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Solway Firth
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Post Post #213 (isolation #0) » Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:57 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 64, Grib wrote:Okay, now you feel almost too scummy to be scum.

Will you tell me about your playstyle? How you tend to handle the early- mid-, and late-game? Why do people who don't know you typically scumread you, and if someone had experience with you, what would they think of your posts so far?

Sorry for the rapid-fire questions, but you intrigue me.
Firebringer, do you like playing as scum?
Solway Firth
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Post Post #214 (isolation #1) » Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:07 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 65, HighPrincessErinys wrote:
In post 61, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 54, Grib wrote:I changed my mind a bit. Frog is sus, but not quite scum yet.
In post 59, Grib wrote:Yikes.

VOTE: Frogsterking
I feel like this is +town for Grib, this is like the quintessential townie reaction to playing with me for the first time.
Definitely feeling it cause like. It's just a smidge bit weird to this one to post a giant personality survey and probe people who don't answer it. Like yeah, if it works it works but like. Man! Kinda quirked... Not the biggest fan.
I dislike this post. Frogster has already explained his motivation for probing the people who haven’t answered his survey. All this post does is call Frogster’s behavior weird without explicitly scumreading him.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #217 (isolation #2) » Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:19 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

I have some thoughts on the earlier pages of the game but I’ll refrain on spending too much time on them because we’re several pages after then. In summary, I agree with the points about Frogster trying to appease people, and I do think it is +scum. At the same time Firebringer’s comments about how he doesn’t like the player list read as demotivated scum. I don’t think that not having a good player list would cause Firebringer to have an emotional reaction of the same level he had. I don’t think the Firebringer/Frog banter will lead anywhere, Frogster doesn’t publicly operate in the realm of facts and logic so trying to have a discussion in the early game with him is pointless. As for HPE, I scumread her to reasons previously stated. I also don’t like how she voted BBT, and her tone is very off. As for Grib, he’s demonstrated a towny inquisitiveness but I have no deeper read beyond that.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #218 (isolation #3) » Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:30 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

For the more recent pages, I think the spat between Quo and Grib is NAI. Eiralox is tonally off but nothing that I can pinpoint as not being part of their personality.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #399 (isolation #4) » Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:27 am

Post by Solway Firth »

Oh the prod timer is 36 hours okay
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Post Post #403 (isolation #5) » Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:47 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 224, Firebringer wrote:Anyways my rough dislike of Aisa reads and reasoning behind it. As said before - seems incredibly superficial.
Both have a sort of playfulness and "unseriousness" while not seeming particularly designed to come across as towny to me. Contrast with my personal experience of playing scum, which is to spend lots and lots of time ruminating over the tone of a post. Not much evidence, but I added the "early page 2" qualifier for a reason.
Not trying to look townie on page one with a early posts that amount to nothing. How surface level is this, do you expect a jump in form Eirlax like "look at me im so town" which frankly goes against your next read with Frogster because if that is your expectation then Frogster was basically trying to shout im town from page 1 and onwards and then you justify your read and double down for lets moveo n.....
I tend to townread lots of quick posting, Frog meets that description, and I don't see where the scum agenda is. Hoping for a textbook case of "guy who appears to be scumhunting is, in fact, scumhunting"
Again. This is superficial and lazy and if you go with your reasoning one first as this person isn't trying to look town, this person is been doing that. Admitted he wanted to be seen as town in later posts when I questioned him on it, and you ignore it because "ohh he is scum hunting so he is scumhunting" I am not expecting in depth analysis but I don't expect it to be this basic for aisa from what I remember of you. This is just like let me throw out townreads and justify them later.

