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Post Post #5048 (isolation #600) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:58 am

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imagine us getting 6 heal votes and then i die lol
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Post Post #5051 (isolation #601) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:09 am

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good luck buddy
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Post Post #5052 (isolation #602) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:16 am

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hurting us is a scum claim
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Post Post #5054 (isolation #603) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:17 am

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not known 15 is either mafia or a game throwing townie
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Post Post #5055 (isolation #604) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:18 am

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us being burned at the stake would be the greatest miscarriage of justice since Joan of Arc
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Post Post #5059 (isolation #605) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:27 am

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In post 5058, Not Known 15 wrote:
In post 5052, Good Luck Buddy wrote:hurting us is a scum claim
Nice try. Not all PGO/Godzilla/whatever claims are town. Your last votes Day 1 - and the context - clearly show your real alignment. Your buddy Gypyx showing up and defending you in that way will hopefully convince enough people to get rid of you.
how do u even have internet service from whatever planet ur living on
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Post Post #5065 (isolation #606) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:31 am

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In post 5061, Galron wrote:This is me not reading GLB's 600 posts to figure this out.
then u must acquit
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Post Post #5069 (isolation #607) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:38 am

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Nancy what the fuck r u doing
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Post Post #5070 (isolation #608) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:40 am

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i dont even care what alignment NK15 is. He speaks in only moon language and if i survive this. I am piledriving him to hell for his stupidity.
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Post Post #5071 (isolation #609) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:40 am

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NK15 is a game throwing clown

the fact he wants us dead is the best proof we r town aligned
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Post Post #5072 (isolation #610) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:41 am

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In post 5071, Good Luck Buddy wrote:the fact he wants us dead is the best proof we r town aligned
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Post Post #5075 (isolation #611) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:42 am

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its actually true

if you read nk15s games

its literally just him throwing over and over again

hes probly town here because if a scum team had nk15 they wouldve shot his ass at night to keep him from throwing
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Post Post #5079 (isolation #612) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:45 am

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In post 4938, Not Known 15 wrote:I think you are misunderstanding the case.
GLB is pushing for victorine whilst shading ircher... then fishes for excuses("Since we are not going to end anytime soon" "Might as well sheep X") to vote ircher... That is a scum move right off the books. And for any of you referring to the earlier play of GLB...... that's a mask. A mask that hides if GLB is town or not. The truth only comes out at the end, close to deadline, when it actually counts.
like just read this god damn stupid case.
"fishing for excuses" who the fuck fishes for excuses. I can vote anyone at any time for any god damn reason i want.

second my votes are easily explained if u just idk. Fucking read my posts without going into fucking twisting things around to make shit up that is less plausible than the actual easily able to see logic flow defined.

For instance i was voting victorine, it was biggest wagon at time and i thought it was scum. I thought ircher instance of victorine was also scummy but i didn't vote it because i thought it was a distraction from biggest wagon and only one to end day early. Like all this is so easy to see in my posts. But NK15 here goes with "im fishing for excuses"

Who is reading this crap and taking it seriously
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Post Post #5081 (isolation #613) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:48 am

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In post 5075, Good Luck Buddy wrote:hes probly town here because if a scum team had nk15 they wouldve shot his ass at night to keep him from throwing
i agree with pooky. NK15 might be town but god damn i haven't been so annoyed with bad casing in a while. Like i wish it was scum and this is not how a person thinks. But i actually believe this is how NK15 thinks. Ive read games with him. Its literally like this.
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Post Post #5083 (isolation #614) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:50 am

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your argument is literally too stupid to refute
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Post Post #5085 (isolation #615) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:52 am

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nk15 doesnt think

when he is scum, he intentionally tries to game throw by bussing all his teammates

when he is town he intentionally tries to game throw by killing the most obvious town
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Post Post #5086 (isolation #616) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:53 am

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nk15 should be policy elimmed for being an extra vote for mafia at end game since he will side with them over us
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Post Post #5087 (isolation #617) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:54 am

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he is a game throwing loser whose only joy comes from trolling people by trying to game throw
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Post Post #5090 (isolation #618) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:56 am

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these are not insults

this is my opinion of his play

i dont think he is an idiot

i think he is doing this on purpose
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Post Post #5091 (isolation #619) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:56 am

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if you look at his meta history there is a clear pattern of game throwing
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Post Post #5092 (isolation #620) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:57 am

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hey datisi. if i came in here made a fucking dumb argument on why ur scum about how u voting was fishing for reasons to do so. then stopped whole game so no one could vote anyone but u.

how annoyed would u be on a rating of 1-10
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Post Post #5094 (isolation #621) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:57 am

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sometimes i use game throw as an insult when i want to say someone is playing badly

this is not one of those times

he is actually an intentional game thrower imo
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Post Post #5095 (isolation #622) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:58 am

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In post 5093, Something_Smart wrote:Then Report Him Instead Of Whatever This Is

he has been reported multiple times

he is a smart enough troll to keep his actions just barely within the realm of legality
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Post Post #5099 (isolation #623) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:00 am

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In post 5097, Taly wrote:
, eat a snickers

You aren't you when you're hungry
pooky is actually raging harder than me.
I am heavily annoyed. I literally don't care if this is intentional gamethrowing or not. This is beyond stupid.
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Post Post #5100 (isolation #624) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:01 am

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In post 5098, Datisi wrote:
In post 5092, Good Luck Buddy wrote:hey datisi. if i came in here made a fucking dumb argument on why ur scum about how u voting was fishing for reasons to do so. then stopped whole game so no one could vote anyone but u.

how annoyed would u be on a rating of 1-10
i know i'm not the one to give people lessons on not throwing tantrums in mafia, but come on, this is not productive.
neither is whatever nk15 is doing. So i guess none of us are productive :shrug:
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Post Post #5104 (isolation #625) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:02 am

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im not even raging

im just calling nk15 out for being a flagrant game thrower
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Post Post #5108 (isolation #626) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:03 am

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In post 5107, GrandpaMo wrote:so who started the trial
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Post Post #5118 (isolation #627) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:07 am

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nk15 thinking im scum with gypyx when i spent d1 calling for him to die for thread ghosting just another example of his game throwing prowess in action.
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Post Post #5127 (isolation #628) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:10 am

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this is the last game i played with nk15

you can read the scum pt to see peta screaming at him for being a degenerate game throwing clown

that is not an insult.

he is doing game throwing on purpose
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Post Post #5129 (isolation #629) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:10 am

