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Post Post #28 (isolation #0) » Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:09 am

Post by T3 »

In post 7, VFP wrote:Hi, I'm VFP and I have never played with anyone in this player list.

VOTE: No lim
[visible existing]
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Post Post #32 (isolation #1) » Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:41 am

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In post 25, Val89 wrote:All,

I am so sorry I am so late to the thread - you've all given me so much to think about, so it has taken me a little while to gather my thoughts and process it all.

One advantage of waiting until there has been a bit of back and forth is that one can start to get a sense of how the game is going to go, and start to make some initial reads. Lots to unpack here, so I'll get straight to it.
In post 6, MiniMegabyte wrote:First!
I don't like this post. Clearly, post 6 is not post 1, and lying to us straight out of the bad is not a good look. In fact, I propose that we should make it a sort of agreement between us that if any of us are caught lying - about anything - we should give strong consideration to eliminating said person as a result. In addition, the whole post - the content, the tone, the context in which it was posted just gives me a general sense of unease. It was a gut read initially, but I think it's clear I was considering
as at least a slight leanscum here already. Hence far, I have to say the rest of the players are null reads, which considering how advanced the game state is we can start to stop chucking random votes around, this took me a surprise - I was about to say we have some very good mafia players here, but then it occurred to me that if you were truly that skilled you would have convinced me to give you at least a slight townread by now.
In post 8, MiniMegabyte wrote: (inserts shaking hands emoji here)
Ahh, and here is it; the smoking gun that grants some confidence to that earlier gut read. I am aware of the existence of confirmation bias, so I have gone through all the contributions
has made very carefully several times to try and guard against that, but no -
is a strong scum read at this point. Let me explain.

is clearly trying to insinuate that she has no personal knowledge of
, particularly as this comes of the back of
explicit (and as it turned out - also false) statement that they don't know
in the game. Also of interest is the actual emoji chosen here - a handshake. Between two persons. To the exclusion of the rest of the group. See where I am going with this? She also specifically and pointedly says "Nice to meet
!" instead of "nice to meet
". We all know English is one of those languages where 'you' can refer to a singular or an individual. Using it here would be natural, avoid the wavy red line most modern day browsers would assign to the word, and give her the benefit of the ambiguity if anyone paying attention catches it. Instead, we get the informal 'ya', standing in contrast to 'y'all', which to me is a further indication the introduction is addressed specifically to
and she wants us to know it.

The question now becomes why? In my view, the only explanation that makes any sort of sense is she wants us to think, even if only subconsciously, that this over the top, public performance is the first time these two have ever came in to contact, and they most definitely have
already said hi to each other in the scum thread. No sir, definitely not! Nothing to see here folks! Shake my hand and smile!

You might think that this makes
her scum partner then, and the game is solved. Putting aside my feelings towards how I would feel if my first ever game of Mafia was solved and ended on the first IRL day, I don't actually think this is the case. I think
knew that someone might pick up on the vibes between the two here and our first thought would be that they are scum partners. But equally, perhaps that what they just want us to think? I wish there was some term to describe this, but I've checked the wiki inside out and can't find one, so I have invented one, both to refer to this situation and the approach I think we should take to try and come to some sort of conclusion as to how to deal with it. I call it Written Information Follows Overt Meta (WIFOM) - in other words, when what you see written down is in line with what would be expected from your experience you should assume that it is true. No sane scum player wants to associate themselves so strongly with their scum partner so obviously and early, so when we see it happening, we should assume that ISN'T what is happening, that makes no sense. Thus, this is all a big play, and we can actually rule out
as the other scum. As an aside, feel free to use that acronym in your future posts, but do try to remember who invented it and give credit every now and again.

