Micro 1010: Divide and Conquer: Round 2 - Game Over!

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Post Post #109 (isolation #0) » Mon May 10, 2021 8:17 am

Post by Bingle »

tl;dr from last game:

very slight numbers advantage to limming in small pool, outweighed entirely by the information advantage of limming in big pool. Also, pooky is probably scum.

VOTE: pooky
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Post Post #110 (isolation #1) » Mon May 10, 2021 8:18 am

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In post 37, Not_Mafia wrote:If Bingle posts Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden in his post I will assume he is conf town for the rest of the game
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Post Post #112 (isolation #2) » Mon May 10, 2021 8:25 am

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In post 103, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle has been very active outside of this thread but not said hi here yet.

Norwee's theory is functionally the summation of my ISO from last game.

Weird that scum would open the thread early, tbh.

Early townread on Dunn, early scumpings from GL.
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Post Post #115 (isolation #3) » Mon May 10, 2021 8:38 am

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In post 111, Not_Mafia wrote:
In post 109, Bingle wrote:Also, pooky is probably scum.
Because eliminating pooky means town wins, duh.
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Post Post #117 (isolation #4) » Mon May 10, 2021 8:52 am

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In post 106, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Well i'd probably post in the hood too if i felt there was a point, but i don't really. I don't mind having an public conversation instead.
I intend to use the neighborhood. Please check for targeted posts and respond periodically.
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Post Post #119 (isolation #5) » Mon May 10, 2021 9:01 am

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In post 118, Lukewarm wrote:What other substance am I supposed to have already put into the thread?

Imo, the first order of business was figuring out which neighborhood we are going to be voting in today, so that is the conversation I have been engaging with the most so far. At this point, I think I am pretty settled on saying that we should vote from the 6p neighborhood.

At this point, I am really waiting for more content from Dunnstral, Vanderscamp, Hopkirk, and marcistar before I can really get started with my new goal of figuring out who we should vote for today.

The only read I actually have so far is a town read on Marci, because I think scum!marci would have played into my banter to attempt to pocket me, but no pocket attempt was made.
What are your reads on the 3p group?
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Post Post #131 (isolation #6) » Mon May 10, 2021 11:25 am

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In post 126, Hopkirk wrote:three or four things from Norway feel much more likely to come from town but who cares about sorting the small hood
Elaborate, please.
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Post Post #133 (isolation #7) » Mon May 10, 2021 11:29 am

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In post 65, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I wouldn’t discount an GL/N_M team for example.
It is imperative that the 6P player be pretty good, while the 3p player might suck or be ready to sacrifice themselves.
In post 66, NorwegianboyEE wrote:In fact i think that's a pretty good way to get valuable info.
Players in the 3p should say their reads on the 6p group while the 6p players do the opposite.
Quote for emphasis.

While we should absolutely elim in the 6p today, reads across pools are far more likely to be telling.
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Post Post #139 (isolation #8) » Mon May 10, 2021 7:17 pm

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In post 134, SirCakez wrote:This vote will not be counted as this player is not in the game.
See, Cakez gets the joke.
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Post Post #166 (isolation #9) » Tue May 11, 2021 8:17 am

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Hoppy, when did you talk to FL about norwee?
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Post Post #167 (isolation #10) » Tue May 11, 2021 8:19 am

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In post 164, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 163, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 61, GuiltyLion wrote:oh lmao you're right, I read that the setup was Mountainous and assumed that meant no NKs for some reason

fully disregard that point then
@N_M do you think this is a staged towntell or genuine?
I think I would like the answer to this question from you and bingle as well.
Full NAI.

I think mountainous->night less is a term replacement equally likely to be misread as town and scum.
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Post Post #174 (isolation #11) » Tue May 11, 2021 8:38 am

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In post 168, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Do you think the same when considering that scum would get a lot of time beforehand to think about the setup and how they are to plan out the neighborhoods/the game?
Fair point. I hadn't considered the intersection of planning NK's and neighborhoods in the context of that post.
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Post Post #176 (isolation #12) » Tue May 11, 2021 8:44 am

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I was avoiding bringing it up to see how he reacted to mild questioning, but yeah.
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Post Post #178 (isolation #13) » Tue May 11, 2021 8:45 am

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GL, when you thought the game was nightless what did you think about game balance?

Why did you sign up for this game specifically?
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Post Post #187 (isolation #14) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:32 am

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In post 185, NorwegianboyEE wrote:You'd want stronger players in the 3p hood because that's where slots are quickers to become conf!town and night kills will be directed once the scum partner inside dies.
Fundamentally wrong, actually. Scum would want the strongest players in the 6p because they are heavily incentivized to NK in the 6p in most situations. Pretty sure I mentioned this last game, at length, if you want to check.

I would 100% have chosen the pools based on scum strength of the scum team and town strength of the town team, not the reverse. I don't think that putting you and N_M together in the townpool is something I would never do, though, so you're at least right in that that's not a reason to townread me.
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Post Post #204 (isolation #15) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:02 am

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In post 190, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Assuming N_M scum we're left with:


Vanderscamp's ISO doesn't lend itself well to being allied with N_M imo. Ping me if you disagree.
I don't think Dunn opens the way he did if he's scum with N_M. Too blatant.
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Post Post #205 (isolation #16) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:04 am

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In post 203, Not_Mafia wrote:VOTE: Bingle
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Post Post #208 (isolation #17) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:07 am

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In post 190, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Vanderscamp's ISO doesn't lend itself well to being allied with N_M imo. Ping me if you disagree.
Actually, could you explain this?

I don't see anything at all that makes Scamp and N_M unaligned, and iirc you scumread scamp for focusing on mech stuff last game when he's done basically the same thing here.
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Post Post #212 (isolation #18) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:12 am

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In post 207, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m extremely bad at reading Dunnstral. If you can explain how he thinks and plays as scum, and why he wouldn’t be bold like that, feel free to enlighten me.
Dunn likes to low effort as both alignments ime. Calling out a partner as sus while voting one of the other people in the pool is something that is going to inevitably look bad and without the context of the last game it isn't a safe assumption we'll solve in the 6p first.

Is Dunn capable of being bold like that? Sure. Would Dunn actually draw late game attention to himself for a throwaway RVS vote? I don't think so, when he very much prefers to take the back seat and passively manipulate the thread.
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Post Post #217 (isolation #19) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:16 am

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In post 211, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I don’t think Vander makes this comment if N_M is his partner as he would already know this probably.
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Post Post #219 (isolation #20) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:22 am

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In general, it means "This post is something I find noteworthy in a way I'm not entirely sure I want to share yet but would like other people to pay attention to." but thinking about this further I don't actually see a drawback to bringing this up.

