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Post Post #2181 (isolation #0) » Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:51 pm

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Post Post #2976 (isolation #1) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:58 pm

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In post 2550, Nero Cain wrote:April replacing in and not doing anything was bad.
You guys ended the day within 24 hours of my replacing in.

I also don't plan to check in more than once or twice a day, can't keep up more than that these days. first game in a while. :)

But yeah, you should know my activity levels aren't ai by now.
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Post Post #2977 (isolation #2) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:07 pm

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So who wants me to claim.
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Post Post #2978 (isolation #3) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:08 pm

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Fair warning, I read from when I replaced in, skimmed in, and like I would by taking an accidental bite of ketchup, I spit that all out.

slight town read on Nero, but other than that.
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Post Post #3013 (isolation #4) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:15 pm

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In post 2988, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 2977, April Ludgate wrote:So who wants me to claim.
No. Why would you even say this?
So young
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Post Post #3015 (isolation #5) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:17 pm

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I've had like three posts, anyone saying I'm scummy is pulling it out of their ass. I've only been in this game less than 48 hours total of day time.
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Post Post #3017 (isolation #6) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:18 pm

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Mathblade is a town read for me. Some things just dont fade away, no matter how long it's been since I've played a game with them.
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Post Post #3018 (isolation #7) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:22 pm

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I've decided after sipping this tea and slurpin these pizza rolls, I don't think Scorpious is spicy.

However it could be because I'm a scorpio that they're getting bias points, not that I care too much about astrology, scorpio's just the coolest one. ;)

Yeah, not spicy.
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Post Post #3022 (isolation #8) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:24 pm

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So I got me my first early goodreads in the three: Nero, Math, and Scorpios
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Post Post #3024 (isolation #9) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:26 pm

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In post 3019, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3017, April Ludgate wrote:Mathblade is a town read for me. Some things just dont fade away, no matter how long it's been since I've played a game with them.
So do I get a chance to act like I know what I’m talking about and saying the “confirmed” town is a town read?
Who knows. Idk who's what in this game.

I just say stuff until people talk, and then i read their inner souls.

Is Math the conftown you're talking about?

Masons and Vigilante I vaguely remember seeing. I remember someone said a mason did, so that's about the level of where I'm at in this game, for clarification.

But I take things in the present whatre you doing for me now type uh level.
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Post Post #3028 (isolation #10) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:29 pm

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Note to self to check on this tene specimen's posts to see the amount of times that dismissive tonal has taken course this game, and what theyre in response to.
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Post Post #3030 (isolation #11) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:36 pm

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In post 3023, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 2833, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2831, Enchant wrote:Well i am replace of Fua.
Deets you should know:

Math is confirmed Mason.

There is a hood of: Nero, skitter, Cap90, VP.

There's a lot of useless posting in this game (maybe even some from me in the last few pages while I was catching up, sorry all!)
april here is the replacement info post. also VP is claimed ascetic, enchant (fua) is claimed vig who tried to shoot me last night and nothing happened
want this in my ISO, thank you.

And Math can hopefully trust me because if I were scum, I'd be pushing them as scum as a mason like last time :lol:
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Post Post #3138 (isolation #12) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:38 pm

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In post 3033, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3015, April Ludgate wrote:I've had like three posts, anyone saying I'm scummy is pulling it out of their ass. I've only been in this game less than 48 hours total of day time.
Did you not read overnight at all?
didn't need to. didnt plan to read prior to me coming in, until iso time.
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Post Post #3139 (isolation #13) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:40 pm

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In post 3086, MalcolmTucker wrote:April's slot increasingly feels like it might be mafia. It had come under a lot of pressure before they replaced in and I didn't necessarily agree at the time, but their posts have been incredibly tentative and the idea used by them that we can't suspect them because they've only made a few posts - despite being a replacement - is hilarious.
so young
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Post Post #3140 (isolation #14) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:43 pm

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It's interesting how many people are trying to put me on the secondary suspicion list, look into that list a few game days from now.
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Post Post #3141 (isolation #15) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:46 pm

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In post 3133, Cape90 wrote:
In post 3030, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3023, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 2833, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2831, Enchant wrote:Well i am replace of Fua.
Deets you should know:

Math is confirmed Mason.

There is a hood of: Nero, skitter, Cap90, VP.

There's a lot of useless posting in this game (maybe even some from me in the last few pages while I was catching up, sorry all!)
april here is the replacement info post. also VP is claimed ascetic, enchant (fua) is claimed vig who tried to shoot me last night and nothing happened
want this in my ISO, thank you.

And Math can hopefully trust me because if I were scum, I'd be pushing them as scum as a mason like last time :lol:

I'm extremely convincing as scum, and bordeline psychotic when I am :shrug:
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Post Post #3143 (isolation #16) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:53 pm

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I think Tene's probably town. They're getting targeted by Malcolm for things that aren't really AI, but make them look bad. Whether that's coming from scumMalcom or townMalcolm really believing those things is the question, but it looks like Malcolm is just targeting a townie that isn't in a good spot right now, and calling them out when they've made an 'incorrect play' post.
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Post Post #3144 (isolation #17) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:53 pm

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In post 3142, Nero Cain wrote:Honestly, guy replacing in and not reading and then not helping to find scum (if you aren't) isn't great town play. I get that it could be more gimmick play than AI playbut its still not great
Bro, I'm FL. This account's not hidden, and I'm really not even in gimmick mode.
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Post Post #3147 (isolation #18) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:55 pm

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In post 3142, Nero Cain wrote:then not helping to find scum
oh trust me, my hooks have been cast.
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Post Post #3148 (isolation #19) » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:58 pm

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I town read most, if not all, of the VPB wagon, but I might have some personal bias not wanting to vote there since he's one of the players here I've played with before, and could read better over time.

Malcolm and STD are the ones giving me the heebie jeebie vibes so far, I think. I forget which STD post it was, i'll look for it sometime.
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Post Post #3149 (isolation #20) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:02 am

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In post 3120, Frogsterking wrote:This looks TvT, sorry Malcolm.
It looks like something that was good for ScumMalcom to come off as TvT.

VOTE: Malcolm

Gimme the heat
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Post Post #3150 (isolation #21) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:06 am

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In post 3115, tenebrousluminary wrote:VP, Deas, maybe Yeet or April. Excited to come under fire for bringing up a new read I haven't mentioned in response to being specifically asked for my reads!
In post 3121, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3120, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 3100, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3094, Frogsterking wrote:Malcolm what is the point you're trying to make right now and is it addressed toward luminary or other players who are considering voting luminary?
My point is that there are continual inconsistencies in Luminary's play and that these hint toward being mafia. They accuse Deas of "protecting friends" but don't elaborate on who this is. They accuse others of being lazy for a Scorpious wagon and yet lumped their vote and most of their suspicion on STD on the basis of inactivity alone. They regularly deflect when accusations are thrown their away to try and move the discussion away from the issue at-hand with the continual idea basically every player questioning them is being dishonest.
This looks TvT, sorry Malcolm. I think it's possible some of these things from luminary are a result of being distracted from getting pushed. If it makes you feel any better I think you won the 1v1 because of the stronger rhetoric and organization of your posts.
I've gone back and forth a bit, I could swing back to town re tenebros but leaning mafia right now, key part is figuring out whether their frustration is genuine or mafia feint.
If Malcolm is scum, tene town, this is a happy to deflate off of tene post now that tene reads are in an acceptable place.
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Post Post #3151 (isolation #22) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:10 am

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In post 3086, MalcolmTucker wrote:but their posts have been incredibly tentative and the idea used by them that we can't suspect them because they've only made a few posts - despite being a replacement - is hilarious.
You can suspect for whatever ya want, but post game, my words'll speak true.

But like the setup push. Honestly, ya dripping all over the wall. You setting up and positioning too much. My slot's being kept as an out in case momentum needs to roll.
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Post Post #3152 (isolation #23) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:15 am

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scorpious, tene, cape, fire, are green for me right now. nero probably green
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Post Post #3154 (isolation #24) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:19 am

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In post 3080, DeasVail wrote:I guess my position is that tenebro does not strike me as someone playing with experience and confidence, regardless of their alignment, and I am if anything concerned by the inconsistencies between periods of not knowing who to vote for/not feeling comfortable pushing a non-main target and occasional other periods of confidently asserting someone as scum (fua). I think that self-consciousness is something that is very hard to shake off as scum, and while I agree that it is more prominent in newer players, I don't see tenebro's experience level as super critical to my read given the evidence in-thread of low confidence.
In regards to continuing to post, I think that can be just as much a personality/playstyle thing as an experience thing. On the rare occasion where I have seen someone ghost as scum, it's just as often been experienced players as newer players.

That's my take at least.
In post 3084, MalcolmTucker wrote:I've gone back and forth on them but tenebros most recent posts in the past few pages are incredibly mafia-leaning. Notably there is a lot of deflection with stuff like "go target your friends" without that ever actually being explained. They seem completely unwilling to actually accept the idea people may think they're mafia in a way that feels dishonest and like they're trying to come across as frustrated townie.

The whole idea someone like Deas is just trying to protect their friends while tenebros is being some maverick thinking outside the box just fundamentally isn't true when their main push yesterday was STD, simply based on their inactivity without much post-based evidence. Like I don't think a Scorpious wagon is a particularly great idea, but you can't say claim they're an easy target and then pivot onto STD instead. Major inconsistency.

VOTE: tenebrousluminary
In post 3086, MalcolmTucker wrote:April's slot increasingly feels like it might be mafia. It had come under a lot of pressure before they replaced in and I didn't necessarily agree at the time, but their posts have been incredibly tentative and the idea used by them that we can't suspect them because they've only made a few posts - despite being a replacement - is hilarious.

DeasVail defense on tene, followed by a push by Malcolm with an additional side moment piece slot from a slot that had zero pull/momentum in the game at the time is a key point.

