Give me a reason that I should be voting Brian over Quick.
~The Observer
In post 162, Brian Skies wrote:Is anyone else bothered by the fact mafia are flavored as wolves this game, but it's a mafia gunner and not a wolf gunner?
In post 1, Mulch wrote:5. The players named Town Gunner and Mafia Gunner cannot be voted or targetted. They do not count for parity. Town Gunner is a villager, and
Mafia Gunner is a wolf.
willful misdirection?
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Give me a reason that I should be voting Brian over Quick.
~The Observer
In post 162, Brian Skies wrote:Is anyone else bothered by the fact mafia are flavored as wolves this game, but it's a mafia gunner and not a wolf gunner?
In post 1, Mulch wrote:5. The players named Town Gunner and Mafia Gunner cannot be voted or targetted. They do not count for parity. Town Gunner is a villager, and
Mafia Gunner is a wolf.
willful misdirection?
I read that as a fluff post honestly.
~The Observer
He who is subjected to a field of visibility, and who knows it, becomes the principle of his own subjection.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
no, just read this page and tell me what you think.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
there's no way I'm going to actually respond to/analyse 24 entire pages at this point so I'm just going to respond to things where I remember my name being brought up.
and now this. I don't like ausuka's progression. calls brian town, brian wonders if he is being pocketed, which is inherently a towny thought to have, and after an interaction in which brian does not appear particularly wolfy ausuka is voting brian? that's something now isn't it. not that I like brian's posts otherwise, but this ausuka progression is wolfy. townreads from nowhere, OMGUSing when convenient. kinda wolfy?
this isn't the first post I voted brian in. I just decided that messing with the votecounter was a silly thing to do. Brian's read was scummy because he painted it like he was scumhunting and accusing me of things, but didn't actually try to push me and kept his RVS vote, and he backtracked when I pressed him on it. I don't see why townlean -> null -> scumlean is "bad progression."
Ausuka, how is it mean to scumread people? Assuming roles are randomly distributed, surely you have as much chance of drawing scum as I do (although slightly higher chance of knowing if you did). So is it mean to say "you were randomly selected for the scumteam?" Do you think that Mulch assigned scum preferentially to people he disliked? Or is this just an appeal to emotion?
That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil
Damn, OK, I can sheep the brain vote. RN I want my vote on Hop though, so consider my vote on either/both given it's a choice between one of them and someone else.
Mafia Gunner
You control the account “Mafia Gunner” that’s in the game. It can’t be lynched, or targeted.
It counts for parity
, can vote, and during the first 5 minutes of every day can take a 20% dayvig at someone. It will be announced who it is shooting at. It will be announced during the start of the game that mafia have this role and it counts for parity and can’t be voted or targeted. You can vote with it twice per day- just let me know. If you die, it dies.
Town Gunner
You control the account “Town Gunner” that’s in the game. It can’t be lynched, or targeted.
It counts for parity
, can vote, and during the first 5 minutes of every day can take a 20% dayvig at someone. It will be announced who it is shooting at. It will be announced during the start of the game that a towns person has this role and it counts for parity and can’t be voted or targeted. You can vote with it twice per day- just let me know. If you die, it dies.
So these are the gunner role pms when amrock last modded this game.
In post 1, Mulch wrote:5. The players named Town Gunner and Mafia Gunner cannot be voted or targetted.
They do not count for parity.
Town Gunner is a villager, and Mafia Gunner is a wolf.
The reason why I asked about parity is because the role PM's Beeboy quoted state the gunners count for parity. However, the rules for this game state that they don't. There is a difference between the two games, and I was curious if this was important.
I've heard of a parity cop, but I have no idea what parity is, and I couldn't find anything on the Wiki.
Give me a reason that I should be voting Brian over Quick.
~The Observer
In post 162, Brian Skies wrote:Is anyone else bothered by the fact mafia are flavored as wolves this game, but it's a mafia gunner and not a wolf gunner?
In post 1, Mulch wrote:5. The players named Town Gunner and Mafia Gunner cannot be voted or targetted. They do not count for parity. Town Gunner is a villager, and
I was making a joke regarding the Mafia Gunner's name. I think this is blatantly obvious by what I wrote and how I said it and Panopticon managed to figure out what I meant here.
Also yes, that is actually me fluff posting because I'm only in this game to enjoy myself (and if I can't do that, I'd rather not play).
I don't really understand what you mean by willful misdirection, unless you think I'm insinuating multiball, to which I've already made a response regarding that here:
In post 180, Hopkirk wrote:I feel like there's going to be mafia and werewolves and when mafia flips people will say 'it's multiball' and other people will say 'they're clearly the same team due to mafia gunner'.
In post 1, Mulch wrote:Other win conditions may or may not exist.
You may be onto something here.
But I'd rather not think about stuff like this unless we actually have a reason to.