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Post Post #5936 (isolation #200) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:33 pm

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Cape, Nero, VP, who was the fourth in the neighborhood?
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Post Post #5938 (isolation #201) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:36 pm

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In post 5417, Scorpious wrote:
In post 5415, Cape90 wrote:
In post 5403, Scorpious wrote:
In post 5402, Titus wrote:
In post 5365, Enchant wrote:We can decapitate Scoprious.
Not opposed.
nor Am I. Hopefully the big brains can take something out of pushing a VT..
Dude we should have like 4ish mafia left and we have got 0 dead
And 1 of them is you..

Nice concerned townie post

VOTE: Cape
Yeah, Scorp is town for having this thought. I haven't thought about it long enough to be sure, but I had an itch over here as well.
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Post Post #5940 (isolation #202) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:38 pm

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In post 5427, MathBlade wrote:Where is boon?

I actively said I was gonna be busy until Sunday, and that I'd try to hop in.

Also, I play like one game every 8 months now, I don't check up on site every day.
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Post Post #5944 (isolation #203) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:43 pm

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In post 5505, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 5497, VP Baltar wrote:So you think I'm bad if I'm town here? I hope upon my flip you reconsider that I am probably just closer to right, and to not wagon people over personality
not that you're a bad player but that you haven't played to the standard i expected. i don't think you're right. close to right, maybe? could possibly be nero, but i think cape is more likely, and it could be frog.

im not wagoning anyone over personality
judge it based on the fact he's been pushed the entire time, not overall. that's fire holding too high of a standard that aren't able to be lived up to.

And none of VP's reads have flipped either, so that's also prejudging his reads. Don't love this post on an overall level, especially considering you stated it could possibly be Nero/Frog, two people he is pushing. Nero's been pushing him for a long time too.
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Post Post #5945 (isolation #204) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:45 pm

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In post 5941, MathBlade wrote:
In post 5932, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 5247, MathBlade wrote:April is a carryover of Skitter read and boon pushed Malcolm over my objections AND
admitted Malcolm was about not elimming in my scumreads

post your proof on this one, this is a misrep.

I don't regret Malcolm wagon either.
Your last post of prior day.

You said you did anything but elim in VP and Galron.
Eh, you reached a lot with it. Malcolm wasn't about not elimming in those. I had pushed that slot far before Galron was up. Im more talking my discussion.
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Post Post #5946 (isolation #205) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:47 pm

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In post 5518, MathBlade wrote:If VP is scum April has to die. Like required
Eh, if VPB is scum, post game, we can talk about how this is lazy and only surface reading.
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Post Post #5948 (isolation #206) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:49 pm

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In post 5561, tenebrousluminary wrote:I plan to do significant rereading if he flips scum. If he flips town, April looks better, Nero worse, probably more.

Yeah, see, Math, Tene has the exact opposite read with the VPB, so
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Post Post #5949 (isolation #207) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:50 pm

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In post 5597, fireisredsir wrote:titus is pushing for a vp flip over a Nero one despite the wagons being close at 5-4, probably bc both are town and she knows a vp flip will make her look better than a Nero one

Remind me to look into VPB - Fire possibilities.
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Post Post #5950 (isolation #208) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:51 pm

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In post 5600, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5597, fireisredsir wrote:titus is pushing for a vp flip over a Nero one despite the wagons being close at 5-4, probably bc both are town and she knows a vp flip will make her look better than a Nero one
In what world are both Nero and I town? Highly unlikely
In a Cape scum world.
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Post Post #5951 (isolation #209) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:54 pm

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In post 5627, fireisredsir wrote:k well vp is either maf or so deep in the pocket that he might as well be. gee i wonder why titus wants to keep him alive

VOTE: vp

would have to be strong bussing, i dont think it's fire/vpb. I might just play the game with Fire as town in mind, and if im wrong, oh well.

I think we should fade in the neighborhood today.

I also agree with Titus' VPB over Nero. Cape would be my preferred, but yeah, I don't think I'll vote Nero before VPB. Mainly because my read was wrong yesterday, and Nero has been pushing VPB, one of the main wagons from yesterday, and if VPB is scum, I don't think I can fade Nero before VPB if it's between the two, which I understand.

I think it's possible they are both town in a ScumCape world.
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Post Post #5952 (isolation #210) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:55 pm

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In post 5655, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5645, Frogsterking wrote:vP AAPEALING TO CAPE = CAPE TOWN
Yes, cape is town. This is established.

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Post Post #5955 (isolation #211) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:00 pm

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In post 4964, April Ludgate wrote:Scum are actively going to want my wagon for the day, the Yeet kill takes even more protection off of me.

Yeah, I’ll go today instead of VPB. Listen to my reads post death, was wrong on Malcolm, but guarantee I had some scum.

I’ll be gone for a few days, I’ll try to pop in here and there, but yeah.

I had fun this game. Malcolm town flip basically means I die, I get it.
In post 4968, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4963, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4960, April Ludgate wrote:I’m totally fine dying today.

I’m VT.

If anyone thinks I’m scum who would actively kill Yeet, my number 1 supporter, lol.
I’d much rather you answer my questions and check my mech spec out that there’s like two scum in that hood.
I’ll read up when I can. I’m at the movie theatres, and
I’ll be limited the next few days.

(I see every movie basically, big cinephile.)

Also y'all need to chill with that "Boon is gone just disappeared" nonsense. I specifically stated I'd be inactive and gone, and I didn't even hit prod range.

I do not plan to ever be here every day on site, I will check up once, maybe twice a day on a good day, but super not unlikely that I miss a day.

Like I said, I play one game every 8 months ish now, I do not check site every day, especially if I'm busy, which I actively let you guys know ahead of time.
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Post Post #5958 (isolation #212) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:05 pm

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In post 5834, Titus wrote:Mod, can we get a prod on April?
I never reached prod range, people just assuming
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Post Post #5960 (isolation #213) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:09 pm

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In post 5956, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5951, April Ludgate wrote:I don't think I'll vote Nero before VPB.
That's a bummer because you're incorrect, and you're also shooting the town in the foot if you're ditching me. If you do believe it is cape, I'd argue to kill Nero because he's pretty useless regardless. His reads are terrible, and he ups the noise to signal ratio significantly.
I've just known Nero for so long, I've modded many of his scum games.

I modded Last Extravaganza where he was the last scum remaining in a 10 Day Phase game, and I just don't think this is Nero scum.

I could be wrong and he might know exactly how to handle me, but I don't think he would even think about that as scum, tbh, which makes it more likely he's just right or town incorrect, but his logic point of you escaping wagons time after time means me accepting Nero over you is just an ego/pride thing, and while over text, my words come across as more narcissistic than I actually am, I am very willing to set ego aside most of the time, and this just is one of those moments for me.

I'm not convinced you are scum, though, but I am seeing a couple possibilities. Ill go over them when I finish catching up. I'm about 10 pages away from being caught up.

I have a moon theory with you as scum, but I wanna see where the final 10 pages go.
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Post Post #5961 (isolation #214) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:10 pm

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In post 5956, VP Baltar wrote:His reads are terrible, and he ups the noise to signal ratio significantly.

I don't think people have terrible reads this game. I don't see why his reads aren't fair.

Having an incorrect read is not the same as a terrible read. It doesn't matter if all of someone's reads are wrong if it helps them end up with the right reads.
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Post Post #5962 (isolation #215) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:13 pm

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In post 5757, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 2669, Save The Dragons wrote:holy crap i thought i posted more in this game 22 posts wow i'm probably scum
dragons crumbing traitor y/y

mostly kidding but also kind of not
I think this is a good find. Might not be one, but it's worth looking into for sure.

STD has been sheepish this game, and OMGUS coast scum read me since I put them as my 2nd strongest scum read behind Malcolm yesterday.
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Post Post #5964 (isolation #216) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:26 pm

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2675 is a good post by Cape.

It could be scum motivated, but it's good nonetheless, and is worth looking into deeper.

My hesitation with this hard of a Nero push is that if VPB/Nero is Town/Town, Cape is playing in a way to get Nero, the harder to fade slot, and establishing Nero/VPB stronger. This sets up a possible misfade chain between Nero/VPB, and even if Cape gets outed later, 1 scum for the price of 2 townies is a complete success.

I'm tinfoiling a situation where Frog and VPB are scum together.

I didn't start thinking about this as a possibility until Frog brought up "VPB is trying to tie me together to him so after he flips, people will think I'm the partner." I have a question for everyone, did any of you guys think about the possibility of Frog and VPB as possible scum partners? Like I said, I didn't.

I haven't quite checked out when VPB started pushing Frog, but if the Frog push started to come after VPB had any sort of heat, then that might have been a strong distancing tactic. It might have happened accidentally by scummates playing against each other, then having to settle into that situation.

I was almost ready to be in a situation where I thought if VPB was scum, then Frog would be town, but Frog's comment made me pause.

This would also make sense with VPB's Cape town read being way stronger than it has any right to be. Keep in mind, VPB has been actively pushing against 2 scum in the neighborhood, which while that is generally less likely, I feel, and with the setup spec leaning towards a traitor (even if there isn't a traitor), there's plenty of fuel for us to feel that there would be 2 scum in the neighborhood, making a possible TownCape come across as scum after VPB flips.

This theory would become especially more detailed if VPB were to flip Traitor. IF VPB were traitor, the stagnated nature of the game would make a lot of sense yesterday, because scum could have been legitimately worried that VPB were their traitor, but not being completely sure.

This theory works even if VPB isn't traitor, ofc, but even moreso if he is.

VPB, if scum, by all means would be setting up the game to look good for his team if he does go down. Remember what he was doing yesterday? He said he was willing to go down to help the town, which means that personality trait is something he has/wants to show he has, making it just as likely that if he were scum, he would be doing the same thing for his own team as scum.
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Post Post #5967 (isolation #217) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:36 pm

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In post 5675, Frogsterking wrote:I think VP is trying to end the day early and make it look like I'm bussing him to set me up to get mislimmed

Was anybody in this game thinking this besides Frogster?

My tinfoil here is that ScumFrogster was nervous about the back and forth, and that their scum theatre, even if it happened through teammates pushing each other without it being planned, and then going with it because too late now, and they made this post like a damage control post.

If you've ever been scum before and your partner puts pressure on you, it can enact emotions, right? Even if you understand that it's a play, pressure is pressure.

Idk, I just really think VPB/Frogster have partner possibility now.

This goes a lot deeper for me than you would actually think.

My main issue with Malcolm stemmed from a comment that Frogster made, town/town clearing Malcolm/Tene feud, I believe, and I felt the scum energy, but I put it towards Malcolm, not Frog.

