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Post Post #494 (isolation #0) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 4:56 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

Frogster here feels so different from his scumgame in Internal Affairs that he's probably my strongest townread right now. What's caught your eye there, Andante?
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Post Post #502 (isolation #1) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:00 pm

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VOTE: dwlee
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Post Post #505 (isolation #2) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:02 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 497, Andante wrote:
In post 494, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Frogster here feels so different from his scumgame in Internal Affairs that he's probably my strongest townread right now. What's caught your eye there, Andante?
the only difference is literally the fact he didn't play infernal affairs... then got very behind... like here, game just started, of course he's on top of it, just like that game...
That's fair, but not really enough to sway my read on him. I'd argue that falling behind in the first place is scum indicative for him.
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Post Post #509 (isolation #3) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:04 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

I strongly dislike dwlee's Andante push.

Andante feels townish here, and I also know she's kind of an easy mislim having fallen into the trap of tunneling her more than once recently. I think dwlee knows this too.
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Post Post #511 (isolation #4) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:05 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 508, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 505, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 497, Andante wrote:
In post 494, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Frogster here feels so different from his scumgame in Internal Affairs that he's probably my strongest townread right now. What's caught your eye there, Andante?
the only difference is literally the fact he didn't play infernal affairs... then got very behind... like here, game just started, of course he's on top of it, just like that game...
That's fair, but not really enough to sway my read on him. I'd argue that falling behind in the first place is scum indicative for him.
How did you realize that?
You were ellitelling a lot as scum, which I pointed out in Internal Affairs.

Speaking of which, did you guys know we can't point out ellitell anymore? I got a warning for that post lol.
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Post Post #513 (isolation #5) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:10 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 479, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 476, Lukewarm wrote:Titus was my early town read for a dumb reason.
Oh, and after that
I actually found her non-serious mason claim townie, even if I dont like fake mason claiming.

Both from an approach from her towards a possible miselim if he is town, but not in a way that I think scum would do for a partner if he is scum. But also in a similarity in how I've seen her approach games before.

I would say greeting and Titus are my strongest reads of those 5
Baffled by this Titus townread
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Post Post #522 (isolation #6) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:20 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

HEAL: frogster
HEAL: Greeting
HEAL: catboi
HEAL: Andante
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Post Post #523 (isolation #7) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:21 pm

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In post 520, Frogsterking wrote:I wonder what the odds are Cat just popped in to pocket both of us by saying exactly what we want to hear
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Post Post #531 (isolation #8) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:41 pm

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Why were you scumreading Andante then, dwlee?
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Post Post #532 (isolation #9) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:42 pm

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All I see are reasons to not townread her
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Post Post #543 (isolation #10) » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:16 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 536, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 531, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Why were you scumreading Andante then, dwlee?
The last paragraph?
In post 530, Dwlee99 wrote:That people are playing around her like this is actually what makes me think she is scum.
She is actually townier as scum and that everyone townreads her when she is normally a controversial day one slot is very scum-indicative imo
I'm not sure this really tracks. This reason feels more like something that was made up after the fact.

I went back and reread the posts between Andante's first post and your first post. There were, if I'm being generous, 3 [1][2][3] townreads and one possible scumread on Andante before you voted for her.

From whom did you get the impression that people were playing around her?
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Post Post #734 (isolation #11) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:23 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 552, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 543, Cat Scratch Fever wrote: I'm not sure this really tracks. This reason feels more like something that was made up after the fact.

I went back and reread the posts between Andante's first post and your first post. There were, if I'm being generous, 3 [1][2][3] townreads and one possible scumread on Andante before you voted for her.

From whom did you get the impression that people were playing around her?
When I entered the game I didn't scumread her yet, that was for reactions.
That does sound more plausible
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Post Post #736 (isolation #12) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:25 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 568, Cephrir wrote:S2g no one will ever just let me do a thing without some genius trying to put me on the defensive for trying
Dislike the AtE

Frogster seems generally paranoid and I don't think he's been singling you out
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Post Post #738 (isolation #13) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:27 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 735, Greeting wrote:I am on board with nominating the towniest players to be bomb experts
I thought that's what we've all been doing this entire time
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Post Post #743 (isolation #14) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:38 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 573, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 509, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I strongly dislike dwlee's Andante push.

Andante feels townish here, and I also know she's kind of an easy mislim having fallen into the trap of tunneling her more than once recently. I think dwlee knows this too.
What specifically don't you like about Dwlee's push?
Felt opportunistic to me like someone pushing a known easy mislim

I gave some major side eye

The reasoning given post hoc ("too many people townreading andante --> andante scum) is pretty meh. It's so early in the game, it feels weird to make a gamestate read like that when people's reads are subject to change easily
Also, what about Andante's play makes her town in your eyes?
Helped push the game out of the 12 pages of mech talk, feels similar to her other town games
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Post Post #746 (isolation #15) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:41 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 745, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 743, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I gave 351 some major side eye
351 felt very not serious to me
Same thought occurred to me but it was followed shortly by
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Post Post #747 (isolation #16) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:42 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 611, catboi wrote:
In post 610, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 535, StrangeMatter wrote:Uhh I have a massively unfinished list so people not mentioned are essentially no clues or I have had the chance to look into.

Not willing to vote out

Would be fine with voting out.
Dwlee (Partial paranoia but he just feels like how he played in Mini 2265 and I can never get a read on him.
I found it quite funny that strange was asked for a full reads list, and says they have "massively unfinished one" - and then posts a list with e names in a 19 player game lmao

Scum!strange could have easily padded this out at least a little bit, so thinking this is town strange still getting a footing on reads
big oof
I kind of agree though :shifty:
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Post Post #749 (isolation #17) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:48 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 614, Andante wrote:and other than that, not really any thoughts, frogs... had me laughing at Cat being too good to be true, that's really not a bad point.....but it definitely doesn't fit with my frogs!maf thought, so I'll have to look into that later, but yeah, I'm definitely suspicious of like the "perfect entrances" and "no bad takes" cause the entrance too was right as I "was leaving" like, trying to time it so no one was really arround to apply pressure... kiiinnndddaaaaa sus if you ask me.... but that's either a later tonight problem or a tomorrow problem to look into, and the sudden like interest people are having in frogs is making me think the Cat!maf path is a good path to look into, cause initially there was a bunch of "no way frogs maf!!" now it's feeling a lot different, and idk how I feel about that
You two are just some of the most active posters lol, there's nothing timed about my entrance
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Post Post #751 (isolation #18) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:49 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 631, The Praetorian wrote:andante town
Lukewarm scum
vp still scum
Frogster town
Cephrir scum

just need one more, maybe bell randed scum again lul
HEAL: the praetorian
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Post Post #755 (isolation #19) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:56 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 663, Lukewarm wrote:
Wow I didn't even make it into the nulls but Andres did?
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Post Post #758 (isolation #20) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:01 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 702, fireisredsir wrote: - dwlee is towny for noticing as of
He said it was a joke. Does that change your read on him?
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Post Post #761 (isolation #21) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:05 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 758, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 702, fireisredsir wrote: - dwlee is towny for noticing as of
They said it was a joke. Does that change your read on them?
Sorry dwlee!
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Post Post #762 (isolation #22) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:07 am

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Errr possibly a dumb question but how do we select who goes into what group?
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Post Post #766 (isolation #23) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:11 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 763, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 761, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 758, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 702, fireisredsir wrote: - dwlee is towny for noticing as of
They said it was a joke. Does that change your read on them?
Sorry dwlee!
huh? where did they say that? i said 351 looked jokey but i don't think the scumread overall was a joke and i don't see anything they said that would imply that
first part of

