Actually, what the heck are you doing? You’ve been mildly-pushing me the whole day without providing any sort of read/elaboration except the stuff you said really early in the day. If you think it’s ok and it’ll all go away once you say that it’s a bait, then let me tell you that you are wrong.
I provided enough content for you to be able to read me normally without having to resort to stuff like that
And if you’re not “reaction-testing”, then please take it seriously
I’m sorry if I’m being rude, I’m kinda pissed rn because people just ignored my read right after agreeing with it and now I have to repeat everything I said before, because my freaking catchup post got deleted
I do want to lynch you tomorrow and if you do want to lynch me, make a case, comment on the stuff I said or sth
Just don’t do it the way you’re doing it now because it’s
1. worthless
2. making me want to respond to you in a really shitty way