In post 119, Reundo wrote: In post 105, Keyser Söze wrote:
- town can call their own posts non-alignment indicative when accused of being scummy.
- both town and scum can ask if there is day chat.
- a town player can show concern if they think going down an avenue will be unproductive.
- a town player can be very concerned about being put in "bad light" for unjust causes.
- a town player can stubbornly push to try to change the subject if they think it won't help find scum.
- townies can make dumb mistakes and provide incorrect examples.
- town can "attack" the player attacking them.
Yes, of course town can do all of the above, but my point was that I thought your posts would favor scum!you more than town!you. Like for the first point, it would be more productive from a town POV imo to explain your reasoning behind your post and let Sesq decide for themselves whether or not it was scum indicative instead of straight up telling them they "shouldn't see it as an attempt to look townie" and that it's "non-alignment indicative", and it seemed to me like you were being more defensive than the situation called for. Of course you could be defensive as town, but being defensive naturally has more benefits for scum who lose a lot more than town by being suspected -> voted -> lynched, and when it was combined with something I saw as anti-town (calling your own post "non-alignment indicative" read to me like you were trying to force a certain interpretation of your post instead of leaving it open to discussion) I was inclined to read it as a scum defense. I could probably do the same with a lot of the other points you listed, but I don't think it would be worth it. Honestly, my scum-read of you has been waning steadily, and I think a lot of your later posts do read as genuine scum-hunting (the slight backpeddling of your 2.17 read especially caught me off-guard), but you have to understand that not everyone's going to view you as town and that it's not entirely implausible for me to see your actions coming from scum. If you think I'm "arguing over fluff" then so be it, but all you've said to dispute that is saying that your actions can come from town, which wasn't my point at all and doesn't dispute the fact that your actions could come from scum as well, so if you are town then do a better job of proving me wrong.
Now, for a quick snap-shot read of everyone else...
Irrelephant11 - Decently engaged with the game. His questions and scum-hunting seem pretty fine as a whole, and there's nothing that juts out too much. He seems a little reluctant to scum-read people, and even his vote on Sesq didn't seem that committal. He only voted them to move to something more interesting (?) and then moved onto 2.178 in the next post without much indication why. I'm not so sure it's really scum-motivated though, so he's kind of lean town for me.
Ausuka - Hasn't really done too much so far, but her reads list is pretty solid. I got around the same impression from Sasq as she did, and I really liked her read on northsidegal too. Her read on me seems a bit rambling and is not too coherent tbh, but I guess I get where she's coming from. Probably a lean town once she posts some more.
2.187 - His vote on Keyser seems a bit forced as he doesn't really back it up all that much. His follow up post is meh. I liked his pseudo-town-read of me because it was kind of unconventional, though it does line up neatly with his Keyser vote. It also didn't read as obvious buddying since he admitted my post was a "little annoying". Null lean scum.
Sesq - They seemed a bit too eager to back off of Keyser from the first line of #80, but they wouldn't have really be motivated to do that as scum. But then in the next line they say that keyser is "detached" from the game, but also not in a scum way, yet they aren't really swayed and they keep their vote (???). I don't understand their game plan from either alignment to be honest, and I'm not sure how much of this is actually AI or just their playstyle. Null all around.
volxen - His post-RVS introduction was pretty pointless and actually did nothing to add to the discussion. I get I might be kind of a hypocrite since similar things have been said about my introduction, but it seems even more exaggerated in that the distance between the post he was responding to and his actual post number were literally pages apart and that all he said was basically just paraphrasing what northsidegal said. A lean scum for me.
GameNBurger - Started off with a bunch of game theory talk that didn't lead anywhere, then pleading to people not to town-read him for him, which ironically enough made me town-read him for it a little initially. Honestly, I'm not getting too much of an impression from his posts, like nothing really just juts out as towny or that impressive. Pretty null.
Dunnstral - Not having a strong impression on me. I have no idea why he's voting Sesq. Null.
northsidegal - I think she has a lot of interesting perspectives on things. I liked how she pointed out that GameNBurger could've held onto his "don't townread me" comment to see if anyone would town-read him for it first, but then again I don't think this would really glean anything AI since it wouldn't have been obvious as town to make that decision -- seemed like more of a "good play vs. bad play" sort of statement. It's sort of the same thing with her later posts on Irrelephant, though she did admit it probably doesn't matter much in the end. She offers solid advice overall, which does help town in a sense, but I'm clueless in terms of where she leans on basically everyone. Null.
Poseidon - Close to nothing from him. Null.
Kop - Literally nothing from him. Also null.
So basically in a condensed form the players I'm most comfortable considering as town for the moment are {Irrelephant11, Ausuka} and as scum are {2.187, volxen}.