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Post Post #130 (isolation #0) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:31 pm

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Doc claim came across as sarcastic to me but as discussion went on that didn't really seem to be addressed or followed up on. Weird.

Idk why the ascetic claim would be AI either direction. Makes sense as town. Makes sense as scum.

VOTE: Town Looter for revenge of kicking my ass in the Space Newbie.

I'm excited to play with this playerlist, this is a great lineup of good folks.
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Post Post #131 (isolation #1) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:32 pm

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In post 80, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 79, Guillotina wrote:Doctors, Cops, Trackers or any PR that is not a killing action. Visit me tonight.
Asking PR’s to waste an shot on you as an ascetic townie just to prove the ascetic part?
Are you scum claiming?
Why would this be scum claiming and not just failing to think through the waste of utility it would be for town PRs to be on a town ascetic? I think it's not a good idea to put out there and suggest but it doesn't really scum ping me.
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Post Post #277 (isolation #2) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:51 am

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In post 208, Tayl0r Swift wrote:tbh i didnt even realize that muh had posted the first time through the thread, because the posts were all so bland. theres certainly no solving or pushing the envelope from that slot.
In post 209, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 206, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Join us the waters warn.
i can join you as long as we arent doctor deniers. doctors are real.
In post 223, Tayl0r Swift wrote:even when muh is active in the thread i still dont realize muh is posting. maybe the avatar makes the posts invisible (speaking of gamma i miss the old one).
VOTE: muh
This is an odd progression for 7 minutes apart. Not realizing they posted, trying to disband the wagon, and then joining the wagon. Wat
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Post Post #279 (isolation #3) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:53 am

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In post 230, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 227, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 226, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 224, Gamma Emerald wrote:It felt like she had a good persistence-of-thought there
Please don't take that post as anything but funny....
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Post Post #280 (isolation #4) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:56 am

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In post 278, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m not seeing where Tayl0r is trying to disband the wagon in those posts Glitch.
Oh my bad I thought I had it in my checked quotes. Let me find it
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Post Post #282 (isolation #5) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:58 am

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In post 205, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 202, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 194, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 190, Nero Cain wrote:the current conversation isn't about the claim. Are you scum again, tay tay?
yep. its page 8 so everything is current and the game just ended.
yeah but the thread has moved on and the current discussion was about muh and his, imo, sketchy posting. You coming in and telling us to stop talking about the claim seems like a disconnect.
well im trying to derail the muh wagon. that or im a bit sleep deprived. or both.
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Post Post #288 (isolation #6) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:17 am

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In post 286, Nero Cain wrote:the thing is...scum absolutely do things like that b/c "scum never would"
Exactly. I hate the argument "scum would never XYZ." I think it is archaic and should be thrown out every time. Scum WILL do XYZ literally so they can just use that argument to justify themselves, or better yet, wait for townies to use that argument to justify it for them.
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Post Post #289 (isolation #7) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:17 am

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I would like this as the first wagon.
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Post Post #842 (isolation #8) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:27 pm

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In post 459, JacksonVirgo wrote:I remember Glitch being non-existent D1 as town but became a power-house later in the game.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I recently got a promotion at work that I've been wanting for 4 years. So excited. But I'm working 60 hours a week now. blaaah

I'm still learning to balance the change and my MS games are suffering a bit from it. Sorry for my low activity y'all. Struggling to keep up but I'll get better soon. D1 is always hard for me anyway.
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Post Post #857 (isolation #9) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:41 pm

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I'm skimming and not reading everything but the vibes I'm getting give me a few quick points. I'm on p. 24-25ish.

TS vs Nero I'm trying to sort and leaning TvT but I'm wondering if that's because of my meta with Nero. In my only game with him I got into a massive shit storm fight D1 where I death tunneled him and he tunneled me in response. It seems easy to get into that kind of a situation with Nero. I don't think it's scum indicative for TS that they're both at each others throats literally just yelling that neither of them are providing reads to the other even though in reality they both actually have. Leaning TvT.

