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Post Post #1548 (isolation #200) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:45 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1544, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Does FL have a history of changing personalities midgame? ... #p12320813

Yep. Did so just recently even where I channeled my playstyle from 2014 day 1.

I also have done the exact same thing in every game I’ve ever played on as Pretentious because it’s hard to keep that posting style up.

Looks like we found the other scum in Gamma.

Gamma-Norwegian, Nero might be town, idk, I like being tunneled there but maybe just because it annoys them.
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Post Post #1550 (isolation #201) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:46 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1547, Nero Cain wrote:here's the thing. muh was unclaimed IF he was a town PR then Boon is 100% fucking over town. Its not a play that town should EVER make. Thus he is not town.
@Taylor - You see what’s wrong with this statement from someone who’s known me for years? You noticed something about me from only a few games that contradicts this. Can you state what it is? I’m trying to see how obvious it is for you as well, is why I’m not straight up stating why. I will if need be.
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Post Post #1551 (isolation #202) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:47 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1549, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 1547, Nero Cain wrote:here's the thing. muh was unclaimed IF he was a town PR then Boon is 100% fucking over town. Its not a play that town should EVER make. Thus he is not town.
Read the game I linked. He hammered the unclaimed
town cop
as town.
Lol, I deserve the situation I’m in right now, I definitely agree with that. Like I get why people can scum read me here, Nero, don’t get me wrong, I just am town
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Post Post #1578 (isolation #203) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:16 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1575, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1329, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1326, Nero Cain wrote:you can talk to tay and gamma while my vote is on you. this is just boon trying to manipulate the town into unvoting him.
I am not trying to get the town to unvote me.

I’m trying to get you to.

ScumYou needs to keep pressure on me because you’re afraid TownMe will be out of this.

Here’s the thing.

I don’t want out o this.

I’m happy to be the fade, just give it a couple days irl time.
Town!Flavor doesn’t work out of lims near as much as scum!Flavor does imo.

Then that’s outdated or falsefied (in the sense i might have tricked you into believing that is my meta) meta because I’m town here.

I also don’t completely comprehend what was meant
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Post Post #1580 (isolation #204) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:19 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1567, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1296, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1257, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1248, Umlaut wrote:I'm willing to wait and hear whether anyone who does know your play can back this up, but I can't put much stock in a tell that you're self-aware of.
I won 10 scum games in 2019, was on a 2 and half year scum streak in 2015-2017? I believe? Then went almost another 2 years after losing.

I have even written a scum guide in the Mafia Discussion forum if you’d like to check that out to see how I am as scum.
Lol. It seems like everytime Flavour get's pushed=
>They start talking about how epic their scum game is and how they wouldn't be failing this hard if they weren't town.
I feel like this is definitely more of a scum!FL thing
He tries to gaslight and deflect with stupid self meta arguments that either make no sense or border on trust tells.
In post 1574, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Encourage Pretentious to go after other targets besides Nero and Norway because I have some decent experience with them.
I actively moved away from Nero, and I was town reading Norwegian. That is a good avenue to go through.
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Post Post #1584 (isolation #205) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:20 pm

Post by Pretentious »

I think Taylor is town, i liked that post of hers. I was more referring to me caring about day play over PR, because why would scum not claim PR day 1 if they are going down.

Also, Nero tried to make a playing against wincon case.

Does anyone here think I won’t do everything I can to win? As either alignment?
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Post Post #1585 (isolation #206) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:21 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1583, Tayl0r Swift wrote:flavor youve been saying all day you wanted to talk to me. im here now. have anything to say?

Hi. How are you? You doing well behind the scenes? Just checking up, ya know.

I wanted to see you post in real time. I’ve done so.

Gamma might be town also, but I’m not as confident in that.
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Post Post #1587 (isolation #207) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:21 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1581, NoPowerOverMe wrote:LOL. If anything i'm the quarterback here.
Toss me the ball, I’m fast, I can catch. We got it.
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Post Post #1588 (isolation #208) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:22 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1579, Tayl0r Swift wrote:i could go for a NPOM wagon. sitting on the sidelines and not doing much. IV is still obvtown imo.
I actually like him there looking back on it in regards to Nero vs Me.

Look at Norwegian in that same position.
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Post Post #1591 (isolation #209) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:24 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1589, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1502, Pretentious wrote:@Taylor - why would I ever claim VT as scum here?

From the little you’ve played with me, i feel like you should already know that is not in my MO.
i mean maybe not but the way youre pushing it hard that youd never do it means its pure wifom. im gonna sort you based on play and not based on claims.
My claims are my play. Had I claimed a PR, i would have gotten pressure off easily.

Instead, I created an infinite amount of strings to be able to analyze and help town come to victory, while also successfully entering this game.
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Post Post #1593 (isolation #210) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:25 pm

Post by Pretentious »

And the ABR-FL power duo is in full effect. Me trying to pocket there if scum 100% gets me killed this game.
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Post Post #1596 (isolation #211) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:26 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1592, Nero Cain wrote:oh, i think quickhammering a unclaimed as scum is playing to your wincon. I think quick hammering a unclaimed as town that you are town reading is against your wincon.
I feel you’ve played with me long enough to know I don’t care about claims in that regard because of the sheer ability I have to claim my way out of it.

If people wanna claim, they should do it before L-1. It’s not hard to see when a wagon is gonna boom.
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Post Post #1597 (isolation #212) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:26 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1595, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1591, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1589, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1502, Pretentious wrote:@Taylor - why would I ever claim VT as scum here?

From the little you’ve played with me, i feel like you should already know that is not in my MO.
i mean maybe not but the way youre pushing it hard that youd never do it means its pure wifom. im gonna sort you based on play and not based on claims.
My claims are my play. Had I claimed a PR, i would have gotten pressure off easily.

Instead, I created an infinite amount of strings to be able to analyze and help town come to victory, while also successfully entering this game.
but like... thats bordering on a trust tell.

Only if I’ve never done it, which isn’t the case. I’m positive I’ve done it at least once.
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Post Post #1600 (isolation #213) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:28 pm

Post by Pretentious »

I was known for being incredibly anti bus for like a year and a half. Not that I don’t bus.

I will claim scum as VT with knowledge that I don’t think that’s a good play.

Do you think I’m using that card here is the real question? What purpose does playing that spell card do here?
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Post Post #1601 (isolation #214) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:30 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1599, Tayl0r Swift wrote:but youre saying you never would. im just gonna say that while i think youre probably town here, im gonna more or less ignore the claim.

You’re right, technically, I never would here, that’s the point I’m trying to make.

And this entire conversation is why that card would have been useless here to waste. Does that make sense?

Like you are aware I have the card to play, why is that optimal in any way here? Why waste that card on something like this, a game I wasn’t caring too much about, a game I was already L-1.
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Post Post #1605 (isolation #215) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:32 pm

Post by Pretentious »

But it’s not a trust tell because I’m actively telling you, I have that card, and maybe will use it eventually, maybe I’ll throw it out.

That’s the difference.

I’m not actively flipping my card for you to see, which is what a trust tell is.

I don’t trust tell since that one time like 5 years ago, because it ruins the integrity of the game.

What I’m doing is what every player should be aware of certain plays they can make, but like I’ve just played a lot of mafia.
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Post Post #1607 (isolation #216) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:34 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1603, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1387, Nero Cain wrote:when Boon is town he gets frustrated and he's NOT survivorlistic. He is here.
The thing that bothers me about the survivalism is he’s not sticking to it. He keeps alternating between being okay with being limmed and not. It definitely feels like he’s trying to ride the line here.

Yeah, at the end of the day, if I get faded here, I will be laughing in y’all’s face for it, specifically Taylor, Gamma, Nero, whichever of the yous are town as proof you can’t read me either.

