In post 4114, RadiantCowbells wrote:WhemeStar has died! He wasLeft Door Knocker, Town Odd-Night Voyeur Neighbour.
Spoiler: Role PM
Day 6 has begun!
In post 3658, RadiantCowbells wrote:Reality Check has died! They wereRight Door Knocker, Town Even-Night Voyeur Neighbour
Spoiler: Role PM
Day 5 has begun!
Of course, the even night voyeur dies N4 and the odd nght one dies N5. How could I have voted Wheme after Reality role flip? *smacks self* d’oh.
@Wisdom , it has to be Shoshin. . She is the only one implicated by protective actions. Reality already cleared random asthe communicative and since they are both only voyeurs and not watchers, who else can it possibly be?