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Post Post #35 (isolation #0) » Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:42 am

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Hi, haven't read anything and not going to for a while but

VOTE: Not_Mafia

on general principle.
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Post Post #199 (isolation #1) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:10 am

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Okay, I'm skimming through the topic now. Quick remarks (writing as I go, so earlier comments may not reflect later read updates)
  • and particularly the quick townread on alstro is a good look for Marci and I want to call her town, even though I don't actually see what's so townie about .
  • Lukewarm talking Val's "let's just elim Not_Mafia" seriously is... not as bad as I usually think it is when people take jokes seriously, because Val's tone in is hard to pick out as joking particularly in a newbie where it's not necessarily obvious to everyone what 'normal' looks like. 44 is scummy if serious, not scummy if joking,
    scummy if "just kidding... unless??"
  • Actually kind of liking N_M for town based on his page 3 posts? Even the vote for me, if he's scum he shouldn't be indignant about my vote because he'd know he deserves it. (I know it's some serious moon logic to townread someone for an OMGUS but got to call this like I see it)
  • Val's is lol, largely fluff and more aimed at self-justification than at actually convincing anyone to follow his vote, scummy post. Though the followup in makes me wonder if he's just shitposting.
  • Kind of like alstro's -- it has qualities of transparency and just feels honest. (I don't know if anyone except maybe Val is seriously proposing we absolutely policy N_M though? I voted him because it was that or random-vote given I wasn't going to read)
  • Maybe I'm already biased against Val but the question in feels fake.
  • I like Luke liking 73 in
  • Marci's is another "I disagree but appreciate your perspective" post for me
  • Val's does have one towny thing about it in that the sort of illusion-of-transparency thinking of "it should have been self-evident I was joking" is a mindset I expect more from town. (@Val: It was not evident at all, and it's still not evident that's not just a backpedal)
  • Reading the start of pg 5 I'm right there with Luke in getting increasingly tunneled on Val as it goes.
  • I like Portia's intro.
  • by Luke is... actually kind of town. Val could just be someone who knows he's town and can't comprehend why Luke doesn't see what is so obvious to him.
  • Pavowski's looks town-motivated, no reason to try and break up a slap-fight between two other players if you're scum. May need to revisit this if Val does flip red though.
  • Zyla's and do nothing for me
  • -- smh, what's the point of declaring v/la if people are just going to vote me for being inactive anyway.
  • Dislike but can't put my finger on why; it feels too much like self-explanation, maybe? Val ought to be more interested in Luke's alignment or really anyone else's at all than in his own.
  • -- another tell here: explicitly saying "I'm unvoting because it's not RVS" as if RVS were a formalized game phase is something that more often comes from scum
  • is fluffy and in isolation I don't like it, but is good -- alstro's read on Val's level of seriousness kind of matches my own (except I was more like "Wait, he's serious? Is he serious? He can't be serious, can he? But it really looks like he is" than thinking he definitely was)
  • is way over-the-top reaction from Portia and I don't like it
  • I can't make up my mind if it's a good catch or a nitpick on Luke's part. Portia's characterization does seem a bit self-contradictory and ill-considered. It's possible they're just lazy town with incoherent reads though.
  • Pavowski's is relatable and Luke's is the sort of advice that's easier given than followed for a player who is naturally prone to caution.
  • Re. I don't really understand Val's reasoning on why put the vote back now; what happened to make Luke suddenly a scumlean?
  • -- "tunneling is scummy" is an odd take, do you think tunneling is actually >rand probable to come from scum?
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Post Post #201 (isolation #2) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:13 am

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VOTE: Zyla

This or Portia look like good wagons to me rn. Neither have given me any reason to think they're town over the course of 8 pages.
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Post Post #203 (isolation #3) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:14 am

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I think Pavowski is probably town, it's not a conclusive read but their tone seems at least transparent about what they are doing and why, and honestly if they were scum I would expect them to have made up some strong reads by now instead of continuing to insist they don't have any.
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Post Post #210 (isolation #4) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:03 am

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Lukewarm doesn't look like he's faking a read to me, he looks like the spitting image of deeply tunneled town. Which is not to say that Val is town, I haven't made up my mind on that yet, only that Luke is reading
he does as further proof of guilt which can only be confirmation bias. Even actual scum don't scumtell in 100% of their posts.
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Post Post #212 (isolation #5) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:19 am

