Normal Game Queue (Players and Moderators)

For archiving signup threads after their corresponding games are complete.
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Post Post #68 (isolation #0) » Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:49 am

Post by A Simple Plan »

I'm pretty sure the current mini normal is full as of Lapsa's in, so y'all know.
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Post Post #576 (isolation #1) » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:29 pm

Post by A Simple Plan »

/in mini
/in to mod mini (first time mod)
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Post Post #792 (isolation #2) » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:28 pm

Post by A Simple Plan »

Greetings, everyone! I'm looking forward to modding for the first time on MS!

My game is going to be little-to-no flavor text so as to allow me to get the hang of site modding styles, with the following rules, based off of those used by Marquis.


  • ALL Site-wide rules apply to my game. Always..

  • This is my color (#1EFF00).
    Do not use it or impersonate me otherwise.

  • Any questions you have may be PMed to me at any time or posted in the game thread. If you need my attention in the game thread, please use
    to call my attention.
  • (Please, please, PLEASE!) Do not talk about this or ANY other ongoing games outside of their official threads, regardless of if you are a part of the game or not.

  • Once you are declared dead, you are dead. No posting until the game is declared over.

  • Do not use hidden/encrypted text (such as invisible/small font, or other languages), or non-dark colors (only the default theme automatically changes colors to make all text readable).
  • Do not use anything that can be proven as randomization during the game. If you say you rolled a die/flipped a coin/whatever, fine. Please don't use a dice code or anything of the sort here.
  • Don’t be a jerk!
    Remember that Mafia is a game! You should definitely play to win, but you should know if something has gone too far; I reserve the right as moderator to enforce punishment as I see fit for abusive behavior.

  • One game Day lasts
    2 real weeks (14 real days)
  • One game Night lasts
    2 real days (48 real hours)
  • These may be extended as necessary— usually for replacements.

  • A player who goes 48 hours without posting, or 24 hours without posting after their V/LA ends (to the approximate hour), will be prodded.
  • Prods will not be issued at night, or within the first 48 hours of a day phase. A prod issued close to the day’s end that is not responded to in thread before nightfall should be responded to in PM form.
  • A player who goes 24 hours without posting (or replying by PM if it is night) after a prod will be replaced.
  • A player who has been prodded at least 3 times may be replaced without warning; if this occurs, I will announce that I am searching for a replacement in this thread, and announce whom is replacing the departed in this thread.
  • If I am searching for your replacement and you have not yet received three prods, you may continue to play if I do not find a replacement before your return. If this case occurs,
    please PM me
    to inform me you still wish to play.
  • If you will be on Vacation/Limited Access, please let me know by saying so, bolded, in the thread. You will not be prodded while V/LA.

Voting and Actions
  • During the Day, all living players can post and vote for who they want to be lynched, or they may vote for a No Lynch.
  • You control your vote through the
    , or VOTE: vote and UNVOTE: unvote, tags.

    Code: Select all

    [b]Vote: A Simple Plan[/b]
    [b]Unvote: A Simple Plan[/b]
    [vote]A Simple Plan[/vote]       [v]A Simple Plan[/v]
    [unvote]A Simple Plan[/unvote]   [uv]A Simple Plan[/uv]

  • An unvote is not required to change your vote, although it is appreciated.
  • If it looks like a vote, I will count it; no tricks!
  • Votes in quotes and spoilers will not be counted; your vote must be clearly yours and easily noticeable by scrolling. As well, they must be posted from the correct account; votes by alts, by individual heads of a hydra player, etc. will not be accepted.
  • Abbreviated player names will be accepted in votes as long as I can reasonably understand who is being voted for.

  • A lynch will occur when half of the players + 1 (a simple majority) vote the same person. Once a lynch occurs, the lynchee and the living players may talk in "Twilight" until I arrive and post the flip. No amount of voting or unvoting after the fact will undo a lynch.
  • If the deadline hits before a majority vote is reached, the day will end with No Lynch.

  • During the night, you may not post in the game thread, even if I have not yet locked it.
  • If your role has a night action, you may use it by PMing me which player(s) you wish to use your action(s) on. You may change your night action(s) as many times as you wish during the night phase; only the
    action submitted will be used.
  • If you do not submit a night action, it will count as No Action.
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Post Post #837 (isolation #3) » Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:43 pm

Post by A Simple Plan »

N wrote:
Mini Normal 1719
has filled for A Simple Plan and the following playerlist:
  1. Dierfire
  2. Garmr
  3. Haschel Cedricson
  4. implosion
  5. Dwlee99
  6. Felissan
  7. herrcombs
  8. Hieirama
  9. mykonian
  10. Lalendra
  11. pistachi0n
  12. Keyser Söze
  13. BlueBloodedToffee

I'm super excited! This will start sometime tomorrow- setup is underway.
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Post Post #876 (isolation #4) » Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:57 am

Post by A Simple Plan »

/in Marquis.
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Post Post #1167 (isolation #5) » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:22 pm

Post by A Simple Plan »

Mini Normal 1719 ended in a
----Mafia Win!---

... Okay.

/in mini
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Post Post #2257 (isolation #6) » Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:34 am

Post by A Simple Plan »

/in plot
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Post Post #2531 (isolation #7) » Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:35 am

Post by A Simple Plan »

/in SS