Mini Theme Game Queue

For archiving signup threads after their corresponding games are complete.
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Post Post #969 (isolation #0) » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:05 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in wgeurts
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Post Post #1638 (isolation #1) » Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:21 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in to mod

Game Name:
TBD Mafia
a game where players will fill out a questionnaire before the game begins that will determine the flavor, level of normalcy, and other game features; questionnaire can be found here: -- note that the form is active so that questions can be viewed, but answers given by non-players and/or before the game begins will be ignored; the answers given will guide the setup creation, but it should not necessarily be assumed that a majority or plurality given to a specific answer for any given question will guarantee that the game will match that answer.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
Reviewed By:
no one, but depending on the answers given in the questionnaire, 1 or more reviewers might be recruited during setup creation
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players:
not allowed
1 completed mini theme or large theme game
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?
yes, depending on the answers given in the questionnaire

note that this is essentially a more advanced Upick-style game, so there will be a longer than average period between signups finishing and the game officially starting, but I will try to be as expedient as possible in starting it.
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Post Post #1750 (isolation #2) » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:38 am

Post by xyzzy »

in addition to drealmerz7, Aristophanes and Errantparabola also pre-/inned for TBD Mafia.
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Post Post #1758 (isolation #3) » Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:32 pm

Post by xyzzy »

note to TBD Mafia players: I added one more question that asks you to describe any other games you've played with the players on the playerlist. note that having played games with other players in the game is
a requirement.
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Post Post #1761 (isolation #4) » Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:58 am

Post by xyzzy »

In post 1759, Davsto wrote:When do we do the questionnaire?
once the player list is finalized and the game thread exists.
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Post Post #1780 (isolation #5) » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:22 am

Post by xyzzy »

T-Bone, it looks like you miscounted; there's 13 people on that list, not 12.
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Post Post #1887 (isolation #6) » Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:16 pm

Post by xyzzy »

one option that comes to mind is this: 12 day deadline to fill extended by 1 day every time someone joins your game. so if it's a 13-player game and, say, 8 people join after 1 day, you have another 19 days to get the remaining 5. these numbers might potentially need to be tweaked, but I think the general concept of letting games that accumulate players continue to do so even if it's a slow trickle while cutting games that fail to attract any interest at all fairly rapidly.
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Post Post #2172 (isolation #7) » Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:47 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in dingle dangle ron paul
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Post Post #2210 (isolation #8) » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:17 pm

Post by xyzzy »

Mini Theme 1867 has ended!
the way it ended was that the town won!
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Post Post #2733 (isolation #9) » Sat May 06, 2017 2:56 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in to mod

Game Name:
The Adventure Zone Mafia: Here There Be Gerblins
this game will feature characters and plot elements from the first 9 episodes of the D&D actual play podcast
The Adventure Zone
(the Here There Be Gerblins arc and the Moonlighting arc), including the Fantasy Gachapon, which will allow players to vote on one player each day to receive a secret 1-shot power that night.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
Reviewed By:
Nahdia and RadiantCowbells
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players:
one completed game on site
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?

I have a few people who expressed interest in playing in this game, but I didn't record a specific list of pre-/ins; I will be contacting the people I remember soon and will post a list once this game goes into signups. you may also PM me to pre-/in.
Last edited by xyzzy on Sat May 06, 2017 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2771 (isolation #10) » Thu May 11, 2017 12:37 pm

Post by xyzzy »

since it will be relevant as soon as T-Bone updates, I have the following pre-/ins for Here There Be Gerblins: Nexus, Varsoon, MaxwellPuckett and Backhand.
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Post Post #2785 (isolation #11) » Sat May 13, 2017 4:01 pm

Post by xyzzy »

In post 2772, MaxwellPuckett wrote:Confirm pre-in. Hey Varsoon ;)
just so it's not missed, MaxwellPuckett confirmed a pre-/in for TAZ Mafia here. additionally, Nexus, Varsoon, and Backhand pre-/inned.