I’m VT in a large normal Day 1. If I die here, I’m barely part of this game, I’d blame it on me replacing in and not caring anyways.

I’ll still do my best to make sure, but in the grand scheme of things.

I replaced into Betrayal and didn’t care a single bit. I actually meant to cancel my replace in, but i forgot i messaged on 2 accounts because I wanted to play on FL, and forgot to delete that one.
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Post Post #1608 (isolation #217) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:34 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1606, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1405, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1403, Nero Cain wrote:I think it's pretty obvious I'm town but if ppl want to scum read me that's fine but I think it's only fair that Boon flips first.
I think it’s beyond obvious that I am town.

Like I said, we have a while before the day is up. No harm in using that time.

Let me talk with Taylor and Gamma.
If you want me to humor you, you have to promise you will not resort to the typical crap you spew out.
Every game I treat differently, i live in the moment.

I got the gift of gab. Can’t shake it
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Post Post #1612 (isolation #218) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:38 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1610, Nero Cain wrote:u say u don't care but you sure DO seem to care about not being eliminated.

Even when I don’t care I will give 100% to the game so that I can say I did everything in my power to get people to read me correctly from the spot I am currently in.

It’s just my level of sportsmanship. Anything goes in the arena, but as soon as we get out of the game, I’m Gucci, ya know
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Post Post #1617 (isolation #219) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:43 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1616, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1455, Pretentious wrote:I think NoPower is probably town after thinking about it.

The fact I town read Norwegian probably means she’s scum trying to get town read and push the fade through.
This is such a bad and slimy take on Nor trying to cast doubt on his obvtown status

No it’s not.

It’s the epitome and incredibly similar to me coming into that one game I vigged Golden, and went after BM, then turned on them.
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Post Post #1622 (isolation #220) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:45 pm

Post by Pretentious »

The play and claims being different and separate thing is pretty rough, but i think it comes from newer town than scum by both guill and Taylor.
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Post Post #1625 (isolation #221) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:45 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1621, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Could be but 3P is pretty likely in a large setup isn't it?
NPO is town af, especially after these past comments.
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Post Post #1627 (isolation #222) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:46 pm

Post by Pretentious »

Gamma, you’ve just been hurt by ScumMe too many times. I’m not scum here.
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Post Post #1629 (isolation #223) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:46 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1626, Umlaut wrote:
In post 1615, NoPowerOverMe wrote:My guess on a setup is 11/5/1
How is your guess based on zero flips supposed to be useful information
They just being cute, it’s why they town.
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Post Post #1630 (isolation #224) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:47 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1628, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1620, Guillotina wrote:So you are saying that Pretentious and Muh are a team?
That’s what Occam’s Razor points to imo

Exactly, gamma. When is me being scum ever the Occam’s razor instead of the tinfoil?
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Post Post #1631 (isolation #225) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:47 pm

Post by Pretentious »

You’re getting there, Gamma. We can do this together.
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Post Post #1633 (isolation #226) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:48 pm

Post by Pretentious »

@Gamma - i literally can’t say anything to help reassure you I’m town without me looking like I’m scum trying to once again fool you.

I am not scum. What do we do? Lol
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Post Post #1634 (isolation #227) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:49 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1632, Nero Cain wrote:like Boon saying that I slipped when I assumed the normal setup of 13/4 and then when I asked how many scum he thinks in this setup are and he said 4 or 5 I think thats super hypocritical and a 12/5 is scumsided so it wouldn't be that. He's angry that not a dumb townie.
I was tunneled, and i yell slip every game I play.

Hell, i slip every game i play, as town and scum.
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Post Post #1639 (isolation #228) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:52 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1635, Umlaut wrote:Also want to note that Pretentious' own description of his meta for being able to talk down his wagons as scum, but not as town, if taken seriously means that by letting up on him we're letting scum go.

Exactly why I’m town.

Like it all makes sense and doesn’t make sense, it’s like LSD.
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Post Post #1641 (isolation #229) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:53 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1638, Nero Cain wrote:eliminating a scummy VT seems like a good play but he's prob just a goon.

If i was a goon claiming VT on Day 1 as a PR, I’d slap myself and lock myself in my room with no dinner.

I do that anyways, but I’m not gonna be happy about doing it that time.

That’s some basic ass scum play, and frankly, now I’m offended. Hmph.
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Post Post #1642 (isolation #230) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:55 pm

Post by Pretentious »

i am a very unorthodox player, i am aware, but 8 think if you can get past me making self meta comments and stuff like that, i feel I’ve been very good at explaining my thoughts on slots, alongside why I am town.

As town, what else would you have me do?

I could post some reads, but they would be forced. I bring up my thoughts on people when they come up in real time.

Occasionally I’ll do giant walls, but frankly, that’s Better for stagnate games.
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Post Post #1646 (isolation #231) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:57 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1644, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1492, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I'd rather Pretentious show me he's town than tell me he's town but he's not.
This is probably the biggest problem he has. He has to tell people what he’s like rather than just show it.
Only 8f you look at things on a surface level.
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Post Post #1647 (isolation #232) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:58 pm

Post by Pretentious »

In post 1645, innocentvillager wrote:what the fuck guys

Hey you just dealt with town me getting shaded all day 1 and 2, what’s up over there.
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Post Post #1649 (isolation #233) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:59 pm

Post by Pretentious »

Damn, even town me can run the gauntlet like this. I’m so happy actually right now.
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Post Post #1650 (isolation #234) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:00 pm

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Just fade me Day 3. Like it’s the best rule, people always say it, but then don’t.

Fade me Day 3 if I am not confirmed town or dead.
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Post Post #1653 (isolation #235) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:01 pm

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Also, for future reference, anyone ever asks me why I would fake claim as town, this is why.
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Post Post #1656 (isolation #236) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:03 pm

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In post 1651, innocentvillager wrote:I mean, this looks exactly like Mini 2167 april, I thought JV was town and I definitely think you are town

Also I’m not sheeping any of your D1 reads for now, lol

Hey, that’s fair.

But my Day 2 and Day 3 went well.

It’s just hard to follow because i scum read town reads and town read scum reads.p, which makes it look weird and confusing.

I play a strong devil’s advocate to make sure we exhaust options before hitting scum correctly to a townie who is sheepable.
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Post Post #1657 (isolation #237) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:03 pm

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In post 1654, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 1650, Pretentious wrote:Just fade me Day 3. Like it’s the best rule, people always say it, but then don’t.

Fade me Day 3 if I am not confirmed town or dead.
?? You claimed vt right

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Post Post #1661 (isolation #238) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:04 pm

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Nero probably just doesn’t want to have to kill me especially now that he knows I’m VT
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Post Post #1665 (isolation #239) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:07 pm

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In post 1663, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1657, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1654, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 1650, Pretentious wrote:Just fade me Day 3. Like it’s the best rule, people always say it, but then don’t.

Fade me Day 3 if I am not confirmed town or dead.
?? You claimed vt right

so if you are town why aren't you fakeclaiming?
I haven’t fake claimed as town in a long time.

Let me tell you. Mistake. Especially because I push to read people off my play rather than claims. Day play people, night is just sprinkles.

I do heavily imply and WIFOM, but not claim like i used to left and right. Just gotta rotate out play styles, ya know.
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Post Post #1668 (isolation #240) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:08 pm

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In post 1664, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1523, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1521, Albert B. Rampage wrote:You owed me one for replacing out of my game and then paid me back by replacing into my slot in Lillith's bastard game :)
Yeah, what a dead slot. I went full open wolf, but I thought someone was gonna get brought down with me at least. :lol:
You wanna know why that didn’t happen? I cut your attempts short. The worst thing to let a scum!Boon do is spread his treacherous fingers into the game and let him finge-puppet everyone into doing what he wants.

