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Prof Fridays
Prof Fridays
Mafia Scum
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Prof Fridays
Mafia Scum
Mafia Scum
Posts: 1648
Joined: April 4, 2014
Location: Columbus, OH

Post Post #1240 (isolation #0) » Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:02 am

Post by Prof Fridays »

15 Aug 2018 -
Prof Fridays
Day 1, 7 pages
A Simple Plan

Please note that this game is technically bastard and introduces unknown mechanics to figure out.

Many thanks to Invisibility!
"You. I am going to bury you. I am going to bury you and erect an icecream stand on your grave. And all the kids will love that you're dead because they get ice cream. Also your tombstone will say 'here lies a cheeky scumbag.'" - Papa Zito

What if you knew way more about the game state Day 1?
THE LAB 4 is live!
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