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Post Post #4081 (isolation #200) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 2:23 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4058, Menalque wrote:HEAL: enchant
HEAL: pooky
HEAL: bell

I’d like to go tomorrow with CSF and ceph

Why not today
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Post Post #4084 (isolation #201) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:14 pm

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In post 4080, VP Baltar wrote:My perspective is Titus made a promise, so now she needs to deliver. Doesn't feel like setting her up for anything if she is saying she will do this because I do not understand her game so far. I will say I just finished a game with her though where she was scum and she put ALOT of effort into that
I did miss her where she asked to be an expert tonight

Hmm idk. If we do that, better pick two people we are reasonable confident are town

Cephrir and ??? Bell can't be picked and andante doesn't really want in

Maybe someone who had a good track record of reading her?

@titus, who would you want in a hypothetical expert hood tonight?
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Post Post #4102 (isolation #202) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:53 pm

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enchant doesn't even want to be an expert
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Post Post #4106 (isolation #203) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:57 pm

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I don't get it, are you townreading Enchant now, Andante?
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Post Post #4110 (isolation #204) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:02 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4107, Andante wrote:
In post 4106, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I don't get it, are you townreading Enchant now, Andante?
yes, where did I call enchant not town?
I don't remember you talking about him much at all, so this feels like it's materializing out of nothing
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Post Post #4112 (isolation #205) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:07 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4111, Andante wrote:Well when I look at the list of names, cross off inelligible, who do I want in a hood with me and titus to solve. if I remember correctly catboi called enchant town, I've been loving talking to enchant today, so my ideal dream bomb squad is me titus enchant. legooooo your amount of concern feels weird to me...
I'm paranoid that you're picking two scummy people to be in the hood with you to blame them if something goes wrong
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Post Post #4114 (isolation #206) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:15 pm

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Titus is whatever since lots of people suggested it

But Enchant does feel like pulling a name out of thin air
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Post Post #4116 (isolation #207) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:31 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

whatever andante is probably still town

I'm rereading the beginning of today and Strange's dwlee push and remembered why I voted Strange in the first place. I'm okay ending there

If Titus has given up on catching during the day, are we waiting for anything else before EOD? Just sorting out heals?

Hi Bell
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Post Post #4120 (isolation #208) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:35 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4117, Andante wrote:oh snap... you were doubting me being town? lol what?
Doubting is probably too strong a word

But I was definitely taking a step back and trying to understand your thought process behind the Enchant heal
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Post Post #4128 (isolation #209) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:45 pm

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I kindly request that the next pagetopper puts in a cat gif

Thanks in advance for your cooperation
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Post Post #4130 (isolation #210) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:50 pm

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I'm too slow :(

Lim comcast, thanks
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Post Post #4137 (isolation #211) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:46 pm

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In post 4135, Dwlee99 wrote:HURT: All
HEAL: Andante
HEAL: Enchant
HEAL: Titus

What could go wrong
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Post Post #4138 (isolation #212) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:46 pm

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at least we'll have better heal options the day after
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Post Post #4140 (isolation #213) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:55 pm

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HEAL: pooky
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Post Post #4143 (isolation #214) » Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:08 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4141, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 4137, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4135, Dwlee99 wrote:HURT: All
HEAL: Andante
HEAL: Enchant
HEAL: Titus

What could go wrong
Sure what could go wrong
Enchant trolls
Titus is MIA
Andante is sad

just off the top of my head
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Post Post #4184 (isolation #215) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:57 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4178, Menalque wrote:To be clear: not even a hint of irony there

It’s been honestly awful, and once I get home I’m going to be wrapping myself in a blanket and trying to forget

Also, I’d really like to go with GL
:( I'm really sorry

And about to, cuz you think he's town?
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Post Post #4186 (isolation #216) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:57 am

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Post Post #4189 (isolation #217) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:58 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4184, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4178, Menalque wrote:To be clear: not even a hint of irony there

It’s been honestly awful, and once I get home I’m going to be wrapping myself in a blanket and trying to forget

Also, I’d really like to go with GL
:( I'm really sorry

And about to, cuz you think he's town?
*About GL
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Post Post #4223 (isolation #218) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:20 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4217, Dwlee99 wrote:I like that Titus is coming to the same conclusions re: strange/Mistyx but for different reasons
Strange and Mistyx are kind of consensus scumread though - you don't think Titus would take this opportunity to get some bussing in?
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Post Post #4225 (isolation #219) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:22 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4213, Andante wrote:
In post 4211, GuiltyLion wrote:Andante you seem a lot more interested in using catboi's D1 reads rather than your own

having Dwlee scum over Strange here just feels motivated to avoid a Strange vote, Dwlee is town far more of the time than Strange here
yeah cause his are backed by logic and he's good
He also hasn't had time to reassess his reads after flips
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Post Post #4240 (isolation #220) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:25 am

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I think it's cephrir Titus pooky as the hood right now
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Post Post #4247 (isolation #221) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:28 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4240, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I think it's cephrir Titus pooky as the hood right now
Im okay with this

Andante and i are tied with pooky though. Can we break the tie just to be sure

HURT: andante
HURT: me (i know this doesn't work - someone please hurt me)
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Post Post #4249 (isolation #222) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:29 am

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I don't value vca all that much so if I'm in a hood with Titus, I'm just going to be annoyed lol
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Post Post #4288 (isolation #223) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:52 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4281, Menalque wrote:
In post 4276, Menalque wrote:Is anybody townreading dwlee on play btw?
Goes out to anyone but I’m most interested in CSF/GL/pooky/bell’s takes
yeah I am
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Post Post #4298 (isolation #224) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:58 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4292, Dwlee99 wrote:I also made the point (and pooky agreed so it was at least decent) that if I was planning to bus mala to go deep it doesn't make sense for me to then throw it in the dirt by forcing myself to not be able to end game.
yeah basically this

I also don't think their scumgame is that similar to their towngame. I townread their conviction in their reads and how their reads change, whereas their scumgame feels like a pale shadow of this. I don't know how to explain that better.
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Post Post #4300 (isolation #225) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:00 am

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I do think scum probably bussed mala, because why wouldn't you

I just don't think it's dwlee
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Post Post #4306 (isolation #226) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:03 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4303, Menalque wrote:
In post 3457, Datisi wrote:Dwlee99, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, PookyTheMagicalBear, GuiltyLion, Andante, Andresvmb, VP Baltar, Enchant
Who do you think bussed here? This seems p pure to me

If I had to I’d probably say pooky or maybe andante, with dwlee ruled out
yeah and why not GL or Enchant

I do kind of want to get hooded with GL tomorrow and get a better read there
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Post Post #4307 (isolation #227) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:04 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4301, Menalque wrote:Okay, thanks both, I might just be wrong here then

I guess we’ll see if strange towns, but maybe it’s more likely just 1 scum in the last night group
Why did you think Strange is town?
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Post Post #4310 (isolation #228) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:09 am

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Is Titus done yet
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Post Post #4312 (isolation #229) » Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:12 am

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VOTE: Strange E-2
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Post Post #4345 (isolation #230) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:28 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

We have a 50-50 chance of limming scum between Baltar and dwlee. We should be able to get it right today, right?

laughs nervously

Anyway, I'm feeling VPB is more likely scum between the two

The reason I started thinking he was town in the first place was a combo of drinking the wine (by buying into the logic that scum!VP wouldn't make himself defuser N1) and also because I liked his push on Andres

And the latter flipped town, so I'm not sure how much stock I should place in that anymore

Also I kind of like dwlee's wallpost. Forget the paranoia stuff, why are you townreading vp in the first place, mena?
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Post Post #4347 (isolation #231) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:30 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4337, Menalque wrote:
In post 4327, GuiltyLion wrote:they could have just openly scumread me and blown me up without much consequence
Actually, expand on this too please

I still think anyone unilaterally using the expert role to vig someone who isn’t a p consensus SR is kinda scumclaiming, so this doesn’t figure to me. I think you’re broadly p townread this game, so I’m not seeing how there would have been likely no consequence from them killing you
I don't think guilty lion is consensus townread this game

At least I wasn't
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Post Post #4348 (isolation #232) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:31 pm

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What was the back pedal?
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Post Post #4354 (isolation #233) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:36 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4349, Menalque wrote:
In post 4345, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:why are you townreading vp in the first place, mena?
I need to run through this again, but I liked his posting in the N1/D2 posting

Pedit: maybe not consensus but has anyone been scumreading him? I think it certainly would have raised several eyebrows if anyone had vigged him
I mean D2 was a complete shitshow, i don't think his posts stood out there at all

About GL, yeah thats fair
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Post Post #4369 (isolation #234) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:17 pm

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Anything exciting happen in the hood?
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Post Post #4372 (isolation #235) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:19 pm

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Lmao really
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Post Post #4402 (isolation #236) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:59 pm

