Mini Theme Game Queue

For archiving signup threads after their corresponding games are complete.
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Post Post #739 (isolation #0) » Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:29 am

Post by PeregrineV »

In post 717, Persivul wrote:
Game Name:
The Purge, aka Everyone Gets a Gun
Based on The Purge movies. If you haven't seen them, the idea is that to reduce crime and unemployment, the government holds an annual purge - 12 hours in which law is suspended and murder is allowed. Mostly the crazies go out and kill each other, which is exactly the intent. But, some otherwise law-abiding citizens join in because: they want the thrill; they were wronged by the justice system and want vigilante justice; or, misfortune, such as a car breaking down, leaves them stranded when the purge starts. This last one leads to a new mechanic. There are no lynches in The Purge, rather players are stranded - see the game setup below.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:
Reviewed By:
A couple people, but no one will sign off on it. Probably pretty swingy.
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players:
Two completed non-newbie games. WOTC and WOTM in effect.
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?
No. As noted there's a special mechanic, but nothing bastard.

Spoiler: Full setup
The setup is open and includes the following:

8 citizens:

You are a
Town Citizen
. Each night you choose one of the following:

- you are immune from one kill attempt. If two or more people attempt to kill you, you will die.

- you can shoot one person.

2 masons:

You are a
Town Mason
along with
Other Mason
. You may talk at all times in this thread. Each night you choose one of the following:

- you are immune from one kill attempt. If two or more people attempt to kill you, you will die.

- you can shoot one person.

1 Mafia Strongman

You are a
Mafia Strongman
. Each night you may kill one person. Your kill cannot be stopped in any way. You are not affected by Stranded.

1 Mafia Goon/Backup Strongman 1

You are a
Mafia Goon/Backup Strongman 1
. Each night you choose one of the following:

- you are immune from one kill attempt. If two or more people attempt to kill you, you will die.

Night kill
- you can shoot one person.

If the Mafia Strongman dies, you become a Mafia Strongman. Your kill is guaranteed to go through, but you lose the option to barricade.

1 Mafia Goon/Backup Strongman 2

You are a
Mafia Goon/Backup Strongman 2
. Each night you choose one of the following:

- you are immune from one kill attempt. If two or more people attempt to kill you, you will die.

Night kill
- you can shoot one person.

If both the Mafia Strongman and the Mafia Goon/Backup Strongman 1 are dead, you become a Mafia Strongman. Your kill is guaranteed to go through, but you lose the option to barricade.

Mafia and masons have daytalk.

The game is day start. Day phases are 10 calendar days long, night phases are 2. Voting is as usual with phase ending when time runs out or a majority vote is reached. If no majority is reached, the player with the highest number of votes is stranded. In case of a tie, the player who was first to that vote count is stranded. The player voted is not lynched, he is Stranded:

Stranded - your car broke down before you got home. You're stranded in the purge. You cannot barricade, and you have no gun, so you cannot perform a kill. The Stranded player is NOT flipped upon being Stranded, but will be flipped as usual if killed. If the Stranded player survives the night, he is still in the game and regains all his original abilities.

For avoidance of doubt: a Mafia Strongman always has his gun and so is not affected by stranding - he can still perform his kill.

If all players are dead at the end of the night, the mafia wins.
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on weekends.
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Post Post #1356 (isolation #1) » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:46 am

Post by PeregrineV »

In post 1353, MagnaofIllusion wrote:A couple of items for Order of the Stick -

I have the following pre-ins (most of which have already confirmed Lol) -

1. Infinity 324
2. Leonshade
3. shaddowez
4. Bulbazak
5. farside22
6. PeregrineV

Other general information to note -

1. No hydras please.
2. Three completed games are the base-line requirement for joining. Alts are fine as long as you can prove to me your main has the requisite experience via PM.
3. All PTs will be released upon conclusion of the game.
4. I probably will not be able to get the game thread set-up until Monday morning if it fills before hand.

Thanks for the interest. PM me any questions you might have ...
Confirm pre-in for OOTS
I will have
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on weekends.
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Post Post #2489 (isolation #2) » Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:32 am

Post by PeregrineV »

/in for D&D
I will have
Limited Access
on weekends.
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Post Post #3313 (isolation #3) » Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:56 pm

Post by PeregrineV »

/in boardgame mafia
I will have
Limited Access
on weekends.