NERO are you trying to pocket me??? I want to be your friend this game and you know it. >:|
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Post Post #861 (isolation #10) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:44 pm

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In post 628, Guillotina wrote:
In post 624, Nero Cain wrote:ofc its not impossible that he's scum but yeah....
Im not, hinting that i could possibly be scum after my immediate D1 claim can only mean two things. You are a noob or you are scum.

Bonus: Or you are both.
Well that's bullshit.
Your D1 claim is not AI. Claiming ascetic doesn't tell us shit about your alignment as it could be a straight up lie or it could be true and you're still scum. Why would Cain be noob or scum for suspecting you?? This is bad shade throwing.
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Post Post #867 (isolation #11) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:51 pm

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In post 659, TheDuke wrote:Okay. After looking through, I have an observation:
Guil's claim by itself seems town-y, but some of their behaviour around that claim seems odd (saying they checked the wiki after making the claim, asking PRs to visit them to prove they are ascetic, etc), so I would read them as ascetic scum.
That is accurate but super shallow. The conversation here shouldn't be about what he claimed, but the fact that he thinks it makes him locktown to the general public. What do you think of how he refers to his claim later on? Like when he wants to be all lamist "I claimed ascetic!"

Your post here makes a little more sense coming from scum looking for something to sound like you're efforting, and a little less like town just having a simple read that everyone already is on the same page about.
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Post Post #871 (isolation #12) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:56 pm

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I HAVE to go to bed. I really want to keep going but I'm crashing and have to sleep so I can go to work. Sorry guys. I'm up to page 28/29 and will pick up there when I come back tomorrow night. Don't create 23948572390548 pages while I'm gone.
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Post Post #1303 (isolation #13) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:58 pm

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Can someone give me a summary of what's going on?

I saw Pretentious say compromises are stupid, then literally compromise on Muh. Then I saw Norway call Pretentious on it. So if Pretentious flips scum I would expect Norway town.

I literally just had 10 minutes for this game today, I'm so sorry for my inactivity. I will get better soon, I promise.
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Post Post #1743 (isolation #14) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:10 pm

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How tf am I gonna catch up with all this spamming


Pretentious is too overconfident and the whole "I claim early" thing is fishy to me. That's my only read from skimming. See y'all tomorrow if I can catch up at this rate D:
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Post Post #2126 (isolation #15) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:35 pm

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I read pages 1-39 tonight. I'll come back again Sunday to try and finish 39-80ish and then Monday morning I can catch 80ish-all the way caught up. That's my plan at least. In my review of Page 1-39, Nero is the one that sticks out to me.

-256 Why is Nero literally sheeping exactly what Norway said about TS being scummy, when Nero says he has never played with town Taylor?
-299 Nero putting together scum team speculations on D1 is bad and he should know better
-414 Nero says JV is angry but JV hasn't been angry at all, why is Nero shading him inaccurately?
-Nero is SO diplomatic this game it hurts, because based on my other game with him where we were both town, it was NOT this way. He was hostile, intense, and aggressive. Why is he different this time? Is he trying to be more winsome to not get faded out?
--Nero in 570 totally dismisses Taylor who made a valid point

I see there's good momentum on him right now so I will add to that. VOTE: Nero
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Post Post #2559 (isolation #16) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:24 pm

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In post 2424, Nero Cain wrote:I lowkey think it was less likely that scum were on the Boon wagon.
Why? I mean I get that you are SR'ing me but in order to actually respond to that I need to understand why I'm being SR'd and this doesn't really make sense to me. I've been watching FL play in a game I'm modding that just ended and his behavior there has been so well balanced and leveled. He was scum. This game he is cocky and arrogant, and it's a different tone, and he is giving off different vibes which didn't necessarily make me TR him but gave me enough pause to not run him up to the top of my scum radar.

On the other hand, you have consistently pinged me as off. Is it a coincidence that you TR'd me literally the whole game, and then as soon as I stated that I SR'd you, your read on me immediately flipped and you've SR'd me since?

