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Post Post #21 (isolation #0) » Mon May 10, 2021 3:33 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 17, Hopkirk wrote:i heard norway melts like a chocolate santa in a tanning bed when he's scum
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Post Post #25 (isolation #1) » Mon May 10, 2021 4:07 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 22, NorwegianboyEE wrote:But whatever i think we should eliminate in the 6P hood. Because then we can win in day 1 just like the last time Divide and Conquered was hosted.
ur scum :roll:

but srsly tho, i agree.
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Post Post #27 (isolation #2) » Mon May 10, 2021 4:12 am

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In post 26, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Marcistar already do be feeling kinda different.
wdym from this? like from last game?
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Post Post #31 (isolation #3) » Mon May 10, 2021 4:15 am

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In post 28, NorwegianboyEE wrote:What else would it mean?
idk bro :oops: just wanted to make sure.
i know sometimes im shocking stupid tho.
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Post Post #36 (isolation #4) » Mon May 10, 2021 4:17 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 34, Not_Mafia wrote:
In post 32, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 29, Not_Mafia wrote:Eliminating down the 3p hood gives us at worst 3p ELo in the other group.. I'd sooner take that than the 1/6 chance for instawin. Unless someone starts jumping up and down and outs themselves as scum.
Nah, eliminating 6p hood gang 4 lyfe baby.
Scum in the 3p hood would certainly want this
thats true, thats my og thought about this as well.
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Post Post #43 (isolation #5) » Mon May 10, 2021 4:24 am

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In post 42, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Real talk, i would never agree to put myself in the same hood as N_M because i hate him.
:? that sounds mean
you know what they say, high risk high reward? that was prob u when deciding the neighborhoods :P
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Post Post #50 (isolation #6) » Mon May 10, 2021 4:49 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 48, Lukewarm wrote:Marci is locktown, she promised me she is town this game :good: :good:
i remember promising this, but like :shifty: ur confusing me! you looked like u didn't know if you could trust me earlier.
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Post Post #52 (isolation #7) » Mon May 10, 2021 5:27 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 51, Lukewarm wrote:This was a joke :lol: :lol:

Before we signed up together for this game, in the post game chat of the last game, I said "As long as you promise to be on my team next time, and not try to trick me like in this game"
ah ah actually? im so bad with jokes LOL
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Post Post #159 (isolation #8) » Tue May 11, 2021 3:38 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 147, Vanderscamp wrote:I also think n_m is the scummiest person in the small pool so far for a pretty similar reason, I'm pretty sure he's posted more times so far this game than in the entire game we just played together, and if I thought he was tabled from contention today I would be very far from kind of glad about it.
In post 150, Vanderscamp wrote:I have lukewarm leaning scum and Norwegian leaning town.
do u have any fresh takes :?
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Post Post #189 (isolation #9) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:35 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 179, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Oh and Marcistar. Can you make your current reads known?
i think luke and guiltylions is townies :?

unsure about everyone else really,
vanderscamps the person who has the worst vibes rn imo.
as well, hopkirk does have weird vibes as well, but it doesnt really seem like scummy weird vibes yet.

i'm not really sure of playstyles here, but dunnstral i dont remember alot from :? so he sticks out a bit.
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Post Post #193 (isolation #10) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:44 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 191, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Marcistar
This feels the most likely to be scum cumulatively when looking at both worlds.
i agree :oops: :good: :good:

explain please.. what makes me most likely :cry:
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Post Post #195 (isolation #11) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:48 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 194, NorwegianboyEE wrote:You're not really townie, you could be alligned with N_M and you could be alligned with Bingle.
Ergo you have the highest % of flipping scum.
why am i "not really townie"? wheres ur juicy tea on me i wanna fight :twisted:
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Post Post #197 (isolation #12) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:54 am

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In post 196, NorwegianboyEE wrote:The fight is proving you’re townier than the rest of the slots.
what if i promise im town :mrgreen:

do u have any reasons or is it actually just a process of elimination smhsmh
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Post Post #200 (isolation #13) » Tue May 11, 2021 9:58 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 198, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Oh and "not really townie" is a fancy shorthand way of saying that literally nothing you’ve said is something i think you couldn’t say as scum.
oh smhsmh u shouldve just said that.
lmk if u want me to vote myself :D

tbh im just waiting for juicier gossip
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Post Post #206 (isolation #14) » Tue May 11, 2021 10:05 am

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In post 202, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Can you explain to me in detail what your current ambitions are?
Are you trying to solve the game or just mess around?
trying to solve.

"juicier gossip" i meant that theres nothing i find scummy enough to push on :cool:
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Post Post #237 (isolation #15) » Tue May 11, 2021 3:12 pm

Post by marcistar »

In post 229, Vanderscamp wrote:
In post 193, marcistar wrote:
In post 191, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Marcistar
This feels the most likely to be scum cumulatively when looking at both worlds.
i agree :oops: :good: :good:

explain please.. what makes me most likely :cry:
Why do you agree?
am i meant to explain why im most likely scum..? bro idk how to do that :roll:
i guess... just because i am... is that a fine answer? :oops:
In post 224, Vanderscamp wrote:I don't mind killing into the big pool first if the scummiest person in the game is there but I will advocate very strongly for not avoiding killing into the small pool today just because it is the small pool.
So i'm the scummiest person here? aww damn hurts hard bro :cry:
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Post Post #242 (isolation #16) » Tue May 11, 2021 4:06 pm

Post by marcistar »

In post 240, Lukewarm wrote:Marci the people in this lobby seem to take everything people say seriously. Not allowed to joke about being scummy in here :good: :good:

Or they will elim you
nah i dont mind being sused, where i usually play im always sus no matter what i do so i just vibe with it :cool:
In post 239, Vanderscamp wrote:I'd like a little more detail about why you think that's the case.
Yes, I'll answer :D I'm scum because i've been joking around and not pushing for anything in particular. There's nothing really worthwhile for me to push, so me not really making any pushes at all is really sus. As well, one of the people who've seen my game as scum is saying i'm sus, so I am, since other people can pick up on my personality as scum way better than I can. I've been told before from where I play offsite that as scum, i'm very inactive and usually just think of short term, so that'll probably show up as well :wink:
In post 241, GuiltyLion wrote:wait, I missed this first go around, did you actually take as a serious comment? Like are you saying you genuinely believe marcistar 'agrees' she's the most likely to be scum, moment before asking Norwee what he meant?
tbh he seems serious, so i just looked at myself from a tiny bit of a different pov i guess.
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Post Post #272 (isolation #17) » Wed May 12, 2021 3:10 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 243, Vanderscamp wrote:I wasn't sure, the answer I got makes me think it was more likely serious but still not sure.
im not serious, but im pretty sure ur serious so im carrying thru with susing myself ig.
In post 244, Vanderscamp wrote:I'm guessing this is partially serious and partially a joke?

