In post 276, Ranmaru wrote:Is this a feeling you always have with reference to Chara? (Since I know you don't care to appeal as town iirc) Who do you think is scum at the moment?
I'm nor appealing. Chara ASKED ME to show them I was Town, so I complied. Had they not asked I would not have bothered. When someone asks you to show them you're town you would assume they have a reason for it. Maybe they're a protective. Maybe they are an investigative who wanted to save a investigation from being wasted on you. Maybe they're a weak role and don't want to die targeting you. Maybe they're just lost and wanted to sheep you after they had maden sure you were Town. Maybe.....
And who do I think is Scum now?? Everybody but me and Nero could be.
And NO, I'm not claiming Masons, nor am I claiming to have any additional knowledge on Nero's alignment in any form. This is just a play/meta read on the guy. This is his Town game.
But seriously, I'm leaning Town on both you and Chara. You probably know why on Chara, but the Town lean on you has to do with your .. ahem .. clumsy entrance. I can't see Scum!You pleading to me to give feedback and stress on that they "value it" too. Someone else doing that In would have thought were scum trying to either pocket me or link me to themselves, but knowing your play I wouldn't expect you to go down that route either, so you're likely Town.
FTR, I'm on the "fairly relaxed" mode. I'm only reading for gist currently. I'll reread for both comprehension and for details later on.