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Post it anyway
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Post Post #4419 (isolation #237) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:52 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4414, Andante wrote:
In post 4411, Cephrir wrote:no he was pretty level headed for the most part

im wondering if i was the dummy getting the wool pulled over my eyes in that pt
then yeah, there’s no way GL was town.

yall we literally have to flip VP here,
cause we can potentially lose tonight after scum defuses 4th bomb
Yea this

And also building on this, we need to think about our heals carefully and
not put all of our strongest TRs in the hood

Because if VPB scum and Guilty scum, then we need to make sure at least one solid townie is always in the defusal hood to stonewall any attempt to defuse bombs
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Post Post #4420 (isolation #238) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:53 pm

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HEAL: Andante
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Post Post #4421 (isolation #239) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:54 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4419, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4414, Andante wrote:
In post 4411, Cephrir wrote:no he was pretty level headed for the most part

im wondering if i was the dummy getting the wool pulled over my eyes in that pt
then yeah, there’s no way GL was town.

yall we literally have to flip VP here,
cause we can potentially lose tonight after scum defuses 4th bomb
Yea this

And also building on this, we need to think about our heals carefully and
not put all of our strongest TRs in the hood

Because if VPB scum and Guilty scum, then we need to make sure at least one solid townie is always in the defusal hood to stonewall any attempt to defuse bombs
Oh wait, scum might have another switcheroo ability though

ugh nvm
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Post Post #4423 (isolation #240) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 4:02 pm

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Post Post #4424 (isolation #241) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 4:03 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4421, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4419, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4414, Andante wrote:
In post 4411, Cephrir wrote:no he was pretty level headed for the most part

im wondering if i was the dummy getting the wool pulled over my eyes in that pt
then yeah, there’s no way GL was town.

yall we literally have to flip VP here,
cause we can potentially lose tonight after scum defuses 4th bomb
Yea this

And also building on this, we need to think about our heals carefully and
not put all of our strongest TRs in the hood

Because if VPB scum and Guilty scum, then we need to make sure at least one solid townie is always in the defusal hood to stonewall any attempt to defuse bombs
Oh wait, scum might have another switcheroo ability though

ugh nvm
I think the right strategy is to put 2 strong townreads and a null read

Just in case
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Post Post #4432 (isolation #242) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 4:24 pm

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Post Post #4478 (isolation #243) » Sat Apr 16, 2022 5:11 pm

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It sounds like there's good reason to consider the hood all town, is that right? Because that would help immensely with POE
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Post Post #4507 (isolation #244) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 6:43 am

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Good shit guys
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Post Post #4511 (isolation #245) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:55 am

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Errr what are you confused about?
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Post Post #4516 (isolation #246) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:07 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4513, Mistyx wrote:
In post 4511, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Errr what are you confused about?
people keep saying there’s a plan but not saying what it is
Who else is scum aside from VP?
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Post Post #4530 (isolation #247) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:30 am

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In post 4523, Mistyx wrote:ceph if you thought vp scum over dwlee why would you allow the defusal to go through?

same question to pooky/titus if you agree with scum vp
This is a valid question tbh
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Post Post #4543 (isolation #248) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 9:04 am

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:( I'm sorry Cephrir
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Post Post #4553 (isolation #249) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:01 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4549, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4345, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Also I kind of like dwlee's wallpost.
that's a huge yikes
did you really expect them to case you when from their POV, you're already likely to flip scum anyway?

And yes, I thought Mena's read trajectory on you is bad. This has been talked about.

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Post Post #4555 (isolation #250) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:03 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4551, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4391, Bell wrote:Q: what is the scum team doing with their no kill thingy. I can’t keep track or make every variation of possibilities.
yes exactly!
where are the freaking kills.
this only reinforced my suspicion this morning that something we are not seeing is happening here. I've been saying it all game, but we are so focused on the night game, we are not thinking about day play here. I'm looking at people I see who are scummy and it's not matching up with what is happening at nights. That's a huge red flag that I'm concerned about.
you're town, scum should only have 2 NKs total. One was Greeting. The other can be explained away by Andres' protection.

What do you mean "where are the kill
" (plural)?
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Post Post #4557 (isolation #251) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:05 am

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In post 4553, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4549, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4345, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Also I kind of like dwlee's wallpost.
that's a huge yikes
did you really expect them to case you when from their POV, you're already likely to flip scum anyway?

And yes, I thought Mena's read trajectory on you is bad. This has been talked about.
:facepalm: sorry
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Post Post #4560 (isolation #252) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:09 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4558, VP Baltar wrote:I find andres' doc saves weird and unlikely to be kill targets unless scum are really incompetent, but fair enough on the count. Where is the other kill? If you're saying I'm scum, that just speaks more to the point I'm making.
Maybe there's a
protective lol

More seriously, maybe scum were roleblocked or maybe they're saving the third kill

More importantly, I don't think the lack of NKs should be that surprising from your POV, and I think it's a possible slip
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Post Post #4564 (isolation #253) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:15 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4555, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4551, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4391, Bell wrote:Q: what is the scum team doing with their no kill thingy. I can’t keep track or make every variation of possibilities.
yes exactly!
where are the freaking kills.
this only reinforced my suspicion this morning that something we are not seeing is happening here. I've been saying it all game, but we are so focused on the night game, we are not thinking about day play here. I'm looking at people I see who are scummy and it's not matching up with what is happening at nights. That's a huge red flag that I'm concerned about.
you're town, scum should only have 2 NKs total. One was Greeting. The other can be explained away by Andres' protection.

What do you mean "where are the kill
" (plural)?
In post 4560, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4558, VP Baltar wrote:I find andres' doc saves weird and unlikely to be kill targets unless scum are really incompetent, but fair enough on the count. Where is the other kill? If you're saying I'm scum, that just speaks more to the point I'm making.
Maybe there's a
protective lol

More seriously, maybe scum were roleblocked or maybe they're saving the third kill

More importantly, I don't think the lack of NKs should be that surprising from your POV, and I think it's a possible slip
To be clear, the slip is that you (VP Baltar) know there are 2 missing NKs.

There can only be 2 missing NKs if you're scum.
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Post Post #4567 (isolation #254) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:17 am

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In post 4563, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4560, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4558, VP Baltar wrote:I find andres' doc saves weird and unlikely to be kill targets unless scum are really incompetent, but fair enough on the count. Where is the other kill? If you're saying I'm scum, that just speaks more to the point I'm making.
Maybe there's a
protective lol

More seriously, maybe scum were roleblocked or maybe they're saving the third kill

More importantly, I don't think the lack of NKs should be that surprising from your POV, and I think it's a possible slip
Three protectives seems OP?

Could be roleblock I suppose, but also seems to fall into OP territory given how many PRs are already flipped.

What we know about scum so far is they have some kind of switching ability, and they were informed about something. So yeah, it doesn't make fucking sense from my perspective at all. Or if you believe there is a third protective/RB, then you should think scum have more power, possibly to fuck with experts. Even if scum had something like a role cop, I don't see how it counters something like three protectives.
I don't really know about balance.

The protectives that have flipped don't seem to be able to protect the bomb defuser.

Which means that once we hit 3 defusals (where we're at now), the protectives would've been pretty useless... so it doesn't seem that out of balance to me.
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Post Post #4571 (isolation #255) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:26 am

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Okay so where do you think the kills went?
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Post Post #4576 (isolation #256) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:46 am

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She did broadcast a scumread on you yesterday

It was kind of bad though
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Post Post #4577 (isolation #257) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:47 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4574, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4571, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Okay so where do you think the kills went?
no clue. Maybe scum are creating enough wifom to get through the VP and dwlee kills and then are going to have kills and start blowing up bombs to accelerate the game. I bet the numbers reflect that if dwlee and I are dead, and then scum start blowing up bombs with kills every night, they win pretty quickly.
If the plan was to stockpile kills, then the Greeting kill N3 is pretty weird

Not particularly convinced that's the strategy they're going for
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Post Post #4581 (isolation #258) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:58 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4578, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4577, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:If the plan was to stockpile kills, then the Greeting kill N3 is pretty weird
Why? Greeting and andante both claimed PRs on like D2
yea so why not kill Andante as well

I just don't think that's what scum are doing
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Post Post #4584 (isolation #259) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:00 pm

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I'm trying to understand your viewpoint and it doesn't make sense to me
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Post Post #4595 (isolation #260) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:11 pm

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In post 4586, Menalque wrote:Town is gonna lose this game lol
Mena do you know something the rest of us don't? Because if you do, now would be a great time to out it
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Post Post #4610 (isolation #261) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:24 pm

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well you'd get out of a 1v1 if you successfully shifted the lim away from {you, dwlee}

I wouldn't say you gain nothing
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Post Post #4613 (isolation #262) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:26 pm

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In post 4598, Menalque wrote:Nah, but i think that the fact that VPB is looking like the exe for today instead of dwlee means that scum has far more swing over this game than town