Also what is this
Eira's latest post is also consistent with what I know of their townplay, and my best guess is that the stream-of-consciousness style post would be kind of hard to fake as scum. Did I pocket them or did they pocket me?
Low key buddying. And what even from Eira stream of consciousness couldn't be faked? Do I need to pull it up, because I don't know Eira but i agree that is a "stream of consciousness" I also think it means exactly nothing because their thoughts weren't deep enough to get me to think they were actively engaged high enough for it to be unlikely to come from scum. How couldn't a scum person read the thread and have that stream of consciousness. I don't see it at all. This is saying nothing while trying to say something.

Only thing i like about Aisa is her question to elements on why is bella above null.
This case makes a lot of sense. I admit, I skimmed past several of Asia’s posts on the earlier pages and didn’t take the time to properly verify and analyze Aisa’s points.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #422 (isolation #6) » Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:23 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 226, Aisa wrote:
In post 224, Firebringer wrote:[...]
Also what is this
Eira's latest post is also consistent with what I know of their townplay, and my best guess is that the stream-of-consciousness style post would be kind of hard to fake as scum. Did I pocket them or did they pocket me?
Low key buddying. And what even from Eira stream of consciousness couldn't be faked? Do I need to pull it up, because I don't know Eira but i agree that is a "stream of consciousness" I also think it means exactly nothing because their thoughts weren't deep enough to get me to think they were actively engaged high enough for it to be unlikely to come from scum. How couldn't a scum person read the thread and have that stream of consciousness. I don't see it at all. This is saying nothing while trying to say something.

Only thing i like about Aisa is her question to elements on why is bella above null.
In post 225, Firebringer wrote:
In post 192, Eiralox wrote:why even are ya'll on Asia? Solway Firth is a sagacious wagon, like they havent even posted yet. Element coming in putting Asia under some line, and fire being like..... ultra focused on finding 'the bunny'......

while Asia has felt pretty much wholly green to me after a few one-liners exchanged.

this whole frogster/fire thing is cluttering up this early imo, it all seemed mostly to be i nterpersonal meta and as eira dont meta eira dont read.... much at least. I mean of the two i'd say i'd ay i feel worse on fire..... pretty much for abhorrent mood page 1. then again fire adores n_m so there's hope i gues >.>

SO meh today is a lazy day for me imma play monster train and endless legend. I think my vote's in a pretty good spot tbh........ firth's gotta pitch at least, and enchant. I'll trust Asia for now, no strong feelings on others buuut maybe..... Grib doees feel a bit more green than the mass? Like viewing things with an open yet uninformed mind. So yeah like way later gators
Like this is the "stream of consciousness" aisa says would be hard faked from scum.
And I read it and thought "this person skimmed and didn't think that intensely on posts" that was my take away from the stream of thought I got from reading the internal mindof Eira.
What I'm doing is *high-key buddying, you growlie.

You yourself say you read that post and thought it was low effort. Will you humour me and let me assume it was a low-effort post for a second?
I think the combination of low-effort post + Eira still throws out two or three reads is more consistent with town that scum. Town has nothing to lose by saying "I think X, Y, Z look green". I think it's a scary thing for scum to come into the game and take position so decisively.

Hence, I think your impression that Eira "skimmed and didn't think that intensely on posts" would actually support Eira being town.

Also UNVOTE: from RVS.
This doesn’t actually address the original point. Your argument was previously that Eira’s stream of consciousness post couldn’t be faked, but now you’re arguing that Eira is town because of a general principle. And, the general principle you’re using to justify your read on Eira is something that is easily faked. You’re also misrepresenting Eira’s stream of consciousness post. Eira expressed fairly weak townreads on a number of people, but you’re framing Eira’s post as if they’re declaratively stating that X, Y, and Z are town. This looks like scum faking a read and then flubbing the response under pressure.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #453 (isolation #7) » Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:48 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 234, Grib wrote:Sooo… I made a case for Frog being scum. As of right now none of the concerns I have have been addressed. The only “defense” I’ve seen is that Frog doesn’t play logically, which isn’t helpful at all.

That being said, he claims that he’s good at sussing scum out on Day 1, so I’m happy to let him scumhunt and reevaluate my own read based on how he does his thing.