Deas can go green because it was a very specific and genuine feeling of defense on Tene, kind of the exact opposite of Malcolm. I see Tene as townier because of a lot of things Malc pushed as reasons for them being scum. It feels like scum pushing town for faults in the townies play because they can see the faults better from a scum perspective.
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Post Post #3155 (isolation #25) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:20 am

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In post 3153, Nero Cain wrote:Why did you downgrade me?
You're just a strong enough player that I get a little scared of hopping in the pocket without coming up for air every now and then
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Post Post #3156 (isolation #26) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:21 am

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what's your read on Malcom, Nero?
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Post Post #3463 (isolation #27) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:27 pm

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In post 3157, Nero Cain wrote:poe town. I've been just sorta nodding along with his posting. Not really in love with your case. Why is he the worst Tene voter?
his case is political, pushing faults in a town play rather than looking for scum. comes across well to most townies, and if you look at frogster, he even pushed them expecting it to be a TvT in the form of TeneScum being questioned instead of any MalcolmScum.
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Post Post #3466 (isolation #28) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:29 pm

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In post 3171, MathBlade wrote:If scum he can bus which increases his standing but loses a buddy

would I bus or would I defend my partner to an insane amount is a question, though.

you know how I work, though, i'll likely have hard pushed at least 4 people by end of Day 3.
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Post Post #3467 (isolation #29) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:30 pm

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In post 3186, Nero Cain wrote:April pushed Malcolm and that's all he/she has done today.
I've done a lot more than this, this is just what I want people to see me doing on the surface.
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Post Post #3469 (isolation #30) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:32 pm

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In post 3194, VP Baltar wrote:April, why are you TR Cape again?
I liked the way they were posting around that one time they referenced me. Seems awkward if they were scum to do it the way they did, so it just seemed genuine townie to me.
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Post Post #3471 (isolation #31) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:34 pm

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In post 3220, Yeet wrote:Should I be townreading you, Malcolm? I noticed quite a few others think you are townie however it is hard for me to read you as such. I can’t find any reasons to scumread you either, you’re just very null all around to me.
This is actually a reason I'm scum reading Malcolm.

I unfortunately shoot my shot a bit too early because I don't think a strong case is there for scumMalcolm, I just believe them to be scum, if that makes sense.

It's part of the "he's saying all of the right things" for certain people, but it isn't the right thing for people who were on the side like us, which is a sign he's pandering to the popular choice, and even leading that trajectory. he's kind of doing it while out in the forefront and while also having that behind the scene energy.
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Post Post #3472 (isolation #32) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:36 pm

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In post 3247, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3244, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3239, VP Baltar wrote: but I think what I'm picking up on here is real.
is this your strongest scumread at the moment? what other scumreads do you have?
I still want to yeet the fuck out of cape, but that was going nowhere. People are willing to give him a pass today even though he is doing nothing and had a very questionable hammer yesterday, as I've explained.

If I was going to compromise on something, I might be willing to back a tenebros wagon, but I go back and forth there.

what's your case for scumCape?
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Post Post #3475 (isolation #33) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:41 pm

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In post 3370, Eyes without a face wrote:I am at the bottom of page 123 and
at that point
I think I have more or less developed reads that look like this:

Town reads: Nero, VP, Enchant, fire, STD, Deas

Almost-Town: Yeet, Malcolm

Can't decide: Scorp, Datisi, skitter, April, Cape

Scum leans: tene, frog

Note that these are mostly impressions although claims do play a part of it. Also names in each category are not necessarily ordered
Can you explain your VP/Enchant/STD/Deas reads for me?
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Post Post #3478 (isolation #34) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:44 pm

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In post 3451, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 3371, VP Baltar wrote:Why the enchant hard town read?
I don't believe scum claim vig on day one just for the lolz. It's a very risky play that could be CC'd or result in them getting shot by the real vig or them getting yeeted soon enough when there is no other kill at night. It just doesn't make sense to me that fua was scum and claimed that unprompted
Note to self, Enchant claimed Vig day one.

I don't hate this post by Eyes, +1
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Post Post #3479 (isolation #35) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:46 pm

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In post 3476, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3472, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3247, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3244, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3239, VP Baltar wrote: but I think what I'm picking up on here is real.
is this your strongest scumread at the moment? what other scumreads do you have?
I still want to yeet the fuck out of cape, but that was going nowhere. People are willing to give him a pass today even though he is doing nothing and had a very questionable hammer yesterday, as I've explained.

If I was going to compromise on something, I might be willing to back a tenebros wagon, but I go back and forth there.

what's your case for scumCape?
I'm more convinced of frogster than Cape right now given the last several pages, but if I was summing up cape, I would say:

1) his hammer yesterday was not good, and then he kept explaining after the hammer, which looked like more effort than was actually needed. (His defense here is that he did not allegedly know he was hammering)

2) I told him overnight I thought he didn't look great off the wu wagon. I voted him today. He responded with a giant "case" on me that is both bad, and didn't contain a vote on me for some reason? (He voted after I called him on that part).

3) he has not done anything of note today other than to join the Nero shade parade of VP.

It's not a slam dunk case by any means, which is why I think this frogger progression is much more interesting rn.
Okay, I like this. Yeah, those are solid reasons to have a scum read. I think that Cape is town that happens to look off because of a few things, and might just be tunneled.
I'm still figuring you out, but I am starting to see that town VPB I like to see, so that's a good thing.
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Post Post #3480 (isolation #36) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:48 pm

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In post 3456, DeasVail wrote:but I think it’s more likely that tenebro-scum was a world I wanted to be true rather than one that actually is true.
i believe this is what scum was feeding on, I like this change coming after you said you wanted the night.

My Datisi/DeasVail reads were something I wanted to work on, so this helps me a lot.
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Post Post #3481 (isolation #37) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:50 pm

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STD/Malcolm still my highest scum reads. There's probably one in the main mix of things, I just don't know where it's at currently.
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Post Post #3484 (isolation #38) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:53 pm

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In post 3482, VP Baltar wrote:April, when you have a minute, I'd love your take on frogster

I think they're townie, but there's been a couple things that I could see being a scum action.

For instance, they made a comment on Tene vs Malcolm looking like TvT, and while I generally liked the assessment, I could see it coming from scum.

So that's generally how I've been with Frogster, I generally like the way they say things, and how they choose to, but I can't say I can't see them coming as solid scum play.

It's enough for me to not scum read them, and even lean town on them for a bit, but I am hesitant from putting them in the tier I've been talking about.
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Post Post #3487 (isolation #39) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:59 pm

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No order between tiers. Datisi is null in a different way than Skitter slot. I expect 2-3 scum in the blue, tbh, even though I'm leaning town on the majority of the game.

Yeet made a comment about hard to get scum reads this game, which is something I have noticed as well, which means scum are likely playing a more inaction type of game, letting the game flow whilst giving some momentum support here and there.

I could be wrong on STD, that's not a strong scum read. I can't shake the feeling of Malcolm scum, though.


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Post Post #3488 (isolation #40) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:59 pm

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In post 3487, April Ludgate wrote:DeasVail
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I'm interested in looking into this group more right now.
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Post Post #3489 (isolation #41) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:03 pm

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I do not think DV and Fire are both scum.
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Post Post #3491 (isolation #42) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:06 pm

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In post 1693, Aristeia wrote:
In post 1689, MathBlade wrote:
In post 1688, Aristeia wrote:probably try this

VOTE: scorp
Any reason why you’re avoiding both the HEM wagon and my wagon to pick from?
because I don't use vca before any flips happen.

Poor take. Also the more popular take, but VCA and wagonomics can be used at any piece of the game, but acting like definitive conclusions is the poor part.

Yes, I know this is my previous slot, point still stands.

They also happen to have the same scum day as Flavor Leaf.
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Post Post #3494 (isolation #43) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:10 pm

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In post 3492, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 3487, April Ludgate wrote:I expect 2-3 scum in the blue, tbh,
you expect the lions share of scum to be in your null reads and not the 4 people that you are scumreading?
Datisi/skitter are null reads, not scum. And STD isn't necessarily a strong scum read, more I just would be happy to see them go and not surprised if they were scum at all, but DV and Fire said they've been pure, so it makes me want to push them less.

Yes, I don't assume I've just come into the game and immediately caught 2 scum on the bottom. Scum don't mash up like that, it's more likely they've split considering the state of the gamestate, so I do believe there are scum in my town reads.

Scum's job is to get townies to town read them, and scum rarely like to pair up in the main thread.

VPB witnessed a time where Dkkoba and I hardcore teamed up as scum in main thread and powered through, and this does not resemble that type of gamestate in the slightest. This is a very inactive scum game, essentially, they're just letting momentum flow, and slightly guiding, meaning they're content with the way the game is going so far.

I expect scum to get me to town read them, if that makes sense.

Greens happen when I'm more confident.
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Post Post #3495 (isolation #44) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:13 pm

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In post 3490, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 3489, April Ludgate wrote:I do not think DV and Fire are both scum.
Is there any reason why they can't both be scum or is this an intuitive read?

Might be a weak reasoning, but I don't believe DeasVeil teams up with Fire's reads there if they are both scum/scum. They could be T/S or T/T, sure, but yeah, that's a weird partner comment that I don't see them doing with the current gamestate.
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Post Post #3496 (isolation #45) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:14 pm

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In post 3495, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3490, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 3489, April Ludgate wrote:I do not think DV and Fire are both scum.
Is there any reason why they can't both be scum or is this an intuitive read?

Might be a weak reasoning, but I don't believe DeasVeil teams up with Fire's reads there if they are both scum/scum. They could be T/S or T/T, sure, but yeah, that's a weird partner comment that I don't see them doing with the current gamestate.
So while there is some reasoning, mixed in with my reads on their individual slots prior to that, I would say it's mostly intuitive, but I've got a strong intuition where at the very least, I like to bring up for my own ISO that this is what I thought in that moment, if that makes sense.

Later in game, when doing some deeper puzzle solves with more information, I can recheck my ISO to see what I was feeling at the time, and why, and what it feels like with more info.
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Post Post #3497 (isolation #46) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:17 pm

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If it helps ease people from my early game, that's pretty standard me.

I troll around, say a bunch of whatever comes to my mind not caring too much, then wait for people to react to me, so I can tighten up the strings I lackadaisically threw out there, and see if I can wrangle in anything.

It helped a lot, I have mostly been able to catch a read on the majority of the slots in this game more than just 1 or 2 layers deep.
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Post Post #3499 (isolation #47) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:20 pm

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In post 3498, MathBlade wrote:
In post 3487, April Ludgate wrote:No order between tiers. Datisi is null in a different way than Skitter slot. I expect 2-3 scum in the blue, tbh, even though I'm leaning town on the majority of the game.

Yeet made a comment about hard to get scum reads this game, which is something I have noticed as well, which means scum are likely playing a more inaction type of game, letting the game flow whilst giving some momentum support here and there.

I could be wrong on STD, that's not a strong scum read. I can't shake the feeling of Malcolm scum, though.


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The only place we agree on scum reads is Skitter or Datisi. Could you look there more esp Skitter?
Yeah, I'll look more into skitter. Not the best at reading her, plus she replaced out I saw. But I'll try and ISO her tonight.

I think it's a good thing we have different reads Math. What are your reads for my Blue tier?
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Post Post #3501 (isolation #48) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:21 pm

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You being conf town means you have the spot of everyone trying to appease you to get town read, Math, meaning that there's likely going to be some gaps from scum actively putting effort into not getting put on the conf town's naughty list.
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Post Post #3505 (isolation #49) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:28 pm

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In post 3504, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 3496, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3495, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3490, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 3489, April Ludgate wrote:I do not think DV and Fire are both scum.
Is there any reason why they can't both be scum or is this an intuitive read?

