I know some of you are going to want to gloss over this because it's a wall but please don't. I'm going to lay out why Random's scum, and because some of you just aren't seeing it as clearly as myself and Nico, I need to dive into the sequence of Random's posts so that you see the full picture of what's happening.
In his early posts, there's already slight indications of scum motives and knowledge. In
479, Random townreads TBG - consistent with scum killing TBG because scum tend to kill their townreads on N1 - it's also notable because Random uses the kill on TBG to justify townreading Creature (saying that Creature's read on TBG was a "townslip"). There's hints of knowing too much in these posts re: TBG and Creature. (Also, as an aside, notice in this early post that Random townreads RC, which means it's plausible that Random/RC are scum partners (contrary to what RC and Random keep saying, the connection is plausible).
The scummy stuff really starts when Random begins to softly defend Creature:
In post 677, Randomnamechange wrote:aight yo wassup g's im here now talk to me
creature could be scum but seems kinda lynchabity nowatimsayin
If Creature is scum, this is precisely how a scum partner would behave on D1, testing out the possibility of saving Creature by throwing out a "lynchbait" concern without blatantly defending him as town. It's likely that Creature is scum, but even if Creature's town, Random's behavior is scummy: Random allows the lynch to happen by saying he "could be scum" without actually pushing it, precisely the type of move that scum often make in these situations. It's the sort of hedge that allows Random to eventually adapt to the situation based on the direction of the game and his ultimate motives re: Creature (i.e. whether Creature is town or scum).
Then Random votes PR as suspicon starts building on her:
He called PR town earlier in the game but now he votes her while softly defending Creature a few posts earlier. Why'd he townread PR earlier, and why'd he change his mind at this point in the game when suspicion is building on both PR and Creature?
Random continues to indirectly defend Creature throughout the rest of D1:
In post 744, Randomnamechange wrote:
Creature is either town or scum. If scum, scum will try to dtart a counterwagon onto renais. If he is town and renais is scum, then scum will try to push the creature wagon through before they have to defend renais
Random speculates about associations based on Creature's flip and PR's flip, which is another behavioral pattern that scum tend to fall into on D1 - as the lynch approaches on someone whose alignment they know, scum tend to speculate about what potential flips mean for other players in the game so as to contrive a course for their reads on D2 and potentially set up chain lynches. Scum tend to think in terms of these associations before flips more than town because scum already know who the town/scum are and so they're always in a position to see potential associations even before we have any flips. In Random's case, it's especially scummy because he's not only looking at one player's associations but he's setting up a false dichotomy between Creature/PR (why can't they both be scum?) and then looking at associations on that basis.
Again, the dichotomy between Creature/PR makes it clear that Random doesn't want a lynch on Creature but also doesn't want to actually call Creature town (either because he wants to defend his partner or he wants to let a mislynch happen) so instead he's talking about Creature at a second layer of analysis (i.e. talking about who Creature's partners are and who PR's partners are). Regardless of Creature's flip, this is scummy.
Then, in
750 and
753, Random suggests policy lynching TP/letters and Nico - which is another easy way for scum to avoid having to contrive reads or attempts to scumhunt as they instead focus on behaviors that have nothing to do with alignment - plus Random continues pushing for an alternative lynch to Creature.
Random's final posts on D1 further expose Random's desire to prevent (or delay) a lynch on Creature:
Random urges others to consolidate votes while refusing to do so himself on Creature.
In post 791, Randomnamechange wrote:VOTE: tpfkap
nico, therre is a differnet between not having reads and posting nothing. not even pointless content or shitposting. not even non game relevant stuff. literally null posting. that isnt an acceptable playstyle and you are going to get lynched for it. i tend not to have many reads on day 1. but i still interact with people, ask questions and try to figure out where people are at.
Random looks for another wagon that isn't Creature on TP/letters while also casting shade at Nico. In short, he's looking for any lynch options that aren't Creature without actually having to come out and say that's what he's doing. And D1 ends in a no lynch.