Other than that, I really don’t have much to say. Last night more than half the player list had less posts than the mod. I think Fire is town and Frog is scum. Everyone else is a big fat question mark.
Let me put it this way. Frog doesn’t play illogically, he rather works behind-the scenes and isn’t always forthcoming with his thoughts. He also says things he may not fully believe and manipulates others to advance the town agenda. This often leads to him being scumread for tone and being manipulative. Frogster struggles to replicate this as scum. I do not have any personal experience with Frogster but I have skimmed through several of Frogster’s games and in those games seen people describe his meta.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #517 (isolation #8) » Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:00 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 499, Aisa wrote:I want to put HPE in my towncore. I agreed with whoever said it was "blowing with the wind" and in some sense it still feels like an apt description in that often Erinys goes with a point someone else brought up first. However, even when all it is doing is arguably sheeping someone else's read it explains its thought process in a way that feels pretty reasonable. The explanations are really helpful and make it sound like its reads are real.

Beyond that, I feel a bit lost. There is a world in which the scumteam is something like Not_Mafia, Enchant, and Solway Firth, and if we are in that world I am still doing alright. If we are not in that world, however, then I am fast running out of people to scumread. Even Elements feels kinda like good vibes, although obviously my brain is telling me I'd be a fool to townlock her for, uh, being generally unable to explain her read on me.

I guess it could be some of BBT/Bella/Frog, and who knows what alignment Fire is, but ugh.

Maybe I'll just chill on the Frog wagon for a while. VOTE: Frogsterking
If anything I would say that’s scum indicative for HPE. You’re saying that HPE is repeating thoughts by others but framing them in a helpful way. I think that rather points to HPE being scum and uncomfortable with making its own points.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #518 (isolation #9) » Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:02 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 503, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 453, Solway Firth wrote:
In post 234, Grib wrote:Sooo… I made a case for Frog being scum. As of right now none of the concerns I have have been addressed. The only “defense” I’ve seen is that Frog doesn’t play logically, which isn’t helpful at all.

That being said, he claims that he’s good at sussing scum out on Day 1, so I’m happy to let him scumhunt and reevaluate my own read based on how he does his thing.

Other than that, I really don’t have much to say. Last night more than half the player list had less posts than the mod. I think Fire is town and Frog is scum. Everyone else is a big fat question mark.
Let me put it this way. Frog doesn’t play illogically, he rather works behind-the scenes and isn’t always forthcoming with his thoughts. He also says things he may not fully believe and manipulates others to advance the town agenda. This often leads to him being scumread for tone and being manipulative. Frogster struggles to replicate this as scum. I do not have any personal experience with Frogster but I have skimmed through several of Frogster’s games and in those games seen people describe his meta.
Thanks for the shittiest Townsend of all time. Can you post a reads list with explanations please?
I can in around 7 hours.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #551 (isolation #10) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:33 am

Post by Solway Firth »

Reading through the BBT/Shea fight, BBT’s reaction to Shea seems very avoidant of the actual questions Shea’s asking him. I also like the way Shea presents the case, his tone gives off legitimate charisma and annoyance meanwhile BBT comes off as more forced.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #560 (isolation #11) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:14 am

Post by Solway Firth »

I don’t understand BBT strong townread on Bella. Bella’s ISO is some posts complaining about the game state and a bit fairly good content. I don’t see anything that jumps out as a shining beacon of towniness, Bella’s tone seems neither towny nor scummy and her analysis isn’t very deep.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #576 (isolation #12) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:54 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 469, HighPrincessErinys wrote:
In post 459, BlueBloodedToffee wrote:
In post 426, HighPrincessErinys wrote:Definitely don't like how BBT went about that argument (esp. the OMGUS) but this one does also see it as potentially being not very AI. Pretty half and half on if it's scummy or not overall. As for Aisa, this one will probably need to ISO her posts and try and draw a conclusion itself.
What did you dislike? Why do you think it's not AI?
Mostly think that TSQ has something of a point. Not a decisive one, but something of one, and again the OMGUS wasn't a great look. But beyond the actual points of contention on how scummy or not scummy pointing out defensiveness is, Aisa and Grib pointed out the argument was mostly moreso a disagreement of personality than alignment, atleast in their eyes, and this one gets that kind of feel too. Your actual defense, to this one, feels like it could be either a town or scum defense, so it doesn't think this adds up to
much in it's book, for now.