I didn’t notice. I went in and just wanted to play Martyr like I do on Morality.

I almost replaced into this game on that account. Imagine if I had. Lol.
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Post Post #1669 (isolation #241) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:10 pm

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I didn’t really even know the objective of betrayal, i don’t play a lot of games like that type of mech heavy.

I also don’t even really like Betrayal the board game.
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Post Post #1672 (isolation #242) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:12 pm

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In post 1670, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1666, Guillotina wrote:im town and Im townread by a good amount of people here. Including me in that list is more of a red flag against you.
you don't seem very good or experienced to me, that's why you are on that this.

It wasn't a reads list like Taylor was saying.
Weak discredit attempt. I would know.
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Post Post #1673 (isolation #243) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:13 pm

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In post 1671, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1547, Nero Cain wrote:here's the thing. muh was unclaimed IF he was a town PR then Boon is 100% fucking over town. Its not a play that town should EVER make. Thus he is not town.
Talk about this?

Not gonna lie, i didn’t notice if he had claimed or not, nor did i care, you are right.

He could have claimed, and i wouldn’t have even known either way.

This is a moot thread.
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Post Post #1676 (isolation #244) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:14 pm

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I just actively do not think of claims and L-1 like most players. This is incredibly backed up because anyone who knows me knows I usually claim far before L-1, in addition to my quick hammer without claim. I’ve done that since 2014, and have evolved my feelings on that. I don’t always do that.

Sometimes I defend scum hard when I am town. I did that with Gamma recently.
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Post Post #1678 (isolation #245) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:15 pm

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In post 1675, Guillotina wrote:
In post 1453, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1450, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1445, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1443, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1437, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1433, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1428, Pretentious wrote:I promise something cool will happen around vote 4 or 5
is it that your team will dogpile on me?
Nah, your team will make sure a new wagon happens.
my team is 12 players big so it's too big to be the scum team.

TMI on how many scum players there are.
how many scum do YOU think are in a 17 player?

4 or 5, it’s in that middle ground.

You know you just scum slipped there, but it’s not like that’ll actually be used as a reason.
5 players in a normal 17-players game is not absurd. Even in bastard games it is impossible.

3-4 is the right amount. 3 if wolves got OP abilities. 4 if wolves are balanced.

I would say we got 4 probably based on where normal games are right now.
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Post Post #1680 (isolation #246) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:17 pm

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In post 1677, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1671, Gamma Emerald wrote:here's the thing. muh was unclaimed IF he was a town PR then Boon is 100% fucking over town. Its not a play that town should EVER make. Thus he is not town.

I think it's 100% the correct play for town to wait on a claim b4 hammer. Him not doing that is scummy and anti-town.

See now you’re using my Mafilosophy as a crutch to push.

You know for a fact that is how I see it, which makes this a moot and policy reasoning, which completely executes your entire push because it shows that you are trying to just push through, looking for a fade.

You have just been shouting scum, and using weak weak incorrect or outdated meta.
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Post Post #1681 (isolation #247) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:18 pm

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In post 1679, Nero Cain wrote:boon said there could be 5 b/c he's trying to look uninformed.
This is probably exactly what Nero was trying to do.
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Post Post #1682 (isolation #248) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:18 pm

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Reverse uno card
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Post Post #1683 (isolation #249) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:18 pm

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Do not pass go.
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Post Post #1685 (isolation #250) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:19 pm

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He could be town, i really don’t know at this point. I’ve gone back and forth with him, but he might be doing that on purpose.

We could fade him.

Worst case scenario we lose a VT.
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Post Post #1687 (isolation #251) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:20 pm

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Nero, if you’re town, see that you’re in a TvT, lol.
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Post Post #1690 (isolation #252) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:21 pm

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Flip your read on me, then go look at Norwegian in our 1v1 from the eyes of me being a flipped greenie
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Post Post #1691 (isolation #253) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:22 pm

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In post 1688, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1687, Pretentious wrote:Nero, if you’re town, see that you’re in a TvT, lol.
this doesnt feel genuine.

Thanks. Taylor here knows scum me is ultra genuine feeling and town me is not.
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Post Post #1692 (isolation #254) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:22 pm

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@Nero - Gamma is scum with Norwegian if you are town.
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Post Post #1695 (isolation #255) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:24 pm

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What are your said terms Gamma?

I’m likely just not reading your posts that much because they’re not that interesting, and you have flavor Fever if you are town, or you are scum.

Those are the only 2 options
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Post Post #1696 (isolation #256) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:24 pm

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In post 1694, Nero Cain wrote:i'll sheep you on Norway if you flip town. take the 1 for 1
Sheep me on Gamma if Norway flips scum, and you got a deal. I’ll die for you Day 3.
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Post Post #1698 (isolation #257) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:25 pm

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I am absolutely not worried about getting pressure off of me right now, Gamma is just pushing a narrative.

My pressure is already off, and I’m still trollin’ y’all scummies. I am town.
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Post Post #1699 (isolation #258) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:25 pm

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In post 1697, Nero Cain wrote:nope
Alright way to give me a deal then say sike. Rude.
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Post Post #1702 (isolation #259) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:27 pm

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I think Nero is just in a bad tunnel, and Gamma’s trying to make sure pressure comes to me now, but at the same time, Gamma has gotten screwed over more than like anyone on site to scumMe, so he gets like PTSD probably
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Post Post #1705 (isolation #260) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:29 pm

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In post 1701, Nero Cain wrote:wait you think that Norway and Gamma are both scum right? I will 100% hard push them if you are town and you don't want to die to kill 5% of the scum team?
Why would I ever sit down to die here rather than just pushing for who I think is scum? Something that the other people have been asking me to do. Show them why I am town. Pushing my scum reads, which I am doing with Norwegian, and to an extent you and Gamma.

I have actively stated my town reads on ABR, IV, Guillo, Taylor, and No Power.

This is no longer about me and my reads. This is about me playing to help others town read me correctly.

Like IV said, following my Day 1 isn’t always great. I town blocked like the entire scum team in Ilicit Substances, but then turned on them and called them all out as scum.
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Post Post #1706 (isolation #261) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:30 pm

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In post 1704, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1570, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Guys.

Would it make sense if we just let them catch up and post their reads first?

We have plenty of time.

Nero/Gamma/NPOM, if Pretentious doesn't prove themselves useful in the next few days, I will vote them out myself. Let's cool it. We can always put our votes back on. They aren't going anywhere.
I feel like you should be perfectly aware of how scummy this sounds after Betrayal mafia
i think you think i remember these games more than i do.

I can remember some games completely, but i was a bit player in that game.
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Post Post #1711 (isolation #262) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:33 pm

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Hear me, hear me, Town of Large Normal 230,

I know I have an unorthodox playstyle, but the pairing of ABR and I have the potential to completely dominate against scum, And end up with me being night killed.

I ask you, what do you need from me to show you that I am town? I will try my best to make sure that I do what I can so you can accurately read me. I will give thoughts when I have them, I’ll try to make sense of anything you ask of me, and I’ll try to respond where I can.
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Post Post #1728 (isolation #263) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:53 pm

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In post 1714, Nero Cain wrote:like Boon, you've been here how long now and you feel like it's acceptable play to quickhammer without a claim?
On Day 1, yes.

I'm pretty sure it's been established that my personal mafia philosophy does not align with this site, but I do abide by the site's meta a lot as well.
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Post Post #1730 (isolation #264) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:53 pm

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and it's really a case by case basis, but i think most people think it's a never never, and I think it's a usually.
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Post Post #1731 (isolation #265) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:54 pm

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In post 1726, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1695, Pretentious wrote:What are your said terms Gamma?

