schadd_'s Micro Normal Review, October 2018

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schadd_'s Micro Normal Review, October 2018

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:07 am

Post by implosion »

schadd_ wrote:
schadd_ wrote:/in to mod a mini :)
I Am Experienced and Need No Comod

informed neapolitan (player is an ascetic 1-shot tracker)
1-shot bodyguard
ascetic 1-shot tracker
4 VT
informed 1-shot watcher ("there is a full neapolitan among the town")
informed goon ("there are exactly 3 informed roles in this game")
post 1 wrote:
welcome to mini 3: the labeled pictures meme thing mafia!


modded by: schadd

reviewers: reviewers
shoutout to: Content Creators Everywhere

Spoiler: list

Spoiler: reveals
playername, lynched / died D/N1, was a role

Spoiler: events
post 2 wrote: rules, adapted from nexus's

--most important rule: be nice and don't be mean--


- Please adhere to the site rules.
- Do not discuss this game of mafia outside of this thread.
- Day phases will last 2 weeks (or until a lynch is achieved).
- Night Phases will last 48 hours maximum. On any given night, if all players PM me that they are okay to speed up the night, it will end sooner.
- During night phase, no talking may be done in the thread.
- Do not quote PM's from the mod at all (real or fabricated). Paraphrasing is acceptable.
- If you have any questions about your role, or the game, feel free to PM the mod.
- "Bah" posts are not allowed.
- If you break any of these rules, you will probably be modkilled.

voting / player actions:

- Vote either with vote tags (VOTE: schadd) or with bold (
vote: schadd
). Note that I didn't include the underscore in my username; you may choose to use a string that will uniquely identify a player to me instead of the exact thing.
- Don't try to confuse me with your votes.
- You may vote No Lynch to Not Lynch.
- A lynch will occur once a majority decision is reached. If no majority is reached by deadline, then no lynch shall occur.
- Following a lynch, it is twilight. You may continue to post until I lock the thread and declare it night.
- If nobody dies for 3 consecutive day and night phases, the town will win.
- If you have a Night Action, you may submit it from Night 1 and each subsequent Night (or whichever nights are specified by the role).


- You are expected to post at least once every 48 hours. If you haven't posted for 48 hours, I shall prod you. If you do not respond to the prod within 24 hours (either in thread if it's Day, or via PM during the Night) then I will replace you.
- As well, if you require more than three prods, I will force-replace you.
If you decide to replace out, PLEASE PM me and don't post in thread after doing so - if you want to rescind the replacement BLEASE PM ME AGAIN and dont post in thread until i have been like "ok np"


Aquamarine, 21B35F
is my color. Please don't use it.
- No impossible/hard to read text, or cryptography. For example, I would prefer that no font size smaller than the one you're reading now be used.
- The mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently. Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed. These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
- If you need to get the mod's attention, either PM me, or bold the text you wish to draw to my attention.
- I reserve the right to alter/remove/add any rules as I see fit. You will, of course, be notified if that happens, however.

Mafia will be able to communicate with each other during day phases.

There will be 7 town and 2 mafia.

Nobody will be a cop, a psychologist, a ninja, or a traitor (though traitor isnt normal in 7:2 anyway :] )

sample VT PM:
VT wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Vanilla Townie.
You have no abilities during night phases but may talk and vote during the Day.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
PMs wrote:
informed neep wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Town Informed Neapolitan.
Each night, you may investigate a player to learn whether or not they are a vanilla townie. You are informed that [playername] is a Town Ascetic 1-shot Tracker.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
bodyguard wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Town 1-shot Bodyguard.
Once, at night, you may visit somebody to die instead of them if they are hit with a killing action.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
asc traxxer wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Town Ascetic 1-shot Tracker.
Once, at night, you may investigate a player to find out whom they targeted with a night action, if anyone. Any non-killing action that targets you will fail.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
informed wathechr wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Informed 1-shot Watcher.
Once, at night, you may visit another player to learn who, if anyone, visited them with a night action. You are informed that there exists a Neapolitan among the town who does not have restrictions as to which nights they may act. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.
inofromed goon wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Informed Goon
. You are informed that there are exactly three roles in this game that are Informed. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.
scum PT wrote:Welcome, inf wather and inf goon, to your lair! This thread will be open to talk and submit actions at any time.
Spoiler: ifn whatcher's s PM
Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Informed 1-shot Watcher.
Once, at night, you may visit another player to learn who, if anyone, visited them with a night action. You are informed that there exists a Neapolitan among the town who does not have restrictions as to which nights they may act. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.