VPB/Frogster/Tene possibility then. With the knowledge that Malcolm is town, I'll go back and look at that area.
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Post Post #5968 (isolation #218) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:36 pm

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In post 5965, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5961, April Ludgate wrote:Having an incorrect read is not the same as a terrible read.
correct. His reads are confirm biased and poorly reasoned.
What are your bulletpoint reasonings for FrogsterScum?
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Post Post #5971 (isolation #219) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:54 pm

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I haven't really understood VPB's Frogster case from the beginning, and it's been a 1v1 that I've just kinda thrown aside, tbh.

I also don't understand the high town read on Cape and because VPB's specifically stated not 2 scum in the neighborhood. Him flipping scum could make town think there are, and we would automatically go to Cape because of that.

Mathblade's scum reads on me after I tunneled a townie + their incessant pushing of 2 scum in the neighborhood, and then them still being alive Day 3 also would make sense scum plan to abuse Mathblade's pushes for this day phase, and probably the next one.
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Post Post #5972 (isolation #220) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:55 pm

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In post 1006, Save The Dragons wrote:anyway.

nordom is town for his interaction with deasvail but i think DV is also town for looking at eyes without a face with suspicion.

datisi i'm leaning town on, i'm not sure what the case on him is, i don't quite understand it

i want ari to speak more, but i thought between HEM and Ari, ari looked worse, which is a change from my previous read of HEM being bad. I think I want to VOTE: Aristeia for now.
In post 1012, Save The Dragons wrote:i will enjoy playing with your replacement.
I guess they were pushing the slot a bit, but lol, hope you enjoy. :)
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Post Post #5973 (isolation #221) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:57 pm

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Eh, dont think that was an STD traitor crumb. I'm kinda thinking they're town now.
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Post Post #5977 (isolation #222) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:04 pm

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Okay, before I call it, gonna do a reads list



Eyes without a face




VP Baltar

Now, I think Cape has a similar amount of equity as scum as VPB/Frog, however, if VPB is scum, I don't think Cape is. If VPB is town, I think Cape is scum.

Tenebrous is almost coming down to POE scum.

I don't really see the point of Frogster saying that line he did as scum with VPB town.

There's likely a scum, 2 if we're living in the Cape scum world, and I think the lower on my 3 townie tiers they are, the more likely they are to be scum. I don't think it's Titus or Fire.

Currently my guess would be the DV slot.
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Post Post #5980 (isolation #223) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:07 pm

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In post 5978, fireisredsir wrote:what changed from yesterday where you were saying VP was def town?
I was wrong on Malcolm, Frogster made that comment, and VPB's level of town read on Cape.
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Post Post #5981 (isolation #224) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:10 pm

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In post 5979, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 5976, Eyes without a face wrote:All caught up (unless new posts while I'm composing this)

Current reads:
[*]Eyes without a face, [*]Nordrom/Mathblade
[*]Save The Dragons, [*]Aristeia/April Ludgate
[*]fua/Enchant, [*]Nero Cain, [*]VP Baltar
[*]fireisredsir, [*]DeasVail, [*]skitter30/Galron, [*]Cape90
[*]Frogsterking, [*]tenebrousluminary
So where has your me push been since forever?
In post 5977, April Ludgate wrote:Okay, before I call it, gonna do a reads list



Eyes without a face




VP Baltar

Now, I think Cape has a similar amount of equity as scum as VPB/Frog, however, if VPB is scum, I don't think Cape is. If VPB is town, I think Cape is scum.

Tenebrous is almost coming down to POE scum.

I don't really see the point of Frogster saying that line he did as scum with VPB town.

There's likely a scum, 2 if we're living in the Cape scum world, and I think the lower on my 3 townie tiers they are, the more likely they are to be scum. I don't think it's Titus or Fire.

Currently my guess would be the DV slot.
What did I do to go from your top read to scum?

How can you or anyone possibly pair me with VP?
there's a reason you're in that tier. You feel like almost POE scum to me, there were a few of your comments I didn't like that felt agenda pushy this day phase.

Gamestates generally change after a new day because the game plays with more information.

Malcolm flipping town, but I still feel that Frogster-Malcolm-Tene triangle had scum energy within it.
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Post Post #5983 (isolation #225) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:10 pm

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Purple and Pink tier are pretty close to each other, it's really just your attachment to that triangle.
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Post Post #5984 (isolation #226) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:10 pm

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In post 5982, tenebrousluminary wrote:I wonder if April expected me to town her forever for white knighting me and is flipping because it didn't work.
A decent wonder, I'd say.
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Post Post #5988 (isolation #227) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:13 pm

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In post 5985, tenebrousluminary wrote:I dont think you get to put VP scum for being a CW to a wagon you started.
Malcolm wagon came after VPB wagon, VPB wagon just lost steam and picked up steam around it.
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Post Post #5989 (isolation #228) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:14 pm

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In post 5987, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 5983, April Ludgate wrote:Purple and Pink tier are pretty close to each other, it's really just your attachment to that triangle.
What attachment lol

I have interacted with Frog like literally never.

Wasn't your doing.

One of my main scum energy vibe checks was from Frogster calling you and Malcolm TvT, and I've brought up that multiple times. This was early day 2.
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Post Post #5991 (isolation #229) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:16 pm

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In post 5986, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5968, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 5965, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5961, April Ludgate wrote:Having an incorrect read is not the same as a terrible read.
correct. His reads are confirm biased and poorly reasoned.
What are your bulletpoint reasonings for FrogsterScum?
- He voted camped Yeet D1 forever until I started pushing him. This is very unusual to me because I just finished a game with Frogster where he was wild ass voting everyone in the game as town with tinfoil theories. Here, he is timid and afraid to move his vote around.
- The only pushes he has made all game have bene Fua/Enchant, Yeet, Galron and myself. I know I'm town. I know Yeet is town. I think it's highly likely Galron is town. Those are the safe bets, too. Not looking good.
- His reasoning around the Galron wagon yesterday does not hold up to scrutiny. (There is a fairly in depth analysis of this in my big post opening the day, and follow up questioning of Frogster today).
I'm seeing it now. I'll look into possibilities with VPB town/Frogster scum.

@VPB - Can you do this for your Cape read too?
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Post Post #5992 (isolation #230) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:17 pm

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In post 5990, fireisredsir wrote:i think i would slightly prefer cape to VP at the moment
I might be there too. I wanna see VPB's townCape case, though
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Post Post #5995 (isolation #231) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:23 pm

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In post 1795, fua wrote:
In post 1792, tenebrousluminary wrote:I don't like to see players being rude to one another. :(
In post 1789, fua wrote:Ari wagon is almost certainly pure IMO. I'm less confident that Wu's is and so many people pushing him now that others are getting suspicion makes me wary.
Who is doing this? Wu does not have many votes.
Ari, Deas, and Fire are all putting Wu in their scumreads, Yeet and Skitter are trying to push a wagon on me, and VP is directly staying on Wu still (even if he's the one I least suspect out of the six).
Hot damn, Deas/Fire/my slot were connected all the way back here.

So looking into this slot a bit more, as it's one I need more analysis on, Yeet town/Skitter-galron town pushing Fua, if you see Galron as town, then Fua could be a scum slot. This was a vig claim, correct? and we havent had any vig shots? If scum are informed of Psychologist, this could have been a setup. Hmm. Who is GeneralWu slot?
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Post Post #5997 (isolation #232) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:27 pm

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In post 5993, fireisredsir wrote:can you give me your town titus case, april? i don't see it

Titus has made a lot of anti-scum agenda moves, actively going against Math at the expense of getting pushed.

I was scum once, who spent everything I had in the game to pocket Titus, Math was scum, and they had pretty much the exact same dynamic. Took me a bit longer to see it here because I'm not coming from the same perspective, but it seems like they are in the same situation.

Also, Titus was one that was pushing VPB-Nero as possible TvT, which I can see as a possibility, because Cape can be scum.

Titus, as scum who jumped on Malcolm late game, has no reason to defend me the way they have, if anything they had the perfect out to get pressure onto me. I guess it's possible they could try to pocket me, but I have essentially agreed with most of Titus' thoughts on the game, even if they're a little bit different than mine.

@VPB - what doesnt make sense about Galron, he's basically right in the middle.
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Post Post #5998 (isolation #233) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:29 pm

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Cape, Frogster, tene, Enchant is a possibility.

I'm really not worried about #3 and #4, though, i'm just filling those in since they come to my mind.
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Post Post #6000 (isolation #234) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:31 pm

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In post 2061, fua wrote:I claim PR. You can all now feel free to get off of me.

Fire or Skitter should probably die today. I wouldn’t be opposed to Wu, but it feels like a waste right now.
In post 2064, fua wrote:Try it and you’ll catch my vig bullet in the face tonight. No, really. Make mu day.

this is like 80% scum, for what it's worth. However, it's not entirely necessary to fade there, because they eventually get caught out when no vig shots go through, plus I'd rather not fade an actual vig this game if for some reason I'm wrong.

Wagon was DV/My slot/Fire.
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Post Post #6001 (isolation #235) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:32 pm

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In post 5999, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5991, April Ludgate wrote:@VPB - Can you do this for your Cape read too?
My main reasons for thinking cape!town are:

- His "case" on me from D2 was so stream of consciousness and poorly formed, I have a hard time seeing scum type that up and being like "yes, this is persuasive!"
- He flipped to town reading me D2 at a point when pushing me would have been a much easier scum play and probably helped secure my lim. He similarly was not sold on Galron at E-2 to E-1 range. Again, I don't see much advantage to this as scum beyond a vague effort toward town points. (though if all three wagons at that point were town, maybe that's a good time to score town points?)
- He didn't really pump up the Nero/VP fight in the hood since early game, and has questioned us both pretty fairly I would say.

I don't think this is a slam dunk town case, but like I said before, PoE points much more to Nero here than Cape. I could be wrong, but Nero's arguments with me all game have been so bad faith it is truly difficult to see him as town. Clearing him on amorphous meta reads ain't really gonna do it for me.

Why is Nero scum and not incorrect town with a tunnel?
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Post Post #6002 (isolation #236) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:34 pm

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In post 2061, fua wrote:I claim PR. You can all now feel free to get off of me.

Fire or Skitter should probably die today. I wouldn’t be opposed to Wu, but it feels like a waste right now.
In post 2064, fua wrote:Try it and you’ll catch my vig bullet in the face tonight. No, really. Make mu day.
In post 2070, fua wrote:If anyone else wants to claim vigilante then feel free.
In post 2090, fua wrote:A vigilante can feel free to CC in public or tonight by shooting me. This is a stupid risk to take if I’m scum.
In post 2093, fua wrote:I can’t believe I actually need to explain why I’m town after I claim vigilante D1.

This trajectory is a bit off. They didn't technically claim vig immediately. they claimed PR, and then heavily implied vig. Then they scouted a bit before officially claiming Vig. and we have yet to see a kill go off.
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Post Post #6005 (isolation #237) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:35 pm

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Like I said before, no need to fade that slot today, just keeping it there in the future.