I’m likely just not reading your posts that much because they’re not that interesting, and you have flavor Fever if you are town, or you are scum.

Those are the only 2 options
You need to accept being the lim today, and if you flip town I will follow your reads as best I can. But at this point you need to not make any more moves to break from that play in order for me to trust you.
Do this on a later day. My Day 1 reads havent been great lately.
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Post Post #1732 (isolation #266) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:54 pm

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In post 1724, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1685, Pretentious wrote:Worst case scenario we lose a VT.
For real? Why the certainty he isn’t town PR???
he aint no town pr
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Post Post #1733 (isolation #267) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:55 pm

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In post 1716, muh316 wrote:How tf do we have 20 pages in a span of a few hours. Anybody got a tl;dr?
I went to quickhammer you, and they turned it all on me when I was barely even in this game at the time.

They asked for the Flavor, but they can't handle the SPICE
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Post Post #1747 (isolation #268) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:27 pm

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In post 1737, Nero Cain wrote:town Boon gets mad and flips a table when pushed. He knows he's not town.

Also, remember that JV made a pointless rushed "catchup" in an attempt to get pressure off them.
as scum, id have faked flipping tables a long time ago. this is just coincidental meta, even if outdated and situational.
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Post Post #1753 (isolation #269) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:47 pm

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@Muh - Come over to our side of the bridge, we're friendlier here, vote Norwegian.

They're trying to fade you and I.
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Post Post #1754 (isolation #270) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:48 pm

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In post 1750, Tayl0r Swift wrote:i unvoted but didnt really like any of the other wagons. dont think i wanna go back to the pretentious wagon.

VOTE: muh

ngl it feels like i have no power and town are being led from a really good place to a really bad place. i trust abr and im willing to work with flavor for now at least. but im not gonna vote norwee. unless im missing something big here, norwee is town.

what specifically are you seeing from them that you think can't be done by scum them?
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Post Post #1976 (isolation #271) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:12 am

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I've been thinking. It's been a long time since I was a Day 1 Misfade, and I see some good in it, so anyone who votes me today MUST think I'm scum. I dont want any policy people, that's trash at this point.'

I want people to know they can't read me after misfading me.
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Post Post #1977 (isolation #272) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:13 am

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Plus, I'm bored.
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Post Post #1978 (isolation #273) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:13 am

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We can make a deal. Everyone after this day phase who can't read me must type "I solemnly swear I cannot read the Almight Emperor Flavor". Scum, you don't have to say this, you know I'm town, so youre exempt, you can vote me.
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Post Post #1979 (isolation #274) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:14 am

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In post 1977, Pretentious wrote:Plus, I'm bored.
I just dont wanna catch up, and it's been one day.
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Post Post #1980 (isolation #275) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:17 am

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I feel like if I try, there's no way I get faded today, but effort, so the Almight Emperor Flavor wishes to be misfaded by the fools of this town.
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Post Post #1981 (isolation #276) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:18 am

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After I die, fade through in Nero, Norwegian, and Gamma. Never should they end game.

Me in death here with this statement is stronger than me living, tbh
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Post Post #1982 (isolation #277) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:18 am

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no exceptions. they die.
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Post Post #1983 (isolation #278) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:19 am

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In post 1974, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 1971, Gamma Emerald wrote:It's kinda wrong by omission, if that's even a thing? The fact stated are true but it misses part of the picture. The thing about not having read all my stuff makes sense, and though I thought it might have been suspect the fact you called yourself on it so quickly makes me think it's not really indicative, just a thing that happened, though I'm concerned about you missing that despite seeming caught up.
when i say i skimmed the 25 pages of boon flailing and you guys grilled him, i really mean i skimmed it

i wasn't exactly trying to sort every single post moreso than to just figure out what was going on
It might be worth looking back into. The scum came out hard there. Look at Norwegian, they PlusJoyed me while pushing me.
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Post Post #1984 (isolation #279) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:19 am

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My sword fights are the magnum opus of finding scum.
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Post Post #1985 (isolation #280) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:21 am

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In post 1970, Guillotina wrote:
In post 1962, Gamma Emerald wrote:oh fuck no I am NOT reading all those linked posts, you need to actually weave a real thread of logic through Nero's posts vs. just reacting to everything he says if you want me to even consider dealing with that crap. As it is I'm writing that off as a bunch of circumstantial shit, if Guillo wants to convince me he's gonna have to break that shit DOWN.
By the way, how do you figure it is all circumstantial shit if you havent read it?
Gamma's scum 100% of the time here, Guill.

Nero isn't. That's why.

I recommend fading Norwegian --> Gamma --> Nero this game. It will hit at least 2 scum.
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Post Post #1986 (isolation #281) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:23 am

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No matter what I'll always pretend anyone who doesn't say the Almight Emperor Flavor line has said it anyways, so like might as well say it
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Post Post #1989 (isolation #282) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:27 am

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In post 1987, NorwegianboyEE wrote:*yawn*
Are you done?
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Post Post #1990 (isolation #283) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:27 am

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In post 1988, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Get your shit together, we have a game to win FL.
it's just a ploy to show how unbelievably obv town I am.

I'm a performer at heart, body, and mind.
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Post Post #1991 (isolation #284) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:28 am

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Look, I don't know so much about Non, but Norwegian is actual scum, and everyone here will realize "Damn, Pretentious really knew their shit!" later.
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Post Post #1993 (isolation #285) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:29 am

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Gamma's the buddy.
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Post Post #1994 (isolation #286) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:30 am

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I think Non is generally misfade bait.
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Post Post #1997 (isolation #287) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:31 am

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In post 1955, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1877, innocentvillager wrote:i mean, that is essentially the only reason why scum would ever claim VT on d1
or to avoid getting CCed on an unwise claim
Like, this actually proves Gamma is scum to me.

I don't give a shit if I get CC'd, I got the gift of gab, baby, and I know how to fake claim. He knows this. He's just discrediting any possible threads that prove I'm town.
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Post Post #1998 (isolation #288) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:32 am

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In post 1996, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Gamma and Nero are town.
Nero, might be.

Gamma, is not.
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Post Post #2000 (isolation #289) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:35 am

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Post Post #2002 (isolation #290) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:36 am

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Just sounds like you refuse to improve on your shortcomings.
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Post Post #2004 (isolation #291) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:36 am

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In post 2001, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1991, Pretentious wrote:Look, I don't know so much about Non, but Norwegian is actual scum, and everyone here will realize "Damn, Pretentious really knew their shit!" later.
Yeah, you will either be remembered as scum or an failure that tunnels town for shit reasons.
Disagree, you're just using that as a block for your own inexperience if you are town.
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Post Post #2006 (isolation #292) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:38 am

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Like, honestly, it's just a bad read. It's a fear kill. I'm too good as scum for you guys to ever see townFlavor like that again. It's simple.

Only the weak players and scum target me here.
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Post Post #2007 (isolation #293) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:38 am

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In post 2005, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1981, Pretentious wrote:After I die, fade through in Nero, Norwegian, and Gamma. Never should they end game.

Me in death here with this statement is stronger than me living, tbh
Maybe if you’d taken this path before the pressure on you diffused, it would look genuine. Now that everyone’s looking elsewhere it hella isn’t. You are an arrogant pile of crap and if you’re town you have proven you aren’t willing to show it with real effort that doesn’t amount to shading the conftown and those pressuring you.

@ABR are you gonna give up the ghost on this one yet?
Might be shit, but I'm still The Shit. ;)
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Post Post #2009 (isolation #294) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:39 am

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I've completely stopped caring here, if anyone ever thinks I play like this as scum

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Post Post #2010 (isolation #295) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:39 am

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In post 2008, Albert B. Rampage wrote:If you're town they are doing you a favor by suspecting you so you don't get NK'd. Survive today and get your head in the game for tomorrow.
Yeah, I'm half doing this as a bit, don't worry.

