In post 950, Bitmap wrote:
have you ever played as a town role ever? I bailed on your wagon because honestly it shot up way too fast. I still think TL is probably town. pops was someone I was still gauging because I wasn't so sure if pops was being lazy. You assume I'm a very systemic and logical player. That is completely the opposite of how I play. I play very spatially and with gut. I also think very synchronously so I process one thought at a time. I don't really think asynchronously.
Eh, i read this as "i don't have any strong read right now", which is a bad reason to scumread pops based on his vote on gamma. The explanation about your playstyle is plausible for town!you, but does not prove anything in this context. It may be because i have a very different emotional approach to the game, but i think gut reads are the easiest to fake and explain. This does not prove you are scum either, but it does not help get you out of my scumreads.
To clarify, i am not carefree as town. I am frustrated and angry because i don't get what's going on in the game and i am never certain of my reads and actions, regardless of what i declare as "100% positive about this". As scum, i am a lot more anxious, but i don't display it in the day thread because i can vent in the PT, therefore i look much more carefree as scum than how i do as town, and i think this is true for most people - at least when put under pressure.
TL;DR i don't buy your motives for your actions, and your actions look bad.