I'd be pretty interested to know how you would read yourself in this spot.
i just like, guessed what yall would be seeing.. it isnt my intent to be playing in that way rn, but it is what is is yknow? im not gonna fake pushes or anything im just waiting for something that seens scummy to come up :good:
In post 247, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I just think it’s an fairly unserious reply to my scumread, like they’re trying to laugh it off or make it seem like it’s not a big deal. I don’t think their response has been townie but just really Lamist. "Haha yes i’m so scummy! Not scum though!"
Which is something i know scum!Marcistar is likely to do from what i’ve seen in the newbie.
my serious reply was asking you what made you feel like i was scum, i was gonna reply seriously to whatever you said but like "this is something scum marci could be doing" idk how to really reply to that ahah.
In post 249, Vanderscamp wrote:I think Marci's response has been pretty awkward, regardless of whether or not it was a joke.
i think im just not on the same wavelength as yall tbh :cry:
In post 250, Not_Mafia wrote:This definitely seems like scum Marci from the newbie game
can u explain how? ahah
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Post Post #288 (isolation #18) » Wed May 12, 2021 9:26 am

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hopkirk whats ur read on norwegianboyee rn ?
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Post Post #291 (isolation #19) » Wed May 12, 2021 9:38 am

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In post 289, Hopkirk wrote:strongest TR
why? (:
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Post Post #318 (isolation #20) » Wed May 12, 2021 2:21 pm

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In post 317, Lukewarm wrote:And to be honest with you, 100% of the only reason I signed up for this game was to play with Marci so she would be more comfortable leaving the newbie queue. We even talked about that before we signed up. Of course I am then going to be friendly with her once we get here.

Here is a link to the post-game conversation about it after our last game together, if you want to see how we were talking to one another immediately before the start of this game to compare.
I'm sorry bestie did i force u?
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Post Post #367 (isolation #21) » Thu May 13, 2021 3:38 am

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In post 339, Lukewarm wrote:Okay, if we are all going to start town reading Marci, can we talk about how weird it is that Norwee would push her here?

Like he has the added benefit of having seen her play, so there is no "she uses emojis, so I can't trust her" - which is 100% something people have scumread her for lol
I don't mind it, I see the reasons.
In post 354, Not_Mafia wrote:Yeah I’ve come round on Marci town, her tentativeness here reminded me of scum her, but I think it’s more because it’s her first non-newbie game
I don't like not_mafia ^.^ hes following with the general vibe too much/easily.
In post 358, Lukewarm wrote:As a self diagnosis, the only thing I can think of is the buddying with Marci, but think that that has been pretty well explained - she is the reason I am in this game lol.
TBH, you're so focused on it that its starting to seem like an
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Post Post #370 (isolation #22) » Thu May 13, 2021 3:45 am

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In post 369, NorwegianboyEE wrote:N_M actually deciding to play is something i like about N_M.
I think generally speaking it's not scum indicative for him.
idk, is this playing? It just seems like hes going with the popular opinion :neutral:
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Post Post #412 (isolation #23) » Fri May 14, 2021 9:22 am

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i dont think lukewarms scum tbh :-(
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Post Post #413 (isolation #24) » Fri May 14, 2021 9:30 am

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oh hmm im not sure actually
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Post Post #414 (isolation #25) » Fri May 14, 2021 9:35 am

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luke do u trust bingle? :?
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Post Post #435 (isolation #26) » Fri May 14, 2021 11:17 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 421, Lukewarm wrote:Not_Mafia seems way different then he has in any other game I have played in with him + post makes no sense imo. You feel completely different this game then you did in the last.
I agree that not_mafia feels weird, but not exactly for the reasoning of him mentioning im weird based on my past behavior? Not_mafia and I have played a few games together where i've been town in those, so I felt like those comments are justified.. so that specifically wasn't what felt off about him.
In post 421, Lukewarm wrote:Norwee on the other hand, it feels like maybe he tried to pocket me? Like go through his iso and search for every time he mentions me. Its agree with me, thank me, town read me, town read me harder, defend me from other people. Then I pointed out he did something suspicious, and suddenly I am his number 1 vote.
Can you please bring examples of this? When I was reading through him earlier, it didn't really feel like this to me.
In post 421, Lukewarm wrote:I honestly don't know which of them is the scum, but if I suspect both of them, then I guess that means Bingle is probably town?
So its more like a process of elimination? I don't think it's good for that to be the reason why you trust someone... because like he could always be playing you like a violin.
In post 432, Lukewarm wrote:So if you are claiming that I approached that game with more effort / reads / content, then you are lying. You're argument was made in bad faith. I think that it is CLEAR that I am doing more to work towards a win this game, then I was in that game.
TBH, im getting more confused on you luke :cry: but at least now im pretty sure hopkirks town!! :good: :good:
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Post Post #439 (isolation #27) » Fri May 14, 2021 11:44 am

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In post 437, Lukewarm wrote:Easiest way to see it would be to, control+f, looked for every time he said "luke". I did this at first to try and follow why he went from townreading me to listing me as his top scum read, and it stood out.
imma do this but if its that weird trick that closes the browser im unfriending :cry:
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Post Post #440 (isolation #28) » Fri May 14, 2021 11:52 am

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In post 438, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 104, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Precisely Lukewarm.
In post 154, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Thank you Lukewarm.
In post 173, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I feel like Lukewarm is town, but i’m also hesitant to townread because i don’t know how good they are as scum.
In post 177, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Lukewarm how good would you rank your own scum game?
In post 188, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Going through ISO's with GL conf!town, soul townread on Lukewarm, and Bingle putting paranoia on Hopkirk we're left with this in a Bingle!scum world.
Bingle -> {Dunnstral}{Marcistar}{Vanderscamp}
Most emphasis on Marcistar and Vanderscamp i think.
In post 214, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Oh yeah, Lukewarm got scumread for some reason by multiple people and i never understood the meaning behind it.