If I’m wrong I can eat shit for it tomorrow I guess, but I feel like by far my most reliable reads are on if a push directed at me is legit suspicion or calculated, and I think dwlee’s screams calculated — plus I really do think VPB choosing to like suggest maybe Andres fucked up or push anywhere other than dwlee is relatively suicidal for scum!him and I don’t think that VPB goes that route

I could maybe, maybe see a world where they’re both scum, but if I have to choose 1 I think dwlee is much more in line with what I’d expect from scum here (doubling down on trying to get the 1 on 1 won)
tbh I think your read on VP is weirdly strong

I went back to VP's D2 posts and I'm still not sure what there screamed town to you
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Post Post #4623 (isolation #263) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:38 pm

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Enchant, you seem to be doing well.
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Post Post #4644 (isolation #264) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 2:11 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4639, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 4364, Dwlee99 wrote:HEAL: Bell
HEAL: Andante
This is the composition of experts I'd like tonight
I still think we should only put 2 TRs in the group and throw a nullread in to be the third

Otherwise on D6, we only have {Dwlee99, Menalque, Misty, GL, Enchant} to pick from, which is just going to be a repeat of D3

Andante should absolutely go in today b/c she's most likely to get killed

Then only one of me/Bell imo
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Post Post #4684 (isolation #265) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:28 pm

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My eyes kind of glazed over the last page and a half
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Post Post #4686 (isolation #266) » Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:43 pm

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He probably mean 4668
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Post Post #4866 (isolation #267) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 5:36 am

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Anyone else getting cold feet?
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Post Post #4892 (isolation #268) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 5:46 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 4782, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4780, Andante wrote:I can hard clear dwlee. just vote VP thanks
Nobody believes you are hard clearing anyone. Also, if you're an investigator, then why not investigate me last night, the person you were scum reading all fucking game?
Kinda weird for you to not believe she has a clear though when that would fit your worldview that you+dwlee are town
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Post Post #4929 (isolation #269) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:03 am

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HEAL: bell

Bell, andante, who do we want as the third?
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Post Post #4931 (isolation #270) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:08 am

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Effectively yeah since neither GL nor misty have voted yet
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Post Post #4932 (isolation #271) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:12 am

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In post 4929, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:HEAL: bell

Bell, andante, who do we want as the third?
Maybe enchant to realize andante's D4 dream

HEAL: enchant
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Post Post #4955 (isolation #272) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:04 am

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Ummm ok

So last night's hood being all town predicates on Titus town, right?
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Post Post #4957 (isolation #273) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:05 am

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Big if
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Post Post #4972 (isolation #274) » Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:13 pm

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I honestly don't see a conspiracy, it seems like Titus individually decided to do a gambit.

And it doesn't seem like andante lied about her dwlee result either since dwlee isn't refuting it; and i agree it's unlikely for scum to be goons given town power.
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Post Post #5094 (isolation #275) » Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:43 am

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Mala arguably didn't push any agenda at all either
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Post Post #5101 (isolation #276) » Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:46 am

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In post 5035, GuiltyLion wrote:HEAL: Bell
HEAL: Andante
HEAL: Enchant

I'm not sure about Enchant but I think fairly decent odds he's town and I agree with CSF around saving a strong townread (her) for tomorrow. at the moment I don't want Menalque as an expert
It kind of scares me that youre agreeing with me this much
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Post Post #5109 (isolation #277) » Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:49 am

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Misty does feel like she's bussing since her vote comes without oomph

Although i guess thats consistent of her play this game

I dunno

I just want to hide under a blanket
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Post Post #5131 (isolation #278) » Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:57 am

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In post 4932, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 4929, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:HEAL: bell

Bell, andante, who do we want as the third?
Maybe enchant to realize andante's D4 dream

HEAL: enchant
Fix heals!! Really, we can't put all of our TRs into a single hood
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Post Post #5169 (isolation #279) » Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:09 am

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Both are high posters

I do have a seed of doubt in the back of my head that they could be both town but my brain says no
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Post Post #5222 (isolation #280) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:53 am

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VOTE: Misty

or Mena today
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Post Post #5226 (isolation #281) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:57 am

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HEAL: dwlee
HEAL: guilty

I also want to be an expert today
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Post Post #5234 (isolation #282) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:12 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

Sorry Titus but we should have blown up the bomb last night. It's just basic risk mitigation.

Although tonight, if we lim scum today, we can possibly defuse again. The only person that we cannot allow to defuse a bomb is GuiltyLion, since he has already defused once, so I propose we expert him.
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Post Post #5238 (isolation #283) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:17 am

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In post 5236, Cephrir wrote:
In post 5234, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Sorry Titus but we should have blown up the bomb last night. It's just basic risk mitigation.

Although tonight, if we lim scum today, we can possibly defuse again. The only person that we cannot allow to defuse a bomb is GuiltyLion, since he has already defused once, so I propose we expert him.
i dont think we can with GL alive
Minor correction: I meant if we lim scum today
that isn't GuiltyLion
(say, Misty, for example)

Then there's only 1 scum left going into night. Suppose the last scum alive is GuiltyLion

Then as long as he doesn't defuse any more bombs, we should be ok to let anyone else defuse at least for tonight only, right?
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Post Post #5240 (isolation #284) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:18 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 5233, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 5230, Bell wrote:Anyone else have Baltar associative insights?
yeah this

Mena's read on VPB changed in a way that is unlikely to come from town
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Post Post #5245 (isolation #285) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:30 am

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In post 5241, Mistyx wrote:
VOTE: GuiltyLion

if we flip this then pooky/ceph are town
and we sort in the rest
In post 5244, Mistyx wrote:when i say 0-2 i mean
it's either GL/Pooky, GL/Ceph, or none of them
What? This isn't even internally consistent?
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Post Post #5250 (isolation #286) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:44 am

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In post 5248, Mistyx wrote:
In post 5245, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 5241, Mistyx wrote:
VOTE: GuiltyLion

if we flip this then pooky/ceph are town
and we sort in the rest
In post 5244, Mistyx wrote:when i say 0-2 i mean
it's either GL/Pooky, GL/Ceph, or none of them
What? This isn't even internally consistent?
meant to say if this flips scum
That's how I was reading it.

"If GL flips scum, then pooky/ceph are town"

"GL is scum with pooky or ceph, or none of them are scum"
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Post Post #5274 (isolation #287) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:43 pm

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N1 PT was 7 pages total

There was some initial talk about why Andres was an expert and catboi was the defuser. There was generally a good deal of talk about Andres since that was VPB's primary scumread.

Cephrir was lightly townreading VPB and leaned toward saving, but also his TR was not that strong so he was ultimately fine with either saving or blowing him up

I started doubting my scumread on VPB, since I liked his push on andres and I didn't think scum would put scum!VP as defuser.

pooky initially came in and was like VPB you're going to die
then reconsidered a bit after VPB started pushing an Andres/pooky team
I'd say he was the most reluctant to save VPB by a good deal

Mena came in last and said we should be defusing all bombs because this game is like SH (Secret Hitler, I'm assuming), and you can get some info by trying to defuse all bombs and see which ones succeed/fail.
He solved his part really fast.
I asked him if he knew about scum's 4 defuse alternate wincon after he already posted his solve and he claimed he didn't.

So Mena was first to post his solve, then Cephrir, me, pooky in that order.
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Post Post #5275 (isolation #288) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:52 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 5209, Menalque wrote:I'm rereading our N1 pt

there is approx 0% that you make the posts you made there if you have the role you claimed
I'm not sure why Mena was so confident that VP's claim didn't jive with his N1 pt posting
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Post Post #5278 (isolation #289) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:16 pm

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All right. Who's scum?
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Post Post #5279 (isolation #290) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:18 pm

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VOTE: Mena

I'm a jailkeeper

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Post Post #5280 (isolation #291) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:18 pm

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I doubt there are 4 protectives
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Post Post #5287 (isolation #292) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:20 pm

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who did you babysit?

And no, I'm lazy JK
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Post Post #5294 (isolation #293) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:21 pm

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Because Misty and Mena are scum
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Post Post #5298 (isolation #294) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:23 pm

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How is that a crumb??
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Post Post #5304 (isolation #295) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:27 pm

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Post Post #5312 (isolation #296) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:31 pm

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In post 5285, Andante wrote:AYYYY MENA SAVED ME :)
Mena didn't save anything because I JK'd him last night
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Post Post #5324 (isolation #297) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:34 pm

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I literally think it's just Mena and Misty.
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Post Post #5330 (isolation #298) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:36 pm

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I started typing a long ass, kind of tinfoily post about why Misty and Mena are both scum earlier. Let me finish typing it up
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Post Post #5344 (isolation #299) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:43 pm

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While I was rereading last night, I noticed that both VP Baltar and The Praetorian made the same incorrect assumption about the setup.

They both thought that we could nominate the bomb
during the day.