As for Aisa, this one finally got around to reading her posts, and... Ehhhh? Nothing particularly jumps out at it as weird or scummy. Maybe it needs to read it over three more times with a magnifying glass but like, for now it's just gonna tune the Aisa wagon out of it's options unless something big comes up.

Not a fan of staying unvoted for so long so going to cap this post off with a VOTE: FrogsterKing in absence of a better vote.
This post is quite bad. HPE says that TSQ may have a point, but then it claims that TSQ’s OMGUS is a bad look for him. It then uses these two arguments to avoid coming to a proper conclusion on the TSQ/BBT spat. HPE’s point about TSQ’s OMGUS being bad is a point that stands on very weak footing, as before TSQ voted BBT, TSQ expressed a strong scumread on BBT at which point BBT reacted to the scumread by voting TSQ. So in that case isn’t BBT the one ‘OMGUS-ing’ and voting TSQ? This seems like the reasonable conclusion HPE should have gotten if it was reading the BBT/TSQ spat from the eye of someone determined to figure out BBT and TSQ’s alignment. Instead, it looks like it was trying to shade both BBT and TSQ for different reasons to keep its hands clean.

The next part of this post is just HPE writing off the Aisa wagon because “nothing particularly jumps out.” I don’t even have to say why that’s scummy. There’s zero analysis done. I guess we’ll all just have to take HPE’s word for it that it tried to analyze Aisa’s ISO but nothing at all stood out? Either HPE is being lazy town, or HPE is scum who wants to be safe and fence-sit on the Aisa wagon. I’m leaning to towards the latter.

Solway Firth
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Post Post #578 (isolation #13) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:59 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 561, Aisa wrote:Do you think that means BBT is faking the read on Bella?
Yes, I think that is possible. To elaborate more, when I disagree with someone’s read, that doesn’t make them scum. But here it looks as if BBT is trying to draw a townread on Bella despite her lack of real content.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #581 (isolation #14) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:02 am

Post by Solway Firth »


I was writing 578 and I saw in p-edits that you had asked me to answer your questions. I’ve been jumping around the game and reading ISO’s rather than posting real-time.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #584 (isolation #15) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:13 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 230, Aisa wrote:
In post 217, Solway Firth wrote:[...] As for HPE, I scumread her to reasons previously stated. I also don’t like how she voted BBT, and her tone is very off. [...]
What do you dislike about Erynis's vote on BBT? What about its tone is off?
I disliked HPE’s vote on BBT because it was voting him purely for silently hopping on to a wagon in the very early game. I’ve found that votes like that tend to correlate with being scum. I don’t fully remember why I thought HPE’s tone was off, but rereading some of its posts all of them look a bit forced and careful. My general rule for tone scumreads is that if the player’s tone differs significantly for one or two posts in their ISO or if their tone is different this game than in their town games, it’s scummy. HPE’s tone has remained consistent throughout their ISO, so I don’t scumread HPE for their tone. I do still have to check HPE’s past games.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #585 (isolation #16) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:15 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 582, HighPrincessErinys wrote:
In post 576, Solway Firth wrote:
In post 469, HighPrincessErinys wrote:
In post 459, BlueBloodedToffee wrote:
In post 426, HighPrincessErinys wrote:Definitely don't like how BBT went about that argument (esp. the OMGUS) but this one does also see it as potentially being not very AI. Pretty half and half on if it's scummy or not overall. As for Aisa, this one will probably need to ISO her posts and try and draw a conclusion itself.
What did you dislike? Why do you think it's not AI?
Mostly think that TSQ has something of a point. Not a decisive one, but something of one, and again the OMGUS wasn't a great look. But beyond the actual points of contention on how scummy or not scummy pointing out defensiveness is, Aisa and Grib pointed out the argument was mostly moreso a disagreement of personality than alignment, atleast in their eyes, and this one gets that kind of feel too. Your actual defense, to this one, feels like it could be either a town or scum defense, so it doesn't think this adds up to
much in it's book, for now.

