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Post Post #46 (isolation #0) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:35 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

VOTE: Bimblesticks

Don’t want him feeling left out. Whaddup again Noraa?
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Post Post #47 (isolation #1) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:37 pm

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In post 7, StrangeMatter wrote:Here we go again.
VOTE: Illwei
What’s this mean?
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Post Post #48 (isolation #2) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:41 pm

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In post 18, Bakslash wrote:Hello hello everyone. I would like to say GLHF!
No response to your vote?
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Post Post #49 (isolation #3) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:48 pm

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In post 34, StrangeMatter wrote:Well, this got serious a lot faster than I thought. It was really not a serious post, and had nothing actually important to say.
What got serious? What’d I miss?
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Post Post #50 (isolation #4) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:48 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 35, StrangeMatter wrote:However, #25 and #26 are reasonable concerns. But I won't rule out the possibility that scum could've jumped on it to look town either.
You think both scum would jump on the same thing at the same time?
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Post Post #58 (isolation #5) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:09 pm

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In post 53, Roden wrote:I think you're reading too much into RVS.

VOTE: StrangeMatter
VOTE: Roden

How can anyone fight that?
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Post Post #59 (isolation #6) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:14 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 52, StrangeMatter wrote:I meant that it is a completely possible, and while not likely, should not be ignored. Leaving out part of someone's thoughts without a good reason, to me often just comes off as if they're hiding something, or could be actively trying to deceive others.
I get that but sometimes you do have to just be logical. It’s not about ignoring it’s just logic. Do you think they are both scum? Just one? Who?
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Post Post #60 (isolation #7) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:17 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 57, Roden wrote:Pretty sure I know why you think I'm scum. I won't entertain your reasoning though because it's pretty flimsy, and we both know you're just gauging me anyway.
Care to tell it to me then? I’m kinda curious.
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Post Post #88 (isolation #8) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:28 am

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 77, Noraa wrote:I have issues with Italiano the most and that worries me A LOT bc I almost always TR him...
In post 79, Roden wrote:Idk about Bulge but Italiano is giving me weird vibes too. Every single post just has questions that probably have predictable and boring answers. Like he's trying to look busy without really doing much.
In post 83, Bimblesticks wrote:Yep, I was thinking the same thing. A bunch of questions but no explanation of his conclusions. Questions are useful for getting more evidence, I'll give him that, but I feel like it would make more sense if he also explained his suspicions while asking them.
I don’t give analysis when I ask questions, that’s why I ask questions. I also don’t assume things because it annoys me to no end when people do it to me so I ask questions so people can actually answer them.
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Post Post #89 (isolation #9) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:31 am

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 87, StrangeMatter wrote:Right now, it's more or less due to their interactions that I think that. But right now, I'm not really sure if either of them are scum right now.
I will say that it would look bad if one of them flips red at some point.
Aight. And who would it look bad for? What do you think of Roden’s vote on you?
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Post Post #90 (isolation #10) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:39 am

Post by ItalianoVD »

For right now I’m okay with Noraa’s paranoia because I think that’s within her town range. I admit I don’t know scum!Norraa’s intricacies but I feel I know enough of her town ones that I feel okay for now with her. Her paranoia and suspicion of me especially after last game is understandable. I know you aren’t gonna take my word for it so I just gotta prove that I’m town. With that said I’m not at all liking the other two Roden and Bimblesticks and how they jumped on that paranoia. I’ve already responded to your suspicions and I’m curious what your comments will be.

Also although this is a newbie game I don’t treat it like you guys are newbies. Most players aren’t and so I just surmise that everyone knows what they’re doing.
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Post Post #107 (isolation #11) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:10 am

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 91, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 89, ItalianoVD wrote:
In post 87, StrangeMatter wrote:Right now, it's more or less due to their interactions that I think that. But right now, I'm not really sure if either of them are scum right now.
I will say that it would look bad if one of them flips red at some point.
Aight. And who would it look bad for? What do you think of Roden’s vote on you?
This question is a bit weird. It would look bad for the person who did not get voted. I don't see why you would ask this question if you can figure out the answer without me needing to say it. As for what I think of Roden's vote on me, it's pressure, so its nothing new there. I'm not too sure what they mean by defensive in that post though, which I do find a little weird.
I initially thought it would look bad for you the way you worded it so I was asking who were talking about?
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Post Post #108 (isolation #12) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:14 am

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 92, Bakslash wrote:
In post 48, ItalianoVD wrote:
In post 18, Bakslash wrote:Hello hello everyone. I would like to say GLHF!
No response to your vote?
How am I supposed to respond to a random vote? :?
I don’t know, but I usually see some type of response to votes and pressure even though it’s RVS.
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Post Post #109 (isolation #13) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:23 am