Spoiler: VP Baltar
In post 13, VP Baltar wrote:wait so we have to lim AND defuse a bomb???? For some reason (read: not reading closely)
I thought the day play was just picking who defused the bomb.
In post 34, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 33, GuiltyLion wrote:well even if they were mandatory somehow, we'd just intentionally give bad info if we decide we want to fail all bombs by default
oh like use them as a double elim?

Spoiler: The Praetorian
In post 171, The Praetorian wrote:Hi I'm not reading the first 7 pages

nom me for defuser ty

HEAL: the praetorian

also VOTE: catboi
In post 187, The Praetorian wrote:
In post 185, The Bulge wrote:mafia chooses the defuser each night. town votes to nominate the experts. there is no fully functional townkill because even if experts choose to detonate, they are only playing scum's wifom game.
Oh lol

I thought the system was eliminate + nominate defusers
and experts

> Why would they think we could nominate defusers during the day?
A: Initially, there was this incorrectly written rule that was later corrected. Cephrir pointed it out here.
In post 78, Cephrir wrote:
In post 2, Datisi wrote:once the execution vote has been hammered and the day is over, twilight starts.
the needed number of players who at that moment have the most nominations will be the night's bomb defusers.
i think this rule is supposed to say experts at the end

<snipped for brevity>
My working theory is that someone on the scumteam read the incorrect rule and was under the assumption that we (the town collective) could nominate defusers during the day. Then, what probably went down in the Scum PT is that they spent the pregame discussing strategies around who they should nominate as the
during the day.

> Why is this important?

Because MafiaScum's favorite bat (aka Mistyx slot) also made the same mistake.
In post 116, Morning Tweet wrote:i understand it's prolly not decided but
are we trying to put town or scum in the
catboi had to correct her in .

> Is it possible that Morning Tweet/Misty is just town who also misunderstood the rules?

I think it's very unlikely.

- catboi very clearly stated in that scum choose the defusers. MT's first post was after that ---> I think MT came into the game with this preconceived notion that town can nom defusers due to talk in the Scum PT, and her brain automatically filtered out anything that was contrary.

- At best, Morning Tweet was not closely reading the game, which in a vacuum I'd say is lightly scummy.

- Even if the setup is confusing and not every townie understood the entire setup right away, the opening VC makes it very clear that you cannot nominate defusers, only experts.

- MT/Misty ISOs are also just scummy even if you don't think anything I'm writing here makes a lick of sense :mad: .

Just for fun, I went through everyone who has flipped town to see if they also explicitly made the same mistake about the setup. None of them did (although some were inconclusive):
  • Lukewarm/fireisredsir - (end of first line)
  • catboi - and again in
  • Frogsterking - somewhat inconclusive, although I'd argue that he also understood how the setup worked from
  • Andresvmb - inconclusive, his first post came way after setup confusion was cleared up
  • Greeting - very top of (in the bolded text)
  • StrangeMatter -
  • I can also add Titus to this list now -

btw, Menalque's opening post was:
In post 109, Menalque wrote:
In post 11, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i have a plan where we dont let any1 defuse any bombs because defusing bombs is boring
pooky obviously scum

also I wanna be bomb defuser
I originally wrote some stuff here where I wanted to lim Misty then Mena. But now I don't care, both can go
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Post Post #5347 (isolation #300) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:44 pm

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tl;dr just lim Mena and Misty thanks
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Post Post #5349 (isolation #301) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:46 pm

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In what world was GuiltyLion getting NK'd N1
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Post Post #5351 (isolation #302) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:47 pm

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In post 5348, Menalque wrote:Can people at least confirm that after I flip town, CSF goes tomorrow?

Unless someone wants to try and argue how CSF claiming to JK me fits with my (confirmed true post-flip) claim of being on Andy, and how that couples with no NK last night
Because scum probably didn't have an NK last night?
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Post Post #5355 (isolation #303) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:48 pm

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In post 4551, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4391, Bell wrote:Q: what is the scum team doing with their no kill thingy. I can’t keep track or make every variation of possibilities.
yes exactly!
where are the freaking kills.
this only reinforced my suspicion this morning that something we are not seeing is happening here. I've been saying it all game, but we are so focused on the night game, we are not thinking about day play here. I'm looking at people I see who are scummy and it's not matching up with what is happening at nights. That's a huge red flag that I'm concerned about.
VPB kind of let slip that there are 2 missing NKs

Which means that scum has likely used up 3 NKs by day 5

So the only way that scum had a kill last night is if GuiltyLion is scum AND they chose to use the NK from GL's defuse last night
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Post Post #5361 (isolation #304) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:55 pm

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GL is the only unresolved defuse, we definitely don't have two town defuses
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Post Post #5367 (isolation #305) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:01 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

I kind of determined at some point that if I were to claim, I would claim full JK to try and bait the NK, but then decided it doesn't matter since scum is likely just you/Misty anyway

But does it even matter fypov? Do you think either full JK or lazy JK can coexist with another protective?
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Post Post #5369 (isolation #306) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:04 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 5277, Menalque wrote:
In post 5228, Bell wrote:But Titus asked that people suspect Andante for their push against them.
I’m a gated protective, I crumbed it D1 and it’s why I hammered fire so fast (i believed Andres’ claim and didn’t think there’d be a third protective role)

Last night I was on Andy, and I suspect that’s why no night kill outside titus, given that there’s no reason for scum to be saving their NKs with Baltar outed
Also you didn't think there'd be a third protective

But on D2 after fire flipped town, you *still* thought Andres was town???
In post 2582, Menalque wrote:My current reads (update):

town: Andante, Greeting, Andres, GL, Bell, CSF, Ceph, VP Baltar, enchant

null town: pooky
null for lack of engagement with them: Strange, mala, dwlee

good odds of scum: Titus

scum: misty, frog


pedit: appreciate the thought, Andres, but I was an expert last night and am therefore ineligible
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Post Post #5371 (isolation #307) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:06 pm

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I would just not claim JK if I were scum...
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Post Post #5375 (isolation #308) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:13 pm

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I'll hammer Misty.
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Post Post #5377 (isolation #309) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:15 pm

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I really do think the nominating defuser thing is a scum slip. See .
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Post Post #5380 (isolation #310) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:18 pm

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I wonder what kind of OP role Misty has.
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Post Post #5385 (isolation #311) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:23 pm

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In post 5383, Dwlee99 wrote:

Everyone read this WHOLE post please. It fits exactly with what has already been pointed out about Menalque/Mistyx 1.) Just seeming like scum and 2.) Having terrible associatives with the flipped scum.
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Post Post #5387 (isolation #312) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:24 pm

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In post 5377, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I really do think the nominating defuser thing is a scum slip. See .
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Post Post #5404 (isolation #313) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:42 pm

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I will if literally anyone outside of {Mena, Misty} asks me to
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Post Post #5413 (isolation #314) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:51 pm

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In post 5388, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i can't possibly imagine scum!CSF making 5344

that is a work of art
In post 5386, Bell wrote:Ah, mena. Bad cat.

@kitty: don’t answer.
Does oog mean out of game influence?

I wasn't linking to a different thread, so there's no concerns about that here - I just mistyped a number that was higher than what we had in the thread, tried to fix it during preview, but I didn't clear the hash
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Post Post #5414 (isolation #315) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:52 pm

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In post 5411, Menalque wrote:CSF, what does town possibly stand to lose from you claiming targets?
Idk but you're the one asking, so I don't want to answer, sorry
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Post Post #5416 (isolation #316) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:53 pm

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In post 5412, Menalque wrote:something something DGB, something soemthing true claims take a second fakeclaims take forever
I claimed like right away after you said you were protective though
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Post Post #5422 (isolation #317) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:57 pm

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It's been almost two hours since I outted my role. Even scum!me would have thought of convincing night targets by now.

I have a reason for withholding. Perhaps not a good one, but I do have one.
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Post Post #5425 (isolation #318) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:01 pm

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pooky is... probably the only person I townread who's not advocating for misty over one of us. Maybe dwlee too, I can't remember. Bourbon is good.
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Post Post #5426 (isolation #319) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:01 pm

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Oh wait nvm, I misread your post.
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Post Post #5430 (isolation #320) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:32 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

Wait really?

Because if you're not invest, then there's been 0 invest flips so far, so maybe Mena's theory that Datisi stacked this game with protectives has some footing to it.

Also Mena claimed to have protected you yesterday, not me. I jailkept Mena yesterday.
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Post Post #5432 (isolation #321) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:36 pm

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In post 5430, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Wait really?

Because if you're not invest, then there's been 0 invest flips so far, so maybe Mena's theory that Datisi stacked this game with protectives has some footing to it.

Also Mena claimed to have protected you yesterday, not me. I jailkept Mena yesterday.
Eh no, Mena's read progression on VPB was very shaky, and I'm standing by the nominating defuser thing being suss
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Post Post #5437 (isolation #322) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:49 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

okay, I think I believe Andante.