I misremembered - It wasn't a joke but it also wasn't a real read yet
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Post Post #797 (isolation #24) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:02 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 773, Dwlee99 wrote: was a joke. is unrelated to . Also: "it feels weird to make a gamestate read like that," well lemme show you some evidence:
In post 700, Datisi wrote:
Andante [7]:
Menalque, The Praetorian, Titus, PookyTheMagicalBear, fireisredsir, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever
Frogsterking [6]:
Titus, VP Baltar, The Praetorian, PookyTheMagicalBear, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever[/font][/area]
And since then, more people have voted her for defuser. Speaking of which:
HURT: Morning tweet
Simply because your statement became true later doesn't mean it made sense as a real thought at the time
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Post Post #799 (isolation #25) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:04 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

HURT: all

Iwasn't aware we could pick the groups. I'l lfigure this out later
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Post Post #819 (isolation #26) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:35 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 808, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 797, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 773, Dwlee99 wrote: was a joke. is unrelated to . Also: "it feels weird to make a gamestate read like that," well lemme show you some evidence:
In post 700, Datisi wrote:
Andante [7]:
Menalque, The Praetorian, Titus, PookyTheMagicalBear, fireisredsir, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever
Frogsterking [6]:
Titus, VP Baltar, The Praetorian, PookyTheMagicalBear, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever[/font][/area]
And since then, more people have voted her for defuser. Speaking of which:
HURT: Morning tweet
Simply because your statement became true later doesn't mean it made sense as a real thought at the time
But when I said that too many people townread Andante it was still true she had a ton of heal votes so what's your point?
Yeah that's fair, I'm getting the impression that this is something you believe in anyway
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Post Post #822 (isolation #27) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:40 am

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VOTE: GuiltyLion
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Post Post #824 (isolation #28) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:43 am

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Mena does seem to have trouble getting into the game

Not sure about fire yet
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Post Post #832 (isolation #29) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:00 pm

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Hi mala!
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Post Post #836 (isolation #30) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:20 pm

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Whats town about menalque? Also I don't see anyone healing him, so I'm confused how you're getting that from the latest VC
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Post Post #965 (isolation #31) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:42 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

I could vote either VP or fire atp
In post 870, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Morning Tweet

VP I promise I'll skim through that game at some point tonight for ya,
main thing I'm just trying to see is if the style of asking a bunch of questions and posting random largely meaningless observations
( another one that pinged me much in the same vein) is fully in line with your town game, seems fire (slash maybe a couple others IIRC?) is vouching for that but just want to check it myself
I largely agree with this observation. I was kind of surprised that VP is second top poster when I opened up the activity overview, because I don't really remember their posts or recall their stances.

Keep us updated on the metadive
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Post Post #967 (isolation #32) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:46 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 964, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 922, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:I think the last game we played together categorically demonstrates that I am better at reading Andante than you are and I'm kind of confused why you think you would have a better read on her than I do it feels almost like refuge in audacity.
Yes so if you're right cool but if you're wrong you die :^)

This game is fair right
do we get to BoP you if you're wrong though
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Post Post #974 (isolation #33) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:54 pm

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Post Post #977 (isolation #34) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:59 pm

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I townread pooky now too

I also prefer CSF to help differentiate from catboi
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Post Post #979 (isolation #35) » Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:02 pm

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Post Post #1076 (isolation #36) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:18 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 995, Andante wrote:
In post 993, Andante wrote:can more people please heal pooky!!! I want to solve a bomb with pooky!!!!
also, not a huge fan of being with 3 whole people that… I don’t tr like at all… like can I request like catboi in my group then if I can’t have pooky? cause I don’t think me + 3 non TRs ends well
Are your TRs basically still the same from ? Cuz that's a pretty wack set of TRs. I agree with only 2/9 of those (catboi, pooky), and those two are like the ones i'm the least confident about
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Post Post #1077 (isolation #37) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:28 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 998, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 965, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I could vote either VP or fire atp
In post 870, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Morning Tweet

VP I promise I'll skim through that game at some point tonight for ya,
main thing I'm just trying to see is if the style of asking a bunch of questions and posting random largely meaningless observations
( another one that pinged me much in the same vein) is fully in line with your town game, seems fire (slash maybe a couple others IIRC?) is vouching for that but just want to check it myself
I largely agree with this observation. I was kind of surprised that VP is second top poster when I opened up the activity overview, because I don't really remember their posts or recall their stances.

Keep us updated on the metadive
This kind of looks like you just testing the waters of wagons that are semi-popular and saying your fine with either.

It's also pretty silly to be like "vp isn't memorable!" when your ability to remember things I've said and my positions is not my problem. Have better reading retention. I also don't know a thing you've done this game, but that's not an actual reason alone to scum read a person because I could say that about lots of players in a large game.

You may think my questions are pointless, but they aren't to me and how I'm feeling people out, which is all I care about.
Sure I don't have a read on Andres or The Bulge or other people, but they've barely posted or haven't posted enough for me to feel strongly one way or another

the difference with you is that you've posted a lot, but somehow your posts haven't stood out unlike the other active posters. My reading retention isn't the problem if I can remember other active posters.
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Post Post #1078 (isolation #38) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:33 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 999, VP Baltar wrote:Also, CSF, are you townreading GL?

I like that he saw the same things in dwlee as I did. He could be scum parroting me, but I don't particularly think I'm important enough to pocket lol.

I'd like to see more from him.

Why do you ask about GL specifically?
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Post Post #1081 (isolation #39) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:18 am

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In post 1014, fireisredsir wrote:ive been reading some morning tweet games and learned not much bc she replaces into games a lot and so i don't have many day 1s to compare to. i think i can buy that she can be a little less assertive early as maf. but i can also buy that she genuinely feels like she is stronger later in the game and isn't very enthused about the start of a large

so based on meta this looks well in her scumrange but not outside her townrange either. which means we can look at play instead, yay! and the play looks kinda scummy imo
I thought you were scumreading MT for hedge-y posts, but you're also saying MT lacking confidence can be ascribed to general aversion to day 1 and large games.

Can you remind me why you scumread her again?
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Post Post #1082 (isolation #40) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:19 am

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In post 1080, Cephrir wrote:HEAL: CSF
What made you think I'm town?
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Post Post #1083 (isolation #41) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:21 am

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In post 1031, VP Baltar wrote:The hardest thing about reading Andante is she somehow both needs to use MORE and LESS punctuation.
funny and accurate
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Post Post #1107 (isolation #42) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:55 am

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In post 1071, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 1020, Andante wrote: Dwlee... you've been calling me scum from the start, I think, if town, maybe your reads are just backwards this game...
Possible but idk

I really just think game state is pointing to town consensus being wrong right now. There are only 4 scum though which I think I should keep in mind when making this judgement but I'm having trouble factoring it in.
do you have any townreads

your ISO is remarkably devoid of them
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Post Post #1108 (isolation #43) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:56 am

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In post 1103, VP Baltar wrote:@strange and CSF, why have you nominated zero people for bomb experts?
Oh, I meant to think about who I wanted in which group but forgot
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Post Post #1109 (isolation #44) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:00 am

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HEAL: andante
HEAL: pooky
HEAL: catboi

also who's good at reading dwlee? I think it'd be fun to put them in a group with people who can read them. Any volunteers?
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Post Post #1140 (isolation #45) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 2:51 pm

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In post 1130, VP Baltar wrote:Except....it's not? She is claiming GL is repeating her thoughts, when in reality it was GL who said it first, as far as I'm aware.
I was pushing dwlee before him, and it was these and some other dwlee-related posts that had me wary

In post 845, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 522, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:HEAL: frogster
HEAL: Greeting
HEAL: catboi
HEAL: Andante
In post 543, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 536, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 531, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Why were you scumreading Andante then, dwlee?
The last paragraph?
In post 530, Dwlee99 wrote:That people are playing around her like this is actually what makes me think she is scum.
She is actually townier as scum and that everyone townreads her when she is normally a controversial day one slot is very scum-indicative imo
I'm not sure this really tracks. This reason feels more like something that was made up after the fact.