There is the open question as to why
also lied about their association with other players, but I am going to assume for the moment that was a legitimate mistake - I know what I said about eliminating proven liars, but I don't think they would be so fast to walk it back. In contrast, I think
fully expected that "First!" lie to slip under the radar.

everyone else
[/b]null. I think it's pretty clear given that set of reads where my vote should go. I'm going to put my vote where it obviously belongs, and strongly feel that we should make them the elimination for the day. Obviously there is quite a bit of time left before deadline, and I would like to see some more discussion, but I will put my vote on them and see what happens with the rest of the votes. Being the first, I won't be able to hammer, but I want to make it clear that I would be prepared to hammer, and it will take a lot now to convince me to switch my vote.

With all that said: VOTE: T3
Oh no! Pressure!
What do I fakeclaim.....
I know!
Innocent Child!
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Post Post #34 (isolation #2) » Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:51 am

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mod please reveal me as innocent child if you do i will give you a free
that will lag your computer and steal your data
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Post Post #43 (isolation #3) » Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:36 pm

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In post 37, Zyla wrote:Unless T3 improved a lot from the last time we played, he doesn't look like scum based on his meta. That said, I'm not ruling him out entirely since meta does change over time, but we'll see!
I appreciate the sentiment but I sincerely doubt anyone can form an actual meta read on page 2.
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Post Post #47 (isolation #4) » Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:58 pm

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In post 40, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 12, Zyla wrote:Hello all!
Nice to see you again James and T3

Or is it? Are you on the mafia team this time around VOTE: James?
I'm a roleblocker, you're the rolecop and T3 is also a rolecop have you already forgotten?
James was eliminated. He was a Town Multitasking Cop Jailkeeper Friendly Neighbor Tracker Doctor
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Post Post #70 (isolation #5) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:38 am

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In post 68, Zyla wrote:
In post 67, VFP wrote:RVS sucks
True, but it's one of two options I know of to get the ball rolling. If you don't like RVS, how would you prefer town getting conversation going?
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Post Post #74 (isolation #6) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:56 am

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I don't post anything over 5 lines unless I'm scum.
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Post Post #79 (isolation #7) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:46 am

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In post 75, Cook wrote:
In post 74, T3 wrote:I don't post anything over 5 lines unless I'm scum.
I believe that's called a "trust tell."
NNah just meta.
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Post Post #101 (isolation #8) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:23 pm

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In post 100, alstroemerial wrote:All right! Here we go. First, as a small introductory comment. Please don't be misled by my join date -- I played one game back in 2015-ish, and this is my first game since then. So, I'm very much a newbie. I've read a few threads in the last few weeks to try to get caught up on vernacular, etc.

My general perspective on the thread so far is that a lot of the discourse stems from people joking and then others pushing it so far that it becomes actual discourse. It's a little hard for me to parse what is serious and what is not (though I did gather that the reference to me in 27 was a joke, haha). With that being said, I did my best to give a serious read-list with some reasons why. Still, it's so early that almost everything is more of a "lean" at best.

Lean town

: Someone who got caught up in a lot of the "joke-course" but it all comes across to me like a genuine attempt to transition out of RVS. I agree with the observation that Zyla's hard push against the no elim joke vote is strange.
: As you can guess from the beginning of this post, I was annoyed by Val's fake RVS wall because it started all of this confusing conversation, but I don't think it's a scummy thing to do. I agree with post 76 and would have made something similar if I was active... Post 72 to me is interesting and reads well because it shows that Val did some work looking into James instead of jumping straight to an OMGUS.
: Most of the posts so far have been fluff, with only I think one major post past RVS. But that post (57) was productive, giving several reads, so it was productive.

: T3 has been in a few of the games I've read and I find him to be a bit of an enigma and hard to read... Hasn't given a lot of content so far. The meta claim about the self and lack of content makes me have questions, but it's canceled out by post 43, which I liked.
Lean scum:

: I'm just not getting any content. As mentioned in 76, post 73 showed that Cook is active but just not posting any content. Unless this is normal for Cook, I'd expect more from an SE.
: Similarly to Cook, I haven't seen Mini before but I thought an SE would be playing differently, but maybe I'm just wrong. Posts 58-62 seemed like taking an obvious joke (25) completely at face value, and that's pretty much all we've gotten. It was weirdly defensive off of Val's joke-accusation.
: It just seems weird to me to dig in so hard on literally one of the first posts in the thread, during the RVS phase. Additionally, the hero solve on 89 was a combo of that digging-in with a healthy dose of OMGUS. However, I have a doubt that I'm struggling to articulate, which is that I read a game in which Zyla turned out to be scum, and this game feels different. I read that earlier game not knowing I'd be playing with Zyla again, so maybe I need to go back and take a closer look.
: In general I agree with Val's logic, but here is something else new.
In post 66, JamesTheNames wrote:I like the idea of tunnelling day 1 I will warn you of this.
This really rubs me the wrong way. I don't see how tunnelling is productive? By nature, "tunnel vision" is regarded as a dangerous thing that closes one off to new possibilities. There could be times when tunneling is appropriate (i.e. more info), but at this point, it seems unproductive. Then, there's the
to tunnel. What are you trying to accomplish with this? The post as a whole reads like "back off or I'll tunnel you".

With all that said, I'll put my vote on VOTE: JamestheNames.

Last but not least, a newbie question. If this isn't something people feel comfortable answering during the game I get it, but... does anyone have any tips for taking notes? Right now I'm using a Word doc organized by player, with each player getting a bullet-point list labeled with post numbers, along with a general section for reads at the top, but I feel like it's going to get unwieldy as the number of pages in the game increase.
You can ask the mod for a notes pt.

This post is very towny.
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Post Post #109 (isolation #9) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:49 pm

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Provable lies are NAI.
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Post Post #160 (isolation #10) » Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:41 am

Post by T3 »

In post 114, GrandpaMo wrote:wait i think alstro is scum lol
In post 115, GrandpaMo wrote:nvm i think we vote james today and if they flip green, i think ur scum
VOTE: Grandpa
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Post Post #165 (isolation #11) » Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:44 am

Post by T3 »

In post 161, Val89 wrote:Another wall incoming. Sorry not sorry.

I'm ready to give my initial reads on the rest of the game.

Spoiler: alstroemerial:
Town. My initial and overall reaction to seeing their contributions to the game overnight was 'finally!'. I know it could be fairly easy to rock up fashionably late, post a list of reads now you have something juicy to analyse and soak up the towncred, but it feels genuine; it mirrors the approach taken by Town!James in 2064, so I know there is precedent for newbtown to act that way, and I generally agree with the reads given, as you will see.

There is only one thing that pings me:
In post 124, alstroemerial wrote:Does your scum-lean on Grandpa make you think Val is more likely to be town, given all of the back and forth that they had?
As you will see in my Gandpa read, I'm not really convinced the "back-and-forth" actually turns out in the end to be anything of substance. I think it's very clear my focus up to the point of Zyla's reads has been James, and Zyla has James as a Townlean. I feel if the positions were switched, I would be thinking what the
flip would mean for my alignment, and how to tie Zyla into that scenario more than I would Grandpa. Alstroemerial has me and Grandpa as both TRs at present, so the later assertion they think we are flipped (I think that means of opposite alignments?) adds an interesting dimension.

Spoiler: GrandpaMo:
So, continuing with Grandpa; I'll be honest, I am struggling this one. There is a lot of content to digest, which I much prefer over the 'active lurking' I would characterise some of the other play as, but it comes across, as they admit themselves, as confused - it may well not be deliberate, but it certainly isn't helping town.
In post 88, GrandpaMo wrote:Look at the full context please. Smh. The answer you are looking for should be within the conversation. I will give you a hint; the reason relates to a misunderstanding we BOTH had. (I am assuming)
Context for the quote: Grandpa is addressing James, who had taken issue with Grandpa giving me towncred for my #63

I feel like I should be able to understand what Grandpa is refering to here, but I don't. I thought it was clear and obvious my #25 and #27 were non-serious RVS stage posts, in eactly the same way T3's #34 was, but since at least 2 players replied as if it was serious, and a third has hinted they took it that way, I have to admit that perhaps that assumption was wrong. In retrospect, I may modify my approach in future but I still stand by the fact I think we got more out of it than "hello i'm val, lets have fun vote: T3" would have.

