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Post Post #39 (isolation #0) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:45 pm

Post by yessiree »

VOTE: green crayons

I remember playing with you ages ago...

Early townread on dark magician for good posting, clearly the superior sorcerer to other sorcerer's.
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Post Post #44 (isolation #1) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:45 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 40, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave
it's weird that i have a life outside of mafiascum?
Well, it sounded like you were trying to initiate convo by phrasing it as an inquiry, and then left them hanging :lol:
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Post Post #51 (isolation #2) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:27 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 45, Save The Dragons wrote:merely asking a question
ok but it looked like a serious question, to which she gave a serious answer. So I find it odd you chose to respond to her the way you did instead of just responding to her answer
In post 40, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave
it's weird that i have a life outside of mafiascum?
In post 41, Save The Dragons wrote:are you the awkward scum?
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Post Post #71 (isolation #3) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:21 am

Post by yessiree »

In post 60, DkKoba wrote:im pr
hi pr, im dad
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Post Post #135 (isolation #4) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:59 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 106, Green Crayons wrote:VOTE: yes
In post 107, Green Crayons wrote:for whatever he's doing with Dragons
What about it, can you explain?
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Post Post #149 (isolation #5) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:48 pm

Post by yessiree »

Not_Mafia putting this much effort early on? Must be scum

VOTE: Not_Mafia
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Post Post #150 (isolation #6) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:57 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 129, flow trap wrote::igmeou: I can't tell if you're serious, but I wasn't
Yeah, really glad you weren't. Cuz I was gonna say you must be smoking some good shit if told me you thought "scum number 2" = second scum in the playerlist
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Post Post #151 (isolation #7) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:59 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 133, Raya36 wrote:
It has been requested I confirm the playerlist is random. It is in the order of signups as given by the listmod
wait... someone asked if the playerlist is random? :facepalm:
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Post Post #152 (isolation #8) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:05 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 137, mozamis wrote:how can we doing set up spec already?
it's a phase really, every game goes through this at some point, better to get it out of the way sooner than later

I think the setup is 3 scum 11 town, thats all
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Post Post #154 (isolation #9) » Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:23 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 153, VFP wrote:Yessiree is on the town list. Not quite on the VFP block but damn close.
you spelled my name right the first try, colour me pleasantly surprised

actually fuck it, you can be town for now
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Post Post #159 (isolation #10) » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:02 am

Post by yessiree »

In post 155, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 135, yessiree wrote:
In post 106, Green Crayons wrote:VOTE: yes
In post 107, Green Crayons wrote:for whatever he's doing with Dragons
What about it, can you explain?

it looks like trying to create suspicions over things that are not suspicious or even ai

that it's done to help support/protect DMG also pings

Spoiler: posts
In post 44, yessiree wrote:
In post 40, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave
it's weird that i have a life outside of mafiascum?
Well, it sounded like you were trying to initiate convo by phrasing it as an inquiry, and then left them hanging :lol:
asking a question and then leaving the site to do ~life stuff~ isn't leaving anyone hanging
In post 51, yessiree wrote:
In post 45, Save The Dragons wrote:merely asking a question
ok but it looked like a serious question, to which she gave a serious answer. So I find it odd you chose to respond to her the way you did instead of just responding to her answer
how is this odd much less ai
well, I found it odd how STD (...dragons? save?) chose to explain the reason for his lack of followup instead of just following up on dark magician, cause that seemed a bit too self-conscious for a townie

but im mostly satisfied in how he responded to me
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Post Post #160 (isolation #11) » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:04 am

Post by yessiree »

In post 158, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 152, yessiree wrote:I think the setup is 3 scum 11 town, thats all
is this the first time this setup has been played on the site?

if not, i'm sure someone who is in the pl has an encyclopedia brain and/or played it before to let us know if there has ever been a deviation of total scum/non-town roles
no idea, but it is strange for it to be an even number setup (3:11 instead of 3:10 which is much more common imo)
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Post Post #312 (isolation #12) » Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:45 pm

Post by yessiree »