Your argument for N_M not being partnered with Scamp applies equally well to yourself, but you phrased it in a way to avoid that entirely which leaves me inclined to think you might yourself be aligned with scamp and looking to passively clear him.
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Post Post #221 (isolation #21) » Tue May 11, 2021 12:04 pm

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If you're town I don't have to worry about whether he's your partner.

If you're scum you almost certainly knew what you were doing there.

My point is entirely that if you are scum, Vanderscum equity rises dramatically because of that post.
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Post Post #251 (isolation #22) » Tue May 11, 2021 7:39 pm

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In post 245, Lukewarm wrote:Norwee has voted Marci - what do Bingle and Not_Mafia think about that potential wagon?
I don't particularly. Norwee/NM apparently played with her in a newbie recently that I mean to read for meta soon, but I haven't gotten around to it. I also don't really plan on scumhunting the big pool, but rather townhunting the big pool and then teamhunting across pools. I will say that the pair of N_M/Norwee both being willing to go there is :eyebrows: for me.
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Post Post #254 (isolation #23) » Tue May 11, 2021 8:00 pm

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Disagree. We've talked about Dunn, I'm waiting for a response from Hopkirk, and I agree with your logic on GL given his response. Luke and Scamp both strike me as the kind where their alignment will be more obvious if I let them do their thing and I can afford to be a passive observer on marci at the moment.

Sometimes, it's better to know how to let the thread breathe to get reads.
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Post Post #256 (isolation #24) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:26 pm

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In post 6, Dunnstral wrote:NM being in the group of 3 is an anomoly. Is it because the deep scum is in the pool of 6 and NM is the other scum, or because they want to miselim NM in the smaller group?

VOTE: Bingle
This has serious reasoning on 1/3 of the small pool and a vote on a different 1/3 of the small pool.

If N_M flips scum, Dunn looks weird for having posted it and there's nothing to gain from having posted it. There's really nothing more that can be elaborated on there. Either you agree with the thought or you don't.
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Post Post #277 (isolation #25) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:08 am

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In post 257, Hopkirk wrote:nice, GL is the obvtown between GL/Lukewarm
In post 131, Bingle wrote:
In post 126, Hopkirk wrote:three or four things from Norway feel much more likely to come from town but who cares about sorting the small hood
- first post about 'fuck being in the 3p hood'
- being toxic to NM after reading his comments complaining about scum being toxic being personally upsetting to him like a week ago. either lacks self awareness and is doing it as scum to be unpleasant, memeing, theater, or town. vibes most as town there
- amount of posts
other stuff but those are three of them so it fills the 3-4 i mentioned to t h e letter

Elaborate, please.
In post 166, Bingle wrote:Hoppy, when did you talk to FL about norwee?
Me and hectic got lost backpacking and ended up in Norway one time and we saw this film set and Hectic was all like 'hey hop, isn't that flavour leaf working on the lighting tech'. i thought he was joking but it turned out that it actually was FL, then when we went over to say hi we all started joking about how it's weird that it wasn't Norway we met since we were in Norway at the time and FL started going on this long rant about how Norway has low WIM as scum or something...
VOTE: Hopkirk
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Post Post #278 (isolation #26) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:11 am

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In post 258, Hopkirk wrote:have we ever played together Bingle?
I read TM fully and am fairly certain we have experience beyond that even if I don’t recall any specific games off the top of my head.
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Post Post #279 (isolation #27) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:38 am

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This Marci push seems really off, btw. I read the game in question and other than a friendly tone she’s acting nothing like it here. She had early reads and pushes there and a pretty solid handle on the game state throughout D1. She also snowed Norwee pretty hard from the word go and I’m surprised, given that, that he doesn’t see the differences.
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Post Post #280 (isolation #28) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:40 am

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In post 265, Hopkirk wrote:that's pretty messed up. like what are you, my friends, family, crush, and parents?
Yes. All of these. Simultaneously.
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Post Post #283 (isolation #29) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:47 am

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Looking at your recent topics first page, I was involved in and skimming along with all of WSB, Flectic, and both of the last two TMs and we played a geriatric game together in 2017. There might be more.
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Post Post #285 (isolation #30) » Wed May 12, 2021 8:50 am

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Post Post #296 (isolation #31) » Wed May 12, 2021 10:15 am

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In post 286, Hopkirk wrote:Does jingle = bingle?
Publicly so. Jingle is for modding and is my main account. I played TM there as an anomaly. Bingle is my game account, so that I can have a dedicated ego search/bookmarks for the games I'm playing in.
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Post Post #298 (isolation #32) » Wed May 12, 2021 10:30 am

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In post 292, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Also can you please just explain your vote and why it’s put with that quote Bingle?
I'd be delighted.

I asked you about that interaction in the Neighborhood (with an explanation as to why), to which you responded that you didn't think it was a big deal.

Hopkirks recent responses to me in order:

Elaborating, poorly, on why you're town and then explicitly dodging a response to the thing I'd brought up in the neighborhood.
Quoting the post where I mention that I was waiting to see his reaction.
Asking how I knew him.
Asking what I was waiting for him to respond to after answering both of my posts directly targeted to him.

It all seems very performative and informed, and I definitely get the sense that he was told not to worry about the FL question which would have necessarily come from his partner in our thread.

Continuing on, his townread of you is because you don't like N_M, you're being toxic to N_M after complaining about toxicity in the minitheme, and amount of posts. Also, other things he doesn't want to share but totally exist.
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Post Post #299 (isolation #33) » Wed May 12, 2021 10:31 am

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In post 297, Hopkirk wrote:i remember seeing you quite a lot then. i assumed you were someone else
I had thought I'd already mentioned it this game for a reason I can't talk about for site rules purposes but is largely irrelevant, but yeah, public alt.
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Post Post #300 (isolation #34) » Wed May 12, 2021 10:33 am

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In post 294, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Do y’all think Marcistar is samey as in the newbie game or different/townie?
For clarification, I don't think she's particularly towny here. I think she was very towny there and the night and day difference should at the very least raise eyebrows, particularly with the mindset of "she's playing to her scum meta".
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Post Post #304 (isolation #35) » Wed May 12, 2021 11:01 am

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In post 301, Hopkirk wrote:what are your issues with my reasons to TR norway
In a full 50% of games, Norway is scum. You spend your first two posts posting a guide to playing well as scum and establishing specifically that you think Norwee has a weak scumgame. When pushed, you justify this based on meta provided from 5 people: 4 of whom would be incredibly unlikely to share that fmpov. I focused on FL, because he literally siteflaked in the aftermath of a game where he leaned heavily into the narrative that Norwee was the deepwolf. You know, the game Norwee was complaining about FL's (among others) toxicity.