I went back and reread the posts between Andante's first post and your first post. There were, if I'm being generous, 3 [1][2][3] townreads and one possible scumread on Andante before you voted for her.

From whom did you get the impression that people were playing around her?
CSF town
In post 851, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 746, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 745, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 743, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I gave 351 some major side eye
351 felt very not serious to me
Same thought occurred to me but it was followed shortly by
HEAL: Cat Scratch Fever

The observation about your playstyle this game was made by GL. That was the only thing I agreed with that could be construed as repeating things he said
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Post Post #1146 (isolation #46) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:05 pm

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Have wallpost read lists come back into fashion? Maybe I'll post one later
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Post Post #1181 (isolation #47) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:13 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1159, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1157, Bell wrote:I feel bad that I scum read baltar for their effort post.
The reason I am compelled to scum read it, is because their reads, read like characterizations first and sorting people second.
I'm always judging
Why is this your response to someone scumreading you for your readslist?
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Post Post #1184 (isolation #48) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:18 pm

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In post 1139, VP Baltar wrote:Cat Scratch Fever -
I REALLY don't like her trying to draft off GL onto me for some wild ass reasons like "I don't remember you".
Open my ISO if you don't remember me. Her saying she is fine with fire or VP also seems opportunistic. Need to read if she is having serious conversations with fire trying to find his alignment, because I didn't don't think she was doing that with me at all.
Me not remembering you is a sign that you haven't made any notable pushes, and you're here in the thread but not making waves. It's not that I haven't read your posts or parts of your ISO.

If you need me to describe it in terms of buzzwords, I guess "active lurking" is the best fit.

Why is this point unbelievable when Cephrir basically said the same thing about you?
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Post Post #1185 (isolation #49) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:19 pm

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Andante we can figure out and organize hood groups closer to the end of the day. I wouldn't read too much into the groups right now.
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Post Post #1186 (isolation #50) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:20 pm

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Mala, how much of the game have you read?
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Post Post #1188 (isolation #51) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:21 pm

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Closer to when we decide a lim

Current gamestate has all wagons petering out
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Post Post #1190 (isolation #52) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:24 pm

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I don't think anyone has opposed you/pooky/catboi/??? hood, so idk why this is happening rn
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Post Post #1193 (isolation #53) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:27 pm

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In post 1191, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1181, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1159, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1157, Bell wrote:I feel bad that I scum read baltar for their effort post.
The reason I am compelled to scum read it, is because their reads, read like characterizations first and sorting people second.
I'm always judging
Why is this your response to someone scumreading you for your readslist?
Because I think it is funny
do you think it's a fair assessment of your post? like does it affect your read of Bell?
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Post Post #1204 (isolation #54) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:55 pm

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In post 1201, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1184, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Me not remembering you is a sign that you haven't made any notable pushes, and you're here in the thread but not making waves. It's not that I haven't read your posts or parts of your ISO.
Do you think you are making waves? cause like, I have news for you....
Terrible deflection

Also you have more than twice as many posts as I have, so not at all relevant
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Post Post #1210 (isolation #55) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:06 pm

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Post Post #1238 (isolation #56) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:34 pm

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Bell is probably just scum.
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Post Post #1242 (isolation #57) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:36 pm

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Spoiler: unofficial bomb nominations ct
Unofficial bomb expert nominations count:

Andante [11]:
Menalque, Malakittens, Titus, fireisredsir, Cephrir, Morning Tweet, GuiltyLion, VP Baltar, Cat Scratch Fever, StrangeMatter, Bell
Greeting [9]:
catboi, Cephrir, Morning Tweet, PookyTheMagicalBear, fireisredsir, GuiltyLion, Bell, VP Baltar, StrangeMatter
Frogsterking [7]:
Titus, VP Baltar, Malakittens, PookyTheMagicalBear, Morning Tweet, Greeting, GuiltyLion
catboi [6]:
VP Baltar, PookyTheMagicalBear, Bell, fireisredsir, Cat Scratch Fever, Andante
PookyTheMagicalBear [5]:
Andante, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, frogsterking, fireisredsir
Malakittens [4]:
The Bulge, Menalque, Frogsterking, PookyTheMagicalBear
Cat Scratch Fever [4]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, GuiltyLion, Frogsterking, Cephrir
Dwlee99 [3]:
VP Baltar, Titus, Cephrir
Morning Tweet [2]:
Malakittens, Greeting
Titus [2]:
Malakittens, PookyTheMagicalBear
Cephrir [2]:
Titus, Frogsterking
StrangeMatter [2]:
Frogsterking, Greeting
GuiltyLion [1]:
Menalque [1]:

not nominating [3]:
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Post Post #1269 (isolation #58) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:00 pm

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Hi Enchant, why do I feel like you always replace into scum slots :]
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Post Post #1271 (isolation #59) » Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:09 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1246, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Frogster/Greeting/Cephrir/Titus for the other team?
I'd prefer if I was in this group with Frogster and Greeting

but I also won't kick and scream if not I guess

I also don't have any reason to think Titus is town, but looking at the player list, I can't really find an eighth name I feel good about healing
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Post Post #1380 (isolation #60) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:36 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1277, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1193, Cat Scratch Fever wrote: do you think it's a fair assessment of your post? like does it affect your read of Bell?
I don't think it's a fair assessment. I don't even particularly know what it means. But it was also Friday, and after putting like 30 mins into trying to sort generally where my feelings on the game were at, I wanted to go drink some beer and chill, not get into a back and forth with someone right then.

As far as how I feel about Bell, I don't know if it was a bad faith bit of shading or not. I guess I'll see what he does with it or if he wants to explain further.
I thought it was scummy to post a readslist and not want to talk about it, since that's the primary reason for posting one. Your explanation for not wanting to get into a back and forth right away is plausible though I'm not sure i believe it. Since it doesn't really move the needle for me, let's just move on.

Your scumpool is alarming.

The one point you made against me that was valid was that I have not engaged a lot with you, which is probably true. But everything else I didn't think was fair.

There's Strange who is kind of just always LHF, because he struggles with expressing himself. Idk if you've played with him before and I won't hold this point against you if you haven't, but this scumread doesn't sway my opinion of you.

There's Titus, who I think was sick or something, and confidently asserted that she sometimes takes a backseat day 1. Why would she lie about something that can be so easily fact checked?

For Mala - idk how to read Koba and admittedly, the longer Mala goes without posting, the more concerned I get. The time I played with town Mala years ago, I vaguely recall her being obvtown. But she also has a busy/stressful job, so imo give her a couple more RL days to get into the game.

Overall, it gave me the impression that you went like: "hmm I have CSF and Strange in here and I should probably have a couple more scumreads, why not throw Titus and Mala in here?"

The other problem I have with your readslist is that I'm not sure everything tracks - fire is town because you vibe with his reads. But fire's scumpool {MT, Menalque, Andres} doesn't overlap with your scumpool here, so I'm not sure how that ended up being town for you
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Post Post #1381 (isolation #61) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:41 am

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In post 1279, VP Baltar wrote:Not really. My point is that your assessment is not only wrong, but hypocritical. I'm trying to get you to realize that your subjective experience of my play and your ability to remember it doesn't actually say anything about my alignment.