People think I'm for real, though, and it's funny.
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Post Post #2011 (isolation #296) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:40 am

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I've shown I'm town in so many ways at this point, now I'm living the paradise life.
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Post Post #2015 (isolation #297) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:41 am

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In post 2012, NorwegianboyEE wrote:This "oh scum is afraid of me" is garbage anyway. If so why not just not pressure you and nightkill you instead, dumbass.
who are you?
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Post Post #2017 (isolation #298) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:42 am

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In post 2013, Albert B. Rampage wrote:It doesn't help you or anyone else and it doesn't make the game enjoyable, I think it makes people cringe.
That's my bread and butter.

Think I'm enjoying the game? I spent like 30 pages with these noperinos going over my thoughts on this game I replaced in late, on an alt that's obviously taking a backseat to my Mod account and Main account, and I took like what, 2-3 days to start posting?

Yeah, right. I'm the cringe. :roll:
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Post Post #2020 (isolation #299) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:44 am

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Like I said, I ain't no jibroni. I'm gonna push til the end, but excuse me if the Almight Emperor Mind doesn't wanna give the courtesy of appearing in the presence of this game anymore. I've done what I can on Day 1. People just like to get stuck in the Circular WIFOM. Need to learn how to hula hoop it, people.
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Post Post #2022 (isolation #300) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:45 am

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In post 2018, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2015, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2012, NorwegianboyEE wrote:This "oh scum is afraid of me" is garbage anyway. If so why not just not pressure you and nightkill you instead, dumbass.
who are you?
Town. Who are you? I keep forgetting, what role did you say you rolled in this game again?
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Post Post #2024 (isolation #301) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:45 am

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In post 2022, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2018, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2015, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2012, NorwegianboyEE wrote:This "oh scum is afraid of me" is garbage anyway. If so why not just not pressure you and nightkill you instead, dumbass.
who are you?
Town. Who are you? I keep forgetting, what role did you say you rolled in this game again?
I claimed forever ago, dude
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Post Post #2026 (isolation #302) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:46 am

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In post 2023, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
Exactly why I'm town.

Step up if you are town.

Play next level for once, rather than Level 1 or 2.
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Post Post #2028 (isolation #303) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:47 am

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I can work every single player in this game simultaneously while they think I'm being legit. Sure, that's my style.

But you are dead wrong, and if you don't think I've played this game, open your eyes and break through that surface level, Gamma.

You are wrong if you are town here, and you have everything you need to see it.
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Post Post #2030 (isolation #304) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:48 am

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If you are town, you are actively choosing not to see it, which is fine, I've fucked you over as scum so many times, it makes sense.

I am not scum here. I have given you everything. Look past the surface level of what I've done, and see the damn invisible effect I have on the game, for once. Come on.
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Post Post #2031 (isolation #305) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:48 am

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In post 2029, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Wait Pretentious... Are you saying you're town?
Who are you?
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Post Post #2033 (isolation #306) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:49 am

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In post 2032, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2031, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2029, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Wait Pretentious... Are you saying you're town?
Who are you?
I'm a player in this game.
I have every right to be here.
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Post Post #2036 (isolation #307) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:51 am

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In post 2034, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2026, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2023, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
Exactly why I'm town.

Step up if you are town.

Play next level for once, rather than Level 1 or 2.
I have been TRYING to let you admit your issues here. I saw a very strong thread between this game and Bettayal but I was 100% willing to let it slide when I first noticed it as long as you acknowledged it yourself in some substantive way. But instead you push and push and push some more in order to avoid having to face your problems. I was seeing you as either unengaged town or unengaged scum when I first noticed that connection. Now I am confident you were the latter.
I know my issues. I have nothing to prove anymore in the game of Mafia.

We are in the arena right now.

Then you are wrong, yet again, on me.

The exact reasons why I have been able to sweep you as scum.

I'm able to abuse your shortcomings of these types of tunnels. Can you abuse mine?
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Post Post #2037 (isolation #308) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:52 am

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In post 2035, NorwegianboyEE wrote:You're trying to belittle me.
If you're town then it's the most awful play i've seen in a long time, and yet you think you're a god.
You're an disgusting person Flavour Leaf.

Just shortcomings to hide your own weaknesses.

We're in the arena right now, get over it.
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Post Post #2040 (isolation #309) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:54 am

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You keep mentioning Betrayal like that's any type of accurate meta. I was in for 1 short day phase, in a dead slot, in a mech heavy game based on a game I don't even like.

I effectively don't count as even playing in that game.
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Post Post #2041 (isolation #310) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:54 am

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In post 2038, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like the entirety of your defense here really does boil down to “I wouldn’t do that as scum” which you KNOW is a BS argument from you.
Again, push past the surface level.

There's some good stuff to be found on the surface, but it's not everything.
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Post Post #2042 (isolation #311) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:54 am

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In post 2039, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2037, Pretentious wrote:We're in the arena right now, get over it.
That doesn't excuse acting with some basic human decency. You can push slots without acting like an obnoxious person.
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Post Post #2043 (isolation #312) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:56 am

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I'm literally stating what to their responses, it's a way that I'm acknowledging that I'm not gonna acknowledge it, because your posts are annoying me, so i'mn doing it back, in a game of discrediting and establishing gamestate, they're being ultra sensitive to that?

Lol. Alright, man.
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Post Post #2046 (isolation #313) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:57 am

Post by Pretentious »

If you need a lesson to move past your basic abilities, chopping down someone like that is strong coming from town or a scum mindset.

You are being incredibly surface level if town, I know you are incorrect when pushing me as scum, so yes, I am going to shove you out and discredit your voice because you are incorrect and will only hurt town.

And this works the same way if I were scum here, because it shuts you out.

This is a social game, get used to it. Think past the surface level.
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Post Post #2048 (isolation #314) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:58 am

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In post 2044, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1921, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Have you even read the past 10 pages Taylor?
i have. and i still think norwee is pretty town. your reads almost seem the opposite of mine which sketches me out. tbh the gamestate tells me theres active scum driving wagons. it very much feels like boon manipulating things. if boon flips town ill re-evaluate.
I am manipulating things.

I do every game I play. People notice it when I'm town, they don't when I'm scum.

If you think I'm actively driving any wagon, check up on your reading comprehension.
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Post Post #2049 (isolation #315) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:59 am

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In post 2048, Pretentious wrote:he gamestate tells me theres active scum driving wagons. it very much feels like boon manipulating things.
Get out of here with this absolute nonsense.

I am not leading any damn wagon.
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Post Post #2054 (isolation #316) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:01 am

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In post 2050, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2040, Pretentious wrote:You keep mentioning Betrayal like that's any type of accurate meta. I was in for 1 short day phase, in a dead slot, in a mech heavy game based on a game I don't even like.

I effectively don't count as even playing in that game.
You were in a very similar position that game to this one. I really doubt you FAIL to see that. That’s why I distrust you so heavily currently. Maybe I’m wrong, in which case I’ll admit it but I’m not gonna fucking kow-tow to you over it when you refused to do it on my terms but now are telling me to do it on yours. But the fact you are pushing as scum NOW is a red goddamn flag, because you realize nothing in your current arsenal will deter me, so you have to kill me in order to stop my motion against you. My legislacerator vibe is at its maximum currently. And I’m no damn Neophyte to be hoodwinked into a grisly untimely death.
Like, I guess I see some, but like, I just know it's wrong here.

I absolutely do not care. You act like I'm doing these things that I'm just not.

If you're scum, fine, you're doing great.

