I would argue that they do - how are you thinking they do not?In post 566, Irrelephant11 wrote:If you lean no, why ignore your biggest remaining D1 scumread to focus on a player you didn't seem to see as scummy until Teacher claimed?
Put another way, your vote analysis seems to inform your reads. Why do your reads not seem to inform your vote analysis?
If I don't think both scum are assured on the wagon, but I do think it's more likely that one or both was on rather than off - why should I vote off the wagon exactly considering the claims?
You're saying this like it makes sense - it doesn't
@NK - sheeping a case from Teacher
Why do you think it's alignment relevant when he doesn't?
Hint: his case is a hot mess.
His points only make sense if I'm scum with multiple people *and* are just randomly doing things 'because'. There's no actual plan he's describing.
Can you?
If not, vote Oxy.
@Teacher - to have fun with your bad math, here's a few other statistics.
I am 50/50 town or scum, because I was jauled and there was no kill. True statistic.
I am 22% likely to be scum at game start.
I am 25% likely to be scum now.
WHat are the odds that a Tracker tracked the persona JK targeted? Does the low number mean you're more likely lying to us? You're 50/50 scum after your claim statistically.
Wow, you share all of my statistics, don't you?
You know what all those numbers mean, besides being true? That doing random statistics is dumb.
I was more likely to be a NK target because I'm the IC. Did you account for that in your statistics?
I was also more likely to be a PR target - with that in mind, if I'm scum, why would I submit a NK?
Did you work either of those numbers into your silly statistic case?
Unvote me, sheep me on Oxy, stop playing badly.