I can't remember a stance you actually took before you started this dumb fight, but does that mean you haven't taken stances? Probably not! It probably means I need to go do some reading.

Yes, I post more than you. So what? I'm also voting, trying to figure out what I think is best on the mechs, pushing people to talk to me about things I think actually could be AI, and generally being pretty transparent about my reads on situations. This is all pretty clear in my ISO, which you insinuate you have actually read, so your accusation of active lurking rings pretty hollow. There are definitely people you could point to in this game who ARE active lurking (Titus, kittens), but I don't expect you to acknowledge that because it kind of pops your balloon.
I acknowledge this post, but I doubt going back and forth on this further will produce any useful info or be fun to read for everyone else.
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Post Post #1389 (isolation #62) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:52 am

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In post 1323, catboi wrote:
In post 1238, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Bell is probably just scum.
Highly unlikely at this point.
I don't know about "highly unlikely" but I am trending in that direction after the posts I just read on this page
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Post Post #1390 (isolation #63) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:54 am

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In post 1386, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1380, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:There's Strange who is kind of just always LHF, because he struggles with expressing himself. Idk if you've played with him before and I won't hold this point against you if you haven't, but this scumread doesn't sway my opinion of you
I have not played with strange before. Do they get mislimmed a lot D1?
Idk about mislimmed D1 but she has trouble stringing words together in a coherent manner, so I feel like everything they write can be perceived as flailing
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Post Post #1394 (isolation #64) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:02 am

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In post 1343, Andante wrote:
In post 1340, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 1109, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:also who's good at reading dwlee? I think it'd be fun to put them in a group with people who can read them. Any volunteers?
I'd rather Dwlee not be a bomb expert at all currently
oh and no dwlee in my hood.. please...
if you guys are interested in wagoning there, I'm down
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Post Post #1395 (isolation #65) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:04 am

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In post 1393, catboi wrote:
In post 1389, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1323, catboi wrote:
In post 1238, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Bell is probably just scum.
Highly unlikely at this point.
I don't know about "highly unlikely" but I am trending in that direction after the posts I just read on this page
Why were you scumreading him in the first place?
He had a reason to scumread VP, but didn't want to support his elim. Felt partner-y

Ik pooky said that's the opposite of what scum Bell would do in that situation, but that's what I felt at the time
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Post Post #1398 (isolation #66) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:13 am

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I'm only healing you and the two people you want to be in a hood there so I can't help you there
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Post Post #1399 (isolation #67) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:15 am

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yeah that's fair

I was also peeved that when VP was coming under pressure, and it looked like we may finally get a serious wagon going, he came in was like "no but LUKE"
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Post Post #1401 (isolation #68) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:18 am

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I have some time so I'll take another look at Luke and fire, but something about fire's way of formatting posts make them hard to read for me ._.
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Post Post #1405 (isolation #69) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:28 am

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dwlee who are your townreads?
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Post Post #1410 (isolation #70) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:32 am

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I wish I could be a shit stirrer but alas

Maybe one day
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Post Post #1414 (isolation #71) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:36 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1408, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 1405, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:dwlee who are your townreads?

HEAL: VP Baltar (okay this one is really hit or miss)
HEAL: Greeting
HEAL: Cephrir
HEAL: Bell
HEAL: Enchant ???
It doesn't feel like you've given much thought to these townreads

When you're town, I feel like you definitely have townreads when you're reading through the thread, even if you don't always state your townreads in the game thread.
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Post Post #1416 (isolation #72) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:36 am

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Enchant/The Bulge has barely done anything all game
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Post Post #1418 (isolation #73) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:37 am

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Post Post #1422 (isolation #74) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:40 am

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We're almost 60 pages in, I do kind of expect you to have some confident townreads and not overthink a simple question like "who are your TRs", yeah
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Post Post #1432 (isolation #75) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:46 am

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Name last 3-5 games with him where you were town?
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Post Post #1441 (isolation #76) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:51 am

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No but actually
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Post Post #1457 (isolation #77) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:05 am

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In post 1451, Frogsterking wrote:I was actually thinking Enchant would be funny to have as a bomb expert HEAL: Enchant

Do we have any name suggestions for the Town Core B team yet? So far it's looking like CSF/Greeting/Frog/ ?? one more spot.
no, bad heal
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Post Post #1481 (isolation #78) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:26 am

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In post 1473, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1401, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I have some time so I'll take another look at Luke and fire, but something about fire's way of formatting posts make them hard to read for me ._.
should i format them differently? ive never gotten this complaint but i am kinda new to forum format lol
It's not your fault, it's mostly my ADHD.

It makes it hard for me to read more than a couple of sentences in a paragraph when words are not properly capitalized.

Excessive line breaks help even more (like )

Keep typing the way you do if you want, I was planning on pasting your posts in a text file and adding line breaks anyway lol
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Post Post #1545 (isolation #79) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:52 pm

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Frogster, didn't fire claim that was written before he replaced in?

If so, I'm not sure the post is AI.
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Post Post #1563 (isolation #80) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:08 pm

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In post 1554, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1545, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Frogster, didn't fire claim that was written before he replaced in?

If so, I'm not sure the post is AI.
ye, frog knows this im pretty sure.
it is still my thoughts on the game though
I don't doubt that. But if you had these thoughts before replacing into the game, then questioning them now is kind of pointless, since you could've received a red PM and went like "eh imma post my notes anyway since they're genuine."

In contrast, if you had received a red PM from the start, you probably would've had different notes. Does that make sense?
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Post Post #1569 (isolation #81) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:15 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1556, Bell wrote:For now though. No.
I prefer just shoving a bunch of town reads in there
because because it makes it harder for the game state to stagnate.
Still don't want to be a bomb expert? I wouldn't mind giving you a heal.
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Post Post #1582 (isolation #82) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:28 pm

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andres, do you often catch up in games by making posts like this one?
In post 1540, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1530, Andresvmb wrote: - Interestingly enough, I really don’t like this response from VPB. What does it matter when was the last time you rolled Scum? Like why do you feel self-conscious enough that you decide to actively state when you last rolled Scum? It’s irrelevant to your chances of being Scum in this game. The reflex to answer in this way feels like a bad sign.
wasn't he directly asked? why is it bad that he answered the question
also this
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Post Post #1632 (isolation #83) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:32 pm

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oof the beetlejuice. were you lurking Strange?
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Post Post #1637 (isolation #84) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:35 pm

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I think it's very possible Strange has been lurking

I don't think it necessarily means she's scum with andres or fire. I think that's too hasty of a conclusion
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Post Post #1646 (isolation #85) » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:51 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1640, Frogsterking wrote:Hmm IDK. CSF have you warmed up to Enchant yet? I think this is town!Enchant
if i had to guess, I think he's town here.