Grandpa says in 49 that they are unsure if I am serious, but then assumed I was and proceeded to give an analysis as if I were. I clarified I wasn't being serious, and Grandpa rows it back, saying we were obviously BOTH labouring under a misunderstanding, but as far as I see - only Grandpa misunderstood my intent. It then gets waved around as if James is missing something obvious for not seeing what we both missed. I'm actually inclined to agree with James here, despite my read on them, in that I don't think my response warranted a townread in isolation. Grandpa read me as scummy based on #27, and my explanation might have placated them enough to discard that, but that should have put me back at null, right? Making two RVS posts should have been NAI at that point.

Then there is a VFP townread, which Grandpa confirms is serious in the first line of #49. The last post that VFP makes up to getting that townread is #33, and I see nothing to justify such a read that early. I agree, taking everything else since then that VFP does read town, but I don't see how Grandpa reaches that conclusion as fast as he does.
In post 114, GrandpaMo wrote:wait i think alstro is scum lol
This is another read I have no idea where it comes from. I'm trying to get into Grandpas head, assuming he is town, then assuming he is scum, and reading what alstroemerial had contributed until then, and I don't see it at all. I think Grandpa is going to have to chime in with some more here.

I am aware that, so far that I have done nothing but point out inconsistencies, so the overall read I am about to give - a townlean - might seem at odds with that, but my gut says overall the approach and town feels towny. I think some of my misgivings come from the confused presentation rather than content, but there are some actual issues I have there - If it a further misunderstanding-type situation, Grandpa might clear some of this up with a followup, and I expect them do so.

Spoiler: VFP
It's all rather vague, and I think we ought to start seeing some more justification for what is being spit out, but I agree what we do have from them looks, taken together, more like a slightly-too passive town game than it does scum. The interactions between Grandpa and VFP are interesting too, and I think VFP was a bit too quick to read Grandpa as town too, even if we eventually come to the same conclusions, so that is on my radar. I disagree with the read on Zyla, but there is some justification I can find somewhat reasonable.

I don't read anything into the no lim vote - it's seems basically the same as a vote on a random person, provided that, like that random vote, its going to be quickly moved on to an actual scum read. I do expect that vote to go somewhere constructive soon, at which point, it's had the exact same effect as any other temporary RVS vote, and I'll treat it the same way. I don't give Zyla scum points for pushing it, because it does seem unexpected, but I'm not giving her town points for dropping it in the same VFP has, either.

I have something else too, but ongoing games. Townlean.

Spoiler: T3
Scumlean. Reading the ISO, he might as well not be in the game, in my opinion. I don't see anything of substance apart from this:
In post 74, T3 wrote:I don't post anything over 5 lines unless I'm scum.
Anyone else read this as "I'm getting in my excuse early as to why I can't flesh out my arguments, so don't bother asking me for too much details". Seems like a way to play rather anti-town, while having it passed off as just being 'meta'. I don't buy that argument at all, and its enough to scumlean rather than null this one. It also makes me wonder what those who have townlean'd T3 see that I don't, because if it wasn't for that, this one would be a null for me.

Spoiler: Cook
Scumlean. This one seems like even less substance than T3, in honestly, and as alstroemerial points out; It's obvious they are engaging with the game on some level, but giving us nothing until #123, when we get:
In post 123, Cook wrote:TR VFP
SL James
SR GrandpaMo, Val89, MiniMegabyte
WTH? How in everything that is holy does MiniMegabyte warrant an inclusion on that list over Zyla, alstroemerial and T3, and a strong read at that?

Spoiler: MiniMegabyte
I say this, because she is CLEARY a null read at this point. I place no importance on her reaction to my post, because while I think it was obvious I was joking, I can understand why, if you are new to the game and you see the first substantial post of the game on it's surface shading you, you might respond instinctively, but the posts that are there basically summed up "Hi!" and "Vals post about me is fucking ridiculous", which of course it is, and so there is nothing here to work with, at all. I can't make anything other than a null read, and I fail to see how anyone else can do anything different.

