Project ARCH - Epilogue

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Project ARCH - Epilogue

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:08 pm

Post by Zaphkael »

Project ARCH.

  1. Cloudkicker
  2. Ankamius

  3. KidAmn
  4. Rautherdir
  5. Celestial Coordinates (Nancy Drew 39 & RadiantCowbells)
  6. PenguinPower

  7. Alisae
    RadiantCowbells Superfan (Katyusha & SaskeIsMyYaoiKismesis)

  8. Bambi Jay
  9. Gamma Emerald
  10. Claude GD

  11. fish monger
    Fred The Cat

  12. RedPanda
  13. WhemeStar
  14. Oversoul

  15. Almost50

  16. Primate
  17. Sakura Hana
  18. Dunnstral
  19. unwnd
Spoiler: Still fighting for what they believe in (Alive) (7)
  • Cloudkicker
  • KidAmn
  • Rautherdir
  • Alisae
  • Bambi Jay
  • Sakura Hana
  • Dunnstral

Spoiler: Anonymously left behind in the mass grave (Dead)
  • unwnd -
    David Scott, Aligned with the Rebels, Lynched Day 1

  • Celestial Coordinates -
    Liam Porter, aligned with The Rebels, Killed Night 1

  • WhemeStar -
    Elizabeth Roberts, aligned with The Rebels, Lynched Day 2

  • PenguinPower -
    Sarah Nichols, aligned with Aeon Technologies, Killed Night 2

  • Claude GD
    Amber Vargas, aligned with Simotech, Lynched Day 3

  • Ankamius -
    Evelyn Heart, aligned with The Rebels, Killed Night 3

  • Almost50 -
    Alex Jane, aligned with The Rebels, Killed Night 3

  • Primate -
    Will Grant, aligned with Aeon Technologies, Lynched Day 4

  • Gamma Emerald -
    Jason Oakes, aligned with The Rebels, Killed Night 4

  • Oversoul -
    Lucy Underwood, aligned with Simotech, killed Night 4

  • Fishmonger -
    Audrey Larsson aligned with the Rebels, Lynched Day 5

  • RedPanda -
    Kyle Ortega, Aligned with Simotech, Conceded Day 6

Last edited by Zaphkael on Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:52 pm, edited 29 times in total.
But I know, at the end...
Shoot me a message if you need a game reviewed!
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Little Did They Know
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Little Did They Know
Little Did They Know
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:09 pm

Post by Zaphkael »

Game Rules

All Forum Rules and Guidelines should be followed, along with the following rules.

  • Day phases will last twenty-one days.
  • Night phases will last three days.
  • Nights can be accelerated if all living players request this via PM.
General Rules
  • Do not quote your role PM, what has been said in PT's or other private communication. Paraphrasing is generally fine.
  • Keep the game in this thread, and in the PT's you were given access to by the mod. Do not contact anyone outside of these threads about the game.
  • This is my mod colour. Do not use it.

