camn is easy to scumread yesIn post 175, camn wrote:Hush now about my lair!
And Pine is just being a grump cuz I'm KILLING HIM in a different game that will remain unnamed. He has to make up why not camn?
You are probably wrong about Ausuka. Cuz Pine is scum.
I wonder if Pine AND Alisae/Cain are scum....but I looked through both of their day 1 AND day2 posts and didn't see any secret #let'sSabatogeInAlphabeticalOrder" messages or think just pine.
BUT that would leave 2 in the worst/Nancy/camn/keychain.
I think the worst, obv...and then you? Surely you aren't this lurky as scum. Keychain seems pretty town. So maybe you are right about Ausuka.
Scumteam = Pine/worst/+1
i don't get why you used lower case for every name in that grouping except me i hate you
um, i didn't realize i was lurky
i am spending basically every waking hour with my gf or working or on an off-site game that is actually a mafia game
why does keychain seem pretty town (i don't necessarily disagree but i am curious what you are reading into there)