This would also be horrendous scum play by me if I were scum antagonizing a town vig.
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Post Post #6006 (isolation #238) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:37 pm

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In post 6004, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 5997, April Ludgate wrote:Also, Titus was one that was pushing VPB-Nero as possible TvT, which I can see as a possibility, because Cape can be scum.
not exactly. Eyes is the one calling us TvT while Titus is "town leaning" on me but has voted me/stayed voting me b/c my wagon had "momentum" and said she'd vote me over VP

town is evenly split with half calling VP scum and the other half calling me a better flip or silly junk like that.
Oh, I had that wrong. hmm.

Idk, I'll have to find a better way to explain why I town read Titus then.

I just also feel like Math was generally pushing townies, and if Titus is scum, there's no need for her to stop Math, just let them go unless Titus is scum defending scum.

But Math was pushing Galron most of the time.

I need to better understand what happened with Yeet-Galron. Anyone wanna post those for me?
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Post Post #6007 (isolation #239) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:38 pm

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In post 6003, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5997, April Ludgate wrote:@VPB - what doesnt make sense about Galron, he's basically right in the middle.
Odds of the psychologist result N1 getting a false negative on a scum are pretty low. It is far more likely Yeet had an accurate result on Galron.

Where does Yeet post this? I would agree, though, and I also feel like Galron is probably town anyways.
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Post Post #6008 (isolation #240) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:39 pm

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I'm probably willing to move Gal up.
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Post Post #6012 (isolation #241) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:44 pm

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The Frog case is much stronger than the Nero one.

I'll look it over later/tomorrow, I guess. I got some work to do now, but this was a good session.
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Post Post #6020 (isolation #242) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:49 pm

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Yeah, I'm willing to clear Galron completely.
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Post Post #6021 (isolation #243) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:50 pm

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Move enchant down with Tene.
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Post Post #6024 (isolation #244) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:55 pm

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In post 4657, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4644, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 4631, Yeet wrote:
In post 4624, Save The Dragons wrote:VOTE: Galron E-1

i think this is better than malcolm.
is it too late to yeet yeet
VOTE: Yeet

Yeet Yeet
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Yeah, froggy is scum. this happened right after yeet posts.
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Post Post #6026 (isolation #245) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:59 pm

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In post 4857, Mizzytastic wrote:
has been found dead. He was a
Town 3-Shot Psychologist

YeetYou are a
Town 3-Shot Psychologist

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Three times during the game you may visit a player at night to investigate their ability to kill. Assuming no interference, you will be informed "PLAYERNAME is capable of killing.", "PLAYERNAME is not capable of killing or has already killed.", or "You got no result from investigating PLAYERNAME." at the end of the night. Players capable of killing are members of the
other than
Serial Killers
who have not yet killed

You win when all threats to the town are dead, and at least 1 town aligned player is alive.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
I would like to point out that this is likely the standard for a Psychologist Role PM, and it doesn't mean there is a traitor in this game.

It's possible that scum are Informed of a Psychologist in this game or that there is No Vigilante, giving Fua the chance to safely claim Vig to protect them from a psych guilty or out a possible vig.

Yeet was also town reading myself, DeasVail, and Fire, the exact wagon that was on Fua that brought Fua to claim vig in addition to the way he was defending Galron.
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Post Post #6027 (isolation #246) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:00 pm

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@Nero - what are your thoughts on Frog, Cape, and Enchant slots?
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Post Post #6029 (isolation #247) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:01 pm

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In post 4658, Cape90 wrote:
In post 4652, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4650, Cape90 wrote:Oh Yeet is probably making obvtown moves right now. Your on the naughty list Save The Dragons for shading Yeet
That’s not obvTown moves Cape

It’s desperation and NAI
Why would scum be desperate unless both Galron/Yeet are w/w? I don't think Yeet has been acting like it tbh.

Besides all this Yeet has literally been the towniest unconfimred town anyways, like hands down, no contest
In post 4660, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4650, Cape90 wrote:Oh Yeet is probably making obvtown moves right now. Your on the naughty list Save The Dragons for shading Yeet
In post 4653, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 4650, Cape90 wrote:Oh Yeet is probably making obvtown moves right now. Your on the naughty list Save The Dragons for shading Yeet
are you reading the same game i'm reading
Yeah Cape you're seeing something I'm not, can you explain quickly?

lol, im having trouble seeing Frog as town. I dont wanna tunnel, though.
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Post Post #6031 (isolation #248) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:02 pm

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In post 6028, Nero Cain wrote:I don't really think Frog is scum. Cape and Enchant could be scum, I was voting Enchant earlier.
Yeah, I probably wouldnt want to go Frog today anyways.

Cape/VPB seem like the right way to go today, and I agree with the VPB not escaping another day.

Rough if he's town, but regardless, that's high high info slot.
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Post Post #6033 (isolation #249) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:03 pm

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In post 6030, fireisredsir wrote:yeet was TRing me? i think he wanted to vote me actually

Maybe near the end, but he's the one that was talking to me about the possibility of you and DV both being town.
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Post Post #6037 (isolation #250) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:09 pm

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Eh, i find a townie faking reads more likely than a scum admitting to faking reads.

Plus, if Galron is scum, then they have to be the traitor, and I'm not convinced a traitor's necessarily in this game.
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Post Post #6038 (isolation #251) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:09 pm

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In post 6036, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6031, April Ludgate wrote:Cape/VPB seem like the right way to go today, and I agree with the VPB not escaping another day.
Takes my reads.
Says I should not live.
What a world.
my votes not out, and I'm living in the Cape-VPB, one or the other world.
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Post Post #6358 (isolation #252) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:15 pm

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Hmm, my vote seems to be lookin' rather heavy right now
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Post Post #6359 (isolation #253) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:17 pm

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VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir

This 100% has at least 1 scum on it, regardless of VPB's alignment.

If VPB is scum, a partner will be bussing here because VPB as scum would be in "just gonna last as long as I can" mode. My theory is that it's Frog.

I town read Nero and STD, Fire I've been trusting for a while, and if he's scum, well fuck.

Frog/Tene are my largest suspects as partners.

I still feel my VPB/Frog case has weight.
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Post Post #6361 (isolation #254) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:20 pm

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Here's the thing, VPB was town reading Cape super hard, I stated I thought this was potential for VPB setting up Cape as a possible scum partner if he goes down, and feel Frog/VPB have been scum theatre'ing it up.

The way that VPB/Frog cases against each other feel very strong, like they are only seeing those type of details because they know that the other is scum, if that makes sense.

I also really don't think ScumCape pushes me in this situation. It feels like he's possibly pocketed by VPB, which would make sense considering VPB has been hard town reading Cape, and if VPB is scum, a pocket in the neighborhood makes a lot of sense.

I think VPB has played a strong scum game, but yeah, I do believe VPB is likely scum here.
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Post Post #6362 (isolation #255) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:21 pm

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In post 6360, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6359, April Ludgate wrote:I still feel my VPB/Frog case has weight.
This is not a good look for you, ngl
It might not be, but I think I gotta go with it.

There's something in me that wants to believe you're town, I just can't logically get myself to think otherwise right now. I'm looking for any reason, I really am.
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Post Post #6367 (isolation #256) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:39 pm

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I'm gonna put Galron slot as Green. I think that it's more likely Galron is town than a potential traitor.

Day 1

(10): tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir,
, Save The Dragons, VP Baltar,
, Titus,
, Enchant, Cape90 [E-0!]
Enchant (2):
, April Ludgate
(1): Frogsterking
Nero Cain(1): Nero Cain
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face

Not Voting (4): Scorpious, DeasVail,


(9): Eyes without a face,
, April Ludgate, Scorpious,
, VP Baltar, Titus, fireisredsir,
VP Baltar (5): DeasVail, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, Save the Dragons, Nero Cain
(3): Cape90, Enchant,


VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir [E-3]
Cape90 (3):
, Titus, Scorpious
April Ludgate (2): Cape90, Enchant
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
Nero Cain (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (3): DeasVail,
, April Ludgate

Hmm, this might be a Cape case accidentally.

First thing that stands out to me is Cape/Enchant slot are next to each other in all 3 of these vote counts. The first 2 are the last of each day, and then 3rd is most current one.

Interesting. If you look at Day 2/Day 3, VPB has no revealed slots whatsoever, and is made up of 4 of the 5 same people. Who are the two that are switched?

DeasVail and Fire. that pairing comes up yet again.

Fire, VPB, Titus slot are the 3 slots that have been on both misfades. VPB/Titus are both in that momentum shifting section to finalize it for both. I do see a world that could have Titus/VPB together, but I find it a little odd that Titus would defend VPB in this scenario the way she is.

Also, Enchant's like 100% scum this game. If there's only 1 kill tonight, and it's me, and Enchant claims they vig shot me, yeah, know that's just scum.

I also don't like the Frogster Vig guiding stuff, looks so fake :lol: but that might be a confbias thing because I have Frogs as scum in my head right now.

Enchant/Frog with one of Cape or VPB.
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Post Post #6368 (isolation #257) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:46 pm

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I just find it a really weird scum move if Cape comes after me here.

Unless Cape pocketed VPB, and he's trying to protect his pocket buddy? Could make sense why he's pushing me then, and Enchant was already looking for a reason to jump onto me since I started bringing up I thought they were scum when I was looking into Fua slot.

If I was starting to get on the right trail, it makes sense to come after me as a scape goat to VPB.

However, I can see possible scum VPB setting up to jump onto my wagon because there's definitely the possibility for some momentum for my wagon right now, and townCape might have been warlocked by VPB, and now Cape looks to be the main one pushing me.

That could have been manufactured, though.

@Nero - you're gonna love me asking this, but was there any talk in your neighborhood in the vain of "what do you think about April?" this day phase?
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Post Post #6369 (isolation #258) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:49 pm

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I think Cape vs April is getting set up, but I don't know if it's coming from a Cape play to protect his pocket or a VPB play through Cape.
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Post Post #6371 (isolation #259) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:53 pm

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In post 6360, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6359, April Ludgate wrote:I still feel my VPB/Frog case has weight.
This is not a good look for you, ngl
Something that's off with this post is because I feel like if VPB was town, this would be a good thing? Like a "think so highly of my scum game" or a "i'm okay with this as it means Frog can be faded".

The thing is, VPB was also actively going "i'll die if it's what the town needs" and not only that, but we gave him the chance thereafter, to live further in this game than expected, but instead of accepting we were on the townie wagon, he just kind of pushes more focus onto "i was just sheeping april". He was doing this, but the manufacturing possibility of that element is what's intriguing. like he wanted that headline while playing the game yesterday.
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Post Post #6372 (isolation #260) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:54 pm

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In post 6370, DeasVail wrote:
In post 6352, fireisredsir wrote:sure why not, ill hate myself either way

VOTE: nero
Based on what I’ve read so far, I think it’s pretty unlikely I’d vote Nero over VP today.

