Welcome to Product Placement Mafia!
1. None yet.
Basic Ruleset:
1. I am the Lord your Mod. Thou shall have no other mods before me.
2. Thou shalt not create images of mod communications. Any communication between thee and thine Mod is sacred.
3. Thou shalt not insult thine Mod. Thou shalt not use thine Mod's
4. Remember the Night, and keep it holy. After lynch has been reached, talking must cease.
5. Honor thine father and mother by playing to thine win condition.
6. Thou shalt not post with any account other than the one in the playerlist. All posts made by other accounts will be deleted.
7. Thou shalt not communicate outside of thread unless allowed.
8. Thou shalt vote in thread in this form
9. Thou shalt not be an asshole*.
10. Thou shalt participate. Not posting for 72 hours will result in a prod. Upon receipt of three prods, thine position in the game is forfeit.
Nuts and Bolts:
1. All days will last for fourteen RL days.
2. Nights will last 72 hours.
3. Lynch happens upon simple majority. If there is not a majority at deadline, there will be no lynch.
4. I reserve the right to force-replace anyone for egregious violations of the above ruleset.
5. When someone requests replacement, they automatically unvote and the slot is not allowed to vote until a new player occupies the slot.
*If you have to ask "hmm...am I being an asshole here?" you probably should just hit ctrl+a and then backspace.[/quote][/quote]