Catch up tomorrow, busy this weekend
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Post Post #431 (isolation #13) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:38 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 164, DkKoba wrote:i will know with 100% certainty what yessiree's alignment is based on how they are playing now by the end of D1.
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Post Post #434 (isolation #14) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:47 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 186, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 1, Raya36 wrote:

Wiki Page
Spoiler: Setup Information
3 Mafia

11 Town
The alignments distribution was publicly announced by the mod, so not sure why its in question lol
In post 156, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 138, Lukewarm wrote:I don't like it because Flow trap is definitely not confirmed town, so anyone taking their word for it is bad. That does not really seem like a scum thing to do, so I am not scum reading them for it, but I am pointing out that I don't like it lol
weird. i assume when people say "oh i don't like that player did x" that means they think it's suspicious.

are the other things you point out as not liking also you saying you think that it is just non-ai bad play? or just this one instance.
I don't like it, because even if it is a town player doing it, it makes it harder for town to win. That goes for DK claiming a PR (which I neutrally read), VFP agreeing with flow trap's claim (which I am more inclined to town read), and for anyone memeing as either Jester or Scum.

The last one is one of my least favorite things that a town player can do. That is not something I am using as a part of making my proper reads, but so far I don't have a strong enough scum read to pull me out of RVS, so I voted against that.
scumlean this post, by the time you posted this, there were already lots of AI posts that were worthwhile to be commented on, latching onto the not_mafia gimmick is indicative of timid scumplay imo

pedit: you wana?
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Post Post #436 (isolation #15) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:56 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 196, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 195, NDMath wrote:
In post 192, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 190, DkKoba wrote:I hardclaim pr -
I also hard claim a power role :shifty:
Me three.
i'm sparticus
I'm gonna channel A50's wisdom and say there's probably 1 scum in these 4 mofos
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Post Post #437 (isolation #16) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:08 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 234, Save The Dragons wrote:
Dark Magician Girl

i hate this post:
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave
it's mostly a gut read at this point but i just have trouble getting over that. why give someone no time to answer before throwing shade on them? I hadn't posted yet so there's no way for them to know i wasn't going to come back to it.


my problem with the slot is they come into the game with what's basically an OMGUS against VFP for calling them out. it makes me uncomfy.
In post 171, MiniVirgo wrote: Before I leave again, I saw these and had strong thoughts. You're simply naive if you ever think that's an effective way to read people, tell me why not posting after a prod is more likely to come from scum than from town. Prods are not always effective, and that means nothing of alignment by itself, especially early-game.

And to add further context as to why it's even worse reading into that for us is that Mini never likes day one in games and I am constantly busy working on my websites that I forget about the games until I make a significant effort into catching up.
I use my gut a lot, especially d1. having trouble reading people so far but i'm willing to trust it until something better comes along.

happy to townread STD for this, mostly for tone, and also for prodding lukewarm earlier
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Post Post #438 (isolation #17) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:17 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 259, MiniVirgo wrote:
In post 234, Save The Dragons wrote:
Dark Magician Girl

i hate this post:
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave
it's mostly a gut read at this point but i just have trouble getting over that. why give someone no time to answer before throwing shade on them? I hadn't posted yet so there's no way for them to know i wasn't going to come back to it.


my problem with the slot is they come into the game with what's basically an OMGUS against VFP for calling them out. it makes me uncomfy.
In post 171, MiniVirgo wrote: Before I leave again, I saw these and had strong thoughts. You're simply naive if you ever think that's an effective way to read people, tell me why not posting after a prod is more likely to come from scum than from town. Prods are not always effective, and that means nothing of alignment by itself, especially early-game.

And to add further context as to why it's even worse reading into that for us is that Mini never likes day one in games and I am constantly busy working on my websites that I forget about the games until I make a significant effort into catching up.
I use my gut a lot, especially d1. having trouble reading people so far but i'm willing to trust it until something better comes along.
First of all, regardless of the fact it wasn't, OMGUS isn't a only-scum trait. The reason I voted them was because they were weakly scum-reading someone who hasn't posted yet and I cannot stand that, it's as if they were too scared to push someone actually posting so they picked on someone that wasn't.