I jailkept Andante N4. The reason I didn't want to out my jailkeep targets earlier when Mena was asking was because Andante hinted that she vanilla copped dwlee N4. So I was like ???? how when I jailkept her? I was a bit suspicious of Andante because of that, but she was pretty townie by dayplay, so I thought it wasn't worth outing my role to 1v1 her, especially since I didn't want to derail the VP lim or out my role just yet to make me susceptible to possible NKs.

After VP's flip, I thought maybe scum had used their ascetizer ability on Andante. And rereading day 2, I got the impression that VP and Andante weren't aligned.

Now that Andante has claimed VT, I have no reason to not out my jailkeep targets.

N1: Frogsterking (lol)
N2: Bell
N3: Cephrir
N4: Andante
N5: Menalque
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Post Post #5438 (isolation #323) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:49 pm

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AMA :)
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Post Post #5439 (isolation #324) » Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:52 pm

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What's the VC on Misty? I might vote her.
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Post Post #5461 (isolation #325) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:35 am

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VOTE: misty
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Post Post #5462 (isolation #326) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:38 am

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In post 5451, Enchant wrote:
In post 5404, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I will if literally anyone outside of {Mena, Misty} asks me to
But i asked even before!
Why the fuck you even hiding this?
Sorry i missed it ._.

Ideally i wanted andante to claim before I claimed my targets
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Post Post #5463 (isolation #327) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:38 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 5437, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:okay, I think I believe Andante.

I jailkept Andante N4. The reason I didn't want to out my jailkeep targets earlier when Mena was asking was because Andante hinted that she vanilla copped dwlee N4. So I was like ???? how when I jailkept her? I was a bit suspicious of Andante because of that, but she was pretty townie by dayplay, so I thought it wasn't worth outing my role to 1v1 her, especially since I didn't want to derail the VP lim or out my role just yet to make me susceptible to possible NKs.

After VP's flip, I thought maybe scum had used their ascetizer ability on Andante. And rereading day 2, I got the impression that VP and Andante weren't aligned.

Now that Andante has claimed VT, I have no reason to not out my jailkeep targets.

N1: Frogsterking (lol)
N2: Bell
N3: Cephrir
N4: Andante
N5: Menalque
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Post Post #5489 (isolation #328) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 10:39 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 5464, Cephrir wrote:
In post 5350, Andante wrote:can we just lim misty and let the prot claims sort themselves out tonight? like, we all agree Misty is maf, so we just lim misty. that easy
this is a good idea. if misty/mena is the team csf's jailkeep will stop the kill so at worst scum have to not kill anyone tonight
Unfortunately my role is lazy so it will not work if Misty flips scum
In post 5465, Cephrir wrote:also i find csf's defuser case fairly compelling. i think
mena's ":i want to be defuser" post is weird for him to make if he's telling the truth about being a town protective and also understands what the defuser is
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Post Post #5492 (isolation #329) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:28 pm

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Misty not dead yet? rip
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Post Post #5495 (isolation #330) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:19 pm

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I think we're all just waiting for the Misty flip atp so I'm ready to end the day
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Post Post #5496 (isolation #331) » Sat Apr 23, 2022 6:19 pm

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And Bell is waiting for Coachella to end so he can get the GuiltyLion content he so craves :P
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Post Post #5628 (isolation #332) » Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:24 pm

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In post 5527, Menalque wrote:anyway, I guess I do have something to say

Pooky -> GL -> Bell -> Enchant -> CSF -> Dwlee99 -> Andante
Did you already explain why Enchant is so high up?


How do you crumb as scum?

And tbh, I'm still confused why you would think GuiltyLion or VPB were going to be nightkilled. GuiltyLion wasn't even townread enough Day 1 to be healed as one of

and in a hypothetical world where VPB was town, he was never going to be nightkilled, because scum wanted him alive for the WIFOM (since he had defused 2 bombs).
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Post Post #5629 (isolation #333) » Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:42 pm

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Also Mena, I feel like your read on VP is all over the place:
In post 2566, Menalque wrote:<...>
My current reads:

town: Andante, Greeting, Andres, GL, Bell, CSF, Ceph

null: VP Baltar
you were nullreading him coming into Day 2 (although I distinctly recall you saying he was towny in the PT later... maybe during Day 5? I'll see if I can dig up the post later)
In post 2582, Menalque wrote:My current reads (update):

town: Andante, Greeting, Andres, GL, Bell, CSF, Ceph, VP Baltar, enchant
what happened between these two posts?

I feel like your arguments "why would I do xyz was scum here?" aren't that convincing because for a large part of the game, it did feel like you were trying to just divert from scum lims and it just didn't swing in your favor.
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Post Post #5645 (isolation #334) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:53 am

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Mena partial quoting on the phone isn't working but about 5368:

- you didn't quote the posts where I really started thinking Andres was scum. I basically saw something shinier and moved there.

- i thought there was this collective agreement that defusers would blow up people we weren't townreading. Even though I liked VP's Andres push, i still wasn't townreading him if that makes sense
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Post Post #5646 (isolation #335) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:55 am

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Tbh last scum is a switcher

and i could see datisi putting in the four different types of protectives (jk, babysitter, doc, bodyguard) into the game for fun

That's giving me some doubt
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Post Post #5647 (isolation #336) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:00 am

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In post 5642, Andante wrote:also, whoever that was like "all 4 maf said we elected defusers" like... why would only the maf say it?? if I see something being said here, I'll roll with it, like if yall are saying we're electing defusers, I'll say it too, doesn't make me scum, sure 3 of the maf said it, but ehhh not sure I buy that only all 4 maf said it
That was me

You could check if town made the same mistake. I don't think anyone else did

The mixing up defuser and expert case isn't that solid against mena as it was for morning imo, since there's a simple explanation for it if he's town (which isn't the case for Mt)
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Post Post #5649 (isolation #337) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:09 am

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Eh we have plenty of time, I'll reread this weekend

Mena you still have a night action tonight, right?
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Post Post #5654 (isolation #338) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:17 am

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yeah that was the "simple explanation" I referenced in [post]5647[/pos] if you are town because, clearly, a lot of people (including the mod hello Datisi) mix those two words up

but not a lot thought we could actually nom the defuser, which is a big difference
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Post Post #5657 (isolation #339) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:20 am

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I also felt VPB wasn't going anywhere as a wagon and wanted to go elsewhere

I think I also voted fireisred at one point out of sheer boredom lol
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Post Post #5666 (isolation #340) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:31 am

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In post 5658, Menalque wrote:CSF, not asking you to out but just want to make sure I'm not going crazy -- you are an alt of someone I know, right?
Yes but I haven't played on my main in years. This kitty account is my main now :3
In post 5659, Menalque wrote:
In post 5657, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I also felt VPB wasn't going anywhere as a wagon
why not try to get it going yourself?
I think I did try ;_;
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Post Post #5699 (isolation #341) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:33 pm

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In post 5669, Menalque wrote:and for the second thing... um, would you mind showing me the posts where you think you did this? because I don't really see it from your ISO
Spoiler: some posts
In post 965, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I could vote either VP or fire atp
In post 870, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Morning Tweet

VP I promise I'll skim through that game at some point tonight for ya,
main thing I'm just trying to see is if the style of asking a bunch of questions and posting random largely meaningless observations
( another one that pinged me much in the same vein) is fully in line with your town game, seems fire (slash maybe a couple others IIRC?) is vouching for that but just want to check it myself
I largely agree with this observation. I was kind of surprised that VP is second top poster when I opened up the activity overview, because I don't really remember their posts or recall their stances.

Keep us updated on the metadive
In post 1077, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 998, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 965, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I could vote either VP or fire atp
In post 870, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Morning Tweet

VP I promise I'll skim through that game at some point tonight for ya,
main thing I'm just trying to see is if the style of asking a bunch of questions and posting random largely meaningless observations
( another one that pinged me much in the same vein) is fully in line with your town game, seems fire (slash maybe a couple others IIRC?) is vouching for that but just want to check it myself
I largely agree with this observation. I was kind of surprised that VP is second top poster when I opened up the activity overview, because I don't really remember their posts or recall their stances.

Keep us updated on the metadive
This kind of looks like you just testing the waters of wagons that are semi-popular and saying your fine with either.

It's also pretty silly to be like "vp isn't memorable!" when your ability to remember things I've said and my positions is not my problem. Have better reading retention. I also don't know a thing you've done this game, but that's not an actual reason alone to scum read a person because I could say that about lots of players in a large game.

You may think my questions are pointless, but they aren't to me and how I'm feeling people out, which is all I care about.
Sure I don't have a read on Andres or The Bulge or other people, but they've barely posted or haven't posted enough for me to feel strongly one way or another

the difference with you is that you've posted a lot, but somehow your posts haven't stood out unlike the other active posters. My reading retention isn't the problem if I can remember other active posters.
In post 1181, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1159, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1157, Bell wrote:I feel bad that I scum read baltar for their effort post.
The reason I am compelled to scum read it, is because their reads, read like characterizations first and sorting people second.
I'm always judging
Why is this your response to someone scumreading you for your readslist?
In post 1184, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1139, VP Baltar wrote:Cat Scratch Fever -
I REALLY don't like her trying to draft off GL onto me for some wild ass reasons like "I don't remember you".
Open my ISO if you don't remember me. Her saying she is fine with fire or VP also seems opportunistic. Need to read if she is having serious conversations with fire trying to find his alignment, because I didn't don't think she was doing that with me at all.
Me not remembering you is a sign that you haven't made any notable pushes, and you're here in the thread but not making waves. It's not that I haven't read your posts or parts of your ISO.

