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Post Post #3450 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:33 pm

Post by jjh927 »

Aw shit my meme missed the pagetop
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Post Post #3451 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:34 pm

Post by jjh927 »

But there you go the answer is minuet's trio
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Post Post #3452 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:34 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 1762, xofelf wrote:@Penguin: I know I'm not voting and you'd rather I was. I'm not the kind of person who votes all willy-nilly. I tend to only vote when I feel confident where I'm voting is scum, or to reaction test to what I say my reasons are for voting that slot. Because I tend to respond after there's been a bunch of pages, I don't want to have a vote somewhere I'm not confident in and to come back and find my vote helped a lynch happen that I didn't want to have happen.
This would be my guess for where something doesn't fit in, maybe the voting self meta?
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Post Post #3453 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:34 pm

Post by Alisae »

Your jojo reference is :thumbsdown:
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Post Post #3454 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:35 pm

Post by mastina »

In post 3449, jjh927 wrote:
In A Story Revisited, jjh927 wrote:
In post 241, jjh927 wrote:
In post 92, mastina wrote:Find a single instance of me lying about my role as scum.
In post 77, mastina wrote:BTW investigatives should stay off me; they'd be wasting their action.
I'm a D3 Innocent Child.
If you are wondering, no, not automatic; I have to manually trigger it.
Wrong answer.
That game I didn't lie. In fact, I distinctly recall rebuking you:
Subject: A Story Revisited (Anything uPick): Day 6
mastina wrote:
In post 236, Innocent Children wrote:She fakeclaimed D3 IC iirc? but was in actuality mafia vig, so I would definitely think it’s wise to take hers and probably most early claims with a grain of salt.
While technically true, this is incredibly misleading.
I fakeclaimed D3 innocent a N2 Vigilante. (And once D3 rolled around, I realclaimed my role. So no. Didn't lie. Told the truth!)
Given my stance on Vigilantes.
That in of itself was not a lie.
It was misleading, sure.
But my stance on vigilantes is that when they successfully shoot, they
conftown; they are proven to be town, and thus, proven innocent, just as if they were an innocent child. (Why this, in spite of my stance of roles != alignment? Because I am a member of the NRG and I am strongly in favor of the argument of vigs not being mafia-controlled. Nontown, sure. Even antitown, fine. But mafia vigs are a fuck no to me and are borderline bastard. They're not QUITE there, in that they're akin to a mafia Godfather; it is something TREMENDOUSLY powerful for the scum to have and NOT something I want in games out there willy-nilly.)

You can see my full realclaim the moment D3 unfolds, right here.
Spoiler: The Posts in Question
In post 2219, mastina wrote:
Actual claim: Night 2 Vig; last night, I shot Purrcocet.
(And yes, it's spelled that way. Not Vigilante; Vig. Not N2, Night 2.)

Purrcocet, a scumread of mine no less!, claimed my fucking role. He fucking claimed Night 2 vigilante. I had been
to shoot someone like, say, Kokichi Oma, but as a vig the correct play is to always just fucking shoot your counterclaim especially when you don't get the chance to fucking talk all of D2.

I was basically breadcrumbing this role in every fucking post of mine (I can pull up my VERY specific wordings in a bit), but.
The reasoning for the fakeclaim should be self-evident. I said on D3 I would be an innocent child; that's because you don't fucking give a vigilante to a scum player, and the proof would be in the second nightkill with me having killed Purrcocet. (Well originally I was planning on shooting Kokichi, but. Yaknow. Claimed my exact fucking role, and all that.) By claiming D3 Innocent Child, I would lead scum to think I had no night action; by claiming D3 innocent child, I would lead players to think that I was utterly harmless before D3.

But for SOME fucking reason.

Purrcocet isn't dead.


You've got some 'splainin' to do.
In post 2246, mastina wrote:
In post 77, mastina wrote:BTW investigatives should stay off me; they'd be wasting their action.
I'm a D3 Innocent Child.
If you are wondering, no, not
; I have to manually
Investigatives should stay off of me because a gunsmith would get a guilty on me; rolecopping or vanilla copping or neapolitaning me would be a waste because my role would be proven come N2 with a successful vig.

I made it clear from the wording here what my true role is. AUTOMATIC-->guns. TRIGGER-->guns.
In post 231, mastina wrote:I guarantee you.

On D3, after I have triggered my action.