- JV
I don't fully agree VFP was a player that seemed too scared to push someone so they picked on an inactive slot, given they did it in a very flashy, attention-drawing way, which is contrary to the narrative you're trying to push here
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Post Post #440 (isolation #18) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:23 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 260, MiniVirgo wrote:
In post 257, VFP wrote:
In post 254, MiniVirgo wrote:Can you explain these in depth?
No, sorry.
Is there a particular read you think is wrong?
Why not?
I think it's concerning how many TRs you have.

- JV
why would it be concerning how many TRs they have? it's an odd thing to say, or are you insinuating that it's scum!ai for them to hand out this many TRs?
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Post Post #441 (isolation #19) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:29 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 439, DkKoba wrote:u ever like

look at the playerlist and be like

"hmm i cant like find 3 scum here"

and like its concerning ?

thats what im feeling rn

thats why im gonna just yolo vote here: VOTE: artemania

and for now i will relax .
well u don't have to find scum when you get a red PM :wink:
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Post Post #442 (isolation #20) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:32 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 283, VFP wrote:
In post 281, MiniVirgo wrote:I’m not just gonna follow someone in a game of mafia that’s just wrong
If it helps, we can just assume that the posts not signed are ones by you.
Also, follow me. If I'm wrong, give me 6 more shots to be right. If I'm still wrong, then we can review where I was wrong and why.
best I can do is 2 shots, and save the last one for urself :lol:
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Post Post #456 (isolation #21) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:48 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 305, DkKoba wrote:so now that we have progressed a little - how do people feel about no limming so PRs can do their thing and investigatives can potentially give us some juicy info?
I have a better proposition, how about we lim not_mafia for the luls
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Post Post #457 (isolation #22) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:51 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 446, DkKoba wrote:its crazy cuz like i was townleaning u until u like threw that weird shade at me there- didnt like it at all and like made me feel like "huh am i wrong here?" kinda vibe.
hmmm, i thought you were good at reading me, cause it's pretty easy to see that was made in jest imo
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Post Post #471 (isolation #23) » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:16 pm

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In post 468, Artemiana wrote:That's a low blow
that's below the belt, REF
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Post Post #642 (isolation #24) » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:38 pm

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In post 641, DkKoba wrote:no, VFB
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Post Post #672 (isolation #25) » Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:47 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 668, NDMath wrote:Do you have any thoughts on the koba and minivirgo argument?
I do
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Post Post #734 (isolation #26) » Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:39 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 673, NDMath wrote:
In post 672, yessiree wrote:
In post 668, NDMath wrote:Do you have any thoughts on the koba and minivirgo argument?
I do
I'm sure you know what my follow up question is
well, ngl, it was kinda off-putting and killed my desire to play for a bit.

The reason for koba's initial push (which was mini hasn't towntold) was very weak, so weak that I didn't think anyone was gonna bite on that. So to me, mini's reaction was way overblown, especially given there was hardly any vote on the slot at the time. Of course, I don't know the history between these players, and tbh really can't be arsed to take that into consideration in how I read them, but since that seems to plays an important role here so I kinda have to to a certain degree.

Usually I associate strong emotions with town because it's just hard to fake as scum, and it's very easy to tell when scum is faking it, but usually this only applies when they are in danger of being eliminated. So it's more a case of associating it with desire to win. But mini wasn't in danger of being eliminated, in fact I think he was wagoned due to how he handled the pressure, and I don't see town reacting that strongly, especially on day 1 because a green flip here hardly impacts town's prospectives. So I think he reacted poorly to the pressure, leaning scum on the slot

(OR he could be pr with an exciting ability and he fears not bing able to use it but you didn't hear it from me)
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Post Post #735 (isolation #27) » Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:54 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 722, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 717, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 667, Raya36 wrote:
Replacing Lukewarm
oh rip. I liked them
yea i wanted their spot but their was a rule to go in order so i got this instead
anything particular about lukewarm that made you want to replace in that slot?
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Post Post #784 (isolation #28) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:17 pm

