In post 3121, the worst wrote:1 post of Joral not knowing what to do with the role.
Then CShep saying he'd use the hood as a dumping ground. Bit of confusion around GiF's comments on Creature's hammer (he was worried it'd be governated or cleaned).
Then some spicy stuff. Shoshin claimed bg in their masquerade chat. This comment is addressed to Nico and is during d3 which makes me think he targeted Nico n2. If she ever visits the person who died she's confscum.
He doesn't totally trust his reads entirely but says they're honest. Noted nd39 isn't entirely conftown due to redirect. Confirms Joral didn't submit n1 (shook). He told Shoshin a lie on the basis that if she was scum she wouldn't shoot him. obv didn't work out, and might need Shoshin to confirm what the lie is
He saw scum in {GiF + AA9/Shosh} and suspected AA9 more fairly. Suggested
23 from Sajj may have been meant for the scum pt.
He said in the event of town!Shosh he'd lynch rando. But really only after a townflip from Shosh.
He then very strongly urged the reader to sort Shoshin if he died (if shes town we now know she should be policy lynched d1 regardless of PR
). He called a scumteam of {GiF, Sajj} + probably Shosh for third. He then admitted to playing a little stupid ITT to avoid nk and said if he does it's because Shoshin is lying.
THEN HE SAID REALITY CHECK KNOWS HE EXISTS which is blowing my mind. He said this makes Shoshin/RC scum together or both town.