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In post 5125, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5090, Good Luck Buddy wrote:these are not insults

this is my opinion of his play

i dont think he is an idiot

i think he is doing this on purpose
No, I think he probably believes his reasoning is good, so disagree.
He is consistent and has a history of game throwing.
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Post Post #5136 (isolation #630) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:15 am

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In post 5133, Not Known 15 wrote:I admit that that my play that game was .... extremely terrible.
This is still an ad hominem, though, that does not refute any argument.
its not ad hom to say you are game throwing on purpose.
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Post Post #5144 (isolation #631) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:22 am

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Ah, now, I have retracted cases in the past. But...
that does not explain why you felt the urge to mention someone else as reason for the vote flip when you voted Ircher.
I am scummy for providing more of my reasoning
is not bad on itself alone.
But the additional justification is what makes it extremely unlikely that your mindset is towny instead of "Do not get caught, add another reason". If you can
So ur saying i was scared to move my vote so i added another line in as a safeguard from any suspicion. Why would i be scared of moving vote. Its like you don't even question this u just superimpose this theory without testing. Instead of just idk explaining more of reason of the vote
why did you subconciously add a second reasoning after putting in the vote?
It is a telling sign that you push for Ircher like this when others are contemplating going for gypyx because the wagon you are on is stalling.
Especially with gypyx defending you back with their own BS.
as pooky said, we wanted gypx dead in game as well, which you probably didn't read, in fact we might have been loudest voice on gypx alternative wagon but it go zero traction (well tbf it was pooky who wanted it, i didn't care for it). And now ur arguing that gypyx is gonna defend a scum buddy here. Is there a reason u think gypyx is scum to begin with or u just subtle bussing here with this?

Like this might be gypyx and NK15 and Nk15 gave away keys.
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Post Post #5151 (isolation #632) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:28 am

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i need a god damn map for all these actions.
how does RC do it
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Post Post #5161 (isolation #633) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:30 am

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In post 5156, Cheeky Wings wrote:I think Ydra jk on T3 makes me think that he was the intended nk and scum was responsible for the switch.

@mod is there a limit to the number of witch trials per day?
i don't think ur going to get an answer on someone elses role pre flip
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Post Post #5164 (isolation #634) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:30 am

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In post 5160, Ydrasse wrote:yes that’s my flavor but i didn’t target you and someone else claimed it already and i targeted neither of the people who claimed it!!!
maybe someone copied ur ability
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Post Post #5168 (isolation #635) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:32 am

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so should i assume given NK15 arguments that Gypyx is town if NK15 is town. Or should I just be ignoring anything NK15 says
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Post Post #5172 (isolation #636) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:35 am

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In post 5171, Datisi wrote:ok, it's time to start asking real questions

how was this dawn called "dawn 2" when there was no "dawn 1"
sequels are better than originals, so rc decided to skip the original
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Post Post #5177 (isolation #637) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:37 am

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In post 5174, GrandpaMo wrote:glb.. what food did u get lol
"a hearty meal"
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Post Post #5184 (isolation #638) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:43 am

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In post 5182, GrandpaMo wrote:HURT: GrandpaMo
don't be a masochist and hurt urself. get others to do it for u
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Post Post #5204 (isolation #639) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:06 am

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In post 5199, Not Known 15 wrote:6 heals on GLB, most without solid reasons.
2 hurts on GLB.
No more heals please:(
then u have ur vote.
and grandpa vote which is a meme vote.

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Post Post #5242 (isolation #640) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:49 am

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Post Post #5243 (isolation #641) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:49 am

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In post 5227, Ydrasse wrote:fair enough to that but i don’t think glb is the move today
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Post Post #5245 (isolation #642) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:51 am

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In post 5244, Galron wrote:
In post 5242, Good Luck Buddy wrote:VOTE: NK15
You just said you thought that came from town tho
I did.
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Post Post #5247 (isolation #643) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:52 am

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lol guess who i am about to accuse
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Post Post #5250 (isolation #644) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:53 am

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In post 5249, RadiantCowbells wrote:I guess Northsidegal
no, its definitely Postie
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Post Post #5252 (isolation #645) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:55 am

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I accuse Gypyx of witchcraft
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Post Post #5256 (isolation #646) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:55 am

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In post 5251, Cheeky Wings wrote:
I accuse Titus of Witchcraft!!!

and u wanted us to not fight in this game.
But u keep doing stuff that makes me want to fight u.
I swear ur doing it on purpose.
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Post Post #5257 (isolation #647) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:57 am

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I am the victim of Cheeky trying to trigger my anger problems
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Post Post #5259 (isolation #648) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:58 am

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okay i am joking to try to defuse my annoyance but i seriously need to chill. this game isn't worth being annoyed about.
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Post Post #5261 (isolation #649) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:59 am

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In post 5258, Cheeky Wings wrote:It will be interesting to see if you AtE works for Titus as well as it worked for you. Come at me with how bad I am. Lets go.
how about we just call me bad and call it a day for this. i am sure i will get annoyed again later.

We have plenty of time for more of this
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Post Post #5263 (isolation #650) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:01 am

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im not even sure of Titus alignment.
Also can other people actually accuse or did RC just confuse us all
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Post Post #5266 (isolation #651) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:03 am

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In post 5264, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5261, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5258, Cheeky Wings wrote:It will be interesting to see if you AtE works for Titus as well as it worked for you. Come at me with how bad I am. Lets go.
how about we just call me bad and call it a day for this. i am sure i will get annoyed again later.

We have plenty of time for more of this
Why are you even annoyed at me putting Titus on the trial?
i don't feel strongly on titus. I began with annoyed with u giving any credence to NK15 arguments. Then u accuse someone i have no clue on. Based on...idk what.
Like I think gypyx is clearly better, but w/e.

I am going to sit back and laugh instead of taking this serious. Gonna take the pooky d1 approach
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Post Post #5269 (isolation #652) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:06 am

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I accuse Postie of Witchcraft!

First of all, everyone knows u can't possibly deliver mail to everyone in one day, yet postie does it. What else can explain it but Witchraft.