Like these are all the times he talked about me in a row
it doesnt really stand out imo :? it feels natural
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Post Post #441 (isolation #29) » Fri May 14, 2021 11:56 am

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if his goal was to pocket you, i feel like doesn't do that job imo. it feels like he's trying to solve you.
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Post Post #452 (isolation #30) » Fri May 14, 2021 4:38 pm

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In post 451, Bingle wrote:You have no idea how hard it was for me not to take that pagetop.

Reminder, the last page has a bunch of game relevant content that you should read.
Whos this for..? everyone..?
the word "you" here is kinda lowkey confusing.
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Post Post #454 (isolation #31) » Fri May 14, 2021 4:50 pm

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In post 453, Bingle wrote:I mean...'you' is Cakez, mostly.

The reminder is for everyone, because I don't want the content from the last page buried and forgotten.
do people here not read back? thats so sad :neutral:
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Post Post #459 (isolation #32) » Fri May 14, 2021 5:52 pm

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In post 455, Dunnstral wrote:Yeah. This is what the game looks like for everybody else:

smhsmh does everyone use mafiascum darkmode :-( i like the lightmode alot more
In post 457, Bingle wrote:A lot of people don't, especially with 1v1s. Particularly with more active games, but choking a thread to bury things that are inconvenient to your narrative is a pretty effective scum strategy.
thats stinky, they could be missing valuable stuff :cry:
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Post Post #471 (isolation #33) » Sat May 15, 2021 8:57 am

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In post 469, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 331, Vanderscamp wrote:I feel like it's pretty likely that if lukewarm joined this game to encourage Marci to step out of the newbie queue (which I have no reason at all to doubt) then he's probably going to be buddying up with her as any combination of alignments.
Was going to say it didn't feel like a S/S interaction from them before I remembered that isn't possible anyway
I'm mulling over this comment on reread... I feel it's less likely town would forget who is in which pool and which interactions can or can't be S/S. I've had my fair share of poorly thought out comments/takes this game, but certainly the entire game I've been
paying attention to interactions cross-pool and keeping in mind potential scum candidates of each pool. I'm skeptical town!Vanders wouldn't really be aware that Marci/Luke can't be scum together 300+ posts into the game.

VOTE: Vanderscamp
is this the only point you have on him?
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Post Post #474 (isolation #34) » Sat May 15, 2021 11:04 am

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() :? i have no idea how to read him, he's one of the people i'm unsure on rn so i'm willing to vote along with u VOTE: vanderscamp i like these points you made though, i didn't really think of it like that. that's whats making me comfortable to vote here :-)
In post 473, Bingle wrote:I'm pretty sure it's just Hopkirk/Norwee at this point, tbh, and I don't see my vote moving.
i don't really see it, i probably missed it but where is your last read on norwegianboyee? :neutral: i see you mentioning you see hopkirk with both, but i don't really see you do much to that..? like you responded to norwegianboyee, but it doesn't seem like you had a mind change in those posts..
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Post Post #574 (isolation #35) » Sun May 16, 2021 9:10 am

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In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
So why didn't you bring it up before..? Why did you wait until a vanderscamp wagon started? It does seem weird how norwegianboyee wanted content but wouldn't make it, but at the same time, the timing of you putting this read out is weird.. how recent is the read, just after his complaining about content thingy..?
In post 477, Bingle wrote:I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
In post 527, Bingle wrote:If I have to lim you to get norwee/hopkirk, so be it.
I don't think eliming someone just so we can elim other people is a good idea :? it seems very easy to backfire tbh!!
In post 505, Lukewarm wrote:Norwee seems really on board for almost any wagon in the 6p hood

In post 191, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Marcistar
In post 409, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 470, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Vanderscamp
In post 207, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m extremely bad at reading Dunnstral. If you can explain how he thinks and plays as scum, and why he wouldn’t be bold like that, feel free to enlighten me.
that's true, but most of those votes hes done don't really feel like scummy votes imo.

feel a bit weird together :neutral:
like it felt like you were trying to distract off of yourself, but maybe im just looking too deep into it.

i just like, dont agree with either.
In post 527, Bingle wrote:I’m townreading all of Dunn/Marci/GL/Luke. People are aggressively ignoring how obvscum norwee and hopkirk are.
what reasons do you have for the dunnstral townread?
i don't think people are "aggressively ignoring" it... it seems like you really want it but deep down i don't agree with norwegianboyee and hopkirk being "obvscum". i think hopkirk seems townie :-(
In post 554, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle hasn't posted anything in hood or had a progression that makes sense for why he's so eternally convinced me and Hopkirk are scum either.
This is not an townie progression on slots, he's not trying to see a possible town motivation for either of us, just point out and make up what suits his scum narrative.
is he the best vote for today? i think i dont mind voting him but if hes scum im unsure who his partner would be.
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Post Post #628 (isolation #36) » Mon May 17, 2021 3:48 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 616, Lukewarm wrote:So to each of you, do you think Hopkirk and Bingle are TvT?

Do you think someone else would be a better Day 1 elim?

What makes you think they are scummier then hopkirk/Bingle?

If you are wrong, and it is a minelim, do you think it would give us more information then a flip on Hop or Bingle, and if so why?
No, i think its hopkirk town with a possibility of bingle being scum, tho im not 100% sure.