I also don’t buy that Nero/VP must have scum between them. I’m also at the VP-scum stage of my thought cycle rn fwiw
What do you think of Cape? That's the option I see if Nero/Vp don't have scum in them.
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Post Post #6375 (isolation #261) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:57 pm

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In post 6353, fireisredsir wrote:imo titus is playing a scumgame that april should be capable of recognizing and it concerns me that she doesn't. like and are deeply unsatisfying to me
if Titus is scum, she's playing in a way that's pocketing me, so I feel that's fair. Have a good amount of games that we were both in, and we've both tunneled into each other incorrectly and called out the other as scum before.

Could explain why my reads could be off if i'm in an incorrect pocket somewhere.
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Post Post #6379 (isolation #262) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:00 pm

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In post 6376, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6371, April Ludgate wrote:he just kind of pushes more focus onto "i was just sheeping april".
I never said this or even implied it. I backed you sure, but I never tried to blame you for that wagon. That's false.

hmm, you're right. i'm misremembering something, but I'm not sure what I'm remembering then.
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Post Post #6397 (isolation #263) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:32 pm

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VOTE: VP Baltar

Yeah, VPB-Frogster-Enchant-Tene is my solve.
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Post Post #6400 (isolation #264) » Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:31 pm

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if im wrong on one, it's probably tene.
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Post Post #6511 (isolation #265) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:40 am

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Mathblade and I are getting worked somewhere
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Post Post #6512 (isolation #266) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:43 am

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Ugh, I hate when I'm right, then I get doubts, and go against.
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Post Post #6515 (isolation #267) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:46 am

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Day 1

(10): tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir,
, Save The Dragons,
VP Baltar,
, Titus,
, Enchant, Cape90 [E-0!]
Enchant (2):
, April Ludgate
(1): Frogsterking
Nero Cain(1): Nero Cain

Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face

Not Voting (4): Scorpious, DeasVail,


(9): Eyes without a face,
, April Ludgate, Scorpious,
VP Baltar
, Titus, fireisredsir,
VP Baltar
(5): DeasVail, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, Save the Dragons,
Nero Cain

(3): Cape90, Enchant,


VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain,
Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir [E-3]
Cape90 (3):
, Titus, Scorpious
April Ludgate (2): Cape90, Enchant
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
Nero Cain (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (3): DeasVail,
, April Ludgate

VP Baltar (8): Nero Cain
, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, DeasVail, April Ludgate,
, Titus [E-0!]
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar
, fireisredsir, Enchant, Scorpious
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
April Ludgate (1): Cape90

Not Voting (1):
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Post Post #6516 (isolation #268) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:46 am

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In post 6514, Titus wrote:
In post 6511, April Ludgate wrote:Mathblade and I are getting worked somewhere
In post 6512, April Ludgate wrote:Ugh, I hate when I'm right, then I get doubts, and go against.
You two seem to have exact opposite reads?
Not in a reads way.
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Post Post #6517 (isolation #269) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:47 am

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In post 6516, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 6514, Titus wrote:
In post 6511, April Ludgate wrote:Mathblade and I are getting worked somewhere
In post 6512, April Ludgate wrote:Ugh, I hate when I'm right, then I get doubts, and go against.
You two seem to have exact opposite reads?
Not in a reads way.
Well, maybe in a half reads way. But likely different halves.
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Post Post #6519 (isolation #270) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:48 am

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Frogster/Enchant are scum. Idk who I'd put as the last 2 right now.
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Post Post #6520 (isolation #271) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:48 am

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In post 6518, Scorpious wrote:April,

What am I looking at in 6517?... 6517..sheesh..

? It's a simple Vote Count updated with flips.
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Post Post #6521 (isolation #272) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:48 am

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Did it yesterday, just added Nero and VPB is all.
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Post Post #6524 (isolation #273) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:51 am

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Ugh, I had a correct town block with Yeet-VPB. Gonna go back and look to where my reads were at Day 2 now that I know Malcolm's town.
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Post Post #6527 (isolation #274) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:53 am

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In post 6523, fireisredsir wrote:ok so i was thinking about this, and hear me out here... at first i didn't really buy that April genuinely thought the vp/frog/tene solve was a good one (cause it wasn't)


i think scum april would be smarter than that lol. like there's a few people saying "hmmm idk if i trust you" and math saying "let's follow you and see if you get us a scum" and i think like 95% of the time there scum april gives them a scum. i think scum april, knowing alignments, would be way less likely to consider the vp/frog solve (cause where do you even come up with that if you know vp is town) and use it as a basis to flip reads completely on vp. is that a thing? am i allowed to townread someone bc I think they'd be better at the game if they were maf? cause i kinda do
I stand by it being a decent moon theory :lol: could just be an extremely good scum play!

Yeah, I'm definitely lost this game, but I think i'm only a few clicks away from finding a solve, but the thing is, I don't have the trust/momentum, and have a good chance at being one of the final misfades this game.
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Post Post #6530 (isolation #275) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:56 am

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In post 6525, Scorpious wrote:
In post 6515, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (8): Nero Cain, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary,
In post 6515, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary,

obviously there is one in here..

I would agree. I do think Frogster is one of them.

Tene could be.

I'm not entirely sure with Titus, tbh. Like, yes, there's a strong case for scumTitus, but I think there's a chance at TownTitus here as well.
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Post Post #6531 (isolation #276) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:57 am

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Might be time for me to deep dive into DV/Fire again. I think it's probably DV, who also pairs well with Titus/Frog.
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Post Post #6532 (isolation #277) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:58 am

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In post 6523, fireisredsir wrote:vp/frog/tene solve was a good one (cause it wasn't)

if Frog/Tene are both scum, this is a 66.6% correct list.
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Post Post #6536 (isolation #278) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:02 am

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VP Baltar (8): Nero Cain
, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, DeasVail, April Ludgate,
, Titus [E-0!]
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar
, fireisredsir, Enchant, Scorpious
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
April Ludgate (1): Cape90

Not Voting (1):

There's a scum on each of those wagons, likely more than scum on at least one of them.

Meaning there's at least one scum in STD, Frogster, Tene, DV, Titus (you can put me in that list if you want for clarity's sake)

And at least one scum in Fire, Enchant, Scorpious.

I don't necessarily think both Eyes and Cape are scum, might have one, might not, meaning at least 2 scum are likely on VPB, could be 3.
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Post Post #6538 (isolation #279) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:06 am

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In post 6536, April Ludgate wrote:
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar,
fireisredsir, Enchant, Scorpious

Let's talk about this one, since you 3 are the ones here.

Do you guys think this is a possible all 4 town on Nero wagon, especially considering a Nero wagon would have been a better misfade for scum than VPB who was just hanging on?

This likely means VPB was a better misfade for scum, meaning one of VPB's pushes were likely correct. VPB's pushes were Nero and Frog.

Frogster's comment saying people were gonna start pairing VPB/Frogster up was odd to me, and it's what really started to get me to feel that way. I read it wrong, but I think feeling the offness makes sense coming from FrogsterScum.

Now, that kind of defense feels eerily similar to a ScumKill on Nero, which had the potential to setup a Frogster/Cape 1v1, which means that the neighborhood could be all town.

I think Frogster has more scum equity than Cape.


is my current solve. The further to the back, the less sure I am, but the front 2 feel pretty good for me.
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Post Post #6539 (isolation #280) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:08 am

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Frogster calling Tene vs Malcolm was him knowing that they were TvT potentially.
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Post Post #6542 (isolation #281) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:09 am

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In post 6540, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6524, April Ludgate wrote:Ugh, I had a correct town block with Yeet-VPB. Gonna go back and look to where my reads were at Day 2 now that I know Malcolm's town.
…Why didn’t you do this D3?
I didn't know VPB was town then...?
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Post Post #6545 (isolation #282) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:10 am

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In post 6541, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 6538, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 6536, April Ludgate wrote:
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar,
fireisredsir, Enchant, Scorpious

Let's talk about this one, since you 3 are the ones here.

Do you guys think this is a possible all 4 town on Nero wagon
Sure, of course that is possible. Surely we have learned a lesson from the neighborhood about arbitrary groups? Is that too much to hope for?
A vote count is not an arbitrary group like a neighborhood.
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Post Post #6549 (isolation #283) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:14 am

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In post 6543, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6538, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 6536, April Ludgate wrote:
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar,
fireisredsir, Enchant, Scorpious

Let's talk about this one, since you 3 are the ones here.

Do you guys think this is a possible all 4 town on Nero wagon, especially considering a Nero wagon would have been a better misfade for scum than VPB who was just hanging on?

This likely means VPB was a better misfade for scum, meaning one of VPB's pushes were likely correct. VPB's pushes were Nero and Frog.

Frogster's comment saying people were gonna start pairing VPB/Frogster up was odd to me, and it's what really started to get me to feel that way. I read it wrong, but I think feeling the offness makes sense coming from FrogsterScum.

Now, that kind of defense feels eerily similar to a ScumKill on Nero, which had the potential to setup a Frogster/Cape 1v1, which means that the neighborhood could be all town.

I think Frogster has more scum equity than Cape.


is my current solve. The further to the back, the less sure I am, but the front 2 feel pretty good for me.
I think swap out Enchant or DV for Cape and this is viable

No way scum don’t have a person in that four player hood with TPR that has flipped
I could see Cape in the DV slot.

Not 100% certain scum has to be in that neighborhood. I think I'm gonna dissolve the idea of the neighborhood this game, just because we should be going on play rather than Mod WIFOM which is all the neighborhood is now.
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Post Post #6552 (isolation #284) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:15 am

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In post 6547, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6544, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 5886, Titus wrote:Fire, how do we get the lurkers to take a stance with the lim locked on VP/Nero?
thought this was sus at the time (bc it wasn't locked on those two at the time, people were still willing to push elsewhere) and it's even more sus knowing both were town
Titus time

VOTE: Titus

Titus also reacted weird when I tried to wagon Cape and started being defeatist when I tried to wagon Cape over VP.

Titus Cape Frogger I think nets 3 scum
Yeah, I agree.

I do think Enchant's the 4th as well. Titus was already setting up Enchant possible protection earlier too.

VOTE: Titus

Regardless, this opens up this game heavily.
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Post Post #6554 (isolation #285) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:16 am

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In post 6546, tenebrousluminary wrote:What if I told you that yes it is.
then you likely need to do more research on why vote counts and wagonomics are not random.
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Post Post #6556 (isolation #286) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:18 am

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Frogster, Titus, Cape, Enchant

if we're wrong about one or two, we'll be able to adapt from it anyways.