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I mostly just liked questioning your actual position on NM, I guess, though looking at it more carefully was a good read on Luke as well. Yes I did mean it seemed town, but having a town-looking intro is not that much evidence in itself.

struck a nerve with me, I don't think it much matters if he apologized for it or not (though I will honestly say I hadn't considered 196 at all since it was posted while I was writing my catch-up and I sort of missed it altogether until now). The apology is for the rude tone, and that's nice and all, but if it were a more toned down but still clearly miffed response it would still be scummy because there's no reason for town!Portia to be miffed there about some really mundane questions.

doesn't seem worthy of any kind of townread at all, it just looks like "whoops, I'm being questioned, better throw out some reads" post and Luke rightly points out that it's not even self-consistent.
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Post Post #220 (isolation #6) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:59 am

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In post 218, marcistar wrote:
In post 199, Umlaut wrote:Val's is lol, largely fluff and more aimed at self-justification than at actually convincing anyone to follow his vote, scummy post. Though the followup in makes me wonder if he's just shitposting.
:eek: im not sure if 58 is the right post, its linking to a luke post instead of a val post. which post did u mean?
Bonus townpoints for having actually read my catchup wall and followed the links! was what I meant.
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Post Post #228 (isolation #7) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:45 pm

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In post 223, marcistar wrote:
In post 220, Umlaut wrote: was what I meant.
In post 219, Val89 wrote:That wasn't the only case Umluat did that - He also says "by luke" is "actually kinda town", but it's one of my posts.
can u respond to this as well umlaut?
In that one I actually did mean Val and just wrote the wrong name down. I didn't really proofread that post at all so I wouldn't be surprised if there are more errors like that.
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Post Post #229 (isolation #8) » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:47 pm

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In post 216, Lukewarm wrote:I also think that it does not help his case, that he has repeatedly said that he is not sure that I am scum. If he was sure that I was scum, it would make a bit more sense that he is completely ignoring my points / discreditting me.
There's not really any good way to engage with someone who is insisting you are mafia, though. Like what is he supposed to say, "Oh well you make a good point there, maybe I'm scum after all"?
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Post Post #302 (isolation #9) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:29 am

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In post 239, Lukewarm wrote:I am going to just add 236 to the list of scummy takes coming from Val

I am okay going first, if that means you guys speed elim Val tomorrow, and let nothing short of a hard cop innocent stop that from happening

VOTE: Luke

Please do this sort of thing, it just makes you look even more tunneled than you already do and makes me want to ignore you. Incidentally I am definitely not working from the assumption that you vs. Val can only ever be TvS, so seeing you flip town is not going to convince me of anything.
In post 254, Lukewarm wrote:I would also point out, that he seems completely unworried about the possibility that I am tunneled town, and that my absolute certainty could lead to 2 town miselims back to back Instead, he is settling into just say that I am flailing scum (which, again, Zyla and Pav have seen my scum game - and come on)

And he is so sure I am scum because,

I, uh... think he is scum?.. and...
**checks notes**
took his early posts seriously

That is enough for him to be unphased by the idea of us both going getting elim'ed?
This is actually a sensible point; if I were town!Val in this situation I would definitely prefer to try and get you to back off and do something productive instead of continuing to come back to this.
In post 277, Lukewarm wrote:I mean, look at this wildly unprompted / unnecessary defense of Portia, when Umlaut mentioned having suspicion on Portia, but Umlaut was not even voting him:

In post 211, Val89 wrote:
In post 201, Umlaut wrote:This or Portia look like good wagons to me rn. Neither have given me any reason to think they're town over the course of 8 pages.
I find the offering up of Portia as the second "good wagon" as little strange. Umlaut commented on a huge chunk of the thread in , but the only thing I see in reference to Portia are two comments; first that he "like
Portia's intro" and the second that is "way over-the-top reaction from Portia and I don't like it" - something Portia has already acknoldged and appologised for in .

There isn't a lot in Portia's iso, but it's enough to just start pinging him as town for me; and that's based on , , - and the second part of . All of which has gone without comment in Umlaut's . It is notable in it's absense.