I don't have a better idea, but i don't wanna vote hopkirk so I kept my vote here.. I thought we were meant to be voting inside the 6p group? :?
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Post Post #631 (isolation #37) » Mon May 17, 2021 4:24 am

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In post 630, Lukewarm wrote:Who is your top scum read amongst everyone in the thread, regardless of their neighborhood?
:? i dont rlly have top notch reasons on anyone, but vanderscamp and bingle are the ones who i feel have the worst vibes rn :oops:
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Post Post #633 (isolation #38) » Mon May 17, 2021 5:19 am

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In post 632, Not_Mafia wrote:marci vote Bingle with us
huh, would it be fine to?
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Post Post #635 (isolation #39) » Mon May 17, 2021 6:08 am

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In post 634, Lukewarm wrote:I say go for it. I don't really forsee anyone other then hopkirk or Bingle going though at this point, so if that is your scum read between the two of them
okay VOTE: bingle
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Post Post #687 (isolation #40) » Mon May 17, 2021 9:03 am

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In post 674, Lukewarm wrote:Bingle suggested trading Vanderscamp for a hopkirk vote. and you and marci both seemed okay with that. That trade seemed like it would have been way less productive. first, I think that there was a lesser chance for it to get a scum flip. Secondly, I feel like we would have entered day 2 with multiple people crying "but Bingle is scum" and we would not have actually gotten any closer to winning.
I don't think i agreed?
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Post Post #690 (isolation #41) » Mon May 17, 2021 9:07 am

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In post 688, Hopkirk wrote:how does Vanderscamp/notmafia sound to you Marci?
tbh, im not sure. not_mafia is too hard to read :cry: but vanderscamp was the vibes i was having before.

have they done anything together at all? my memories bad :?
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Post Post #735 (isolation #42) » Thu May 20, 2021 3:29 am

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In post 724, Lukewarm wrote:Marci, what are you thinking rn?
i was thinking vanderscamp but now im getting so so confused :?
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Post Post #737 (isolation #43) » Thu May 20, 2021 4:06 am

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In post 734, GuiltyLion wrote:- Dunn is maybe in range of scumplay, but I think Bingle gave a real awkward townread on him early and I also stand by my thought that Dunn would have manipulated the game better on a D1 Bingle scumflip. He feels too detached and agenda-less to be trying to win a scumgame.
where do u think he gave an awkward townread on dunnstral? im confused because i dont see the awkward

thats the only one im confused about, but i dont like disagree but like i think hes a slight possibility :cool:
In post 736, GuiltyLion wrote:I get why I might be suspicious or a POE scum candidate from a neutral view of the game,
i dont rlly think ur sus cuz i think ur trying to actually help with only good intentions in ur mind :cry:
In post 736, GuiltyLion wrote:It's also important to note that Bingle didn't push on Vander in any substantive way other than threatening to hammer him if he got to E-1.
:? did bingle also not push on anyone else..? or was it only vanderscamp?
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Post Post #785 (isolation #44) » Fri May 21, 2021 7:47 am

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"It just seems like you are making a big deal over him have a vote on marci for less then 12 hours." this is the reason for ur vote on guiltylions..? so like, if hes scum... why would he be doing this?
quite an obvious "big deal" surely would gain attention and then result in votes possibly, so what would a scum have to gain from it..? Putting their life out to say something like that..? I find it unlikely, its more likely they would be more cautious imo...
though maybe i've just been biased cuz i've been townreading guiltylions. :P

(if hes scum) if he dies it would be gg..
i find how hes acting consistent with how hes been all game, it
seem like hes trying to just push urgently to live another day, it seems more like after a scumflip he's gained more confidence in a read, which makes it seem a bit townie :neutral:

but also, i have a genuine question for u;
day phase literally just started not that long ago, so
why did you felt the need to vote guiltylions..?
he already had 2 votes at that point (i think? thats what a votecount says..), and it says it takes 4 votes for a hammer... knowing not_mafias voting tendencies, the vote you made is very weird.... it seems like you were trying to get him hammered? you don't always need to vote someone you sus, you can just push without voting... would a townie really rush so quick into a vote like that, when its not 100% certain hes scum? a townie would doubt alot more, but you really don't seem to care..? it seems like ur kinda trying to stunt the conversations and make more options for miselims.

am i getting this wrong..?
this is just what im thinking rn, because the wagon on guiltylions kinda reeks imo, and this is the major flaw im finding in it :oops: :oops:

-- :good: --

another question i have is,
how confident are you in this vote?

like list the percentage
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Post Post #788 (isolation #45) » Fri May 21, 2021 8:21 am

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In post 787, Lukewarm wrote:Maybe I am being quick on my vote, but like, we are in a 1:7 situation. We have a lot of leeway here.
are u usually quick on votes lukewarm?

we may have leeway rn, but if we do it all speedrun style that can backfire so quick on us :cry:
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Post Post #791 (isolation #46) » Fri May 21, 2021 8:55 am

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In post 789, Lukewarm wrote:Do you have a case against someone you are more suspicious of? Because I would love to see it.
not rlly anything new yet, but i dont want us to rush too quick.
im planning to read deeper either tmmrw or sunday :cry:
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Post Post #824 (isolation #47) » Sat May 22, 2021 3:43 pm

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In post 823, Lukewarm wrote:Oh, Not_Mafia, our dear mod confirmed townie, why hast thou forsaken us?

Please return to the thread and offer us your guidance. Do so, and I swear I shall never again scum read you for being active in a game.

but for real tho, who you thinking?
why are u so obsessed with him? :?
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Post Post #844 (isolation #48) » Mon May 24, 2021 6:31 am

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maybe i shouldnt be townreading guiltylions :?
idk who would be the best to eliminate today, i thought dunnstral would pick it up more but hes not :cry:
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Post Post #849 (isolation #49) » Mon May 24, 2021 8:23 am

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In post 845, GuiltyLion wrote:but this is just super lazy play if he is scum here. Do you all think he really just says he's "unsure" about Bingle (in my convo with him in the hood) and nothing more if he's buddies?

I do think in a vacuum, Dunn or Hopkirk would be most likely 6p scum with Bingle 3p scum by pool-spec, and I still think Hopkirk is locktown. But that's about the best point I would have for scum!Dunn, and I'm always gonna be more paranoid about the players that seem like they're explicitly trying to stay alive
im not really sure if dunnstrals scum but i want him to come carry or else ill keep worrying about him :-(

im so confused.. do u think he would do that when hes done it before.. wouldnt that be too obvious? :?

