Scummies Nominations 2022!

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Post Post #10 (isolation #0) » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:10 pm

Post by Ircher »

Game of the Year
09/03/22 Ircher SirCakez Control This was an extremely well ran game with a cool theme and setup. I think the player list was really fun to play with, and the game kept my interest even after I died. It has all the qualities a game of the year should have: good mod, cool setup, wonderful player list, and a strong performance from all factions.

NorwegianBoyEE might deserve a Hannibal Lecter nom as well. He played very well.
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Post Post #12 (isolation #1) » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:24 pm

Post by Ircher »

Hannibal Lecter
10/03/22 Ircher NorwegianBoyEE Control This was a spectacular win for NorwegianBoyEE. His role was the Mold, a variant on a third party arsonist. This role required an exceptional level of skill to pull off. Like Serial Killers, he was fending for himself, but as an arsonist, his job was harder because his kills were delayed. NorwegianBoy did a great job staying in the town's good graces and avoiding the suspicion of the scum; not a single player had definitively pinned him as the mold, and he did a good job of keeping it ambiguous whether the mold was third party or a scum ability. While he did end up in a tie with scum officially, NorwegianBoy is the true winner of Control. He did pretty much everything correct, and it was only a mis-wording of the scum win condition that led to him being in a tie instead.
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Post Post #37 (isolation #2) » Wed Nov 09, 2022 1:03 pm

Post by Ircher »

There's a little less than two months left to get in your nominations for the 2022 Scummies! Start thinking about who would be good nominees for some of the body of work awards like Paragon, Don Corleone, The Modfather, and Rising Star.
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Post Post #45 (isolation #3) » Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:02 am

Post by Ircher »

Mad Scientist
Ircher MegAzumarill Fusion UPick
This was a well executed and cool twist on how upicks normally work. Basically, MegAzumarill took the concept of picking your own role and extended it where your pick also affects another player's role as well. MegAzumarill did an excellent job combining our picks and made a cool setup; I hope something similar gets run in the future.

Mad Scientist
Ircher Datisi Datisi's Cafe
In this game, Datisi introduced productivity points for all of town's PRs. If you wanted to use your ability, you had to spend productivity, but if too many players did this, scum would gain additional kills. It is a cool concept in that it's another way to limit the power of town that differs from the traditional usage of modifiers, and I can see it having a lot of design potential for future setups.

Game of the Year
Ircher Save The Dragons Lost
This was another one of those games where I actually continued following along after I was dead. The player list was fun to play with, and seeing how the game unfolded in the last few days was very nail biting.
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