Umlaut concludes that neither Zyla nor Portia has given him "any reason to think they're town". Can I ask, Umlaut, when you say "I like Portia's intro", do you mean it in a difference sense to 'Portia's intro seems town'?

imo, this was either a partner defense, or a pocket attempt by Val
This on the other hand feels confbiasy, like you decided Portia was a likely Val partner and then went through his ISO looking for evidence and of course found it. But it feels town-confbiasy and further solidifies you as town for me.
In post 263, Portia wrote:I don’t want to eliminate Val or Luke. They keep thread Alice to an e stent I think town suffers regardless of the flip. I want to see where they push off each other. Bet that might just be me.
Why is this something anyone is townreading? (1) "Regardless of the flip" is effectively saying it's better to keep someone alive even if they're scum, which is pretty much never true barring special mechanical circumstances that can't actually occur in this setup anyway. (2) "Keeping the game alive" by having two hyperposters tunnel one another into the ground forever is not actually good for the health of the game anyway.

I will say that if it's between Luke and Val I'm voting Val every time, but something in his recent posts (notably ) makes me feel it might be a good idea to keep trying to look elsewhere.
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Post Post #307 (isolation #10) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:11 am

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In post 303, Val89 wrote:
In post 213, Val89 wrote:From the rest of your post, I take it your stance is less "Neither have given me any reason to think they're town over the course of 8 pages." and more 'I thought Portia's introduction seemed town but I decided that didn't mean much and think he is now worth wagoning after seeing his 166?'.
Since you are here, Umlaut, would you mind answering this? I'm trying to get a handle on what your stance of Portia actually is, given that your assertion they've given you nothing to think they are town seems to conflict with your first line of
I didn't answer it because it's not a question. Yes you understood correctly, Portia's intro was some minimal reason to think he's town that doesn't matter very much.
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Post Post #309 (isolation #11) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:20 am

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Strong TR on Lukewarm still.
Some degree of TR on all of {marcistar, alstroemerial, Pavowski}.

Gives me an elim pool of {Val98, Not_Mafia, Zyla, Portia}.

NM has done fuck-all but I kind of expect that from him. Would not object to an elim there but in my experience we either do it or don't, trying to use votes to pressure him is useless.
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Post Post #313 (isolation #12) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:42 am

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It's not surprising you disagree with an argument that town!you would do something different from what you are doing...
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Post Post #317 (isolation #13) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:09 am

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NM would make a good cop target assuming we have one.
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Post Post #318 (isolation #14) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:13 am

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Going back a bit:
In post 120, Portia wrote:^^^
*puts vote away
*asks other person y no vote

There’s something about the implicit contradiction in that post that just rings town to me.
This is actually a pretty towny read and makes me feel a bit better about Portia, it's pretty rare for scum to catch town in a contradiction and use that not as an excuse to push them but as a basis for a townread instead.
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Post Post #320 (isolation #15) » Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:19 am

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In post 297, Zyla wrote:Luke and Val - SvT
Honestly, this is just a total mess. I was trying to read opposite of what my gut was telling me, but Luke was making a lot of sense, and I was agreeing with him and thinking he was town. Then comes . I... have no words tbh, I don't know how this could ever be a good move in this situation. And then he starts begging for votes on Val, and honestly becomes the most confusing 1v1 I've read so far. I do find it hard to believe that they're both town, and even harder that they're both scum, at this point, but I don't think it's clear at this point who's who.
Why can't this be TvT? I understand why Luke and Val both insist it can't be, because they both (either genuinely or artificially) just
know with such certainty
that the other one is scum and so it seems obvious from internally that they are in a battle of Good Versus Evil. But I don't see it as nearly so certain from an outside perspective and I'm not sure why you do. What precludes them just being two terrifically tunneled townsfolk?
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Post Post #423 (isolation #16) » Sat Jul 10, 2021 5:12 pm

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Still pretty busy with unpacking and sorting out my new place this weekend but I saw I was asked a question so I'll answer it.
In post 414, alstroemerial wrote:
, can you answer the below when you get the chance? I'm very null on Zyla right now because I've seen some things that give me pause, but I actually liked the below cited posts and those were among those that had been making me change my read. Also, if anyone who is voting Zyla (Marci, Umlaut, Pav) is at the point of "I really think Zyla is scum" as opposed to "I want to pressure Zyla" I would be curious to hear a case.
In post 224, alstroemerial wrote:
In post 199, Umlaut wrote:Zyla's 121 and 126 do nothing for me
Do you mean this in an "I don't get any read from this" way or a "this doesn't have sufficient content and thus is suspicious" way? I actually liked those two posts personally so I'd be curious to hear disagreement if you do. Based on your comment on 140, it seems like a scum lean, which makes me think you disagree about 121 and 126.