As for Aisa, this one finally got around to reading her posts, and... Ehhhh? Nothing particularly jumps out at it as weird or scummy. Maybe it needs to read it over three more times with a magnifying glass but like, for now it's just gonna tune the Aisa wagon out of it's options unless something big comes up.

Not a fan of staying unvoted for so long so going to cap this post off with a VOTE: FrogsterKing in absence of a better vote.
This post is quite bad. HPE says that TSQ may have a point, but then it claims that TSQ’s OMGUS is a bad look for him. It then uses these two arguments to avoid coming to a proper conclusion on the TSQ/BBT spat. HPE’s point about TSQ’s OMGUS being bad is a point that stands on very weak footing, as before TSQ voted BBT, TSQ expressed a strong scumread on BBT at which point BBT reacted to the scumread by voting TSQ. So in that case isn’t BBT the one ‘OMGUS-ing’ and voting TSQ? This seems like the reasonable conclusion HPE should have gotten if it was reading the BBT/TSQ spat from the eye of someone determined to figure out BBT and TSQ’s alignment. Instead, it looks like it was trying to shade both BBT and TSQ for different reasons to keep its hands clean.

The next part of this post is just HPE writing off the Aisa wagon because “nothing particularly jumps out.” I don’t even have to say why that’s scummy. There’s zero analysis done. I guess we’ll all just have to take HPE’s word for it that it tried to analyze Aisa’s ISO but nothing at all stood out? Either HPE is being lazy town, or HPE is scum who wants to be safe and fence-sit on the Aisa wagon. I’m leaning to towards the latter.

...This one mean BBT's OMGUS... It's siding with TSQ here. Perhaps that's on it for not pointing that out specifically. And it genuinely doesn't see much of note from Aisa in ISO. Again maybe it IS lazy and or blind, but like. That's what it's genuinely getting. Shrug.
I do still scumread you to some extent, but the meat of my current vote against you was the whole TSQ OMGUS thing
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Post Post #586 (isolation #17) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:16 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 415, Aisa wrote:
In post 403, Solway Firth wrote:
In post 224, Firebringer wrote:[case on Aisa]
This case makes a lot of sense. I admit, I skimmed past several of Asia’s posts on the earlier pages and didn’t take the time to properly verify and analyze Aisa’s points.
Maybe you might like to vote me or to ask me some questions?
I didn’t have questions to ask then, nor did I want to vote you because I was not caught up.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #590 (isolation #18) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:04 am

Post by Solway Firth »

Lean town:
Grib, Firebringer, Enchant
Null town:
Frogsterking, Bellaphant, Elements
Null: Eiralox, Not_Mafia
Lean scum: HPE, BBT, Aisa

I don’t have many strong reads which is very rare for me in a game of this size.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #592 (isolation #19) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:06 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 587, Aisa wrote:Okay, Solway, it turns out you weren't
answering any of my questions in 576. I was correct about that in 577. Then I went and made a mess of everything with 579 and 580.

But you've since been answering my questions, so we're good! :D

Also, maybe I'm underestimating how much mafia experience you have, but way to town it up in the space of about 10 minutes.

