Gut feel plus the line of thinking behind your posts. Muffins went over some of the points, such that the reasoning of the explanation you gave behind your JK on me made no sense.In post 2498, Ankamius wrote:what in particular was different?In post 2487, Katsuki wrote:Your play this game vastly differed from the past town games I saw from you. My fake guilty on you was a reflection of how confscum I thought you were (well, coupled with the fact you didn't die AND I got blocked).In post 2483, Ankamius wrote:meh
I achieved exactly what I wanted to this game, now I know that I can actually replicate a lot of what my town game does to reasonableish success
having an agenda isn't strictly a towntell for me anymore at least
Probably would have been better off powerbussing ginngie given that mastina was powerlurking.
Your posting this game was made with scum thought in mind as oppose to town. It's been years since I last played with you but my memory of you was that you were quite transparently town when town.