I just dont think Fua's vig claim to begin with is townie.
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Post Post #6557 (isolation #287) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:19 am

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But i'll keep that noted. I also don't think Fire or Scorp are scum, which would leave that Nero wagon untouched by scum, which is interesting. Not impossible, I could see a few paths, so we can wait for Enchant anyways
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Post Post #6566 (isolation #288) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:22 am

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In post 6523, fireisredsir wrote:ok so i was thinking about this, and hear me out here... at first i didn't really buy that April genuinely thought the vp/frog/tene solve was a good one (cause it wasn't)


i think scum april would be smarter than that lol. like there's a few people saying "hmmm idk if i trust you" and math saying "let's follow you and see if you get us a scum" and i think like 95% of the time there scum april gives them a scum. i think scum april, knowing alignments, would be way less likely to consider the vp/frog solve (cause where do you even come up with that if you know vp is town) and use it as a basis to flip reads completely on vp. is that a thing? am i allowed to townread someone bc I think they'd be better at the game if they were maf? cause i kinda do

this is probably coming from town.

i could see myself getting pushed for specifically doing that as scum as well, like I needed a reason to flip on VPB, so I used Frogster's comment to pivot, and if I was using that as a reason, why wouldnt I push Frogster first over VPB.

But yeah, probably coming from a town Fire, unless he's pocketing me hard.

Tene does have scum equity as well, and is somewhere along the stragglers for the last one. We dont have to solve the entire game today, though.
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Post Post #6567 (isolation #289) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:23 am

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In post 6564, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6557, April Ludgate wrote:But i'll keep that noted. I also don't think Fire or Scorp are scum, which would leave that Nero wagon untouched by scum, which is interesting. Not impossible, I could see a few paths, so we can wait for Enchant anyways
I think if scum knew Nero is doctor they didn’t want him claiming and outing who is doctored and who wasn’t.

Very good odds wagon is clear there of any scum.

that's true. it's definitely possible.

I was also town reading scorp that day, so I'm gonna trust that read.
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Post Post #6570 (isolation #290) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:27 am

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In post 6569, Enchant wrote:No quessing? Ok.

I tried kill STD.
what were all 3 of your night actions?
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Post Post #6587 (isolation #291) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:34 am

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i quess im gonna see enchant's game over the few days, and deal with it when it's time. not hurting anyone by living really.
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Post Post #6591 (isolation #292) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:36 am

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In post 6589, Enchant wrote:
In post 6586, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6583, Enchant wrote:
In post 6578, MathBlade wrote:Why the Q typo?
Quessing vs guessing
I liked the q's, gave it more style.
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Post Post #6592 (isolation #293) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:38 am

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I can't shake a paranoia feeling of ScumFire just controlling this game completely.
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Post Post #6640 (isolation #294) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:43 am

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Or Enchant is groupscum.

Third option.
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Post Post #6642 (isolation #295) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:44 am

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In post 6637, Titus wrote:
This is probably scum rather than town Nero saved or Enchant being blocked.
In post 6640, April Ludgate wrote:Or Enchant is groupscum.

Third option.
I don’t hate the SK theory, but I don’t think it’s Occam’s razor, even if it is a SK.
It’s definitely on the table, though
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Post Post #6643 (isolation #296) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:45 am

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This could be ScumTitus sowing doubt for a town Enchant for a future misfade.
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Post Post #6646 (isolation #297) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:47 am

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In post 6636, Titus wrote:One of Fire/April scum because they should know how obvtown it is to stand up to Math.
dont really like this, because this was one of the main reasons I was town reading you all game, as I brought up yesterday and Fire was the one actively convincing me otherwise.
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Post Post #6649 (isolation #298) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:50 am

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Agh. I hope I'm not all flipped up again. I can't do what I did to VPB last day phase. I had him correct as town, and I still turned. I think the same thing is happening with Titus. In my heart, I feel they are town.

Is ScumFire in my head? Is this what's happening this game?

VOTE: Frogster
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Post Post #6652 (isolation #299) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:53 am

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I think Frogster is scum more times out of 10 than Cape is.
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Post Post #6655 (isolation #300) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:55 am

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In post 6651, MathBlade wrote:April we’re doing Titus and then Cape when Titus flips red.

Get aboard or we’re doing you third
Yeah, I've been having Frogster as the main on my list, and in addition to VPB, I don't think I ever agreed to letting Frog wait 3 day phases until I push there?

And on top of that, I think Titus is going to flip green.
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Post Post #6656 (isolation #301) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:55 am

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In post 6654, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6652, April Ludgate wrote:I think Frogster is scum more times out of 10 than Cape is.
I don’t. Cape to me is lock scum
Titus defended lock scum.

Cape > Frogger
Yeah, but the last time I saw you push Titus that was defending locked scum, Titus was town.
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Post Post #6660 (isolation #302) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:57 am

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In post 6654, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6652, April Ludgate wrote:I think Frogster is scum more times out of 10 than Cape is.
I don’t. Cape to me is lock scum
Titus defended lock scum.

Cape > Frogger
I don't think so. The way Cape came after me and the way he was with VPB makes me think the neighborhood was all town from non neighborhood reasons.
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Post Post #6663 (isolation #303) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:57 am

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In post 6658, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6653, Scorpious wrote:
In post 6650, MathBlade wrote:What would scum have against
A semi sort of cop << Yeet
A doctor << Nero
Two masons << Me and HEM
And four players who are masons but not in name only?
^^ VP, Nero, Cape, Galron

what is this list?
Cape or Galron are lock scum via mech.

I am told Galron can’t be so Cape has to be
Neighborhood isn't a reason for it to be mech here.
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Post Post #6666 (isolation #304) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:01 am

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In post 6650, MathBlade wrote:And four players who are masons but not in name only?
this isn't a town power
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Post Post #6667 (isolation #305) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:01 am

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4 townies in one neighborhood is not inherently pro townie.
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Post Post #6671 (isolation #306) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:03 am

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Here's my main thing. I see Frogster-Titus and Frogster-Cape as two possibilities this game. Frogster fits on almost any team I see + it's my guy VPB's main push, and I actively told him yesterday "Your Frog case is a lot stronger than your Nero case", and there's a reason for that.
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Post Post #6694 (isolation #307) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:23 am

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In post 6690, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6689, Titus wrote:
In post 6687, MathBlade wrote:
In post 6685, Titus wrote:
In post 6681, MathBlade wrote:A townblock of 4 is gamebreaking. Titus knows this as it is how she plays town.
If they recognize each other. The hood happens to be town. It's not mechanically so.
Given 5 days what are the odds of that…

You’d need a nightkill every night
Then you still don’t kill the masons, the cop, or the doctors

So no there has to be scum in there.
If town succesfully townread each other, we win. That's the point of the game.
Yes but scum also get a chance to win the game too.

I am pretty sick of making infallible arguments and being ignored with a “but what if you’re wrong” and no effort said otherwise.

Go find me a large normal with a hood of 4+ without a scum.

I don’t think you’ll be able to do it
I've modded games with hoods of 4+ all town
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Post Post #6695 (isolation #308) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:24 am

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An all town 4 person neighborhood is not a town block of 4.
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Post Post #6696 (isolation #309) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:24 am

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the hood tore each other up.
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Post Post #6779 (isolation #310) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:41 am

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Oo, Froggy Protection Posse…ACTIVATE
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Post Post #6780 (isolation #311) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:42 am

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In post 6778, Cape90 wrote:
In post 3776, April Ludgate wrote:Malcolm hasnt hopped onto the VPB wagon, and VPB has shied away from Malcolm.
You literally said VPB was town like 10-20 posts before this post
Unfortunately, you are spewing the epitome of how town me works, but i understand why you could see me as scum from a town pov.

ScumMe is ultra consistent.
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Post Post #6781 (isolation #312) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:43 am

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I’ve had to actively choose to not be consistent as scum on occasion.

Town i just say whatever nonsense comes to my head, even if it doesn’t make sense
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Post Post #6783 (isolation #313) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:43 am

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In post 6777, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 6773, Titus wrote:Cape, Tene, can we vote in my scumreads please?

I know if you Tene, April, Enchant and Cape all agree that I'm town then it would be hard to drive through my elimination.

However if we do fight this, then we hopefully would agree on someone. I don't really want April/Fire eliminations
I think you may have misidentified me as an ally when I'm actually just someone who has bigger fish to fry.
And apparently, I am a big fish.
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Post Post #6787 (isolation #314) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:44 am

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So it’s Cape, Tene, and StD, eh?


I think Tene might be the scum there.
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Post Post #6792 (isolation #315) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:49 am

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Idk, would Cape chainsaw this hard as scum with Frog?

Cape/Frog were circling VPB, so possible.

I also had brought up thinking Cape was townie based on their push from me.

Here’s the thing, I’m one of the only people actively stating that I think the neighborhood is all town, and Cape is posting annoyed that people think there has to be scum in the neighborhood, yet doesn’t trust the main person who says that.

I think the Cape push onto April might be scumIndicative because they think they can win the 1v1. It’s possible. I’m not in the best position, but Cape pushing me weakens my push on Frogger as well.

I think I might have 2 scum on me.

Frog/Cape/Tene lines up somewhere in my general back and forth, even if I had been replacing them in and out.
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Post Post #6793 (isolation #316) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:49 am

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In post 6788, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6781, April Ludgate wrote:I’ve had to actively choose to not be consistent as scum on occasion.

Town i just say whatever nonsense comes to my head, even if it doesn’t make sense
You are not being consistent
Exactly. That’s why post game it’ll be obvious I was town this game :lol:
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Post Post #6796 (isolation #317) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:51 am

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Cape and VPB were such strong town reads for each other, but Cape is going against one of the main people who was defending VPB (explained my giving into paranoia already)

Yet almost ignores Frog.

Frog/Cape seeming much more likely.
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Post Post #6797 (isolation #318) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:52 am

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Idk, I’m still 50-50 on Cape slot. Could go either way.
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Post Post #6803 (isolation #319) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:53 am

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In post 6790, Titus wrote:
In post 6787, April Ludgate wrote:So it’s Cape, Tene, and StD, eh?


I think Tene might be the scum there.
Do you think StD is viable? No one TRs him?
I agree with Scorp’s read there. I think STD is just town on the side of the game. I could be wrong, though.

Honestly, I’ve kind of tuned them out since Day 2 since all they end up doing is vote parking me. Could be a facade, i guess.

But yeah, no chance there isn’t scum on my wagon right now.
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Post Post #6805 (isolation #320) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:55 am

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In post 6804, Cape90 wrote:April, which one is it btw town indictive or scum indictive, I really don't know because it isnt clear
I’m ultra consistent as scum.

I flip flop paddy wop left and right as town.
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Post Post #6806 (isolation #321) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:56 am

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Post Post #6810 (isolation #322) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:01 pm

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In post 6807, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6792, April Ludgate wrote:Idk, would Cape chainsaw this hard as scum with Frog?

Cape/Frog were circling VPB, so possible.

I also had brought up thinking Cape was townie based on their push from me.

Here’s the thing, I’m one of the only people actively stating that I think the neighborhood is all town, and Cape is posting annoyed that people think there has to be scum in the neighborhood, yet doesn’t trust the main person who says that.