also, as a note to anyone interested in playing this, you don't need any flavor knowledge to play this game, and it's designed in such a way to avoid giving an unfair advantage to players with flavor knowledge,
I'd recommend listening to the source material if you haven't already. it will cover the first 9 episodes of the podcast
The Adventure Zone
(the "Here There Be Gerblins" arc and the "Moonlighting" mini-arc), which you can find here or on whatever podcast app you prefer. there's also a condensed version of the first episode that cuts it down to only the funniest and most essential portions that should be available as "Episode 1.5" on whatever you use to listen to podcasts, or if you aren't using a podcast app, you can listen to it here. I'd recommend it even if you
want to play in this game, because it's really funny and really heartfelt and just generally a very good thing.
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Post Post #2789 (isolation #12) » Sat May 13, 2017 9:51 pm

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Nexus messaged me to cancel his pre-/in.
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Post Post #2860 (isolation #13) » Wed May 24, 2017 7:56 am

Post by xyzzy »

as of 2811 there were the following 8 people according to T-Bone:

Albert B. Rampage

havingfitz in 2824
SirCakez in 2830
Creative in 2839
Frozen Angel in 2847
Alisae in 2848

I had miscounted earlier; I think that was due to a few different factors. gigabyteTroubadour had pre-/inned, but /outted before the game officially went into signups. when I thought the game was at 12 people, I PMed them to let them know it was almost full.

since they did pre-/in for it, I'll let them have the last slot if they want it. I'm sorry for the error to whomever doesn't end up in the final list.
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Post Post #3029 (isolation #14) » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:16 am

Post by xyzzy »

Mini Theme 1915: The Adventure Zone Mafia: Here There Be Gerblins has ended!
the way it ended was that the town won the game!
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Post Post #4401 (isolation #15) » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:42 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in to mod

Game Name:
Mafia Month
excluding night phases, this 10:3 game will last a maximum of 30 days, and the mafia automatically wins if the deadline is hit; the town will need to act decisively in order to win. keep in mind that this is effectively a blitz-esque game, though one guided entirely by the players.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
Reviewed By:
not reviewed
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
none, but complete setup info will be in a private topic that the list mod will be added to in case I disappear
Number of Players:
no hydras allowed
because of the increased effect that replacements will have on this game, you must have at least 3 games on site and not have been replaced in any of your last 3 games. please do not join this game if you can foresee reasonably likely circumstances under which you would need to leave.
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?
it's possible; no guarantees that the game will actually feature any of this.
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Post Post #4731 (isolation #16) » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:14 pm

Post by xyzzy »

everyone you should join my game. I'm sure the other games in the queue are fun too but they are not my game and I am biased. thanks for reading my post and I look forward to seeing you join my exciting, pulse-pounding game
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Post Post #4776 (isolation #17) » Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:25 pm

Post by xyzzy »

btw there's a couple people who have /inned who don't technically meet the requirements but I've individually checked their profiles and am good with them joining—my main concern is that I want to have a group of players who are unlikely to flake on the game, because the nature of the game means that having to give a replacement in the middle of a day will have an effect on game balance. it's a lot harder to measure something like that concretely, so if you don't meet the listed requirements but believe that your game history so far shows that you'll do fine in this regard, feel free to /in.
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Post Post #4827 (isolation #18) » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:28 am

Post by xyzzy »

In post 4823, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:Wait, the vowelless name change site, has to be a gag, right?
it is very illegal to do a joke or a goof or a gag on an internet forum. one time I posted a non-humorous riddle and that was enough to ge me 6 months probation
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Post Post #4881 (isolation #19) » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:30 pm

Post by xyzzy »

Aristophanes has informed me that I am legally mandated to confirm that I am part of the hydra named "Stop Getting Banned". what choice do I have?
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Post Post #4994 (isolation #20) » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:58 pm

Post by xyzzy »