If you need me to describe it in terms of buzzwords, I guess "active lurking" is the best fit.

Why is this point unbelievable when Cephrir basically said the same thing about you?
In post 1193, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1191, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1181, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1159, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1157, Bell wrote:I feel bad that I scum read baltar for their effort post.
The reason I am compelled to scum read it, is because their reads, read like characterizations first and sorting people second.
I'm always judging
Why is this your response to someone scumreading you for your readslist?
Because I think it is funny
do you think it's a fair assessment of your post? like does it affect your read of Bell?
In post 1204, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1201, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1184, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Me not remembering you is a sign that you haven't made any notable pushes, and you're here in the thread but not making waves. It's not that I haven't read your posts or parts of your ISO.
Do you think you are making waves? cause like, I have news for you....
Terrible deflection

Also you have more than twice as many posts as I have, so not at all relevant
In post 1380, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 1277, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 1193, Cat Scratch Fever wrote: do you think it's a fair assessment of your post? like does it affect your read of Bell?
I don't think it's a fair assessment. I don't even particularly know what it means. But it was also Friday, and after putting like 30 mins into trying to sort generally where my feelings on the game were at, I wanted to go drink some beer and chill, not get into a back and forth with someone right then.

As far as how I feel about Bell, I don't know if it was a bad faith bit of shading or not. I guess I'll see what he does with it or if he wants to explain further.
I thought it was scummy to post a readslist and not want to talk about it, since that's the primary reason for posting one. Your explanation for not wanting to get into a back and forth right away is plausible though I'm not sure i believe it. Since it doesn't really move the needle for me, let's just move on.

Your scumpool is alarming.

The one point you made against me that was valid was that I have not engaged a lot with you, which is probably true. But everything else I didn't think was fair.

There's Strange who is kind of just always LHF, because he struggles with expressing himself. Idk if you've played with him before and I won't hold this point against you if you haven't, but this scumread doesn't sway my opinion of you.

There's Titus, who I think was sick or something, and confidently asserted that she sometimes takes a backseat day 1. Why would she lie about something that can be so easily fact checked?

For Mala - idk how to read Koba and admittedly, the longer Mala goes without posting, the more concerned I get. The time I played with town Mala years ago, I vaguely recall her being obvtown. But she also has a busy/stressful job, so imo give her a couple more RL days to get into the game.

Overall, it gave me the impression that you went like: "hmm I have CSF and Strange in here and I should probably have a couple more scumreads, why not throw Titus and Mala in here?"

The other problem I have with your readslist is that I'm not sure everything tracks - fire is town because you vibe with his reads. But fire's scumpool {MT, Menalque, Andres} doesn't overlap with your scumpool here, so I'm not sure how that ended up being town for you
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Post Post #5700 (isolation #342) » Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:34 pm

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Enchant, why was Titus "blatant town"?
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Post Post #5878 (isolation #343) » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:15 am

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I will start my rereading tonight. This is a prodge.

Also based on skimming the last few pages, there are multiple people assuming we have 2 mislims. How do we know that when we don't know how many NKs scum have left? Worst case scenario, don't we only have 1 mislim?

8 alive today - D7
We mislim - 7 alive going into N7
We then blow up town (hypothetical scenario in which town!GL gets put up for bomb defuser) and scum NKs someone else --> 5 alive going into D8
We mislim again - 4 alive
Repeat N7 --> 2 alive gg

Tomorrow could be ELO or MELO if we fuck up today, right?
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Post Post #5884 (isolation #344) » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:55 am

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Enchant if you believed that, then why were you pushing andante
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Post Post #5886 (isolation #345) » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:57 am

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Like i think it's very likely that scum rigged andante's group to blow up to chain miselims in that group

Which makes andante likely town in my eyes
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Post Post #5888 (isolation #346) » Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:01 am

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-_- ok
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Post Post #5911 (isolation #347) » Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:30 pm

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In post 5908, GuiltyLion wrote:not sure if anyone is still seriously pushing Mena but Mena/MorningTweet feel quite unaligned in their back and forth on the first 7 pages

VP Baltar's also makes me think town!Mena - it's rare you see scum ask scum to explain read on another scum, very janky angle for conversation it puts pressure on the ask-ee to continue to post a plausible anti-associative read on their partner
I kind of had the opposite reaction tbh
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Post Post #5988 (isolation #348) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 8:41 am

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I only got to page 60 yesterday because i fell asleep, so I'm going to be here for a while after getting food

I looked at your quote wall Mena, and I'm not that convinced by it, since I feel like it's missing some context -- like people healing VPB was because lmao did you look at the other heal options we had on D3? And I haven't gotten there in my reread obviously, but I remember dwlee didn't start towning it up until D3 at the earliest or D4 so some of pooky's read changes can possibly be ascribed to that.

Also pooky's interactions with VPB and MT on D1 don't look aligned. pooky kept trying to engage MT and getting stonewalled by her. I guess if they were SvS, the explanation for this would be MT was just not confident in her scum abilities to keep an SvS conversation going, but it seemed more like MT was afraid to interact with pooky to me? I'd appreciate a second opinion on this.
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Post Post #5994 (isolation #349) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:29 am

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I feel like it shouldn't be that hard to convince myself that one of Enchant/Menalque/GuiltyLion are town

But it is

So I'm not sure I can honor your request Bell. Can you summarize why pooky is scum again? Is it the AtE today or the stuff from Mena's case?
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Post Post #5995 (isolation #350) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:32 am

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In post 2564, Menalque wrote:my take on our hood is that CSF and ceph were towny, pooky was scummy, and VP was neutral

also we need to track NKs

no kill last night means scum should have 1 kill.
if they have 2, it means that VPB is confscum, or if there's an extra nk after tomo then it means that (VPB, n2 defuser) contains at least 1 scum etc
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Post Post #5997 (isolation #351) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:37 am

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He kind of lost his shit in GnG's Upick Mafia too: https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... er_sort=Go

First 100 or so posts
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Post Post #5999 (isolation #352) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:40 am

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If pooky is scum, then I may not be :yawn:
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Post Post #6013 (isolation #353) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:13 pm

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In post 6008, GuiltyLion wrote:I got to page 25 yesterday, gonna keep rereading from there for a bit as I lay in bed
In post 5988, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Also pooky's interactions with VPB and MT on D1 don't look aligned. pooky kept trying to engage MT and getting stonewalled by her. I guess if they were SvS, the explanation for this would be MT was just not confident in her scum abilities to keep an SvS conversation going, but it seemed more like MT was afraid to interact with pooky to me? I'd appreciate a second opinion on this.
Which MT posts give you that impression? I've been rereading specifically looking for things that look unaligned to me and I haven't seen anything that made me think Pooky was definitely unaligned with the scums. And on a pure gut level and from VPB felt a lot like teammate interactions, though I know from a rational perspective it's prob NAI since I can imagine worlds where that's T-S
These were the posts MT didn't respond to, and it feels like she didn't know how to respond to them

In post 346, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 343, Morning Tweet wrote:see how what is going to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
did you roll scum or something
In post 474, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:tweetie do you think I am "polished scum" ?
In post 1092, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 1089, Morning Tweet wrote:GL still lines up with my impression of him as scum
can you elaborate on this? what is setting off your bat sensors?
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Post Post #6016 (isolation #354) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:20 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 6009, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 712, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 702, fireisredsir wrote:- 595 hmm bad vibes here from menalque
This is the only other spot where I was like 'huh?' on your analysis.

Why does that post give you bad vibes?
again not the strongest evidence but I feel like this is usually not a post scum makes if they're partnered with Menalque
I'm probably biased, but looking at VPB's interactions, I feel like he only went hard against town in the first few days (me, Strange, Andres, tried to go on Titus a bit before swinging back to mala).

And looking at how VPB treated Mena with white gloves doesn't make me want to TR him. E.g. this post from Day 3 had zero follow up:

Spoiler: VP talking about Mena
In post 2860, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2855, Menalque wrote:VOTE: baltar
Kitty save kitty.
In post 2856, Menalque wrote:oh, and lastly that despite frog's (probable) relative insanity, his flipping town does mean that all of GL/andres/andante should be looked at again, and what frog said about the PT does actually need to be weighed
While I'm glad you're ready to look at andres again, I doubt froggy has much of value to comb over considering he seemed to have lied about his role and did murder an IC. What is your thought on greeting, btw?