If you're town, well, like I said, you need to level up, and get the ability to push past the surface.
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Post Post #2055 (isolation #317) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:02 am

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In post 2053, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2050, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2040, Pretentious wrote:You keep mentioning Betrayal like that's any type of accurate meta. I was in for 1 short day phase, in a dead slot, in a mech heavy game based on a game I don't even like.

I effectively don't count as even playing in that game.
You were in a very similar position that game to this one. I really doubt you FAIL to see that. That’s why I distrust you so heavily currently. Maybe I’m wrong, in which case I’ll admit it but I’m not gonna fucking kow-tow to you over it when you refused to do it on my terms but now are telling me to do it on yours. But the fact you are pushing as scum NOW is a red goddamn flag, because you realize nothing in your current arsenal will deter me, so you have to kill me in order to stop my motion against you. My legislacerator vibe is at its maximum currently. And I’m no damn Neophyte to be hoodwinked into a grisly untimely death.
Like how can anyone read this and think it's coming from scum?
Yet Flavour has been pushing for that.
Get outta here

i've been pushing absolutely nothing lol

me saying something is not me pushing
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Post Post #2056 (isolation #318) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:02 am

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In post 2052, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Hey I have an idea, what if you stopped quickhammering without a claim? lol
I think I'm gonna start doing it more aggressively.
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Post Post #2057 (isolation #319) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:03 am

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If anyone thinks that quickhammer was bad for this game, we got 40 pages of amazing insight and analysis stringing from nearly me alone.

You are welcome.
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Post Post #2060 (isolation #320) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:03 am

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In post 2058, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2055, Pretentious wrote:i've been pushing absolutely nothing lol
You're explaining how me and Gamma is a team, while voting me. That's absolutely pushing.
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Post Post #2061 (isolation #321) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:04 am

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In post 2059, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 2056, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2052, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Hey I have an idea, what if you stopped quickhammering without a claim? lol
I think I'm gonna start doing it more aggressively.
That's anti-town
that's an opinion.
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Post Post #2062 (isolation #322) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:07 am

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The only people who can call me scum in a non surface level way at this point is someone who would look at my play and go "he's acting bad on purpose as scum to make it look like he's town"

there are no other options at this point. It's you believe that, or I don't know what to tell you. Maybe play like 50+ more games, and you'll level up. Throw some newbie games in there.
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Post Post #2065 (isolation #323) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:09 am

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In post 2064, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2063, Albert B. Rampage wrote:The past 40 pages is why players have started to drop off. I can see that you haven't even caught up to events that preceded your failed hammer. All you're doing is begging and bargaining for your life which is making "level 1 people" think you need to be yeeted quicker.
He's asking you guys to move on from me, you understand that right?

Stop being so obsessed with me, damn. Vote elsewhere.
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Post Post #2066 (isolation #324) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:10 am

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I'm the leading wagon as town. I get to be cranky.

This doesn't happen for me often, let it go, I'm one with the wind and snow.
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Post Post #2067 (isolation #325) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:12 am

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In post 2050, Gamma Emerald wrote:because you realize nothing in your current arsenal will deter me,
yeah, I don't have access to my scum arsenal right now, lucky for you.
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Post Post #2069 (isolation #326) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:14 am

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In a world where we all are town that have been posting right now, Taylor is probably scum.
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Post Post #2070 (isolation #327) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:15 am

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In post 2068, DrippingGoofball wrote:I'm just going to sheep Guillotina. It's like he has two votes.
this means you'll vote Nero? (he hasn't voted yet, but he cased Nero hard and said he thinks they are scum)

I could be down with that.
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Post Post #2075 (isolation #328) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:35 am

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For most of the first section, I'm roleplaying Jonah from Superstore, the character from my avatar. Or at least a Mafia-ized lazy version of it, so that's why a good amount of those early posts are wtf.

The "I don't know the setup point" is moot. I got the gift of gab, and would use my informed minority advantage to be able to see what type of game this is, and thus being able to claim and start creating setup spec abuse and manipulation, so clearing that part up.

I will always attack play, if I attack a player, it's because their play is weak.

I'd make people cry too much if I started attacking players on a non play basis, and I don't wanna make them cry, I want them to rage at me.
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Post Post #2076 (isolation #329) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:35 am

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anti town moves can be townie.
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Post Post #2077 (isolation #330) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:37 am

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and that attack you noted wasn't an attack, it was a fact.

I'm in heel mode hard this game.
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Post Post #2078 (isolation #331) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:38 am

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In post 2076, Pretentious wrote:anti town moves can be townie.
scum are typically afraid to make anti town moves in general.
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Post Post #2082 (isolation #332) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:08 pm

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In post 2079, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2078, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2076, Pretentious wrote:anti town moves can be townie.
scum are typically afraid to make anti town moves in general.
Well.. yah, but.. town making anti-town game throwing moves get them banned.
Been here 7 year.

I also would argue it isn't game throwing at all, and actually game propelling.

Look how much good it did. So many avenue and threads to analyze.
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Post Post #2084 (isolation #333) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:19 pm

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i throw hands
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Post Post #2085 (isolation #334) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:20 pm

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and swords zoom zoom
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Post Post #2086 (isolation #335) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:20 pm

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VOTE: Nero Cain

Consider Guillo a triple voter.
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Post Post #2087 (isolation #336) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:21 pm

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If he is scum he did the most with those ISO's, I think he's town who has correct reads.
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Post Post #2089 (isolation #337) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:47 pm

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we would have just had this day phase after the night phase with more information, i would have likely drawn an investigation or a vig shot, which both would be fine because it screws over scum's ability to misfade me.

It would have been better if it did go through. My mistake was trusting Nero's vote count to be accurate.

My town game was like this far before my scum game.

I'm super truth ful as town, even if I fake claim.
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Post Post #2090 (isolation #338) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:50 pm

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In post 2088, Gamma Emerald wrote:The issue with Boon is he doesn’t seem to adhere to ANY of this. His entire MO seems to be to act anti-town in ways entirely reckless and harmful to town
point out 1 lie that isn't a fake claim, please.

And this is yet again an opinion.

I am reckless by personality, this is shown in my scum games as well. But I put the mental effort into knowing Mafia Theory at an extreme high level, I get to play how my personality thrives in.
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Post Post #2093 (isolation #339) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:56 pm

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In post 2091, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2089, Pretentious wrote:we would have just had this day phase after the night phase with more information, i would have likely drawn an investigation or a vig shot, which both would be fine because it screws over scum's ability to misfade me.
Why are you saying that drawing a vig shot on yourself because of your scummy play is a good thing?
I wasn't playing the game at the time really, and I'm VT. I was the definition of a solid Vig shot, and scum don't want LHF to be vig shot because it takes out misfade options.
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Post Post #2094 (isolation #340) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:56 pm

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In post 2092, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't give me this "i am doing a next level play, you're still a weak player" nonsense.
you gotta learn how to see past this. maybe in a few years.
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Post Post #2097 (isolation #341) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:57 pm

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In post 2096, Nero Cain wrote:just so everyone knows but the reason Boon is acting the way Boon is is b/c he wants to soak up attention and night actions to keep it/them off of his buddies.
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Post Post #2098 (isolation #342) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:57 pm

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I was also referring to earlier in the game, so that's such a forced statement.
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Post Post #2099 (isolation #343) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:57 pm

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for incredibly generic reasonings.
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Post Post #2100 (isolation #344) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:58 pm

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I can 1v3 you guys without partners, even if one or multiple of you have partners.
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Post Post #2102 (isolation #345) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:58 pm

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In post 2101, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2073, Guillotina wrote:they both noticed Nero scumminess
This is straight up self-indulgent confbiased garbage.
dont try to discredit the actual most obv town slot in the game,
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Post Post #2103 (isolation #346) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:00 pm

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Do you know how long Guillo has been looking into Nero Cain? Like during the initial Nero vs Pret thing they were saying Nero was starting to look scummy even.