Mini Theme 2001, Mafia Month, has ended in a
Spoiler: why do we even spoiler these? like I'm doing it because it's convention but does anyone honestly care? I could just say it directly without a spoiler tag and I doubt anyone would give a shit
mafia win!
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Post Post #5403 (isolation #21) » Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:06 am

Post by xyzzy »

/in to mod

Game Name:
The Adventure Zone Mafia: Murder on the Rockport Limited
this is the second game in a series -- the first one Here There Be Gerblins. the Fantasy Gachapon mechanic will follow over from that game, and there'll be another big mechanic to this one: the Fantasy Costco, where all your dreams come true. it is based on the second arc of the
campaign of the actual play podcast
The Adventure Zone
. knowledge of the podcast isn't required to play the game, and conversely, knowledge of the podcast will not improve your chances of winning the game. I recommend listening to it regardless, though, because it's very good. there will be spoilers through episode 17 of the podcast, and when in doubt, you should assume that all flavor is derived from the podcast, not the graphic novel.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
currently moderating a micro game, which should have no impact on this one.
that game has ended, so none.
Reviewed By:
AnonymousGhost and schadd_
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players:
at least one game completed on-site
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?

as of 8/10/18, I have a pre-ins from xRECKONERx, Varsoon, Irrelephant11, skitter30, brassherald, and Gammagooey. that's six people, which I believe is the maximum amount of pre-ins I'm allowed to take, but if you're interested in playing in this game, PM me and I'll do my best to let you know as soon as you're able to sign up.
Last edited by xyzzy on Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #5450 (isolation #22) » Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:27 pm

Post by xyzzy »

hey, so, concerning my game that's pretty close to entering signups, I'm gonna have to add a kind of weird stipulation to the player list: if the game doesn't fill by August 29 (which seems unlikely, though not impossible), anyone who is attending Toronto Meet cannot /in for it (unless it still hasn't filled by the time Toronto Meet is over). I don't intend to leave the players who /in for it in limbo for nearly a week, so if it fills while I'm there, I'll still plan on starting it while I'm there, probably with an extended day 1 deadline to compensate for the fact that I won't as on top of player activity and votecounts for the first few days, but there's just too many ways I can imagine things going wrong if a player in the game is physically present in the same place as me while I'm randomizing the setup and distributing roles, and even though I don't think something like that is necessarily likely, I'd prefer to completely avoid that possibility. none of the pre-ins are from people who will be there, so no need for concern there.
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Post Post #5454 (isolation #23) » Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:06 pm

Post by xyzzy »

I think that makes it full, which means my game should be up next. once again, the following people have pre-inned: xRECKONERx, Varsoon, Irrelephant11, skitter30, brassherald, and Gammagooey.

also, for those who aren't familiar with the theme but might be interested in the game based on the mechanics, here's the rules post, which outlines the two major mechanics (rules 13-15 and 18-19 are the main ones to read for those):

  1. site rules:

  2. obey all site rules. you can read the site rules here.
  3. do not discuss the game in any capacity outside of this game thread unless your role gives you explicit permission to do so. if you are allowed to do so, I will provide you with a private topic where you can do so.
  4. do not harass other players in this game. while a certain level of confrontation and argumentation is typical in Mafia games, do not bring personal vendettas or outside influences into the game. additionally, do not harm or threaten to harm any person.
    game conduct:

  5. play to win the game. there is a chance that you will lose the game, but do your best to avoid that, and do not deliberately throw the game.
  6. do not use the color #8C0000.
  7. do not use any sort of cryptography, hidden text, or other similar methods to hide information in the game thread unless your role explicitly states that you may do so. if you are unsure of what is not allowed, PM me for clarification.
  8. do not quote information from private threads or from the moderator.
    joining the game, leaving the game, and activity:

  9. at the beginning of the game, you will receive a role PM. please confirm by telling me your alignment, any players whose alignment you know, and any abilities you have.
  10. if you will be away from the site for a set period of time, please post in the thread letting the other players know this and PM me, and update the "Vacation / Limited Access" info in the User Control Panel. I will be more lenient regarding inactivity if you are V/LA, but I may need to replace you if you will be gone for an extended period of time. if you are regularly V/LA at certain times (such as during the weekend), you only need to do this once.
  11. if you do not post for 48 hours or more, I will prod you (or send you a reminder to check in when possible if you have announced that you are V/LA); failure to respond to prods or needing to be prodded repeatedly throughout the game might result in a replacement.
  12. if you need to be replaced for any reason, you may message me with information to be passed on to the player who replaces you. this isn't mandatory, but if there's strategic advice you'd like to offer to whomever replaces you, you can do this.

  13. living players may vote to lynch living players by writing
    vote: player
    or VOTE: player in the game thread. you may also vote for no lynch.
  14. living players may vote to give living players a Fantasy Gachapon item by writing
    Gachapon vote: player
    in the game thread.
  15. once the majority of living players are voting to lynch a player, that player will die. each player voting for that player will receive a particular amount of gold as described in their role PM.
  16. once the day ends, the player with the most Fantasy Gachapon votes will receive an item from the Fantasy Gachapon. this item will be publicly revealed and will be immediately usable.
  17. if you have died, please do not post in the thread anymore. you are not officially considered dead until I announce your death in the game thread.
  18. each day has a two week deadline. if the deadline passes and no majority has been achieved, the day will end without a lynch. no player will receive gold, but a player will still receive an item from the Fantasy Gachapon.
  19. each night, players may spend gold they have received on items at the Fantasy Costco. items purchased can be used immediately or held onto for later.
  20. there are an unlimited number of each Fantasy Costco item available, and the items that are available will not change.
  21. this game is confirmed to only have two factions.
  22. players may use any number of abilities each night, but each ability may be used only once each night. for example, a player who has purchased two Extreme Teen Bibles cannot use both of them in the same night.
  23. a sample role PM is included at the bottom of this post.
    moderator responsibilities:

  24. I will not edit your posts unless your post breaks the rules in such a way that information needs to be removed from it or quotes a post that does that, or you ask me to edit it to fix a broken tag. I will provide a brief explanation of the edit and, in cases of fixing broken tags, will end the post with a spoiler containing the complete original text of the post.
  25. if you have a pronoun listed on your account, I will use that to refer to you. otherwise, I will default to referring to you as "they"/"them". if you do not have a pronoun listed on your account but wish for me to refer to you using some other pronoun, message me to let me know.
  26. I will do my best to keep the game running as smoothly as possible, but there will be times when I'm not around. I should be able to update the game at least once a day, and I will let you know if I believe that might change.
  27. I reserve the right to modify these rules at any time if necessary.
    the most important, most fundamental rules of all:

  28. remember the Midnight Amendments:
    1. be cool.
    2. c’mon.
    3. nice.
  29. thanks for vibing and keeping it tight. if you need me, I'm on my mobile.

sample role PM
Griffin McElroy, Dungeon Master

"it's just a matter of timing, that if I can grab the back of the train, then I don't have to do shit. but that would probably require an immense dexterity roll."
"yeah, and if you fail this... I kill you. listen, baby, risk and reward! if you do it, it'll be fucking rad! if you don't do it... you'll die, and you'll have to start a new character!"

you are aligned with the town.
win condition:
you win when only members of your faction are left alive or nothing can prevent this.