I will now exile myself from the thread for the night before I make 30 more posts. Bye~
I’m an alt, but my main doesn’t have a large amount of forum mafia experience.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #594 (isolation #20) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:12 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 591, Thestatusquo wrote:If I'm your strongest town read why are you voting someone who I am town reading while I am trying to wagon someone who you say you find equally scummy to that person?
I am not fully engaged with the current events of the thread. I also don’t feel confident enough in my BBT scumread to make a vote just yet.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #600 (isolation #21) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:23 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 524, Thestatusquo wrote:
In post 500, Frogsterking wrote:Herpa derp *towns about*
This post doesnt really fit into my idea of what town frogster looks like.
Agreed. I did have some earlier meta on Frogster but that meta was bad because I don’t have a good picture as to what scum!Frogster looks like. I do think town!Frogster is all over the place in a way that makes some sense and has some demonstrated scumhunting, but posts like this are performative in such a way that plays into the stereotype of town!Frogster being all over the place and scum!Frogster as more reserved.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #601 (isolation #22) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:27 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 597, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 596, Thestatusquo wrote:
In post 595, Frogsterking wrote:VOTE: solway

Solway is low posting scum writing longer catchup posts to try and get Townread.
What posts would you describe as "long catchup posts"

And what about catching up is more likely to come from scum than town?
It makes the posts easier to write, it makes it easier to avoid faking interactions and it makes it easier to monitor the thread carefully and double check everything your saying. I get the sense that Solway is monitoring the thread very carefully and is being cautious in what he says and I think that combined with lurky + unusual activity in the thread in response to what's happening is more likely to come from scum.
I have not lurked. My activity patterns are based on my schedule and how much I have to do during the day. I have lots of time now to catch up, and that is what I am doing. Tomorrow I won’t be able to post in the evenings, but I will be able to post for in the mid-afternoon but only in the mid-afternoon. That’s just a consequence of my schedule.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #602 (isolation #23) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:29 am

Post by Solway Firth »

I have never been as verbose as I have this game. In fact, I always try to condense my posts into the highest possible density. I’m using this game to see what happens if I flesh out my ideas in the thread as much as I possibly can.
Solway Firth
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Post Post #603 (isolation #24) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:35 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 544, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 540, Firebringer wrote:why the hell is there even a wagon on elements.
Because they're quiet and don't cooperate:
In post 508, Elements wrote:Why do you want a list of town reads? So you know who to night kill?
In post 532, Elements wrote:
In post 516, Frogsterking wrote: I'm trying to see whether we have any collective insight into the slots which are harder to read. I call it "Town reading by proxy."
Why not ask us about those slots specifically then?
Easy limbait target.
Are you using this post to say that Elements is easy limbait? If not, then do you consider Elements possible limbait? Limbaits tend to be quiet and uncooperative.
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Post Post #606 (isolation #25) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:45 am

Post by Solway Firth »