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In post 782, VFP wrote:I'm happy to lim anyone at this stage.
lets lim not_mafia for the luls
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Post Post #785 (isolation #29) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:29 pm

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In post 783, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 774, NDMath wrote:The Flea and Dragons interaction to me looks bad for flea because the accusation that dragons hadn't read the post was unfounded and there isn't a reason for town!flea to think that in the first place.
It was ultimately crossed wires, and I was of the view the post had been skimmed, not read.
Was it just that bit looking bad for me or more of it? because that's a pretty naff bit to just be worth calling out.
I actually don't agree that looked bad for flea at all, in fact if anything it made them both look pretty towny after that exchange tbh

If someone asked me to summarize my case after I had just made a big wall post and took the effort to organize them into several spoilers, I'd tell them to fuck off too. Granted, the spoiler format isn't exactly great for readability, because you'd have to expand/collapse and then scroll around to read stuff, but the sentiment should still stand. And on top of that Flea did summarize faer case, which is bonus points for town.

On the other hand, STD's insistence was pretty townie too. I feel like normally scum would not be that stubborn and ease up a little when challenged by someone who knew what faer was talking about.
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Post Post #1047 (isolation #30) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:31 pm

Post by yessiree »

10...10 pages of new content? Who are these new people? Who is who? Am I still exist? O the horror
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Post Post #1048 (isolation #31) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:52 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 961, Andante wrote:
In post 960, Save The Dragons wrote:Andante, gun to head would you say yesiree is lean town or lean scum or would you stick with "ehh?"

like, probably scum over town, I legit have no idea how I'd classify them, their lines feel weird, but if I call them scum it's off early posts, they had nothing recent that I felt like was even relevant to the game, I have no idea what I think on that slot
try again

VOTE: andante
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Post Post #1050 (isolation #32) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:05 pm

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no u
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Post Post #1404 (isolation #33) » Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:44 pm

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In post 1011, T3 wrote:best defense 2021: i'm town :cop:
you guys limmed this?

You monsters
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Post Post #1406 (isolation #34) » Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:05 pm

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walk me through why andante is clear? not_maf tried to shoot her?
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Post Post #1408 (isolation #35) » Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:16 pm

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if he was smart he wouldn't have taken the shot

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Post Post #1412 (isolation #36) » Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:50 pm

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In post 1410, Andante wrote:
In post 1408, yessiree wrote:if he was smart he wouldn't have taken the shot


LMAOOO I love this. yessiree lives today, what's DMG looking like? That was my other sr yesterday
excellent, im done here for the day, see you lovely folks tomorrow
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Post Post #1413 (isolation #37) » Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:53 pm

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In post 1409, DkKoba wrote:he was 3 shot, it was actually quite optimal to take the shot. after all, he had to please his fans.
yes, optimal, but still not smart :P

died young when he had so much to live for, truly a tragedy :cry:
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Post Post #1501 (isolation #38) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:31 am

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I showed you my "read" pls respond
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Post Post #1507 (isolation #39) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:44 am

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In post 1503, Andante wrote:I think Robert/mozam is scum... Robert was here, asked a question, implying he was here to engage, and is gone. I think he's scum avoiding the pressure right now
Wow, did you just pull a DMG on STD?
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Post Post #1513 (isolation #40) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:49 am

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In post 1510, Andante wrote:
In post 1507, yessiree wrote:
In post 1503, Andante wrote:I think Robert/mozam is scum... Robert was here, asked a question, implying he was here to engage, and is gone. I think he's scum avoiding the pressure right now
Wow, did you just pull a DMG on STD?
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave
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Post Post #1515 (isolation #41) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:50 am

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Idk how those quotes morphed either
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Post Post #1517 (isolation #42) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:51 am

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In post 1508, Save The Dragons wrote:yessiree, who are you scum reading?
I will get back to you on this after I figure out who replaced who
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Post Post #1520 (isolation #43) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:52 am