D2 starts terribly for Random. In
830, when the worst questions Random's behavior re: Creature, Random gives just about the most bullshit reason you can come up with to justify not-voting Creature - "he's playing to his scum meta but didn't care so he's town?" - as if somehow playing to your scum meta means you're not scum because if you actually cared about the game you wouldn't play to your scum meta? It's pretty much the biggest piece of bullshit we've seen in this game, and it's suprising that nobody else has picked up on this. And, in the same post, Random votes Nico at a point where it's already pretty clear that Nico's probably town. This is especially scummy in light of Random's last post on D1 - it's like Random looked at his last post on D1, saw that most of his analysis was about Nico, and decided to keep his reads/behaviors consistent despite new information (Nico's D2 behavior) basically clearing Nico as town. It's also especially scummy because Random's vote has nothing to do with Nico's actual alignment, it's only about his play style - there's no attempt by Random to actually scumhunt.
The hostility that follows is entirely unnatural from a townie who reads Nico's posts:
He mocks Nico.
He further mocks Nico.
In post 834, Randomnamechange wrote:also to clarify i have a hard townread on nancy
i just refuse to allow nico to get away with this bullshit
He calls Nico's play "bullshit."
More hostility towards Nico.
In post 839, Randomnamechange wrote:why do you even play mafia if you dont want to play mafia
unless its a post restriction or some shit, it still doesnt excuse refusing to post any content.
More hostility towards Nico.
More hostility towards Nico.
In post 843, Randomnamechange wrote:i dont have a problem with you not having reads. i have a problem with you refusing to post any game related content.
More hostility towards Nico.
I point out that Random's hostility towards Nico feels unnatural and Random immediately calls that a "misrep." Does anyone other than Random think I'm misrepping Random by saying his hostility towards Nico felt unnatural? What's the misrep there? It's like Random didn't think for more than a second about the validity of what I was saying and immediately reacted in a defensive way by calling my analysis a misrep. And then Random doubles down on attacking me:
Random says he explained why my analysis was bad but actually he hasn't. I can't find any posts where he explains anything of the sort. He just calls it a misrep without actually pointing out any sort of misrep anywhere.
And he starts saying my stances are "random" without actually having any reason to believe that. It's basically pure OMGUS. Randomidget doesn't even have a thought process here - he's just blindly calling my stances "random."
There were no rebuttals, so what the fuck is Random talking about? He's just trying to cast shade on me for made up reasons.
In post 1266, Randomnamechange wrote:
firstly, the fact that your initial response to my push on nico was dodgy and you then doubled down on it, secondly as RC said your scumteam doesnt rly make sense.
it looks kinda like you picked scumreads then found ways to justify them rather than the other way round
He says my response was "dodgy" but what the fuck am I dodging? I said in no uncertain terms that Random's response was unnatural. What's dodgy about my analysis? Nothing. What's random about it? Nothing. What's scummy about it? Nothing. Random's not thinking about this, he's reacting defensively without any meaningful attempt to sort my alignment.
And finally, consider this:
In post 1154, Randomnamechange wrote: In post 1147, NicoRobin wrote: In post 1139, ArcAngel9 wrote:OKAY. LET ME GIVE YOU HEADS UP
In post 831, NicoRobin wrote:Anyone who votes me or Nancy is scum. This ain't a bluff. I am a baby with power. You have been warned.
Can we lynch this. It should have happened yesterday.
Another scum!
I am okay with lynch too. Creature is most certainly not scum.
In post 1137, NicoRobin wrote:But.....there is only one baby with power. There can't be two or more babies with power......
I am serious. Lets get this.
VOTE: Nicorobin
Hey, how about you and I lynch this? Then I won't inv. you.
Im down. I would say my main pool rn is them, tpf, renais and shoshin
This is an absolutely terrible post - AA9 calls Nico scum and Creature town - and Random agrees with it. Random suspects Nico, defends Creature, and now he suspects me too because... I suspect him?
I don't see how anyone can say that Random's town - there's no hints of towniness anywhere and lots of scummy behaviors. I'm down to lynch Creature today because of his total non-engagement with the game but I strongly, strongly urge a lynch on Random tomorrow, regardless of Creature's flip.