I rest my case.
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Post Post #5276 (isolation #653) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:10 am

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In post 5270, Titus wrote:Who is Postie?
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Post Post #5279 (isolation #654) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:11 am

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In post 5275, RadiantCowbells wrote:To vote in their favor, use HEAL: Titus. To support the charges, use HURT: Titus. Titus will be found innocent if they receive 7 heal votes before they receive 7 hurt votes. Votes cannot be changed after being made.
why did number of hurt and heal change.
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Post Post #5281 (isolation #655) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:12 am

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In post 5278, Titus wrote:
In post 5276, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5270, Titus wrote:Who is Postie?
That was my guess but they're not even in the game.
i was joking titus
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Post Post #5285 (isolation #656) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:13 am

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idk i think if he was scum he wouldn't have just outed immediately he was roleblocked without reading jackshit. especially with no kill
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Post Post #5287 (isolation #657) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:14 am

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In post 5283, Cheeky Wings wrote:Why not gypyx? I thought NK15 wanted to do gypyx.
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Post Post #5290 (isolation #658) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:15 am

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HEAL: Titus
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Post Post #5292 (isolation #659) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:15 am

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In post 5289, Titus wrote:
In post 5285, Good Luck Buddy wrote:idk i think if he was scum he wouldn't have just outed immediately he was roleblocked without reading jackshit. especially with no kill
Why do you think he didn't read jackshit?
i thought u read his posts.
what leads u to believe he read anything.
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Post Post #5296 (isolation #660) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:18 am

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In post 5293, Titus wrote:I suppose everyone does unless they explicitly say otherwise.

He knew enough to claim Iced.
ummm im pretty sure he came in today with literally "i haven't read anything"
and him knowing he got iced is literally feedback, not reading game.

Titus what is going on with u. This is strange even for u
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Post Post #5298 (isolation #661) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:19 am

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In post 5294, Cheeky Wings wrote:How did she do that with one accusation when I changed it and you also accused gypyx.

What am I not realizing?
since when have u been able to change a in game thread action that is public....what
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Post Post #5302 (isolation #662) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:23 am

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In post 5299, Titus wrote:I had a plan coming into this day and it seems to have gone sideways.
since ur plan has failed want to illuminate us instead of asking for people reads on someone who has done very little in game except just claimed.

u clearly either have feedback or have reasons to think clemency is scum.
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Post Post #5303 (isolation #663) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:25 am

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In post 5301, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5298, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5294, Cheeky Wings wrote:How did she do that with one accusation when I changed it and you also accused gypyx.

What am I not realizing?
since when have u been able to change a in game thread action that is public....what
It’s like an unvote isn’t it? I don’t understand what you’re asking? Did RC say it takes one accusation, if so what about NK15’s role then?

I am not good at mech so I don’t understand why you think I should understand any of this.
id sit here and argue with u on how u could think an accusation is same as vote/unvote given how accusation stops the day (similar to how a gladiate works actually) but.....i dont see how this is productive. so lets meme or move on
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Post Post #5306 (isolation #664) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:26 am

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never change titus. never change
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Post Post #5311 (isolation #665) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:29 am

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i need Taly.
Where is that bird

Or Sakura
Where is sakura
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Post Post #5316 (isolation #666) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:32 am

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In post 5315, Taly wrote:
In post 5311, Good Luck Buddy wrote:i need Taly.
Where is that bird

Or Sakura
Where is sakura
I suggest we heal
i already did that
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Post Post #5320 (isolation #667) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:33 am

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so is this some personal issue that we are bringing in from a hood.
Titus what is ur reason for scumreading here.

I genuinely don't see u get anything useful from anyoen on reasons for townread/scumread on clem at this point.
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Post Post #5329 (isolation #668) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:36 am

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effed up?
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Post Post #5330 (isolation #669) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:37 am

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In post 5328, Ydrasse wrote:clemency could go either way tbh
this sounds like TMI
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Post Post #5339 (isolation #670) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:39 am

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i am so invested in the mystery of what Titus is going for. This could be a best selling mystery book
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Post Post #5340 (isolation #671) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:40 am

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In post 5337, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 5330, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5328, Ydrasse wrote:clemency could go either way tbh
this sounds like TMI
yeah i know he’s gonna flip an alignment... fucked up tbh
stop improving my joke!
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Post Post #5342 (isolation #672) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:40 am

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this whole thing titus is doing is such a town titus thing to do
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Post Post #5345 (isolation #673) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:42 am

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u ever known scum titus to play on this "listen i got this way of confirming some people here but i need u to go with this plan i have" that everyone just pushes against.
she genuinely believes this has some benefit where scum her would have dropped this shtick awhile ago
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Post Post #5418 (isolation #674) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:28 pm

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In post 5417, Cheeky Wings wrote:I’m really glad we didn’t kill Gamma.
since when can u kill
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Post Post #5421 (isolation #675) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:31 pm

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In post 5420, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5418, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5417, Cheeky Wings wrote:I’m really glad we didn’t kill Gamma.
since when can u kill
Are you intentionally being dense?
why can't i just naturally be dense.
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Post Post #5429 (isolation #676) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:36 pm

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In post 5428, Firebringer wrote:
In post 5426, Taly wrote:
pick my brain i will spew
look at this bird showing favoritism.

fine. ill find a better bird. A bird who both bolds and underlines peoples names
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Post Post #5431 (isolation #677) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:39 pm

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In post 5424, Taly wrote:
actually doing things today and idk how to feel about that
not that u asked but pooky says town on ydra.
I say null.

So obviously she is aligned with the null town not to be confused with town or the people aligned with null
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Post Post #5432 (isolation #678) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:41 pm

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In post 5431, Good Luck Buddy wrote:So obviously she is aligned with the null town not to be confused with town or the people aligned with null
sometimes i post jokes and they just don't land even after i write them down. ill try harder next time team.
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Post Post #5435 (isolation #679) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:44 pm

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does that make u protoss? (sc2)
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Post Post #5440 (isolation #680) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:45 pm

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In post 5436, Sakura Hana wrote:what in the world did just happen?
i missed u.
Nk15 started this whole "witchcraft trial" shit. I was accused, then i was left of on a technicality that i am actually a warlock and thereforce can't be a witch. Now Titus has been accused by cheeky, and she might not get off on that same technicality i got off (even though she has majority inno votes)
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Post Post #5442 (isolation #681) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:49 pm

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In post 5434, Taly wrote:no really help haha i feel like deadweight atm
where u dead exactly. we got alot to work with. listen i got a job for only a toucan.
lets have a table of claims/feedback so easier to track all this.

I would do it, but im much better at delegating work.