The Adventure Zone: Balance
Dungeon Master:
you were the Dungeon Master for all 69 (nice) episodes of the
campaign of the popular actual play podcast
The Adventure Zone
. in addition to making a lot of people cry in real life with your expert storytelling, you also composed a bunch of great music for the show, are currently running the
campaign, and most recently saw the first volume of the graphic novel adaptation of the
become a #1 New York Times bestseller.
sweet baby brother and Forbes 30 under 30 media luminary:
you're the youngest of the McElroy brothers, who in addition to playing tabletop games with their dad, also record an absurdly large number of other podcasts. some of the ones you're involved in include
My Brother, My Brother, and Me
, and a guest appearance in
. that last one has Lisa Loeb in it! you've done a podcast with Lisa Loeb! wow!

lynch vote:
you can vote for another player to be lynched in the game thread. once a majority of votes cast are for the same person, that player will die and the day will end.
accrue gold:
if you are one of the players voting for the player who is lynched, you will receive 80 gold. you will receive an additional 90 gold if that player is part of the mafia faction.
Fantasy Gachapon vote:
you can vote for another player to receive an item from the Fantasy Gachapon in the game thread. once the day ends, the player with the most votes (or one of the players with the most votes chosen at random if two or more players are tied) will receive a random item from the Fantasy Gachapon.
spend gold:
each night, you may spend gold you have accrued on items available from the Fantasy Costco. these are outlined in the third post of the game thread.

additionally, there is a strong likelihood of day 1 having a slightly longer deadline to account for the fact that I will be at Toronto Meet, and will therefore have less time to devote to counting votes and monitoring player activity.
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Post Post #5754 (isolation #24) » Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:37 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in to mod blitz

Game Name: This Blitz Game Has Got A Cult In It
Flavor/Mechanics: this blitz game has got a cult in it. 96 hour days and 24 hour nights.
Your Experience: is the most recent game I've moderated to completion.
Current Modding Commitments: I have 2 ongoing games -- a mini theme and a large theme.
Reviewed By: let's be honest with ourselves: would the lack of a reviewer make a cult game
balanced? anyway no one has reviewed this game
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
I wasn't able to trick anyone into helping me do this. however, the list mod will have read access to my mod thread, so if I die or something, it will be trivial for someone else to take over.
the worst volunteered to take this role! so I guess now I've got one! wow
Number of Players: 13
Hydrae: nope
Restrictions: none.
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics? that'll be a "yes"

I make zero promises regarding this game being balanced; it took me longer to fill out this form than it did for me to design the setup. I think it'll probably be fun, though?
Last edited by xyzzy on Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #5786 (isolation #25) » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:50 am

Post by xyzzy »

In post 5739, T-Bone wrote:Blitz games will be pulled from the queue if more than 48 hours pass without a unique new sign-up.
I believe this means my game is up now? I have a pre-/in from Korina.
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Post Post #5793 (isolation #26) » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:15 am

Post by xyzzy »

Mini 2032 has ended in a mafia win.
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Post Post #5796 (isolation #27) » Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:38 am

Post by xyzzy »

In post 5794, Elsa Jay wrote:^

Usually they put that in a spoiler tag, ya know.
there's no rule that says it has to be spoilered; the primary function of posting that a game has ended and who won is housekeeping for the list mod.
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Post Post #5873 (isolation #28) » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:02 am

Post by xyzzy »

just so y'all know, if my blitz cult game doesn't fill, I'll most likely just run it as a non-blitz game at some point, so if you're extremely eager to play a game with a cult in it, don't fret if this one doesn't fill.
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Post Post #5926 (isolation #29) » Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:05 pm

Post by xyzzy »

confirm schadd game
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Post Post #5972 (isolation #30) » Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:45 pm

Post by xyzzy »

Game Name:
Drawfee Upick
this game will be based on the YouTube channel Drawfee. 99% of their content is free to watch and none of the paid content will be part of this game, so if you don't know anything about the series, that's definitely not a barrier to entry. more information on this below.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
a large theme
Reviewed By:
Gamma Emerald and Varsoon
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players:
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?
role and alignment generation may be non-random (roles are obviously non-random, and I reserve the right to assign alignment in a non-random way if there's a pick I think would be particularly juicy with a given alignment), but that technically only counts as bastard if it's undisclosed. I don't anticipate including bastard elements in the game, but if anything that qualifies as bastard makes it into the setup, this will be made clear before the game begins.