Spoiler: ingformed goon's PM
Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Informed Goon
. You are informed that there are exactly three roles in this game that are Informed. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.
either of you may perform the kill, but [watcher] may not perform the kill and use [their] secondary action simultaneously.
neep results wrote:[player name] is not a vanilla townie.
[player name] is a vanilla townie.
You have received no result.
tracker results wrote:[player name] visited [player name] last night.
[player name] did not act last night.
You have received no result.
watcher results wrote:[player names] visited [player name] last night.
Nobody visited [player name] last night.
You have received no result.
  • What's Wrong With Having A Little Fun With Informed In A Normal Design ;

  • neapolitan has a n0, shouldnt be hard to soft it (e.g. open with "i have an n0 on [person]"). informed goon can make a claim that looks like a neap miller i guess, also it's kinda funney. it's like a more confusing wording of "there's an informed townie." i used to have the informed watcher know the neap was informed but i thought that might be problematic
  • informed watcher has a pretty obvious task ahead of them. can accidentally find tracker or bodyguard (probably the former is more likely?????????) but tracker is a fine kill. i would make bodyguard a ninja but i value blacklisting the role more
Last edited by implosion on Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:10 am

Post by implosion »

Primary: callforjudgement
Secondary: Performer
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:50 am

Post by schadd_ »

its clear from the role PM but not the setup thing at the beginning of the post: inf neapolitan knows the tracker is town
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:58 am

Post by callforjudgement »

The first thing worth pointing out is that scum investigatives aren't very powerful in Micros. The basic problem is that if they find a power role N1, they can't do anything about it until N2; but D3 is often lylo (and players aren't often particularly inclined to believe power role claims/results at lylo). It's also not clear what use scum are likely to make of their Watcher result; there are, after all, three targeted town power roles, and learning that scum had been neapolitised isn't all that useful as they can both easily claim out of it. So the scum actives basically don't contribute to the balance of the setup (other than the nightkill, obviously).

The Neapolitan's active is about half as useful as that of a Cop's. They have a target pool of 7 (they won't target the known town power role), 4 of which give useful results (but "is innocent" is a less useful result than "is guilty"). The information, though, is worth a full confirmation (knowing the rest of the tracker's role is very minor in comparison to knowing that the tracker is town).

I normally like Bodyguard as a role, but this is something of the weakest I've ever seen it. Its main use would be protecting the Neapolitan, if the Neapolitan claims something comparable in strength to their actual role (but I don't see why the Neapolitan would do that; the obvious thing to do would be to soft- or hard-claim Informed during D1 and not mention the rest of the role). It may well try to protect the confirmed townie, which wouldn't work out at all (due to the Ascetic modifier); the Neapolitan can hardly say "well, player A is confirmed town, but don't try to protect them overnight"! Even if it doesn't, it's very likely that it'll waste its shot on something other than the nightkill. It's certainly possible for the role to help town, and it's unlikely to hurt, but the balance impact is only minimal. (Based on the setup notes, I assume it's intentional that the Bodyguard is useless and is only there as a Neapolitan false-negative.)

The Informed Goon is likely beneficial to scum. The most obvious use of it is to claim an alignment-flipped but otherwise accurate version of the role, for the modWIFOM. (This would likely prompt the Watcher to claim Informed, too; probably a trueclaim as to the actual information, but creative players could screw around with it.) Meanwhile, the Watcher's information strongly hints that the Neapolitan has a modifier (and thus less strongly hints that the Neapolitan is Informed), due to the tortured wording in the role PM (I agree that something like that's necessary to avoid lying to the players, though); that's significantly useful to scum as the Neapolitan is likely to become known as Informed quite early (it's not normally a role that's dangerous to claim as town).

