i will prob be voting ep since i think bv is prob out of his scumrange - ep if you have any compelling reason why i oughtn't do that let me know
i'm going to wait a couple of days before i do to see if i get back the motivation i need to go through some iso's and key parts of the game given mylo
(still not doing super awesome irl and my motivation is kinda waxing and waning and atm i don't have very much)
actually i read thru ep's iso ,and some salient points:
-> on day3 he's calling tw's pr soft 'the elephant in the room' day2 when i don't think it was that obvious or important or relevant day2 (the other person who called major attention to the softing thing was interestingly mom - could they have planned this out since like day1/night1 which is why scum was focusing on the softing?). idk how well i explained this - like scum knew he was going to fake-claim and thus incorporated that into their fake reads of tw and gave it credence but town didn't know what he was up to at that point and he was scumread so didn't read much into it
-> he also voted tw day2 despite the softing being 'the elephant in the room' that he claims he was dancing around
-> i also think he was setting up to push irrelephant on a scum!mom flip, except he never really followed through with that - similarly he was building up to pushing irrelephant after scum!tw flip
-> day2 mom and tw were the bottom of his reads consistently
2655 and
2676 just feels super real tho
-> ep being scum means that scum's plan from like n1 or so was: ep (scum rb) rb'd bernie. claimed to have neighborized his partner, tw. day2 not push him because of pr tells (that mom incidentally saw). day3 claim he was in a nieghborhood with tw n2 and that tw claimed he was going to check bv overnight. and then when tw is sketchy as fuck hardbus him for lying, and then coast
which is all kinda implausible but i gues what happened? i feel like this is something nsg or math might cook up with tw but i don't think either of them were active at that point anymore
-> his one super strong scumread throughout the game was tw in middle of tw's fake-claim stuff
aside, 'panicked' is a very interesting turn of phrase here
-> also he kinda had doubts on both gustavo and nm while the wagons were happening but never really used those reads to pivot to where he thought scum actually were