what the fuckIn post 298, mastina wrote:Except, legit, I genuinely think it is. While I did make that post more or less as a parody, the point behind it? Dead serious.In post 274, Mathdino wrote:like it's hard to argue that lynching town-mastina is +town EV
I think that lynching me before endgame is +town EV.
I don'tlikeeating mislynches (especially since by my SWA algorithm that's an automatic -2), but when it's part of gamebreaking I can bite the bullet. And I legit think that lynching me at some point DOES accomplish that. I'm not sure about when, specifically, lynching me would be the right play. But lynching me, I genuinely feel helps the town. It's just a question of when, and what I can do to maximize said help.
I don't have the specifics planned out. But I more or less mapped out in my mind...I can't find the words for it, but the beginning of a strategy whereby lynching me helps to expose the scum.
the last time i argued for policy lynching you before lylo you went balls to the wallpost shitting on my play and arguing you'll never get lynched no matter what
are you purposefully just saying something completely different every game re: self meta