Contrast that to this:

Spoiler: VP talking to Andante
In post 2864, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2862, Andante wrote:yeah umm VP having 2 bombs worries me tbh, and going "frog had value!!! must read into it!!" is not something I really want to deal with... frog just trolled around in the PT why are you implying all 3 of me greeting andres lied about what went on??
Uh...this is not what I said at all.
In post 2872, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2864, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2862, Andante wrote:yeah umm VP having 2 bombs worries me tbh, and going "frog had value!!! must read into it!!" is not something I really want to deal with... frog just trolled around in the PT why are you implying all 3 of me greeting andres lied about what went on??
Uh...this is not what I said at all.
You going to reply to this andante?

I also find your reads incredibly stagnant. You were on me D1, then you found a reason to get off me with frogster, now you're back on me. I think your strange vote lacks inspiration (and conviction since you voted with her like two seconds later).

I really don't know who you actually think is scum and why you think that.
In post 2880, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2876, Andante wrote:how are my reads stagnant?
They're boring and unchanging based upon new information. If you would like me to cite a dictionary for you, I will.

He also didn't hardpush Enchant either I guess fwiw, so like this doesn't lock Mena as scum but I definitely don't think those easy softball questions in VP's ISO should be used to townread Mena

But I definitely got the overall vibe that VP didn't want to hardbus unless he had to (he did hardbus with Misty but presumably because he "had to")
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Post Post #6017 (isolation #355) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:26 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 6015, GuiltyLion wrote:
I think a big question for this game is

a) If town!Pooky, why does scum put VPB into his hood on N1 after Pooky posts this pretty damning (in hindsight) point against VPB
b) if town!Pooky, how did he evolve from here to helping VPB defuse the bomb?

Menalque brought this up in his case against Pooky and I do think it feels wonky that scum put VPB in a hood with Pooky and VPB walked out of it alive, when Pooky was scumraeding VPB D1 and is enough of a loose cannon that I fully believe he wouldn't be afraid to vig a scumread
Is this at pooky or anyone in the N1 hood?
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Post Post #6022 (isolation #356) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:46 pm

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In post 5274, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:N1 PT was 7 pages total

There was some initial talk about why Andres was an expert and catboi was the defuser. There was generally a good deal of talk about Andres since that was VPB's primary scumread.

Cephrir was lightly townreading VPB and leaned toward saving, but also his TR was not that strong so he was ultimately fine with either saving or blowing him up

I started doubting my scumread on VPB, since I liked his push on andres and I didn't think scum would put scum!VP as defuser.

pooky initially came in and was like VPB you're going to die
then reconsidered a bit after VPB started pushing an Andres/pooky team
I'd say he was the most reluctant to save VPB by a good deal

Mena came in last and said we should be defusing all bombs because this game is like SH (Secret Hitler, I'm assuming), and you can get some info by trying to defuse all bombs and see which ones succeed/fail.
He solved his part really fast.
I asked him if he knew about scum's 4 defuse alternate wincon after he already posted his solve and he claimed he didn't.

So Mena was first to post his solve, then Cephrir, me, pooky in that order.
i'll try to give a post-by-post recap of the important part that went down:

- Pooky came into the thread and was all like "VP you're dying tonight" (the "bluster")

- VP then made a post that could be construed as pocketing towards pooky

- pooky said pocketing him wasn't going to work

- and then VP started ATE'ing and said pooky was bad and referenced some Legend of the Hidden Temple game

- then VP said pooky was probscum in the very next post

- VP started towncasing himself and started pushing Andres/pooky as a team and accused pooky of doing nothing N1

- that's when pooky seemed to reconsider.

- next post, cephrir also said vpb was kinda towny too

so yeah, I get the groupthink defense that Pooky was saying, bc tbf to him, no one was pushing VP as much as we should've >_<

I don't think Mena initiated convo with VP all that much or really talked about his VP read in the PT. Instead VP was the one asking Mena questions (he asked Mena why he lolhammered fire and what Mena thought of Andres)

idk if this helps at all
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Post Post #6023 (isolation #357) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:48 pm

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In post 6020, GuiltyLion wrote:is it just Mena after all

have I effectively exhausted every avenue of paranoia around Andante/Enchant/Pooky yet before coming back to the obvious answer
lmfao this game is driving me up a wall too
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Post Post #6024 (isolation #358) » Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:48 pm

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wait why is Enchant not scum?
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Post Post #6086 (isolation #359) » Wed May 04, 2022 11:48 am

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I never finished my reread yesterday but I'll restart from day 3 with mena and gl flip in mind tonight when I'm off work

Also holy shit you hood people have nerves of steel!
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Post Post #6103 (isolation #360) » Wed May 04, 2022 4:43 pm

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I like the new avi, Pooky.
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Post Post #6108 (isolation #361) » Wed May 04, 2022 4:50 pm

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In post 6074, GuiltyLion wrote:so scum has used 2 kills

we know they should have had at least 4 (1 at gamestart, 2 from VPB defuses, 1 from GL+Andante regardless of Andante's alignment), there's a world where Andante is scum where they have 5.

nearly certainly at least one was saved between all the protectives/JKing in the first few nights

is it worth trying to speculate what happened to the other one?
Idk if it helps but

N4 I was on Andante
There was no kill N5 since I jailkept Mena
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Post Post #6133 (isolation #362) » Wed May 04, 2022 5:51 pm

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Spoiler: Enchant very early D3
In post 2751, Enchant wrote:What 4 defuse wincon?
In post 2752, Enchant wrote:I just noticed.

In post 2755, Enchant wrote:Yeah i just read modpost.

Pretty boring.


I am sorry.

Reading day 3, I don't really feel like Enchant is scum here.
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Post Post #6138 (isolation #363) » Wed May 04, 2022 5:53 pm

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In post 6132, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:actually explains why Titus/Glion were made bomb defusers too

he probably wanted both of them to blow up
But he didn't blow them up though
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Post Post #6144 (isolation #364) » Wed May 04, 2022 5:56 pm

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In post 6141, Bell wrote:I blew up Titus.
Oh right. Although I still think that was the right play.
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Post Post #6151 (isolation #365) » Wed May 04, 2022 6:00 pm

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I don't think I would've spared GuiltyLion to be honest. I don't know though. Anyway back to reading.
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Post Post #6174 (isolation #366) » Wed May 04, 2022 6:48 pm

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Bell probably just had an off game. It happens

I think it's just Pooky too. Although I'm interested in hearing Andante's Enchant case.
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Post Post #6208 (isolation #367) » Thu May 05, 2022 9:46 am

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In post 6199, Andante wrote:Didn't CSF claim a doc thing.. that was direct CCs with Mena...
and the only reason mena was yeeted?
what happened to that
what on earth

and yes I am lazy jk
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Post Post #6209 (isolation #368) » Thu May 05, 2022 9:48 am

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Pooky did raise a point I didn't think of before; Frogster was unlikely to be killed N1 because he was probably in that rigged group
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Post Post #6211 (isolation #369) » Thu May 05, 2022 3:33 pm

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I'll be
v/la this Friday - Sunday
weekend tripping : )
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Post Post #6307 (isolation #370) » Sat May 07, 2022 10:20 am

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I skimmed icebox's ISO from that Shakespeare game and it doesn't sound very similar here. He's wittier as town.
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Post Post #6308 (isolation #371) » Sat May 07, 2022 10:21 am

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In post 6292, Andante wrote:I'm still good with yeeting enchant
Then make the case?
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Post Post #6310 (isolation #372) » Sat May 07, 2022 10:27 am

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Bells hydra
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Post Post #6317 (isolation #373) » Sat May 07, 2022 10:57 am

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Do you have some games where your reads weren't good as town
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Post Post #6320 (isolation #374) » Sat May 07, 2022 11:11 am

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Should I be concerned that you haven't tunneled anyone this game? Not as far as I can recall anyway
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Post Post #6321 (isolation #375) » Sat May 07, 2022 11:11 am

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Actually just remembered luke
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Post Post #6419 (isolation #376) » Sun May 08, 2022 6:16 pm

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In post 6404, Dwlee99 wrote:I figure GL and CSF will also care after mother's day
yes! I'm back from V/LA, and I never got to finish my reread yesterday

and I'm rereading today's posts right now because I've been skimming here and there
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Post Post #6440 (isolation #377) » Mon May 09, 2022 8:57 am

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No longer feeling like Enchant is scum?
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Post Post #6443 (isolation #378) » Mon May 09, 2022 8:59 am

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oof exams, good luck!
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Post Post #6447 (isolation #379) » Mon May 09, 2022 9:44 am

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In post 6260, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Maybe you all think I'm wrong about Bell.

Talk to me - tell me where I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong about how the math works out. Tell me why you townread him. Tell me what you're actually thinking about this game.
It sounds like Spring Fling was an unusually good game for Bell (no offense intended - this is kind of straight from Bell anyway), so I don't think it's that fair to scumread Bell for having bad reads.