more info: Drawfee is a YouTube channel with a rotating cast of artists (with the most common ones being Caldwell, Nathan, Jacob, and Julia) who, in their own words, "take your dumb ideas and make even dumber drawings." it's very funny and very good, and this is a Upick based on it. to join this game, you'll need to submit 3-5 drawings. most videos feature 2-3 artists each doing a drawing based on a particular suggestion, theme, or concept -- you'll be picking the work of a particular artist from a particular video, so your picks should be in the form "[artist]'s drawing from [video]" -- they say who's drawing a particular thing several times, so it should be pretty easy to identify whose drawing you're referring to, but you can also just say, for instance, "the guy who drew [thing]" if you aren't 100% positive about the artist's name. also note that you're picking the complete work that someone does, so in cases where one person draws several unique things in a single video, you're picking that whole body of work. there are a number of shorter videos that are promos for their series
Cartoon Hell
, which is behind a paywall, so don't pick those, and also don't pick episodes where live video is a major component, since most of those are a pretty significant format break.

again, if you have no familiarity with Drawfee at all, don't let that stop you! the only prerequisite to join is to scroll through a list of very nice, funny videos, watch some that sound appealing to you, and pick drawings that you think would make fun roles. it'll take time, but it's totally free and you'll be very happy the whole time!

you can pre-/in by PMing me, and you can send me your picks before the game is officially in signups too if you'd like!
Last edited by xyzzy on Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #6028 (isolation #31) » Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:30 am

Post by xyzzy »

In post 5972, xyzzy wrote:
Game Name:
Drawfee Upick
this game will be based on the YouTube channel Drawfee. 99% of their content is free to watch and none of the paid content will be part of this game, so if you don't know anything about the series, that's definitely not a barrier to entry. more information on this below.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
a large theme
Reviewed By:
Gamma Emerald and Varsoon
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players:
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?
role and alignment generation may be non-random (roles are obviously non-random, and I reserve the right to assign alignment in a non-random way if there's a pick I think would be particularly juicy with a given alignment), but that technically only counts as bastard if it's undisclosed. I don't anticipate including bastard elements in the game, but if anything that qualifies as bastard makes it into the setup, this will be made clear before the game begins.


more info: Drawfee is a YouTube channel with a rotating cast of artists (with the most common ones being Caldwell, Nathan, Jacob, and Julia) who, in their own words, "take your dumb ideas and make even dumber drawings." it's very funny and very good, and this is a Upick based on it. to join this game, you'll need to submit 3-5 drawings. most videos feature 2-3 artists each doing a drawing based on a particular suggestion, theme, or concept -- you'll be picking the work of a particular artist from a particular video, so your picks should be in the form "[artist]'s drawing from [video]" -- they say who's drawing a particular thing several times, so it should be pretty easy to identify whose drawing you're referring to, but you can also just say, for instance, "the guy who drew [thing]" if you aren't 100% positive about the artist's name. also note that you're picking the complete work that someone does, so in cases where one person draws several unique things in a single video, you're picking that whole body of work. there are a number of shorter videos that are promos for their series
Cartoon Hell
, which is behind a paywall, so don't pick those, and also don't pick episodes where live video is a major component, since most of those are a pretty significant format break.

again, if you have no familiarity with Drawfee at all, don't let that stop you! the only prerequisite to join is to scroll through a list of very nice, funny videos, watch some that sound appealing to you, and pick drawings that you think would make fun roles. it'll take time, but it's totally free and you'll be very happy the whole time!

you can pre-/in by PMing me, and you can send me your picks before the game is officially in signups too if you'd like!
hey btw I think you missed this one MariaR
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Post Post #6043 (isolation #32) » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:23 pm

Post by xyzzy »