Allowing for all the above, and cancelling out roles which have only minor benefits, we can more or less approximate this setup to a 50% Percentage Cop, Innocent Child, 5 VT versus 2 Goon and some scumsided modWIFOM. Normally after you simplify a Micro, you end up with something that can easily be compared to a (present or former) Newbie setup or Open setup and just pull the statistics. This is fairly far from any established setup, though. (The most likely reason is the awkwardness of a confirmed townie D1 in a Micro; it creates a very large amount of swing, as it helps out town way more if the confirmation is on a player who always looks scummy as town than if it's on a player who always looks townish as town, and that leads to randomness based on the role assignment.) Note that we have to approximate to Percentage Cop, not Odd-Night/Even-Night/1-shot, because timing of role results makes a huge difference in a Micro and we don't have any reason to think that useful results are more likely to happen on N1 or N2.

If it
a 1-shot Cop equivalent, I'd put the setup down as balanced; having a cop result on D1 and a probable cop result on N1 is somewhat more useful than having a probable cop result on N1 and a reasonably likely cop result on N2 (with an outside chance of one on N3), and Cop + 6 vs. 2 is somewhat (but not ridiculously) scumsided. However, the fact that the Neapolitan has a fairly high chance of getting no useful additional information N1, and the fact that scum's information is actually quite valuable to them in modWIFOM terms, means that the setup as given is scumsided overall.

Even if this setup were win/lose balanced, though, I'd be rather uneasy about it. The setup's balance is somewhat dominated by random events (Neapolitan targeting N1, who gets the Ascetic). Town's power is pretty much all on a single player, who could singlehandedly ruin the setup if their play is a long way away from established town use of power roles. There's a lot going on in the setup that mostly cancels itself out and/or is just noise, and the modWIFOM levels are very high. The setup is 56% power roles (there was a serious attempt to add "no more than 53% power roles" to the Normal guidelines a while back, but we didn't get around to it because reviewers were considered to be sufficient to keep role madness setups out of the Normal queue; in any case, for much of the NRG, this setup's beyond the acceptable complexity limit); if you count the number of roles rather than the number of players, the number of roles is 89% of the number of players, far too high. This is all the sort of thing I'd expect to see in a Theme, not in a Normal; I think this sort of setup could make for quite a good Theme (and the sort of players who like Micro Themes would probably enjoy it), and that may be a better approach than trying to make it work as a Normal.

If you do want to make it work as a Normal, it needs to be a) simpler and b) more townsided. An obvious start is to replace the Bodyguard with a VT; this makes the setup simpler (can't get much simpler than a VT!) and more townsided (as the Neapolitan is now more likely to get useful results; 5/7 is a big step up from 4/7). I'd also like to propose removing both the Tracker and Watcher shots, producing the following (after tweaking the Information to reflect the new setup and to aid balance):

Informed Neapolitan (
is an Ascetic Townie)
Ascetic Townie
5× VT
Informed Goon ("town have access to Neapolitan actions", i.e. less useful information than in your version of the setup, making the modWIFOM a bit less scumsided)
Informed Goon (three players have the Informed modifier)

I'd let you run that if you want to. I'm still not really
with it – it's still too centralised and has more modWIFOM than a Normal should – but it's something I'd consider within bounds for the Micro Normal queue.

I also need to check your rules. I'm not 100% sure your modified Rocks Fall Everyone Dies (i.e. anti-Happily Ever After) rule is Normal, although I have no objections to the idea. More importantly, though, it's ambiguous; you probably want to clarify if that's 3 days + 3 nights (6 phases), or just 3 phases. (The correct number is probably 4 phases, anyway; otherwise you're pretty much daring town to try to go for the alternative win condition in cases where they have a lot of protection or blocking, as scum will only have one try to make a kill.) I assume your "please PM me if you plan to replace out" rule is there for a reason (some previous incident?), but predict that players will likely ignore it anyway (you'll likely still get "
@Mod: replace me out
" in-thread because players rarely ever read the rules). "Nobody will be a cop, a psychologist, a ninja, or a traitor" is not a Normal rule (and is another reason the game would make a better Theme, because if you're looking to hand out more Informed modifiers, that's an obvious thing to put in them…). You'll need to fix the rules before the setup can be run as a Normal.

