heat and calling attention to themselves doesn't scream scum to me.
In post 90, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Since this is a board game mafia game I suggest we all fill out this questionnaire:

1) What is your Favorite Board Game?
2) Favorite memory playing Board Games?
3) If you could live in the universe of a Board Game - which one would it be?
4) If you were stuck on a desert island with a few friends - and a large supply of food and water - which one board game would you like to have to play while you wait for rescue?
5) If you could pick one board game to never exist - what would it be?
1) Pandemic Legacy S1. For sure. Charterstone is a close second. I really enjoy legacy games.
2) Monopoly game nights were funnnn.
3) Does D&D count? Besides the whole "omnipotence" thing, being a DM there would be a pretty lit game world to live in.
4) So mad that I can't put a legacy game here, because they run out too easily. I'd put Scythe, because I'd love to get better at strategizing there.
5) Ticket to Ride. I've been forced to play that farrr too many times.
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Post Post #232 (isolation #6) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:03 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.
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Post Post #237 (isolation #7) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:43 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 227, shellyc wrote:Well that was close

meh bob I’ll trust your judgement and I know your read accuracy is pretty high

the first time I saw ydrasse post I pretty much had the same reaction as bob, just I have logical lapses in that I cant really detail all my thought processes
In post 235, bob3141 wrote:
In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a
weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says
. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.

explain the bold. As i dont see her distancing from her own reads. At most shelly is saying that she trust me when i say that the start of day one is best used to town hunt.
hm, maybe i'm mistaken about that part? 227 looked like to me a "okay i'll stop pushing ydrasse because i trust bob" which feels off to me in a game where she hasn't said she TRs you and she shouldn't be explicitly trusting people this early into d1. dk, felt off to me.
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Post Post #363 (isolation #8) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:07 am

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 231, shellyc wrote:ftr fence-sitting is quite the newbscum tell so don’t know what to make out of this yet

do you have any more, no matter if they are alignment indicative or reads or what not, thoughts on the interactions?
In post 335, shellyc wrote:ah, the classic fence-sit (which isnt AI especially this early on tbh)

look @mini everyone can clearly see you’re bullshitting and if you’re town you need to seriously reconsider

nobody on this plist has played with town!me I think
this feels weird to me. "fencesitting is newbscum" to "fence setting isn't AI - especially this early on", where "especially" here implies that fence sitting is NAI in general.
In post 355, shellyc wrote:also, backtracking on golden isn’t essentially the greatest look ever

can we shift the convo back to ydrasse: why do you think ydrasse high efforting this is town!AI especially with this cool plist
Do you acknowledge that ydrasse isnt trying to solve, they’re trying to prod mini into talking and after mini talks, they don’t make a read on mini or give their thoughts at all
gamma has made it quite clear that that was a typo and they don't actually have a read on me, you should probably reread this.
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Post Post #388 (isolation #9) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:42 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

@gamma or, you could vote shelly!
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Post Post #413 (isolation #10) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:42 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 409, the worst wrote:quackup mod egopost.
(should have done this sooner, sorry all)
i'm convinced tw just backs up games bc he likes saying this
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Post Post #415 (isolation #11) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:45 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

gutreads as i'm on mobile and retiring for the night soon: bob is a hard null and ydrasse is a TL simply because i scumread you and don't think scum!you deathtunnels a partner at the beginning of d1
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Post Post #428 (isolation #12) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:12 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 419, shellyc wrote:mini doesn’t like to bus

you probably know this

as scum I tunnel *less* explicitly, in one of my first scumgames I was very agreeable and basically the inverse of my play here
pedit: no that wasn’t a good enough answer
DAYVIG: Ydrasse
is this serious
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Post Post #429 (isolation #13) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:12 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

In post 427, Ydrasse wrote:shelly, claim please.
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Post Post #2283 (isolation #14) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:10 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

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Post Post #2285 (isolation #15) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:10 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

gg everyone
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Post Post #2287 (isolation #16) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:13 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

i think both options would have played out to a scum win ngl
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Post Post #2289 (isolation #17) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:32 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

no mafia pt redactions from me
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Post Post #2291 (isolation #18) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:51 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

good setup, nice flavor, all around well modded game. i enjoyed.

this is definitely a lesson in "pooky gambits can fuck you over"

honestly scared of anyone with a pre-2010 join date :lol:
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Post Post #2300 (isolation #19) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:40 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

it was 100% pooky, absolute kudos go there. that play was something i could have never anticipated myself. honestly, just honored to watch it happen.
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Post Post #2303 (isolation #20) » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:03 pm

Post by TheGoldenParadox »

thinking about nomming pooky for a scummie. can i nom for master strategist even though it's technically a town award?