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In post 1516, Andante wrote:
In post 1513, yessiree wrote:
In post 1510, Andante wrote:
In post 1507, yessiree wrote:
In post 1503, Andante wrote:I think Robert/mozam is scum... Robert was here, asked a question, implying he was here to engage, and is gone. I think he's scum avoiding the pressure right now
Wow, did you just pull a DMG on STD?
In post 36, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
this is a pretty weird post to drop then just leave

how are those even remotely similar??
You're both shading someone who dropped a post and left
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Post Post #1548 (isolation #44) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:31 pm

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But you called me vote yucky and it hurt my feelings
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Post Post #1550 (isolation #45) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:48 pm

Post by yessiree »

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Post Post #1551 (isolation #46) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:54 pm

Post by yessiree »

VOTE: Robert

This has a decent chance of flipping scum, methinks
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Post Post #1553 (isolation #47) » Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:08 pm

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I did read the ones before that. Only that one stood out because it was related to me.
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Post Post #1592 (isolation #48) » Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:33 pm

Post by yessiree »

I'm not sold on DMG
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Post Post #1850 (isolation #49) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:25 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1848, Andante wrote:another math? welcome! lol
Now there are 2 of them. This is getting out of hand
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Post Post #1851 (isolation #50) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:26 pm

Post by yessiree »

And hello A50, I was TRing your slot too.
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Post Post #1854 (isolation #51) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:38 pm

Post by yessiree »

@Mod, we should get an extension because of new replacements (also weekend is coming up and I'll be busy)
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Post Post #1855 (isolation #52) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:46 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1699, Save The Dragons wrote:i liked Koba D1 so i wrote them off as townie but now i'm not so sure i think robert may be onto something
hold the phone, doesn't the grandpa kill strongly implicates scum!koba

I remember old man was pressuring koba hard yesterday
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Post Post #1858 (isolation #53) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:10 pm

Post by yessiree »

pi? that's irrational
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Post Post #1861 (isolation #54) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:21 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1859, MathBlade wrote:Still the most accurate number if suited at the right purpose.

Convince me you’re not scum with ND.
I can convince you I'm not scum, but I don't get what you're using to associate me with ND
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Post Post #1864 (isolation #55) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:09 pm

Post by yessiree »

*back from lunch break*
In post 1862, MathBlade wrote:Who is scum?
just look at your role PM
What are your reads?
I don't do explosive-diarrhoea-style read walls, it's just not how I roll. I give them out in bids n pieces
Moonlogic. It’s awesome. (Translation I already explained a bit and a mix of that and vibes)
You explained? All I could find was you saying ND/flow/yess could be a team, and asking if ND could be bussing me. Am i missing something?
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Post Post #1865 (isolation #56) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:16 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1829, Almost50 wrote:I've just read pages 1-4 and I don't see anything AI. I did realize N_M got NK'd on N1 though and that makes me both sad and angry.
Hold on, ya didn't do the *1-in-3-rule*? Getting sloppy or getting a red role PM hmmm?
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Post Post #1868 (isolation #57) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:33 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1732, DkKoba wrote:The nightkill townread me too so your vote is hella sus.
why is that?
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Post Post #1869 (isolation #58) » Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:56 pm

Post by yessiree »

VOTE: save the dragons
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Post Post #1891 (isolation #59) » Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:46 am

Post by yessiree »

In post 1876, MathBlade wrote:Because your reads are shit?

Help me “bus” yes then or explain. (Bus is in quotes as I can’t bus)

If I had two votes I would be voting ND and Yes but alas I do not.
w o w, has McToughGuy entered the building? :lol:

You should look in a mirror, tough guy, because that's what I think about your "reads" (reads is in quotes since they're fake reads).

You picked one post from NDMath yesterday as the sole basis for your scumread on him, one vote from him on me as your sole basis of his "bus" and then picked 2 other players to be in your poe pool that were generally already been scumread by other slots. Seems to me you just faked a bunch of low quality reads devoid of any deeper thought process.