I'm not trying to get into another death tunnel on you here, Nero, but you're giving me bad vibes here. I'm still only on your 2424 post so I won't vote until I catch up but this is where I want to vote right now.
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Post Post #2560 (isolation #17) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:26 pm

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In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:My redcheck is in this group and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
Can you help me understand how you have a red check in a list of players but it's not specific to one player? tf?
Like I can give you a list of any 6 random players in this game and I would bet you $20 there's scum in it. This is useless. Am I misunderstanding your role? Why 6 players?
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Post Post #2561 (isolation #18) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:31 pm

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In post 2449, DrippingGoofball wrote:Nero Cain needs the YEET but I am not voting right away because we need to see some more interactions today with everyone.
Why would voting Nero Cain at the point you posted this, prevent more interactions from happening today? D2 just started; use your vote and make the most of it. We aren't going to lynch that fast. This makes me raise an eyebrow. Are you trying to avoid voting to keep from looking bad? Do you want to avoid being on Nero in case someone later does some VCA? Because the reason you gave for not voting Nero doesn't make sense so there must be another reason that's actually true.
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Post Post #2562 (isolation #19) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:32 pm

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In post 2426, innocentvillager wrote:VOTE: Glitch

i agree with a lot of what you said nero
In post 2450, innocentvillager wrote:VOTE: Nero Cain welp guess I was wrong on this slot
"oh here let me sheep Nero, he has good ideas"
"jk let me sheep everyone else and vote for Nero"

What did I miss??
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Post Post #2563 (isolation #20) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:34 pm

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In post 2429, Nero Cain wrote:NPOM could be scum but I think DGB/Glitch wagons are better today.
This is literally Nero's only post between IV's 2426 and 2450. And Nero's post here is repeating what he's already said. What changed your read IV?
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Post Post #2564 (isolation #21) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:41 pm

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In post 2475, Guillotina wrote:Also, I never said that my check was on him or not, I only said that I got a redcheck and that redcheck was in the list I posted, did you just slip up?
WHY would you not explicitly say WHO?
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Post Post #2565 (isolation #22) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:45 pm

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In post 2489, TheGoldenParadox wrote:what the hell

guillotina do you have a guilty alignment cop check on a specific player

and if so, why do you refuse to out it?
Why were there so many posts before someone called this out so specifically? Thank you for finally saying what no one else was bringing up. IV said it in the post before but wasn't as direct. There's some bullshit going on with this "6 person list red check but I'm not gonna say who" and the fact that no one pushed it until this point.
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Post Post #2566 (isolation #23) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:50 pm

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In post 2490, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2488, innocentvillager wrote:if you tell us who you redchecked we could probably hunt easier though? im not sure what your whole plan is with when you are going to claim it but you are going to have to claim it at some point
I am going to claim it at some point, just not now, I want the wolves paranoid, not knowing what to do, not knowing whom to bus to look town.
How will you decipher this? If you have a red check on one player in that list, how will you decipher between other players SR'ing the one who you have a red check on being town and being scum? How will you figure out if they're bussing or genuinely SR'ing you red check by not revealing who your red check is on yet? I don't understand this.
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Post Post #2570 (isolation #24) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:01 pm

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In post 2523, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Ok so something doesn't sit right with me.

Guillotine says he was shot, making it 2 kills last night, and then he takes it back when TGP, umlaut and NPOM catch him in a lie because limited-shot BPs are not told they lost a BP counter.

He tells us to scumhunt but it's critical that town knows how many kills there were last night in order to make an informed analysis.

Now here's what's interesting.

If he backtracks and says he wasn't told he was shot, then that leaves the door open for only one kill last night. Guillotine, since he's gambitting, would have known this.

So his Nero push is completely nonsensical.

Nero pocketed Norwee, why would he kill him if he's scum?

Why would Nero pick up on Glitch/DGB day 2 right where Norwee left off, if Norwee was killed to prevent him from going after his secondary reads after Pretentious?