This might help u with ur lost bird syndrome.
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Post Post #5446 (isolation #682) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:50 pm

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In post 5439, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5432, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5431, Good Luck Buddy wrote:So obviously she is aligned with the null town not to be confused with town or the people aligned with null
sometimes i post jokes and they just don't land even after i write them down. ill try harder next time team.
I thought that was one of the better ones imo. I smiled.
it had such dad level energy to it.
In post 5441, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 5435, Good Luck Buddy wrote:does that make u protoss? (sc2)
No idek what that is
starcraft2 one of the best games of all time.....
so tragic u been denied the experience.
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Post Post #5453 (isolation #683) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:53 pm

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In post 5452, Sakura Hana wrote:I kinda wish it wasnt Titus on the defendant chair tho.
did u see Titus claimed cop check on clemency
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Post Post #5457 (isolation #684) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:56 pm

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In post 5454, Taly wrote:i think everybody has their own solve going but it doesnt quite fit together?

im kind of just riding the wave to see if i wash up on a shore of gold

Taly's Claim List
Loftwing - Miller
Taly - Himself (Flavor), Compulsive Self-Target Every Night
Sakura Hana - Dead players pray for her to give her abilities
Ydrasse - Jailkeeper
Gypyx - ???
Clem - ???
Titus - ???
NK15 - Witch Trial?

??? means I am unsure what all to make of their role and please correct me so I can add more
u need to add in things here like ydra trying to freeze gypyx, and clemency and (who was other person) both getting frozen.

Also i received food from grandpa. grandpa confirmed sending that and i received.

I think theres a few more details missing especially Titus/Clem thing here and apparently hood status.
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Post Post #5461 (isolation #685) » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:59 pm

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In post 5456, Gamma Emerald wrote:What do Protoss have to do with void LULW
they literally have game units with void in their name. VOID RAY!!!
also dark templar harness power of the void to stealth/invisible

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Post Post #5597 (isolation #686) » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:39 am

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Waiting for her for what
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Post Post #5639 (isolation #687) » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:47 am

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kinda tempted to burn gypyx at the stake just to see how this witch trial shit works ngl

dude refusing to scumread us until he was literally tied up and about to get smoked is a p bad look
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Post Post #5651 (isolation #688) » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:05 am

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In post 5648, jjh927 wrote:It's very much not. If it's a lie then it is a lie that is guaranteed to be found out
how will we even know when lylo is in a large theme
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Post Post #5654 (isolation #689) » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:21 am

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Post Post #5812 (isolation #690) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:10 am

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im starting to get vibe gamma is scum.
like theres this feeling he tests the waters for pushes he is going to do or wants to do that i get from his kind of fence sittingish posts. At least today, i can't remember if he was givin hot takes yesterday. Today feels alot like workshoping in thread of what his opinions should align with.

also ive been busy with work whats going on people. anyone excited for turkey day?
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Post Post #5817 (isolation #691) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:15 am

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In post 5806, Not Known 15 wrote:
In post 5797, jjh927 wrote:Okay so why is half of your GLB case based around how GLB was drumming up support for a Victorine elimination
It is not? It is how he was subtly shading Ircher, and , much more important, fishing for excuses to vote Ircher, whilst voting Victorine. It is a scum move. Either he wants to protect a scum mate, or doesn't actually mind obvious elim bait hanging around(which Ircher might not have been next day), which she definitely is if town.

I am not exactly versed in the meta of Victorine, but they could have a post restriction that includes lying about what their post restriction is either way. It fits with what they posted.
theres a contestion on who shaded ircher first. i say i pointed out his weird stance on victorine before anyone else. sakura says she noted it first. i don't even remember. so i give all credit to sakura cause it makes me look less bad.
<3 sakura

but i pretty much said a few times that voting ircher was a distraction and was pushing victorine and trying to tell people not to vote ircher because it was a distraction and only moved when the momentum on victorine fizzed out and ircher was in full swing. (maybe u could argue i shifted momentum that way idk. it felt to me ircher push was on rise)

anyways ur story and knowledge of events is WRONG
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Post Post #5818 (isolation #692) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:17 am

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In post 5815, Taly wrote:
In post 5812, Good Luck Buddy wrote:im starting to get vibe gamma is scum.
like theres this feeling he tests the waters for pushes he is going to do or wants to do that i get from his kind of fence sittingish posts. At least today, i can't remember if he was givin hot takes yesterday. Today feels alot like workshoping in thread of what his opinions should align with.

also ive been busy with work whats going on people. anyone excited for turkey day?
Where was this energy when I tunneled him half of D1,

Damn I want like 3 flips now before I think too much about him again
its interesting that when i take thread breaks i have more insight into game coming back then when im just shitting up thread.

and i didn't pay alot of attention to gamma day 1. gamma was kind of just THERE and being active so i wasn't too concerned. No red flag but now i see some flags. So maybe i should flip this around on U NOT BUILDING A CONVINCING CASE
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Post Post #5825 (isolation #693) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:26 am

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theres a whole argument i will have post game on whether NK15 is gamethrowing or not. But for time being i hope we can all in general (this means i should probably stop arguing with him) should ignore him.
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Post Post #5827 (isolation #694) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:30 am

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In post 5824, jjh927 wrote:The whole of day 1 translates to NK15 having 1 extremely questionable read and he has based any other reads he has off of that first one

I maintain that the key difference between NK15's scumgame here and NK15's scumgame elsewhere is that we couldn't elim him on day 1
I would argue Nk15 clearly has came in here with a read he preordained and then went back to justify that read rather than first looking for evidence to come to conclusion.

and i would again say. I don't think that being clearly the case imo, tells you anything on alignment.
So....if we have anyone who can possibly kill with actions....i direct u to Nk15. Lets move on
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Post Post #5829 (isolation #695) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:33 am

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In post 5821, Taly wrote:My scumread on him began Page 2, adjust your expectations man
I refuse, u had plenty of time to draft that out, revised, edited. Sent for peer review for the birds to give feedback. Then published as a master thesis
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Post Post #5830 (isolation #696) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:35 am

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i feel like any even half assed scum player can replicate Nk15 play here without any trouble. To say it takes a master scum player to fake this is really underselling good scum play
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Post Post #5832 (isolation #697) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:37 am

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ive seen good scum players case me when i was town and not only made me believe they believed their case, but made me think they had really good arguments that were almost bulletproof.
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Post Post #5837 (isolation #698) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:40 am

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In post 5834, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5830, Good Luck Buddy wrote:i feel like any even half assed scum player can replicate Nk15 play here without any trouble. To say it takes a master scum player to fake this is really underselling good scum play
Do you honestly think NK15 suddenly became a decent scumplayer? Can you find any scumgames of his where he was able to do this?

