no, i'm saying that good scumreads come from "this player is playing inconsistently with how they would play as town"
not from "oh well it's possible this is consistent with their towngame"
those are difficult to produce which is why i've had more good townreads than good scumreads this game
JJD is playing inconsistently with his scumgame
nauci i have a tell on (also i can prove that i actually metadived nauci for the purposes of this game, and correctly HARD townread her for team mafia tiebreakers during N1 based partially on the meta research i'd already done for this game)
brassherald is playing inconsistently with how he would interact with his buddies as scum
there are significantly more reasons as to why i'm inconsistent with how i'd play as a traitor
and 0 reasons as to why i'm inconsistent with my towngame
the "math doesn't bus of scumread without clearance/communication" is a major element there