Might be a weak reasoning, but I don't believe DeasVeil teams up with Fire's reads there if they are both scum/scum. They could be T/S or T/T, sure, but yeah, that's a weird partner comment that I don't see them doing with the current gamestate.
So while there is some reasoning, mixed in with my reads on their individual slots prior to that, I would say it's mostly intuitive, but I've got a strong intuition where at the very least, I like to bring up for my own ISO that this is what I thought in that moment, if that makes sense.

Later in game, when doing some deeper puzzle solves with more information, I can recheck my ISO to see what I was feeling at the time, and why, and what it feels like with more info.
Yes and this way you're collecting metrics over time on the other players using your intuition which could be helpful in the endgame as a part of a town block.

I saw you're both a little paranoid about my slot and think my vibe is townie, how comfortable do you think you would be overall trusting my slot if I was still alive in the endgame?
I think by end game I'd have a more solidified feeling, so I'm not too worried about you slipping through the cracks, if I'm being honest. We haven't interacted directly too much, and that's likely the key to gaining that trust, or to figuring out you are scum. I am leaning the former, though.
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Post Post #3507 (isolation #50) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:29 pm

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In post 3503, MathBlade wrote:Your greens are troublesome
I think that's a good thing, though, you don't expect Boonskiies to have the logical ones as green and go with the status quo, do you?
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Post Post #3508 (isolation #51) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:32 pm

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In post 3502, Nero Cain wrote:What do u think of VP, boon?

Parts of me like what he's saying, most of the time, I like what he's saying, but his conclusive votes don't go in the way I like.

So if I had to rank all my blues, he'd be near the bottom of the blues. I can see his play coming from scum.

It's like the opposite of my feelings with Frogster, if I had to choose to move them to green or move them down in this instant, i'd move them down.

I'd reluctantly join the wagon if the time was going down, but I'm not in the space to push him, or really defend him too much atm. I like the pressure there because if something clicks for me with him, I might choose to defend, but I haven't had that spark that wants to defend him yet.
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Post Post #3509 (isolation #52) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:34 pm

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In post 3507, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3503, MathBlade wrote:Your greens are troublesome
I think that's a good thing, though, you don't expect Boonskiies to have the logical ones as green and go with the status quo, do you?
I admit, it's possible I see Tene getting piled on by a slot I found scummy, and then immediately went to defend them because of it harder than I should have. It's still the feeling and read I have, but I see the possibility for my mistake there. I will stand by it until I am proven incorrect, though.
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Post Post #3510 (isolation #53) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:38 pm

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I forgot about that neighborhood. I'll likely go and look deeper into those 4 when I have a chance then.
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Post Post #3576 (isolation #54) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:28 pm

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In post 3530, Cape90 wrote:
In post 3507, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3503, MathBlade wrote:Your greens are troublesome
I think that's a good thing, though, you don't expect Boonskiies to have the logical ones as green and go with the status quo, do you?
Why do you care about your greens being status quo vs not status quo so much? This feels too... tutorially? Um I cant think of words right now lol
that was just a playful sentence really. Common for me to have complete 180 reads from the rest of the game.
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Post Post #3577 (isolation #55) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:30 pm

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In post 3532, tenebrousluminary wrote:I am experiencing a lack of confidence again.

I hate that I have been so OMGUS-driven this game yet I see Deas unvoting and can't help but want to reconsider.

I feel better about a handful of townreads than any scumreads. Scorp, Nero, fire, Cape are all town to me. That provides some grounding. April's posts have felt good as well.

I still suspect VP and Yeet. I do not have a good reason for this. But feeling less gung ho about everything in general.

As I peruse the player list, Eyes jumps out as someone I should investigate more.

I am aware that this post involves me both bringing up a boring lurker suspicion and returning to lower confidence at a time when that might look convenient. I hereby decree that this self-aware line makes it okay.

Yes, I highly feel that there was some scum energy in your situation keeping the flames going, so I'll put that in my research deeper pile. Luckily, I come prepared witha. bucket of water.
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Post Post #3578 (isolation #56) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:32 pm

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In post 3537, Frogsterking wrote:
It's possible your play so far serves a larger purpose, luminary.
You've been involved in so many OMGUS it caused me to believe not only that you're town but some of the players you fought against as well.


PoE by table-wide level of suspicion.
love how the way this was chosen to be worded, just on a personal level

Frogster's probably closer to green the more this game goes on
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Post Post #3579 (isolation #57) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:34 pm

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This game's kinda stagnant while tension is building to see where momentum falls.

I ask to take a chance on me, let's vote Malcolm, and see the way the rocks fall down the hill.
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Post Post #3580 (isolation #58) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:34 pm

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Post Post #3703 (isolation #59) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:54 pm

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In post 3619, MalcolmTucker wrote:April's fairly flimsy mafia case against me.
I've specifically stated that there isn't a strong case to be made on you, which is a testament to your positioning this game.

Malcolm is choosing a pure shade to the case tactic.

I guarantee you, post game, I will be correct.

This is another thing I posted when they were pushing Tene. They aren't pushing as scum, they're pointing out flaws in town's play and negging as scum.
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Post Post #3706 (isolation #60) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:58 pm

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Yeah, VPB gonna flip green.
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Post Post #3707 (isolation #61) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:59 pm

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i feel free that green aura exuding out of the wagon steam
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Post Post #3709 (isolation #62) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:00 pm

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your wagon icky
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Post Post #3710 (isolation #63) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:01 pm

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also notice how Malcolm is actively staying off of it, but trying to heat things up between VPB and myself. He's actively trying to break a string from under the radar.
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Post Post #3711 (isolation #64) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:02 pm

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Here's the thing, people don't like the case/reasoning I made. Big whoop, don't mean I'm not right. Wouldn't be the first time I was the only one standing up pushing a scumhead.
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Post Post #3712 (isolation #65) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:04 pm

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I am noting DeasVail's big vote. That vote felt heavier than the other votes, which could be a sign of scum taking action.
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Post Post #3714 (isolation #66) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:05 pm

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VPB, I think Frogster is probably town.
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Post Post #3720 (isolation #67) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:10 pm

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In post 3717, Eyes without a face wrote:Serious question:
Are we looking for scum or are we looking for things we don't like in each other's playstyles?
because it seems to me everybody has been looking on the game from their own perspective and how the other should be playing not whether the other is making something that looks like it's scum driven.

Also everybody (in general and not just in this game) assume they are smart and everybody else is dumb. "scum will push this and not that" may only work if -say- someone is being tricky, but I don't think having a different opinion or changing one's opinion or some other shit that every player does regardless of their alignment qualifies as a reason to scum read someone.

@Deas: regarding 3702 what would you have done in that situation? Imagine that you were not being pushed at one point and then the tide changes and you are the leading wagon. Would you still sit back and relax or would you try to at least defend yourself? I think we both know the answer to that and that -again- is regardless of the color of your PM.

Exactly. People push townies for what they appear as faults in play based on their limited knowledge, scum push townies for their faults from their informed minority knowledge, and get to choose how to push in political reasons.

This is what Malcolm has been doing, and he also shade discredits.

I am one of the only ones pushing for actual scum reasons, but I get chopped because people don't like to look at what scum actually does, they want to look for surface level faults.
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Post Post #3723 (isolation #68) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:12 pm

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In post 3719, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3712, April Ludgate wrote:I am noting DeasVail's big vote. That vote felt heavier than the other votes, which could be a sign of scum taking action.
Big mood

I’m interested in what your hypothesis is regarding “scum taking action”. in my scum guide, it's one of my first tips.

Scum do it a lot subconsciously because they have to effect the game.

If you are scum, that was you taking direct action.

If you are town, it's you saying how you really feel.

Over time, I'm able to piece these action moments in context with the entire game, and sometimes in the future they can look really damaging because it shows it had a direct effect on the game.

Your vote is close to a death sentence on VPB.
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Post Post #3724 (isolation #69) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:17 pm

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Nero Cain
VP Baltar




Eyes without a face

Save The Dragons



No order between tiers.
Scum is in the non greens. Might be 1 scum in my greens, cant see more than 1 tbh. Thing that makes me nervous about the greens is VPB, Nero, Cape triangle.

However, VPB feeling green energy, Nero's masking himself well if he's scum because I generally understand why theyre pushing where they are, but i dont necessarily agree.

Cape was gut and liked the way they responded to certain things, as said earlier.
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Post Post #3725 (isolation #70) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:21 pm

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VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, Deasvail

Honestly, Fire and DeasVail stand out hard for me here. I don't think they're S/S, I said that earlier, but this might be enough for me to believe one of them are scum here.

For what it's worth, I think STD had some townie energy when they voted at me, just feels like mislead town not really being here, plus I semi trust the ones who said STD was town, but also noted Frog not seeing it either, so they still not in blue.

1 of DV/Fire, then 1 of Scorpious/Frog/Tene/Nero probably. And I town read 3 of that 4 pool.

My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
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Post Post #3733 (isolation #71) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:36 pm

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In post 3728, Enchant wrote:I never understand sense of measuring reads, and then predicting team half scumreads half nulls while there's other scumreads.

Maybe one day you'll get there. Huge upside once you can wrap your brain around reasons to do so.
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Post Post #3735 (isolation #72) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:37 pm

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In post 3729, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, Deasvail

Honestly, Fire and DeasVail stand out hard for me here. I don't think they're S/S, I said that earlier, but this might be enough for me to believe one of them are scum here.

For what it's worth, I think STD had some townie energy when they voted at me, just feels like mislead town not really being here, plus I semi trust the ones who said STD was town, but also noted Frog not seeing it either, so they still not in blue.

1 of DV/Fire, then 1 of Scorpious/Frog/Tene/Nero probably. And I town read 3 of that 4 pool.

My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
So you’re placing your trust in me/Fire in regards to STD whilst also hypothesising that one of must be scum? (As much as I am keeping Fire-scum in mind as a possibility I think it’s a logical fallacy that one of us must be scum due to our very similar movements)
It doesn't have to be 100%.

I'm very flexible with reads, and can even 180, but i think it's important to note where my mind is currently racing at.

a 40% scum read is a strong scum read, people act like there needs to be like 80%+ for some reason, when on Day 2, it's likely there isn't actual scum cases for actual scum quite yet.
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Post Post #3736 (isolation #73) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:38 pm

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In post 3731, Yeet wrote:Emotionally I agree with a lot of Flavor’s reads but I would be really surprised if skitter was scum.

Yeah, honestly, that's my linger slot, don't take too much face value from that fourth one. It's where I'm at, it would be wild if I were 100% correct, ya feel.

100% corrects dont come in until later in the game with more flips.
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Post Post #3739 (isolation #74) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:42 pm

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In post 3728, Enchant wrote:I never understand sense of measuring reads, and then predicting team half scumreads half nulls while there's other scumreads.