I think the Cape push onto April might be scumIndicative because they think they can win the 1v1. It’s possible. I’m not in the best position, but Cape pushing me weakens my push on Frogger as well.

I think I might have 2 scum on me.

Frog/Cape/Tene lines up somewhere in my general back and forth, even if I had been replacing them in and out.
Like this post is contradiction city and I dunno how to feel.

If you think all the neighborhood is town, then I am town.

If my push on you is scum indicative, that makes me not town.

But like, you just said that you didn't think I do this as mafia
That’s because you’re looking at it in black and white.

I can think both realms are possible while thinking one or the other.

I think you just don’t understand the way my mind works, which is totally fair, I’m insane, but if you really try to look into what I’m saying, i feel it should at least see that i believe what I’m saying, if that makes sense.

I don’t feel like I’m really pushing any scum agenda. I was wrong on Malcolm, and I paranoid switched with VPB.

While I am saying I did think all the neighborhood was townie, when you push me, it makes me inherently nervous, because what if I’m just wrong, so i start to spiral into that line of analysis and start looking at worlds where you are scum within them.
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Post Post #6813 (isolation #323) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:03 pm

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In post 6809, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6806, April Ludgate wrote:Frog/Tene/Cape/Titus…?
Titus in this world is confusing to me because they have been pro-killing Frogster. They have been for it today. They I 82% think are on Frogster right now
Why does that mean they aren’t scum?

Titus, who is one of the main wagons, as scum wouldn’t try to distance themselves?

This is kinda townie thinking, though.

I still gut read Titus as town.

Cape I have some gut town reads here and there, and now seeing we just see the same coin differently, might be townie again, but idk.

Frogster still my best bet.

Thing that worries me most about Titus is I think their whole wagon is townie, and I know I’m town, and seems odd.
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Post Post #6816 (isolation #324) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:11 pm

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In post 6815, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6810, April Ludgate wrote:I think you just don’t understand the way my mind works, which is totally fair, I’m insane, but if you really try to look into what I’m saying, i feel it should at least see that i believe what I’m saying, if that makes sense.

I don’t feel like I’m really pushing any scum agenda. I was wrong on Malcolm, and I paranoid switched with VPB.
I see. Look I ain't a mind reader, I cant just interpolate what you are thinking between posts and from what I have seen, you seem pretty stream of conscious. One of my main gripes actually comes day 3 when you were putting VPB as your main scumread but pushing me. It just felt like you knew VPB was going through and you wanted to set me up for today
I haven't been pushing you today
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Post Post #6992 (isolation #325) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:42 pm

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That end of day quick wagon on Titus has a scum in it.

Frogster obv scum at this point.

But yeah @Math - this was that game you were Masons, and I was scum, Titus town pocket, but Titus and I were reversed. You pushed Titus/Myself as scumteam that game for a while too.

For what it's worth, I actively called out I was being pocketed somewhere, and knew it was causing an issue. :lol:

I saw that Titus flip, and was like. fuck, of course.

So Frogster and then Tene/Cape/STD have 1 or 2 in them.
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Post Post #6994 (isolation #326) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:44 pm

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VOTE: Frogster

I was on scum yesterday, it's just another scum got killed instead, so I wouldnt necessarily say yesterDay was a bad day. I've been able to be confidently town read by some players in this game, and that's part of a solid town game as well.
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Post Post #6996 (isolation #327) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:44 pm

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In post 6993, fireisredsir wrote:hi april

i think frog/cape is pretty likely, what do you think of eyes?
I keep forgetting about Eyes.

Yeah, I thought that with the Yeet-Eyes-Me triangle, it could make sense that Eyes is scum who helped push the Malcolm wagon early.

Then Titus came in and helped finish it off.
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Post Post #6997 (isolation #328) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:46 pm

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In post 6643, April Ludgate wrote:This could be ScumTitus sowing doubt for a town Enchant for a future misfade.

at least this was right by me, but i didnt commit.
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Post Post #7000 (isolation #329) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:50 pm

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Day 1

(10): tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir,
, Save The Dragons,
VP Baltar,
, Cape90 [E-0!]
, April Ludgate
(1): Frogsterking
Nero Cain(1): Nero Cain

Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face

Not Voting (4): Scorpious, DeasVail,


(9): Eyes without a face,
, April Ludgate, Scorpious,
VP Baltar
, fireisredsir,
VP Baltar
(5): DeasVail, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, Save the Dragons,
Nero Cain

(3): Cape90,


VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain,
Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir [E-3]
Cape90 (3):
, Scorpious
April Ludgate (2): Cape90,

Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
Nero Cain (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (3): DeasVail,
, April Ludgate

end of day 3

VP Baltar (8): Nero Cain
, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, DeasVail, April Ludgate,
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar
, fireisredsir,
, Scorpious
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
April Ludgate (1): Cape90

Not Voting (1):

end of Day 4

(7): fireisredsir,
, Scorpious, Cape90, tenebrousluminary, Save The Dragons,
Frogsterking (1): April Ludgate,
Save The Dragons (1):

Not Voting (4): Frogsterking, DeasVail, Galron, Eyes without a face
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Post Post #7001 (isolation #330) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:52 pm

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In post 6974, fireisredsir wrote:titus did def have the goal of arguing with you and trying to get on the town side of that argument and push you away. i interpreted that as having the selfish goal mostly of trying to appear as the "correct" one and get townread off it, especially to pocket April, which worked btw. but it could have had a dual purpose also of not letting you work together with town
yeah, Titus spent a lot of this game tying themselves to me. Really got it ingrained into Math that her and I would be partners.
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Post Post #7004 (isolation #331) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:58 pm

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Day 1

, fireisredsir,
Save The Dragons
VP Baltar,
, April Ludgate
(1): Frogsterking
Nero Cain(1): Nero Cain

Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face

Not Voting (4): Scorpious, DeasVail,


(9): Eyes without a face,
, April Ludgate, Scorpious,
VP Baltar
, fireisredsir,
VP Baltar
(5): DeasVail, Frogsterking,
Save the Dragons
Nero Cain



VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain,
Save The Dragons
, Frogsterking,
, fireisredsir [E-3]
Cape90 (3):
, Scorpious
April Ludgate (2):

Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
Nero Cain (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (3): DeasVail,
, April Ludgate

end of day 3

VP Baltar (8): Nero Cain
Save The Dragons
, Frogsterking,
, DeasVail, April Ludgate,
Nero Cain (4): VP Baltar
, fireisredsir,
, Scorpious
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
April Ludgate (1):

Not Voting (1):

end of Day 4

(7): fireisredsir,
, Scorpious,
Cape90, tenebrousluminary, Save The Dragons,
Frogsterking (1): April Ludgate,
Save The Dragons (1):

Not Voting (4): Frogsterking, DeasVail,
, Eyes without a face

Made some Pink because there's stank in that end of day wagon, wanted to see what the 3 of them Pink together would be. I don't think it's all 3 of them, as I do think Frogster is one scum + Eyes has some scum equity as well. After that, Scorp/DV, while not completely clear or anything, I think are probably more likely town based on it seeming like they have no agenda. I might have Fire as a blue because they hard pushed Titus correctly in a non bussy way + main one protecting me which I feel has no scum benefits that outweigh just letting me fall.
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Post Post #7005 (isolation #332) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:02 pm

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eyes being on Frogster might be something that is town positive for them, but guess it could be distancing. Either way, will be interesting to see Eyes take this day.

the scum team could just be all the pinks. I think it makes sense that there was a lot of scum on VPB considering VPB was the only one at the time pushing Frogster the way they were, but Cape had a hard pocket, so idk if that'd been worth it.

However, Cape-Froggy have some high equity teaming.

Cape-Froggy I'm probably willing to lock in as scum.
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Post Post #7006 (isolation #333) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:07 pm

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are 50% scum.

I would take STD/Scorp as town before the other 3

Only reason I have Scorp here and not DV is the Nero wagon Day 3.

Yeah, Frog/Cape locked for me. + 1 of Tene/Eyes.
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Post Post #7007 (isolation #334) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:10 pm

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In post 6902, Frogsterking wrote:VOTE: fireisred

I don't know April's alignment but the idea that fire is so sure of it doesn't read genuine at all.
This is a little weird. I feel like Frogster, if they were town, should definitely see my slot as scum.
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Post Post #7009 (isolation #335) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:13 pm

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Biggest way you can tell I'm not scum is by looking at who my partners would be this game.

There aren't any viable scum teams that make sense with me on it unless Fire was also scum.

Cape? Yeah, he been coming at me hard for days now as damage control.

STD? They were coasting on me all game.

Tene? "Just cuz you protected me you thought i'd town read you?

I guess some combination of Scorp/Eyes/DeasVail/Fire would be the best bet.
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Post Post #7010 (isolation #336) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:16 pm

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In post 6980, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 6960, Scorpious wrote:
In post 6955, Frogsterking wrote:Can I convince you to reconsider on your suspicions? It could cost us the game
I hate when someone uses the word “us”.. just being honest here
You're gonna cost yourself the game :dead:

I think fire is trying to kill the frogs and scorps and I'm the only one that sees it

@Scorp - this is probably Frogster trying to tie himself to you before he goes down.
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Post Post #7011 (isolation #337) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:18 pm

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To rephrase a quote out of Frogster's playbook:

I think Frogster is going for Fire so if he goes down, I'll still be a possible misfade due to associations.
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Post Post #7012 (isolation #338) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:24 pm

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also, I just genuinely believe scorp is VT
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Post Post #7013 (isolation #339) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:25 pm

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In post 6802, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 6785, Titus wrote:
In post 6777, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 6773, Titus wrote:Cape, Tene, can we vote in my scumreads please?

I know if you Tene, April, Enchant and Cape all agree that I'm town then it would be hard to drive through my elimination.

However if we do fight this, then we hopefully would agree on someone. I don't really want April/Fire eliminations
I think you may have misidentified me as an ally when I'm actually just someone who has bigger fish to fry.
Why aren't Frog and StD fish to fry?
Dragons is probably town.
kind of a townie look for tene.
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Post Post #7014 (isolation #340) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:26 pm

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In post 6806, April Ludgate wrote:Frog/Tene/Cape/Titus…?
Odd because right after that post immediately, I put this. But I think it's this team with Eyes in the Tene slot. This is a backup team of mine, though
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Post Post #7016 (isolation #341) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:28 pm

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In post 6821, DeasVail wrote:
In post 6787, April Ludgate wrote:So it’s Cape, Tene, and StD, eh?


I think Tene might be the scum there.
Tene comes across as very… uninformed to me

I see this more today than I did yesterday, and even more faith in DV now.

Looking back, I've actually had a pretty decent game this game, just had a few issues at the end of the day wagon in a way that's actually pretty hilarious.

