Normal Game Queue (Players and Moderators)

For archiving signup threads after their corresponding games are complete.
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Post Post #264 (isolation #0) » Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:36 am

Post by FakedBlogger »

/in to mod mini
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Post Post #534 (isolation #1) » Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:59 am

Post by FakedBlogger »

Pula Mafia
(Mini Normal)

Spoiler: Rules, Sample Role PM:
The Basics:

1] You may have other directives that drive you, but aspiring to win should be secondary to none.
2] Do not take screenshots or directly quote any of the PMs that I send you. Doing so will result in a mod-kill. Pretending to break this rule is the same as actually breaking it. You may paraphrase, but use caution. When in doubt, run it by me first.
3] Do not edit any of your posts, if you have the ability to do so.
4] Do not use encrypted text, hidden text, small text, or any other hard-to-read text when posting..
5] Once you have been lynched or killed, you are out of the game. Do not post anymore until the game is over. That means no "Bah!" posts, please.
6] Do not talk about this game with anybody else outside of this thread unless your role PM explicitly says that you can.
7] Aspire to good sportsmanship. Please don't be a jerk to your fellow players. My subjective take on personal attacks is that on the internet, especially in games about lynching, shooting and stabbing where you have to put in considerable effort just to participate let alone deliver an astute performance, obnoxious and poorly argued discrediting of intellectual investment is way more detrimental to enjoyment than derogatory names, insults and flaming. Bearing anonymity in mind I wouldn't censor expression to shield impressionable people from taking vulgarity too personal. But I refrain from imposing my way of seeing it. Heated discussion is fine, but vehement personal attacks, insults and flaming are not. If I feel that your behavior is preventing other players from enjoying the game, I reserve the right to force-replace or mod-kill you.
8] Do not talk about ongoing games. Easy peasy.

Day, Night, and Twilight:

Each Day phase will last for 8 days apiece
and each Night phase will last for two days. I will post specific deadlines in the game thread at the start of every Day and Night phase.
10] Players may continue to talk during Twilight, including the player that has been lynched.
11] If you do not send me your Night action before the specified deadline, I will assume that you are not performing an action on that Night.
12] If you know you will be unavailable during a Night phase, you may send me your night action during the preceding Day phase if you so desire.
13] Deadline extension requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


14] Please post all votes and unvotes using either the bold tag or the vote tag. Nicknames are fine, as long as I can understand them. Votes should look like this:
15] Unvotes are helpful, but not necessary.
16] Please refrain from engaging in any kind of voting trickery. If it looks like a vote, I'm counting it as a vote.
17] A lynch will only occur when a majority (more than 50% of all possible votes) is reached. The number of votes needed to hammer will be included with every vote count.
18] If a majority is not reached by the deadline, there will be no lynch on that Day.
19] Once a hammer occurs, no votes or unvotes will prevent the lynch from happening.
20] You may VOTE: No Lynch to end the Day with no lynch (which will also require a majority). You may VOTE: Draw to end the game in a draw (which will require 100% agreement from all living players) if you wish to insult me.


21] You will be expected to post at least once every 48 hours. If you go more than 48 hours without posting, you will be prodded.
22] If you receive a prod, you will have 24 hours to post in the game thread. If you do not respond to your prod within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if I have to prod you more than
times, you will be replaced.
23] If you know that you will have limited access to the game for more than a few days, please let me know either in the thread or via PM.

Communication with the Moderator:

24] I am perfect and the "mistakes" I make are my way of empathizing with stupidity. Nevertheless I will correct any errors you might notice regarding vote counts, deadlines, or anything else related to the game.
25] I will not answer any role-related questions in the game thread. If you have any questions about your role, the (theoretical) roles of any other players in the game, or (theoretical) role interactions, send me a PM. Do not try to trick me into confirming a player's role. I will not be amused.
26] If you need to get my attention, just include @Mod in your post. Also, bolding will help catch my eye.


27] If you have any problems with another player, send me a PM and I will do my best to resolve the issue. If you like me take my personal views in the seventh rule to heart.
28] If a player is mod-killed during the Day phase, then that Day will end immediately.
Don't post like this!

30] The flavor text is for entertainment purposes only. Analyze it at your own risk.
31] Do not ask me to mod-kill, force-replace, or discipline any other player in the game. That is my decision to make, not yours.
32] As the moderator, my word is final. Please respect my instructions and my decisions.
33] I reserve the right to change these rules during the game if necessary. If this happens, I will inform everybody of the rule change in the thread.
34] In addition to these rules, all site-wide rules also apply.
35] Claiming color code is prohibited.
36] I live in Romania, but the deadlines will be convenient for US Americans: 5 PM California, 8 PM New York, 00:00 UTC.

Sample Vanilla Townie:

37] At least one person will receive this PM.


You are a
Vanilla Townie
. You have a voice and a vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Game thread is here. Confirm by replying to this PM with your role followed by "HUUUUUUT!"


Private investigator Richard N. J. is about to give a speech at the amfiteatar u puli about how naked jogging is important to Pula, because it gives people a reason to get out of bed in the morning, knowing they'll feel the salty breeze on their bare genitals later that night.

The mafia has had a hand in banning it for a reason. Capitalizing on low morale and the resulting corruptibility
it increased their booze sails, gambling and prostitution profits tenfold.

Each Day phase will last for 8 days apiece, unless replacements are needed,
in which case the deadline remains frozen until resolved.
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Post Post #546 (isolation #2) » Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:38 am

Post by FakedBlogger »


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Post Post #554 (isolation #3) » Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:12 am

Post by FakedBlogger »

Who's that chick in your avatar? She looks a scary lot like someone I used to know and a flavor character of this game is based on.