I am fully caught up. My most confident scumread right now is BBT.
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Post Post #611 (isolation #26) » Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:19 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 609, Thestatusquo wrote:
In post 606, Solway Firth wrote:I am fully caught up. My most confident scumread right now is BBT.
Then why aren't you voting there? Why are you ignoring my questions?
I’m pretty sure I responded to your questions, unless I’m missing something. I’m not voting BBT because I don’t scumread BBT enough to vote him.
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Post Post #730 (isolation #27) » Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:45 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 614, Thestatusquo wrote:
In post 611, Solway Firth wrote:
In post 609, Thestatusquo wrote:
In post 606, Solway Firth wrote:I am fully caught up. My most confident scumread right now is BBT.
Then why aren't you voting there? Why are you ignoring my questions?
I’m pretty sure I responded to your questions, unless I’m missing something. I’m not voting BBT because I don’t scumread BBT enough to vote him.
You said they're you're highest scum read????
Yes. And I’m not voting him. What is wrong with that? :dead:
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Post Post #732 (isolation #28) » Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:49 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 635, BlueBloodedToffee wrote:
In post 560, Solway Firth wrote:I don’t understand BBT strong townread on Bella. Bella’s ISO is some posts complaining about the game state and a bit fairly good content. I don’t see anything that jumps out as a shining beacon of towniness, Bella’s tone seems neither towny nor scummy and her analysis isn’t very deep.
My town read on Bella comes from playing with Bella an awful lot. She was to the point with early reads and I think this is much more likely to come from town!Bella.
Understood. I’ll sheep this read with low certainty.
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Post Post #733 (isolation #29) » Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:53 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 649, BlueBloodedToffee wrote:Like, in what world do town go 'Hey, they guy is using really bad reasoning to scum read me so he must be town'
I really don’t think you’re engaging with TSQ’s actual reasons for voting you? TSQ just isn’t voting you because of your overdefensive post, he’s voting you because of your bad reaction to his pointing out that overdefensive is a bad scumreading tool.
I’m not fully caught up but I’m willing to vote here for now.
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Post Post #734 (isolation #30) » Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:58 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 702, Thestatusquo wrote:That's a big part of why I think I'm on the right track here is that there's a bunch of people who have been perfectly willing to say BBT is scummy or that they have a reasonable chance to be scum but none of them want to put their money where their mouths are.

There's two possibilities here:

The first is BBT is town and those people are scum trying to stay clear of the miselim because they know there's way more plausible deniability in the scramble to lim a random consensus at the very end of the day, OR BBT is scum and those people are scum who don't think there's enough pressure that they have to actually bus yet.

But solways response in particular to BBT as a vote candidate is not good no matter how BBT flips, and I kind of don't like your reaction either if you're saying theres a good chance they're scum.

Like, what better than "a good chance" do you expect to get d1?
I usually only vote someone if I truly scumread them. Previously, my scumread on BBT was a strong lean scum, but not enough. Given BBT’s recent posting and the approaching deadline I want to vote BBT now.
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Post Post #739 (isolation #31) » Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:09 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 735, Aisa wrote:...Why would you sheep BBT's read on Bella if they're your top scumread?
VOTE: Solway Firth
Why is that even remotely scummy :yawn:

BBT says he has a meta read on Bella

Idc if BBT is my top scumread, if he presents a good case as to why someone is town or scum and I agree with it I’ll sheep it

It’s not like if scum is townreading someone that means their townread is automatically scum
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Post Post #740 (isolation #32) » Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:10 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 736, Grib wrote:Is Solway trolling? The posts on this page look awfully troll-y.

What I really want to know is why BBT’s read on Bella meta-based.
I’m not trolling :dead:
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Post Post #803 (isolation #33) » Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:20 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 741, Aisa wrote:
In post 739, Solway Firth wrote:
In post 735, Aisa wrote:...Why would you sheep BBT's read on Bella if they're your top scumread?
VOTE: Solway Firth
Why is that even remotely scummy :yawn:

BBT says he has a meta read on Bella

Idc if BBT is my top scumread, if he presents a good case as to why someone is town or scum and I agree with it I’ll sheep it

It’s not like if scum is townreading someone that means their townread is automatically scum
Yes, but I'm not sure why you would think that's a good case?

It may be good from BBT's perspective, but I don't understand how you could form a judgment on the words "Bella was to the point with early reads and that is more likely coming from town!Bella" without being familiar with Bella.
I’m generally willing to sheep meta reads no matter what even if I haven’t played with the player. While I have seen people make up meta reads, but because BBT didn’t bother to explain his read on Bella I don’t see much scum motivation for lying about his read on Bella, irrespective of whether he is town or scum.
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Post Post #818 (isolation #34) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:16 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 752, Firebringer wrote:
In post 739, Solway Firth wrote:Idc if BBT is my top scumread, if he presents a good case as to why someone is town or scum and I agree with it I’ll sheep it
okay but no case has been presented yet and you immediately said you will sheep it with low certainty. if this is how you meant it, wouldnt you say "lets hear it then" instead of sheeping this.