:? :? :? VOTE: vanderscamp
i think this is the one ill feel bestest about :? but im not 100% confident sadly
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Post Post #874 (isolation #50) » Tue May 25, 2021 12:34 pm

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In post 873, Dunnstral wrote:IMO the wishy-washyness I'm seeing from Marci right now feels like scum

VOTE: marcistar
am iactually wishy washy-
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Post Post #880 (isolation #51) » Tue May 25, 2021 5:21 pm

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In post 875, Dunnstral wrote:Your last post
fair enough
In post 878, Lukewarm wrote:VOTE: Dunn

--- :good: ---
In post 868, Vanderscamp wrote:I think I would kill Marci before Luke now btw

I don't get any sense of her putting any effort into analysis
well this is prob true :dead: but what specifically gives this?
im not
sheeping or anything, im voting people im comfortable with voting :cool: (idk if this makes sense but; i think im sheeping, but im not just doing it nobrainingly)

idk if im right about voting you, it might be a bit too unfair. you make me frustrated alot vanderscamp (so i might actually be a bit blinded), i cant tell 100% if its intentional, but my heads telling me its probably not. maybe its just i dont like how you keep calling me awkward, im really just doing this all naturally and not forcing anything at all, maybe we're just completely different people who dont see the same way. but even after that, i still wouldn't change my vote, because i like guiltylions reasoning :]
ur hard to read and scary :-(
the vote on u, i feel best about (which is why ill stick to it) :cry: the reason why this game is so hard for me is because i can see what other people are doing and it doesnt look all that scummy imo.. cant say the same for u sadly :cry:

i would probably have the very most biased opinion in this situation, but i just dont like ur suses rn.. like just standing back and looking at it and its :? but idk if what im seeing is dumb

--- :good: ---

bros i cut my own hair imma cry :cry:
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Post Post #898 (isolation #52) » Thu May 27, 2021 4:35 am

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In post 883, GuiltyLion wrote:I do weigh N_M's vote seriously
not_mafias reads on me are 100% serious and valid since hes seen me both as scum and as town
In post 887, Lukewarm wrote:I still stand by day 1 Marci feeling real different from Day 1 Marci in the other game, but this does feel a bit like Marci after she lost her partner...

I really don't like that every single town and every single scum read she has wavered on.

And she does not appear to be solving. It kind of feels like she was not putting in the effort today because she wanted to slide through on all of the town reads she got day 1.
check my other town games, i just dont have motivation when im sused because its not fun :neutral: usually its me getting tunnel sused when i do that tho.
In post 894, Vanderscamp wrote:Can you talk more about what parts of GL's reasoning you like?
when he was complaining about how nobody was talking about you, when he was
In post 771, GuiltyLion wrote:he gave no good reasons or evidence to suggest he thought Marci was scummier than Bingle. He said she was "awkward", meanwhile brought up
actually good points
against Bingle

In post 765, GuiltyLion wrote:I'm saying Vanderscamp is scum for giving great reasons to suspect Bingle, giving comparatively weak/awful ones to suspect Marci,
claiming he has a TR on nEE
, and then voting Marci in the 6p instead of Bingle in the 3p. His stated reasoning did not align with his vote, and he cannot use any sort of justification about "we were limming in the 6p" as a defense since he said he was pro-limming in the 3p. He also then made no real effort to push Bingle from his vote in the 250s or wherever until several days later IRL once Hopkirk/nEE/N_M were both more solidified on Bingle

bringing up points about how you sused me and bingle both, but had weaker reasons on me that kinda stuck in my mind alot.
and when he brought up the fact you voted bingle early on, but went afk after that. (cant find it exactly, since im in class rn.. but im pretty sure it was him who said it).
In post 896, GuiltyLion wrote:I'm starting to feel pretty good about a Marci elim.
i think it'll be good as well,
even tho i know im town... if all the townies are so so confused about me, it would be better if im gone so that yall can focus better!
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Post Post #900 (isolation #53) » Thu May 27, 2021 11:13 am

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In post 899, Lukewarm wrote:My issue, is that you have been giving this vibe since the very start of Day 2, but you were not being sussed until like the last 24 hours :? :?
:oops: from before then
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Post Post #905 (isolation #54) » Thu May 27, 2021 4:49 pm

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In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:If she's town, that's pretty insightful analysis prior to any flips when she wouldn't be certain of either Bingle/Lukewarm's alignment.
i just assumed that the way luke was about bingle was weird in a way
also the neighborhoods alot less scary :oops: :oops:

In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:I also don't see any indications of why she was suspecting Bingle in the first place, it couldn't be due to any direct questioning and she hadn't shared any reasons given the point above ^.
wait im dumb :? where did i start susing him? i can walk u thru my process
In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:it's clear she was already prepared to vote there:
In post 574, marcistar wrote: is he the best vote for today? i think i dont mind voting him but if hes scum im unsure who his partner would be.
while still giving herself an out.
1.) the vibes were just there
2.) should i not be worried about who his partner would be..? there was a couple votes on him already, and i wouldnt want to end phase too early without being able to wring more out of him :cry: i dont have good reads this game so i wanted to get as much out of him as we could :cry:
In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:had already been covered via Vanders' multiple posts about it, it was a pretty specific reason that Vander had given for voting Bingle, so with hindsight/more care paid to this question I find it odd she hadn't looked in Bingle's ISO to see if he had explained it already herself. Or that she hadn't paid attention to Vander calling it out.
awfully bold of u to assume ill backread that far when im just in the moment asking whatever comes to my mind based on recent posts :cry:
In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:Still hesitant to actually vote Bingle, and still trying to shift towards voting elsewhere. She then caves and votes him 3 hours later, again not inherently scum-indicative in and of itself but I can also imagine this as an attempt at distancing given the Bingle elim was likely going through by this point.
i did have hesitance in voting bingle, but if i truly wanted to stay off of him i couldve just easily made up something about forgetting to switch off of the vote i had at that point.
why would i have waited until someone asked me to do it?