For instance, you could say Maybe instead of flat out going No to possible theories. It's alright to talk about all possibilities.
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Post Post #3741 (isolation #75) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:45 pm

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In post 3737, fireisredsir wrote:@april, if you think tene and VP are both town, why do you think things shifting from tene to VP is a sign of scum taking action?

Tene was staggering with momentum.

I fought hard to protect Tene earlier, and that's how I called out Malcolm. It took a little bit of time, the game stagnated, but VP started gaining more traction.

I do believe VPB momentum came initially from stagnant game and been under fire the longest at the time, but momentum came heavier, so the back end is likely to have at least 1 scum for it to break the monotony.

Fire/DV also didn't really have any major heat on them, and fit an under the radar scum, giving them the perfect catalyst to be the momentum vote to start VPB.
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Post Post #3744 (isolation #76) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:49 pm

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Alright, I gotta go write something for a fiverr client, ill be back in a little bit.

I beg to give Malcolm wagon a try, we have plenty of time left in the day phase, and that would cause a drastic shift in the game and force scum to take some type of action.
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Post Post #3747 (isolation #77) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:51 pm

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In post 3743, fireisredsir wrote:idk, i think tene lim would've gone through if me/DV didn't switch. it was at 6 and there were a couple more people willing to vote there.

eyes what's your answer?
Interesting, the 2 of you were at another key point together. I'll have to go back and look, but if a townie goes off, that's often a time for scum to hop off too.

Also, scum hop off to look townie often because they're afraid of being on a wagon that's gonna make them look bad.
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Post Post #3750 (isolation #78) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:55 pm

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In post 3729, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, Deasvail

Honestly, Fire and DeasVail stand out hard for me here. I don't think they're S/S, I said that earlier, but this might be enough for me to believe one of them are scum here.

For what it's worth, I think STD had some townie energy when they voted at me, just feels like mislead town not really being here, plus I semi trust the ones who said STD was town, but also noted Frog not seeing it either, so they still not in blue.

1 of DV/Fire, then 1 of Scorpious/Frog/Tene/Nero probably. And I town read 3 of that 4 pool.

My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
So you’re placing your trust in me/Fire in regards to STD whilst also hypothesising that one of must be scum? (As much as I am keeping Fire-scum in mind as a possibility I think it’s a logical fallacy that one of us must be scum due to our very similar movements)

I wanna comment here once more before I go.

I'm not necessarily placing trust in you/fire regarding to STD, I just am not really too interested in pushing STD, and the fact that anyone said it, means that there can be discussion about it down the line.

I'm also thinking there is 1 scum within you two, however, I'm not really pushing either of you. I'd rather push Malcolm, and let the game unfold, because if I am wrong that you guys are T/S, then over time, I have a good chance at reading that, and it can possibly save you both if you are T/T.

One of my reasons for wanting a Malcolm push is to see where people are forced to put their money where the mouth is.

If MalcolmScum, then scum obviously don't want Malcolm to be pushed, so it's easy to discredit and push me away when there is no momentum.

But if momentum starts building, I really want to see where people choose to place their stakes.
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Post Post #3753 (isolation #79) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:59 pm

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In post 3748, Eyes without a face wrote:VOTE: Malcolm

Willing to give this a try but I reserve the right to retract my vote if I am not satisfied with the result.



Now I want to explain why this works.

We have a vote from Eyes without a face on Malcolm.

That immediately added a possibility of a wagon. if Malcolm flipped scum, I wouldn't consider Eyes without a face as scum anymore with the given action taken, because this was a doomvote to their partner if momentum picks up.

If Malcolm is town, eyes scum, then yeah, this is a great vote for Eyes because I'm gonna take the brunt of the damage from a misfade on Malcolm.

Fwiw, I was already about to move Eyes up a notch after liking a post of theirs on the last page. I don't think they're scum trying to buddy up with me, I feel like they genuinely are starting to see my perspective.

This is the type of analysis and info I get from playing in the present time, and I effectively do this with every action taken in the game, and then try to associate what's most likely, and cause situations where people have to take action.

Does that make sense?
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Post Post #3762 (isolation #80) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:06 pm

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In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
If anything, the fact those are the 2 directly following onto Malcolm is almost a little too spot on to be in a team with VP.
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Post Post #3763 (isolation #81) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:07 pm

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In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no actual evidence provided for a mafia case.

exactly what Malcolm is hiding behind. I have stated this game likely doesn't have strong reasons for anyone to be scum, and most players have pushed faults in play rather than scum.

I've given my reasons.
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Post Post #3764 (isolation #82) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:09 pm

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In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
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Post Post #3766 (isolation #83) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:10 pm

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In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:genuinely astonishingly lazy

also this.

I think it's fairly obvious I've put a lot of effort into trying to get a wagon going on him. The fact he calls it lazy is laughable. He is simply attempting to discredit as much as he can because the reasoning I gave for why he is scum is true, but he thinks it's a bad reasoning that he shouldn't be caught for.
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Post Post #3767 (isolation #84) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:10 pm

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In post 3765, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3762, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
If anything, the fact those are the 2 directly following onto Malcolm is almost a little too spot on to be in a team with VP.
To be clear, you think Yeet might be in a team with me? Blatantly incorrect if so given the play so far.

I've had yeet green for a long time, buddy.
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Post Post #3770 (isolation #85) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:14 pm

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In post 3758, VP Baltar wrote:So final analysis is probably scum in Scorpious, Frogster and Fire on my wagon. If I'm guessing, probably only two of those and I'm wrong somewhere.

Off my wagon, I think there is likely a scum between skitter and Cape.

replace Cape with Malcolm, and this is the exact team I proposed earlier, VPB.

Scorpius, Malcolm, Fire, Skitter.

I'm not completely sold on Skitter, and Fire/DV are essentially interchangeable, I keep bouncing back and forth between which of them I think is scum.

Scorpius isn't a strong read, that's more of a POE.

Datisi/STD still floating around somewhere and could replace, but yeah.

Strongest scum read of mine is Malcolm, followed by one in the Fire/DV group, but they both have things that make me town read them, and both have things that give me the ick.
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Post Post #3773 (isolation #86) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:19 pm

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In post 3768, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3764, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
What is your actual case against me? You admitted early on you "shoot your shot" early because you had no actual case. Now you're just manufacturing it.

it was a combination of the way you acted towards Tene during that bout, the gamestate momentum, and the political placing you were in during the time.

That was a theory, of course, at that time, and I have been trying to dive deeper into it since, and I finally got a little bit of momentum.

You have actively tried to discredit and push faults rather than look for scum, you shade pushes against you like they're nothing, when even if you were town, they aren't nothing, they're completely valid thoughts.

You have been focused on "no case, no evidence" which is just an overall straight discredit attempt that hopes to brush the problem away rather than confront it until necessary.

Cases are for scum, are for late game big solves. Any case that could me made right now is a simple "hmm, dont know if im feeling that" doesn't mean it's not true.

People can not like the case based on their own individual reads, but it's 100% a case.
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Post Post #3775 (isolation #87) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:20 pm

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In post 3772, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
If I may contribute another reason to my case for Scorp town, I do not think as scum he would have reacted to my defending him by questioning my motives. He needed allies at that time and I think he would have just taken it.
Noted. Yeah, I had scorp town for a while too, so it's really a POE slot for me.

What're your thoughts on Malcolm?
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Post Post #3776 (isolation #88) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:21 pm

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In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:also it took great effort to overcome my urges and not go with my initial instinct of "im obvtown so anyone suspecting me is confscum gg lock em up"

oh and i still think VP/malc is decently likely
Interesting. I hadn't really thought about that pairing, but I can see some cases for it.

Malcolm hasnt hopped onto the VPB wagon, and VPB has shied away from Malcolm.

I'll keep it in the back of my mind, not necessarily feeling it, but it's something I'll think about.

I really liked VPB's last hurrah post.
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Post Post #3777 (isolation #89) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:22 pm

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In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:also it took great effort to overcome my urges and not go with my initial instinct of "im obvtown so anyone suspecting me is confscum gg lock em up"

oh and i still think VP/malc is decently likely
I'm more thinking you could be scum than suspecting you, if that makes sense.
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Post Post #3778 (isolation #90) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:24 pm

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I'm going to take a break to not congest.

Thank you for giving Malcolm a chance. I'm almost more interested in watching the people react towards the Malcolm wagon than anything.
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Post Post #3894 (isolation #91) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:46 pm

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In post 3806, MalcolmTucker wrote:Like why is April's slot under so little pressure? It was heavily pushed on day one, Ari left the game, April came in, argued they weren't mafia based on their lack of posting, despite being a replace-in, then accused me and admitted they had no clue as to what was actually going on in the game while doing so, and yet has stuck to that wagon since. It's just such a nonsense case and it's ridiculous town are even contemplating it at the moment.

Helps when you have a lot of games on record catching scum, and I feel like I've been pretty up front and transparent about all my thoughts since replacing in, and have become a rather active player in this game.

It was that energy behind your posting that I specifically was able to sense because I was an outsider.

Scum play to the players in the game, so you hadn't been able to work on me, which is one of the reasons replacements suck more for scum than town.
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Post Post #3895 (isolation #92) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:48 pm

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In post 3893, MathBlade wrote:
In post 3892, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3891, MathBlade wrote:VP April Datisi Skitter?
that would be an absolutely nutty team and im pretty sure they would be doing better than they are if that were the case
Scum are doing excellent if that is the team.

Please clarify why you think scum are doing bad

Disagree that it'd be excellent.

VPB is heavily under fire, I'm out on a limb defending, and have an MIA skitter.
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Post Post #3896 (isolation #93) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:54 pm

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Also, yeah, Fire/DV has scum in them, VPB. Don't know which, but you're stuck in the center of it.
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Post Post #3898 (isolation #94) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:00 pm

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In post 3897, MathBlade wrote:I think that team would be excellent because only VP is under suspicion.

I think maybe I win as scum a lot because I play scum differently?

As scum, I always like to look ahead, I'm more focused on what's happening Day 4/Day 5 as scum on Day 2, which is something a lot of scum players dont do.

VPB goes down today with that scum team, there's no way I ever make it to end game, and with the unknown of Skitter slot, I would argue this would be a pretty bad spot for that scum team, however, I feel like I'd possibly be able to talk my way out of it.

But yeah, this is a VPB-AL partnered case I'm arguing, so I really really hope I'm right that VPB is town, or I'm on the chopping block.

Thing is, I'm the type of player that no matter what VPB would flip, people would try to tie me to it tomorrow anyways at this point.
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Post Post #3900 (isolation #95) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:03 pm

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In post 3899, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3897, MathBlade wrote:I think that team would be excellent because only VP is under suspicion.