(I'd also recommend waiting to hear what Performer has to say; it's quite possible I've missed something, and although every primary reviewer post is meant to be self-contained and able to make the setup runnable on its own, that's no reason to just disregard the secondary reviewer entirely.)
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:04 am

Post by implosion »

"not sure if i have time to review"

proceeds to write an essay

To note a couple of the rules issues:
I assume your "please PM me if you plan to replace out" rule is there for a reason (some previous incident?), but predict that players will likely ignore it anyway (you'll likely still get "@Mod: replace me out" in-thread because players rarely ever read the rules).
I don't know schadd_'s take on this but I see that kind of rule as mitigating and ultimately unenforceable, but still not useless. I wish there were a better solution to the issue (the issue being in general that people will often give away a *lot* of useful information in replace-out posts, when they really shouldn't be since they're leaving the game and no longer have a win condition etc).
"Nobody will be a cop, a psychologist, a ninja, or a traitor" is not a Normal rule (and is another reason the game would make a better Theme, because if you're looking to hand out more Informed modifiers, that's an obvious thing to put in them…).
I've allowed this in the past; the way I see it is that open setups are allowed, so it's natural for semi-open setups to be allowed, so it's natural for public restrictions on roles that could be in the game to be allowed, since it's basically a much weaker form of openness.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:06 am

Post by implosion »

It also spawned out of e.g. people advertising setups as singleball or confirmed 10:3 back in the day when multiball setups were allowed in minis.

Note to self: add a blurb on the wiki page that mods are allowed to publicize objective setup info like that.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:19 am

Post by callforjudgement »

In post 4, implosion wrote:"not sure if i have time to review"

proceeds to write an essay
It's mostly just stream-of-conciousness. If I'd had more time to think about, edit, etc. it, it'd likely have been shorter and clearer.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:28 pm

Post by Performer »

This seems like a game with abilities that rely heavily on player skill, so that's a big plus. I agree with callforjudgment though in that scum investigative will have to wait until n2 to kill someone, so the strength of it in a micro is questionable.

I feel like the scum investigative would be better suited for a larger game like one with at least 13 players.
I’m an informed Miller who knows there isn’t any Loyal modifiers and there is a total of 4 scum.
I'm easily the best person in the game at mechanics. I don't presume to be the best at anything else.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:33 pm

Post by schadd_ »

i started writing this like the day you replied and then sat on it for most of a week

bodyguard exists as a balancing aspect if the neapolitan is made to claim d1 but if you generally want the setup to be less complicated i can get rid of it as well as the informed goon

i think it's inaccurate to call neapolitan 50% cop - forgetting the removal of bodyguard/informed goon, the not VT result is still useful. neapolitan knows about one town power role already and can safely assume there are fewer than, like, 5 non-VTs? so a not VT result is at most a 50-50 scum flip: there is probably at most 2 townies that will give that result [and probably fewer] and definitely 2 mafia that will give that result, so the knowledge that someone is not a VT by bayesian probability means they are mafia 50% of the time. in practice, even if i don't remove the bodyguard, it is a 66% guilty to find a non-VT.