Four pages later you come back with a comment about how you have reasons to townread Norwee, but "who cares about sorting the small hood". This, notably is the entirety of your ISO with the exception of a naked RVS vote on Luke.
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Post Post #305 (isolation #36) » Wed May 12, 2021 11:05 am

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In post 301, Hopkirk wrote:where's this?
Spoiler: Nearly Sequential Posts in YOUR ISO
In post 257, Hopkirk wrote:nice, GL is the obvtown between GL/Lukewarm
In post 131, Bingle wrote:
In post 126, Hopkirk wrote:three or four things from Norway feel much more likely to come from town but who cares about sorting the small hood
- first post about 'fuck being in the 3p hood'
- being toxic to NM after reading his comments complaining about scum being toxic being personally upsetting to him like a week ago. either lacks self awareness and is doing it as scum to be unpleasant, memeing, theater, or town. vibes most as town there
- amount of posts
other stuff but those are three of them so it fills the 3-4 i mentioned to t h e letter

Elaborate, please.
In post 166, Bingle wrote:Hoppy, when did you talk to FL about norwee?
Me and hectic got lost backpacking and ended up in Norway one time and we saw this film set and Hectic was all like 'hey hop, isn't that flavour leaf working on the lighting tech'. i thought he was joking but it turned out that it actually was FL, then when we went over to say hi we all started joking about how it's weird that it wasn't Norway we met since we were in Norway at the time and FL started going on this long rant about how Norway has low WIM as scum or something...
In post 259, Hopkirk wrote:
In post 254, Bingle wrote:Disagree. We've talked about Dunn, I'm waiting for a response from Hopkirk, and I agree with your logic on GL given his response. Luke and Scamp both strike me as the kind where their alignment will be more obvious if I let them do their thing and I can afford to be a passive observer on marci at the moment.

Sometimes, it's better to know how to let the thread breathe to get reads.
what were you waiting on a response from me on?
In post 261, Hopkirk wrote:
In post 257, Hopkirk wrote:nice, GL is the obvtown between GL/Lukewarm
In post 131, Bingle wrote:
In post 126, Hopkirk wrote:three or four things from Norway feel much more likely to come from town but who cares about sorting the small hood
Elaborate, please.
In post 166, Bingle wrote:Hoppy, when did you talk to FL about norwee?
Me and hectic got lost backpacking and ended up in Norway one time and we saw this film set and Hectic was all like 'hey hop, isn't that flavour leaf working on the lighting tech'. i thought he was joking but it turned out that it actually was FL, then when we went over to say hi we all started joking about how it's weird that it wasn't Norway we met since we were in Norway at the time and FL started going on this long rant about how Norway has low WIM as scum or something...
just reposting this with my response not within quotes because messed up

- first post about 'fuck being in the 3p hood'
- being toxic to NM after reading his comments complaining about scum being toxic being personally upsetting to him like a week ago. either lacks self awareness and is doing it as scum to be unpleasant, memeing, theater, or town. vibes most as town there
- amount of posts
other stuff but those are three of them so it fills the 3-4 i mentioned to t h e letter
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Post Post #306 (isolation #37) » Wed May 12, 2021 11:08 am

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In post 290, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m not sure Bingle is genuine about his suspicion on whether i am being genuine on Marcistar.
I realize that’s probably an weird thought but that’s a feeling i have.
Marci was noticeably nervous about branching out in the aftermath of the game I was linked to and you and Luke encouraged her to sign up here because of the familiar faces.

Press Doubt to X.
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Post Post #309 (isolation #38) » Wed May 12, 2021 12:53 pm

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In post 307, Hopkirk wrote:
In post 304, Bingle wrote:
In post 301, Hopkirk wrote:what are your issues with my reasons to TR norway
In a full 50% of games, Norway is scum. You spend your first two posts posting a guide to playing well as scum and establishing specifically that you think Norwee has a weak scumgame. When pushed, you justify this based on meta provided from 5 people: 4 of whom would be incredibly unlikely to share that fmpov. I focused on FL, because he literally siteflaked in the aftermath of a game where he leaned heavily into the narrative that Norwee was the deepwolf. You know, the game Norwee was complaining about FL's (among others) toxicity.

Four pages later you come back with a comment about how you have reasons to townread Norwee, but "who cares about sorting the small hood". This, notably is the entirety of your ISO with the exception of a naked RVS vote on Luke.
why did your brain go from 'four of these people wouldn't say that'
'so it must be the fifth'
instead of
'so nobody said that and hopkirk is making it up'
in the second case there's the MUCH more valid question of why i subsequently use it as a reason to TR norway rather than the much weirder/irrelevant 'was it FL' angle you leanred into
You're quoting a post where I talk about why FL wouldn't say that. I have no idea if Flopz would say that. I focused on FL to see if you would own up to it being bullshit when questioned given I think he's the one least likely to have brought it up, and you responded poorly.

The focus on FL instead of going straight to pushing you for making up reasons to TR Norway was to see if anyone would comment on the weird angle after bringing it up in the neighborhood and drawing attention to it both there and here.
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Post Post #390 (isolation #39) » Thu May 13, 2021 8:57 am

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In post 389, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Please summon Bingle to the thread o Lucifer my eternal lord.
My pager beeped, what’s up?
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Post Post #392 (isolation #40) » Thu May 13, 2021 9:06 am

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If you'll point them out to me I might respond slightly faster, but I'm reading up now.
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Post Post #393 (isolation #41) » Thu May 13, 2021 9:10 am

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In post 322, GuiltyLion wrote:I generally feel like "Norway has low WIM as scum" is likely to be something Hopkirk felt is true regardless of his alignment in this game (or nEE's for that matter), like I don't think he's going to just make up a complete lie about another player's scum meta, especially when naming specific players as references. however I do not see why he deflected a question about it instead of just saying where he might have seen FL comment on it, so I can sympathize with Bingle's suspicion there. If this is a premeditated push from scum!Bingle I think it would be hard for him to continue pushing it if Hopkirk had brought receipts, but at the same time I could envision scum pouncing on a townie's careless remarks about meta, so I don't know if it's strictly a town-indicative push especially since odds are not in Bingle's favor.
It's not necessarily the belief that Norwee is low WIM as scum, that I find suspicious. It's the arbitrary attempt to add credibility to the claim. TownHopkirk says "Norwee has low WIM as scum" because he thinks that. Scum Hopkirk says {Laundry List of Players} say Norwee has low WIM as scum because he gains from us believing that.
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Post Post #395 (isolation #42) » Thu May 13, 2021 9:31 am

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The lukewarm wagon is pretty meh, tbh. I don't see anything wrong with his play and I think Hopkirk is very obviously scummy. Feels like an attempt to distract me.