Last 2 games we were in- he was town in one and scum in the other. He looks more like the town game here than the scum game... but I was also scum in both games, so I also wasn't solving his alignment in either >_>
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Post Post #1694 (isolation #86) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:39 am

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In post 1670, Menalque wrote:
In post 1663, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 1658, Menalque wrote:Anything critical that I’ve missed?
I'd appreciate a second opinion on the 40 posts andres just dropped
I could vote him but it's not screaming scum at me

the progression on you around VP was unpersuasive to me and seemed too telegraphed as a shift

plus a bunch of the reads in the catchup wall being without commentary initially made it look like a busy-work sort of approach. especially disliked comments such as: "A bit too tryhardy for Scum."; "Pooky feels like they’re full of shit this game and wouldn’t trust them for anything"; "I genuinely dislike this take from Bell."

all of these things could have been v easily expanded on/dug into more in the catchup but instead he needed to be prodded for the extra info
Ooh feeling town on mena :D
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Post Post #1725 (isolation #87) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:21 am

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In post 1675, Datisi wrote:
vote count 1.13
  • with
    votes in play, it takes
    to make a decision.
  • day 1 ends in
    (expired on 2022-04-06 19:15:00)
  • 8
    players who have the most nominations at eod1 will be bomb experts on n1.


fireisredsir [5]:
Bell, Menalque, Malakittens, catboi, Dwlee99
Morning Tweet [4]:
Cephrir, fireisredsir, GuiltyLion, Titus
VP Baltar [3]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Cat Scratch Fever, Frogsterking
GuiltyLion [1]:
Morning Tweet
StrangeMatter [1]:
VP Baltar
Frogsterking [1]:
catboi [1]:
Menalque [1]:

not voting [2]:
Andresvmb, Greeting
VOTE: fire

Let's see what happens
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Post Post #1760 (isolation #88) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:33 am

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Fire, can you post your stances real quick? I feel like your reads should have fluctuated since replace in. I don't need elaborations, just an idea of where you are.


Spoiler: unofficial expert nominations
catboi Pooky Frogster fire Andante Mistyx VP Guilty Enchant Dwlee Cephrir Greeting Andres CSF Menalque Titus Mala Strange Bell
Andante (13) + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Greeting (12) + + + + + + + + + + + +
Frogster (10) + + + + + + + + + +
catboi (9) + + + + + + + + +
Pooky (7) + + + + + + +
CSF (6) + + + + + +
Dwlee (5) + + + + +
Mala (4) + + + +
Cephrir (4) + + + +
Strange (4) + + + +
Titus (4) + + + +
Mistyx (3) + + +
Guilty (3) + + +
fire (2) + +
Bell (2) + +
Menalque (3) + + +
VP (2) + +
Enchant (2) + +
Andres (1) +

First thought is, lol Enchant are you really healing everyone or did I make a mistake?

Second thought is that I don't mind putting not-town reads in the second so long as they're active. So please, no Mala unless she can commit to posting in the hood. Maybe one of Menalque, Guilty, or Cephrir, since those are my nulltowns.
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Post Post #1765 (isolation #89) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:40 am

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In post 1762, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1760, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Fire, can you post your stances real quick? I feel like your reads should have fluctuated since replace in. I don't need elaborations, just an idea of where you are.
i don't really think in readlist form so i don't think one of those would be very useful, but yea i can summarize some thoughts in a bit when i have time to write them out
Just a list of people you think are scummy would suffice
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Post Post #1805 (isolation #90) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:11 pm

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yeah I was also wondering why fire hasn't said anything about andres
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Post Post #1810 (isolation #91) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:19 pm

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@frogster- your problems with Bell could just be playstyle clash. I think Bell is p towny

I also didn't like Andres' catch up and could entertain a wagon there.

My initial impression of his catch up was a lot of trying to look town and show progression rather than actual solving. He's just posting about things that happened 50 pages ago. I understand he may have fallen behind, but that really shouldn't be town's priority
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Post Post #1813 (isolation #92) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:22 pm

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In post 1810, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:@frogster- your problems with Bell could just be playstyle clash. I think Bell is p towny

I also didn't like Andres' catch up and could entertain a wagon there.

My initial impression of his catch up was a lot of trying to look town and show progression rather than actual solving. He's just posting about things that happened 50 pages ago. I understand he may have fallen behind, but that really shouldn't be town's priority
Also, the one game I was in with Andres, I also remember him falling a bit behind there too, but he was able to summarize the important events in the thread and comment on them.

Whereas here, he presented a catch up on events so many pages back, and I don't think that's what he would focus on if he were town here.
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Post Post #1819 (isolation #93) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:42 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 1815, fireisredsir wrote:oh i guess i didn't. i mostly agree with the points that you've made criticizing the posts.

i don't really have a personal read on him bc i find it hard to read people who have only posted in the way he has posted so far (I like seeing how people engage with the thread at the time things are happening not after the fact), but the fact that he has only posted in that way so far makes me kinda suspicious.

but the fact that i don't have, like, any gut feeling towards him makes me a little hesitant to put him in the scummiest tier of my scumreads bc he could just be town who hasn't gotten into the game yet.

does that make sense?
that's probably fair. I also wondered if I should wait to see more from Andres

Something I've noted looking at your ISO, is that you doing a lot of waiting for things to happen (in particular, for certain people to return to the thread), which gives me the general impression that you're being reactive and not pushing very hard to refine reads. Idk could be a playstyle thing

Another example of being "reactive" is talking to frogster about , which you admitted you don't think is AI. If you don't think it's AI, why answer :P I felt that was overly accommodating
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Post Post #1824 (isolation #94) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:50 pm

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In post 1820, Frogsterking wrote:CSF I'm pretty sure fire was lying about writing that beforehand.
He posted it 12 mins after the mod announced he was replacing in tho
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Post Post #1863 (isolation #95) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:48 pm

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In post 1826, Mistyx wrote:csf can you expand on your bell townread
Generally, he seems to be speaking without much of a filter

I especially liked his reaction dwlee around . I vibed with a lot of what he was saying and it felt natural
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Post Post #1864 (isolation #96) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:50 pm

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VOTE: Andres
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Post Post #1874 (isolation #97) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:17 pm

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In post 1833, Titus wrote:Hmm I think scum might be healing me
In post 1838, Titus wrote:
In post 1835, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1833, Titus wrote:Hmm I think scum might be healing me
what makes you think that?
I've deliberately done nothing.
Any follow up to this?
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Post Post #1876 (isolation #98) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:19 pm

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Nice one Dats
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Post Post #1881 (isolation #99) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:41 pm

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I don't know how to feel about fire voting Andres right after his top scumread (Mistyx) votes for Andres

Making a note that pages 70-75 are worth rereading after a flip or two
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Post Post #1939 (isolation #100) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:42 pm

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In post 1918, Andresvmb wrote: CLEARLY not the first one. I didn’t want my vote to become stale and force an execution I wasn’t ready for. Sue me.
This conversation is rapidly devolving into-

"this thing andre did is scummy!"

"no it isn't!"

I doubt pursuing this further will change anyone's perceptions of you. I suggest you catch up asap to give more fleshed out reads

pedit: lmao
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Post Post #1943 (isolation #101) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:49 pm

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In post 1941, Andresvmb wrote:Any reasons that have been expressed to paint me as Scummy have already been proven to be bad because I’m Town and anyone paying close attention to my posts already understands the reasons. Frog is just the personification of stubbornness.
I think your catch up was scummy.

And you sitting there saying "but my catchup wasn't scummy because I'm actually town!" isn't going to change my mind, because it doesn't help me at all.
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Post Post #1947 (isolation #102) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:57 pm

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In post 1945, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 1943, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1941, Andresvmb wrote:Any reasons that have been expressed to paint me as Scummy have already been proven to be bad because I’m Town and anyone paying close attention to my posts already understands the reasons. Frog is just the personification of stubbornness.
I think your catch up was scummy.

And you sitting there saying "but my catchup wasn't scummy because I'm actually town!" isn't going to change my mind, because it doesn't help me at all.
The actual reasons have gone way over your head. Your insistence only makes you look worse in the long run.
Do you even know what my reasons for scumreading you are???