Spoiler: Zyla
Scumread. After Cook, we have another player posting a read list with little justification, which on examination, I can't get my head around in the slightest. I agree on MiniMegabyte being null. For me alstroemerial is any easy townlean read at this stage for both town and scum, but the rest of it, we are basically diametrically opposed.

Let's start with T3. She reads him as notscum based on meta based on two posts, which is basically a obviously non-serious fake claim in response to my equally non-serious RVS vote. How is that alignment indicative in the slightest, even if you have a huge sample of T3s games to work with? T3 himself points this out, and Zyla rows back on it, and agrees its rubbish. Nothing else passes between them, and T3 continues to make non-posts, but he still ends up making the list as a Townlean? Not following, sorry.

Then there is the James thing. I don't think anyone is going to be the slightest bit surprised when I give my read of James as scum, and even though his vote has moved at the time I am writing this, I think we are all expecting to see my name in red when James posts his list, if he gets around to it. This can't have escaped Zyla's attention. I'm reading James as scum, and I've said explicitly that's a pretty hard read, and Zyla reads him as townlean, no explanation given - but choses not to pipe up and explain why?

And then I am null (or rather @Not enough info'). They must have taken a position on the Me V James push here - they say that read James town, so Zyla either thinks it's TvT, and I'm scooting off in the wrong direction hard, or I am scum pushing someone she thinks is town. In either case, I can't see how you hold me as 'not enough info' in the same vein as MiniMegabyte. Town!Zyla seeing either another town player pushing on someone they thing is town, or seeing someone they think is scum pushing on a town read surely says SOMETHING about that by now, and the fact it is being left as the giant elephant in the room and glossed over reads to me as newscum scared to either get too closely associated with her partner, or get accused of a chainsaw defense if the come after me, notwithstanding that coming after me is something I would expect town!Zyla to do if she reads it as SvT, or at least think about telling me to knock it off if she gets TvT vibes.

I'm hoping someone can explain the difference between a "null" read and "not enough info", because to me, they are the same thing.

Spoiler: James
And so to my strongest Scumread. I'm sticking with it. I'm trying to read everything he has posted since with a good dose of benefit of the doubt. I'm going searching for reasons to believe this is a Town v Town situation, and I'm not seeing it. I'm only getting further entranced in my read every post. Everything I said in #72 still applies, and I haven't been satisfied by any of the explanation that has been provided. Since then, there is more:
In post 85, JamesTheNames wrote:First of all townreading someone who didn't vote anybody and rather wants to No-Elim.
Clearly, he means VFP here. Can someone point out where, up to now, I've given a read on VFP? The only place I've mentioned VFP at all until now was my very first post, which EVEN IF, and its a big IF, James took that I was being dead serious reading MiniMegaByte as Scum, VFP as town, and then voting for T3; I have already clarified, twice by that point, that is it wasn't.
In post 85, JamesTheNames wrote:I personally don't think meta is a genuine reason to vote somebody ever
In post 150, JamesTheNames wrote:Meta isn't a valid reason to read anybody any direction.
You know, it's funny. Game #2064 had several reads formed on meta, and yet Town!James doesn't make that argument there. You say that you don't like judging people on self-given meta, like T3 delivered in this game, but you certainly seem prepared to listen to meta reads of more experienced players in that game, without comment that you don't think that's a valid way to form reads - unless (like in this game) there is one directed towards you.