In a Hopkirk/Norwee world, the belief that Norwee is weakscum is helpful because it makes it easier for Norwee to be townread on effort.

In a Hopkirk/N_M world he sets up a ml on Norwee for being low WIM when being in a neighborhood with N_M is likely to cause Norwee to be low WIM.

Also, I just spent 10 minutes looking for an image in my ISO from a halfremembered game to post as a joke.
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Post Post #396 (isolation #43) » Thu May 13, 2021 9:37 am

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In post 326, Lukewarm wrote:Lie. verb.
to express an inaccurate or false statement

(Note: I reuploaded this. If someone knows what game I used it in originally, that might help my dwindling sanity.
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Post Post #397 (isolation #44) » Thu May 13, 2021 9:42 am

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In post 377, Hopkirk wrote:i gave up after the third time the spoiler tags refused to work, presumably because of the spoilers within those posts
Yeah, you have to break nested spoilers. I find starting the process with a replace all of spoiler= to area= and /spoiler to /area does the job nicely.
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Post Post #399 (isolation #45) » Fri May 14, 2021 6:59 am

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In post 372, Hopkirk wrote:snip
I finally went over this, and I'm baffled that anyone could consider it a good case.

First of all, Hopkirk is comparing replacement catchup walls to a game with literally half the content (in the case of the shorter replacement wall) both in number of phases and in number of pages to content from the beginning of a game that's running exceptionally slowly.

Secondly, this is the super content rich post from a few days in referenced in the second half of the case:
In post 90, Lukewarm wrote:My scumreads are Whemestar, Ivyeo and Clasko.

I explained my reasoning for Whemestar earlier.

Ivyeo does not seem to be contributing much to the conversation, and what they are sending is very wishy-washy. Their messages so far have been a vote, a quick unvote, and then this one:
In post 56, Ivyeo wrote:Whilst I do see the scummyness in Wheme's posts, I'm not sure we want to cut Day 1 discussion to right here.
They just seem like they are being overly cautious, which I feel is more likely with a scum then a town.

Clasko hardly said anything until someone questioned it, then he town-read whemestar (my biggest scum vibes) because
In post 86, Clasko wrote:their argument feels cyclical and non-scripted = less chance to be W v. W
And I don't understand the logic. Why would deducing that they are not BOTH scum automatically mean that neither one is?

I am town reading Demainer using Clasko's logic. It does not seem like a scum v scum conversation, and I think that whemestar is the more likely scum of the pair.
Compared to:
In post 118, Lukewarm wrote:What other substance am I supposed to have already put into the thread?

Imo, the first order of business was figuring out which neighborhood we are going to be voting in today, so that is the conversation I have been engaging with the most so far. At this point, I think I am pretty settled on saying that we should vote from the 6p neighborhood.

At this point, I am really waiting for more content from Dunnstral, Vanderscamp, Hopkirk, and marcistar before I can really get started with my new goal of figuring out who we should vote for today.

The only read I actually have so far is a town read on Marci, because I think scum!marci would have played into my banter to attempt to pocket me, but no pocket attempt was made.
In post 120, Lukewarm wrote:I think that the mafia put Norwee+N_M in the 3 person group because they knew it would lead to conflict, and put a lot of noise in the thread. And that strategy appears to be paying off, because they are doing exactly that. But that still leaves the question of whether you did it, and the 2 town players are falling for it, or if one of them did it as scum, and is egging on the other.

I am a little surprised at the amount of posts coming form Not_Mafia, in my expereince with him he has been a lot more sparse. In our last game he made 63 posts spread out over 30 days, and then in this game he is at 29 posts in like 6 hours, and that was also a game that had both Norwee and Not_Mafia in it...

So I am a bit suspicious that this is that "one of them did it as scum, and is egging on the other"

So of the three of you, I think it might actually be Not_Mafia... but he is such a hard person to read, by design, and it seems like his reputation has resulted in him almost having a site wide immunity from Day 1 eliminations.

So I am kind of glad we are not voting in the 3 player neighborhood today.
In post 136, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 128, Hopkirk wrote:
In post 118, Lukewarm wrote:What other substance am I supposed to have already put into the thread?

Imo, the first order of business was figuring out which neighborhood we are going to be voting in today, so that is the conversation I have been engaging with the most so far. At this point, I think I am pretty settled on saying that we should vote from the 6p neighborhood.

At this point, I am really waiting for more content from Dunnstral, Vanderscamp, Hopkirk, and marcistar before I can really get started with my new goal of figuring out who we should vote for today.

The only read I actually have so far is a town read on Marci,
because I think scum!marci would have played into my banter to attempt to pocket me
, but no pocket attempt was made.

Marci is literally successfully pocketing you...
I think the "no pocket attempt was made" might have oversold my point, and caused you to overlook my true position in bold. I did not mean to say that just anyone would have behaved that way. Specifically, I think scum!marci would have played into the banter.

I am walking into this game on the heels of a game where Marci was scum. In that game, her first couple of posts leaned pretty heavily into bantering back and forth between the player she had played with before. And it worked, that player gave her a town read Day 1. So when I tried to put banter in place with her this game, and she met that banter with suspicion, both here and in the Neighborhood thread, it feels like the opposite of how she reacted in the last game (where she was scum).

So I am concluding that the difference was that in that game, she already knew the other person alignment, and her goal was pocketing the player she played with before, and in this game, her goal is to figure out the alignment of the player she played with before.
From literally the day the thread opened.

Hopkirk's meta case is clearly disingenuous bullshit.