i dug through the normal archive (granted without micros) to find how people treat non-VT results in the last several games with neapolitan:
Spoiler: ... 5#p9973775 not VT result was lynched (in conjunction with vanilla result from rolecop so kind of a wash 2 not VT results; one wasn't outed before the lynch (but the neapolitan pushed him) and one the neapolitan scumread in endgame but didn't vote neapolitan was lynched, their not-VT result was lynched the next day - hard to find out whether that was causality but the neapolitan claimed to try to lynch the result neapolitan had a not-VT result on someone who had claimed VT and that person was lynched ... 1#p8842741 neapolitan had a not-VT result on someone who had claimed VT, she went back and claimed roleblocker i think and made endgame. odd circumstances here - several townies pushed for the not-VT result to be lynched (she got to l-1) but a modkill / lylo disrupted that one not-VT result went to l-1 (claimed roleblocker; probably left alive bc he would protect the claimed neapolitan but i haven't read enough) and one not-VT result was lynched

in practice, people have avoided lynch from a not-VT result by being an important town PR, by doubling back on a claim and barely scraping through lylo or by getting endgamed before town could lynch them

i would claim that it's not a 50% cop and more of a 75-80% cop since people can theoretically get out of guilties (note that you can't really fakeclaim the informed here: you would have a neapolitan claim on you and say "oh yeah? well... i'm informed that there's a neapolitan!!" and the watcher shouldn't be that convincing of a town role either especially since it will very infrequently have anything to report; however you can claim pretty much anything you want to delay the lynch for a day) but it has a historical tendency of at the very least pushing public opinion against that person. also is (generally...) a guilty for a mafia who has claimed VT (which is who a neapolitan will often want to check)

so the current setup i'm thinking:
inf neapolitan
ascetic 1-shot tracker
informed 1-shot watcher (specifically the neapolitan inform)

watcher is there for mafia to have something to do more than anything else. it makes the neapolitan something like 10-20%? more likely to die by day 3 which is in turn a consideration like half? of the time but it adds some further layer of player skill to PR-hunting (which i think is a little close to blindfiring for my tastes in a closed normal)

as far as complexity i think your idea of total number of roles versus number of people with roles is valid, i think with this current iteration that's not really a problem - ascetic, watcher and mafia informed all have a relatively small effect on the game and only affect the information mafia has i think.

regarding town power in one person's hands: in practice i don't think that's a big deal. the standard for newbie games has 2/9 setups like that and the town power belongs to one newbie in fact!! and there is a somewhat large intersection of newbie players and normal players and i don't remember anyone taking issue with concentrated power in either recently. there's maybe wide variance in terms of who gets what slot in the playerlist yeah but like that already exists with who rolls scum

other things: rocks fall everyone dies is in accordance with how people intuitively play the game; when you have 4 people alive you no lynch and scum has to kill. in theory that could work out as a draw offer but i think that's silly since it's ostensibly the best play for town (instead of lynching with 25% accuracy). i should clarify the wording though bc somebody was confused about it a couple games ago though:
- If nobody dies for a total of 6 consecutive day or night phases, the town will win.
the blacklist thing is something i've already done in a couple normal games and like implosion said it's in accordance with a theoretical rule. also i don't particularly like any of those roles and wouldn't think to include them in my games; since i'm pretty vocal about this it is a pattern that people could pick up on and i would way rather have an annoying blacklist like that than have somebody get caught out for fakeclaiming a role i never use

the replace rule is mitigating as implo assumes yeah. i wouldn't expect to punish off of it but i can point to that if somebody ever replaces out in thread to prevent other people from doing it
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:24 pm

Post by callforjudgement »

Let's see. The current version of the setup:

Informed Neapolitan (informed about the identity/role/alignment of the Ascetic 1-shot Tracker)
Ascetic 1-shot Tracker
5 VTs
Mafia Goon
Informed 1-shot Watcher (informed about the presence of a Neapolitan)

I'd be willing to let you run this. The Neapolitan is now considerably more powerful than in the original version of the setup, and that puts the balance into the right place. It's also considerably simpler than the original, so I have no complexity concerns any more.