I think maybe I win as scum a lot because I play scum differently?
If that was the team, this game would be so easy it'd be a joke.

we'd have been going at it from a different angle, though.

I'd have had no reason to defend tene the way I did.

If anything, I indirectly helped some momentum onto VPB because of my tene defense.
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Post Post #3903 (isolation #96) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:10 pm

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In post 3764, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
In post 3766, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:genuinely astonishingly lazy

also this.

I think it's fairly obvious I've put a lot of effort into trying to get a wagon going on him. The fact he calls it lazy is laughable. He is simply attempting to discredit as much as he can because the reasoning I gave for why he is scum is true, but he thinks it's a bad reasoning that he shouldn't be caught for.
In post 3773, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3768, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 3764, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3759, MalcolmTucker wrote:no
evidence provided for a mafia case.
Also, I want people to look into this way of phrasing.

He said there's no "actual" evidence, implying that there would indeed be some type of evidence that could be found.

If he was town, "actual" evidence wouldn't be something he needs to bring up, because it would simply be "there's no evidence".

This is a "they're right but for the wrong reasons/no reason" scum defense by Malcolm.
What is your actual case against me? You admitted early on you "shoot your shot" early because you had no actual case. Now you're just manufacturing it.

it was a combination of the way you acted towards Tene during that bout, the gamestate momentum, and the political placing you were in during the time.

That was a theory, of course, at that time, and I have been trying to dive deeper into it since, and I finally got a little bit of momentum.

You have actively tried to discredit and push faults rather than look for scum, you shade pushes against you like they're nothing, when even if you were town, they aren't nothing, they're completely valid thoughts.

You have been focused on "no case, no evidence" which is just an overall straight discredit attempt that hopes to brush the problem away rather than confront it until necessary.

Cases are for scum, are for late game big solves. Any case that could me made right now is a simple "hmm, dont know if im feeling that" doesn't mean it's not true.

People can not like the case based on their own individual reads, but it's 100% a case.
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Post Post #3904 (isolation #97) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:12 pm

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People can say they don't like the case, but why say No instead of Maybe. I see no real reason to actively shut it away especially since i havent seen anyone try to town case Malcolm really.

End of the day, cases are weaksauce until Day 4+
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Post Post #3905 (isolation #98) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:12 pm

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the correct ones, anyways
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Post Post #3912 (isolation #99) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:23 pm

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Are we over this VPB wagon yet?

The DV-Fire line is sketching it up, and I really don't think it's an optimal fade.

I like Yeet. Yeet's in my town block.
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Post Post #3917 (isolation #100) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:26 pm

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In post 3910, MathBlade wrote:Problem is I likely die tonight so it’s nothing like last game.

You're kind of a direct opposition to me, so I can see you living if your reads aren't spot on/scum controlled gamestate around a conf town.

I can also see me dying if my reads are more accurate with the easy defense of "whaaat? they just did that to frame me!"

But I don't think I die Night 2, I'm a N3-N4 kill, if not faded.
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Post Post #3918 (isolation #101) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:28 pm

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Oh well, Math said they dont wanna push me until they've seen what I'm doing, or whatever it was they said.

So until my Malcolm read is proven incorrect, I guess here we are.

Glad Nero can see that I'm town, even if reluctantly.
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Post Post #3920 (isolation #102) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:29 pm

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I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
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Post Post #3928 (isolation #103) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:16 pm

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In post 3923, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
I don’t really agree. Not many players have posted since the wagon took off, it hasn’t been very long, and not many active players have /not/ voted Malcolm.
I mean, I've been pushing him for a while, wagon had like 3 more people, but fire changed before really giving it a chance.
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Post Post #3929 (isolation #104) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:17 pm

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In post 3925, Cape90 wrote:IDK dude I still think Malcolm is obvtown
What has he done to make himself obvtown to you specifically?

For me, I feel like he's obvscum, so wanna see where we're missing.
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Post Post #3930 (isolation #105) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:19 pm

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In post 3927, MathBlade wrote:
In post 3924, Cape90 wrote:
In post 3868, Nero Cain wrote:Boon is prob town and scum are sheeping him on Malcolm.
Who is boon?

Also Malcolm is town stop.

Looking at Deas' recent content, I think Deas Vail is town
Boon is April
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Post Post #3931 (isolation #106) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:19 pm

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In post 3922, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3912, April Ludgate wrote:Are we over this VPB wagon yet?

Also like it or not, you have to face the fact that at least one of me/Fire is town.
Yeah, I like it.
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Post Post #4002 (isolation #107) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:19 pm

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In post 3963, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
"hella" hello midwest lol..

So, in your mind if nobody is defending a slot then a wagon should be placed on them?
Because they are scum or because you just want to start a wagon?

Nobody is defending me, should we start one on me then?
I'm a California fella. ;P
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Post Post #4003 (isolation #108) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:20 pm

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In post 4002, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3963, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
"hella" hello midwest lol..

So, in your mind if nobody is defending a slot then a wagon should be placed on them?
Because they are scum or because you just want to start a wagon?

Nobody is defending me, should we start one on me then?
I'm a California fella. ;P
Pawnee is just where April Ludgate is from, and I made this account so I could have this join date, which I think is also pretty California of me.
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Post Post #4004 (isolation #109) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:21 pm

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In post 3963, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3920, April Ludgate wrote:I think people just don't want me to be right, but frankly, I only think I know 1 scum for sure.

This is hella hard to get this wagon going on a slot I feel nobody's really defending.
"hella" hello midwest lol..

So, in your mind if nobody is defending a slot then a wagon should be placed on them?
Because they are scum or because you just want to start a wagon?

Nobody is defending me, should we start one on me then?
Difference is with all of this, is that I was hard pushing Malcolm for a while.

I'm sure if I made a case on you and started pushing you as long as I did for Malcolm, more people would likely be jumping on it, if that makes sense.
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Post Post #4005 (isolation #110) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:24 pm

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In post 3971, Scorpious wrote:
In post 3930, April Ludgate wrote:Boonskiies, Flavor Leaf (FL), Pretentious, Morality, all me. There are some others, but those would be the ones I played on the most, some people refer to me depending on the time they met me.
TBH, I'd yeet this on principal of having so many alts. Something about this site that always bothered me,partially why I left way back in the day.

I have more games played on some of those alts than some do in total.

But for the most part, Boonskiies became my modding account, FL became my play account.

I don't like to keep hidden too much, but I liked to practice different styles on different accounts, plus after going on 2+ year long scum winning streaks, people just want to fade you because they get paranoid, something I call Flavor Fever, so made the game really rough to play a lot of times.

At the end of the day, it doesn't effect you at all to have players play on alts, so just let others do them, ya know.
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Post Post #4006 (isolation #111) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:28 pm

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In post 3972, Scorpious wrote:like I can't say the the L word but people can say "scumfuck" and have 10 different accounts,just weird sometimes..
I could analyze this far deeper. L word is a racially empowered word, and even though it's not used in that sense in all meanings, the word itself is visually triggering to certain people.

So the comparison to having different alts, which effects absolutely nobody, is kind of unfair.

Scumfuck's aggressive sounding, but honestly, the world's changing in a way that it isn't even really a "curse word" anymore. There are much worse things to say than that, and the fact I won't even list what's worse shows the difference in heat there.

Odd choices to bring up, I don't think they're necessarily AI of distracting, but noting.
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Post Post #4008 (isolation #112) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:36 pm

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Last post for a while since I used a lot of posts responding to my alt philosophy, which idk, I am pretty open about alts. For me, I just was on site for like 7+ years, and I had way too much going on, so I almost used it like an organizational tactic.

The site meta comment dealing with past games is more of an issue with players using meta incorrectly than anything. Players don't necessarily need to know the other players to have a good game of Mafia.

Plus, I'm always open about my past games, and made it a point to always allow my scum game PT's to never have anything redacted, and wrote a scum guide basically as a beginner's template to how I play as scum.

In post 3996, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3773, April Ludgate wrote:it was a combination of the way you acted towards Tene during that bout, the gamestate momentum, and the
political placing you were in during the time.
April, I'm reading through your interactions with Malcom and your reasoning. Can you explain what you mean by this?

Political placing is what people do when they need to be read a certain way by certain types of people. They're more focused on their positioning than catching scum, and while this can come from town, it's much more common to come from scum because they want to find a secure spot most of the time, and default to coasting until they have to make more action. It's one of the reasons I believe taking action before it's necessary is so important as scum.

In post 3997, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3806, MalcolmTucker wrote:Like why is April's slot under so little pressure? It was heavily pushed on day one, Ari left the game, April came in, argued they weren't mafia based on their lack of posting, despite being a replace-in, then accused me and admitted they had no clue as to what was actually going on in the game while doing so, and yet has stuck to that wagon since. It's just such a nonsense case and it's ridiculous town are even contemplating it at the moment.
Let's assume April's case against you is incorrect, why should that automatically mean town should be pressuring April?
I had also brought up a response to this before, I didn't push Malcolm from not knowing what was going on in the game, I was living in the present time, and in that present time, I sniffed out Malcolm. Everything about the way Malcolm's been posting looks like he's upset because he feels he's sniffed out for poor nonexistent reasons.
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Post Post #4048 (isolation #113) » Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:24 pm

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I'm really just feelin good vibes from yeet, eyes, and hell even Nero. I also think VPB and Tene are both town.

@Titus - I think DeasV and Fire likely have 1 scum in them, curious on your thoughts on those slots.
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Post Post #4152 (isolation #114) » Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:54 pm

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In post 4052, DeasVail wrote:A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum

Pretty sure one of you commented about the inverse of this, that it was odd I was specifically talking about STD read from ones I'm suspicious of, which directly would contradict this statement. It might have been Fire. I'll go check who said that.
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Post Post #4153 (isolation #115) » Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:55 pm

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In post 4152, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4052, DeasVail wrote:A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum

Pretty sure one of you commented about the inverse of this, that it was odd I was specifically talking about STD read from ones I'm suspicious of, which directly would contradict this statement. It might have been Fire. I'll go check who said that.

At the same time, you are also voting VPB, someone I don't think is scum, and have been trying to defend.
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Post Post #4154 (isolation #116) » Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:57 pm

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In post 4055, DeasVail wrote:
In post 4048, April Ludgate wrote:I'm really just feelin good vibes from yeet, eyes, and hell even Nero. I also think VPB and Tene are both town.

@Titus - I think DeasV and Fire likely have 1 scum in them, curious on your thoughts on those slots.
Why do you think VPB is town?