Edited to fix broken tags - SirCakez
Last edited by SirCakez on Fri May 14, 2021 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #402 (isolation #46) » Fri May 14, 2021 7:09 am

Post by Bingle »

I finally went over this, and I'm baffled that anyone could consider it a good case.

First of all, Hopkirk is comparing replacement catchup walls to a game with literally half the content (in the case of the shorter replacement wall) both in number of phases and in number of pages to content from the beginning of a game that's running exceptionally slowly.

Secondly, this is the super content rich post from a few days in referenced in the second half of the case:

Lukewarm wrote:My scumreads are Whemestar, Ivyeo and Clasko.

I explained my reasoning for Whemestar earlier.

Ivyeo does not seem to be contributing much to the conversation, and what they are sending is very wishy-washy. Their messages so far have been a vote, a quick unvote, and then this one:
In post 56, Ivyeo wrote:Whilst I do see the scummyness in Wheme's posts, I'm not sure we want to cut Day 1 discussion to right here.
They just seem like they are being overly cautious, which I feel is more likely with a scum then a town.

Clasko hardly said anything until someone questioned it, then he town-read whemestar (my biggest scum vibes) because
In post 86, Clasko wrote:their argument feels cyclical and non-scripted = less chance to be W v. W
And I don't understand the logic. Why would deducing that they are not BOTH scum automatically mean that neither one is?

I am town reading Demainer using Clasko's logic. It does not seem like a scum v scum conversation, and I think that whemestar is the more likely scum of the pair.

Compared to:

In post 118, Lukewarm wrote:What other substance am I supposed to have already put into the thread?

Imo, the first order of business was figuring out which neighborhood we are going to be voting in today, so that is the conversation I have been engaging with the most so far. At this point, I think I am pretty settled on saying that we should vote from the 6p neighborhood.

At this point, I am really waiting for more content from Dunnstral, Vanderscamp, Hopkirk, and marcistar before I can really get started with my new goal of figuring out who we should vote for today.

The only read I actually have so far is a town read on Marci, because I think scum!marci would have played into my banter to attempt to pocket me, but no pocket attempt was made.
In post 120, Lukewarm wrote:I think that the mafia put Norwee+N_M in the 3 person group because they knew it would lead to conflict, and put a lot of noise in the thread. And that strategy appears to be paying off, because they are doing exactly that. But that still leaves the question of whether you did it, and the 2 town players are falling for it, or if one of them did it as scum, and is egging on the other.

I am a little surprised at the amount of posts coming form Not_Mafia, in my expereince with him he has been a lot more sparse. In our last game he made 63 posts spread out over 30 days, and then in this game he is at 29 posts in like 6 hours, and that was also a game that had both Norwee and Not_Mafia in it...

So I am a bit suspicious that this is that "one of them did it as scum, and is egging on the other"

So of the three of you, I think it might actually be Not_Mafia... but he is such a hard person to read, by design, and it seems like his reputation has resulted in him almost having a site wide immunity from Day 1 eliminations.

So I am kind of glad we are not voting in the 3 player neighborhood today.
In post 136, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 128, Hopkirk wrote:
In post 118, Lukewarm wrote:What other substance am I supposed to have already put into the thread?

Imo, the first order of business was figuring out which neighborhood we are going to be voting in today, so that is the conversation I have been engaging with the most so far. At this point, I think I am pretty settled on saying that we should vote from the 6p neighborhood.

At this point, I am really waiting for more content from Dunnstral, Vanderscamp, Hopkirk, and marcistar before I can really get started with my new goal of figuring out who we should vote for today.

The only read I actually have so far is a town read on Marci,
because I think scum!marci would have played into my banter to attempt to pocket me
, but no pocket attempt was made.

Marci is literally successfully pocketing you...
I think the "no pocket attempt was made" might have oversold my point, and caused you to overlook my true position in bold. I did not mean to say that just anyone would have behaved that way. Specifically, I think scum!marci would have played into the banter.

I am walking into this game on the heels of a game where Marci was scum. In that game, her first couple of posts leaned pretty heavily into bantering back and forth between the player she had played with before. And it worked, that player gave her a town read Day 1. So when I tried to put banter in place with her this game, and she met that banter with suspicion, both here and in the Neighborhood thread, it feels like the opposite of how she reacted in the last game (where she was scum).

So I am concluding that the difference was that in that game, she already knew the other person alignment, and her goal was pocketing the player she played with before, and in this game, her goal is to figure out the alignment of the player she played with before.

From literally the day the thread opened.

Hopkirk's meta case is clearly disingenuous bullshit.
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Post Post #403 (isolation #47) » Fri May 14, 2021 7:11 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 401, NorwegianboyEE wrote:@Bingle
Since i'm assuming you're seeing Hopkirk as the likely scum in 6p. Do you currently consider him to be a possible teammate to both me and N/M or just one?

As I said in the Neighborhood when asked, I don't have a strong read between you and N_M, and both of you seem to be completely ignoring hoppy.
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Post Post #405 (isolation #48) » Fri May 14, 2021 7:28 am

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In post 352, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Hopkirk also feels really townie now, i don’t think they would have had this progression on Marcistar if they were scum.
So my townreads now are Hopkirk, Marcistar and Guiltylion. With highest confidence on Hopkirk and GL.
Lukewarm still i have paranoia levels on.
Dunnstral i really want to just ignore as nothing they’ve said is allignment indicative to me.
Leaving a pool of slots i might consider voting next as Vanders/Lukewarm.
I’m actually really interested in Hopkirks Lukewarm read and i’m going to take a closer look at their ISO now to see if i find myself to agree.
This is the only post you've made that even attempts to read Hopkirk, aside from casting shade about him being absent and then retracting it. Note: Hopkirks read progression on marci is basically the same as mine. Unsure -> realizes that the presented meta case doesn't match the shared meta example -> townread. It also came about 2 pages after my reasoning.