It doesn't stand to reason that Nero would kill Norwee who believed him to be town, just to finish off what Norwee was going to do anyway.

But Guillotina brushes my concerns off and tries to make me believe there were two kills.

This whole Nero push was bullshit, he backtracked and said it's not Nero, it's one of the other players on his list, and was forced to retract his BP lie as well.

Guillotina is scum.

VOTE: Guillotina
ABR intimidates me so bad and I think it's because I literally live by his Guide to Hunting Scum on the wiki and he seems to be a prestigious player in my mind. This makes it so hard for me to sort him because he just feels so town in my mind but paranoia gets the best of me. I know Tayl0r Swift has been banned but I get the same vibes on ABR as I did from TS: freaking ridiculously hard to sort and I'm so bad at reading them.

ABR, why do you think the Nero push was bullshit originally? Is there more to it than the 6 player list of "herp derp there's a red check in here?" Or is that it? Or is it that you're TR'ing Nero so the push is shit?

I'm massive sus of Guillo but want to understand how you're thinking here.
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Post Post #2571 (isolation #25) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:08 pm

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In post 2536, Umlaut wrote:
In post 2534, Guillotina wrote:If you are town you'd understand this.
So now you don't think ABR is town (compared to a few hours ago when you said he was "unlikely" to be scum)?
Umlaut is probably town, the last 3 or 4 posts I've read of their's have nothing but townie vibes.
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Post Post #2572 (isolation #26) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:09 pm

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In post 2539, Nero Cain wrote:Scum shot Norway b/c he was my biggest defender and without him there's a chance I get eliminated. It also doesn't hurt that he was scumreading scum in Glitch/DGB.
@DGB - what is your read on Nero and what has it been all game? Has his read on you tracked along with your read on him and matched it?
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Post Post #2573 (isolation #27) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:12 pm

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In post 2551, Nero Cain wrote:its prob


or May
lol bracing for death tunnel after my ABR post, here it comes
Maybe Nero and I are doomed to always SR each other every large
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Post Post #2574 (isolation #28) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:14 pm

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VOTE: Guillotina
Clearly the only way we're going to get an answer on this "red check" is by running this guy up to a ton of votes. Either you're full of shit and need to die or you have something overdue to contribute that will change the course of the day. Whatever it is needs to just happen.
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Post Post #2576 (isolation #29) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:30 pm

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People not posting doesn't mean they're scum; that's a poor argument. People have real lives and sometimes shit happens
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Post Post #2686 (isolation #30) » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:34 pm

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lmao what even is this game
In post 2644, innocentvillager wrote:the redcheck was, completely faked as well, whether nero was checked or not
Either Guillo was a bumbling idiot or there is a redirector in the game, and Guillo tracked Nero but his track was redirected onto scum but he wasn't told this. Those are the only two possibilities I can come up with. WHY would Guillo fake the red check??
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Post Post #2687 (isolation #31) » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:43 pm

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In post 2645, innocentvillager wrote:so we kill nero because... we're paranoid they're going to kill one of us? maybe if glitch is scum (i think one of his most recent scumspect?) but what do they even have to gain at this point, if they're just getting flashwagoned
I get this and it makes sense on the surface but while I suspected Nero and he SR me, objectively speaking, Nero doesn't have enough charisma and sway with most of us to win over the majority to wagon on. Nero's case on me was bad, shifting to SR me only when I told him I was suspicious on him, and his case on me was laced with an OMGUS undertone. Nero wasn't a threat to me and if I were scum I would literally have no reason to NK Nero when a town tracker just flipped the day before with a red check on Nero. If I were scum, I would know Nero was town and literally have no reason to get rid of him because he would have been a speed flip D3. We would have all been at his throat, especially with a VT claim.
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Post Post #2688 (isolation #32) » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:44 pm

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In post 2648, DrippingGoofball wrote:We were witnesses to the absolute worst play in all of mafia history.
I mean I'm actually trying to figure out how to comment on this without speaking so poorly of Guillo that I get banned.
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Post Post #2689 (isolation #33) » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:54 pm