I like Umlaut's as a way to catch up after VLA and give a lot of takes. also basically answers my above question but I'd like some more clarification on why 121 and 126 are scummy. As you saw in my earlier posts I've been considering Zyla for a bit, but those posts actually made me start to change my mind.
I got a scumread for lack of any reason to townread, so I guess it was more the latter thing ("doesn't have sufficient content and thus is suspicious"). Reviewing these posts in more detail (I had to remind myself what they even said tbh):
In post 121, Zyla wrote:
In post 73, alstroemerial wrote:Ah here we go -- I have my eye on Zyla a bit already because [ongoing games] but it's more of a lean than a read at this point
I'm going to say that I'm a little bit confused since we aren't in any games together. Since we can talk about 2068, which we were both in, does that do anything to help or harm me in your eyes?
Not meaningful content.
In post 121, Zyla wrote:
In post 99, Val89 wrote:For the record on my part: I do not think Not_Mafia [...] should be the lim today
Why not? Sure we shouldn't eliminate him right now, as it's early in the day, but most people seem to agree that they're hard to read and would be an easy mis-elim, which I at least would rather do the most likely miselim on day 1 and let someone else contribute to the thread
empty but an easy thing to comment on and not town-indicative, and rang some "fake activity" bells in my head in that it's an easy low-risk thing to comment on and appear to be contributing.
In post 121, Zyla wrote:
In post 101, Val89 wrote:Interesting choice of quote from Alstro's 73. Seems like this one would be the one actually relevant to the topic at hand:
In post 73, alstroemerial wrote:As a result, Luke's response threw me off a bit because it seemed to be taking it completely at face value. So I wasn't sure if Luke was, like, playing along, or...?
Now hold on a second. If I'm reading this correctly, Luke was saying that Alstro was taking
seriously. That doesn't mean they were taking you RVS post seriously. (And yes, it's dressed up and entertaining, but it's still RVS) You both really seem to like taking what the other person is saying out of context
"You're both being silly" is an obvious point and an easy way to position oneself as the voice of reason.
In post 126, Zyla wrote:
In post 125, Val89 wrote:Mainly because I don't want to put too much stock in what most people seem to agree when I've not played with him, and I don't think I've yet read a newbie game with him in it.

Early days, but I haven't yet seen anything to suggest he will be trouble, or any harder to read than anyone else in the game.
In the one I read, it seemed to be consistent with his normal (from the meta-reading I did out of curiosity) except for the fact that he doesn't do quickhammers in newbies

As for the second part, he's claimed himself that he's not voting seriously, which at least to me seems like an anti-town red flag (whether or not he's scum), what's your thought on that?

Also, my main thing was that you said flat out he wasn't the vote today; wouldn't you be willing to eliminate him if more information pointed to him being scummy?
The first two parts seem like easy observations and the question in the third is just weird and fake-seeming to me ("Would you be willing to eliminate someone if evidence says they are scum?" Is that really a question you need to ask?)
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Post Post #506 (isolation #17) » Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:16 am

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Hey you happened to ask me a question just as I'm checking in, good job.

That's more or less still where I am; my read on Val vacillates wildly between obviously-this-is-town and obviously-this-is-scum depending on which way the wind is blowing, though. They have said a few specific things that make me want to put off that wagon at the very least, so take them out of the pool I guess.

I haven't really thought in-depth about this game for a couple days, need to get back in the saddle at some point.
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Post Post #507 (isolation #18) » Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:20 am

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In post 481, Val89 wrote:Yeah, I'll give you that one. I might need to hone my skills in that department. At the moment, I tend to look for people doing things that ping me as scummy, then I scumread them for that.

Speaking of which:
In post 128, Lukewarm wrote:After playing like 4-ish games with Not_Mafia, I am against a Day 1 Not_Mafia elim, and generally suspicious of people who lean into eliming him Day 1 -- he is an easy miselim target / angle for the scum team to push. Plus, I have also found him to be a pretty good scum hunter, and would like to see any pushes that he leans into before I personally try to sort him.
I don't have any experience with Not_Mafia, but I think Luke talks a lot of sense. Something must have changed since then, I guess. That's fine, people change their opinions as the game goes on, not going to criticise you for that. Let me go see what scummy things Not_mafia might have done to make you think he might be worth limming since then.