I intend to go digging a little further into that game here, because I think this may well end up being pretty damning, but in any case, my read against you in no longer "meta", is the sense that it is based off another previous game, because you say what I was building my case off explicitly here.
In post 153, JamesTheNames wrote:What makes you think witholding a read you have or an idea is town sided?
Exactly. This is precisely what I was trying to put across in my quotes from your previous games. James the player KNOWs that withholding a read or idea is anti-town.
In post 39, JamesTheNames wrote:Oh well. I am satisfied with my vote.
In post 64, JamesTheNames wrote:I'm still happy with my vote.
In post 66, JamesTheNames wrote:Why're you so desperate to leave the RVS stage?
I'm getting the distinct "I'm going to imply I have something about Val, but I'm not sharing" vibes here, along with the "I'm happy to keep the game in this low information RVS stage for as long as a I can, even though we have something real to discuss". Thinking about it, that doesn't tally with your (apparently) taking my reads in #27 seriously either. We know you believe that to be anti-town behavior because you told us so, when you started pushing on GrandPa for it, so why would a theoretical Town!James engage in it this game? Ocams Razor: It's because you rolled scum.

In post 116, JamesTheNames wrote:multiple holes = people
In other news, this made my chuckle far more than it ought. I realise I am still such a child.


By the way, if you really are colourblind James, and that wasn't a clumsy attempt at a fake breadcrumb, let me know which colour is easier to differentiate over green for my town leans.
It was kind of a joke-y obvservation about my meta.
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Post Post #180 (isolation #12) » Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:05 am

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It is
a trust tell.
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Post Post #197 (isolation #13) » Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:04 pm

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In post 188, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 160, T3 wrote:
In post 114, GrandpaMo wrote:wait i think alstro is scum lol
In post 115, GrandpaMo wrote:nvm i think we vote james today and if they flip green, i think ur scum
VOTE: Grandpa
lol ok i guess i have to explain why i thought alstro was scum so randomly lmfao

i thought it was obvious. i dont really scumread them, they will probably be in my townreads just because i cant read 3 ppl and the 2 ppl are acting scummy.

and so far you + val have done like the most contributions
have done the most contribution?

The alstro read seemed really out of the blue and I disagreed with it. Then the second part seemed like you trying to set up for tomorrow.
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Post Post #288 (isolation #14) » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:58 am

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UNVOTE: grandpa
I remember I sred grandpa in another game as town for exactly this.
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Post Post #298 (isolation #15) » Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:38 am

Post by T3 »

In post 294, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 291, Val89 wrote:
In post 288, T3 wrote: I remember I sred grandpa in another game as town for exactly this.
What's this?

I had the same question. Like you push me for something that could have been easily debunked and in which I did then you claim it didn't happen, and now you claim it did?
The setting up for the following day.
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Post Post #311 (isolation #16) » Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:11 pm

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I voted you for appering to try to implicate alstro to set up for tomorrow.
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Post Post #312 (isolation #17) » Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:12 pm

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In post 310, Val89 wrote:
In post 308, GrandpaMo wrote:what do u think about like the wall post that zyla posted of where i was saying i was an easy vote like look at post 299, last quote message

they only pointed out me and not james
Don't see anything wrong with that - it seems like a stretch to point to you talking about Norwee not jumping on either wagon and suggest that is scummy; but it seems equally weird to point to the fact she mentions the wagon on you and not the one on James to suggest they might be partners.

There is enough floating about and I think weak arguments like this are just starting to cloud the issue.
This post pings me weirdly. Nothing to vote over and idk why.
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Post Post #348 (isolation #18) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:33 am

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VFP and Norwee are lean town.
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Post Post #351 (isolation #19) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:03 am

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To be clear.

I voted grandpa for doing x.

I then remember that I voted grandpa in another game for x, and was wrong.

I unvoted.
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Post Post #353 (isolation #20) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:18 am

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x is appearing to try to set up for tomorrow.
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Post Post #357 (isolation #21) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:17 am

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Post Post #372 (isolation #22) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:54 am

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Honestly I don't think I've seen VFP coast ever.
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Post Post #382 (isolation #23) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:17 am

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VOTE: vfp
Hopefully some pressure will actually make VFP play the game.
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Post Post #384 (isolation #24) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:17 am

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E1 or 2 I believe.
I don't sr them but like....
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Post Post #388 (isolation #25) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:19 am

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Post Post #391 (isolation #26) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:21 am

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Oh wise senpai of the pool, what is your wisdom?