Or was he just that terrible in Stumps only and that was somehow an anomaly?
i never said he became decent. I don't even know if he is scum. I just know he isn't arguing in good faith and it shows to me.

u telling me he is talking with conviction is bullshit and u should know better tbh.
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Post Post #5843 (isolation #699) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:50 am

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In post 5828, Cheeky Wings wrote:: does the player have conviction in those reads and can he express those reads in a logical and nuanced way with clear thought progression?
like no. The answer to this is just hell no.

Look, I try my best when someone scumreads me to figure out the genuineness of that to best of my ability and that is like one of the things i think im better at when it comes to scumhunting. I think i can figure out when town is just worng on me and when its bs. I smell all sort of bs. If when i am wrong on this its usually because i gave too much leeway to a scum player, rather than being wrong on a town player who was misguided on me.

Evertyhing from nk15 tells me. This person made a conclusion, now is retroactively justifying it. Maybe he is scum and decides that pushing me will get townreads for hot takes. i have no idea.

The reason for why i said it was town is because given Nk15 history. He sabotages his team every game. So how do i go from that, to saying him pushing me is somehow sabotaging his team? Well unless he was doing so to protect victorine (which si ????) then i don't see it. So i go with, he is town sabotaging us. Is that compelling? Probably not.
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Post Post #5846 (isolation #700) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:52 am

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In post 5845, Taly wrote:mmm pumpkin spice coffee is tasty
coffee is gross. fite me
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Post Post #5849 (isolation #701) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:55 am

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coffee is not only gross but should have been banned by the geneva convention
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Post Post #5852 (isolation #702) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:58 am

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In post 5850, Datisi wrote:
In post 5849, Good Luck Buddy wrote:coffee is not only gross but should have been banned by the geneva convention
wha the fuck is wrong with you
i see big coffee got to datisi.

I tried it when i was like 14 and i vomitted. Everyone is under some crazy illusion that its good because they use it as a crutch for waking and being alert in the morning. Ever tried cold showers in morning instead? That shit will wake u up
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Post Post #5854 (isolation #703) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:02 am

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also like tea is acceptable substitute and even tastes good.
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Post Post #5856 (isolation #704) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:04 am

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In post 5851, Taly wrote:
In post 5849, Good Luck Buddy wrote:coffee is not only gross but should have been banned by the geneva convention
this game should have been banned by the geneva convention
naah but the game should be called Anything uPick 2: Electric Bugaloo
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Post Post #5858 (isolation #705) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:06 am

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hey datisi now that i know ur stance on coffee,
which tells me all i need to know about ur alignment

lets offtopic talk here:
what u think of my case/vibe on gamma
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Post Post #5860 (isolation #706) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:15 am

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wait who works for who here....

ehhh maybe ill go to the trouble when im trying to yeet gamma. i really kind of just wanted general feedback from people not named TALY.
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Post Post #5861 (isolation #707) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:16 am

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its a weird game when im the one trying to solicit others to be more involved. It usually goes other way.
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Post Post #5947 (isolation #708) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:51 am

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In post 5939, Galron wrote:
In post 5860, Good Luck Buddy wrote:wait who works for who here....

ehhh maybe ill go to the trouble when im trying to yeet gamma. i really kind of just wanted general feedback from people not named TALY.
Are you asking about NotKNown? If so, I would lim him. He came in all gangbusters and started accusing witchcraft when I don't think He even read 25 percent of Day 1.
I said gamma in my post. Talking about a possible yeet on him.
NK15 i just want to eat a vig bullet
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Post Post #5948 (isolation #709) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:52 am

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In post 5866, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 5812, Good Luck Buddy wrote:im starting to get vibe gamma is scum.
like theres this feeling he tests the waters for pushes he is going to do or wants to do that i get from his kind of fence sittingish posts. At least today, i can't remember if he was givin hot takes yesterday. Today feels alot like workshoping in thread of what his opinions should align with.

also ive been busy with work whats going on people. anyone excited for turkey day?
I’m also super-fucking out of it dude
when u gonna be in it
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Post Post #5949 (isolation #710) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:54 am

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In post 5911, GrandpaMo wrote:never i thought in a million years i would get emotional in a mafia game lol
poor lad
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Post Post #5953 (isolation #711) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:57 am

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GMO vs Nancy wasn't interesting and even GMO vs Taly the prequel to that was only a little bit more interesting.
I could see T3 being another scumbutt here.

So i got possible scum of: T3, Victorine, Gamma
why are all the scum either least motivated people or just not playing
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Post Post #5954 (isolation #712) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:58 am

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In post 5951, Taly wrote:
who should I add to the townbloc?

Better question, is this a solid townbloc?

i have no issues with this.
i would add sakura and jjh as well
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Post Post #5956 (isolation #713) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:59 am

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gonna throw out a random scum team i would find amusing:
reason i find this funny is ydrasse gonna have to hard carry this team to any sort of finish line
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Post Post #5957 (isolation #714) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:00 pm

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In post 5955, Ydrasse wrote:i town
speak of the devil...

or deviless...demon queen?
speak of elsa

there im calling u elsa for remainder of game
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Post Post #5959 (isolation #715) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:01 pm

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did u forget leg day?
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Post Post #5961 (isolation #716) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:03 pm

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In post 5960, Ydrasse wrote:i forgot lung day and im couging mine up as a result
its responses like this that make me positive if ur scum ur gonna be the last one standing
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Post Post #5964 (isolation #717) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:05 pm

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Elsa, got any thoughts any three of my *serious* scumreads:
(copyrighted firebringer 2021)
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Post Post #5966 (isolation #718) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:07 pm

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nothing and thats problem. T3 is pretty active in responding/solving even if he has bad takes. This game he feels like he is going for purposeful or maybe he can't keep up.
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Post Post #5969 (isolation #719) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:09 pm

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I guess i would argue all three of:
T3/Gamma/Victorine have lost scum syndrome in one way or another
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Post Post #5970 (isolation #720) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:09 pm

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In post 5967, Ydrasse wrote:no one can keep up
don't use that. ur giving people cover. T3 could def keep up with this
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Post Post #5972 (isolation #721) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:12 pm

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i don't like ur fake post restriction. and you haven't pinged me.
what would u think my read on u would be right now
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Post Post #5973 (isolation #722) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:14 pm

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i could be wrong about my mod meta on rc games but if i remember right he doesn't like putting in post restrictions because they are annoying. so unless u explicitly asked for one (who does that), i have no idea why he would include one for u to do this robot speak
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Post Post #5976 (isolation #723) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:17 pm

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but im not going to scumread u for this mod speculation shit. I never verified it because i know rc has used post restrictions before

@ydra yes i know, and he might have thought he needed to continue the posting style. But now im going into conspiracy thinking
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Post Post #5980 (isolation #724) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:22 pm

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In post 5975, Taly wrote:The only thing I want to townbin Sakura for is to see the resolution of her claim and not based off her play thus far, so I'm wondering what people see there.