*Opens Not_mafia ISO, reads posts from 128 down*

Oh, he started giving indications (like the 'non-vote' and talking of a 'scum you') that he might be starting to scumread you. So, what you meant in 128 is that you would like to keep him around to see what lean/pushes he makes, just as long as they aren't directed at you?
I'm also wondering to myself why you are pontificating to the room about if there is maybe an appetite for limming not_mafia, rather than actually making a case or dropping a vote - would that be just a little
obvious, perhaps?

By the way, I kinda like this sort of jokey, sarcastic style we seem to developing towards each other, do you think it might help town actually start paying attention to us a little more, rather than just scroll past when they see our avatars? :P :P
Val, have you ever actually been scum in a game? Because this read seems to betray a failure to understand how scum think. I don't think I have ever chosen whom to push for elimination based on who I thought was a threat to scum!me, and I don't really expect scum!Luke to operate that way either.
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Post Post #523 (isolation #19) » Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:22 am

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VOTE: Portia
since Luke asked nicely. I still think that one post was kind of towny but absent a stronger scumread I'm good with this.
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Post Post #538 (isolation #20) » Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:45 am

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Really skittish town here being afraid of an E-2.

Portia flaking only makes that slot a better elim candidate imo. Newb scum losing interest and disappearing is a tale as old as Mafia.
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Post Post #541 (isolation #21) » Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:04 am

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I've updated saying I don't want to vote Val today. I feel pretty good about calling Luke town so this question is really just "do you think Val is scum or not?" to which I say I really have no idea, I've fluctuated back and forth on that in my head quite a few times.
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Post Post #550 (isolation #22) » Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:50 am

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I'll laugh if we end up launching N_M today after all.
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Post Post #555 (isolation #23) » Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:35 pm

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In post 553, Val89 wrote:I, however, think Portia's behavior, in turning up obviously and self-admittedly l intoxicated, and getting over-the-top prickly about minor issues - and the subsequent disappearance - is more likely to indicate personal issues rather that disappearing for game relating reasons such as having rolled scum and not know how to play it.
I think you may be reading too much into the drunk Mafia-ing. A lot of people do that sometimes. it doesn't mean they have ongoing personal issues.
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Post Post #563 (isolation #24) » Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:08 pm

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In post 557, Lukewarm wrote:This feels like a game where I get killed night 1, and then the town dies a slow and painful death due to apathy
Fwiw I don't think you're likely to die tonight?
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Post Post #575 (isolation #25) » Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:59 am

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Hi Shrek, don't know why you opened with a roleclaim at E-3 but I'm interested in seeing what you have to say.
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Post Post #579 (isolation #26) » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:52 am

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In post 576, Shrek wrote:portia is being grilled and i would also prefer to eat the nightkill as a vt than an important power role. i have less of a problem claiming with vt since i know i dont have any useful abilities to start off with anyways and i feel like portia needs something to pull them out of the hole since theyd have to claim sooner or later anyway. best to get it outta the way now
This is a weird explanation

Why would you expect to be nightkilled as a claimed VT whose slot is under suspicion?
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Post Post #614 (isolation #27) » Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:29 am

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^ agree
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Post Post #623 (isolation #28) » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:07 am

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In post 619, alstroemerial wrote:
In post 280, Lukewarm wrote:
@Everyone -- if I vote for anyone other then Val before the end of Day 1, please take that as a scum claim, and hammer me with impunity
In post 497, Lukewarm wrote:Just to make it clear to the thread, I think that at this point
I, Lukewarm,
would be a better elim then : Zyla, Pva, and Umlaut.

If you don't want to follow me onto a Not_Mafia vote, then feel free to follow Val onto a Luke Vote

VOTE: Not_Mafia
In post 618, Lukewarm wrote:VOTE: shrek
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm glad you followed up saying this isn't making you want a Luke lim because I was just about to say, I get the :eek: react but what do you actually make of this? Do you think "promise I will only vote for A all day or else I'm scum, and then vote for B and C instead" is a likely scum move?
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Post Post #635 (isolation #29) » Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:27 am

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That was E-1, right? ...right?