There, that's one of my reads. I've met my quota for the weekend, boss. Now if you'll excuse me...
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Post Post #2082 (isolation #60) » Sun May 02, 2021 3:49 pm

Post by yessiree »

Catching up

but before that... coffee
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Post Post #2084 (isolation #61) » Sun May 02, 2021 3:52 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2083, Andante wrote:
In post 2082, yessiree wrote:
but before that... coffee
sounds like a scummy activity...
it's not scummy it's an addiction
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Post Post #2086 (isolation #62) » Sun May 02, 2021 4:01 pm

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In post 2085, Andante wrote:coffee addicts are mafia. it's a proven fact!
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Post Post #2088 (isolation #63) » Sun May 02, 2021 4:10 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1896, MathBlade wrote:
In post 1891, yessiree wrote:
In post 1876, MathBlade wrote:Because your reads are shit?

Help me “bus” yes then or explain. (Bus is in quotes as I can’t bus)

If I had two votes I would be voting ND and Yes but alas I do not.
w o w, has McToughGuy entered the building? :lol:

You should look in a mirror, tough guy, because that's what I think about your "reads" (reads is in quotes since they're fake reads).

You picked one post from NDMath yesterday as the sole basis for your scumread on him, one vote from him on me as your sole basis of his "bus" and then picked 2 other players to be in your poe pool that were generally already been scumread by other slots. Seems to me you just faked a bunch of low quality reads devoid of any deeper thought process.

There, that's one of my reads. I've met my quota for the weekend, boss. Now if you'll excuse me...
I was skimming to get feet wet. Found a post that pinged me.
ND hasn’t done anything to elim you or tried to do anything. In a day with competing wagons that makes ND more than likely scum.
Combine this with just his vote on you and sit makes that a probable bus.
Why are you intent on attacking me versus someone who is actively pushing you?
Do you townread ND?
Where is this shade coming from?
Why do you have a “limit” of how much townieness you do? There shouldn’t be a cap.
ND isn't all up in my face like "convince me you're not scum." or "who's scum? where's your reads? huh huh huh huh". He has been here the whole time and has all the necessary gamestate context to scumread me at the moment. Doesn't mean he's not wrong.

I'm attacking you because your tone is off for someone who just replaced in. It's engaging in bad faith because you seemed like you felt obligated to do something for the sake of looking busy.

And I was vla for the weekend, I had better things to do
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Post Post #2089 (isolation #64) » Sun May 02, 2021 4:11 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1902, Almost50 wrote:
In post 1855, yessiree wrote:I remember old man was pressuring koba hard yesterday
Was there someone older than me in this game??
In post 1900, Almost50 wrote:
In post 1850, yessiree wrote:
In post 1848, Andante wrote:another math? welcome! lol
Now there are 2 of them. This is getting out of hand
Now if you can revive Mathdino.... :P
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Post Post #2090 (isolation #65) » Sun May 02, 2021 4:14 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1902, Almost50 wrote:
In post 1855, yessiree wrote:I remember old man was pressuring koba hard yesterday
Was there someone older than me in this game??
Grandpa Moses, predicted his own death like a great prophet
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Post Post #2091 (isolation #66) » Sun May 02, 2021 4:28 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 1906, Robert M Hunter wrote:
In post 1891, yessiree wrote:
In post 1876, MathBlade wrote:Because your reads are shit?

Help me “bus” yes then or explain. (Bus is in quotes as I can’t bus)

If I had two votes I would be voting ND and Yes but alas I do not.
w o w, has McToughGuy entered the building? :lol:

You should look in a mirror, tough guy, because that's what I think about your "reads" (reads is in quotes since they're fake reads).

You picked one post from NDMath yesterday as the sole basis for your scumread on him, one vote from him on me as your sole basis of his "bus" and then picked 2 other players to be in your poe pool that were generally already been scumread by other slots. Seems to me you just faked a bunch of low quality reads devoid of any deeper thought process.