Or are you just talking on cruise control now

Because you haven't responded to me this entire time
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Post Post #1954 (isolation #103) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:00 pm

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Andres is just scum, right

Because this is pretty frustrating as far as mafia interactions go lol
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Post Post #1961 (isolation #104) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:15 pm

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In post 1957, Bell wrote:
In post 1954, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Andres is just scum, right

Because this is pretty frustrating as far as mafia interactions go lol
Tbh, probably not. I am genuinely town reading them for unbelievably stupid reasons.
As Syrana might say, "I'm in this picture, and I don't like it".
Why do you think they're town?
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Post Post #1965 (isolation #105) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:20 pm

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In post 1904, fireisredsir wrote:ok eh i changed my mind again I think it's more likely scum are taking advantage of frog here to push this

VOTE: misty
Did Andres' recent posts ring as towny to you?
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Post Post #1967 (isolation #106) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:24 pm

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In post 1962, Bell wrote:Because only townspeople say that they're not scum because they're town.
In post 1963, Bell wrote:Scum them know that's an incredibly stupid argument and so they don't make it because it gets them nowhere.
But spiteful, contemptuous town that thinks you're an idiot because you're objectively wrong from their point of view?
Yeah, I can see it.
Andres always struck me as a more level headed player though and I don't think players like that push arguments like . It isn't arguing in good faith
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Post Post #1970 (isolation #107) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:26 pm

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In post 1966, Frogsterking wrote:Lol omg CSF the solve is fire + andres + Bell + Ceph or very close to it. They are just spewing. They can't lose andres because of the theme so they're going all out to gaslight people into not voting andres.
I'll agree with you on fire, but I'm not convinced about Cephrir or Bell. They could just be town who really, really think fire is scum (which does fit in Bell's case since he has meta experience with Luke).

and by theme, you think Andres is a strong PR role?
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Post Post #1974 (isolation #108) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:29 pm

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For some reason, I thought you've been scumreading fire. Did my brain make that up?
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Post Post #1985 (isolation #109) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:36 pm

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In post 1982, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 1979, Cephrir wrote:No thanks, I'm too busy being stupid, howling and gaslighting nobody
See what I'm talking about CSF. For some reason andres has a role valuable enough they HAVE to try and prevent his wagon.
Town will disagree with each other though, and even tunnel and TvT each other. If town always agreed with each other, this game would be a cakewalk. As it is, I would guess Cephrir and Bell are town
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Post Post #2013 (isolation #110) » Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:05 pm

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Can you hurt mala while you're at it? She somehow has 4 votes
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Post Post #2162 (isolation #111) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:29 am

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Was that hammer? If not

HEAL: mena

HEAL: cephrir
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Post Post #2180 (isolation #112) » Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:32 am

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I think fire is e+1 just counted
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Post Post #2196 (isolation #113) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:30 am

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Summarize everything in that hood? What each of you said
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Post Post #2204 (isolation #114) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:34 am

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In post 2200, VP Baltar wrote:So catboi made himself defuser?
No his switcheroo only works if he wasn't voted as expert
But he was
So someone else messed with that
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Post Post #2209 (isolation #115) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:36 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 2205, Andante wrote:I wanna know why VP lived in hood 2... that's what I'm curious about...
We basically thought it was more likely VP was put there by scum for us to kill a townie and get another NK

More likely than scum!vp putting himself in there to wifom us since that's a huge risk with me and pooky in the thread
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Post Post #2214 (isolation #116) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:39 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 2208, Greeting wrote:
outed his role in our PT and
outright refused to solve and did everything in his power to sabotage the process, disregarding any relevant points raised and attempting to derail the PT in any possible way he could.

's role claim was an
improbable one to make for scum, because it can be verified almost immediately. If we bomb solved, he would have been confirmed. If the bomb exploded, his role would be revealed in the flip. It makes zero sense as town to not believe it.

refused to even provide any answer to the puzzle.

In these circumstances this is basically outing himself as scum.
but if he were scum, why wouldn't he just pretend to give the correct solution to the bomb and sabotage silently?

why isn't he just a VI
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Post Post #2218 (isolation #117) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:40 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 2212, Frogsterking wrote:This conclusion about the roles is based on Andnate hard claiming her role in the hood which is clearly a scum aligned PR role that seems to fire on even nights, and andres has the same thing except his fires on odd nights, which is why on N1 andres was in the hood and catboi was switched.
?? I thought andres claimed simple doctor

I'm confused
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Post Post #2231 (isolation #118) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:44 am

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In post 2226, VP Baltar wrote:This is a non-bastard game, right? Jester is the only thing I can think of.
game's confirmed to be 15:4
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Post Post #2239 (isolation #119) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:46 am

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In post 2235, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2231, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 2226, VP Baltar wrote:This is a non-bastard game, right? Jester is the only thing I can think of.
game's confirmed to be 15:4
Unless you can confirm that scum aligned roles that alter their flip on death are hard banned in Large Themes, I believe there are only 3 scum left and they're most likely Andante, andres and Greeting.
what are you smoking

this game isn't bastard if that's what you're asking
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Post Post #2248 (isolation #120) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:48 am

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In post 2245, Cephrir wrote:i feel like frog is going to flip town but it really doesn't matter. this clown needs to get out of our mafia game either way
kinda where I'm at right now too
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Post Post #2259 (isolation #121) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:51 am

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HEAL: Bell
HEAL: Enchant
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Post Post #2281 (isolation #122) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:57 am

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don't end the day until everyone checks in btw
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Post Post #2284 (isolation #123) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:58 am

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we didn't talk nearly as much as you guys did in group 2

no one gave a readslist except VP i think

and also Andres scum was a consensus read
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Post Post #2301 (isolation #124) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:04 am

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In post 2291, Andante wrote:see, we were thinking andres got thrown to group 1 like that to be SRed, andres in the hood was pretty good, catboi and I were thinking andres town for sure... like, frogster was just annoying the whole time... Greeting had the time zone difference so wasn't there too much, but was there enough and actively tried to solve with catboi
What did Andres say? I want to know what original thoughts he had, and why you tr'd him

Also I don't understand. If scum wanted Andres to be SR'ed, why wouldn't they make Andres a defuser?
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Post Post #2312 (isolation #125) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:09 am

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Frogs is at 5/9 votes btw
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Post Post #2322 (isolation #126) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:12 am

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I think if you're town, frogs, it's more likely that your hood was all town

I'm not going to elaborate on this further at this time
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Post Post #2325 (isolation #127) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:13 am

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In post 2322, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I think if you're town, frogs, it's more likely that your hood was all town

I'm not going to elaborate on this further at this time
Please remember this if i die tho
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Post Post #2330 (isolation #128) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:16 am

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dwlee are you really trying to get townread for a wagon that went nowhere

pedit @Andante: yeah I'm not going to fight his lim because I think people are never going to be able to move on from his play, but I still think he flips town :<
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Post Post #2340 (isolation #129) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:21 am

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wait frogster claimed macho cop?
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Post Post #2348 (isolation #130) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:25 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 2344, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2340, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:wait frogster claimed macho cop?
Yes. After catboi claimed "innocent child daredevil" I thought he was going to flip scum so I claimed macho cop to
imply I was a bomb so I didn't get nightkilled.

wait what? how does claiming macho cop prevent you from getting NK'd?