I actually like their reads post, not just because they call me hard-town (though that's probably part of it just because it surprised me a lot)
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Post Post #636 (isolation #30) » Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:33 am

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Luke, did you ever explain why I shouldn't be voting Zyla? I changed my vote because you asked nicely but I don't get it.
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Post Post #639 (isolation #31) » Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:40 am

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In post 632, Shrek wrote:ebwop pavowski actually looks a lot better reading back on his iso specifically because he seems to preserve not mafia for now? like i legitimately dont see a mafia member sticking their neck out for him assuming he is town which is a good thing. that said if nm does flip mafia here it obviously would make pavowski look bad in retrospect and he has to know that. maybe mafia is protecting nm though still intends to lynch him later down the line to get town cred? if that makes any sense at all. i also misremembered it was zyla going for the n_m elim which is a little shady but she's been contributing a lot otherwise.
In my very first game on the site, I as scum stuck my neck out for town!Not_Mafia on Day 1 and instead pushed my scumbuddy as a better elim.

I'm not saying this is necessarily what Pavowski is doing but I felt like I should point it out anyway.
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Post Post #642 (isolation #32) » Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:03 am

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In post 638, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 636, Umlaut wrote:Luke, did you ever explain why I shouldn't be voting Zyla? I changed my vote because you asked nicely but I don't get it.
Mainly just that I have Zyla as a strong Town read rn, and did not want her to be the wagon everyone parked on while aggressively ignoring the Luke v Val 1v1
Convince me of this townread?
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Post Post #663 (isolation #33) » Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:09 pm

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A but of both, I didn't like N_M's vote onto it and it made me want to rethink. But on balance I like the makeup of the Shrek wagon more than N_M and there's not much time left so

VOTE: Shrek
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Post Post #690 (isolation #34) » Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:10 am

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Want to hear other players' thoughts on the nightkill but I think it's pretty obvious why Val.

Withholding my vote for a bit.
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Post Post #696 (isolation #35) » Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:35 am

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In post 691, Pavowski wrote:I don't think scum!Luke makes that kill after all that back and forth during the day.
I don't really think Luke is likely scum but given that there are two of them it wouldn't be out of the question for Luke's buddy to convince him of that kill, even if he would never make it on his own.
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Post Post #702 (isolation #36) » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:43 am

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In post 697, Lukewarm wrote:Also, just like thinking about the fact that if they decided to kill inside of the [Val, Luke] 1v1, and decided to go with Val, then they must have either
thought that Val was a PR, or maybe they are high in my town reads, so I probably need to look back over all of those was well.
Can you elaborate on this?

Why would the Mafia think Val is a PR?

(Everyone else please leave this question alone and let Luke answer)
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Post Post #720 (isolation #37) » Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:30 pm

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In post 703, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 702, Umlaut wrote:
In post 697, Lukewarm wrote:Also, just like thinking about the fact that if they decided to kill inside of the [Val, Luke] 1v1, and decided to go with Val, then they must have either
thought that Val was a PR, or maybe they are high in my town reads, so I probably need to look back over all of those was well.
Can you elaborate on this?

Why would the Mafia think Val is a PR?

(Everyone else please leave this question alone and let Luke answer)
It was less that I knew why they would have a reason to think that he was a PR, and more that I am trying to figure out why they would have killed him.

And thinking he was a PR is a reason why they might try to kill him despite our 1v1
So the reason I asked this is that Val was pretty obviously hinting at a PR yesterday with posts like and and . I thought it was quite blatant, in fact, and while I tried to be at least somewhat subtle about why I didn't think he was a good wagon for the day I thought I was pretty obvious as well, to the point where I am very surprised that anyone didn't see this. I assume that baiting the NK was precisely his goal, so scum saw it at least. Did you seriously miss this?
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Post Post #735 (isolation #38) » Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:01 pm

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Really not a fan of Zyla and Alstro lining me up to be the next launch after N_M if he flips town.

(This is mostly a prodge, I'll try to do a reread this weekend though)
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Post Post #743 (isolation #39) » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:40 am

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I don't like lining up launches like that in general, but it does make it worse given that I know I'm town.
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Post Post #748 (isolation #40) » Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:03 pm

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In post 747, Not_Mafia wrote:
In post 737, Pavowski wrote:Meanwhile the day is ticking away

VOTE: Not_Mafia

The push he wants for Luke is opportunistic and doesn't make sense
This is a very scummy E-1
How do you distinguish it from a towny E-1?