From what you've said so far, I would gather that it's a gamestate read/influenced by your scumread on Malcolm, but if there's more to it then I would like to know.
His play doesn't make sense coming from scum in this position. He's had multiple outs to get out of this, but he isn't really caring to change his reads too much, and have been pretty stagnant, which to me is coming across as town who's getting pushed, and has done a spider leap trying to hold themselves up between two walls to avoid falling after being thrown into an acid pit by his own townies.
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Post Post #4155 (isolation #117) » Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:59 pm

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In post 4071, tenebrousluminary wrote:VP is only playing scummier under pressure yet he is still alive. Scorp is only a target because it's easy, no one actually thinks he is scum.

that's a sign of a townie not a scum.

Scorp was on my scum list, to be fair, but yeah, I definitely think that's the easy one too. Even more, STD voted there, which actually looks like a way to "offer one of my scum reads list" and get off of Malcolm, so I'm kinda back to Malcolm/STD again.
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Post Post #4156 (isolation #118) » Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:03 pm

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In post 4129, Cape90 wrote:
In post 3823, MalcolmTucker wrote:But I genuinely need to know what the case against me is to be able to do so. I don't think you can compare me with VP. The current wagon against me has sort of materialised out of nowhere and doesn't feel particularly strong or logic-based. The main person behind it is April. April basically admitted they "shoot their shot" too early. What does this mean? It feels like mafia admitting they built a case on someone they had no evidence on, but they kept pursuing it anyway.
Literally this part would imply that April is mafia here like 10 times out of 10 no?
nah, he just rearranged what actually happened to fit a narrative.

Malcolm took a back seat and let a different scum guide things, whichever of the scum is in DV/Fire has been subtly guiding the past couple rl days.

Updated Scum Theory list:

Malcom, STD, 1 of DV/Fire, then one of the others, idk.
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Post Post #4157 (isolation #119) » Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:07 pm

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In post 3729, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, Deasvail

Honestly, Fire and DeasVail stand out hard for me here. I don't think they're S/S, I said that earlier, but this might be enough for me to believe one of them are scum here.

For what it's worth, I think STD had some townie energy when they voted at me, just feels like mislead town not really being here, plus I semi trust the ones who said STD was town, but also noted Frog not seeing it either, so they still not in blue.

1 of DV/Fire, then 1 of Scorpious/Frog/Tene/Nero probably. And I town read 3 of that 4 pool.

My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
So you’re placing your trust in me/Fire in regards to STD whilst also hypothesising that one of must be scum? (As much as I am keeping Fire-scum in mind as a possibility I think it’s a logical fallacy that one of us must be scum due to our very similar movements)
In post 4052, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3964, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3962, VP Baltar wrote:My point is that DV is saying it is a fact at least one of you is town. That's not true from April's perspective, so either DV is trying to bullshit, or is implying they have inside knowledge. Like I said, reading comprehension.
ignoring the part that you were objectively wrong about in order to pretend that you were right, nice, very cool.

if deas is town, it's a fact that he is town. here, I'll say it too: "it's a fact that at least one of me/VP is town". he did say April had to face that fact, so i won't die on that hill since i think it's ambiguous enough that your interpretation has some merit. but saying that he was saying one is definitely scum is just completely wrong
In reply to all this ridiculousness:

I was aware of the fact that it is not /fact/ from April-town's perspective that at least one of me/Fire is town, but that is the theory/assumption that April is making. A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum, which ignores the fact that April thinks one of is town. There is also the added thing, as fire points out, of me knowing I'm town, so I know it is a fact that at least one of me/fire is town, and so I also know that statement to be correct and that April does need to face that fact.

I also agree with fire that it's a very strange thing to pick on from VP, and fire has said what I meant about the shift from VP initially seeming to have reasonable reads to no longer actually making sense. I am aware of the possibility that fire is aligning reads strongly to mine to have me townread them, but VP's nonsense arguments do not make me inclined to trust him over fire. And hey, even if this is some ridiculous pocket by fire, having a townread from me at the expense of attracting the suspicion of the rest of the game does... not seem worthwhile.

Ooo...contradicting takes on how I'm taking in your reads. Interesting.

@Fire - If VPB flipped town, what would your read on Malcom be?
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Post Post #4188 (isolation #120) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:27 am

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Instead of trying something new, we can try Malcolm. It really hasn't taken off ever. It almost did for a second. I really want to see what happens when it becomes the main wagon.
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Post Post #4189 (isolation #121) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:28 am

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In post 4160, fireisredsir wrote:2) given vpb town, malc sus goes up slightly.
overall, fire gave a very safe answer, but I'm glad it wasn't just this as an answer.
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Post Post #4190 (isolation #122) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:34 am

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In post 4185, Frogsterking wrote:On that note I don't think Nero or fire are keeping their cards to their chest AT ALL this game.
In a way, I disagree with this in regards to Fire, but in a very specific way. Like their last answer explaining the VPB-Malcolm on the last page, they said a lot of their thoughts for sure, but when you look at the meat and potatoes of it, they didn't really pick.

Doesn't make them scum, but it's a reason I'm having a hard time town reading them.
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Post Post #4191 (isolation #123) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:35 am

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In post 4180, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4179, MathBlade wrote:Put another way a majority of the game TRs VP and a majority of the game TRs Scorpious
So by numbers they aren’t happening.

So best to try something new
I will vote Malcom or scorpious here soon since no one is joining the fire wagon. Kind of want to give them another day or two here to prove towniness.
The people that would vote Fire possibly are on the Malcolm wagon right now, and if one of us unvote Malcolm, that wagon's gone, so we gotta stay strong.
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Post Post #4192 (isolation #124) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:46 am

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The entire Scorpious wagon was on the General Wagon misfade, for what it's worth.

Might need to reevaluate.

Ah, man. I just really don't want VPB to die, I town read him pretty strongly.
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Post Post #4310 (isolation #125) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:17 pm

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VOTE: Fire
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Post Post #4318 (isolation #126) » Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:38 pm

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VOTE: Malcolm

I'm just ready to move on, and I dont want VP dead.
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Post Post #4543 (isolation #127) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:46 am

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In post 4542, Scorpious wrote:I kinda stopped caring sometime last Thursday.

Who wants my vote?
I'll take it onto Malcolm.
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Post Post #4544 (isolation #128) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:47 am

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In post 4318, April Ludgate wrote:VOTE: Malcolm

I'm just ready to move on, and I dont want VP dead.

Wow, I haven't checked the thread since I made this post, and 2 people came and voted the wagon I want right after I disappeared. Love it, but damn, I shoulda been here.
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Post Post #4545 (isolation #129) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:49 am

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In post 4321, fireisredsir wrote:the extent to which the game feels stuck here the last few days is weird af and probably meaningful in some way but ill let the smart people figure out what that means

my instinct tho is that it means either scum is in the leading wagons and the rest of the team isn't positioned well enough or isn't active enough to push a counter/commit to a bus, or that the leading wagons are all town, and scum are apathetic about which one goes through. but on play i think the first option is the case

I like this. I agree. Stuck isn't necessarily bad, people just get stagnant. I feel it's okay to let games breathe for and stall, as long as some people are doing things. Most games stall for a reason that you can see later in the game more than in the present.
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Post Post #4546 (isolation #130) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:50 am

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In post 4328, MalcolmTucker wrote:
In post 4310, April Ludgate wrote:VOTE: Fire
What was the reason for this switch out of interest?
Thought about checking what would happen afterwards, but yeet's post made me realize that it probably wasn't the best right now, plus Im fine leaving Fire/DV open for a little bit.
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Post Post #4547 (isolation #131) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:54 am

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That Galron wagon is yucky.
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Post Post #4549 (isolation #132) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:55 am

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Listen, if we vote Galron, a slot that's been inactive like all day phase, we're just gonna end up dealing with that Malcolm-VPB duel again.
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Post Post #4551 (isolation #133) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:56 am

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We really dont need another day phase of me defending VPB and pushing Malcolm. I'd really like to move onto my DV/Fire stuff.
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Post Post #4552 (isolation #134) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:57 am

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Also, if Malcolm flips scum, suspicion on me can go away other than saying I bussed. If Malcolm flips town, I lose a lot of credibility anyways.

Win-win-win for everyone.
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Post Post #4556 (isolation #135) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:08 am

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In post 4555, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4552, April Ludgate wrote:Also, if Malcolm flips scum, suspicion on me can go away other than saying I bussed. If Malcolm flips town, I lose a lot of credibility anyways.

Win-win-win for everyone.
I’d rather elim scum.

You’re looking pretty bad atm.

VP’s defense of Galron’s scumslip was terrible and you just ignoring it is horrible.

VP+Galron+you is looking pretty lock step.
Nah, your reads are off.
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Post Post #4557 (isolation #136) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:08 am

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In post 4553, Nero Cain wrote:like a lack of credibility is going to stop you from pushing a DV/Fire scum and prob get sheeps from scum.
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Post Post #4558 (isolation #137) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:09 am

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In post 4553, Nero Cain wrote:like a lack of credibility is going to stop you from pushing a DV/Fire scum and prob get sheeps from scum.
to be fair, I win the majority of my town games.
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Post Post #4562 (isolation #138) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:13 am

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In post 4559, fireisredsir wrote:april, what would you say the wagon on galron means? if you think it's yucky, does that mean you think galron is likely town? is scum taking action? why, and who?

and if galron flipped maf what would that tell you?
Galron was a direct response to Malcolm wagon starting up, and it had momentum because Math mason is coming from a warped perspective due to being conf town, so it had fuel from a mason.

If Galron flipped Mafia, there's probably scum sheeping me, even if Malcolm/Galron is scum, it could be them feeding another scum, but it would likely lower malcolm a little for me, not a lot, but definitely some.
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Post Post #4564 (isolation #139) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:13 am

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In post 4560, Nero Cain wrote:yes but are you the one that solves them?
I catch a couple scum generally every town game I play in that I'm not night killed in. I am night killed in the majority of my town games.
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Post Post #4569 (isolation #140) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:15 am

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I don't care about scum slips like that. I'm more likely to scum slip as town than I am as scum, so I don't really feel that's a slip. Galron is a compromise fade, and just like that pilates/yoga fusion class i took years back, compromise takes away the best things about each.
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Post Post #4573 (isolation #141) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:18 am

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In post 4567, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4564, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4560, Nero Cain wrote:yes but are you the one that solves them?
I catch a couple scum generally every town game I play in that I'm not night killed in. I am night killed in the majority of my town games.
You’re not town so this is irrelevant lmao.
Your reads are completely off, so this is irrelevant.

It's a typical missing the mark mason slot, not even if your fault, the game just revolves that way.

However, if you're pushing me with the intent of trying to stay alive, then fine. I'm kinda all for it, because that is the best type of defense you have bar PR actions for not getting killed in the night.

You also said you'd give me a chance to catch scum early in this day phase, and you haven't even let me get a flip, so you're just kinda going back on your word and simply discrediting aimlessly, so I'm kinda just letting you do whatever while I try to find scum.
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Post Post #4578 (isolation #142) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:21 am

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To be fair, I did have Galron slot on my scum list.

