In post 128, Quick wrote:Sorry, didn't read that whole mess. I skimmed enough to find out it was a mess tho.
I'm going here:
VOTE: Mafia Gunner
This is fake.
VOTE: Quick
Just because it's fake doesn't mean he doesn't have a point. 90% of the posts that came after my last post were just fluff and people gaming the votecount. See my above quote.
I'd have to check Mulch's other games I didn't join or can't remember in the last 2 games I played the game was just designed so claiming was really bad, not a literal anti-claim mechanic.
On MU the general standards are either "quote someones claim and kill them" or "If you successfully guess a players role kill them". I don't really know what Mulch prefers.
ah yes, beeboy style reads;
if this person flips town, then i'll townread them. - Nahdia