I'm ready to hear you out on this but you have to say something.
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Post Post #750 (isolation #41) » Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:42 pm

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I'd like to give N_M a chance to answer my question at least and I don't know if I want him to be the launch at all (though to be fair it's not like I'm voting someone else... I'm really unsure here, which is why I really should do more reading)
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Post Post #751 (isolation #42) » Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:43 pm

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We have four whole days left, there's no hurry here.
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Post Post #768 (isolation #43) » Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:10 am

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Interested in trying this

VOTE: Pavowski

I don't really follow what N_M is saying about Luke (and I think honestly it would be hard for me to ever believe Luke is scum) but the Pavowski read actually makes some sense.

Weekend is busier than anticipated but I am at least reading along still, btw.
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Post Post #778 (isolation #44) » Mon Jul 26, 2021 5:26 am

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In post 769, Pavowski wrote:
In post 768, Umlaut wrote:Interested in trying this

VOTE: Pavowski

I don't really follow what N_M is saying about Luke (and I think honestly it would be hard for me to ever believe Luke is scum) but the Pavowski read actually makes some sense.

Weekend is busier than anticipated but I am at least reading along still, btw.
Well, at least you voted.

So NM has a bad read on Luke, but a good one on me? My scumread on him today is based pretty much entirely on him saying Luke is the move following a NK that I think most of us agree does not jive with scum!Luke. You are the only one who has even made an effort to justify NM's push on Luke (in 696, you imply that a partner might convince scum!Luke to NK Val even if he wouldn't do it on his own), but now you seem in agreement with me on Luke?

Why *wouldn't* I adjust my read on NM based on his early posts today?
I just refuse to believe Luke is scum and I don't refuse to believe you are. The way you phrase your initial question here seems to indicate some degree of incredulity that N_M could have one bad read and one good one, do you really think that's hard to believe?

I said in that I didn't actually believe Luke was scum, did you miss that?

I suppose you could adjust your read based on N_M's posts, but you haven't really made any argument I can see that N_M's push on Luke is actually scummy as opposed to just wrong. You did say it's "opportunistic" but particularly given it's a continuation of his stated scumread on that slot from yesterday I don't understand where that comes from. What opportunity exactly is N_M taking advantage of?
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Post Post #783 (isolation #45) » Mon Jul 26, 2021 10:53 am

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In post 780, Pavowski wrote:How do you view NM'S push on Luke today?
I don't understand the push because I haven't seen any case to speak of. I don't like it that N_M refuses to give a case but I don't think it's necessarily scum-indicative of him.

You didn't just say it's a bad or nonexistent case, though, you said it's
So either you just chose a buzzword at random or you think there is something in particular that is opportunistic about it. Do you think he's an easy target? I certainly would not characterize anyone as prolific and aggressive as Lukewarm in that way, so what do you mean?
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Post Post #785 (isolation #46) » Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:09 pm

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Do you think scum!N_M took less than a few seconds to think before making this "opportunistic" push that no one else is interested in?
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Post Post #840 (isolation #47) » Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:00 pm

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I wish I had the slightest idea how to read T3.

feels like refuge in audacity and makes me want to vote him but I have no doubt in T3's ability to be exactly this ridiculous as town
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Post Post #841 (isolation #48) » Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:04 pm

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Luke is pretty much spewed town at this point, btw; in no universe does scum first lock in a VT claim and then say "okay, no one else claim, massclaim is over"
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Post Post #857 (isolation #49) » Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:22 am

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Mostly AFK today. I still somewhat prefer Pav to T3 but not by much and mostly because, as Luke pointed out, T3 always acts approximately this erratically and it's hard to confidently scumread it. I do need to revisit my old Zyla read and decide if I still agree with it.
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Post Post #881 (isolation #50) » Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:27 pm

Post by Umlaut »

Not much to say here, just hoping Pav shows up to claim soon.
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Post Post #904 (isolation #51) » Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:13 am

Post by Umlaut »

I can roll with this.

VOTE: Marci
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Post Post #910 (isolation #52) » Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:19 am

Post by Umlaut »

Alstro, care to say whom you're jailing if this flips green?
“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say, ‘There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say there are two kinds of people in this world,
and the other kind,
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Post Post #962 (isolation #53) » Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:30 am

Post by Umlaut »

I'm amazed that not limming N_M turned out to be a good decision, if only because it gave Pavowski the chance to make himself look bad pushing him d2.
“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say, ‘There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say there are two kinds of people in this world,
and the other kind,
’ and those who
say. Well, then there’s me.” — J.R. “Bob” Dobbs