In post 576, Cinnamon wrote:Robb's play was pretty emotionally charged and it gave off town vibes in a way that I think would be very hard to fake. His disappointment in skitter and desire to have his logic used to gamesolve, regardless of whether that's actually correct or not, is very townie.
I love it when people use the same words I do
On other topics;
I really dislike this here.In post 563, Cinnamon wrote:VOTE: Menalque
I'm scumreading Menalque here. Compared to my previous experience with him, his thought process is much less cohesive and I find myself a bit confused by his play. I find 560 to be an example of that.
As a hot take, I think there's exactly one scum in {Menalque, skitter}
1) how does being less cohesive = scummy?
2) The argument that it is less cohesive is based on 1 previous game meta (which is weak imo), and the example is post 560, which is also not very good?
Considering also that is used to jump on a fun bandwagon and avoids commenting on Pisskop while still placing him near the bottom of the readlist all while avoiding voicing any opinion towards him buddying Cinn.... Seems like a setup.
Cinn, how is Menalque scummier than Pisskop?
What do you have to say re: our feelings that he's pocketing you?