And as for Jjh? The logic-mindmeld is very strong and their responses to me have been on-point and that somehow is what makes me fearful.

When I read jjh, I feel like I understand why most people are paranoid upon townreading me because there is a sense of competence that overshadows a concrete motive.

Like, how is he so candid with townlocking majority of the playerlist - it can't just be because he wants to race to solve the game first? How does he have the best answer to Gypy'x IC claim but 180'd from pushing them while he somewhat spiraled with a carousel hypothesis for mech? Why doesn't he second-think the fact that our scumreads are largely consensus - or does he see value in rethinking?
don't tell this to sakura but i forgot why i townread her. i think i reaction tested her early day 1 and just really liked her response.

as far as jjh, if he is mind-melding he is doing so for me before i even get words on page. So good job on his end. I mean if ur paranoid of his townblocking manner and mindmelding did u check his scum game out? i can't say i looked into his scum game but i feel he would treat me alot differently here if scum. Like i don't think he would be eager to townblock me or even push same reads as me
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Post Post #5984 (isolation #725) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:24 pm

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In post 5981, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 5972, Good Luck Buddy wrote:i don't like ur fake post restriction. and you haven't pinged me.
what would u think my read on u would be right now
It Is A Real Post Restriction Trust Me I Would Never Do This To Myself Voluntarily

The Reason I Asked Is Because I Am Pretty Disengaged And I Feel Like My Play Is Not That Different From The People You Are Calling Lost Scum

I Don't Have A Confident Guess That's Why I Asked
i feel ur playing differently than the lost scum. i would say i think u seem genuinely disengaged? if that makes sense. and not to be rude, but ive seen u kind of behave in this disengaged way alot as town so like ur not really out of ur element in my eyes.
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Post Post #5991 (isolation #726) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:31 pm

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good description
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Post Post #5998 (isolation #727) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:01 pm

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In post 5997, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5973, Good Luck Buddy wrote:i could be wrong about my mod meta on rc games but if i remember right he doesn't like putting in post restrictions because they are annoying. so unless u explicitly asked for one (who does that), i have no idea why he would include one for u to do this robot speak
No, he did that both in the other uPick I was in and he also did that in Labrynth and Undertale as well. RC loves this shit, so I don’t know why you’d think it’s fake?

The only obviously fake post restriction is Victorine’s.
i know he has done post restrictions. and i could be misremembering our conversations of them and inserting my own opinion into his. But thats besides point. it really doesn't matter if its fake or not to me. It only matters if SS is using as a shield to hide.
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Post Post #6000 (isolation #728) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:03 pm

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In post 745, Good Luck Buddy wrote:Can we all just talk about how obvi town sakura is.
How Taly is a jealous bully
and how toog is threatening me

I think these are the important events
In post 750, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 747, Sakura Hana wrote:?
Since when am i Obvtown.
since i decided my new primary objective was to pocket u
In post 752, Good Luck Buddy wrote:i have liked ur response to me saying ur obvi town if it makes u feel any better
sakura here is where i "reaction tested u" called u obvtown before u really did much, then said i was gonna pocket u. Then liked ur response. And u have been town ever since :)
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Post Post #6013 (isolation #729) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:38 pm

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In post 751, Sakura Hana wrote:I thought you were just memeing but now im not sure if you really TR me or not.
But I do think i havent done anything to be "obvtown" read...
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Post Post #6033 (isolation #730) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:12 pm

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In post 6028, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 5966, Good Luck Buddy wrote:nothing and thats problem. T3 is pretty active in responding/solving even if he has bad takes. This game he feels like he is going for purposeful or maybe he can't keep up.
This feels like a conflicting stance
How is he struggling to keep up while being active in responding/solving
And why is he scum for it?
In post 6031, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 5998, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 5997, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 5973, Good Luck Buddy wrote:i could be wrong about my mod meta on rc games but if i remember right he doesn't like putting in post restrictions because they are annoying. so unless u explicitly asked for one (who does that), i have no idea why he would include one for u to do this robot speak
No, he did that both in the other uPick I was in and he also did that in Labrynth and Undertale as well. RC loves this shit, so I don’t know why you’d think it’s fake?

The only obviously fake post restriction is Victorine’s.
i know he has done post restrictions. and i could be misremembering our conversations of them and inserting my own opinion into his. But thats besides point. it really doesn't matter if its fake or not to me. It only matters if SS is using as a shield to hide.
That feels opposite to what he’s been doing
u misread both statements
first statement is about T3 normal play
second one is about RC not SS
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Post Post #6043 (isolation #731) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:29 pm

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In post 6038, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 6033, Good Luck Buddy wrote:second one is about RC not SS
My statement
about S_S, I don’t think he using the post restriction as a shield
Unlike Victorine.
okay well u still misunderstood because i didn't say he was. i said it would be a problem if that was case. I have no pings on him yet.
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Post Post #6045 (isolation #732) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:31 pm

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In post 6042, GrandpaMo wrote:This extent is the fact that they were gone in day 1 purposefully, how does this benefit scum?
is this a serious question
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Post Post #6047 (isolation #733) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:32 pm

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NK15 response: Nou

how do u respond to this through debunk jjh?
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Post Post #6050 (isolation #734) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:34 pm

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In post 6048, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 6044, jjh927 wrote:1. They cannot be elimed in day 1
2. I suspect that NK15's role is a dreaming god or something similar and his disappearance in day 1 is a result of that. Dreaming gods tend to have mixed utility
can u explain that utlity

what dispearence for scum benefits the scum team?
before u start asking this inane question.
do u have some sort of argument why its a town role or is this pointless
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Post Post #6056 (isolation #735) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:38 pm

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In post 6054, GrandpaMo wrote:i dont see it as a benefit for either allignment. im just speccing the role as in if they are scum then why utlity causes them to disappear day 1
i feel liek theres plenty utility in what jjh just replied with not being a possible yeet target day 1. which could go either way if u think u could be a misyeet target.
But i agree that this spec thing doesn't matter
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Post Post #6058 (isolation #736) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:40 pm

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I Summon TALY
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Post Post #6060 (isolation #737) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:42 pm

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i have pinged the mod to get his butt in here because i have witches i want burned
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Post Post #6090 (isolation #738) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:33 pm

