Access Point
Your team has been infiltrated.
Spoiler: Setup
- 10 vs 3AgentsTraitor Agents
- Twoof the town agents areSuicidal Day Vigilantes, and may take their shot any time during the day.
- Every Day Phase, town must choose one player to send on the mission. The chosen players will be given a separate PT to chat in, but they may no longer talk in the main game thread, and they cannot be killed.
- Every Night Phase, mafiakillsa player.
- After 3 players have been chosen to be sent on the mission,
- If ,all 3 of the chosen players were towntown wins.
- If 2 of the chosen players were town, then every player who wasn't chosen flips, andgame enters LyLo with the chosen players.
- If , then2 or more of the chosen players were mafiamafia wins.
- If
- If both of the Suicidal Day Vigilanteshit town,.mafia immediately wins the game
- If a Suicidal Day Vigilanteis chosen to be sent on the mission,.mafia immediately wins the game
Spoiler: Sample Role PMs
You are anagent.
You are asuicidal vig.
You are atraitor agent.
Spoiler: Ruleset