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In post 2659, DrippingGoofball wrote:SCUM who doesn't what to get involved with what he knows to be townie madness:
In post 2465, Insanoflex wrote:Hey all. Still reading up on the game, only about halfway through right now. Might need another day to get fully caught up, trying to speedskim through the game in 24 hours gave me a headache.
In post 2469, innocentvillager wrote:to be clear, in normals there is no chance of a guilty cop check on an innocent unless they are miller right? So given guil is truthful and Nero is not Miller, he is CONFIRMED scum?
SCUM who doesn't want this magical opportunity to slip with excessive discussion:
In post 2470, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Making the day longer sucks for the player who knows for sure they are going to die. I've been in that position, and I don't wish it to my worst enemy. If everybody's checked in and had a chance to say their peace, yeet them swiftly and honorably.
SCUM afraid to get compromised in the townie madness:
In post 2504, TheGoldenParadox wrote:i'm caught up insofar as i am actively reading the game but yeah there's not much i want to comment on
TOWNwith critical thinking skills:
In post 2506, Umlaut wrote:So, I've got a big problem with Guillotina's claim and it seems almost so obvious that I feel like I must be missing something here since everyone else believes it.
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:

I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.

I am not aware of any normal role that would know if they were targeted for a kill at night but survived. Under Normal rules, a 1-Shot Bulletproof shouldn't be informed if they were shot at.

Another question:
My redcheck is in this group
and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
If you targeted someone and therefore knew they were guilty, why would you give us a list like this? If you out and tell us who is guilty, that makes sense. If you wait until later today to out, so that you can see how the day proceeds naturally and how wagons form, that makes sense. But what sense does it make to say "I checked one of these six people"? Including putting one and saying they're
not as likely
... that pretty much gives away that ABR wasn't your target. What even is this claim?
So far my experience playing with town DGB is to just take her reads and flip them completely inside out and then they're accurate. Her reads are always so wrong when she's town and I've watched (particularly from the game I just modded) town!DGB be the scum MVP. I mean maybe it's just my limited experience with her but the scumhunting ability there is pretty twisted up from what I've seen and I'd be hesitant to follow her lead.

I'm confident Umlaut is town but other than that I'm cautious to be okay with most of these reads. IV is acting like a confused townie today but yesterday's actions were freaking off and I won't just disregard that when considering my read on that slot.
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Post Post #2691 (isolation #34) » Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:03 pm

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In post 2682, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Anyone on Guillotine's list is more likely town than not.
I agree with this. Guillo made a list of six players saying that all of them seem to be connecting themselves and aligned with his "red check." He was saying all those players he was suspicious of being connected with Nero. Well shit, if they're connected with Nero, then maybe they're town too. Who tf knows with this Guillo shitshow.
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Post Post #2709 (isolation #35) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:47 am

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In post 2705, muh316 wrote:VOTE: Non lmh
This slot has been avoiding the conversation for a long time and has managed to dodge replacement.
This is the laziest take I think yoh could possibly make. Do you have reasons for your vote being placed on lmh other than the fact that they're low activity? Is that all you've got on page 483920166402?
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Post Post #2722 (isolation #36) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:12 pm

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In post 2710, May wrote:don't know about that muh guy but i have a person pushing someone who is dead null after 109 pages
i will vote for that person
VOTE: muh
Sheepy vote, easy and opportune timing to place that without having to say anything controversial and a good vote holder. Scum points
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Post Post #2723 (isolation #37) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:12 pm

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In post 2711, May wrote:i think DGB has been fairly towny
she has this towntell where she's supremely confident and has a "you're wrong and i'm obviously correct" tone to her
believe it or not, she's more reasonable and less commanding as scum
I don't see this kind of attitude from DGB at all when she's town
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Post Post #2724 (isolation #38) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:15 pm