So it was a fakeclaim?
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Post Post #2356 (isolation #131) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:31 am

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In post 2322, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
I think if you're town, frogs, it's more likely that your hood was all town

I'm not going to elaborate on this further at this time
nvm I retract this because of frogster's cop claim lol

just ignore me :dead:
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Post Post #2368 (isolation #132) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:37 am

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hey dwlee and i agree on something for the first time in nearly 100 pages
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Post Post #2378 (isolation #133) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:39 am

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In post 2374, Andante wrote:UNVOTE:
actually day can't end yet, I want titus thoughts
and GuiltyLion
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Post Post #2394 (isolation #134) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:44 am

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In post 2385, Frogsterking wrote:I'm a TPR and it has potential to be pretty strong so I'm going to hard claim now if necessary. I really didn't expect to be in this situation because I was convinced catboi was going to flip scum.
then claim? idk what you're waiting for tbh
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Post Post #2401 (isolation #135) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:48 am

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Post Post #2418 (isolation #136) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:54 am

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Bell would be a good heal imo
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Post Post #2433 (isolation #137) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:01 am

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In post 2431, GuiltyLion wrote:actually Frog scum almost certainly hard confirms everyone else in that hood as town right? Assuming he sacrificed himself to take out IC catboi, means there wasn't a better buddy who was worse positioned than he was to take the fall
yes I think so
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Post Post #2440 (isolation #138) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:05 am

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In post 2437, GuiltyLion wrote:It is kind of a mystery why Frog didn't do it in a more subtle fashion though? only thing I can guess is solely to ensure less attention to other buddies today?
yeah I never got a satisfying answer to this
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Post Post #2447 (isolation #139) » Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:16 am

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HEAL: GuiltyLion
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Post Post #2732 (isolation #140) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:50 am

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Rundown of what happened in the pt? Especially why Mistyx was there?
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Post Post #2742 (isolation #141) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:11 am

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In post 2733, VP Baltar wrote:I softed my role and why lying about the solve would be bad for scum
Did you mean to say "would be bad for town"?
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Post Post #2746 (isolation #142) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:15 am

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If town messed with the experts, I think they should say so. Otherwise, I think we can assume scum messed with them.

I'd like to hear from Mistyx why they think they were switched into an expert role because "idk lol" isn't really a good enough answer. and now that frogs flipped town, I'd also like to hear from Andres about the same thing.
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Post Post #2748 (isolation #143) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:16 am

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In post 2745, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2742, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 2733, VP Baltar wrote:I softed my role and why lying about the solve would be bad for scum
Did you mean to say "would be bad for town"?
No. I'm saying I directly threatened anyone who lied, meaning if Mistyx was scum, she would be taking a risk by lying.
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Post Post #2754 (isolation #144) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:38 am

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Maybe scum came into the PT with the intention of not defusing but then defused because of the threat
In post 2751, Enchant wrote:What 4 defuse wincon?
If scum defuse 4 bombs, they win.
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Post Post #2806 (isolation #145) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:07 am

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In post 2799, Titus wrote:That said, I want to turbo pound Andres.
Why Andres?
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Post Post #2813 (isolation #146) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 12:32 pm

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VOTE: mala

I endorse this
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Post Post #2840 (isolation #147) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:14 pm

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Who's scum strange
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Post Post #2843 (isolation #148) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:24 pm

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No thoughts on mala?
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Post Post #2844 (isolation #149) » Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:31 pm

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In post 2824, Mistyx wrote:if you want my actual insight

bell town
confused about why everyone kept mentioning waiting for titus input earlier then entirely ignored her andres push? probably slightly scum indicative for andres
gth i would say the vote dump on mala includes a bus
Her push was entirely underwhelming

Also in the last sentence, you seem to be assuming mala will flip scum?
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Post Post #2895 (isolation #150) » Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:05 am

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Oh good, i was starting to worry there wasn't enough resistance to a mala wagon
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Post Post #3022 (isolation #151) » Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:28 pm

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tbf dwlee expressed interest in being an expert yesterday and maybe day 1 too
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Post Post #3025 (isolation #152) » Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:35 pm

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Mistyx is still scummy imo

I'd be happy if any of Mistyx/Titus/Mala/maybe Andres were limmed today
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Post Post #3027 (isolation #153) » Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:42 pm

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Enchant, did you ever explain why you don't want to be a bomb expert?
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Post Post #3028 (isolation #154) » Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:43 pm

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HEAL: vpb
HEAL: dwlee
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Post Post #3242 (isolation #155) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:12 pm

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In post 3232, Mistyx wrote:VOTE: CSF

HEAL: VP Baltar
HEAL: Dwlee99

not really a fan of strangematter getting healed what's up with that one
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Post Post #3243 (isolation #156) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:16 pm

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In post 2824, Mistyx wrote:if you want my actual insight

bell town
confused about why everyone kept mentioning waiting for titus input earlier then entirely ignored her andres push? probably slightly scum indicative for andres
gth i would say the vote dump on mala includes a bus
There's nothing in Mistyx's ISO that would explain that vote on me aside from maybe this post, which is a weird thing to post while noticeably not voting for mala
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Post Post #3244 (isolation #157) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:19 pm

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Mala why are you still not voting?
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Post Post #3248 (isolation #158) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:23 pm

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In post 3246, Bell wrote:
In post 3243, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 2824, Mistyx wrote:if you want my actual insight

bell town
confused about why everyone kept mentioning waiting for titus input earlier then entirely ignored her andres push? probably slightly scum indicative for andres
gth i would say the vote dump on mala includes a bus
There's nothing in Mistyx's ISO that would explain that vote on me aside from maybe this post, which is a weird thing to post while noticeably not voting for mala
Is it a weird post, it's pretty obvious from my point of view that if Mala is scum that yes, scum are bussing them.
I'm just not very confident they're bussing at all and not just using their numbers to push through an easy win.
But why say it's a bus and then not vote mala?
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Post Post #3251 (isolation #159) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:27 pm

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dwlee I've been leaning town but not very confident tho

pedit: ok but there was a wagon on mala?
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Post Post #3253 (isolation #160) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:28 pm

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Misty is salmon? might need to handhold me through this analogy, I've been drinking more than I should be for a week night
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Post Post #3256 (isolation #161) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:34 pm

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I feel like I'm scumreading all the people who aren't doing anything, and there's probably lazy town in there somewhere. And I dont know what to do about unless one of them decides to start playing the game for real
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Post Post #3257 (isolation #162) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:35 pm

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In post 3254, Andante wrote:drinking on a wednesday??? wild
Andante it's been a rough two days :(
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Post Post #3261 (isolation #163) » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:56 pm

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In post 3223, Enchant wrote:VOTE: Titus

Why vote Titus but not Mala?
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Post Post #3338 (isolation #164) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:46 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

It's a large Titus. Is it scummy to not wait for one person out of nineteen to catch up?

I don't understand the angle here
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Post Post #3339 (isolation #165) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:54 am

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Scum ending the day early out of a desire to silence you would only make sense if they also tried to kill you N1?

And no one's claimed to protect you so i doubt that's happening
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Post Post #3341 (isolation #166) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:55 am

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In post 3306, Cephrir wrote:humorous thought: what if enchant were scum with andres and fully aware that no one wants to join a wagon started by himself and titus so voting his partner is actually a form of protecting him
Switch enchant with Titus pushing Andres with a flimsy reason

and i lowkey think that's what's happening right now
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Post Post #3348 (isolation #167) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:08 am

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In post 3270, GuiltyLion wrote:ok I'm caught up and hey I am gonna give a quick n dirty readslist

town: {CSF, Bell, Ceph, Dwlee, Andante, Greeting}

prob-town?: {VP Baltar, Andres, Menalque}
nothing has pushed me either way: {Titus, Strange}
kinda scummy: {Pooky, Enchant}

scum: {Mala, Misty}

I'm really only feeling confident about the top and bottom tiers, middle is waffley. I do not like a lot of Pooky's most recent pushing on Dwlee. Enchant is making bad lazy votes.