In terms of the utility of a Neapolitan not-VT result: I normally measure these by how easily the scum can claim out of them; is there something convincing they can say to not be lynched? Having a power role that would fit into the setup if alignment-flipped is a clear way to do that. Informed fits in pretty well with 3 Informed roles (one of which knows there's 3 Informed roles and can tell town that); a bit less well with exactly two. With the new version of the setup, the Informed Watcher doesn't really make much sense as town, so they'll likely have to fake-claim something. (Note, though, that scum's knowledge that there is a neapolitan makes them much more likely to fake-claim power roles than in a normal setup. So this setup may well be a test of scum's fake-claiming skills!)
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:37 pm

Post by schadd_ »

In post 9, callforjudgement wrote:the Informed Watcher doesn't really make much sense as town
at a glance, inf neapolitan + asc 1shot tracker + (informed?) 1-shot watcher vs. something like rolecop goon seems faintly reasonable

watcher would be like a protective for neapolitan (which i don't think i would do without telling mafia about watcher but to most people i wouldn't expect it to seem that out of place - i think there is a common expectation for the existence of some sort of protective)

yeah agree about the "test of fake-claiming roles" thing and that is something i kind of specifically want

i will do new role PMs at some point
mnemonic for you: Toni Morrison Made Comprehensive Dialogues Despite Nearby Hordes of Reactionaries that are Verily Contemptible

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:01 am

Post by schadd_ »

post 1 wrote:
welcome to mini 3: the labeled pictures meme thing mafia!


modded by: schadd

reviewers: reviewers
shoutout to: Content Creators Everywhere

Spoiler: list

Spoiler: reveals
playername, lynched / died D/N1, was a role

Spoiler: events
post 2 wrote: rules, adapted from nexus's

--most important rule: be nice and don't be mean--


- Please adhere to the site rules.
- Do not discuss this game of mafia outside of this thread.
- Day phases will last 2 weeks (or until a lynch is achieved).
- Night Phases will last 48 hours maximum. On any given night, if all players PM me that they are okay to speed up the night, it will end sooner.
- During night phase, no talking may be done in the thread.
- Do not quote PM's from the mod at all (real or fabricated). Paraphrasing is acceptable.
- If you have any questions about your role, or the game, feel free to PM the mod.
- "Bah" posts are not allowed.
- If you break any of these rules, you will probably be modkilled.

voting / player actions:

- Vote either with vote tags (VOTE: schadd) or with bold (
vote: schadd
). Note that I didn't include the underscore in my username; you may choose to use a string that will uniquely identify a player to me instead of the exact thing.
- Don't try to confuse me with your votes.
- You may vote No Lynch to Not Lynch.
- A lynch will occur once a majority decision is reached. If no majority is reached by deadline, then no lynch shall occur.
- Following a lynch, it is twilight. You may continue to post until I lock the thread and declare it night.
- If nobody dies for a total of 6 consecutive day or night phases, the town will win.
- If you have a Night Action, you may submit it from Night 1 and each subsequent Night (or whichever nights are specified by the role).


- You are expected to post at least once every 48 hours. If you haven't posted for 48 hours, I shall prod you. If you do not respond to the prod within 24 hours (either in thread if it's Day, or via PM during the Night) then I will replace you.
- As well, if you require more than three prods, I will force-replace you.
If you decide to replace out, PLEASE PM me and don't post in thread after doing so - if you want to rescind the replacement BLEASE PM ME AGAIN and dont post in thread until i have been like "ok np"


Aquamarine, 21B35F
is my color. Please don't use it.
- No impossible/hard to read text, or cryptography. For example, I would prefer that no font size smaller than the one you're reading now be used.
- The mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently. Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed. These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
- If you need to get the mod's attention, either PM me, or bold the text you wish to draw to my attention.
- I reserve the right to alter/remove/add any rules as I see fit. You will, of course, be notified if that happens, however.

Mafia will be able to communicate with each other during day phases.

There will be 7 town and 2 mafia.