  • Do not discuss ongoing games. Meta from finished games is fine.
  • Do not use encrypted or hard-to-see text (including "invisible" text, text below the 50% text size option, or text hidden via BBCode (not including spoilered text)).
  • If a player doesn't post in-game after a period of 72 hours, I will prod that player.
  • If a player is prodded, that player has 24 hours to make an in-game post with actual content, not just a prod dodge. If they don't, they will be force-replaced.
  • If a player received 3 prods and/or prod-dodges excessively, that player will be subject to a force-replace.
  • Setting a V/LA tag alone is not accepted. Please tell me (in bold) when and for how long you will be VL/A, preferably a few days in advance. If you are going to be V/LA for longer than 1-2 weeks, you might want to request a replacement.
Votes and Lynching
  • Votes must be in the format of VOTE: Player Name or
    VOTE: Player Name
    . As long as I understand who you are voting for, it's fine. If it looks like a vote, it will count as a vote.
  • Unvoting when changing your vote is not necessary.
  • A player will be lynched if half of the living players rounded down +1 have voted for that player.
  • You may vote for a
    No Lynch
    . If half of the living players vote for a No Lynch, the game will proceed to Night without a lynch.
  • If a lynch is not achieved at deadline, no lynch will occur.
  • The game goes to twilight once a lynch has been achieved. You may continue to post until I lock the thread.
  • Once dead, you are no longer allowed to post in any game thread (except the dead thread) until the game is over.
  • Harassment of an individual player is NOT permitted. While this is a competitive game, no personal attacks will be tolerated.
  • Always play to your win condition.
  • Do not discuss this game anywhere else with anyone else unless your role allows you to. Private topics will be provided.
Breaking the rules
  • If you break the rules, you will be modkilled or force-replaced.
  • Pretending to break the rules also counts as breaking the rules.
  • I have the right to change the rules at any time, if needed. I will notify you if this happens.
Setup Information
  • This is a closed setup.
  • This game will follow Normal Action Resolution where possible.
  • This game may contain bastard elements. That said, I will not deliberately lie about anything. All roles are Sane unless explicitly mentioned otherwise. There are no cults.
  • Anti-Town Faction(s) may or may not have daytalk. I will not anwer questions regarding this.
  • Anti-Town Faction(s) that have access to a factional nightkill CANNOT do the factional nightkill next to their other abilities, if any.
  • Anti-Town Faction(s) may or may not have access to factional abilities not listed in their role PM's.
  • Factional abilities will be redacted upon flip.
  • You may not target yourself with any ability, unless specified otherwise.
  • This setup has been reviewed by the incredibly awesome Ircher and Skygazer!
  • Your comod is the incredible Firebringer! (don't tell anyone he's the best)
  • Spoiler: Here's a sample role PM
    I have to stay strong. I cannot bend. Please, do it for him.

    It's been a terrible few years. I got far in life, and the sacrifices I've made for that have been great. Far too great.
    Years ago, when this all started, I joined Iustitia after my husband was murdered by Simotech. I was angry, no, furious. I had that burning passion to destroy everything, EVERYTHING they built.
    Slowly but surely, we got there. We broke in, we stole data, we informed all innocent people. We hacked, we destroyed, we took down everHope. We lost many people doing that, but it was worth it. Sacrifices had to be made, and they were willing to.

    So was I.

    Right after we took down everHope, I wasn't happy. I wasn't satisfied. Our victory felt empty, hollow. It just wasn't enough. And that's when I proposed starting a war.

    Am I the cause of all this bloodshed? Am I unreasonable for wanting them dead, wanting to see them suffer? For a very long time, I told myself I wasn't. That this was the right thing to do, that justice just needed to be served.
    But every day again, I wake up crying. Sweating. I see their faces, all of them, of the people I murdered. I don't know them, but they were a person. They had a life. They loved someone, and someone loved them.

    It's too late to go back now. Way too late. They have to go, for once and for all. Please, just let me find peace.

    You are
    Thalia Coleman, sent by
    , Aligned with
    The Rebels

    You have the following abilities:
    • Armoured

      You may pay 5 serum to become bulletproof that night. This has no upkeep.
    You win when all threats to the Rebellion have been eliminated.

  • Additionally, the games makes use of the following public mechanics:

Spoiler: A war in the name of the company.
All players have a company they were sent by, next to their alignment.
Alignment does not equal company per se.

The following list contains all companies that could exist in this game:
  • Iustitia

  • WNGD Research Centre

  • Aeon Technologies

  • Johnson and Family

  • GenX Inc.

  • Securipal

  • Outcasts
(no company, unemployed)

Spoiler: Black Wings, the good stuff.
Some roles require Serum to be used. There may or may not be other mechanics that require Serum.

Some roles may have a Serum upkeep. This means that, after the role is used for the first time, you lose some Serum every night, the exact amount being specified in your role PM. Failure to pay the Serum upkeep results in losing your vote the following Day and Night Action the following night. You will not lose your vote if there are 5 or less players still alive. Failure to pay the Serum upkeep resets the upkeep.

All players on a lynch wagon receive 2 Serum.
If a lynched player was aligned with Simotech, all players receive an additional 2 Serum.

There may or may not be other ways to earn Serum.

All players start with 0 Serum.

Spoiler: What happens, happens.
This game has hidden events that are triggered in certain scenarios. Some players may or may not know about the existence of certain events. Events may or may not be publicly announced.

Spoiler: Dear Diary
Each player can ask for a personal private topic to write down anything that concerns the game. You are allowed to ask me questions and post your night actions there as well.
But I know, at the end...
Shoot me a message if you need a game reviewed!