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how dare u steal my hammer
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Post Post #6091 (isolation #739) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:34 pm

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HURT: Victorine
This is the true hammer
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Post Post #6095 (isolation #740) » Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:35 pm

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what u mean this time bitch
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Post Post #6111 (isolation #741) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:09 pm

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Post Post #6113 (isolation #742) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:11 pm

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44 pages of amazing chess play.
we yeeted scum in ours. no thanks to me tbh.
how did urs go
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Post Post #6115 (isolation #743) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:14 pm

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i was hoping u could push people to be active but ngl kind of expected it
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Post Post #6116 (isolation #744) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:14 pm

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Ohh also NK15 is one who caused that shit to happen btw.

but anyways datisi who died said this person was next on the shit list:
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Post Post #6122 (isolation #745) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:18 pm

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In post 6121, Taly wrote:titus can no longer post in our PT - did she get NKed or was she eliminated?
night killed
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Post Post #6127 (isolation #746) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:20 pm

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In post 6121, Taly wrote:ironically the 3 people who most deliberated and openly suspected GMO were me/glb/cw and we werent on final wagon lol
i mean i defended grandpa for like majority of that day until his weird claim to be in a neighborhood with t3 came out and then it came out it was a lie.

Why did he even lie about that.
Im guessing he wants to distance himself from T3 buddy?
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Post Post #6129 (isolation #747) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:20 pm

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In post 6120, RadiantCowbells wrote:T3 (3): Good Luck Buddy, Ydrasse
is ydra supposed to be on fire. because thats trademarked to me
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Post Post #6133 (isolation #748) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:22 pm

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I owe cheeky a sheep today but i suspect she also wants T3. So...

pedit yes Datisi was NK. Grandpa practically was begging scum to kill him in his last posts.
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Post Post #6135 (isolation #749) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:22 pm

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In post 6131, Taly wrote:i cant be the only person that sees
with a red name, right?

yeah i see. i think sakura vote was stolen by ydra because she is a dirty league player
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Post Post #6136 (isolation #750) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:23 pm

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In post 6134, Sakura Hana wrote:
In post 6131, Taly wrote:i cant be the only person that sees
with a red name, right?

My blue name is coz i'm loved, i said i'd become loved starting at 3 faith.
well my guess was wrong.
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Post Post #6139 (isolation #751) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:23 pm

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In post 6137, Taly wrote:what does the
effect do? is that an IC?
takes one more vote to elim.
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Post Post #6138 (isolation #752) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:23 pm

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In post 6137, Taly wrote:what does the
effect do? is that an IC?
takes one more vote to elim.
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Post Post #6142 (isolation #753) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:25 pm

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In post 6140, Taly wrote:hmmm, so
is hated and requires less votes to be eliminated
she just said she has an extra vote.
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Post Post #6145 (isolation #754) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:27 pm

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what more of sakura do u need to add her to townbloc.
wait don't that might kill her. nvm.
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Post Post #6147 (isolation #755) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:29 pm

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So T3 and 2 others.....
Idk if im being lazy i would suggest Deimos and Loftwing.
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Post Post #6150 (isolation #756) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:30 pm

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In post 6148, Sakura Hana wrote:Anyway, the only thing we got from Loftwing is that he isnt playing.
As in... he admited he isnt playing.
and NK15 said u guys would get useful stuff from lurkers. lol
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Post Post #6151 (isolation #757) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:30 pm

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In post 6149, Taly wrote:im weary the last 2 scum are deeper than
i hope so. i don't want this game to be boring
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Post Post #6154 (isolation #758) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:31 pm

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If T3 flips scum (which im absolutely sure he will) than I am 99.999% sure NK15 is town which makes me a sad doggo.
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Post Post #6155 (isolation #759) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:32 pm

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In post 6153, Taly wrote:just as long as you keep me alive in 3p elo, we're doing great
u say this now but once we arrive ur the one going to be panicking
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Post Post #6159 (isolation #760) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:33 pm

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its 4 pages. i don't expect a riveting argument
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Post Post #6163 (isolation #761) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:35 pm

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In post 6160, Ydrasse wrote:i gently sussed him for visiting me and prodded about it
since when r u gentle
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Post Post #6166 (isolation #762) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:36 pm

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In post 6162, Ydrasse wrote:i could not be fucked to play in another game with the game split into two pts



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Post Post #6168 (isolation #763) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:37 pm

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im still very annoyed by all of it.
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Post Post #6178 (isolation #764) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:40 pm

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In post 6174, Galron wrote:I was not expecting cold war colour. But being a soviet for a few days wasn't as oppressing as I thought it may be.
i think our threads are true expression of the dynamic between communism and capitalism.
in the land of the free, there was plenty of posting as far and bountiful as the eye can see.
while in soviet land, it was a barren wasteland devoid of anything meaningful.

Truly poetic.
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Post Post #6183 (isolation #765) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:42 pm

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I kind of wonder why scum didn't NK us last night. If Grandpa poisoned me to nullify our night immunity why not take us out? Or was it only grandpa who could perform the kill with me poisoned. I asked RC and got no response.
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Post Post #6190 (isolation #766) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:46 pm

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Ohhh we concluded in our thread that JJh read list is gr8.
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Post Post #6192 (isolation #767) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:47 pm

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In post 5590, jjh927 wrote:5 scum in Victorine, GMo, NK15, Loftwing, Ratman, SS, listed in order of likelihood.

datisi said was just gonna sheep this post to game over.
So ratman was town but SS being interesting
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Post Post #6200 (isolation #768) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:52 pm

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im changing my estimate on NK15 being town/scum from 99.999 to 75%
I have crazy theories
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Post Post #6203 (isolation #769) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:53 pm

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In post 6202, Taly wrote:
this is me and talys nk plan.
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Post Post #6217 (isolation #770) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:07 pm

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In post 6212, Taly wrote:so youre seeing a version of Taly at his top shitposting tier
im liking it
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Post Post #6224 (isolation #771) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:31 pm

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Nancy what r u doing. u can't quote pts...
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Post Post #6225 (isolation #772) » Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:32 pm

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In post 0, RadiantCowbells wrote:6) Do NOT quote any private communication from me, nor any mason, scum, neighbour, or anything topics that may or may not exist. You may paraphrase, just don't copy it wholesale.
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Post Post #6295 (isolation #773) » Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:07 pm

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In post 6294, Firebringer wrote:i owe cheeky a sheep even though i dont want to on deimos
VOTE: deimos
VOTE: Deimos
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Post Post #6298 (isolation #774) » Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:09 pm