I will be conftown.
Again, I specify TRIGGER. I also was very careful with my wording. I never said that I would trigger my action ON D3. I said, QUITE SPECIFICALLY, I would be conftown on D3 after HAVING triggered my action.
In post 233, mastina wrote:
In post 132, Human Sequencer wrote:Wrt innocent child shenanigans it's possible they have something to do with the "main characters" this setup is based around
I'm not a main character; my confirmation comes from a different method altogether.
My confirmation method comes from being a fucking vig.
In post 253, mastina wrote:
In post 252, Brian Skies wrote:Or they'll just do to you what they did to me and vanillarize-neighborize you.
That'd be their funeral then because it'd turn this game from "not exactly something I want" to "oh fuck you I AM GOING TO WIN THIS SHIT" mode. :P
Vanillaizing an innocent child wouldn't do much because I go without being conftown in most games, but I was specifically putting A LOT OF EFFORT into the strategy behind my vig; being vanillaized after I worked so hard on that would be a "fuck you".
In post 774, mastina wrote:
In post 262, Andriod18 wrote: This is no excuse to not post any reads because you can die before hand.
I have my reasons.

Put it this way.

If a townread of mine gets run up, I'll defend them.

I'll give thoughts on players randomly. Some of these may even be productive.

But I've no reason to give full reads before then.

Also this is a good way to help ensure I
bite the bullet before D3. The suspicion on me helps me stay alive.

I know how to play roles, even ones I'm not particularly fond of. (I mean, I love being conftown, but this is a fairly shitty way to get it.) And I promise you, this is the best possibly strategy for me holding this role.
"Bite the bullet" was another hint, but the strongest hint here was "roles I'm not particularly fond of". What role have I on NUMEROUS different occasions stated I absolutely loathe? That's right. Vigilante. I hate them with a passion, but they have one particular use--being made conftown. It's a SHITTY way to become conftown, but it's becoming conftown nonetheless.

Also, this was me outlining my plan.

I wasn't going to give scumreads because guess what? As a fucking vig, I can let my SHOT do the talking in terms of scumreads.
In post 778, mastina wrote:I never lie about being conftownable as town.

, yes.
, sure!
But lie, fuck no, I know better than that.

So I guarantee you.

I will be conftown.
Here I basically admitted that I was in fact not a D3 IC, because the D3 IC claim was precisely this: misleading, and exaggeration, but still the truth, because by shooting N2, I'd be conftown on D3, just as good as an IC.
In post 781, mastina wrote:
In post 274, grapes wrote:I'm gonna guess she's on a team with a vanillarizor or something and planned to explain it away that way or something
Joke's on them if they vanillaize me, actually. I'd laugh my ass off if they tried. :cool:
The assumption here was that I wouldn't be vanillaized N1 (after all, they thought I couldn't be conftown until D3 so why vanillaize me N1?), and if they attempted it N2, it presumably wouldn't stop my shot from going off. Thus, why the joke would be on them if they had tried; I'd still have fucked them over with the shot.
In post 799, mastina wrote:
In post 425, Dunnstral wrote:VOTE: Katsuki
I buy Katsuki's D5 Innocent Child claim if Katsuki has the two-phase-shifted equivalent of my role. (I
Katsuki would be able to share details about my role from their own, if so inclined to share, which I imagine Katsuki is not.)

So that's not a lynch ever happening because Katsuki is going to be just as conftown as I am, albeit two phases later than I will be.
Here I stated my suspicion that Katsuki had an Night 4 Vig. I was VERY careful about my wording. Not "two-day-shifted". Two PHASE shifted. And I suspected Katsuki would be able to give details of this.
In post 851, mastina wrote:
In post 840, Purrcocet wrote:if we have 2 ics there must be a disadvantage somewhere else
Would you believe me if I said I had an idea of what?
The disadvantage I am referring to here is how Vigs require KILLING, to REMOVE a player from the game--yes, they become conftown by having done so, but shots are DISPROPORTIONATELY likely to be on town (thus why I hate vigs), on top of the chance of failure (thus the gambit to help ensure I'd succeed).

I do not believe for so much as ONE SECOND I was roleblocked, because my claim was D3 Innocent Child.
I do not believe for so much as ONE SECOND I was redirected, because my claim was D3 Innocent Child.
I do not believe for so much as ONE SECOND I was rolecopped N1 to justify them knowing my role, because my claim was D3 Innocent Child.