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 94, Illwei wrote:
In post 88, ItalianoVD wrote:I don’t give analysis when I ask questions, that’s why I ask questions. I also don’t assume things because it annoys me to no end when people do it to me so I ask questions so people can actually answer them.
Can you define "assuming things" because I feel like at least a whole big part of mafia is based on assuming things, even if the assumptions are more of educated guesses?
Educated guesses are fine but I’m talking about there being a couple interpretations of something (post, interaction, etc.) and it’s assumed only from one side of the coin, like when someone assumes you are scum when you’re not because of a post and then locks in and doesn’t see anything from a town perspective at all. Like I said it’s annoying and I hate when it’s done to me so I know it’s annoying for other people and so I try not to do it, but I will say it’s a null action from me since I do it as both alignments so don’t read into like it means anything read wise.
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Post Post #152 (isolation #14) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:05 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 141, StrangeMatter wrote:I'm still waiting on Italiano to answer the question from #112. Really want to know what their thought process was with it.
In post 112, StrangeMatter wrote:I'm wondering, @Italiano, why do you keep asking questions such as asking about people's votes or RVS like they mean something?

I ask questions the way I do because I not only want to just sort players I want to know and see how they think. I wanna know why people do the things they do or don't do the things they do. I want to know how players think and what's going on in their head, not just why they did something. I usually do this with RQS but sometimes I do it the way you see it here. It just depends on how I'm feeling. Some people think it's weird or suspicious but hey I'm not playing for them, I'm playing for myself and it works for me because I've caught plenty of scum/wolves that way, but it also helps me accurately pinpoint town players so finding scum is easier.
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Post Post #153 (isolation #15) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:07 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 142, StrangeMatter wrote:Where is everyone right now, I get that discussion is a bit harder with a person VLA, and one has to be replaced, but 6 other people aren't even talking at all. That kind of seems like a waste of a day to have no discussion whatsoever. So can those 6 people explain why they're not talking right now?
Yeah, sorry. Newbie games are a lot slower than other setups. I was busy and didn't really see anything to comment on at the time.
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Post Post #163 (isolation #16) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:14 pm

Post by ItalianoVD »

In post 157, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 152, ItalianoVD wrote:
In post 141, StrangeMatter wrote:I'm still waiting on Italiano to answer the question from #112. Really want to know what their thought process was with it.
In post 112, StrangeMatter wrote:I'm wondering, @Italiano, why do you keep asking questions such as asking about people's votes or RVS like they mean something?

I ask questions the way I do because I not only want to just sort players I want to know and see how they think. I wanna know why people do the things they do or don't do the things they do. I want to know how players think and what's going on in their head, not just why they did something. I usually do this with RQS but sometimes I do it the way you see it here. It just depends on how I'm feeling. Some people think it's weird or suspicious but hey I'm not playing for them, I'm playing for myself and it works for me because I've caught plenty of scum/wolves that way, but it also helps me accurately pinpoint town players so finding scum is easier.
tell me what you got out of it?
In due time.
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Post Post #226 (isolation #17) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:59 pm

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In post 203, GrandpaMo wrote:an emotional reaction usually stems from a newbie yk?
I wouldn't do that if I were you. You treat people like newbies and then get over on you.
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Post Post #227 (isolation #18) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:02 pm

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Unless of course that's the plan
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Post Post #229 (isolation #19) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:05 pm

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@GrandpaMo: You can copy/paste what you want to quote. You don't have to quote the whole post. Just highlight what you want to comment on and press the quote button.
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Post Post #230 (isolation #20) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:08 pm

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In post 228, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 227, ItalianoVD wrote:Unless of course that's the plan
Roden reacting is not alignment indicative, it's probably just playstyle, but GrandpaMo dismissed it saying it's a newbie reaction and that Bulge should look elsewhere.
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Post Post #231 (isolation #21) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:10 pm

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Feels agenda-y
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Post Post #233 (isolation #22) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:22 pm

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In post 210, Noraa wrote:Ok and what players have you sorted so far?
None yet really. A few pings here and there. I was gonna go in on my thoughts and reveal what I'm really thinking and whatnot, but truth is, lol I don't feel like it right now, but I most definitely will.
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Post Post #234 (isolation #23) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:23 pm

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In post 232, StrangeMatter wrote:Are you talking about GrandpaMo and their TR on Roden right now
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Post Post #235 (isolation #24) » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:24 pm

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In post 232, StrangeMatter wrote:Also, @ItalianoVD, what do you think about the Roden slot?
I'll reveal my reasons for voting Roden during RVS a little later, but currently I am comfortable with where my vote is.