Also i dont understand mindset of sheeping reads of your scumreads in general but thats a tangent and probably not very useful in this convo
BBT definitely presenting something of a case, my rationale for sheeping I explained earlier.
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Post Post #944 (isolation #35) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:17 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

Huh okay I’m the top wagon for some reason

I can’t fully catchy up now but I can in 11 hours
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Post Post #945 (isolation #36) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:26 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 833, Aisa wrote:Solway. I've written a whole case about him and his responses since don't make me feel like changing my mind, really. To me they feel consistent with scum who just thinks they're caught and is making a token last attempt at explaining a contradiction away.
Where is the contradiction? You’re saying that I am scum for sheeping a read that my top scumread made. I have explained in detail several times my thought process behind it. Instead, you just write off my explanation as ‘scum knowing they’re caught and flailing’ without bothering to properly engage my explanation.

I could not give a flying fuck whether BBT is a third party Martian Serial Killer Jester Paranoid Gun Owner. I will still sheep his read on Bella, because his read on Bella only comes from someone putting out a genuine case, whether they are town or scum.
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Post Post #946 (isolation #37) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:27 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

[whether BBT is scum, to be clear]
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Post Post #947 (isolation #38) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:34 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 848, Grib wrote:Think Solway is clearly a good elim here. As we approach deadline his last five posts have all been nothingburgers about why he's taking BBT's Bella read at face-value. No idea where he stands on the rest of the game aside from his one readslist. No idea of his opinions on anything that's happened in the last handful of pages. All of the people he's scumleaning (or was scumleaning, if his reads are the same since he posted them) are on his wagon, so I would expect him to rethink what a realistic scumteam would look like here. But he's probably just going to vote Aisa because scumlean + self-preservation.
I am being pushed because I am taking BBT’s read of Bella at face value. Therefore, I am explaining exactly why I did that. As for not commenting much on recent events, for most of yesterday I wasn’t able to post at all. There’s also that the push on me is occupying a lot of my in-game mental energy. As for rethinking what a realistic scum team looks like, I fully expect that most of my scum leans will be incorrect. I don’t like thinking about the big picture scumteam before a scum flip.

As for the whole self-preservation thing, if when I log on tomorrow morning and I’m at E-1 I will claim. If I am a viable wagon but not in immediate danger of being limmed I’ll vote Aisa.
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Post Post #952 (isolation #39) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:43 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 864, Grib wrote:I also disagree, given that by definition, scum don't actually have reads and would therefore have to work harder to explain them.
It depends. I’ve seen scum players who don’t worry about agenda at all and post exactly what reads they would have had if they were town. I’ve also seen scum players that meticulously plan out all of their reads. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but players in the former category tend to get scumread far less for tone and vibes meanwhile players in the latter come across as less genuine but they are able to influence the direction of the game far more.
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Post Post #953 (isolation #40) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:48 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

I just realized that because NM is in the game I’m effectively at E-1
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Post Post #954 (isolation #41) » Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:49 pm

Post by Solway Firth »

I’m VT. Goodbye for 11 hrs
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Post Post #974 (isolation #42) » Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:07 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 959, Bellaphant wrote:The claim without other reads is scummy, I can hammer?
What the fuck I said I would be on in 11 hours because I had to go
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Post Post #975 (isolation #43) » Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:07 am

Post by Solway Firth »

I am online now but I’m dead
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Post Post #976 (isolation #44) » Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:12 am

Post by Solway Firth »

In post 958, Eiralox wrote:VOTE: Solway

** This is -1 **

Yeah I'm not feeling this VT claim, something major is off in Sol's tone these past few posts. I'll be trying my best to be back in 5 hours, hectic morning here.
Gee, I wonder why my tone sounds weird. It’s not like town gets annoyed when they get pushed for truly horrific reasons.