Dear Baju something,
Out Nation firmly believes that :
The read and logic you have been promoting for a while concerning the Dunk and Koki Nation are, in our opinion, unfounded and should be dropped immediatly. There’s very little incencitive for Terrorists to ever interact in this way right off the gate. Dunk is also a clumsy Nation almost every UN Council, this behavior is totally better explaines by personnality (that the Nation forgot the delegate votes are permament) than Terrorist Indicative. Kokichi Nation are also one of the most obviously “Town” inclined Nation in the Council. Thus, even if the read itself had merits, the identity (dunk) and UN participation (Koki) tells an other story that is more valable/relevant.
About your concerns of the strcuture our Nation correspond, communication is our priority and like we previously explained to one of your UN Council collegue, if the situation present itself where vulgarisation is needed, we shall remove this emissary for a better suited one.
Prime Minister of ****