So Purrcocet survived by some other means.
And I don't buy that it's by a town method.
Sure enough.

Exactly as I roleclaimed.

N2 Vigilante
my real role, and
I really did
shoot Purcocet using it.

So like I said.

I don't lie about my role as scum.

BY NECESSITY, I will mislead; the reason I by necessity need to mislead as scum is because I love to do it as town. BY NECESSITY, I will exaggerate, I will play up things, I will make very careful usage of very specific wording. BY NECESSITY, I will try to imply something, when it is something else, but this is done purely to mimic my town meta, and I will always claim the actual real role later.

All fakeclaims have an end date.

All fakeclaims are made knowing a realclaim will need to be made later.

And when I reveal the real claim, the reason for the fakeclaim makes complete and total sense when you view it, because you go, "Oh, I understand why that was done" instantly just by knowing the real role.
You can think of it in this term.
Macho <-> Bulletproof as a switch to make, is in fact a lie.
I would tell it gladly and have done so, specifically because I knew that upon a realclaim, the reasons for me having done so would be abundantly clear. The kind of thing where I don't even need to explain it. I could end up a corpse, and that fact alone, just seeing my flip, would instantly explain my actions.

That's how "lies" of mine work. And that's why I say they're not actually lies. They are, technically speaking, not the truth. But they are a lack of truth, which when you see the truth, you understand why they were done and follow it as having been the optimal play.

Claiming D3 Innocent Child as a N2 vig was a
play move,
of alignment and I'm actually sad I was scum that game because that move would have actually been better were I town. It wasn't really a lie, just me playing the closest I've ever played to my town meta in spite of how little I actually played the game. (Through little fault of my own, mind you.)

If the town hadn't kept quicklynching and I hadn't been so swamped with real life stuff at the time that game coulda been a contender for best scumgame I ever played, but since they did and I was busy I barely got to do anything. BUT I DIGRESS.

Point being.

I don't lie as scum; the closest I come to lying as scum is mimicking my town lies, and when I lie as town, I am most definitively not doing so just for the lulz; there is a clear, role-based reason for the lie and when you see the real role you can understand how it wasn't really much of a lie at all if it was in fact really something you could call a lie because my fondness for wordplay and precise usage of words leads me to carefully selecting words which IMPLY the meaning I want BUT ACTUALLY are me confessing to my real role.
I claimed my real fucking role there. I was an N2 Vig; I SAID I was an N2 Vig. So I claimed my real fucking role there.

There is precisely one game where I lied about my role as scum.

You didn't find it.
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Post Post #3455 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:35 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

Or actually the fact she directly addresses Penguin like that
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Post Post #3456 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:35 pm

Post by Alisae »

In post 3452, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1762, xofelf wrote:@Penguin: I know I'm not voting and you'd rather I was. I'm not the kind of person who votes all willy-nilly. I tend to only vote when I feel confident where I'm voting is scum, or to reaction test to what I say my reasons are for voting that slot. Because I tend to respond after there's been a bunch of pages, I don't want to have a vote somewhere I'm not confident in and to come back and find my vote helped a lynch happen that I didn't want to have happen.
Why did she write that paragraph in the first place?
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Post Post #3457 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:35 pm

Post by Alisae »

In post 3455, Gamma Emerald wrote:Or actually the fact she directly addresses Penguin like that
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Post Post #3458 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:36 pm

Post by jjh927 »

In post 3453, Alisae wrote:Your jojo reference is :thumbsdown:
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Post Post #3459 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:36 pm

Post by Alisae »

The mistake is that part 5 is garbage
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Post Post #3460 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:38 pm

Post by jjh927 »

In post 3459, Alisae wrote:The mistake is that part 5 is garbage
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Post Post #3461 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:39 pm

Post by Alisae »

Part 5 was my first real taste of jojos
Sure it was fun to watch
But I don’t think its actually any good.
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Post Post #3462 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:39 pm

Post by jjh927 »

"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #3463 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:39 pm

Post by the worst »

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Post Post #3464 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:39 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

She posted that response to Penguin to address her not voting silly Billy. That seems consistent? What am I missing?
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Post Post #3465 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:40 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

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Post Post #3466 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:40 pm

Post by Alisae »

I heard that it just had new characters and wasn’t really about the latest parts, so I don’t see the harm in it.