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Post Post #913 (isolation #55) » Sat May 29, 2021 6:09 am

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In post 909, GuiltyLion wrote:I think marci's pivot from "my elimination will be good for the game" to arguing with me about voting her is survivalist
it is survivalist :oops: because i dont wanna be mean
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Post Post #926 (isolation #56) » Sat May 29, 2021 2:36 pm

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hold up! ^.^
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Post Post #929 (isolation #57) » Sat May 29, 2021 2:40 pm

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luke shush lemme atleast post my post im typing rn before getting hammered :oops:

idk if its complete yet tho but im trying!! :cry:

its not 10 post long case, but its some things i find interesting, though it probably isnt much!! but i want to at least throw it to yall :cool:
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Post Post #931 (isolation #58) » Sat May 29, 2021 3:10 pm

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In post 916, Not_Mafia wrote:Who do you think could be scum, you have good reads so please share if you're town
i dont think my reads are anything special ever :? not really the most confident in my reads rn, this games too hard ;-;

i think
more likely to be town than not. yeah hes inactive, but nothing hes done is really eyebrow raising. so i wouldn't really look at him.

is obviously who i think is really scummy as of right now.. but, i cant tell if it'll flip as well as i've been praying he would. as the games progressed, i've gotten more of a feel for him, so the gap between him and guiltylions isnt really that big in my opinion. my read on him is mostly just, the vibes that everyone else is town, and i like guiltylions reasoning.

but what made me pause today-phase, and think quite a bit is;
at a certain point everyone believed it was vanderscamp/dunnstral (from what i understand) at that point, it felt quite a bit easy, didn't it..? in pov it did at least, thats what really caused me to be confused.
even though i
is town, its quite easy for me to doubt him right now.. if vanderscamp is town, i think guiltylions would be most possible :? when i first started getting this feeling, was when i was reading bingles posts :oops: (its dumb, but what stuck out was his lack of mentioning guiltylions (tho that could easily be explained by guiltylions being mostly absent, is still was quite interesting to think of and just something i wanted to take note of :P ) i believe, i thought this originally around the time i was a bit flip floping around).
whats more weighing on my mind than the above tho, is actually his positioning rn. i dont expect yall to see it since yall dont know my alignment yet but like :shifty: hes not confident in me being scum at all,
In post 896, GuiltyLion wrote:I'm tired and don't have time to lay out the explanation of things in marci's ISO I didn't like on reread but I can post that tomorrow.
In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:meh I just went through marci's ISO again and I feel like it's not really fundamentally scummy other than
(this follow through, a bit weird for one.)
In post 901, GuiltyLion wrote:I'm having a hard time truly finding this scummy because my attitude towards EOD1 was much the same, which is also kinda why I had her just shelved as a townread. But it's not inherently townie either because whoever is scum with Bingle would want to start disassociating by this point, so I think it's mistake to rule out potential buddy behavior on that front.
(bit over the place)
In post 904, GuiltyLion wrote:I'm in no way against hammering her here,
didn't originally think about the brackets there, but as i read it a few more times it feels relevantish. these posts, just like... the wording and aura of not really being confident. such an easy thing to use if your defense once theres a townie flip if everyone looks at you next. easily, he could be just trying to get the most miselims as possible, while not being quite too obvious is what im thinking from those posts.
(last second thoughts before sending this out; being not confident in something isnt really scummy.. but the way hes doing it, seems like that we arent seeing the whole story.)
i know at least for me, i either wanna vote people im confident in, or a vote which will help the game more... quite curious to see what he would do after my flip.. go for another easy elim? looks like most people think that if its not me they dont know what to do, wonder if its the same for him :P

wow.. but whats making me confused now is that
my case for vanderscamp is just too weak compared to this i feel. (vanderscamp = guiltylions > lukewarm is my solve. the vanderscamp = guiltylions, slightly theres a difference between them in my brain, but not too much. lukewarms just the ranking of the vibes list :cool: )
i could easily be wrong, but my main vibes say that it feels a bit too easy earlier before i was getting hella sused.
i wouldn't be surprised if ive been wrongly reading guiltylions is what im trying to say ahah :oops: :P

my urges after typing this say unvote, but idk which ones bigger priority.


i think this is fine enough to send out, i dont think ill have more time to explain deeper, but this is pretty much it.
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Post Post #973 (isolation #59) » Sun May 30, 2021 10:31 am

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In post 944, Lukewarm wrote:

Vote Hopkirk
im not gonna vote something im not confident in
In post 955, Lukewarm wrote: He has been consistently and repeatedly telling us that he is going to to get back to us at a later date, and then we have all been waiting on him.

And again, he has been much more active on site... just not this game
where i play usually with meuh, people hate on anyone for pushing someone based on their online status / if they've posted recently. there could be many reasons on why hes doing it, not always scummy intentions.
i dont really think hes scum, the way hes been replying doesnt feel like it to me.
In post 969, Lukewarm wrote:I think that this post was designed to ensure that his push on Hopkirk never went through
(thinking emoji here)
i like ur points sis, but i dont agree with a hopkirk sus :cry:
In post 972, Hopkirk wrote:VOTE: Dunn
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Post Post #1007 (isolation #60) » Sun May 30, 2021 2:58 pm

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In post 974, Lukewarm wrote:It was a fake push designed to fail, so that everyone would townbin hopkirk (which everyone did).
thats not why i've been townreading hopkirk but alright
In post 986, Lukewarm wrote:I think that one of us absolutely needs to go. Me and you both making it to Elo sounds like a nightmare for town tbh.
i think u rlly need to like... do sumn else for a bit and come back with a fresher pair of eyes.
if ur both town this will lead to failure probs.
In post 989, GuiltyLion wrote:marci, Dunn is pushing to eliminate you today and has been low engagement/content compared to most other slots in the game. I'm having a hard time understanding why town in your shoes would think he's not worth looking at?
i dont mind if he wants to elim me, i think itll be good for town no matter what i flip :oops:
i think hes townie because like, he gives vibes like other inactive styles ive seen before.
when hes been here tho, he doesnt really seem like he has much of a motive.. nothing hes posted really feels off. if he was scum, i think he wouldn't be letting himself have such a game like hes had so far.
inactives are usually the easiest to push from what i know, which makes a dunnstral bandwagon seem a bit :? ykyk?
In post 990, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Dunnstral
is jumping from popular bandwagon to popular bandwagon something intentional..?
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Post Post #1014 (isolation #61) » Sun May 30, 2021 5:27 pm