Also I do think Bell has a towny tone, which is maybe "subjective as hell," but I think my metareads tend to be pretty good and I focus mostly on tone >_<


The math stuff looks right about scum not needing to kill GuiltyLion (under the assumption that they can NK both tonight and tomorrow night) - but can't the same argument be applied to scum!Enchant or scum!Andante?
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Post Post #6448 (isolation #380) » Mon May 09, 2022 9:48 am

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Andante when you get back, can you explain how you went from dwlee is scum at the end of day 4 to VPB is scum at the beginning of day 5?

In post 4265, Andante wrote:VOTE: Dwlee
In post 4279, Andante wrote:no. I TR nothing about Dwlee. Dwlee has only significantly changed their playstyle after pooky and I were like "dwlee has done 0 solving"
In post 4282, Andante wrote:now dwlee is maf purposely angering me. whatever
--- end of day 4 with Strange limmed ---
In post 4334, Andante wrote:VOTE: VP
In post 4502, Andante wrote:Dwlee is town
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Post Post #6449 (isolation #381) » Mon May 09, 2022 10:03 am

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I also want to talk about Enchant. I think Enchant seems town by virtue of his D3-D5 posting; his progressions seem natural for the most part and his interactions seem very much not SvS with VP, but I need feedback from people. I can type up a more coherent towncase if that'll help people to engage, but here are some quotes:
In post 6133, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
Spoiler: Enchant very early D3
In post 2751, Enchant wrote:What 4 defuse wincon?
In post 2752, Enchant wrote:I just noticed.

In post 2755, Enchant wrote:Yeah i just read modpost.

Pretty boring.


I am sorry.

Reading day 3, I don't really feel like Enchant is scum here.
There's this and some D4 posts

In post 3475, Enchant wrote:
In post 3472, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3469, Menalque wrote:Also we kill in (VPB, dwlee, strange) today, no debate
Yep. I'm thinking strange.
In post 3471, Enchant wrote:Also i have guilty.
And yet....
I have secret info than one of VPB/Dwlee/Strange is mafia!

Doesn't seem SvS with VP

In post 3871, Enchant wrote:Really, if he is scum, why even explode?

They have 2 defuses. Just silently make other scum defusers and win.

Then Enchant dropped his scumread on VP from day 3 and sussed dwlee/strange day 4, which looks bad until you remember Mena did the same thing. And the spoilered post above maybe illustrates why his read changed.
In post 4490, Enchant wrote:Okay VP momentally lost some points for me.
Some reassessment here after VP came into D5 avoiding the dwlee 1v1 (Enchant also unvoted dwlee for a hot second)
In post 4755, Enchant wrote:
In post 4752, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4749, Enchant wrote:If scum can blow up everything, why they won't do it AT FIRST NIGHT FOR 4 MISELIMS?
I doubt it would be unlimited. That would be broken
How to ez win:
1. Force atleast one group of clear town experts on first day. Not really hard, just "refuse" to participate.
2. Make someone you dislike defuser.
3. Explode them.
4. Wow chain of 4 elims+5 blowed up.

And there's literally NO reason to make this ability "Expect for first night" or other shit. It's more easier for this ability to not exist.
also this post is just weird from scum? like it's too prescient, scum would probably feel more self-aware than to do something like this.
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Post Post #6450 (isolation #382) » Mon May 09, 2022 10:11 am

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I was also thinking about this last night before drifting off, and I thought it was weird that VP would essentially PoE himself by blowing Andres up. IIRC VP was kind of in a comfortable position; not widely townread sure but also not widely scumread.

Even if VP had successfully gotten dwlee limmed after Strange, I don't think scum would've been that close to winning with both VP and Misty under a lot of suspicion.

That makes me think last scum probably has some decent associatives with flipped scum, which kind of loosely rules out Bell and Enchant.
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Post Post #6454 (isolation #383) » Mon May 09, 2022 4:58 pm

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In post 6380, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:like you haven't even given a single reason for me to be scum other than

"Pooky misread me therefore he's scum"

which could apply if I am always right on your alignment but that's not even true because the last game we played together we were T/T and I misread you as scum when you were town;

Who were you in this game?
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Post Post #6455 (isolation #384) » Mon May 09, 2022 5:06 pm

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In post 6333, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:like if people just want me to stop whining, shut up and accept the lim and they'll play the game tomm after I'm dead - I'll gladly stop posting and leave you all to it.

My play throughout the entirety of this game does not come from scum!me and I am happy to explain any stance, any post, any sequence I have done to the best of my ability if I can remember what I was thinking at the time.
Do you remember how you went from dwlee scum on day 3-4ish to vp scum on day 5?
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Post Post #6456 (isolation #385) » Mon May 09, 2022 5:35 pm

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In post 1372, Andante wrote:I need to be diffuser on even nights if I am one
This is a long shot but

do you happen to remember what you were thinking of fake claiming when you said this on day 1?
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Post Post #6458 (isolation #386) » Mon May 09, 2022 5:36 pm

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It took me 8 game days but i finally understand fire's NBA analyst joke now
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Post Post #6460 (isolation #387) » Mon May 09, 2022 5:39 pm

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In post 6289, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 1272, Enchant wrote:You can not bother, it's 100% mafia make it in team and just pretend that they are town and state correct instructions.

In post 1551, Enchant wrote:Let's put scummy players in bomb team, so next night we could make lesser, but town one?
Enchant looks REALLY good from these posts now that we know what we know about Mistyx's role. Would enchant do this if he knows scum are trying to place four townies at the top?
Circling back to this but going through ISOs, i think enchant kind of looks bad through this heal analysis for posts like
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Post Post #6462 (isolation #388) » Mon May 09, 2022 5:41 pm

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Why, andante?
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Post Post #6467 (isolation #389) » Mon May 09, 2022 6:02 pm

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In post 6464, Andante wrote:^
Like the whole idea of "scum wants to stay far away from the bomb, here's a bunch of early heals on all people who appear to be town
, and I feel like that's a situation of scum knowing the town and thinking they're townier than they are, so it's pretty easy to later go "yeah I TRed them!!!" and also, it feels like an early attempt to throw all the big TRs in with the experts so that the next night scum can kill whoever...
This is more of a function of the fact that I couldn't heal myself. I don't think I ever objected to being made an expert. I think I even explicitly asked to be an expert with Frogster and Greeting at some point on day 1.
like, we all know stuff like this with the voting, you have to start whatever early, and once you have the votes on, it's just easy to ensure it goes through, like now I think only 2 people here are even healing, VC 7, and now, CSF wasn't healing anyone,
yet I think was one of the first people in the entire game to go "here's a bunch of people to heal"
mehhh I can see CSF as mafia
This is definitely not true, but you'll have to scroll through early day 1 to believe me since I'm too lazy right now.

VCs 1.02 and 1.03 were like 15 pages apart.
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Post Post #6469 (isolation #390) » Mon May 09, 2022 6:04 pm

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In post 6464, Andante wrote:and whatever happened to this doc claim? now useless since CSF claimed it?? this is way too many protection roles, I think the claim is on VP's level of unbelievability
we have 0 invests this game, why is 4 protects way too many? >_<
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Post Post #6475 (isolation #391) » Mon May 09, 2022 6:26 pm

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I legitimately don't know

this is going to be a pagetop lol
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Post Post #6520 (isolation #392) » Tue May 10, 2022 5:41 am

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Enchant town or cheeky scum?
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Post Post #6525 (isolation #393) » Tue May 10, 2022 6:02 am

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In post 6492, Andante wrote:
In post 6490, Bell wrote:Then we kill Andante for playing on our fears.
Fear is the mind killer.
??? wow are you actually maf here then?

VOTE: Bell
I feel like I should get over my latent paranoia of andante
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Post Post #6526 (isolation #394) » Tue May 10, 2022 6:05 am

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

Enchant, why andante? Just for blowing up Titus?
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Post Post #6571 (isolation #395) » Wed May 11, 2022 3:26 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

I really don't know how to read Andante.

Pooky, how confident are you in your Andante townread? Like suppose Andante were made defuser tonight, would you defuse y/n?
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Post Post #6607 (isolation #396) » Thu May 12, 2022 2:34 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

In post 6572, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:I mean scum literally tried to frame Andante with a rigged bomb so how can she possibly be scum?
yeah, I guess if Andante were scum, I don't know why scum wouldn't just rig our group to explode instead on night 1
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Post Post #6608 (isolation #397) » Thu May 12, 2022 2:34 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

(because that would mean group 2 was all town)
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Post Post #6609 (isolation #398) » Thu May 12, 2022 2:36 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

I just have a hard time clearing people off of mech spec alone, and Andante hasn't been very townie today.
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Post Post #6614 (isolation #399) » Thu May 12, 2022 3:24 pm

Post by Cat Scratch Fever »

@Dwlee it just means that if andante is scum, they would've rigged group 2 instead and would not have sent vp to group 2. I don't think you can conclusively say there's scum in group 2 by that metric