VFP should stop shitposting.
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Post Post #395 (isolation #27) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:22 am

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In post 390, Val89 wrote:Someone better check, but that looks like E-1 to me: Votes from Zyla, alstroemerial, Cook and T3.
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Post Post #409 (isolation #28) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:30 am

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I'm town
- A poem by T3
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Post Post #414 (isolation #29) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:33 am

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The vote was like 50% joke and 50% fuck-it-why-not-vote-this-guy.
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Post Post #418 (isolation #30) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:37 am

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Norwee comes across as different than the game I played with him and I'm not sure why.

pedit: I saw Cook, someone else who voted on the page who I forgot voted. I wasn't sure whether Zyla had voted.
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Post Post #423 (isolation #31) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:45 am

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In post 422, VFP wrote:I just want to make it clear. At this point I've played more games with T3 than anyone else.
I have a pretty good understanding to how T3 plays and T3 the same for me.

T3 should know what my gripe with Grampa is here if town.
From the aliensitter game?
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Post Post #424 (isolation #32) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:47 am

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In post 420, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 418, T3 wrote:Norwee comes across as different than the game I played with him and I'm not sure why.

pedit: I saw Cook, someone else who voted on the page who I forgot voted. I wasn't sure whether Zyla had voted.
Who even are you?
What game?
The newbie game from like 2 months ago I think. You were mislimmed day 1. By play you're quite towny though.
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Post Post #430 (isolation #33) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:52 am

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In post 428, VFP wrote:
In post 423, T3 wrote:From the aliensitter game?
This game.
I mean like you sred grandpa by meta because he was scum in the aliensittergame.
Honestly I do not know.
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Post Post #438 (isolation #34) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:23 am

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No, but you think he is playing the same is what I gathered.
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Post Post #462 (isolation #35) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:38 am

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I don't think VFP is scummy.
VFP seems a lot more coasty and joking around than I've seen from town or scum them so I'm not sure if that's AI. This is a slower paced game and usualy my play is affected by that, and there's also that school ended so I have way more time.
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Post Post #566 (isolation #36) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:45 pm

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Last game I played with Cook they coasted and threw out random reads and flipped scum.
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Post Post #567 (isolation #37) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:48 pm

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They're doing that this game, but I don't have a large enough sample size.
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Post Post #577 (isolation #38) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:49 pm

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With grandpa in the game the postcount goes up and up and up and up....
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Post Post #580 (isolation #39) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:55 pm

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In post 579, Val89 wrote:t3, If you are suggesting we get rid of Grandpa just to clear out some of the noise, I am afraid I like that idea a lot more than I probably ought. It's one of the reasons I said this 300 posts ago.
In post 228, Val89 wrote:what I do get is a sense that Grandpa is trying as hard as he can to advance the game, and is getting as frustrated at not being able to put what he wants to put across effectively as I sometimes get frustrated trying to decode it. It seems far too...I guess genuine, to be scum deliberately trying to derail and distract, but the inconsistences and the effect it's having on town makes Grandpa the clear and easy target for a a mislim; and smart scum have probably tuned into that already. I don't think its a coincidence, for example, that both my scumreads are on that wagon.
No, I'm not.
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Post Post #662 (isolation #40) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:20 am

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Grandpa is town.
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Post Post #742 (isolation #41) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:59 pm

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Grandpa is town for the reaction.
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Post Post #752 (isolation #42) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:53 pm

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Grandpa claiming vt only comes from towngrandpa.
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Post Post #767 (isolation #43) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:03 pm

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Townslip moment.