Their entire trajectory is completely visible and makes sense, and I think it's decently accurate, and I'll trust them OVER my own reads today.
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Post Post #2104 (isolation #347) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:01 pm

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i'm only the 3rd most obv town.

Guillo and ABR both are more obv town than myself.
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Post Post #2105 (isolation #348) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:11 pm

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should I start GIF'ing
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Post Post #2106 (isolation #349) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:22 pm

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Let’s get it started, it hot
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Post Post #2135 (isolation #350) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:39 pm

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In post 2133, Nero Cain wrote:no offense but alot of your takes are so bad that and untrue that I take you very seriously
pot palling the pettle plack
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Post Post #2142 (isolation #351) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:02 pm

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In post 2136, Nero Cain wrote:my reads could be bad but im voting scum rn so?

No u ain’t fool
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Post Post #2144 (isolation #352) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:04 pm

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In post 2119, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I don't have any reason to think Nero is more scummy than say Pretentious so I am going to stick with my vote.
Yes you do. Check guilla’s scum case on Nero, and Town case on me.
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Post Post #2145 (isolation #353) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:04 pm

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Nero scum, vote them
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Post Post #2146 (isolation #354) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:04 pm

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I’m supporting Guillo’s strong scum case against Nero.
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Post Post #2163 (isolation #355) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:43 pm

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If you think i wasn’t frustrated or upset this game, you are just straight up wrong.

Your meta backs me up for me being town here
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Post Post #2164 (isolation #356) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:43 pm

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Also remember when I gave Norwegian the what?s earlier, lol that was so good
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Post Post #2165 (isolation #357) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:44 pm

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In post 2162, Nero Cain wrote:I don't care if you keep voting me but you won't be getting a scum flip if I'm eliminated today.
Same, so pot calling the kettle little weddle
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Post Post #2166 (isolation #358) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:46 pm

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In post 2147, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 2142, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2136, Nero Cain wrote:my reads could be bad but im voting scum rn so?

No u ain’t fool
it cuts both way Boon. You are claiming that I'm scum b/c I've played with you a decent amount but you've also played with me a decent amount and you' aren't town reading me despite this being my town game so project much?
Says you, i already said you probably could be town here.

This ain’t my read on you. I’m sheeping because Guillo is doing more work than anyone, and I know for a fact their read is correct on me so I know they’re in a good place, they might not have the correct scum reads, but they’re better than anyone to trust in this game right now.

They have a correct read on me, they could easily just have a correct read on you.

You did it to yourself if you are town with your pointless and incorrect push on me.
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Post Post #2168 (isolation #359) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:47 pm

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Post Post #2169 (isolation #360) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:47 pm

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Post Post #2172 (isolation #361) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:49 pm

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In post 2167, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 2165, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2162, Nero Cain wrote:I don't care if you keep voting me but you won't be getting a scum flip if I'm eliminated today.
Same, so pot calling the kettle little weddle
why should I trust you if you refuse to trust me?

Hey, i went 50/50. You are deathtunneled onto townMe, so I see it as me just sheeping onto a slot, trusting another’s read, they town cased me well, and i owe that to them.

If something better came up, i would probably move.

But as long as I have this many votes on me, i gotta do What’s best for townMe, and that’s making sure i don’t get faded, and i hopefully get scum. I won’t vote where i town read today
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Post Post #2173 (isolation #362) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:50 pm

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I am town. I am no longer frustrated. I simply do not care.
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Post Post #2362 (isolation #363) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:34 am

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In post 2361, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I don't think scum!FL makes himself a martyr.

Nah, I do.

But this is town me.

Remember my reads.

Gamma can’t read me for shit.
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Post Post #2364 (isolation #364) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:34 am

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In post 2356, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2355, NoPowerOverMe wrote:We are going to get a lot more info in the long run by keeping Pretentious around for the time being weather he's town or scum. Also if he's town he can help us much more than other players. It doesn't make sense to eliminate players that can help us down the road on a hunch without ample evidence on a whim.
There is ample evidence that he is a threat to Town's wincon.

Guess you’re a surface level player too.
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Post Post #2365 (isolation #365) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:35 am

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Ample evidence of my having a fantastic town year this year. I’ve only lost as town twice this year, and one of the games i had the correct solve, ABR just played well there
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Post Post #2367 (isolation #366) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:38 am

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Like i was a top 3 town player on site this year :shrug:

Is what it is.

Wasn’t my game to play in here, i just filled the dead slot.

Not really even me getting faded. Had i started from the beginning, wouldn’t have happened.

Just note, i told you all.

In the end, Flavor is right.

I’m town, dummies. You don’t even deserve my solves this game, lol.

Gamma, you’ve really stepped down as a player if you are town.

Nero is scum or the worst death tunneled out there right now.

I’ll self hammer here if need be.

I still think Nero, Norwegian, Gamma, Taylor needs to be rechecked if people town read them.

It’s day fucking 1. If people are trusting town reads left and right like that. Eek.
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Post Post #2368 (isolation #367) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:39 am

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In post 2359, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Pretentious is responsible for at least 30 pages of bullshit survivalistic text that artificially lengthens this game and helps scum thrive better in an environment where half the slots stop giving a shit. And i also scumread him hard. I would not keep him alive for some crap excuse about "oh they might be helpful later on!!"

Norwegian could just be a noob i guess
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Post Post #2369 (isolation #368) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:40 am

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Norwegian knows I’m town though
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Post Post #2370 (isolation #369) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:41 am

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In post 2314, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Instead of rolling a dice why don't you just vote scum.

You’re kind of just an actual newbie aren’t you?

I made the mistake of thinking you weren’t.
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Post Post #2371 (isolation #370) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:42 am

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ABR, NPOM, Guill are town.
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Post Post #2374 (isolation #371) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:45 am

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In post 2287, Guillotina wrote:I will not sheep you Norwee.

I take responsibility for my votes.

Pretentious, i never townread you, the result in my analysis is that you were scum and you tried to sheep me without reason. Your excessive bootlicking is sus and feels like you'd intent to spew me wolf when you flipped red.
Nero and you coming out as scum in my results tell me that either of you would give town the most information but i tried to see who would the most. Your uncooperative behavior to do anything besides kissing my ass tells me your flip will inform town the most.

VOTE: Pretentious
This is just kinda rough.

If you think I didn’t have reason, then you need to look at your play again.

You town cased me so hard, you saying you never town read me is just incorrect.

I liked your town case on me, and you did more to protect me than anyone in this game, even if you didn’t realize it.

I have all the reason in the world to thank you for helping me last as long as I did.

I am town. You didn’t do it for nothing. Thank you. I think you probably can’t comprehend if you saw no reason for me to sleep you, it is what it is.

I’m just too good for the majority of this player list.

It’s just like what happens in face to face mafia.

I’m too good, so people just have to kill me.

I get it.
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Post Post #2375 (isolation #372) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:46 am

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In post 2372, Albert B. Rampage wrote:It was nice seeing you again FL :(
In post 2373, Albert B. Rampage wrote:I'll do my best to carry the town without you
You too. I caused a ruckus, but do what you gotta do, as soon as I’m out of the game, clean slate with everyone.

I’m glad you saw I was likely town, or at least what others were pushing were NAI.
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Post Post #2376 (isolation #373) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:46 am

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Wasn’t my game anyways, i replaced in late, never caught up.

Like i said, scum lucked out that I wasn’t here from the beginning. Unfortunate this only counts as like half being faded.
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Post Post #2380 (isolation #374) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:49 am

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I’m town.

Look at the dummies on that wagon for me.
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Post Post #2381 (isolation #375) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:49 am

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Gamma’s play is trash.

Nero’s play has been trash.