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In post 1008, GuiltyLion wrote:This is a pretty bad post especially if Dunn flips town, I'm tempted to lock-scum you for it. Absolutely no point to this except to shade me and try to set up to scumread me.
don't mind if this happens,
tho i really didnt mean to shade u im sorry if ur mad :cry: i dont want anyone to be mad but maybe i worded it weirdly.
im gonna sleep but like, ill try to explain better tmmrw but pls dont hate me ill feel bad if it made u feel mad :-(
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Post Post #1021 (isolation #62) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:09 am

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bro :dead: :dead:
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Post Post #1023 (isolation #63) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:14 am

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whats ur tierlist bestie :oops:
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Post Post #1026 (isolation #64) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:22 am

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In post 1025, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 1021, marcistar wrote:bro :dead: :dead:
What made you open up the thread with this?
it felt weird that i got in before anyone else :oops:

:? im so confused on whos scum tbh! r u sure ur not it bestie? :shifty:
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Post Post #1030 (isolation #65) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:27 am

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In post 1028, GuiltyLion wrote:Marci, if you had to decide the vote today, who would you eliminate?
imma be honest with u chief,
vanderscamp/u is it imo..

so i would prob do vanderscamp today and then u tmmrw if hes not it.. because u make me confused :? so save u for later.
but also... theres a doubt in the back of my mind about my bestie lukewarm still, but like we'll see i think.
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Post Post #1044 (isolation #66) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:49 pm

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In post 1041, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 931, marcistar wrote:i think dunnstrals more likely to be town than not. yeah hes inactive, but nothing hes done is really eyebrow raising. so i wouldn't really look at him.
this still remains a really weird read
what can i do when my vibes say it isnt him :cry: i didnt want him elimed ;-;
In post 1043, GuiltyLion wrote:like the failure state for town!marci has to be that she gets eliminated and the wrong one in Vanders/GL gets eliminated, right? I don't think either scum!GL or scum!Vanders have put themselves in a position to capitalize on Lukewarm-Hop TvT
:cry: hes gonna tunnel on him and i dont want that
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Post Post #1070 (isolation #67) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:19 pm

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In post 1048, Hopkirk wrote:it's kind of weird to be both confused that you're townreading too many people + townreading neutralish Dunn who I'd expect to be in the POE there). i should probably have another looked through her posts
i keep second guessing my assessments.. should i not be? im so unsure if im right about everything i think :cry:
dunnstral just seemed townie bro :neutral:
In post 1049, Vanderscamp wrote:Since I do think you are towny I'm more happy with a "vote Marci and then evaluate" plan than just wanting to kill you both in either order, I'd be pretty unhappy with killing you today even if I somehow knew I wouldn't get killed tomorrow because Marci is someone who I don't feel super good about being scum, but she's just given me really no reason to actually read anything she's done this game as towny so it's going to be pretty hard to not kill her in a final three.
yall shouldve voted me > dunnstral yesterday :cry: i cause too much confusion
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Post Post #1071 (isolation #68) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:29 pm

Post by marcistar »

In post 1053, Vanderscamp wrote:I think Marci is scummy because it's D3 and this is basically the only reason I have for reading her as town.
I think a lot of her reads don't have any obvious thought progression behind them, even though I really disagree with what GL was saying regarding me I could at least understand afterwards how he came to those conclusions, with Marci I don't see any reasoning that is obviously coming from a town mindset
im sorry i dont have good reads this game :cry:


just elim me guys if ur so sure that ull be voting in the right direction the next phase :cry: everyone keeps coming back to susing me, so im bad for town, so we should do this so that everyone gets a clearer mind!!! :oops:
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Post Post #1087 (isolation #69) » Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:09 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 1081, GuiltyLion wrote:if we had voted you > Dunn, assuming you are town, that would still put us in F3. How would that be better than eliminating you today?
becauses im confusing u guys way more :cry: :cry:
In post 1082, Hopkirk wrote:Marci was pretty widely TR d1 and I can see Bingle thinking she can carry it from there + she's the only partner who couldn't consider switching to voting me. I can absolutely see a plan where Marci/Bingle d1 plan to compromise pivot onto Vanders towards the end of day, followed by continued pushing of me vs Bingle the next day. Marci being the good cop on the hop wagon opposed to Bingle's bad cop push of it is also positioning that makes sense compared to a partner just sitting back. I can see Marci/Bingle having Marci against the Hop push so that if Bingle forces it through d1 then a Bingle flip the next day wouldn't implicate her. I can see Bingle realizing I was going to vote him + Notmafia/Norway/Vanders were and being worried that someone else could switch before Marci did and wanted to cover the base with the hammer. TR then flying under the radar d2 makes sense as well post flip especially with a GL vs Vanders 1v1.

I'm struggling to see Bingle's plan otherwise, especially one that he'd be willing to self vote for there, and I'm struggling to see anything that jumps out as a reason not to vote Marci like i do for a lot of people
fair enough but obviously if this was the plan then its doing very bad since ive kinda been sused alot last day phase!! :oops:
i wont try talking you out of this if this is what you truly believe, theres some "why would i do x if i was scum" that i could bring up, but thats pretty meaningless. i've barely done much this game, so i do deserve to be the elim : D tho i know im town, i know im only bad to be kept around : - ( i hope everyone will be very confident in where they wanna look next day phase tho : )

In post 150, Vanderscamp wrote:VOTE: not_mafia

I have lukewarm leaning scum and Norwegian leaning town.
In post 230, Vanderscamp wrote:
In post 200, marcistar wrote:
In post 198, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Oh and "not really townie" is a fancy shorthand way of saying that literally nothing you’ve said is something i think you couldn’t say as scum.
oh smhsmh u shouldve just said that.
lmk if u want me to vote myself :D

tbh im just waiting for juicier gossip
VOTE: marcistar

This is very awkward
In post 263, Vanderscamp wrote:VOTE: bingle
In post 713, Vanderscamp wrote:VOTE: guiltylion

You said last time you had to concede some of the points you were making that I responded to, which points were you actually conceding?
Because this is basically all stuff I've already responded to.
I can sort of believe that you can have trouble with my thing about the s/s thing since I may have phrased it pretty badly, but I don't believe that you can be reading my posts and then making the argument that me voting Marci is scummy in good faith, especially since you asked me the relevant question of who I scumread more between Marci and bingle.
In post 1037, Vanderscamp wrote:
In post 1033, Hopkirk wrote:@Vanders - can you towncase luke since i think you had him as your 2nd strongest TR
Yeah, I think his eod reactions around bingle were very towny.
I think his response to the extended accusation against him seemed pretty genuine too.

