With so few council members left, it becomes clear that there can't be many wolves left.
is presented as the favored candidate for the next.
Though he does what he can to protest, in record time, his guilt is decided, before a single hour of daylight had passed.
"I'm innocent, I swear!"
"Well if you're so innocent, why are you protesting so much?"
"What kind of logic is that? Of course you'd not protest your innocence if you were really innocent!"
"Yeah, pretty sure that makes you a wolf."
"What happened to innocent until proven guilty?"
"Your protests are proof you're guilty!"
To no avail, he fights and fights, but ultimately, from behind, Nosferatu
clobbers him with a hammer, knocking him out, and leaving him unable to argue any further.
Tied up and once more dragged on the bandwagon to the gallows, he is soon put in the noose. Unlike most prior victims, however, he retains enough willpower to waken, and remain lucid throughout the ordeal--both a blessing in the form of seeing your demise coming and being able to make peace with it, and a curse, in being conscious for the ordeal and having no way out.
He sighs, looks down in defeat, and closes his eyes, solemnly reflecting upon the outcome of events.
"Sorry everyone for having been such a bother."
And with that, his life ends.
When at the end of the day his transformation comes, the surviving four council members have their confirmation: the last of the wolves was dead.
No howl rings out in the night, a howl present even when no evidence of werewolf activity could be found in the night. With this as their final proof of victory, the town cries out in joy.
The nuisance was removed.
They were free.
In the shadows of the night,
"The competition is gone."
Now knowing her traditional rivals are out of the way, she would be able to thrive, and should she so choose, sire a legacy of her own, unchecked, as her presence had been all-but forgotten.
She could perhaps start with the other three survivors, as they were the only ones to catch a glimpse of her true nature.
Though holding no ambition for controlling the town...she could now rest assured that a vampire haven where they could freely feed existed, due to her work. As long as she were to lay low, nobody would even know of the continued supernatural ongoings of the night.
In the dark of the underground,
similarly holds reason to celebrate, having contacted his superiors.
"It's unfortunate about the loss of
Lady Angel
, but the important part is...we have the foothold we need."
With the elimination of their greatest threat, the mafia's reason to work with the town had expired. "I would recommend disposal of the evidence; we want this town to become
, and any loose ends should thus be tied up."
had sought to take control of the town, but knew that as long as a threat such as the werewolves existed, it would rival their dominion over the town. Now knowing that threat was removed, they could recruit new members unchecked, bring in their power, and thanks to Nosferatu, slowly work their way to controlling the town council with the induction of new, mafia-friendly, members.
The town had won a victory, but by having done so, left themselves wide open to a new threat.
A threat that would remain unseen, until spreading to the point of being almost too late to stop.
The future remains uncertain, though, because the council was not in full control of any. The town could still, if fortunate, fight back, or easily be drowned out and consumed by their new enemies, the enemies which had previously been their allies owing to their agendas overlapping.
It will certainly be an interesting time, and while nobody knows what's in store, what's certain is that the future will not contain one thing.
There will, never again, be a time they need to Lynch the Wolves.
And so everyone (other than the wolves) can, for at least today, call it a win.[/font]