Why shouldn't I think you're possibly aligned?
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Post Post #443 (isolation #49) » Fri May 14, 2021 12:11 pm

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In post 407, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle do you think you'd push Hopkirk as an mislim if you were scum under most normal circumstances or would you rather buddy them?
I don't go into most games looking for a specific mislim, but he's definitely not the kind of player I'd avoid pushing. I only really avoid pushing people like Nancy who make the game unfun when you push them.
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Post Post #445 (isolation #50) » Fri May 14, 2021 12:22 pm

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In post 417, Hopkirk wrote:
the problem with this logic is that the most likely reason for me to make it as either alignment is the same
town - i thought it was funny
scum - i thought it was funny (strategic shading being comparatively ridiculously unlikely)

you've clearly started with assuming that i'm scum here given you're ignoring both the most likely motivation and the NAI nature of it to focus on a scum motivation. you're saying it *could* have come from some without drawing the link to why that means me saying it is scum & your apparent confidence makes it sound like you haven't even considered weighing up (town joking) vs (scum joking + scum positioning)

i don't think see how you believe that i make that post thinking the bolded outcomes are reasonably advanced by the post.
- 'So that Norway can tactically break his meta' - no reason to bring it up at the start
- 'setting up a norway lethal' - we're voting in the 6p + ignores the fact that Norway does effort harder as town. like this logic is notably bad.

there's no way that 'Hopkirk made the post to set up a future Norway misexile when Norway is low wim' would be more likely than it being a throwaway comment. especially when apart from anything else,
if i think town norway is low wim then why does scum!hop try and set up a lethal that only goes through if norway isn't low wim?

that especially really doesn't follow through, and you're overly focused on a conclusion that you seem to have started with
The premise here is that insulting someone for the sake of a joke when you have a clear motivation that wasn't "It's a joke!" is more likely. This ignores the whole: there's a motivation present that isn't NAI.

Also, in a world where Norwee is town, the scumteam contains N_M and intentionally put N_M in a hood with Norwee. Given that Norwee apparently hates N_M and you would know that, how would you assuming Norwee would be low WIM because of it be any sort of stretch?
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Post Post #446 (isolation #51) » Fri May 14, 2021 12:31 pm

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In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
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Post Post #447 (isolation #52) » Fri May 14, 2021 12:40 pm

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I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
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Post Post #448 (isolation #53) » Fri May 14, 2021 12:54 pm

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In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
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Post Post #451 (isolation #54) » Fri May 14, 2021 4:23 pm

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You have no idea how hard it was for me not to take that pagetop.

Reminder, the last page has a bunch of game relevant content that you should read.
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Post Post #453 (isolation #55) » Fri May 14, 2021 4:42 pm

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I mean...'you' is Cakez, mostly.

The reminder is for everyone, because I don't want the content from the last page buried and forgotten.
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Post Post #456 (isolation #56) » Fri May 14, 2021 5:21 pm

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Holy shit, Dunn. How'd you get the extra three pages?
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Post Post #457 (isolation #57) » Fri May 14, 2021 5:23 pm

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In post 454, marcistar wrote:do people here not read back? thats so sad
A lot of people don't, especially with 1v1s. Particularly with more active games, but choking a thread to bury things that are inconvenient to your narrative is a pretty effective scum strategy.
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Post Post #463 (isolation #58) » Fri May 14, 2021 6:15 pm

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In post 458, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 456, Bingle wrote:Holy shit, Dunn. How'd you get the extra three pages?
Are you doing 30 posts per page instead of 25?

That would still line up with 450 being a page top/previous page and would explain the missing 3
The joke was that my screen only shows 1 and 19.
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Post Post #473 (isolation #59) » Sat May 15, 2021 10:06 am

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I'm pretty sure it's just Hopkirk/Norwee at this point, tbh, and I don't see my vote moving.
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Post Post #476 (isolation #60) » Sat May 15, 2021 1:51 pm

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In post 474, marcistar wrote:() :? i have no idea how to read him, he's one of the people i'm unsure on rn so i'm willing to vote along with u VOTE: vanderscamp i like these points you made though, i didn't really think of it like that. that's whats making me comfortable to vote here :-)
In post 473, Bingle wrote:I'm pretty sure it's just Hopkirk/Norwee at this point, tbh, and I don't see my vote moving.
i don't really see it, i probably missed it but where is your last read on norwegianboyee? :neutral: i see you mentioning you see hopkirk with both, but i don't really see you do much to that..? like you responded to norwegianboyee, but it doesn't seem like you had a mind change in those posts..
The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
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Post Post #477 (isolation #61) » Sat May 15, 2021 1:52 pm

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I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
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Post Post #527 (isolation #62) » Sun May 16, 2021 5:26 am

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In post 524, Vanderscamp wrote:
In post 502, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And like Marcistar said, apparently Bingle thought it was a 50/50% chance either N_M or me could be scum with Hopkirk, his pet scumread. But now he is 100% sure it’s me and Hopkirk to the extent he will quickhammer someone he townreads just to eliminate us? Thst’s some scummy garbage.
VOTE: Bingle
I agree with this

I'd like to hear what bingle thinks is different about me this game vs last game which would justify him being willing to hammer me here.
I’m townreading all of Dunn/Marci/GL/Luke. People are aggressively ignoring how obvscum norwee and hopkirk are.

If I have to lim you to get norwee/hopkirk, so be it.
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Post Post #528 (isolation #63) » Sun May 16, 2021 5:28 am

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In post 506, NorwegianboyEE wrote:This is just how i play Lukewarm. I change my vote a lot.
Change my vote a lot =\= shade literally everyone who is willing to vote someone provably pushing a false narrative, but nice try.
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Post Post #529 (isolation #64) » Sun May 16, 2021 5:29 am

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In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
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Post Post #532 (isolation #65) » Sun May 16, 2021 6:25 am

Post by Bingle »

Bingle was still working on a confident scumread last game, but thank you for illustrating his point.
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Post Post #533 (isolation #66) » Sun May 16, 2021 6:29 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 530, Not_Mafia wrote:Bingle getting desperate
When have I ever been desperate in a scum game? This, cow friend, is confidence.
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Post Post #535 (isolation #67) » Sun May 16, 2021 6:57 am

Post by Bingle »

Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
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Post Post #536 (isolation #68) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:13 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
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Post Post #541 (isolation #69) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:30 am

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I agree that your lies are boring!
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Post Post #546 (isolation #70) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:35 am

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And... we’ve reached the part of the game where norwee tries to bury his provable lies under the weight of spam. Nice.
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Post Post #550 (isolation #71) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:40 am

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What tryharding?