Now unvote.
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Post Post #801 (isolation #44) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:01 am

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I mean like the circumstances around the claim. It looked like grandpa was going to die - if I were him I would have claimed a pr to draw the c.
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Post Post #946 (isolation #45) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:21 pm

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VFP confbias intensifies.
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Post Post #985 (isolation #46) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:05 pm

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In post 984, alstroemerial wrote:waiting for the day to end at this point

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Post Post #992 (isolation #47) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:45 am

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In a nutshell: Why the heck was Zyla killed?
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Post Post #993 (isolation #48) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:46 am

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I don't see any reason why scum would kill Zyla unless she somehow pegged both scum.
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Post Post #1001 (isolation #49) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:31 am

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I'm going to read Cooks ISO.
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Post Post #1005 (isolation #50) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:37 am

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Cook is town and I will not explain why.
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Post Post #1009 (isolation #51) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:40 am

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I would think scum Grandpa would claim PR here. The entire game is scumreading him and his lim is basically inevitable.
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Post Post #1010 (isolation #52) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:41 am

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In post 1008, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 1005, T3 wrote:Cook is town and I will not explain why.
VOTE: t3
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Post Post #1023 (isolation #53) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:04 am

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In post 1019, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1005, T3 wrote:Cook is town and I will not explain why.
When have you ever explained a read?
Starting recently I've made an effort to case people as town.
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Post Post #1025 (isolation #54) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:06 am

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In post 1024, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 1023, T3 wrote:
In post 1019, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1005, T3 wrote:Cook is town and I will not explain why.
When have you ever explained a read?
Starting recently I've made an effort to case people as town.
Do you have a case?
Not realy in this game because of the faster pace.
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Post Post #1030 (isolation #55) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:17 am

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In post 1026, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 1025, T3 wrote:
In post 1024, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 1023, T3 wrote:
In post 1019, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1005, T3 wrote:Cook is town and I will not explain why.
When have you ever explained a read?
Starting recently I've made an effort to case people as town.
Do you have a case?
Not realy in this game because of the faster pace.
So is it just vibe? I don't mind if it is because my opinion on Cook is basically just vibe also.
No. I have a valid reason to basically locktown Cook.
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Post Post #1033 (isolation #56) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:24 am

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Probably Mason.
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Post Post #1034 (isolation #57) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:25 am

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Why do you ask?
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Post Post #1035 (isolation #58) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:38 am

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Some vibes, but I think there's something else to Cook.
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Post Post #1037 (isolation #59) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:04 am

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7 players are alive...
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Post Post #1069 (isolation #60) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:32 pm

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Look at the circumstances of how I came to towread cook.
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Post Post #1076 (isolation #61) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:50 pm

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Cook, can I say why?
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Post Post #1079 (isolation #62) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:11 pm

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I found Cook soft FN. :(
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Post Post #1080 (isolation #63) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:12 pm

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I'm bad at keeping secrets.
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Post Post #1081 (isolation #64) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:12 pm

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In post 16, Cook wrote:silence condemner

can't i just give a FRIENDLY introduction to myself?

gotta confuse the newbies somehow.
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Post Post #1088 (isolation #65) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:44 pm

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I'll shut up now.
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Post Post #1089 (isolation #66) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:44 pm

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VOTE: James
Now I will.
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Post Post #1132 (isolation #67) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:21 am

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Don't selfvote.
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Post Post #1157 (isolation #68) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:07 am

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I hardclaim tracker James visited Val and me last night. VOTE: James
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Post Post #1158 (isolation #69) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:08 am

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Night 1 Grandpa didn't visit anyone. I reread the game and got kind of paranoid so I decided to track him.
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Post Post #1166 (isolation #70) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:18 am

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dont kill me i have the perfect post ive been wanting to make
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Post Post #1167 (isolation #71) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:19 am

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wait ok
1 moment
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Post Post #1168 (isolation #72) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:21 am

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be right back i have the best self hamer post in my clipboard somewhere
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Post Post #1170 (isolation #73) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:30 am

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When Little T3 went to school
And mastered one to nine
He thought the other kids were cool
And every class divine
He painted shapes in red and blue
And drew in curves and bends
And by the time to day was through
He's made a hundered friends
'I'm pals with Grandpa, VFP, and James'
He told his scumbuddy with pride
But T3s scumbuddy was pro-bus.
And she made T3 fucking die!
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Post Post #1175 (isolation #74) » Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:04 am

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