I brought this up before, but
you do not need to be familiar with Drawfee to play this game!!!
a Upick and you gotta make choices, but all their videos are pretty short and are freely available on YouTube!!! just head on over to their YouTube page and scroll through until you find a couple videos that sound fun and watch 'em, and pick 3-5 drawings. you can submit your picks to me via PM, and you can also send me any questions you might have!

just make sure you're going for the videos that are 15+ minutes long -- the ones that are like 5-10 minutes long are brief segments from a series that's behind a paywall, and I want to make sure the full episodes for any videos are accessible to everyone.
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Post Post #6272 (isolation #33) » Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:29 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in to mod

Game Name:
Any Non-Dead Person Can Post In This Mafia Game
anyone who isn't dead can post in this game. if you're not in the game, you can post about the game, or you can just post whatever's on your mind. if you
in the game... listen, there's gonna be a lot of nonsense posts to wade through. it'll be fun. don't take it too seriously.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
a large theme game
Reviewed By:
no one.
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
no one.
Number of Players:
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?
I will be liberally advertising the fact that people can post in this thread everywhere I can while the game is ongoing, which definitely counts as moderator influence. I won't rule out the possibility of other bastard elements, but I also won't confirm anything else.
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Post Post #6426 (isolation #34) » Tue May 07, 2019 5:48 pm

Post by xyzzy »

In post 6419, MariaR wrote:As momo has been banned from playing mafia and has been afk since his ban.His game has been pulled and gifs game is replacing it woo.
I /inned to the queue as a mod before gif
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Post Post #6429 (isolation #35) » Tue May 07, 2019 6:33 pm

Post by xyzzy »

by the way, I have a quick note to add about my game: I'm going to use this as a trial for running a game with no built-in deadlines (similar to my large theme game "no deadlines mafia") but where the setup isn't designed around that mechanic; the main thing I learned from running that is that under current Mafiascum meta, deadlines don't actually......... do much? like, players have a tendency to want to finish things up pretty quickly anyway, and activity levels in games are much higher than they were when deadlines first became the norm, so I'm not fully convinced they're needed at all. I'll be running this one like that with an explicit confirmation that there are no mechanics that care about how much real world time has passed. I'm considering just switching to this as my default in the future if it goes well this time.
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Post Post #6441 (isolation #36) » Thu May 09, 2019 8:48 pm

Post by xyzzy »

wait, MariaR, can you clarify what exactly the current order of the games is in the queue and which games are currently in signups? I thought it was mine, but now I'm just not sure. is GIF just being allowed to skip the line or something?

Yume's /in to mod appears to be a joke, btw -- it's her last post on site, and she put "April Fools" in a spoiler at the bottom.
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Post Post #6496 (isolation #37) » Fri May 31, 2019 12:40 pm

Post by xyzzy »

In post 6479, Lavender wrote:
In post 6478, EeveeLution Army wrote:/in any nondead person can post

this sounds like my type of chaos
Your name is really cute!~

/in Any Non-dead Person can Post
MariaR, you missed this one. looks like it's at 12/13 now!!! wow
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Post Post #6503 (isolation #38) » Fri May 31, 2019 9:03 pm

Post by xyzzy »

I have this as the current list (and this is 13 players), but I'm wait for MariaR to verify everything.

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Post Post #6514 (isolation #39) » Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:34 pm

Post by xyzzy »

/in guns n roses
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Post Post #6711 (isolation #40) » Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:50 am

Post by xyzzy »

Any Mafia Member Living Or Dead Has Won My Game "Any Non-Dead Person Can Post In This Mafia Game"

(congrats to the 7-player mafia team on achieving this victory)
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Post Post #7494 (isolation #41) » Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:09 am

Post by xyzzy »

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Post Post #7503 (isolation #42) » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:49 pm

Post by xyzzy »

In post 7499, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 0, T-Bone wrote:You need to specify which game you are signing up for (I.E. “/in for Bone’s game” or “/in for Godfather mafia”). A non-specific “/in” or “/in for next” will be ignored.
Or not... ;)
aw beans

listen... I'm a big dumbass