You talk a lot in definites, Math. The game's not black and white. If that were me, not that that slot is me or anything, that would actively mean the opposite of that. Just goes to show the need to not be definite about things on Day 2.
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Post Post #4579 (isolation #143) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:21 am

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In post 4577, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4573, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4567, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4564, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4560, Nero Cain wrote:yes but are you the one that solves them?
I catch a couple scum generally every town game I play in that I'm not night killed in. I am night killed in the majority of my town games.
You’re not town so this is irrelevant lmao.
Your reads are completely off, so this is irrelevant.

It's a typical missing the mark mason slot, not even if your fault, the game just revolves that way.

However, if you're pushing me with the intent of trying to stay alive, then fine. I'm kinda all for it, because that is the best type of defense you have bar PR actions for not getting killed in the night.

You also said you'd give me a chance to catch scum early in this day phase, and you haven't even let me get a flip, so you're just kinda going back on your word and simply discrediting aimlessly, so I'm kinda just letting you do whatever while I try to find scum.
Lol I did give you a chance and that’s why I am not flipping you

You’ve taken that chance and done nothing but push obvTown and ignore scum pairings so like ???

When you’re town you also tell me what is ridiculous and do better than just “wrong” so like yeah you’re obvious scum to me. Malcolm isn’t happening today.
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Post Post #4581 (isolation #144) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:23 am

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In post 4580, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4578, April Ludgate wrote:To be fair, I did have Galron slot on my scum list.

You talk a lot in definites, Math. The game's not black and white. If that were me, not that that slot is me or anything, that would actively mean the opposite of that. Just goes to show the need to not be definite about things on Day 2.
Then prove me possibly wrong and vote Galron.
if im on it, it's a hammer, but idk if i'll even hammer.
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Post Post #4587 (isolation #145) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:27 am

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Cape's gone down on my list a lot, for what it's worth. The Galron hop kinda put it over the edge further.
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Post Post #4589 (isolation #146) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:28 am

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Nero's sheeping Mathblade on a scum slip push confirming the dumbness in scumGalron noted.
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Post Post #4590 (isolation #147) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:29 am

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In post 4588, Yeet wrote:Nero you’re breaking my heart
It could be a scum move. That was an important action to make because it broke the tie and helps out Malcolm a lot.
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Post Post #4592 (isolation #148) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:30 am

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Nero scum would make a lot of sense this game, tbh.
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Post Post #4594 (isolation #149) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:30 am

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I will not be hammering Galron.
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Post Post #4595 (isolation #150) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:30 am

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In post 4593, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4589, April Ludgate wrote:Nero's sheeping Mathblade on a scum slip push confirming the dumbness in scumGalron noted.
I’ve had sus of skitter and Galron all game c’mon Boon
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Post Post #4601 (isolation #151) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:32 am

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I just really dont like the wagon that formed right after you the way it did, Math. Even when inside of me, I do feel like there's the potential for GalronScum, I can't bring myself to do it. And if they are the one faded, and flip scum, I'll take the heat.

If they flip town, I'm power towning hard tomorrow with a vengeance. Be forewarned.
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Post Post #4605 (isolation #152) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:33 am

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In post 4599, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 4592, April Ludgate wrote:Nero scum would make a lot of sense this game, tbh.
how so?
Fence sitting a lot, subtly guiding, that Galron vote had a huge amount of momentum, and it just kinda makes a lot of sense with Malcolm.

I wanna give the benefit of the doubt, but I just really don't see how Galron's a better fade than Malcolm here.
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Post Post #4607 (isolation #153) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:33 am

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In post 4604, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4601, April Ludgate wrote:I just really dont like the wagon that formed right after you the way it did, Math. Even when inside of me, I do feel like there's the potential for GalronScum, I can't bring myself to do it. And if they are the one faded, and flip scum, I'll take the heat.

If they flip town, I'm power towning hard tomorrow with a vengeance. Be forewarned.
Then do it. I will be dead and game will be yours
you wouldnt need to die.

but yeah, i chose my action, i wont be voting.
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Post Post #4611 (isolation #154) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:35 am

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In post 4606, Yeet wrote:This is so frustrating
yeah, we're doing what we can.

My current theory is:

Malcolm, Cape, Nero, then one of Fire/DV/STD
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Post Post #4612 (isolation #155) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:36 am

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In post 4608, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4607, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4604, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4601, April Ludgate wrote:I just really dont like the wagon that formed right after you the way it did, Math. Even when inside of me, I do feel like there's the potential for GalronScum, I can't bring myself to do it. And if they are the one faded, and flip scum, I'll take the heat.

If they flip town, I'm power towning hard tomorrow with a vengeance. Be forewarned.
Then do it. I will be dead and game will be yours
you wouldnt need to die.

but yeah, i chose my action, i wont be voting.
And when Galron flips red you will die the next day.

I gotta go
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Post Post #4613 (isolation #156) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:36 am

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Oh, Nero and Cape both in the hood. Yeah, I don't think there are 2 in there as the most likely. It's possible, but i dont think it's most likely.
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Post Post #4616 (isolation #157) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:38 am

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In post 4602, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4597, Nero Cain wrote:there's still enough votes to vote Malcolm out.
We’re not doing Malcolm when Galron is so clearly scum and I die so then likely Boon just shades me after I do and then Galron VP and Boon aren’t elimmed

No we need Galron

Ohhhhhhhh, they have Flavor Fever.

Their entire game is warped because they're paranoid of me being scum. I get where they're coming from now
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Post Post #4618 (isolation #158) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:39 am

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In post 4614, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 4605, April Ludgate wrote:Fence sitting a lot, subtly guiding, that Galron vote had a huge amount of momentum, and it just kinda makes a lot of sense with Malcolm.
who did I fence sit on? I mean I get voted for fence sitting as town all the time so what makes this fence sitting a scum fence sit rather than a town fence sit? But who did I fence sit on?
I guess you weren't fence sitting, you were just sitting.
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Post Post #4772 (isolation #159) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:37 am

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In post 4619, Nero Cain wrote:so basically you are calling me scum without any examples. Do your homework b4 you try to step up to the next lvl, bro.
Nah, said you could be. It's day 2, bro. Nothing is concrete.
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Post Post #4773 (isolation #160) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:37 am

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In post 4772, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4619, Nero Cain wrote:so basically you are calling me scum without any examples. Do your homework b4 you try to step up to the next lvl, bro.
Nah, said you could be. It's day 2, bro. Nothing is concrete.

But that reaction of yours is interesting. noting.
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Post Post #4775 (isolation #161) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:37 am

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In post 4624, Save The Dragons wrote:VOTE: Galron E-1

i think this is better than malcolm.

Of course you think so, Malcolm's your scum partner.
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Post Post #4776 (isolation #162) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:38 am

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In post 4629, VP Baltar wrote:Math will live forever at this rate.
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Post Post #4779 (isolation #163) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:39 am

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In post 4633, Yeet wrote:This town is absolutely destroyed
In post 4634, Yeet wrote:Why am I even here, what’s the point, why do I even say anything. I shouldn’t have said anything if I knew I was going to be completely ineffectual

Yeet, I love you. Town block til the end.
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Post Post #4781 (isolation #164) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:39 am

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In post 4778, Nero Cain wrote:So is calling me scum without a case

cases are scummy and overrated.
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Post Post #4783 (isolation #165) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:40 am

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In post 4637, Cape90 wrote:
In post 4422, Galron wrote:I want to see the wagons tighten up.

VOTE: Malcom
Like April, they literally popped in and voted Malcolm then headed for the hills. It's like, what is the point of playing if you are literally just going to do this?

VP looks like town to me
Nero looks like town to me

Where does all that leave me? Well, with Galron who is playing like the most obvious demotivated scum on the planet.
Lol, this is just a blatant change in the narrative. I've been putting so much effort into pushing Malcolm.
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Post Post #4784 (isolation #166) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:40 am

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In post 4782, Nero Cain wrote:ok wannabe Chamber
what's a Chamber
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Post Post #4791 (isolation #167) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:42 am

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In post 4677, Save The Dragons wrote:i feel like all my scumreads are on the malcolm wagon
probably means you need to reevaluate your reads
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Post Post #4794 (isolation #168) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:43 am

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In post 4787, fireisredsir wrote:he's saying "hey April, they (galron) did this"
ah, I see it now.
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Post Post #4795 (isolation #169) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:44 am

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In post 4792, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 4784, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4782, Nero Cain wrote:ok wannabe Chamber
what's a Chamber
chamber is the guy that is "famous" for saying that cases are scummy
Sounds like my kinda guy
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Post Post #4796 (isolation #170) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:44 am

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I've seen the name, but I know little to nothing about Chamber, tbh.
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Post Post #4797 (isolation #171) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:46 am

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In post 4790, fireisredsir wrote:why are so many people screaming this game, seems a little sus

I don't know, but this game's getting fun now.

Honestly, I'm just gonna put you in town. You're back and forth comes across genuine, and you've had the right amount of awkward posts that I think it's town indicative.
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Post Post #4799 (isolation #172) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:48 am

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In post 4712, Titus wrote:This just sounds like Math pride denying possible innos. I'm on and off in court all day but I'll check in when I can.

VOTE: Malcom
I think it's a mixture of that and them having the mason slot, and scum has just been able to play around Math which naturally warps the perspective of conf town. Nobody there to challenge them in that sense.
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Post Post #4800 (isolation #173) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:48 am

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Yeet, Fire, VPB, is my town block.
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Post Post #4801 (isolation #174) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:50 am

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Titus is almost there for me in the town block, but i have that paranoia that if titus is scum, then yeah, all my reads are likely wrong, but for my reads to be wrong completely, i feel there's gotta be scum in titus or nero based on gamestate.

occam's razor titus just town, though.
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Post Post #4808 (isolation #175) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:55 am

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In post 4739, VP Baltar wrote:Frog is not a noob really.

I think giving April a Malcom lim isn't terrible. Eyes or scorpious is more limbait, but we need to make a call asap

I did try to move off of Malcolm, for what it's worth, but that ship has sailed. None of the other wagons interest me, but I think this end of day phase was really good, so no matter what happens Day 3 will be tasty.

I'm either stuck in a tunnel or Malcolm is scum, so either way, it makes sense to want Malcolm dead. I can face the consequences of being tunneled, it allows me to flip reads. Generally games I hard tunnel and am incorrect, im able to turn it around.

My strongest positions as town are first half of game being a strong 2nd if I can find someone to support, and then late game, I can generally solve because I can go over all situations, and then cross cancel.

