1. How comfortable do you feel playing town/scum?
uncomfortable as both
2. What are you good at, what aren't you good at?
mechanics, bad at being townread
3. What part of playing mafia is most natural to you?
catching scum
4. What is one thing about the current meta that you think should be changed?
letting players that do nothing survive to lylo
5. How well do you know the other people in this game, and how excited are you to play?
if spectating/looking at completed games counts, i have some familiarity with everyone except rei
actually playing its about half
excited is not a term i would associate with my feelings about this game
Smooth as silk when he's scum, and very much capable of running things from behind the scenes while appearing to be doing minimal effort. - Almost50
Xtoxm is consistently great - Shosin
you were the only wolf i townread at endgame - the worst