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In post 2713, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 2711, May wrote:i think DGB has been fairly towny
she has this towntell where she's supremely confident and has a "you're wrong and i'm obviously correct" tone to her
believe it or not, she's more reasonable and less commanding as scum
I found it weird DGB didn't put a third vote on Nero when Guillotina claimed a guilty. She asked for more interactions. It seemed uncharacteristic for her and out of sync with the game flow.
That would only be suspicious if Nero had flipped scum. If she were scum she would have voted him easily to get him lynched. I think there's plenty of reasons to question DGB but this isn't a solid one.
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Post Post #2725 (isolation #39) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:18 pm

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Idk maybe DGB is third party scum who, because she is wolf of alien, knows there is another scum faction and she wanted to let Nero live to help her eat away at town.

Idk that's kind of our there but still just saying
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Post Post #2726 (isolation #40) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:21 pm

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In post 2714, DrippingGoofball wrote:
In post 2709, Glitch wrote:
In post 2705, muh316 wrote:VOTE: Non lmh
This slot has been avoiding the conversation for a long time and has managed to dodge replacement.
This is the laziest take I think yoh could possibly make. Do you have reasons for your vote being placed on lmh other than the fact that they're low activity? Is that all you've got on page 483920166402?
Sure it's lazy, but kudos for going after a lursack on page 483535654402. It has to be done.
Fair. But if we are going after a lurker then we should go after a lurker who actually seems like scum, not just a lurker for the sake of just getting them out of the game. I'll probably end up voting may. She seems to have enough scummy vibes to be a decent pick so far. We will see as the day progressed as long as y'all don't freaking speed hammer again. -_-'
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Post Post #2727 (isolation #41) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:22 pm

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Oh look I caught up
This pace is much better
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Post Post #2729 (isolation #42) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:42 pm

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Is there an actual case on nonlmh because this is just the easiest opportunity for scum to stroll right in and power wagon a slot all because it's a lurker
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Post Post #2739 (isolation #43) » Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:11 pm

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Yeah non lmh looks like 4 posts full of nothing, Idk how you can town read or scum read that shit. May has some questionable posts in her bleak ISO though.

Regardless, TGP please help us in any direction except umlaut. We are not lynching there today and even if you want it to happen you just aren't going to get enough traction to form a wagon on that slot. Umlaut is bleeding town to me.
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Post Post #2999 (isolation #44) » Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:55 pm

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P115 ABR vs Vaxkiller feels pretty TvT. ABR willing to sheep Gamma is odd. A little ping there but his hyper confidence messes with my read there. I don't think I'm at the point of suspecting him enough to vote though.

Unwnd has a lot of super thought out posts that I don't know if it's normal for him, but it gives me the kind of vibes of high effort scum put in to put on a show.

VOTE: unwnd
I'll come back tomorrow after work with a case instead of just a short blurb. Its me and my wife's anniversary today and I want to spend time with her.
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Post Post #3100 (isolation #45) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:35 am

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In post 3092, DrippingGoofball wrote:Umlaut was the NK??????????????????????????????????????
Why are you so surprised?? Umlaut so bleeding town. It was unbelievably obvious.

DGB is probably the best bet imho for scum. Best pool tor today includes {DGB, IV, unwnd, ABR, NPOM}. Off the table for me are {Vax, Gamma, Starbuck} today. DGB is my preference.
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Post Post #3103 (isolation #46) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:39 am

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In post 3098, innocentvillager wrote:dgb would you consider voting glitch?
If you have an actual argument then we can discuss things but honestly if you just want to lynch another lurker every day until game over its not going to end up with a win. Scum will hop on that so fast and run with it.

If you're actually town I have higher expectations of you to actually try to engage me and attempt to sort me rather than just advocate my lynch because I'm not active enough for you. That's cheap reasoning for town (no offense) and you can do better. Lynching lurkers has landed us where we are.