There, that's one of my reads. I've met my quota for the weekend, boss. Now if you'll excuse me...
VOTE: yessiree

I can no longer suffer this scum to live another day.
Ok boomer
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Post Post #2093 (isolation #67) » Sun May 02, 2021 4:58 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2092, DkKoba wrote:im seeing increasing amounts of shade
Also sorry u really dont get to push me as scum when i was literally hard pushing elim away from t3 d1
I think your reads are pretty good ATM re STD and Robert, that's where I'm at too, more iffy on ndmath and A50.
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Post Post #2280 (isolation #68) » Thu May 06, 2021 4:00 pm

Post by yessiree »

hey, sorry, been extremely busy with IRL stuff, still am, but I should have more time tonight and over the weekend
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Post Post #2341 (isolation #69) » Thu May 06, 2021 4:35 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2284, MathBlade wrote:
In post 2280, yessiree wrote:hey, sorry, been extremely busy with IRL stuff, still am, but I should have more time tonight and over the weekend
Damn I wanted your opinion. Shame
what did you want me to look at?
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Post Post #2422 (isolation #70) » Fri May 07, 2021 4:04 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2415, Save The Dragons wrote:@Flea, @yes, did you get a message last night from flow?
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Post Post #2423 (isolation #71) » Fri May 07, 2021 4:08 pm

Post by yessiree »

well, I need a reset after that A50 flip cause I was TRing that slot p hard :oops:
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Post Post #2429 (isolation #72) » Fri May 07, 2021 4:53 pm

Post by yessiree »

my current understanding is that if there is a redirector and it redirected flow with someone else, NDmath would be watching the redirected target, but the night kill would still hit flow since it cannot be redirected
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Post Post #2433 (isolation #73) » Fri May 07, 2021 5:09 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2431, MathBlade wrote:
In post 2429, yessiree wrote:my current understanding is that if there is a redirector and it redirected flow with someone else, NDmath would be watching the redirected target, but the night kill would still hit flow since it cannot be redirected
If the redirector targeted ND this would be true.
However I don’t find that viable.
A redirector on flow would redirect Flow’s action of FN.

It’s still a 1v1

And pretty sure whichever way this goes I want Robert tomorrow.
I don’t see any world where flow picks Robert.
The wording from wiki is this regarding redirector
"Every Night Action performed on the first player you choose will be performed on the second player you choose"

It's the night actions performed ON the players that are swapped, not the players performing night actions that are swapped. So had the redirector swapped flow with someone else, it wouldn't be influencing flow's own night actions but rather the night actions performed on flow.

Does this make sense?
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Post Post #2446 (isolation #74) » Fri May 07, 2021 5:21 pm

Post by yessiree »!

im looking at the wiki for this setup specifically
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Post Post #2450 (isolation #75) » Fri May 07, 2021 5:30 pm

Post by yessiree »

I think if this version is used, it has some big implications. Ofc this is still assuming there is redirector in play and they swapped flow with someone else.

So ND targetted flow, but he was actually watching the swapped target, thinking he was watching flow. Koba visited the swapped target instead of flow. Flow still died to NK since that cannot be redirected.
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Post Post #2459 (isolation #76) » Fri May 07, 2021 5:51 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2457, MathBlade wrote:We know at least one of Koba/ND has to be scum. Because Koba claimed VT and cannot visit.
Ah ok. I was missing this piece of info. I'm good with a Koba lim then.
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Post Post #2463 (isolation #77) » Fri May 07, 2021 6:03 pm

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I haven't fully read up on yesterday yet lol. My impressions are very fragmented
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Post Post #2467 (isolation #78) » Fri May 07, 2021 6:12 pm

Post by yessiree »

I had ndmath as a townlean just from their posting/tone in general. I'll go back and read what I missed yesterday, but from a brief look at VCs I think I'm more inclined to vote with blade + koba here.
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Post Post #2632 (isolation #79) » Wed May 12, 2021 2:25 pm

Post by yessiree »

I was TRing VFP, Flea, and Andanter.

Thought VFP would be killed since he's the towniest out of the bunch, probably.

So that leaves Robert and std in my Poe.