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okay but ur not allowed in my room just like cheeky.
only pooky and sakura allowed in
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Post Post #6299 (isolation #775) » Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:10 pm

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In post 6297, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 6295, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 6294, Firebringer wrote:i owe cheeky a sheep even though i dont want to on deimos
VOTE: deimos
VOTE: Deimos
Why not Deimos?
his day 1 just seemed very townie in how he questioned me.
I am not here to fight u on it. my town feeling has been weakening
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Post Post #6302 (isolation #776) » Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:11 pm

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pooky occassionally posts some top tier shit posts.
but he is kind of zoned out. i talked to him earlier and he was like "ohh i didn't even know day 2 finished"
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Post Post #6395 (isolation #777) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:27 am

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for a second i thought nk15 closed of my topic just as another fu to us and i was like "jokes on u me and pooky just shit post in our pt"
but then realized its for "closing mafia pt"

Also I was right. He going 3 days for 3.
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Post Post #6397 (isolation #778) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:28 am

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In post 6394, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6393, Not Known 15 wrote:
In post 6392, VP Baltar wrote:Also, any key events in the game so far I should check out? I'm definitely not reading 260 pages.
GMO and Victorine are flipped scum. Victorine D2, and GMO NATO D3, due to my CC.
seeing that now. NOICE.

and you think GoodBoy is associated with GMO?
dont listen to Nk15. He been tunneling me for 4 days
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Post Post #6398 (isolation #779) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:29 am

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In post 6367, Taly wrote:
am I pocketed by u
In post 6369, Taly wrote:I remember
as more active and aggressive as town but not to this degree

So my read on him here is not entirely meta, yes.
i feel insulted
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Post Post #6400 (isolation #780) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:31 am

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In post 6399, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6397, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 6394, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6393, Not Known 15 wrote:
In post 6392, VP Baltar wrote:Also, any key events in the game so far I should check out? I'm definitely not reading 260 pages.
GMO and Victorine are flipped scum. Victorine D2, and GMO NATO D3, due to my CC.
seeing that now. NOICE.

and you think GoodBoy is associated with GMO?
dont listen to Nk15. He been tunneling me for 4 days
why shouldn't I listen to them if they caught scum already?
lol. yeah this is why u shouldn't listen.
literally didn't. Rewritten history and facts.

Day2 shielded scum by trying to force on me instead of Victorine (scum)
Day3 broke us up into PTs and specifically organized them to yeet me again.
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Post Post #6402 (isolation #781) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:33 am

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the only thing so far correct about what NK15 says is i did defend GMO. Which I already said and my reasons are explained in pt. I thought people pushing him for a moon logic/fake slip. Then GMO was doubling down on his weird claim nonsense while also adding a detail which could be confirmed and then was refuted by T3 and i switched to accusing him because now it was sketch to me.
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Post Post #6404 (isolation #782) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:34 am

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In post 6403, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6400, Good Luck Buddy wrote:Day3 broke us up into PTs and specifically organized them to yeet me again.
so Not Known organized the PTs as a conspiracy against you?
He literally admitted it in our pt lol
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Post Post #6405 (isolation #783) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:36 am

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also Taly cheering for first ammendment rights taken away sounds like a dirty commie to me.
why were u in america pt again
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Post Post #6407 (isolation #784) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:38 am

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nancy how long is ur status going to be v/la. this is bothering me for some reason
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Post Post #6412 (isolation #785) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:48 am

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he said he was in a pt then retracted/adjusted to day neighborizer and claimed it was with T3. Then also added in that if this is said in game the players in hood die (lol that was funny added in). Then T3 said he was in no hood (which is easy thing to do)

Running theory on why we pushed T3 is we thought GMO was trying to distance with T3 or was planning on his buddy T3 to help him survive by collaborating on this claim and T3 decided no.

Either way i think GMO specifically was trying to make it look like he and T3 were not tied.
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Post Post #6414 (isolation #786) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:49 am

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In post 6413, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:RC actually locked mine and Cheeky’s hydra PT and she doesn’t have discord rn but I don’t think hydra PTs should be locked since Fire can still speak with Pooky on discord. :/
Well he told us in discord we can't talk and he is in our discord chat. So..............
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Post Post #6421 (isolation #787) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:56 am

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this is when RC really needs to bring back his seal so i can call him emperor seal
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Post Post #6422 (isolation #788) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:57 am

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In post 0, RadiantCowbells wrote:1) All decisions come down to a democracy. The moderator gets all the votes.
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Post Post #6424 (isolation #789) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:58 am

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RC i don't have a question.
But i hate the role u gave NK15.
And I will curse u for that forever.
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Post Post #6429 (isolation #790) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:18 am

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jokes on you

now that our discord is sealed i can just shitpost to my hearts content in here instead
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Post Post #6430 (isolation #791) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:18 am

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btw how is nk15 still alive lets just kill him
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Post Post #6433 (isolation #792) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:47 am

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how do we even know if scum chat is disabled?

any scum want to tell us their chat is disabled?
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Post Post #6475 (isolation #793) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:18 am

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all i want for christmas is to spend more time with deimos
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Post Post #6479 (isolation #794) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:19 am

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In post 6477, Deimos27 wrote:
In post 6475, Good Luck Buddy wrote:all i want for christmas is to spend more time with deimos
You're in luck
im excited.
whats ur solve look like right now
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Post Post #6484 (isolation #795) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:21 am

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In post 6483, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 6475, Good Luck Buddy wrote:all i want for christmas is to spend more time with deimos
What's up with deimos?
been busy and i haven't gotten a good feel from him since day 1 so i want MORE TIME with him
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Post Post #6488 (isolation #796) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:23 am

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In post 6486, Taly wrote:

no i don't think so
all i have gotten is food from gmo
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Post Post #6490 (isolation #797) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:24 am

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In post 6485, Deimos27 wrote:
In post 6479, Good Luck Buddy wrote:
In post 6477, Deimos27 wrote:
In post 6475, Good Luck Buddy wrote:all i want for christmas is to spend more time with deimos
You're in luck
im excited.
whats ur solve look like right now
I have no idea
okay who would u FOS today if ur gonna FOS someone
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Post Post #6497 (isolation #798) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:28 am

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take ur chill pills taly
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Post Post #6499 (isolation #799) » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:31 am

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idk i don't really care about roles.
deimos i think T3 is easy one. u don't have one other u want to focus?
What happened to ur paranoia on me