CSF made a really good point in about misty's comment on Mala - I am having a hard time squaring Misty's "Mala is scum and scum are bussing her" as a genuine, real, townie thought when Misty is not also indicating real support for a Mala lim. I'd almost prefer Misty over Mala solely on that point + me thinking the swap last night had to benefit scum in SOME fashion, but I am not going to derail the Mala wagon while it is leading.
I'd also be down for a misty wagon
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Post Post #3398 (isolation #168) » Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:05 pm

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That's all I really have to say
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Post Post #3579 (isolation #169) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:01 am

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So to summarize, the hood agreed to save Andres and everyone gave bomb defusal instructions, so at least one clearly lied, is that right?
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Post Post #3592 (isolation #170) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:13 am

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Why did each person in the hood decide to save Andres?
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Post Post #3604 (isolation #171) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:36 am

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In post 3507, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 3504, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 3502, StrangeMatter wrote:As much as I would believe that, I literally explained in PT, why I thought that it wasn’t believing they were town, rather based on mechanics and an interaction that I noted.
Your thing was just you didn't think Andres/vpb was SvS but that's not exactly a hard to fabricate reason as scum
Do you seriously believe I would fabricate that as scum? And seriously, look at their interaction and tell me, yeah that is just a fabricated thought as scum.

You know why it matters because it could mean you gave the wrong info?
Why does "Andres + vpb are not SvS" make you want to defuse the bomb?
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Post Post #3607 (isolation #172) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:39 am

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In post 3606, Cephrir wrote:mechanically it would make a ton of sense for scum vpb to blow up here just sayin
So we don't feel compelled to flip him?
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Post Post #3615 (isolation #173) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:00 am

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In post 3608, StrangeMatter wrote: Explaining the Andres not SVS comes down to a simple idea. They were arguing a lot in the PT, I assumed they weren't SVS (They weren't), and I believed that there isn't 3 scum defuses (close to the wincon scum could go for but I don't know if they are) off of this. So it came down to if we defused this bomb, the defuses would be either 2, 1, or 0 scum defuses (I really don't want scum anywhere near that wincon at all), meaning it would likely be safe to defuse it that night.

Getting really tired of repeating myself there.
That just means it wouldn't have instalost us the game if you defused - that doesn't make defusing Andres the correct option there.

It's mostly just mind boggling that you don't have an independent read on Andres, even though you were in a hood with him and he was talked about a lot in the game thread
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Post Post #3628 (isolation #174) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:09 am

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In post 3603, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3592, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Why did each person in the hood decide to save Andres?
I pressed andres reasonably hard about things in his play I found scummy and told him straight up that I went back and forth on whether I thought he should live. His responses were fairly AtE, but I could see them from a town perspective potentially and was leaning that way after the questions.

I also did some math on each of the scum win cons and how close they were to either, and decided that even if he was scum seeking their first defusal, it is about even for scum seeking either wincon at that point in terms of amount of days they have to play. So, I figured we get more info if we let him live than if we agreed to kill him.
How was his play in the PT any different from here in the game thread
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Post Post #3631 (isolation #175) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:17 am

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You jest but everyone who gets hooded with Andres ends up thinking he's town and I'm just sitting here like ???

Except strange didn't townread him in the hood but strange didn't seem to have anythinged him in the hood
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Post Post #3633 (isolation #176) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:18 am

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Why is dwlee scum?
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Post Post #3635 (isolation #177) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:28 am

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VOTE: strange matter

I just don't see how town would walk away from that hood without any real read on Andres and then choose to "defuse" the bomb with some left-field explanation

I also kind of believe vpb and dwlee when they say they could've just copped to blowing up Andres in the PT, since tbh that's probably what i would've done lol.

The way this played out, they basically stuffed themselves into this weird PoE
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Post Post #3638 (isolation #178) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:40 am

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I really don't care for ate so Im fine with that
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Post Post #3656 (isolation #179) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:19 pm

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Cephrir's misty vote is a real mood. If going by day play, I'd vote there or Titus.

Not sure if we should be voting outside the pool of 3 defusers though today
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Post Post #3661 (isolation #180) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:29 pm

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In post 3657, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3656, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Not sure if we should be voting outside the pool of 3 defusers though today
Only reason would be if we thought someone goofed in their response or
if andres somehow messed up describing the bomb (which most likely isn't the case.)
yeah I don't know if this is even possible, since defusers have to accept the recommendations they were given

In post 47, Datisi wrote:
In post 46, Titus wrote:
@Datisi, does the defuser have to accept the recommendations of the experts?
yes. the defuser
accept the recommendations, and
submit solutions on their own.
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Post Post #3665 (isolation #181) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:33 pm

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In post 3662, Dwlee99 wrote:I think VP is saying Andres could have written down something about the bomb incorrectly. ex, the color of a component, or the serial code, etc.
oh right, that is a possibility, but agreed that it's unlikely
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Post Post #3669 (isolation #182) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:37 pm

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In post 3667, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 3664, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3660, Dwlee99 wrote:VP you were a defuser, is the description of the bomb just something you get in that big paragraph or do you get a picture you need to manually sit down and write a description of?
You just get pictures and have to write it out. On my first bomb, I messed up describing one of the pictures, but someone (I think CSF) corrected me.

The only text on my bombs were the serial number and it told me if it had batteries or not.
How did CSF know that your description was wrong?
VP had to describe some pictures

The first half of his description could only have matched one picture

but the second half of his description switched up the words horizontal and vertical

So even though he messed up the description, I was still like 98% sure I knew which one he was referring to
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Post Post #3673 (isolation #183) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 1:42 pm

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It doesn't hurt to cover our bases
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Post Post #3690 (isolation #184) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:02 pm

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In post 3688, GuiltyLion wrote:I currently wanna do Strange->Misty and then reassess from there, if that's 2/2 on scum then last scum probably feeling some low WIM right now
Is the Strange -> Misty order assuming Strange flips scum?
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Post Post #3691 (isolation #185) » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:04 pm

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Excited to hear who Misty and Titus think is scum in the group of 3
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Post Post #3784 (isolation #186) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:19 am

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I feel strange > vpb > dwlee in the hood
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Post Post #3786 (isolation #187) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:22 am

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If that's a result, we should all be voting vpb
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Post Post #3789 (isolation #188) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:26 am

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We know that we have confirmed scum in strange/vpb/dwlee!
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Post Post #3793 (isolation #189) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:32 am

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UGH I don't know
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Post Post #3795 (isolation #190) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:36 am

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I haven't put much thought into this except misty is scum and cephrir/andante both town

VOTE: misty
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Post Post #3798 (isolation #191) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:55 am

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Misty is lurking hard rn
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Post Post #3800 (isolation #192) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:03 am

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Misty is so scummy by day play though
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Post Post #3836 (isolation #193) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:34 am

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I will either vote in hood or vote misty. I don't think we should start cat fighting over which to do when we're probably just arguing about which scum to lim first
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Post Post #3842 (isolation #194) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:37 am

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Misty's reason for scumreading me is literally that I'm the third vote on the mala wagon

That's it

That's the tweet

It's even worse when you realize I wasn't third on the mala wagon originally. I was only third at the end of the day because VPB hopped off and back on the mala wagon.

Anyway thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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Post Post #3848 (isolation #195) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:39 am

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HEAL: cephrir
HEAL: bell
HEAL: andante
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Post Post #3849 (isolation #196) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:40 am

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VOTE: strange
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Post Post #4015 (isolation #197) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:40 am

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Let's not rush the day
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Post Post #4077 (isolation #198) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:27 pm

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Fly by posting from work

I am so confused by some of these heals

If y'all think you can read Titus better in a hood, then go ham but don't include me there since i don't think I can read Titus any better in a hood
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Post Post #4078 (isolation #199) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:32 pm

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Also if Titus is in fact just lazy town, putting her in a hood feels like setting her up for the worlds easiest mislim