What are some actual reasons you think I'm scummy that aren't "he's a lurker?"
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Post Post #3105 (isolation #47) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:42 am

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In post 3102, innocentvillager wrote:this almost reads like glitch is like offended that dgb is insulting the kill choice, lol
Umlaut was my top TR, and I expect slots who are heavily TR'd to be on the chopping block. Umlaut had good standing with a lot of players, so why is DGB surprised?? It comes across as scum theater overreacting to try and look town.

Playing scum requires walking a fine line between looking not too scummy and not too towny. If you're too towny then everyone will wonder why you haven't died. If you're too scummy everyone will vote you off.

Umlaut was not balanced like that. Obvtown = not a surprising kill
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Post Post #3118 (isolation #48) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:51 am

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In post 3104, innocentvillager wrote:I don’t get the sense that you care about solving the game. your pop ins are like “barely enough” to keep up the activity. Scum you doesn’t need to try, you’re doing pretty well. But the occasional, periodically spaced popins are robotic and have no interesting content in them
I can appreciate this. "Glitch is lurker let's lynch him," just seems lazy and scummy. This seems like a case with thought behind it rather than being shallow and looking for an easy lynch.

Your point is fine, I understand that my low activity can come across that way. Unfortunately I just haven't had the time to high effort it this game, and believe me, town and scum glitch both prefer high efforting.

My solve right now is based off of slots that have pinged me throughout the game. You particularly pinged me early game but in the latter half have stepped it up a bit I'm my TR department xD. DGB has been consistently questionable, however, and my experience with her makes me question her more just because I've seen her as town be scum MVP and I don't see it yet particularly with no scum flips. I feel like by POE she comes out as the best elim though.

Vaxkiller is bleeding town as well. That slot is so incredibly town I don't think the scum would have a chance to get a wagon to go through on that slot.
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Post Post #3126 (isolation #49) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:58 am

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In post 3106, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 3103, Glitch wrote:Lynching lurkers has landed us where we are.
lol what? you mean, it wasn’t the previous two elims?
Thank goodness the non lmh wagon didn't go through, that was a lurker push. Then the on and off muh wagon flipped muh town. I think lynching lurkers just because of that is a bad policy. Now if there's an actual argument then sure, and I understand that if you're SRing me with a different reason, that's fine; but my initial point was geared at the fact that lynching lurkers just because they're lurkers is not going to help us.
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Post Post #3129 (isolation #50) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:59 am

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In post 3107, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 3100, Glitch wrote:Umlaut so bleeding town. It was unbelievably obvious.
this was, uh, very strong language

yes he was one of the towniest slots in the game, but going further than that seems remarkably tmi.
I'm freaking dramatic and theatrical, please check my games elsewhere to see that. :P
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Post Post #3131 (isolation #51) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:01 pm

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In post 3108, innocentvillager wrote:also RL aside: hope your anniversary went well!
Thank you, it was really nice. Parents watched our kid while we went to dinner and it was so refreshing. =)
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Post Post #3134 (isolation #52) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:06 pm

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In post 3117, innocentvillager wrote:does anything about glitch seem like, townie? i feel like this is just one of those textbook scum slots. Nothing crazy sticking out. Lower activity than normal but not completely gone because team is doing well, so why replace out. Complains periodically about the game moving too fast and not being able to catch up. No interesting takes. Has been passive and in “commentary mode” all game, doesn’t really care about his solves or his pushes or have much interesting content
Part of my surface level playing is that I got a promotion 3 weeks ago and am working 60-65 hours a week now so I am just not here as much. Part of it is that I don't enjoy playing town most of the time. Scum is my favorite to play, and if you check my scum games you'll see how much I heavily pour into the games. I feel so much pressure when I'm scum to perform just right. When I'm town I honestly don't give a shit if I die unless I'm a PR lol. Nearing the endgame is where playing town is fun to me but early and mid game I just don't enjoy that much. So there's a blend of reasons. If you still SR me for it and think I'm coasting, it's fine, there's not really anything I can say on that to alter your opinion because reality is that I dont have enough time or motivation to devote as much effort to this game as I would like to, and even then the amount of effort I can motivate myself to put in is lower already because I hate town.
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Post Post #3135 (isolation #53) » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:09 pm

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In post 3133, DrippingGoofball wrote:I have a huge problem with ABR's hammer on muh yesterday. HUGE
ABR is so good at sorting and yet his hammers are bullshit.

