In his surprise, Flavor Leaf had accidentally bent his cigarette into an impossible object
that directly contradicted all known laws of spatial physics. This rather remarkable
phenomenon could have puzzled the brightest topologists for at least a decade, but
alas, the phenomenon descended to the floor and was promptly stomped by its indignant
creator before anyone could take notice of its existence.
clearly not you.
And you know what? I like
Auro's palm once again collided with his face, but he had no time to advise Flavor Leaf
to "update his pun-making software" before Lamees joined the discussion.
one slide.
It appeared at least someone did understand, because a hatch opened on the ceiling
and an industrial quantity of cheetos, doritos and avocado toasts fell right on top of the
starving Auro. Sensing that an explanation was probably necessary, the wall speakers
helpfully offered one.
time. And you might want to ask for something specific, otherwise it tries to guess it for you... anyway!
I hope you enjoy your "starving millennial" menu! Bon appétit!
Auro did not find the willpower to respond.
With 9 alive it takes 5 to
November 24, 2018 - 6:50 AM (GMT)