Ik the older jojos were better but I was interested in what part 5 was like specifically
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Post Post #3467 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:43 pm

Post by jjh927 »

If you weren't an IC I'd call you scum because all part skippers are scum
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Post Post #3468 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:43 pm

Post by xofelf »

Okay hi, so, I am very aware that posts I've made as well as how few there have quite a few of you wholly convinced that I'm scum that needs to die asap. And I can definitely see why you all would think that. But I'm not. I did believe that LLD was town, I was wrong, and I can see where how I stated what I was thinking and why would look like I was scum defending my scum buddy, but I wasn't. I was giving my perspective on one of the few people in this playerlist I have any familiarity with, without really considering that it might look less than genuine. even if I wasn't rusty at mafia, I'm just really bad at it. And this particular game has gone so goddamn fast that keeping on top of it has been quite a chore. I'm aware that I'm in a problem of my own making, and I honestly don't expect to be able to convince many of you that I'm not scum because fuck I walked myself right some bullshit. And it's not exactly been easy to figure out what to say to actually get myself out of it without getting into a worse pickle, and the thread went some places during the last day that reminded me why I don't play and why this game isn't always fun, but I am here anyways and I want to actually contribute in some way that actually matters. Lynching me isn't going to do that. I'm not scum, and I'm not even useful town. I get it if y'all want to lynch me anyways, but I'm telling you, it's a waste of a day where we can actually be scumhunting and eliminating someone who will actually matter if they go, cuz me leaving doesn't help anybody.

Also @Grey, as I'm reading, I try to remember to respond to comments specifically directed at me when I do make a post especially if it's something that isn't going to take a long response.

@Ari: I didn't mention Chickadee and feeling weird about her still because the more she posted the less I felt weirdly about her. But I probably should have updated about that, you're right.
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Post Post #3469 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:44 pm

Post by the worst »

In post 1025, the worst wrote:@jingle can we swap Ali for a better stump smh
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Post Post #3470 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:44 pm

Post by Alisae »

In post 3464, Gamma Emerald wrote:She posted that response to Penguin to address her not voting silly Billy. That seems consistent? What am I missing?
You’re half way there!
We established that PP wrote a post that had her not voting and told her to do something.

I can’t lead you the rest of the way there, but the issue is not the consistency.
I think the last think I can say to help you figure this out is
Why does she feel like she has to respond to that PP post?
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Post Post #3471 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:44 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

Well ain't that convenient
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Post Post #3472 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:45 pm

Post by jjh927 »

Who's scum then xofelf
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Post Post #3473 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:46 pm

Post by Alisae »

In post 3468, xofelf wrote:Okay hi, so, I am very aware that posts I've made as well as how few there have quite a few of you wholly convinced that I'm scum that needs to die asap. And I can definitely see why you all would think that. But I'm not. I did believe that LLD was town, I was wrong, and I can see where how I stated what I was thinking and why would look like I was scum defending my scum buddy, but I wasn't. I was giving my perspective on one of the few people in this playerlist I have any familiarity with, without really considering that it might look less than genuine. even if I wasn't rusty at mafia, I'm just really bad at it. And this particular game has gone so goddamn fast that keeping on top of it has been quite a chore. I'm aware that I'm in a problem of my own making, and I honestly don't expect to be able to convince many of you that I'm not scum because fuck I walked myself right some bullshit. And it's not exactly been easy to figure out what to say to actually get myself out of it without getting into a worse pickle, and the thread went some places during the last day that reminded me why I don't play and why this game isn't always fun, but I am here anyways and I want to actually contribute in some way that actually matters. Lynching me isn't going to do that. I'm not scum, and I'm not even useful town. I get it if y'all want to lynch me anyways, but I'm telling you, it's a waste of a day where we can actually be scumhunting and eliminating someone who will actually matter if they go, cuz me leaving doesn't help anybody.

Also @Grey, as I'm reading, I try to remember to respond to comments specifically directed at me when I do make a post especially if it's something that isn't going to take a long response.

@Ari: I didn't mention Chickadee and feeling weird about her still because the more she posted the less I felt weirdly about her. But I probably should have updated about that, you're right.
Xof, have you read the game overnight? Any amount is fine its just have you read anything.
Do you have any thoughts that you would like to add?
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Post Post #3474 (ISO) » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:47 pm

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Who's got an idol?