like i said at the time - it was gut; i do sometimes have gut reads on small amounts of content
In post 457, Irrelephant11 wrote:Ah yes I'm remembering now, the previous quote, this quote, and the next on are where I was really like "I don't see what you mean". Anti-mindmeld, because I don't see why scum!anyone wouldn't make this sort of joke post. 0 mindmelds so far.
it just didn't feel like something i thought scum!tris would say. (not scum in general, scum!tris in particular)
she also pointed out i was and that i don't have a good impression of what her scumgame looks like, so this doesn't really matter anyways
well, again, it wasn't the unovte itself that i had trouble with, more with the fact that once he unvoted he just dropped engaging with the thread; it felt like he used the read to engage with the thread but once he felt the read wasn't valid anymore he couldn't justify voting there anymore but didn't know where to go next
In post 457, Irrelephant11 wrote:So here's the weirdest thing I see in skitter's ISO: she questions my townread on Smile, who so far she has only gut-townread in agreement with me. feels like skitter "forgot" her townread when she realized it could actually take a mislynch off the table.
otoh maybe she forgot her townread for real.
i think i had forgotten the gut townread on smile
she said it was her first time playing in the mini queue iirc and i try to be welcoming and explain things if i can, but i didn't understand the question
In post 457, Irrelephant11 wrote:@skitter why did you move from CJ to RCE in 355? Felt like your case on CJ was only getting stronger at that point.
Also why gut-town on Fuscezu?
i felt like cj's response was passably decent and i kinda wanted to pressure rce. i could probably vote there again
idk. he just doesn't feel like scum rn. this isn't particularly helpful but i doin't have words to articulate this rn
i think i answered everything but if i missed something lmk