I think you and lukewarm both had much better interactions with Bingle than GL and Marci, who imo really have very little going for them regarding their in thread interactions with bingle, so I'd kill them both and feel pretty happy about it.

My biggest reason to not kill those two would be if I decided that GL was too towny, I do think he has seemed pretty towny once I took a step back from just looking at him push on me nonstop because he's putting in a lot more effort than I think would be necessary as scum on someone who I don't think is the most obvious push for him either. I could still be overestimating how good I look from pushing bingle but I think he could have easily just gone against Dunn instead.

I want to kill VOTE: marci because I think she has not been towny pretty much at any point this entire game, apart from her vote on bingle which did not come with a ton of associated pressure, and the logic about the pool setups on bingle's behalf, I don't have any reasons to think she's town and I don't think there's any way I would not use one of our two kills on her.

In post 56, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Bingle
In post 113, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 83, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Also i will be referencing this game a lot since it's like almost the same playerlist too. So please commit it to memory if you already haven't.

I've read through a bit of this game and I better see the arguments now for limming in the 6 pool, thanks for linking it

VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 138, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Vanderscamp

I see you were online after the game started, come play
In post 365, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 364, Lukewarm wrote:Still trying to get a better feel on Vander and Hop before I try any kind of push on Dunn.
Why do you need to have a better read on other players before pushing your scumread? I find that generally anti-town, town should always be making pushes and generating pressure

And what actions have you been taking to get a better feel of them?

VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 469, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 331, Vanderscamp wrote:I feel like it's pretty likely that if lukewarm joined this game to encourage Marci to step out of the newbie queue (which I have no reason at all to doubt) then he's probably going to be buddying up with her as any combination of alignments.
Was going to say it didn't feel like a S/S interaction from them before I remembered that isn't possible anyway
I'm mulling over this comment on reread... I feel it's less likely town would forget who is in which pool and which interactions can or can't be S/S. I've had my fair share of poorly thought out comments/takes this game, but certainly the entire game I've been
paying attention to interactions cross-pool and keeping in mind potential scum candidates of each pool. I'm skeptical town!Vanders wouldn't really be aware that Marci/Luke can't be scum together 300+ posts into the game.

VOTE: Vanderscamp
In post 699, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: Vanderscamp

pagetop vote for justice
remember to turn back to previous page to read my case
In post 896, GuiltyLion wrote:yeah is also a great point


I'm tired and don't have time to lay out the explanation of things in marci's ISO I didn't like on reread but I can post that tomorrow. Want to get Hopkirk thoughts but I'm starting to feel pretty good about a Marci elim. I changed my own mind with the reasoning I posted earlier today about the number of townies who would have to be wrong at this stage for Vander to be scum
In post 990, GuiltyLion wrote: does feel pretty town overall though, I think

VOTE: Dunnstral
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Post Post #1089 (isolation #70) » Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:22 am

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In post 1088, GuiltyLion wrote:you haven't exactly been a model of certainty yourself
yes ik :cry: i wish i was more confident
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Post Post #1093 (isolation #71) » Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:43 am

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In post 1092, Lukewarm wrote:I thought that she was saying that she is the LHF that scum would want to keep around to 3 man elo to win with a push on her.
what does this mean im confused whats a LHF?
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Post Post #1095 (isolation #72) » Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:35 am

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In post 1090, Lukewarm wrote:I think her point is she does not know who it is and a lot of people are suspicious of her, so she is probably a bad person to take into 3 man elo.
well then my point is
i know im town, but i know everyone doubts me too much. i doubt i would be anymore convincing to anyone next day phase no matter how hard i try, so i think its best to elim me. (like i think if im not elimed here ill 100% be the next elim :roll: ) tho i feel bad :cry: so i want us all have more time to think before (so that it isnt super super hard?) (:
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Post Post #1108 (isolation #73) » Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:01 am

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In post 1099, GuiltyLion wrote:I'm convinced marci is the best elimination today and most likely scum.
im not scum but okay!!!! lets do whats best for town!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
In post 1103, Vanderscamp wrote:I'd be interested to hear why you wouldn't have played this way as scum

I love this stuff
:cool: :cool: because its not what i would do as scum. the biggest reason is that i would've tried a bit more to change my play from last game, because last game i ultimately lost it for my team :oops: :oops: theres other reasons as well, but idk how to word them exactly :oops:
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Post Post #1113 (isolation #74) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:44 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 1109, GuiltyLion wrote:are you saying you played similar to your last scum game then? why would you do that as town?
i think its pretty similar, tho it wasnt intentional.. if the shoe fits the shoe fits yknow? :?
In post 1110, Vanderscamp wrote:Why do you think you've played the same as last game?
Because that wasn't really the impression I was getting from people from that game
the biggest similarity i think is that i dont have good reads that im confident in :cry:
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Post Post #1116 (isolation #75) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:48 am

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In post 1115, GuiltyLion wrote:alright well everyone has given words since I gave intent and I still believe this is right

VOTE: marcistar

fingers crosseddd
:cry: :cry: bestie it isnt right
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Post Post #1119 (isolation #76) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:51 am

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In post 1117, GuiltyLion wrote:welp

that's not good
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Post Post #1122 (isolation #77) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:53 am

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lukewarm bestie can u make sure to not tunnel if u live SMSKSSMSK

think deeply about guiltylions as well i thinks :?
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Post Post #1127 (isolation #78) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:59 am

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im sorry i feel like this is my fault :sob:
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Post Post #1314 (isolation #79) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:54 pm

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In post 1301, GuiltyLion wrote:My biggest regret is D3 and eliminating marci, I should never have let go of my townread there :(
im sorry, is my fault, i shouldve played better