Norwegian is a noobie.

Taylor is playing a good scum game if scum.
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Post Post #2382 (isolation #376) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:50 am

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In post 2378, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I strongly implore town to rethink pretentious.
I want you to know, you flipped my mind on you even before you started town reading me.
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Post Post #2385 (isolation #377) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:51 am

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And like I said, I was totally down to being faded Day 1, I’m just causing a ruckus.

Fade Gamma tomorrow for me. He’s absolutely scum or not worth keeping around as town here.

He has played more games with me than anyone, and SHOULD have known this was my town game almost instantly.
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Post Post #2386 (isolation #378) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:51 am

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In post 2384, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Sad violin.
Fucking lol.

Who are you?
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Post Post #2387 (isolation #379) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:52 am

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Well, this was a fun way to spend exactly 1 day of playing for me. Lol

Y’all I caused so much analysis in 1 day, I had a god tier level town game here, and you newbies can’t even comprehend how. :lol:
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Post Post #2388 (isolation #380) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:53 am

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1 day is all it takes of me posting for everyone to see me front and center.

I spent the game hard 1 vs alling, and then i left, and that’s the only reason I was able to be faded.

Took advantage of me not being here.

Hilarious, and proof I’m untouchable even as town.

I die when I want to.

I had a self hammer vote in the message earlier
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Post Post #2389 (isolation #381) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:55 am

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My Mafia Philosophy is always rush down the VT claim Day 1.

So you did exactly what I wanted you guys to do.

Nero, Gamma, and Noobie Norwegian took the bait so hard, and I was trying to tell Gamma over and over I’m doing this on purpose. But he didn’t realize it.

I also tried to see if Taylor who isn’t that experienced with me understood that I was going VT Martyr.
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Post Post #2391 (isolation #382) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:56 am

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You guys did everything I wanted you guys to do, lol.

It just took you way fucking longer than expected to finish me off.

I was gonna replace out of this game, but then I saw the quick hammer opportunity.

I was never gonna play this game, i was just a VT who wasn’t caught up.

And I made such a big splash in this game.

So much content to analyze, but you newbies probably won’t listen to the actual players in this game, anyways. But i like that too.

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Post Post #2392 (isolation #383) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:57 am

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In post 2390, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2389, Pretentious wrote:My Mafia Philosophy is always rush down the VT claim Day 1.

So you did exactly what I wanted you guys to do.

Nero, Gamma, and Noobie Norwegian took the bait so hard, and I was trying to tell Gamma over and over I’m doing this on purpose. But he didn’t realize it.

I also tried to see if Taylor who isn’t that experienced with me understood that I was going VT Martyr.
Who are you?
Killer of scum, mentor of the masses...who am I?

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Post Post #2393 (isolation #384) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:58 am

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Nero, Gamma, and Norwegian were some of the easiest players to work I’ve ever played. :lol:
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Post Post #2395 (isolation #385) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:00 am

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This doesn’t really even count as a full day 1 town misfade because I did the replace in to other people’s games. I was just a placeholder in an empty slot to help game move forward, and i accomplished people that.

You guys need to level up, Nero, Gamma, Norwegian, because you wasted so much time and ended up pushing through a misfade.

Yes, YOU guys are responsible.

Kill Gamma first, then Nero, Norwegian is a noob, so they might be new town.
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Post Post #2396 (isolation #386) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:00 am

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In post 2394, Umlaut wrote:The more Pretentious spams the thread about how getting eliminated was all part of his galaxy-brain 11-dimensional chess strategy, the happier I am that he won't be in the game tomorrow.

I never planned to be in the game tomorrow.

If I did, I wouldn’t be posting like this.

So you’re in a Catch 22.

My name’s fucking Pretentious.

Y’all are dumb.
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Post Post #2398 (isolation #387) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:01 am

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I played this entire fucking game as a fucking VT. LOLOLOLOLOL
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Post Post #2399 (isolation #388) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:01 am

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In post 2397, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Kill it with fucking fire.
I’m already dead, newbienorway
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Post Post #2400 (isolation #389) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:02 am

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It took you guys fucking forever.

I literally was only in this game for 1 day of real time playing.

Look how much power I have at the grasp of my finger tips. This we me like quarter assing it too.

Imagine if I cared.

Y’all be smoked
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Post Post #2401 (isolation #390) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:03 am

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Like I’m not gonna play through the entirety of a large normal on my fucking Pretentious account.

Use some common sense. I worked you lot, and scum will be caught because of it.

I purposefully set this game up to play Town Martyr.

You will see when town wins this game.
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Post Post #2402 (isolation #391) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:07 am

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Pretentious best heel in the business. Wouldn’t have been faded if I was on another account.
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Post Post #2407 (isolation #392) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:16 am

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In post 2403, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Are you claiming scum?

I’m town, dude, you were right.

If I were scum, none of this game would have worked out this way.

A quote in my main accounts sig is by Gamma “If ScumFlavor sets out to make you town read him, you will, you just don’t know it yet.”

There’s just not a world where town him wouldn’t know this is town me here.

He’s either completely regressed as a player or is scum.

I’m hoping it’s the latter.

Fade him tomorrow.
I will see all of you in the FUN ZONE
Normal Game - Mod Account Mini Normal 2118: Boon Gets Pretentious
Town: 3 w 0 L - Scum: 1 w 0 L

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Post Post #2409 (isolation #393) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:18 am

Post by Pretentious »

In post 2406, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2381, Pretentious wrote:Norwegian is a noobie.
He’s not and that’s fucking disgusting, in fact that whole post is disgusting.
Compared to me, y’all are most newbie like I’m the GGOAtOAt.

Half the actual newbies I play with make better decisions than most players this game
I will see all of you in the FUN ZONE
Normal Game - Mod Account Mini Normal 2118: Boon Gets Pretentious
Town: 3 w 0 L - Scum: 1 w 0 L

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Post Post #2410 (isolation #394) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:18 am

Post by Pretentious »

In post 2408, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2389, Pretentious wrote:My Mafia Philosophy is always rush down the VT claim Day 1.

So you did exactly what I wanted you guys to do.

Nero, Gamma, and Noobie Norwegian took the bait so hard, and I was trying to tell Gamma over and over I’m doing this on purpose. But he didn’t realize it.

I also tried to see if Taylor who isn’t that experienced with me understood that I was going VT Martyr.
You’ll see soon enough you didn’t bait SHIT.

So you’re just bad town?
I will see all of you in the FUN ZONE
Normal Game - Mod Account Mini Normal 2118: Boon Gets Pretentious
Town: 3 w 0 L - Scum: 1 w 0 L

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Post Post #2411 (isolation #395) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:18 am

Post by Pretentious »

If you think scum isn’t on my wagon, you need to start playing some newbie games too Gamma. You’re just wrong.
I will see all of you in the FUN ZONE
Normal Game - Mod Account Mini Normal 2118: Boon Gets Pretentious
Town: 3 w 0 L - Scum: 1 w 0 L

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Post Post #2412 (isolation #396) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:19 am

Post by Pretentious »

Like fact of the matter is, I’m too good to be faded as scum here Day 1.

My town flip will prove it. :shrug:

Doesn’t matter what any of you say.

I am correct, and i will flip town.
I will see all of you in the FUN ZONE
Normal Game - Mod Account Mini Normal 2118: Boon Gets Pretentious
Town: 3 w 0 L - Scum: 1 w 0 L

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Post Post #2414 (isolation #397) » Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:19 am

Post by Pretentious »

My town flip alongside my words hold more wait than the entire of you combined.
I will see all of you in the FUN ZONE
Normal Game - Mod Account Mini Normal 2118: Boon Gets Pretentious
Town: 3 w 0 L - Scum: 1 w 0 L

Alt of Flavor Leaf