I haven't found that person I want to be that 2nd to this game, though. Reads need to match up.
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Post Post #4811 (isolation #176) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:57 am

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In post 4691, MathBlade wrote:Yeet VP Galron Boon are all scum or
scum puppets
this isn't a bad thing to be on Day 2.
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Post Post #4813 (isolation #177) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:58 am

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In post 4802, fireisredsir wrote:you're concerningly convincing april, whenever you're here i find myself compelled to vote malcolm and whenever you aren't im like ehhhh malc looks kinda towny
it's a blessing and a curse.
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Post Post #4819 (isolation #178) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:59 am

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Math, we gotta get you to town read me if you live tomorrow. I'm really hoping scum dont kill you because they think you'll go after me, and then you come out going "Surprise! it was all a ruse!"
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Post Post #4827 (isolation #179) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:01 am

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In post 4821, Titus wrote:
In post 4814, MathBlade wrote:The fact you’re arguing against a fucking mason who says the slot is town and has said so repeatedly should tell you this flips town

Conftown are high targets for agency capture.
You worded this much better than I did. So clean and simple to understand too.
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Post Post #4836 (isolation #180) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:05 am

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In post 4834, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4822, Titus wrote:
In post 4820, fireisredsir wrote:i forgot that masons are given a list of alignments along with their role pm, mb
I like you.
Titus and VP now both caught trying to pocket fire EoD FYI, switch wagons to VP.
It's pointless for them to do so.

Fire's cozy in my pocket.
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Post Post #4837 (isolation #181) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:07 am

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In post 4835, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 4831, Titus wrote:Tene, thoughts on wagons?
Same as ever:

VP is scum
Malcolm might be scum if I'm wrong but I would prefer the other options
I moved off Galron solely because of Yeet

I haven't thought very hard about who is where and whether that bothers me.
Hey, Tene. I defended you super hard at the beginning of the day, and your inverse scum read is the wagon I want, wanna hammer it?

I won't defend VPB tomorrow if I'm wrong.

Fire thinks it could be both of them anyways.
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Post Post #4842 (isolation #182) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:09 am

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In post 4838, fireisredsir wrote:it will never work!! i am unpocketable!!! i am strongggg!!!

this is 100% a lie. i am, unlike VP, very much a fool for charisma. but at least i know it
Everyone's susceptible to a good pocket, people are just got in different ways.
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Post Post #4846 (isolation #183) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:10 am

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In post 4841, Titus wrote:
In post 4836, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4834, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4822, Titus wrote:
In post 4820, fireisredsir wrote:i forgot that masons are given a list of alignments along with their role pm, mb
I like you.
Titus and VP now both caught trying to pocket fire EoD FYI, switch wagons to VP.
It's pointless for them to do so.

Fire's cozy in my pocket.
Do we compete? Or do we collaborate and pocket everyone together?

I don't want to compete.
I'm afraid to collab with you in case you get paranoid of thinking I'm trying to pocket you, but I don't mind hopping in your pocket for a bit.
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Post Post #4853 (isolation #184) » Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:14 am

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In post 4852, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4850, Titus wrote:
In post 4848, MathBlade wrote:VOTE: Malcolm

Don’t bother this is the best way to prove Boon scum
And that proves anything how?
Simple VCA and day play

Boon did anything g possible to avoid VP and Galron
I could see the reasoning behind day play, but I do not get caught from VCA/wagonomics. I setup way too much in advance for that.

But I agree, I did do everything possible to avoid VP and Galron.
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Post Post #4960 (isolation #185) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:49 pm

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I’m totally fine dying today.

I’m VT.

If anyone thinks I’m scum who would actively kill Yeet, my number 1 supporter, lol.
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Post Post #4964 (isolation #186) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:52 pm

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Scum are actively going to want my wagon for the day, the Yeet kill takes even more protection off of me.

Yeah, I’ll go today instead of VPB. Listen to my reads post death, was wrong on Malcolm, but guarantee I had some scum.

I’ll be gone for a few days, I’ll try to pop in here and there, but yeah.

I had fun this game. Malcolm town flip basically means I die, I get it.
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Post Post #4967 (isolation #187) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:57 pm

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In post 4962, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4960, April Ludgate wrote:I’m totally fine dying today.

I’m VT.

If anyone thinks I’m scum who would actively kill Yeet, my number 1 supporter, lol.
I don't get this post at all
Okay, so Yeet and I were locked at the hip basically, by killing Yeet, i actively have even less support on my side making my fade much easier.

And there’s the argument of “that’s why you would kill Yeet!”

Okay, sure, but when you look at the playing field with players like Nero, STD, and Math ready to go down my neck, killing someone like Yeet is actively bad scum play, but people don’t understand how actual scum play.

And it’s all WIFOM slot, and I understand that my being alive is hard for people to get actual reads, so my flip becomes incredibly beneficial to understanding the gamestate harder.

So while I’ll fight for my defense, if I use some empathy for other townies, I can’t disagree that I’m not a good fade.

Would I eventually be able to solve this game? Probably, but so could other players, and for me to do so, I’d need something to get players to trust me, and because I’m out of town until like Saturday night, and then I have a lot of work to do from Fiverr I have to get done Saturday/Sunday/Monday, I’m going to be limited as is.

I’ll try to do some wagonomics.

From past games, me tunneling a townie to death is usually a key to me actively being able to get put on the right direction, but I’m not going to have the trust of this town + my number 1 guy Yeet died.
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Post Post #4968 (isolation #188) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:58 pm

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In post 4963, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4960, April Ludgate wrote:I’m totally fine dying today.

I’m VT.

If anyone thinks I’m scum who would actively kill Yeet, my number 1 supporter, lol.
I’d much rather you answer my questions and check my mech spec out that there’s like two scum in that hood.
I’ll read up when I can. I’m at the movie theatres, and I’ll be limited the next few days.

(I see every movie basically, big cinephile.)
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Post Post #4969 (isolation #189) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:01 pm

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In post 4958, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 4955, MathBlade wrote:If scum had their pick of three wagons EoD someone woulda been hammered.
what's the logic there? if all 3 wagons are town wouldn't scum be more likely to just let them sit and let a town hammer? and alternatively if 1 or 2 of the wagons are scum wouldn't malcolm have been hammered faster?
Scum might have wanted the Malcolm wagon to chain fade me.

Unless Yeet was PR checked, that definitely was a kill to weaken my position further than it already was going to be past the Malcolm flip.

Unfortunately, I did think especially near the end that Malcolm would flip town, I was just hoping that was me getting cold feet.

But like I said, me tunneling a town to death generally gets me on the right track.
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Post Post #4972 (isolation #190) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:05 pm

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In post 4874, Nero Cain wrote:do you think anyone should be held responsible for the Malcolm wagon?


Scum did abuse my tunnel well, of course.

I do agree with the possibility of Titus scum, but i don’t want to jump to that conclusion. Also, I won’t be leading at all today.

I do wanna give Titus some benefit of the doubt, though. They had just replaced in not too long before, and was forced to deal with the different wagons, so I can see a world she’s town. But we have plenty of time to talk, and for her to help clear if she is town.
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Post Post #4973 (isolation #191) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:06 pm

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In post 4970, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 4969, April Ludgate wrote:Scum might have wanted the Malcolm wagon to chain fade me.

Unless Yeet was PR checked, that definitely was a kill to weaken my position further than it already was going to be past the Malcolm flip.
christ, get over yourself.

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Post Post #4974 (isolation #192) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:07 pm

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In post 4881, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 4854, Mizzytastic wrote:MalcolmTucker (9): Eyes without a face,
, April Ludgate, Scorpious,
, VP Baltar, Titus, fireisredsir,
the 4 scum are here.

I'm giving scorp some leeway since he's tene's town read he's just sorta LHF that scum could try to mislim.

but between April, VP, Eyes, Titus and Fire is prob the scum team.
There are never 4 scum on this wagon.
2-3 max.
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Post Post #4975 (isolation #193) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:08 pm

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In post 4889, Titus wrote:
In post 4852, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4850, Titus wrote:
In post 4848, MathBlade wrote:VOTE: Malcolm

Don’t bother this is the best way to prove Boon scum
And that proves anything how?
Simple VCA and day play

Boon did anything g possible to avoid VP and Galron
I'm inclined to feel Galron might have been right on scum. Namely those that are right on scum are the ones getting pushed. If VP and April agreed on a scumread, then they are likely scum. I can't see us bumbling this bad without aggressive scum.

The problem is the belief that Math has been agency captured puts me in direct odds with him and I don't want that to become a clusterfuck.

It took so long for VPB to vote alongside me, and honestly, good on them. I feel we had active contradicting reads, so that’s a good sign, I guess
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Post Post #4978 (isolation #194) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:11 pm

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In post 4977, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4967, April Ludgate wrote:So while I’ll fight for my defense, if I use some empathy for other townies, I can’t disagree that I’m not a good fade.
I actually find it weirder you are doing this whole woe is me thing. Feels like acting.

I don't think anyone with sway is out here pushing you rn. I would appreciate if you just help me solve the game.
Yeah, makes sense. Want some self meta? I mainly woe is me as town.
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Post Post #4979 (isolation #195) » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:12 pm

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In post 4977, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4967, April Ludgate wrote:So while I’ll fight for my defense, if I use some empathy for other townies, I can’t disagree that I’m not a good fade.
I actually find it weirder you are doing this whole woe is me thing. Feels like acting.

I don't think anyone with sway is out here pushing you rn. I would appreciate if you just help me solve the game.
I also was posting all of that prior to reading the day, but now I’ve caught up, and realize.

I’m gonna officially obvconftown myself.

Everyone, you are free to treat me as Math’s tertiary Mason. :)

@Math - I didn’t see the questions you asked. I’m gonna step away for a bit, but I’ll look for your response whenever I get the chance.
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Post Post #5931 (isolation #196) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:27 pm

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In post 5240, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 5238, VP Baltar wrote:The crowd pushing me is not the town bloc.
me/math/tene is pretty townbloc imo. that's 3 of the 4 votes on you

noting for later in game.
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Post Post #5932 (isolation #197) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:28 pm

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In post 5247, MathBlade wrote:April is a carryover of Skitter read and boon pushed Malcolm over my objections AND
admitted Malcolm was about not elimming in my scumreads

post your proof on this one, this is a misrep.

I don't regret Malcolm wagon either.
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Post Post #5933 (isolation #198) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:32 pm

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In post 5329, MathBlade wrote:
In post 5325, tenebrousluminary wrote:I do not think I want to kill Titus anymore.
Why not? She’s like doing blatant scum!Titus

Misrep and discredit and ignore

This does not look like blatant scum Titus.

This looks similar to when I was scum, you were Mason, and Titus was also town arguing against you. Only difference from that game and this, is I'm seeing it from a different perspective.
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Post Post #5935 (isolation #199) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:33 pm

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In post 5354, VP Baltar wrote:Cape, who is actually in the fucking hood, understands.

might be scum indicative of cape, tbh
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