The part where you didn’t want to out reads because it was better for other people to do the work or the part where you’re going to ignore me and you’re “willing to eat the lim tomorrow”?
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Post Post #553 (isolation #72) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:42 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 535, Bingle wrote:Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
In post 536, Bingle wrote:
In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
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Post Post #557 (isolation #73) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:44 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 552, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Like if you really want to eliminate Hopkirk you argue for it today, what Bingle posted is some absolute nonsense town never says ever.
Daily reminder that I am arguing a hopkirk lim today and norwee is full of shit. :D
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Post Post #559 (isolation #74) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:45 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 556, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Or point out what you actually want to say rather than post those dumb quotes like it proves anything.
Yup, posting the outright lies doesn’t prove the outright lies exist. Try the other one, it has bells on.
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Post Post #560 (isolation #75) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:52 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 554, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle hasn't posted anything in hood or had a progression that makes sense for why he's so eternally convinced me and Hopkirk are scum either.
The last post in the hood is me, responding to norwee asking if I think nm could be scum with an I’m not sure. I didn’t attempt to solve in the neighborhood because why would I? I used it early to try to generate reads by looking for people in the 6p who were informed of what was going on in the hood, exactly like I did last game.

But sure, it doesn’t make sense that the repeatedly dodging my questioning and shading anyone scumreading hopkirk should inform my reads.
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Post Post #561 (isolation #76) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:58 am

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^ that was Thursday, btw.
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Post Post #566 (isolation #77) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:09 am

Post by Bingle »

NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 407, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle do you think you'd push Hopkirk as an mislim if you were scum under most normal circumstances or would you rather buddy them?
In post 409, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 460, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 424, Lukewarm wrote:Then Bingle came in with 402 and when he showed the post that you were refering to as my post with reads / reasoning, and I realized that your case was in bad faith.

Like, in that game, I had 4 posts by the end of the 3rd day. In this game I had 41 by the end of the 3rd day. So if you are claiming that that game I was doing more to move the game forward, I no longer think you are making your case in good faith.
In post 461, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 449, Dunnstral wrote:I reread Vanderscamp, not feeling like voting there

I don't want to vote for Marci or Guiltylion either

So for me it's Luke or hopkirk in the 6

VOTE: Hopkirk
Literally just the same thoughts currently shared by everyone you came up with.
In post 462, NorwegianboyEE wrote: is an interesting post.
I feel like it’s more likely to come from town tbh. But i haven’t liked their other "cases" recently on me/Hopkirk.
I’ll need to give this some more time. UNVOTE:

Oh I’m sorry about all of the SEQUENTIAL POSTS FROM YOUR ISO SHADING PEOPLE FOR SCUMREADING HOPKIRK I just linked. It’s kinda like you’re still lying.
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Post Post #568 (isolation #78) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:13 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 562, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 553, Bingle wrote:
In post 535, Bingle wrote:Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
In post 536, Bingle wrote:
In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"

Oh I’m sorry that I was linking the post where you said I never clarified why you were scum with hopkirk and the post where I talked about why you were scum with hopkirk, as proof that you’re full of shit.
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Post Post #571 (isolation #79) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:21 am

Post by Bingle »

I think it’s fairly obvious you’re scum here ignoring all of the points you can’t address because they’re probably true.
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Post Post #572 (isolation #80) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:25 am

Post by Bingle »

Fucking autocorrect. Provably not probably. When I type an actual goddamn word I mean the actual goddamn word.
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Post Post #576 (isolation #81) » Sun May 16, 2021 11:01 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 567, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I've hardly defended Hopkirk, mainly because i don't think he needs defending. I'm questioning the way you and Lukewarm are tying me to him. Which is natural, given that i am town and extremely suspicious of this fake narrative you're pushing.
This post is
quoting a post where I quoted a bunch of instances in Norwee's ISO of him shading people immediately after they expressed suspicion of Hopkirk.
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Post Post #577 (isolation #82) » Sun May 16, 2021 11:16 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 574, marcistar wrote:
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
So why didn't you bring it up before..? Why did you wait until a vanderscamp wagon started? It does seem weird how norwegianboyee wanted content but wouldn't make it, but at the same time, the timing of you putting this read out is weird.. how recent is the read, just after his complaining about content thingy..?
Norwee jumping feetfirst into a weaker case is a big portion of where that read started. He handwaived away "Hopkirk is provably lying about what I'm doing and accusing me of lying about it in the same breath." and jumped feetfirst into the first alternative that showed up.
In post 527, Bingle wrote:I’m townreading all of Dunn/Marci/GL/Luke. People are aggressively ignoring how obvscum norwee and hopkirk are.
what reasons do you have for the dunnstral townread?
i don't think people are "aggressively ignoring" it... it seems like you really want it but deep down i don't agree with norwegianboyee and hopkirk being "obvscum". i think hopkirk seems townie :-(
I posted multiple posts pages ago about why I think Hopkirk is scum. Luke also posted multiple posts pages ago about Hopkirk being scummy. The extent of your interaction with those posts is literally this post I'm quoting, right now. GL hasn't even done that. Scamp? Nada. N_M? Nothing. How is that not aggressively ignoring it?

I still think Dunn is not S/S with N_M from early interactions. I also don't think Dunn makes sense as a Norwee partner here given Norwee's shade on Dunn. Ergo, Dunn is town.
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Post Post #578 (isolation #83) » Sun May 16, 2021 11:16 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 573, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 477, Bingle wrote:I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
Would you agree to a vote on you given the same premise?
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Post Post #579 (isolation #84) » Sun May 16, 2021 11:20 am

Post by Bingle »

Spoiler: The Ever Growing List of Things That Norwee and Hoppy Can't Answer
In post 553, Bingle wrote:
In post 535, Bingle wrote:Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
In post 536, Bingle wrote:
In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
In post 566, Bingle wrote:
NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 407, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle do you think you'd push Hopkirk as an mislim if you were scum under most normal circumstances or would you rather buddy them?
In post 409, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 460, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 424, Lukewarm wrote:Then Bingle came in with 402 and when he showed the post that you were refering to as my post with reads / reasoning, and I realized that your case was in bad faith.