Nobody will be a cop, a psychologist, a ninja, or a traitor (though traitor isnt normal in 7:2 anyway :] )

sample VT PM:
VT wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Vanilla Townie.
You have no abilities during night phases but may talk and vote during the Day.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
PMs wrote:
informed neep wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Town Informed Neapolitan.
Each night, you may investigate a player to learn whether or not they are a vanilla townie. You are informed that [playername] is a Town Ascetic 1-shot Tracker.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
asc traxxer wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Town Ascetic 1-shot Tracker.
Once, at night, you may investigate a player to find out whom they targeted with a night action, if anyone. Any non-killing action that targets you will fail.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says.
informed wathechr wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Informed 1-shot Watcher.
Once, at night, you may visit another player to learn who, if anyone, visited them with a night action. You are informed that there exists a Neapolitan among the town who does not have restrictions as to which nights they may act. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.
goon wrote:Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Goon
. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.
scum PT wrote:Welcome, inf wather and inf goon, to your lair! This thread will be open to talk and submit actions at any time.
Spoiler: ifn whatcher's s PM
Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Informed 1-shot Watcher.
Once, at night, you may visit another player to learn who, if anyone, visited them with a night action. You are informed that there exists a Neapolitan among the town who does not have restrictions as to which nights they may act. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.

Spoiler: goon's PM
Welcome to Mini 3! You are a
Mafia Goon
. You may talk to your partners in [PT link] at any time, and you may also talk and vote during Day phases.

You win when either mafia control half the vote during a Day phase or when all townies are dead, or nothing can prevent one of these scenarios from happening.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says, or by posting in your mafia PT.
either of you may perform the kill, but [watcher] may not perform the kill and use [their] secondary action simultaneously.
neep results wrote:[player name] is not a vanilla townie.
[player name] is a vanilla townie.
You have received no result.
tracker results wrote:[player name] visited [player name] last night.
[player name] did not act last night.
You have received no result.
watcher results wrote:[player names] visited [player name] last night.
Nobody visited [player name] last night.
You have received no result.
mnemonic for you: Toni Morrison Made Comprehensive Dialogues Despite Nearby Hordes of Reactionaries that are Verily Contemptible

todays featured user: shaft.ed

this year, i plan to exclusively listen to music released in 2022. send me things that are like that!
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:25 am

Post by implosion »

In post 11, schadd_ wrote:Welcome, inf wather and inf goon, to your lair!
this is inaccurate now, right?
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:27 am

Post by schadd_ »

yea whops

those are standins for usernames so whatever
mnemonic for you: Toni Morrison Made Comprehensive Dialogues Despite Nearby Hordes of Reactionaries that are Verily Contemptible

todays featured user: shaft.ed

this year, i plan to exclusively listen to music released in 2022. send me things that are like that!
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Thu Oct 25, 2018 3:54 pm

Post by Performer »

Informed Neapolitan (informed about the identity/role/alignment of the Ascetic 1-shot Tracker)
Ascetic 1-shot Tracker
5 VTs
Mafia Goon
Informed 1-shot Watcher (informed about the presence of a Neapolitan)

Fascinating. A very creative setup. It's sort of like scum vs masons. I like it.
I’m an informed Miller who knows there isn’t any Loyal modifiers and there is a total of 4 scum.
I'm easily the best person in the game at mechanics. I don't presume to be the best at anything else.
People tried
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:42 pm

Post by implosion »

i'm assuming this is formally passed yes?
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:46 pm

Post by Performer »

Nothing else from me about this setup - it's got a go ahead from me.
I’m an informed Miller who knows there isn’t any Loyal modifiers and there is a total of 4 scum.
I'm easily the best person in the game at mechanics. I don't presume to be the best at anything else.
People tried
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:52 pm

Post by callforjudgement »

Yes, schadd_'s using a list of roles which I approved several posts ago.

One issue with the new review rules is that because I have to approve a setup in every post, there's often no clear "/approve" to point to.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:08 pm

Post by schadd_ »

dead thread

i always give reviewers access to stuff but forget to like give them the links lmoao
mnemonic for you: Toni Morrison Made Comprehensive Dialogues Despite Nearby Hordes of Reactionaries that are Verily Contemptible

todays featured user: shaft.ed

this year, i plan to exclusively listen to music released in 2022. send me things that are like that!
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:37 pm

Post by schadd_ »

RELEASE ME!! !! !!
mnemonic for you: Toni Morrison Made Comprehensive Dialogues Despite Nearby Hordes of Reactionaries that are Verily Contemptible

todays featured user: shaft.ed

this year, i plan to exclusively listen to music released in 2022. send me things that are like that!
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