Still looking like we're heading towards a town victory.
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Post Post #7017 (isolation #342) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:29 pm

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In post 7015, fireisredsir wrote:i kinda believe scorp too, the only argument i have for him possibly being scum is that after a recent game ended he was all like "ugh im so tired of being scum" so maybe if he rolled scum this game he decided to just hard coast it out. but he's pretty low on my priority list
If Scorp is scum, i think it'll come out near the end of the game anyways.

He is a possible slip through the cracks, but I don't necessarily expect to be there picking in that scenario, though.
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Post Post #7018 (isolation #343) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 9:32 pm

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alright, calling it for tonight.

If something happens, and I'm faded before I return.

Frogster/Cape/Eyes scum team
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Post Post #7043 (isolation #344) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:20 am

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In post 7036, Scorpious wrote:I also see that fantastic bus by April..

I've been pushing Frogster since Day 3.
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Post Post #7044 (isolation #345) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:22 am

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In post 7024, MathBlade wrote:The main issue I have is if I am right and traitor exists this is the last miselim we have.

So as much as I think you’re scum April I am torn between eliminating Frog or you.

I should just be tunneling you because of how wrong you have been

But at the same time I think if you’re scum you know this and give me frog and set up for you and Fire stomp.

You just got Flavor Fever.

I think if I were to flip, youd be able to look back and see how obviously town I've been this game.
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Post Post #7045 (isolation #346) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:23 am

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In post 7020, MathBlade wrote:You really contradicted yourself and said tene is town and now tene is possible scum.

Again, I don't do this as scum ever. Contradictions are not scummy either, I flip flop constantly as town because one minute I think this, but I backtrack and think another. =/
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Post Post #7046 (isolation #347) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:24 am

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In post 7024, MathBlade wrote:The main issue I have is if I am right and traitor exists this is the last miselim we have.
if traitor exists, you get an additional misfade not one less?
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Post Post #7047 (isolation #348) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:26 am

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In post 5977, April Ludgate wrote:Eyes without a face



VP Baltar
Also, people saying my reads have been flipping more than they actually have.

this was the bottom half of my reads list on Day 3. DV/Galron have gone up, and VPB has flipped town.

Look who's's like incredibly similar to what I'm still currently pushing.
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Post Post #7048 (isolation #349) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:26 am

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In post 7039, tenebrousluminary wrote:My worlds right now look something like Dragons/Cape or April/Galron? I'm not sure Frog fits into either of those neatly.

But I probably shouldn't try to hero-solve it.

Galron is essentially confirmed town because of Yeet Psychologist clear.
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Post Post #7049 (isolation #350) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:27 am

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Also, a Fire/April team suggestion means you're looking at the game from a surface level, and really need to look deeper than that.
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Post Post #7052 (isolation #351) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:30 am

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@Mathblade - Please please please don't fall into Titus' obvious trap for you to take me down and misfade me after her. She was setting that up for days.
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Post Post #7053 (isolation #352) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:31 am

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In post 7050, tenebrousluminary wrote:Was someone suggesting that? I wasn't. fire is my strongest townread.

then it wasn't you I was referring to, now was it?

And I'm in fire's town block, so doesn't seem like you care too much about your town read's reads.
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Post Post #7054 (isolation #353) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:32 am

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In post 7024, MathBlade wrote:But at the same time I think if you’re scum you know this and give me frog and set up for you and Fire stomp.

Literally, for me to be scum, I essentially have to be scum with Fire at this point, and it's a surface level read if someone believes Fire and I can be scum together at this point.

@Math - If you think I'm scum, you'd think I'm bussing right now anyways, so just vote with me. Eventually, you'll see you've been in a Titus trap.
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Post Post #7055 (isolation #354) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:33 am

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Also, Tene, Cape and STD were in my pink list as possible scum teams which is your secondary option, so odd you're pushing the team of April/Galron without even attempting to work together.
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Post Post #7056 (isolation #355) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:36 am

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In post 7024, MathBlade wrote:I should just be tunneling you because of how wrong you have been

this is a false narrative actually. I haven't been that wrong, not more so than others also have been, my vote was just in the wrong spots end of the day.

You of all people should know that's a mark of townMe not scumMe.

I am a master of wagon manipulation as scum, and this showed when I setup that one game voting patterns to get past Titus VCA analysis.

This just isn't my scum game.

I've been under pressure since I came into this game. That is not scumMe. Please just escape from the trap Titus set you in.
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Post Post #7058 (isolation #356) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:37 am

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Vote alongside me today, Math.
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Post Post #7059 (isolation #357) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:38 am

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In post 7057, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7053, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 7050, tenebrousluminary wrote:Was someone suggesting that? I wasn't. fire is my strongest townread.

then it wasn't you I was referring to, now was it?

And I'm in fire's town block, so doesn't seem like you care too much about your town read's reads.
I will be sure to check my mind reading device before I post in the future.

I can care about them without outsourcing my entire game to fire.
Okay, then there's just not working with you then. You're either scum or you want me to be scum, and nothing can be done by me to change your mind, so guess no point in having that back and forth.
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Post Post #7061 (isolation #358) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:40 am

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Not even a discredit, don't misrep. It's just a fact.
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Post Post #7062 (isolation #359) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:41 am

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In post 7004, April Ludgate wrote:Titus (7): fireisredsir, MathBlade, Scorpious,
Cape90, tenebrousluminary, Save The Dragons,
Titus [E-0!]

Just remember, there is absolutely zero chance there isn't scum in this group.
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Post Post #7064 (isolation #360) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:45 am

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In post 7063, tenebrousluminary wrote:"nothing can be done to change your mind" is clearly an opinion and not a fact. There is no way you could possibly know that to be true.

There is nothing I can do, at least not at the present time.

And if there is, then that is exactly what I needed to do to light a fire under your ass for you to see that I'm town.

Where is the scum agenda in my play this game?

You're pushing me for things that have come across as incorrect or flawed town play, you're not pushing reasons that are scummy.

I was stuck in a tunnel followed by a pocket, and I knew that I was in a pocket somewhere. You can go back and see how logically I was casing Titus as scum, but the gut reads were town, but I was still casing Titus scum, and had her in my scum team prediction despite knowing I was in a pocket.

I feel like you can go back and see how obviously I was in a pocket, and how Titus was actively trying to make sure that Math and Co would come after me after a Titus flip.

Look at the way she tried to get that wagon to happen on her, and she quick wagoned to stop discussion further because it was in a perfect spot for her to die and have the heat directed where she wanted today.
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Post Post #7065 (isolation #361) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:46 am

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In post 7059, April Ludgate wrote:nothing can be done
by me
to change your mind

You actively omitted the most important part.
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Post Post #7067 (isolation #362) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:49 am

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In post 6556, April Ludgate wrote:Frogster, Titus, Cape, Enchant

if we're wrong about one or two, we'll be able to adapt from it anyways.

I just dont think Fua's vig claim to begin with is townie.
In post 6643, April Ludgate wrote:This could be ScumTitus sowing doubt for a town Enchant for a future misfade.
People like to point out where I'm wrong, but fail to point out certain areas I was completely right in.
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Post Post #7069 (isolation #363) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:50 am

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In post 7066, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7065, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 7059, April Ludgate wrote:nothing can be done
by me
to change your mind

You actively omitted the most important part.
Still not a fact. It's an exaggeration coming from frustration.
Eh it's a fact, but I can see why you still want to push it like an opinion.

Why don't you answer it then? What can I do in this day phase to help make you see that I am town and move your vote?
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Post Post #7070 (isolation #364) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:51 am

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In post 7068, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7064, April Ludgate wrote:Where is the scum agenda in my play this game?
In post 0, Mizzytastic wrote: [*]MalcolmTucker,
Vanilla Townie
, eliminated day two.
[*]VP Baltar,
Town Ascetic Neighbor
, eliminated day three.
Many more people on it than just me. Were you on either of those? Because if just by being on those wagons make it a scum agenda, doesnt that make you have a scum agenda?
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Post Post #7072 (isolation #365) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:52 am

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In post 6806, April Ludgate wrote:Frog/Tene/Cape/Titus…?

Looking likely.

Hope I get 4/4 here.
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Post Post #7076 (isolation #366) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:57 am

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In post 7071, tenebrousluminary wrote:Everyone else says you're supposed to be some sort of god tier town player and you've eliminated 2 town and no scum. What am I to think?
I'm a god tier scum player. Does this feel like a god tier scum game to you?

I already explained what you could think, you just don't care to look into it more.

I was tunneled on my first real day coming into this game, stuck on Malcolm, however by looking into it, you can see my initial offputting from that was because of an energy felt between a post Frogster said about Malcom/Tene being TvT.

I've explained this to you specifically already day phases ago.

And then afterwards, I got caught in Titus pocket, something I've actively shown to you already as well.

You can fact check this and analyze for yourself based on the amount of times I logically brought up Titus scum, but still gut town read her. It was all gut town read and meta from a past game.

This was on obvious active pocket on Titus to me. I even stated days ago that I felt like I was in a pocket.

You just don't care to see that it's true even when it's absolutely 100% what happened.

Yet all you look at is the wagons at the end, showing how incredibly surface level you are looking into things at.

If you are town, look at what I'm actually saying.

If you still can't see that as town, then I don't know what to tell you. You just want me to be scum in that scenario, because post flip, I am proven to be 100% correct in all of this, ending in what is likely to be a correct solve, near correct solve.

Out of my scum solve list, I guarantee I am at least 3 for 4, making my reads accurate af. I was just in a deep pocket due to a scum play.
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Post Post #7077 (isolation #367) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:58 am

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In post 7075, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 7070, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 7068, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7064, April Ludgate wrote:Where is the scum agenda in my play this game?
In post 0, Mizzytastic wrote: [*]MalcolmTucker,
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, eliminated day two.
[*]VP Baltar,
Town Ascetic Neighbor
, eliminated day three.
Many more people on it than just me. Were you on either of those? Because if just by being on those wagons make it a scum agenda, doesnt that make you have a scum agenda?
like this argument does not come from good faith

That is your opinion. You will be proven wrong, and I will be proven correct.

I was also annoyed, and was just making a lol, doesnt that make you scum post, so you're nitpicking
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Post Post #7078 (isolation #368) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:58 am

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In post 7073, Save The Dragons wrote:maybe it's the condescension but i still feel like limming april here
Yes, but you are a surface level player or scum, so
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Post Post #7080 (isolation #369) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:00 am

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Like the writing's on the wall, nobody even acknowledges the Tunnel into the pocket, showing that people don't want it to be true.

I'm town, deal with it. My solve actually is in fact 'god tier' as you say, and this is the time that I solve games, not early game.

I'm a strong late game town player, and a strong early game scum player.
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Post Post #7082 (isolation #370) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:03 am

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In post 7079, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7076, April Ludgate wrote:Does this feel like a god tier scum game to you?
It could if your goal was to eliminate several townies and then die because you're a Goon.