My heart tells me it's just Robert
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Post Post #2635 (isolation #80) » Wed May 12, 2021 2:46 pm

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In post 2625, Andante wrote:no clue.. so ndmath abandoned ship assuming partner can carry, which has me thinking it's not yesiree... ahhhhhh
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Post Post #2636 (isolation #81) » Wed May 12, 2021 2:48 pm

Post by yessiree »

Yeah yeah my reads have been terrible this game blah blah, that's why I've decided to stop thinking with my head and go with my heart instead
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Post Post #2638 (isolation #82) » Wed May 12, 2021 2:57 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2183, Raya36 wrote:
Official Vote Count 2.11

EliminationWith 11 votes in play, it takes 6 to eliminate someone.

(6): MathBlade, DkKoba, VFP, Save The Dragons, flow trap, Andante

(3): NDMath, Robert M Hunter, Flea the Magician
Save The Dragons
(1): Yessiree

Not Voting
(1): Almost50

(expired on 2021-05-05 21:15:00).

Mod notes:
All town on the A50 lim wagon here?

Does anyone believe?

I believe
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Post Post #2641 (isolation #83) » Wed May 12, 2021 3:23 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2639, Save The Dragons wrote:i mean
In post 2182, Almost50 wrote:GDI! I said NO BUSSING YOU IDIOTS
is obviously fake

so it's possible.
dont think with your head, believe with your heart
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Post Post #2645 (isolation #84) » Wed May 12, 2021 5:25 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 2644, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 2604, VFP wrote:I think I know who the last scum is.
In fact I am 100% sure because of a particular post day 1.

I will show the post tomorrow where we lim the last scum
scum were also asleep at the switch or must have been pretty confident this was nothing or that vfp was just trying to attract the kill, or it could be vfp

but i'm curious what the post is
this was when koba was trolling that he was gonna flip scum

so VFP thought he found the "last scum" thinking koba was flipping scum there

notably, that no longer stands since koba flipped town
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Post Post #2649 (isolation #85) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:18 pm

Post by yessiree »

What, you think you can just come in here and demand a mass claim?

Yeah no objections
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Post Post #2669 (isolation #86) » Thu May 13, 2021 3:30 pm

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I'm VT
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Post Post #2684 (isolation #87) » Thu May 13, 2021 3:44 pm

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what an infallible plan involving 2 PRs with no shots left
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Post Post #2686 (isolation #88) » Thu May 13, 2021 3:59 pm

Post by yessiree »

so we have 3 VT claims, one 3-shot tracker, and 1-shot doctor

that makes 10 total charges combined with what's already been flipped, not infeasible from a theoretical pov since there are 14 charges in total, so 4 charges were wasted in ties

from my pov scum is between the PR claims, and between the tracker and the claims
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Post Post #2687 (isolation #89) » Thu May 13, 2021 4:05 pm

Post by yessiree »

between the track and the doctor claims, the tracker claim is less likely to come from scum imo, since it contained 2 targets that are still alive, those being me and VFP, semi-clearing me and clearing VFP. I feel like if robert is scum here, he can safely fabricate better tracker targets so it provides minimal info, and I don't really see how this helps advance his scum!wincon
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Post Post #2689 (isolation #90) » Thu May 13, 2021 5:05 pm

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What would scum pick tracker over rolecop or redirector? It's not much of a utility for them
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Post Post #2691 (isolation #91) » Thu May 13, 2021 8:49 pm

Post by yessiree »

slow down sport

you sounded like you wanted to unload a lot of thoughts in your head, but the delivery was so rushed, and you got what you end up with after like, squeezing a clogged keychup bottle too hard
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Post Post #2718 (isolation #92) » Fri May 14, 2021 6:26 am

Post by yessiree »

My head days no but my heart says yes
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Post Post #2775 (isolation #93) » Sat May 15, 2021 12:00 am

Post by yessiree »

In post 2772, DkKoba wrote:I get we won, but I was very blatantly town over NDmath and it was extremely embarrassing to see that I was limmed. I don't want players to repeat a mistake like this.
you should take it as a compliment of your scum game