both cakez and Muffin can save themselves. This whole theory is dumb.
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
Was gonna ask where the fuck the rest of the players out, but turns out we're just really active and nobody has been afk for more than 24 hours.
Jesus Christ <_<
EDIT: How much do you bet that Wisdom will change his tune if you swap with him?
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
If you randomly stab a dude who just turns out to be a bad person, you still stabbed a dude.
It doesn't magically make the stabbing okay.
EDIT: It's an excellent move regardless tbqh. We either hit Wisdom scum, OR we get rid of the single most antitown player in the game.
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
In post 1490, dramonic wrote:If you randomly stab a dude who just turns out to be a bad person, you still stabbed a dude.
It doesn't magically make the stabbing okay
replace random with "because he looks shifty to you" then
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
I've already explained how it's the right move for scum to out itself to get 4 town deaths anyways <_<
I'm a hoot
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
if i were told we absolutely had to lynch G3 for some reason today and i had free rein on who i chose, i think i'd swap you right now
but since
i've gotta at least pretend to look town
i'm not a wanker
i think it's probably better for everyone to decide as a whole, i'm most likely just going to go with the consensus swap (unless people keep voting before everyone has had a chance to chime in, in which case i'm just going to swap who i want)