That slot is so freaking intimidating to me but I wouldn't mind voting there. But if you're leading the charge it makes me second guess that because you're ranking in too SR list to begin with.

Whats with the hammer ABR? Do you have an excuse this time that's not "I don't like delaying the inevitable?"
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Post Post #3656 (isolation #54) » Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:53 pm

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I killed Umlaut. I am 2 shot vig but was hoping to keep scum from pinning it to me, so I tried to distance myself from the kill because they would know there was a vig after he died and they didn't target him. They were either stopped, didn't kill, or possibly targeted umlaut as well.

I have one shot left but if I'm on the chopping block then I have to be honest. Had I been honest about SRing umlaut they may have picked up on the fact it was me.

My plan was to target Umlaut last night and ABR tomorrow night but I didn't want to publicize it yet. But here we are.

I think ABR is our best bet. 3 speed hammers on town 3 days in a row is where we need to kill today. I haven't wrapped my mind around all the claims yet though and that may change things once I can fully sort out who has claimed what. Today we need to not speed lynch. I'll be back to evaluate claims more.
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Post Post #3665 (isolation #55) » Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:18 am

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In post 3657, Insanoflex wrote:Lmao, what? Weren't you saying Umlaut was obvious town?
Yes, to distance myself from the kill. If they figured out I was the vig today they could easily wagon me for a mislynch because my activity makes me lhf. Add on top of that the fact that there was only one kill and scum have a perfect target if they find out I'm vig. So I made sure to come across clearly as Town reading umlaut, that way they wouldn't Trace it back to me and get me eliminated before I can get my second shot off tonight at ABR. Now that everything is out in the open however, I'm more than happy to shoot tonight whoever we decide as a collective to go for or hold my shot as well. Whichever is best. If I shoot another town tonight then we either lose or are in perpetual lylo.

We just also have to keep in mind the fact that if I hold my shot so that we don't miss Lynch a townie then scum will kill me tonight and the second shot will be wasted. That may be the best option if we don't identify someone prior to the Lynch today that we are very confident is scum.
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Post Post #3666 (isolation #56) » Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:19 am

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In post 3664, NoPowerOverMe wrote:So you are saying you killed Umlaut and scum didn't have a kill last night?
1) scum didn't have a kill
2) scum kill was blocked
3) both scum and I targeted umlaut
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Post Post #3667 (isolation #57) » Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:23 am

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In post 3661, DrippingGoofball wrote:Glitch, humor me.

Since the scum's kill failed, according to you, who is scum?

The neighbors have confessed to having targeted IV.
Abr is my top at the moment but if I'm right he will be pushing hard for my lynch today because he knows I'm going to shoot him tonight if neither of us die.
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Post Post #3753 (isolation #58) » Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:43 pm

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Re: unwnd
I have always held ABR as a more prestigious name because I follow his scum hunting guide pretty religiously. If you look at Mini Normal Philosophers and Large Theme Trials you'll see I reference in both my town and scum games ABR's wiki article on how to hunt scum. This was my first game to ever actually play with him and I have felt really intimidated by him. But these hammers piling up one after another are too much to not be scum. One is understandable. Two was sketchy but I understood the reasoning behind them if he's town -- the "not delay the inevitable" argument seemed to make sense to me. It took some.time to get there but 3 times in a row is too killer for me to think anything but scum.
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Post Post #4278 (isolation #59) » Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:52 pm

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No redactions. Sorry I sucked this game D:
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Post Post #4330 (isolation #60) » Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:09 pm

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I had fun bringing that game up DGB because town!you had just finished that game as scum MVP and I was scum here so I was like "oh perfect let me remind everyone" lol

Sorry, you're a great player and I love playing with you but that was an opportunity I couldn't pass as scum :p