If you "knew" you were in a pocket you'd have gotten out of it.

I am not only looking at the wagons at the end. I'm sure other players were on both. I find your interactions with them suspicious. I didn't even bring up the wagons until you made me... and speaking of wagons being surface level, your entire case against me is that you colored my name purple lol.

This implies you think I'd want to die as scum instead of being here ensuring the victory.

And Tene...I don't even have a case against you. I've actively been stating this day phase I think it's Frogster/Cape/Eyes. You are a sub.

You're sheer lack of awareness actually makes me feel you are more likely one of the townies, but you're surface level tunnel without looking into the town side is what comes scummy, but it just makes me feel like you don't know how to try and town case someone even if you think they are scum.

Go actively try to make a town case on me. Even if you don't think I'm town, try to work with me here if you are town. Go look at the tunnel, go look at where I got pocketed, and try to see where I'm coming from.
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Post Post #7084 (isolation #371) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:04 am

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Your ignorance blinds you.
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Post Post #7087 (isolation #372) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:06 am

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Here's my thing, I don't care how many townies I have to take out if it helps me get to the right solve. This is why I'm getting pushed, because people can't separate this from a scum agenda.

Worst part is, I think both STD/Tene are just surface level town.

DeasVail said Tene really doesn't seem to be informed at all, and if you're scum, you're good at playing dumb, i'll give ya that, but I'm leaning town.
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Post Post #7089 (isolation #373) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:08 am

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In post 7086, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7082, April Ludgate wrote:Go actively try to make a town case on me.
I'm sure I could find plenty of reasons for doubt.

I also found plenty of plays in Datisi/Titus' iso earlier today that would have made me second guess. Thankfully, I didn't.

This is what I was going for. It's you actively not trying to find the townie in me because you don't want me to be town.

My point's been proven, I've tried, I've done all I could to get you to see.

I've brought up my tunnel into the pocket, and nothing, so moving on from this.

Frog/Cape/Eyes solve, if it's not eyes, it's one of the surface level brick walls I've been conversing with.
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Post Post #7091 (isolation #374) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:09 am

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Math can fall into Titus' obvious trap.

But after this day phase, post game, my reads from this day are the 2nd best in this game right now.
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Post Post #7095 (isolation #375) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:14 am

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Yes, because I care so much about having a "good look" :lol:
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Post Post #7096 (isolation #376) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:15 am

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In post 7092, fireisredsir wrote:can y'all chill im p sure everyone fighting here is town lol

unfortunately, no can do.

I have 3 votes on me, with 4 votes out there that would be willing to hop over.
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Post Post #7099 (isolation #377) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:16 am

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These are the type of players that even after a FrogScum flip, if Fire dies, flips town, I still would get pushed because of no analytical prowess.
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Post Post #7100 (isolation #378) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:17 am

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In post 7098, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 7096, April Ludgate wrote:unfortunately, no can do.

I have 3 votes on me, with 4 votes out there that would be willing to hop over.
hmm and will they see the light if you die or is it not worth it

No clue, I wouldn't be paying attention afterwards.

All I know is I'm nearing a solve if I don't have it already, and that's good enough for me.

I got the 2nd best reads in this game right now.
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Post Post #7101 (isolation #379) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:17 am

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In post 7097, Cape90 wrote:
In post 7039, tenebrousluminary wrote:My worlds right now look something like Dragons/Cape or April/Galron? I'm not sure Frog fits into either of those neatly.

But I probably shouldn't try to hero-solve it.
Given your wall on Datisi that I was reading, I really don't know how Galron fits in with your suspicions list here

Cape, if you're town, which of STD/Tene are scum?
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Post Post #7104 (isolation #380) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:19 am

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In post 7098, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 7096, April Ludgate wrote:unfortunately, no can do.

I have 3 votes on me, with 4 votes out there that would be willing to hop over.
hmm and will they see the light if you die or is it not worth it

Also, these two have been taking these jabs all game, so it was more of a reaching the boiling point kinda moment.

STD has barely been playing, and coast sitting on me since Day 2.

I actively saved Tene when I came into this game without even having him claim, which has absolutely no scum benefits there. he was close to E-1, makes no sense to defend them without letting them claim as scum.
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Post Post #7106 (isolation #381) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:22 am

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In post 7103, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7099, April Ludgate wrote:These are the type of players that even after a FrogScum flip, if Fire dies, flips town, I still would get pushed because of no analytical prowess.
No wonder you like VP so much, you're the same person. "I can be wrong, but if anyone dares to suspect ME they're stupid and how dare they"

And yeah, it was dumb of us to go after VPB hindsight.

That was earlier in game.

You still are analyzing like it's day 2 with no additional analysis level up.

There are 3 heavy day phases you can actively look and find the reasons why I'm obv as fuck town, but you guys can't even comprehend it because you just don't want to.

Simple as that :shrug:

That's fine. Be wrong this late in the game phase on a slot with actual evidence of a tunnel+pocketed town POV.
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Post Post #7107 (isolation #382) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:23 am

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None of this is personal, btw. I just get hyped up when games get this good.
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Post Post #7109 (isolation #383) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:24 am

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I start throwing punches, you tryna take me down, imma go down swinging. Bet
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Post Post #7111 (isolation #384) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:26 am

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In post 7108, Cape90 wrote:
In post 7101, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 7097, Cape90 wrote:
In post 7039, tenebrousluminary wrote:My worlds right now look something like Dragons/Cape or April/Galron? I'm not sure Frog fits into either of those neatly.

But I probably shouldn't try to hero-solve it.
Given your wall on Datisi that I was reading, I really don't know how Galron fits in with your suspicions list here

Cape, if you're town, which of STD/Tene are scum?
I would say STD definitely actually
I would like that to be true for my own sanity of hopping into the game, and I just picked the wrong one of my 2 initial scum reads in Malcolm/STD.

I feel like I've been just slightly off all game, and Titus pocket made me more sure of it.

@Fire - This was another odd move by Cape if Cape is scum. Just like when Cape came after me that one day phase that just felt really dangerous as scum. Could you see Frog/Eyes/STD?
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Post Post #7113 (isolation #385) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:28 am

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At the end of the day, I'm pretty emotionless, but able to mimic emotion as town/scum, and this is just a puffing of the chest tactic.

Gotta do what ya gotta do. I think Tene was right. There was something I could do to help them town read me.

And I think we went through it together, and that they're actually thinking things over, but needs to let it sit.

STD, yeah, there's nothing there.
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Post Post #7115 (isolation #386) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:30 am

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In post 7112, Cape90 wrote:
In post 7111, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 7108, Cape90 wrote:
In post 7101, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 7097, Cape90 wrote:
In post 7039, tenebrousluminary wrote:My worlds right now look something like Dragons/Cape or April/Galron? I'm not sure Frog fits into either of those neatly.

But I probably shouldn't try to hero-solve it.
Given your wall on Datisi that I was reading, I really don't know how Galron fits in with your suspicions list here

Cape, if you're town, which of STD/Tene are scum?
I would say STD definitely actually
I would like that to be true for my own sanity of hopping into the game, and I just picked the wrong one of my 2 initial scum reads in Malcolm/STD.

I feel like I've been just slightly off all game, and Titus pocket made me more sure of it.

@Fire - This was another odd move by Cape if Cape is scum. Just like when Cape came after me that one day phase that just felt really dangerous as scum. Could you see Frog/Eyes/STD?
How is it an odd move.

I don't get this thought
It's an odd move if you were scum because you relieved me of some heat by quite a bit, even if you didn't realize it.

Unfortunately, that also ties us a bit together more, which is almost more damning for you than it is me.

So that's why i feel it's a weird scum move by you, and makes you a bit townier to me.

Especially considering STD's play, and I go back to that all town neighborhood feel.
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Post Post #7116 (isolation #387) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:31 am

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Maybe we should mass claim.

April: VT
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Post Post #7117 (isolation #388) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:32 am

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In post 7114, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 7111, April Ludgate wrote:@Fire - This was another odd move by Cape if Cape is scum. Just like when Cape came after me that one day phase that just felt really dangerous as scum. Could you see Frog/Eyes/STD?
not really! my townblock (math/std/april/deas) is pretty locked for me, unless any of them is a traitor. i don't see any as aligned with titus. frog/cape/eyes are my top 3, followed by galron, then scorp, then tene

I just find it weird because Cape easily could have just pushed me as well, and it would have been enough momentum to bring others on me, especially with the way I was posting at the time.

Seems anti-scum agenda.
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Post Post #7147 (isolation #389) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:03 am

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In post 7120, tenebrousluminary wrote:FWIW April if it is not personal you may want to think twice about comments like "no analytical prowess". Both personal and snooty.
Well, I don’t mind the snoot, tbh
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Post Post #7151 (isolation #390) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:07 am

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Hell yeah, tactic worked!!! Got that Tene unvote
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Post Post #7154 (isolation #391) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:10 am

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I claimed Day 2 or 3, and as such, I have not acted at all this game.

I’ve barely even thought over any sort of repercussions, and kinda just saying whatever shot pops to the front of my head.

If that ain’t townie, don’t know what is
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Post Post #7155 (isolation #392) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:11 am

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I guess pushing scum to fades would be…
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Post Post #7156 (isolation #393) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:11 am

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Still would like a mass claim. It’s time for some late game setup spec before one of Fire/Math die tonight
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Post Post #7159 (isolation #394) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:14 am

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Also, to believe I’m scum, you’d have to believe I, the master claimer, pigeonholed myself into a VT claim as scum.

Anywhosies, yeah, idk where my thoughts on Eyes are.

Cape backtracked so it contradicted my reasonings for town reading him.
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Post Post #7160 (isolation #395) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:15 am

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In post 7157, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 7151, April Ludgate wrote:Hell yeah, tactic worked!!! Got that Tene unvote
Search your heart, you know it to be true
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Post Post #7162 (isolation #396) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:19 am

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In post 7161, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 7159, April Ludgate wrote:Also, to believe I’m scum, you’d have to believe I, the master claimer, pigeonholed myself into a VT claim as scum.

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Post Post #7164 (isolation #397) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:20 am

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Good times
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Post Post #7165 (isolation #398) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:21 am

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April Ludgate (3):
Save The Dragons, tenebrousluminary, Cape90

patterns don't lie. ;P

They show up again.
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Post Post #7169 (isolation #399) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:26 am

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Frog/Cape locked team.

Third is in Eyes/STD/Tene/Scorp.

Still dont think it's Scorp.

@Math - My thing with Eyes is, why would they actively make the mistake as scum when they could have just not done anything and avoided it. Cape voting Eyes to only back off once a PR claim looks like Cape being scared of challenging a town PR at this point in the game.

The 4-shot is a really odd thing to claim as scum.

Not saying it's impossible, I still have them for the 3rd slot, but it's not a lock for me right now.

But I do think Cape's scum equity raised heavily after the PR claim, and their actions
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