Like, in that game, I had 4 posts by the end of the 3rd day. In this game I had 41 by the end of the 3rd day. So if you are claiming that that game I was doing more to move the game forward, I no longer think you are making your case in good faith.
In post 461, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 449, Dunnstral wrote:I reread Vanderscamp, not feeling like voting there

I don't want to vote for Marci or Guiltylion either

So for me it's Luke or hopkirk in the 6

VOTE: Hopkirk
Literally just the same thoughts currently shared by everyone you came up with.
In post 462, NorwegianboyEE wrote: is an interesting post.
I feel like it’s more likely to come from town tbh. But i haven’t liked their other "cases" recently on me/Hopkirk.
I’ll need to give this some more time. UNVOTE:

Oh I’m sorry about all of the SEQUENTIAL POSTS FROM YOUR ISO SHADING PEOPLE FOR SCUMREADING HOPKIRK I just linked. It’s kinda like you’re still lying.
In post 568, Bingle wrote:
In post 562, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 553, Bingle wrote:
In post 535, Bingle wrote:Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
In post 536, Bingle wrote:
In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"

Oh I’m sorry that I was linking the post where you said I never clarified why you were scum with hopkirk and the post where I talked about why you were scum with hopkirk, as proof that you’re full of shit.
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Post Post #584 (isolation #85) » Sun May 16, 2021 1:47 pm

Post by Bingle »

In post 580, Hopkirk wrote:- we both know that scum don't intentionally make up words. assuming this is 'scum posting provably false quotes' is stupid. content rich clearly = analysis. if you think someone lies about this kind of thing then i can't help you
Content Rich clearly = direction/scumreads, given the context that you asserted he had no direction or scumreads and I quoted him having more direction and reads than the post you were comparing to.

Town doesn't make up reasons to scumread people and then refuse to engage when shown to be wrong all the while maintaining the scumread. I think someone lies about this thing because you provably did lie about this thing, so... you're right in that you can't help me not see reality?
Hopkirk wrote:- you didn't have any genuine reasons for a scumread. the stuff about FL/justifying a joke is the stupidest thing i've read on this site since last game with agar
Disregarding entirely that the FL stuff was something I've explained the angle behind multiple times, this ignores that I found you scummy pre-luke push for the performative nature of your play around Norwee, as expressed in post 304. Summing that up into :The stuff around FL: is not reasonable, and doesn't dismiss the actual inaccuracy in your timeline: "Bingle pushed me for pushing Lukewarm therefore Bingle is chainsaw defending Lukewarm" when the actual timeline is "Bingle pushed me and then I pushed Lukewarm disingenuously and Bingle pointed that out while continuing to push me".

As far as the lack of difference between the games, I will merely point out, once again, that the content you said was more in depth was from ~72 hours into the game compared to the similar level of content on literally the first day of this game.
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Post Post #585 (isolation #86) » Sun May 16, 2021 1:52 pm

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In post 583, Hopkirk wrote:can you outline town!dunn and town!GL?
Literally did the dunn thing in the last two pages.

GL: I buy into the slip logic from Norwee as probably right, thought GL's reaction to being pushed over that felt town, and don't think Norwee tries to instigate that particular fake slip with a buddy the way he did. 163-172 is just super weird in a Norwee/GL scumteam world.
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Post Post #590 (isolation #87) » Sun May 16, 2021 4:37 pm

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In post 587, Lukewarm wrote:Okay. Here is what I am thinking. Bingle is (from what I can tell from other games) an extremely good scum hunter. Like multiple people in other games looking at his scum reads like they are gospel. And here, he is either scum, or he is 100% convinced he has found the scum.
FWIW, there are many people who have a higher opinion of my scumhunting prowess than I do.

I'm still absolutely fine being BoP'd here.
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Post Post #600 (isolation #88) » Sun May 16, 2021 10:18 pm

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In post 594, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 592, GuiltyLion wrote:- Lukewarm posted a great point in our hood about how scum!Bingle would have hard defended both marcistar and Lukewarm slots away from potential elimination today and to what gain? If it's something like a Bingle-Dunn or Bingle-Vanderscamp team, that's playing fairly awkwardly as it's strictly increasing chance of autoloss. I was kinda waiting to see if Lukewarm would raise the same points in the thread, but he hasn't?
I was waiting to see if Bingle would bring it up himself / slip that he has heard that arguement from the 6P hood. Never saw it from him tho

Everyone in the 6P chat had already seen me say it, so did not feel the need to add it here. As an argument, it would be useful information for exactly 1 other townie, so seemed worth holding it back to see if anyone seemed aware of the neighborhood discussion.
When exactly did this happen in comparison to the main thread?
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Post Post #641 (isolation #89) » Mon May 17, 2021 7:35 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 601, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 599, Vanderscamp wrote:
In post 551, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 477, Bingle wrote:I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
Daily reminder of how scummy this fucking post is.
I also still agree with this
Also, how does it make any sense for Bingle to argue in favour of eliminating some random person that has nothing to do with me/Hopkirk, and then they'll somehow believe it is going to make the others believe it to be more likely that me/Hopkirk is a team? Since when does "town" THINK this?
Or you know, I was bargaining for votes like you’ve seen town do a million times to get their lim through.

I’m fine with this though.

Lim norwee and hopkirk after I die.

VOTE: Bingle.
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Post Post #652 (isolation #90) » Mon May 17, 2021 8:30 am

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In post 649, NorwegianboyEE wrote:N_M i hope for the sake of your general well-being that you hammered scum here.
Positioning, just like when he suggested I was not expecting no to be willing to hammer.

Lim norwee and hopkirk, either order, and town wins. 100% guaranteed.
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Post Post #673 (isolation #91) » Mon May 17, 2021 8:52 am

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Oh, and look who suddenly knows I’m flipping town. Lim hopkirk. This is transparent. :lol:
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Post Post #1302 (isolation #92) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:20 pm

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Well fucking done, Vanders.
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Post Post #1319 (isolation #93) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:20 pm

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In post 1307, Hopkirk wrote:i don't think Bingle aimed to get himself exiled, just realized eventually there weren't enough townvotes for the hop!exile after the marci vote. that could have made sense with either scum GL or scum vanders though
I actually didn't want the hop exile either. The intention was always to shitpush you, shitpush vanders, and then pivot into a different elimination.
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Post Post #1321 (isolation #94) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:35 pm

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Oh, we were always bussing me. That was literally a pregame plan. I'm disappointed I didn't get to make vander's job easier, but I wasn't supposed to endgame here.
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Post Post #1324 (isolation #95) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:13 am

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I think this game is balanced and deserves to be considered for Approved status btw, but would like to see if anyone else has strong thoughts before bringing it to Isis. (Or rather, I'm bringing it to Isis and would like to give other people to voice their concerns should they wish to do so.)
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Post Post #1328 (isolation #96) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:48 am

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In post 1318, Lukewarm wrote:I am curious if he knew that Norwee and NotMafia both were going to react as if it was a scum claim, because that is how they both responded lol
I realized I didn't actually answer this. I didn't expect them to think it was an outright scumclaim. They were not wrong in that it was something I wouldn't have done as town, and I wasn't very surprised when what happened did happen.